Perspective and visitors to the information using the REST API

According to this post (Eloqua graphics API), visitors and prospects information is not available with the Eloqua REST API.

With the Eloqua REST API there is a field that indicates whether a contact is a prospect or visitor?

Hi Raghu,

There is a new endpoint API (available with the Summer of Eloqua version), which allows you to retrieve a visitor profile.

Please find some information on its use here: Eloqua API REST - recovery of visitor profiles


Tags: Marketers

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    I would like to know if there is a way to get the information General information (Signature fields) using the API.

    Thank you!

    Hi Sai,

    The REST API exposes the user records (see the following document); However, signature fields are not included. We need to work on this addition to the API (in a later version), but the option is currently not available.

    Please let me know if you have any questions or would like more information.

    Thank you


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    Could be a bug in the documentation, try like this

    https://cloud/api/org/org-uuid/catalog/catalog-uuid/controlAccess - Fetch (GET)

    https://cloud/api/org/org-uuid/catalog/catalog-uuid/action/controlAccess - updated (AFTER)

    Kind regards
    Rajesh Kamal.

  • Using the REST API to delete the contact from the contacts list

    Hello world

    I am looking for some info for the creation of a request to delete a contact from a list of Contact using the REST API.   Here's what I have in Java where the contact id is 1 'and my list is 72'.     I'm open to responses in Java, c# or other languages.

    serverAddress = new URL ("");

    establish communication stuff

    connection = null;

    Set up the initial connection

    connection = (HttpURLConnection) serverAddress.openConnection ();

    connection.setRequestMethod ("PUT");

    connection.setRequestProperty ("content-type", "json; charset=utf-8 ");"

    connection.setRequestProperty ("authorization", 'Basic BLOCKED');

    String body = '{\"membershipDeletions\":[\"1\']}";

    connection.setDoOutput (true);

    connection.getOutputStream () .write (body.getBytes ("UTF8"));

    connection.setReadTimeout (10000);

    Connection.Connect ();

    When I test with it I get a '400' HTTP response

    Thank you!

    Hi Noel,

    The following document describes the operations available for lists of contacts in the Rest API. Please note that we also have a project open source c# example illustrates the use of these endpoints.

    Repositories are all available to the public on Github. Hope this helps and please let me know if you need more information.

    Thank you


  • Get complete information of Contact with the REST API with Ruby


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    It's the URL that I use: < emailAddress > & depth = full & count = 1

    and I don't get like this field in the fieldValues can only be: {'type': 'FieldValue', 'id': "100175"}

    With respect to the main information, they are basic.

    Is it possible to obtain all the contact fields, the same than the one I see on the site of Eloqua?

    Thank you

    Hi Theyaa,

    You can use the following endpoint to retrieve a list of all fields with their unique identifier and metadata:

    • GET /API/REST/1.0/assets/contact/fields?depth=complete&search=*&page=1&count=250

    Hope this helps and please let me know if you need more information.

    Thank you


  • Get the 500 error trying to create a table using the REST API


    I tried to create a table using the REST API for Business Intelligence Cloud, but I got 500 Internal Server Error for a while now.

    Here are the details that I use to create a table.


    and the json to create the schema that I use is

    [{'Nullable': [false], 'defaultValue': 'dataType' [null],: ['VARCHAR'], 'precision': [0], 'length': [18], 'columnName': ["ROWID"]}]

    , {'Nullable': [true], 'defaultValue': 'dataType' [null],: ['VARCHAR'], 'precision': [0], 'length': [18], 'columnName': ['RELATIONID']},

    {'Nullable': [true], 'defaultValue': 'dataType' [null],: ['VARCHAR'], 'precision': [0], 'length': [18], 'columnName': ['ID']}

    , {'Nullable': [true], 'defaultValue': 'dataType' [null],: ['TIMESTAMP'], 'precision': [0], 'length': [0], 'columnName': ['RESPONDEDDATE']},

    {'Nullable': [true], 'defaultValue': 'dataType' [null],: ['VARCHAR'], 'precision': [0], 'length': [255], 'columnName': ['RESPONSE']},

