Passage of tables through multiple functions and PL/SQL procedures

I am now a great application of PL/SQL. There is a main procedure which is initially called who subsequently passes information to other PL/SQL functions and procedures. Ultimately an error code and the string is passed to PUT_LINE so it can be displayed. I want to be able to do is to have a table that stores an error code and a string for every error it then go through each of the procedures and functions. This would mean passing these codes and the strings of a function to a function within the pl/sql application. What would be the best way to implement this and is it possible to move heavy or folders to other PL/SQL functions? Thank you.

Here is a simulation->

satyaki>select * from v$version;

Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Prod
PL/SQL Release - Production
CORE      Production
TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
NLSRTL Version - Production

Elapsed: 00:00:00.20
satyaki>create or replace type n_array is table of number;
  2  /

Type created.

Elapsed: 00:00:07.10
satyaki>CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE Get_Array(array_in IN n_array,
  2                                        array_out OUT n_array)
  3  IS
  4  BEGIN
  5    array_out := n_array();
  6    FOR i IN 1..array_in.count
  7    LOOP
  8      array_out.extend;
  9      array_out(i) := array_in(i) * 2;
 10    END LOOP;
 11  END Get_Array;
 12  /

Procedure created.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.89
satyaki>Create or Replace Procedure Set_Array(myArray IN n_array)
  2  is
  3    i   number(10);
  4    rec emp%rowtype;
  5    w n_array:=n_array(1200,3200);
  6    bucket n_array := n_array();
  7  Begin
  8    Get_Array(w,bucket);
 10    for i in 1..myArray.count
 11    loop
 12      select *
 13      into rec
 14      from emp
 15      where empno = myArray(i);
 16      dbms_output.put_line('Employee No:'||rec.empno||' Name:'||rec.ename);
 17      for j in 1..bucket.count
 18      loop
 19        dbms_output.put_line('Commission Sub Type: '||bucket(j));
 20      end loop;
 21    end loop;
 22  End Set_Array;
 23  /

Procedure created.

Elapsed: 00:00:01.33
satyaki>select * from emp;

     EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE         SAL       COMM     DEPTNO
---------- ---------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ----------
      9999 SATYAKI    SLS             7698 02-NOV-08      55000       3455         10
      7777 SOURAV     SLS                  14-SEP-08      45000       3400         10
      7521 WARD       SALESMAN        7698 22-FEB-81       1250        500         30
      7566 JONES      MANAGER         7839 02-APR-81       2975                    20
      7654 MARTIN     SALESMAN        7698 28-SEP-81       1250       1400         30
      7698 BLAKE      MANAGER         7839 01-MAY-81       2850                    30
      7782 CLARK      MANAGER         7839 09-JUN-81       4450                    10
      7788 SCOTT      ANALYST         7566 19-APR-87       3000                    20
      7839 KING       PRESIDENT            17-NOV-81       7000                    10
      7844 TURNER     SALESMAN        7698 08-SEP-81       1500          0         30
      7876 ADAMS      CLERK           7788 23-MAY-87       1100                    20

     EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE         SAL       COMM     DEPTNO
---------- ---------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ----------
      7900 JAMES      CLERK           7698 03-DEC-81        950                    30
      7902 FORD       ANALYST         7566 03-DEC-81       3000                    20

13 rows selected.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.28
  2    v n_array:=n_array(9999,7777);
  3  begin
  4    Set_Array(v);
  5  end;
  6  /
Employee No:9999 Name:SATYAKI
Commission Sub Type: 2400
Commission Sub Type: 6400
Employee No:7777 Name:SOURAV
Commission Sub Type: 2400
Commission Sub Type: 6400

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.15

Kind regards.


Tags: Database

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  • In a table - looping through the rows and the stored procedure call

    APEX version:


    I searched the forum and tried a few things but could not make it work.

    I have a tabular presentation, developed with the help of the ATD (Cascading LOV - method of tabular presentation - AJAX - ATD )

    What I'm trying to do now:
    -After submit and validations, loop through all the lines and
    -call a stored procedure passing 3 parameters obtained from each of the lines on the form of tables. This procedure will be an update of a database table.

    On the forum, I found that I could do the loop "* FOR i IN 1..." APEX_APPLICATION.g_f03. "LOOP COUNT *" syntax.