    {'Nullable': [false], 'defaultValue': 'dataType' [null],: ['TIMESTAMP'], 'precision': [0], 'length': [0], 'columnName': ['SYS_CREATEDDATE']},

    {'Nullable': [false], 'defaultValue': 'dataType' [null],: ['VARCHAR'], 'precision': [0], 'length': [18], 'columnName': ['SYS_CREATEDBYID']},

    {'Nullable': [false], 'defaultValue': 'dataType' [null],: ['TIMESTAMP'], 'precision': [0], 'length': [0], 'columnName': ['SYS_LASTMODIFIEDDATE']},

    {'Nullable': [false], 'defaultValue': 'dataType' [null],: ['VARCHAR'], 'precision': [0], 'length': [18], 'columnName': ['SYS_LASTMODIFIEDBYID']},

    {'Nullable': [false], 'defaultValue': 'dataType' [null],: ['TIMESTAMP'], 'precision': [0], 'length': [0], 'columnName': ['SYS_SYSTEMMODSTAMP']},

    {'Nullable': [false], 'defaultValue': 'dataType' [null],: ['VARCHAR'], 'precision': [0], 'length': [10], 'columnName': ['SYS_ISDELETED']},

    [{'Nullable': [true], 'defaultValue': 'dataType' [null],: ['VARCHAR'], 'precision': [0], 'length': [50], 'columnName': ['TYPE']}]

    I tried this using postman and code, but I always get the following response error:

    Error 500 - Internal server error

    Of RFC 2068 Hypertext Transfer Protocol - HTTP/1.1:

    10.5.1 500 internal Server Error

    The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented him from meeting the demand.

    I am able to 'get' existing table schemas, delete the tables, but I'm not able to make put them and post operations. Can someone help me to identify the problem, if there is no fault in my approach.

    Thank you


    I managed to create a table successfully using the API - the only thing I see in your JSON which is different from mine is that you have square brackets around your values JSON where I have not. Here is my CURL request and extract my JSON file (named createtable.txt in the same directory as my CURL executable):

    curl u [email protected]: password UPDATED h x ' X-ID-TENANT-NAME: tenantname ' h ' Content-Type: application/json '-binary data @createtable.txt k



    'columnName': 'ID',

    'dataType': 'DECIMAL ',.

    'Length': 20,.

    "accuracy": 0.

    'Nullable': false



    'columnName': 'NAME',

    'dataType': 'VARCHAR ',.

    'Length': 20,.

    "accuracy": 0.

    'Nullable': true



    "columnName': 'STATUS."

    'dataType': 'VARCHAR ',.

    'Length': 20,.

    "accuracy": 0.

    'Nullable': true



    "columnName': 'CREATED_DATE."

    'dataType': 'TIMESTAMP '.

    'Length': 20,.

    "accuracy": 0.

    'Nullable': true



    'columnName': 'UPDATED_DATE ',.

    'dataType': 'TIMESTAMP '.

    'Length': 20,.

    "accuracy": 0.

    'Nullable': true



  • Using c# to access the REST API - 404 not found

    Hi all!

    Since there is currently no available c# example to access the REST API, I'm going at this from scratch using the Nuget - Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client package.

    I was able to successfully implement a framework for code that is able to make a call to the base_uris method and successfully receive a response.

    I'm doing a transientDocuments call, but I still get a 404 not found error.  I'm hoping somewhere here may be able to enlighten.  I tried to use the current examples of Java to call REST API to get help on how to go about things.

    I create an instance of the AdobeDCREST class, and pass the BaseUrl ( and my key to integration.  When I make a call to the PostTransientDocuments method I pass into the path of the pdf file that I am trying to download.  PostTransientDocuments then deals with the creation of an object the HttpContent (StreamContent) of the file, and then adding the headers, ContentType and ContentDisposition.  The call to GetClient() will determine whether base_uris should be called still or not (I make the call to base_uris and storage of the api_access_point in a variable static for all other calls, as well as the java examples) and returns an object of the HttpClient with the access in the header already token.  The call to base_uris works and returns a api_access_point

    I then add/api/rest/v5 to the url access_point to call transientDocuments. Failure occurs during the call to PostAsync in transientDocuments with a 404 not found error.