    Only for testing purposes, I tried just to view information with the following (On Load - after a footer) process (example of Denes Kubicek == >
      v_today  varchar2 (200);
    --  :P40_test := APEX_APPLICATION.g_f03(1);
    --  :P40_test2 := APEX_APPLICATION.g_f04.COUNT;
      :P40_test2 := 100;
      v_today := to_char (sysdate, '');
      :P40_test := APEX_APPLICATION.g_f02(2);
      HTP.p ('<script type="text/javascript">');
      HTP.p (   'alert(''Today is '
              || v_today
    --          || APEX_APPLICATION.g_f04(APEX_APPLICATION.g_f03(i))
              || '.\n'
              || 'end!'');'
      HTP.p ('</script>');
    --    :P40_test := APEX_APPLICATION.g_f02(APEX_APPLICATION.g_f02(i));
    --END LOOP;
    The foregoing would give me a ' * ORA-01403: no data found * ' message. I tried through various variants of APEX_APPLICATION.g_f0* #*, but still can't get anything to display correctly. In commenting on all the lines referring to APEX_APPLICATION.g_f0x above, the date would be are they displayed fine.

    I tried uncomment the FOR... LOOP and play with the code (defining the process runs "On submit - after calculations" and Validations), I got was a ' * ORA-06502: PL/SQL: digital error or value: character conversion number error * "message.

    Here is the script of the form in a table:
    "V"."MSLINK",                                       -- hidden (number)
    "V"."INSTALLATION_DATE",                        -- editable date picker
    "V"."MANUFACTURER_INDICATOR",              -- editable (cascading LOV -- text)
    "V"."MODEL_INDICATOR",                           -- editable (cascading LOV -- text)
    "V"."DIAMETER_INDICATOR",                      -- editable (LOV -- number)
    "V"."PURPOSE_INDICATOR",                        -- editable (LOV -- text)
    "V"."VALVE_NUMBER",                                -- shown but not editable -- number
    "V"."MODIFY_DATE",                                  -- shown but not editable
    "V"."MODIFY_USER",                                   -- shown but not editable
    "V"."VALVES_STYLE"."FEATURE"                  -- shown but not editable -- number
    from "#OWNER#"."VALVES" "V"
      "V"."VALVES_DFLAG" = 0
    Regarding the parameters for the stored procedure, it would the MSLINK, VALVE_NUMBER and the VALVES_STYLE. FEATURE.

    Help, please!
    (Sorry for the long post).

    Thank you


    Hi, Tan,

    I have not seen that type of object - I've only used custom types for purposes of test years ago and have never used their within Apex!

    One possibility is that the value of checksum being is based on all of the content of these fields, rather than only the part of the FEATURE. If there are other parts of the object, you could include those items as well.

    Otherwise, as you f01 KP for a record, you will need to retrieve the values of the FUNCTION in your PL/SQL code directly from the table (because the user cannot modify these fields, you can be sure that the values in the table will be still valid).


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    It really doesn't seem like a problem of Kindle. InDesign creates an EPUB file, not a Mobi file. It is designed to create an EPUB that will pass validation.

    Creating the EPUB MOBI file is a separate issue and not something that InDesign must concern itself with.

    At this stage of development of eBook (early on), it is quite well provided you will need script or manually change some CSS and XHTML to adjust the vagaries of different devices.

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    Here is an example of a user-defined function:

    (      in_num       IN     PLS_INTEGER
         IF  in_num IS NULL
              RETURN     NULL;
         ELSIF in_num <= 1
              RETURN  1;
              RETURN  in_num * factorial (in_num - 1);
         END IF;
    END     factorial;

    This function returns an integer. You can use the function (or, more exactly, the integer returned) everywhere where a whole expression is allowed.
    For example

    ,     factorial (ROWNUM)     AS f
    ,     loc
    ,     SUBSTR ( loc
                , 1
                , factorial (ROWNUM)
                )          AS s
    FROM     scott.dept;


    `   ROWNUM          F LOC           S
    ---------- ---------- ------------- -------------
             1          1 NEW YORK      N
             2          2 DALLAS        DA
             3          6 CHICAGO       CHICAG
             4         24 BOSTON        BOSTON
  • Suggestion: It's about the COPY PASTE function. It is possible to apply multiple copy and paste feature uses publishers or any application of MS?

    Suggestion: It's about the COPY PASTE function. It is possible to apply multiple copy and paste feature uses publishers or any application of MS? For example, I need to copy the 4 lines of text and want to paste in 4 different applications. First line on the 1st application, 2' nd on the other and so on. With this I can choose 1st line and COPY 1 copy, nd line 2' COPY 2 and so on. And while pasting, I can choose the necessary text to PASTE 1,2,3 or 4.
    This feature takes really where people have to work with text editors in their daily lives and find these scenarios quite often.
    I have no idea if this feature is already encapsulated in the MS Editors, so if it's already there kindly let me know.

    Thank you.

    Kind regards

    Send your comments to MS and request this feature in Windows 8: 7/Feedback.aspx? formID = 195

    "A programmer is just a tool that converts the caffeine in code" Deputy CLIP -

  • Find all occurrences of a term, through multiple Word documents and examine each instance in its local context (i.e. extracted)

    Hi all

    I'm looking for an easy way to find all occurrences of a term, through multiple Word documents and review of each instance of the word in its local context (i.e. extracted) without having to open each document.

    For example, if I want to search the term "religious atmosphere", the search results would be something like:

    Paper 22: '.. '. but the religious atmosphere had not evolved to the point where... »

    Paper 22: "...". not that the religious atmosphere was still too controversial for a settlement... »

    Document 35: "...". If anything, the religious atmosphere was still little developed for a city... »

    Document 35: "...". it in no way improve the religious atmosphere until the decision was... »

    Paper 42: '.. '. up to - what point, the religious atmosphere was very collegial with all the elements of... »

    Any Microsoft or utility 3 rd-party which can put each instance-by-side and in a context extract would be a real, real help!

    Any ideas?

    Thank you


    Ken is perhaps more familiar with the Agent Ransack, I am, but a quick check she finds every instance of a string of text and shows the term in the context of a single line subject to the following:

    • At the end of the search, a list of the files found is accompanied by some statistics.
    • If you select one of the files found, each 'hit' for this file is displayed in the context of a single line.  In other words, you get a list of hits in context as in your original question.  Instead, you get a list of, say, 42 documents and then if you have selected the Document 22, you will see:
      • «.. but the religious atmosphere had not evolved to the point where... »
      • «.. . not that the religious atmosphere was still too controversial for a settlement... »
    • The display of content seems to work with OK * .doc, *.docx and files *.pdf; not so many other types of files - even if it looks for text in all kinds of other files.

    Agent Ransack is free.  Download and try it.  If you don't like, just uninstall.

  • Hi, I'm developing a simple mobile app in DW CC 2015 using JQuery Mobile. LIKE I need the list view with description of the product, functionality and image, I would like to connect with database instead of "writing" all the tables in the bearings inside

    Hi, I'm developing a simple mobile app in DW CC 2015 using JQuery Mobile. LIKE I need the list view with description of the product, functionality and image, I would like to connect with database instead of "writing" all the tables in the bearings inside the Jquery page. In the future I would also be able to add, to remove the DB records. Any help, tutorial... Thanks TG

    I would like to connect with the database instead of "writing" all the tables in the bearings inside the Jquery page

    This is usually done with a CMS (content management system). There are commercial products CMS like WordPress, Joomla and perch. You create one or several layouts and then create pages of these page layouts using the CMS. In this way, it is possible to have hundreds of pages, each with unique content, but a page layout that can be managed in a place of sharing.

    CMSs on shelf don't require programming skills. Otherwise, some of us write our own CMS with custom functions, but this requires back-end, as with PHP programming.

  • Using the procedure to display the table of multiple data

    Hi, I need help for the procedure in oracle

    I want to create the procedure to display the table of multiples with sample plan

    with a parameter imployee_id to display an employee_id, name, function, start_date, end_date

    IAM using this query to select more than one table

    SELECT e.employee_id, e.first_name, j.job_title, h.start_date, h.end_date


    JOIN j jobs

    ON j.job_id = e.job_id

    JOIN the job_history:

    ON h.employee_id = e.employee_id

    WHERE e.employee_id = 200;

    Thanks for the help

    Blu and Billy showed you the 'real' solution. You can display the data returned by a cursor ref in SQL Developer, too:

    Yet as a duty for a beginner is generally do not have the expected solution. Usually, teachers want to see you using a LOOP and dbms_output. something like



    SELECT whatever

    As much as;


    FOR r IN xy LOOP

    dbms_output.put_line (r.col1 |' # ' | r.col2);



    Of course this suggestion will inaugurate a discussion abusing DBMS output but I keep my position that it is authorized to use it for learning the basics.

  • Select multiple files and download

    Forms [32 bit] Version (Production)
    using Webutil or something similar, is there a current functionality with my version of forms to select multiple files and upload them to the database, one after the other without going through the user use the dialog open several times?