    Here's the code I'm using to test things so far.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  I've been spinning my wheels on that for too long already.

    using System;

    using System.Collections.Generic;

    using System.IO;

    using System.Linq;

    using System.Net.Http;

    using System.Net.Http.Headers;

    using System.Text;

    using System.Threading.Tasks;

    namespace Ivezt.Documents {}

    public class AdobeDCREST {}

    < Summary >

    A static variable that is defined by an initial call to GetBaseURIs() and used for all API calls later.

    < / Summary >

    Private Shared ReadOnly Property SERVICES_BASE_URL as string = string. Empty;

    < Summary >

    The end point of API to use.  This aspect will have to be changed if Adobe is moving to a new version of the API and we update this

    the code to use this new version.

    < / Summary >

    Private Shared ReadOnly Property API_URL as string = "api/rest/v5 /";

    < Summary >

    This BaseUrl is passed to the constructor and used to make a call to GetBaseURIs().

    < / Summary >

    private string m_strBaseUrl = string. Empty;

    < Summary >

    The IntegrationKey is passed to the constructor and must be added to the header of each API request.

    < / Summary >

    private string m_strIntegrationKey = string. Empty;

    public AdobeDCREST (string strBaseUrl, string strIntegrationKey) {}

    m_strBaseUrl = strBaseUrl;

    m_strIntegrationKey = strIntegrationKey;


    private HttpClient GetDefaultClient() {}

    HttpClient client = new HttpClient();

    Add an Accept header for JSON format.

    customer. () DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add

    (new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));

    Add the access token

    customer. DefaultRequestHeaders.Add ("Access token", m_strIntegrationKey);

    customer feedback;


    private HttpClient GetClient() {}

    If we have not yet the SERVICES_BASE_URL, then we must do a GetBaseURIs call

    If (SERVICES_BASE_URL. Length == 0) {}

    HttpClient baseClient = GetDefaultClient();

    Use the BaseUrl passed to the constructor

    baseClient.BaseAddress = new Uri (m_strBaseUrl);

    URI BaseURIs_Response = GetBaseURIs (baseClient);

    SERVICES_BASE_URL = string. Format ("{0} {1}", uris.api_access_point, API_URL);

    baseClient.Dispose ();


    If (SERVICES_BASE_URL. Length == 0)

    throw new Exception ("failed to retrieve Adobe Document cloud Base URI");

    HttpClient client = GetDefaultClient();

    customer. BaseAddress = new Uri (SERVICES_BASE_URL).

    customer feedback;


    public BaseURIs_Response GetBaseURIs(HttpClient client) {}

    Call base_uris

    HttpResponseMessage response = client. GetAsync ("base_uris"). Result;  Call blocking!

    If (answer. IsSuccessStatusCode) {}

    Analyze the response body. Blocking!

    answer back (BaseURIs_Response). Content.ReadAsAsync (typeof (BaseURIs_Response)). Result;


    else {}

    throw new Exception (string. Format ("{0} ({1})", (int) response. ") StatusCode, response. ReasonPhrase));



    public TransientDocument_Response PostTransientDocuments (string strFilePath) {}

    Call transientDocuments

    Content the HttpContent = new StreamContent (new FileStream (strFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read));

    content. Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/pdf");

    content. Headers.ContentDisposition = new ContentDispositionHeaderValue("form-data") {}

    Name = "file."

    FileName = 'Template.pdf.


    HttpClient client = GetClient();

    HttpResponseMessage response = client. PostAsync ("transientDocuments", content). Result;  Call blocking!

    If (answer. IsSuccessStatusCode) {}

    Analyze the response body. Blocking!

    answer back (TransientDocument_Response). Content.ReadAsAsync (typeof (TransientDocument_Respons e)). Result;


    else {}

    throw new Exception (string. Format ("{0} ({1})", (int) response. ") StatusCode, response. ReasonPhrase));




    public class BaseURIs_Response {}

    public string web_access_point {get; set ;}}

    public string api_access_point {get; set ;}}


    public class TransientDocument_Response {}

    public string transientDocumentId {get; set ;}}



    I think I found my problem.  I was not a multi-part post form data.  Once I changed this, everything worked as expected.  Here is an updated version of the PostTransientDocuments() method that works:

    public TransientDocument_Response PostTransientDocuments (string strFilePath) {}

    Call transientDocuments

    using (var = {GetClient() customer)}

    using (var content = new MultipartFormDataContent()) {}

    var multiplesContent = new StreamContent (new FileStream (strFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read));

    fileContent.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue("application/pdf");

    fileContent.Headers.ContentDisposition = new ContentDispositionHeaderValue("form-data") {}

    Name = "file."

    FileName = 'Template.pdf.


    content. Add (FileContent);

    HttpResponseMessage response = client. PostAsync ("transientDocuments", content). Result;  Call blocking!

    If (answer. IsSuccessStatusCode) {}

    Analyze the response body. Blocking!

    answer back (TransientDocument_Response). Content.ReadAsAsync (typeof (TransientDocument_Respons e)). Result;


    else {}

    throw new Exception (string. Format ("{0} ({1})", (int) response. ") StatusCode, response. ReasonPhrase));





  • vRO package import/export using the REST API, but what to rebuild a package?


    I can export and import a package using the REST API. The package consists of all the workflows in a certain folder of the project.

    That's fine, but when we do another workflow example in the folder of our project, it is not automatically part of the package. This reduces the value of planning an export of it, because it would still this manual interaction.

    Is there a way to do it (automate/CLI/REST /...) this?

    Thank you!



    REST API for package management (adding/removing items to package, rebuild a package, etc.) are planned for the next version of vRO - vRO 7.1 (or whatever the COMP version it gets).

  • Workflow of vCO of query using the REST API in PowerShell


    I am interrogating a workflow vCO by name using the REST API of PowerShell based on this article:

    $username = "XXXXXX".

    $upassword = "XXXXXX".

    $auth = $username + ':' + $upassword

    $Encoded = [System.Text.Encoding]: UTF8. GetBytes ($auth)

    $EncodedPassword = [System.Convert]: ToBase64String ($Encoded)

    $headers = @{' authorization '=' basic $($EncodedPassword) ' ;}}

    $body = "<-xmlns = execution context" ". ' ' > < / execution context > '

    #query for workflow named "donothing".

    Invoke-RestMethod-uri https://XXXX:8281/api/flow /? conditions = name = donothing -Headers $headers - body $body - ContentType "application/xml" - Get method

    Invoke RestMethod: failed to send a content-body with this type of verb.

    On line: 1 char: 1

    + Call-RestMethod-uri https://XXXX:8281/api/flow /? conditions = name = donoth ...

    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo: NotSpecified: (:)) [invoking-RestMethod], ProtocolViolationException)

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId: System.Net.ProtocolViolationException, Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.InvokeRestMethodCommand

    The request succeeds by using the customer REMAINS on Firefox, but I can't make it work on PowerShell. (NOTE: PowerShell workflow execution works very well)

    Any help is appreciated.

    Thank you


    OK, I managed to do work by removing

    [System.Net.ServicePointManager]: ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true}

    And add this at the beginning of the script

    "Add-type @ '.

    using System.Net;

    using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;

    public class TrustAllCertsPolicy: {ICertificatePolicy

    public bool CheckValidationResult)

    ServicePoint srvPoint, X509Certificate certificate,

    WebRequest request, int certificateProblem) {}

    Returns true;




    [System.Net.ServicePointManager]: CertificatePolicy = New-Object TrustAllCertsPolicy

    Now I can use the GET method:

    $ret = Invoke-WebRequest - uri $URL - Headers $headers - ContentType "application/xml" - Get method

    I spent to Invoke-WebRequest so I can get the return of application Web.