    Thanks in advance


    See the Webutil_File.FILE_MULTI_SELECTION_DIALOG () function.


  • Problems with the sound function and scrolling on the touchpad on my Satellite A500/026


    I just brought a new laptop A500/026 and when I play music from my ipod I get a little static pop sound at regular intervals during the song... this happens on all my music. I accidentally scroll horizontally through my touhpad and my screen minimizes or maximizes. I try to find how I did it, but can never seem to return to its normal state. There is obviously some sort of function here, can someone help me with it? I installed the x 64 bit version of windows 7.

    Thank you



    The touchpad settings are placed in Control Panel-> mouse
    You can find the additional tab which would be you can access touchpad properties.

    As I know the touchpad properties contains many different options that allows you to configure the scrolling function, to activate and assign different actions to the touchpad corners, etc.

    Check it!

  • How to index a table on multiple sites?


    How to index a table on multiple sites?

    I searched this issue and was not able to find the answer. I understand that it can be done with loops, but I don't know how.

    I use the detector of crete vi for frequency domain data collected a VNA (s2p) file. The products contain a table of amplitudes and a table of locations. The problem is that the locations refer to the index of table of amplitude, which is not the same as the frequency. My idea is that I can use this output of the places table to index the frequency to the detected peak frequencies table and then draw these, as well as some analysis data and manipulation on them. Currently, I can do this only by consulting table on the front panel.

    The entrance to the peak detector is currently a table 1 d of the scale (what is the problem?).

    I also looked at the supply frequency & estimate VI, but this VI seems only exit of scalar data for the largest peak, not exactly what I'm looking for.

    Thanks for your help.

    You have a second table for the tested frequency?  If so, then you are right that you just need to index this table with the indexes by the Ridge detector.  Use a loop for.  Automatic index to the index, use index in array to get the value of the frequency and autoindex on frequencies.

  • How would I go on a labview VI generation that has multiple functions of the device?

    Hi, I'm building a Labview Vi that needs to have multiple functions of the device. I need to have options of the Panel before which will show you the camera live stream without saving changes, on which option will show the live camera and record an image and an option which shows the live camera and records several frames. I know there are VI in IMAQ that capture, blink of an eye, and so on, but combining them is harder than I thought. Someone has any advice on this for me? I use a PXI - 1409, in case you were curious.

  • POC: How to clean the tables dbo. ActivityInstance and dbo. ActivityInstance


    I am looking for a procedure to clean the tables dbo. ActivityInstance and dbo. ActivityInstance in the OrchestratorProcess of Cisco Process Orchestrator 3.0 database

    Is there a parameter must be equal to the CPO database to automatically activate an own? Y at - it a parameter setting in the order?



    I think you are looking for to empty ActivityInstance and ActivitiyInstanceArchive in the process of the CPO DB. Have you noticed they are very rich in number of lines or?

    The works of CPO way are like that...

    (1) process run and store this data in the * Instance tables (ActivityInstance, ProcessInstance, etc.)

    (2) once they reach a terminal State (successful, failed, etc.), they are migrated on to the * InstanceArchive tables (ActivitiyInstanceArchive, ProcessInstanceArchive, etc.)

    (3) the GROOMS server process DB every night (by default at 23:00 server time) and deletes the old processes off based on your settings

    So a few things here to watch...

    (1) what are your settings of cleaning? You can check under Administration-> database settings. Right-click on the DB process-> properties. Click on Configuration. You want to watch the 'grooming of process Instances. By default, it's 15 days worth of data, but they may not be aggressive enough for you... so you can change out there. You can also click on the button 'Groom Now' and force a groom to arrive just here and or wait for the server is doing during the night. This will remove things from the * archive tables * ONLY * however.

    (2) make sure that you check not a ton of custom process. You should always consider what you and aren't archiving in your system. If you need help determining / looking at this TAC case would be a good start and they can help or contact me and I can watch as well.

    There might be a chance of grooming fails for some reason any, however, if this would be the case (and you could see to the title of operations-> audit, then you will need to open a TAC case and submit journals so support can view them and see what happens.

    Finally, if you are just looking to delete all lines through SQL in these tables and understand the possible problems that come with, (again), you open a TAC case and they could provide you with queries SQL to do such. The preference would be to not to post such things here, as it's supposed to be a Cisco support activity and not something we want to people all the time. It's really something of type resort last and normally means that you have a larger ongoing problem to take a look at TAC.

    -Shaun Roberts

    Technical leader, Services

    [email protected] / * /.

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