  • How to set the time to preview using the REST Api of the assembler

    Hi all

    Using the REST API of the assembler, I can't feature "set the time to preview" to trigger a specific model that fires only at a specific time

    This is the format that I'm trying:

    http://xxxx:8006 / assembler/json/pages/home? Endeca_Time = 2020-04 - 05 T 14:30

    I use the correct format? This is the url parameter listed in the documentation of the Assembly

    Thank you

    It turns out that the documentation is wrong

    1. In (service\WEB-INF) of your REST API, you must define

      1. User.State.Ref = previewUserState
    2. You use Endeca_date and not Endeca_Time in the URL (documentation is wrong)
    3. Coding varies from a browser (you may need to URL encode the date in Firefox)


    http://xxxx:8006 / assembler/json/pages/home? Endeca_date = 2020-01 - 11 T 18:00

    The date format is: YYYY-MM-dd' you HH: mm

  • How do to identify the documents called "models of library" using the RESTful API?

    How do to identify the documents called "models of library" using the RESTful API? Furthermore, what constitutes a document to be a "model of library"? I see nothing in the libraryDocuments RESTful documentation that describes this type of document, such as presented on the tab 'Manage' my developer account. Please see the screenshot below. There is a model of Document named "[DEMO ONLY] Test model" listed under "Library Templates" and I try to figure out which classifies that document to be included this way and how does produce a similar announcement by using the RESTful API.

    Screen Shot 2014-10-29 at 11.16.48 AM.png

    Thank you!


    You can connect to access library models using the REST API, use 'GET /libraryDocuments' allowing to recover documents in library for a user. Models are created in the account of EchoSign, which later are accessible via the REST method mentioned above.


  • Is there a way to get the data for submission of form of eloqua using the REST API?

    I was wondering if there is a way to get the data for submission of form of eloqua using the REST API?

    Thank you

    On the page that egan related, there is a 'RawData' field for FormSubmit activities. In this area, the raw sending the form query string is returned.

    Whatever it is, you can get this info from the activities of the API block, or the endpoints data Rest API.

  • Can not do a query with the REST api


    After discovering that the use of the standard SOAP API what is like poking yourself in the eye with a sharp stick, I try to use the REST API. At first, I tried to exercise it through the extension of POSTMAN on Chrome. But I have no joy.

    Can I use caller ID to get the URL, so I know that my authentication is OK. But all other calls give me:

    Failure of 403 XSRF Protection

    Is an example of a call, that I'm trying:[email protected] & Count = 1

    I can't find any reference anywhere to this error 403.


    Thank you


    Hi Simon,.

    Looks like you're client (web browser) might have stored credentials for Eloqua, probably in the cookies collection. If you try to delete your cookies and rerun the query API with basic authentication, it should work.

    Hope this helps and please let us know if you need more information.

    Thank you


  • Add a contact e-mail group via the Rest API


    Is it possible to add a contact to a group of e-mail through the Rest API?

    I saw this article here which shows that you can get a subscription email group contacts status, however it is not clear how actually to add a contact to a group of e-mail via the API.

    I tried to post data to ' data/contact / {id} / groups/email/subscription "but I get a response of"Method not allowed"API."

    If someone managed to achieve? If so, how?

    See you soon

    Hi David,

    The POST operation is not supported by this endpoint, but you can use PUT a method for updating subscriptions Contact:

    • PUT: / data/contact / {id} / email/group / {groupId} / subscription

    Where the request body contains an object of the subscription. Hope this helps and please let us know if you need more information.

    Thank you


  • Download Images in Eloqua via the REST API (via an API?)

    Hello community!

    We are interfacing content between a site CMS and Eloqua for custom content, so that we can deliver such content in emails and the landing pages effectively.

    We have an obligation to affix an image (such as an icon of great white game) overlay, a bit like this:

    Unfortunately the CMS system he can not provide, we for some reason any.  And trying to superimpose the image in e-mails of Eloqua using CSS will result in inconsistent results between email clients, particularly mobile and so on...

    Our plan is so - to superimpose the image in our middleware software and then download the image to Eloqua, then use newly uploaded in the system.

    Is there a way we can download a picture of Eloqua via the REST API or any other API?

    Thank you


    Hi Mark,

    Yes, you can use the Rest API to upload images to your installation of Eloqua. We will aim to provide documentation in the near future, but for now, we have an example of project available on Github to show how load images: Image of assistance

    Hope this helps and please let me know if you need more information.

    Thank you


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