PhoneGap Build plugin Don t work

I m using edge Code CC on my mac. The work of Don t Phonegap Build plugin. I have can´t send files or anything like that.

Thank you


Hi Alex, unfortunately it is a problem known as of now. I am hoping to update the plugin this week, so it does not work with new versions of Code of edge and consoles.

= Ryan

[email protected]

Tags: Edge Code

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    Help, please


    HI Max,.

    You'll want to use the CC application manager to get the CC update.




  • How can I connect to PhoneGap Build?

    I was watching this tutorial here: CPU = phonegap-construction & path = start date

    The guy in the tutorial shows how to connect your advantage to PhoneGap Build Code - but mine doesn't have the button PhoneGap build Plugin that he mentions...  Mine is a little different, too--I guess he uses on the old version of the Code of edge in this video...

    So where is the Plugin PhoneGap hidden in Edge Code CC?

    Thank you

    Laurence MacNeill

    Mableton, Georgia, USA.

    Oh - never mind.   I copied the URL of the .zip file that I downloaded in the Extensions Manager, and installed by itself.  Looks like it works now.  :-)

    Thank you


  • No audio Media plugin using Phonegap Build on Android

    I am building an application that includes reliable audio playback in all of our target platforms and intended to use the media for this task plugin.  I was previously using the native object Javascript Audio, that seemed to work well on some Android devices, but did not work at all on others.  I have implemented the Media plugin in my project, but this day don't have not yet to have successfully play back audio on any of my devices to test and try to identify what I am doing wrong.

    My application should hopefully also run on a desktop browser, so I have a 'phonegap sniffer' in my javascript.  From there, we either start the application on the events of deviceready on mobile devices or document.ready on desktop devices, which seems to work well.

    var is_phonegap = navigator.userAgent.match (/ (iPhone: iPod: iPad |)) Android | BlackBerry | (IEMobile) /); USE DATA USERAGENT TO GUESS AT IF IT IS A DESKTOP APP PHONEGAP BROWSER OR HAS


    If (is_phonegap) document.addEventListener ('deviceready', device_ready, false);

    else $(document) .ready (device_ready);

    function device_ready() {}

    Console.log ("is phonegap? ' + (is_phonegap)? 'true': 'false'");



    All the sound elements within the app are called by a function of play_sound:

    function play_sound (audio_file) {}

    var path = ' audio /' + audio_file;

    If (is_phonegap) var audio = new Media (path, null, media_error); IF IT IS AN APPLICATION, USE THE MEDIA PROVIDED BY THE PHONEGAP PLUGIN OBJECT

    else var audio = Audio new ("audio /' + audio_file"); IF IT IS ON THE DESKTOP, USE THE AUDIO OBJECT PROVIDED BY CORE JAVASCRIPT

    Console.log ("audio:" + JSON.stringify (audio)); INSPECT THE AUDIO OBJECT TO SEE WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE

    audio. Play(); PLAY THE SOUND


    Since the media Builder allows an onError callback, I configure that as well:

    function media_error (e) {}

    Console.log ("media error:" + JSON.stringify (e)) ;// CHECK the ERROR TO SEE what IT LOOKS LIKE


    I'm testing by running Phonegap Dev on an android device connected to Phonegap Office so that I can make use of console.log debug messages.  When I run the application and try to play a sound, I get the following output:

    is phonegap? true

    try to play the audio file: audio / shuffle.mp3 / / THIS FILE IS LOCATED IN THE/WWW/AUDIO/SHUFFLE PROJECT. MP3

    Media error: {"code": 1} / / this IS THE output OF THE MEDIA ERROR HANDLER

    I have ready in several discussions on the Media on Android plugin requirements of additional paths and believe that I have implemented the recommended solution (by Audio doesn't work for Build Android), but this does not help things.  I have changed the above to:

    function play_sound (audio_file) {}

    var path = platform_specific_audio_path ("audio /' + audio_file"); / / RUN PATH THROUGH PLATFORM FUNCTION

    If (is_phonegap) var audio = new Media (path, null, media_error);

    else var audio = Audio new ("audio /' + audio_file");

    Console.log ("audio:" + JSON.stringify (audio));

    audio. Play();


    function platform_specific_audio_path (file) {}

    If (typeof peripheral == "undefined") return files;

    return (device.platform.toLowerCase () == 'android')? "" / android_asset/www / "+ file: file;


    Use this version of the code displays the following:

    try to play the audio file: /android_asset/www/audio/shuffle.mp3

    Media error: {"code": 1}

    It seems that I am getting the same result of error of one of these paths.  I guess that's a path issue but are still to confirm it somehow.  I'm not familiar with how files are built within the app.  Is there a solution for this or can anyone identify what am I doing wrong?  Thanks a lot for any assistance.

    In light of your comment, you use the developer PhoneGap app in your workflow. It is the root of the problem you are experiencing. Using the Desktop App PG or 'phonegap serve' changes nothing (and it should be noted that none of these applications actually build your application.) They serve only the files using a web server.)

    The PhoneGap developer App is the app that run you on your mobile device to connect to PhoneGap Desktop App or "phonegap serving." It comes prebuilt with a selection of plugins, including the Media plugin. So why you can instantiate the class of media and see the properties and methods. Verification of the existence of these properties and methods only serves to check if the plugin is installed, not if the plugin will work correctly.

    In view of your code and the associated error message, you are trying to read a property grouped the app file. When your application is running in the application of the PhoneGap developer, however, no mechanism exists to physically push assets being served in assets grouped Application Developer PG. As a result, demand for game fails because the file is not found.

    A temporary workaround solution just to check that you can, indeed, play a media file would be to change the path to something like this:

        http://dev-machine-IP-address:PG - use-port/www/shuffle.mp3

    However, this is not what you'll want to have long-term in the production code. Instead, you must create a version of your application that you can run it directly (without using the App Developer PG or PhoneGap Serve).

    To do this, you can run (with your Android device, attached and assuming you have the Android SDK installed correctly):

    phonegap $ run android

    This should create a version of your application, including your multimedia files in the bundle and then run it on your device. You should then be able to play multimedia files that you try now.

    Otherwise, you can use the service of Cloud Computing to the PhoneGap Build to create a version of the app:

    Android construction distance phonegap $

    You can download the application resulting on your phone and it should work as well.

    Long-story-short: the developer PhoneGap App isn't a perfect representation of the environment that will receive your built apps. Do not rely on the PG Dev App to simulate an environment perfectly. at one point, the only real criterion is to build your application and install it on a device.

    Hope that helps.

  • SplashScreen works only on Android only when built with Phonegap Build

    If I build my application locally, the splashscreen works well. However, if I build by Phonegap Build, it is not. In fact, this happens only if I use guidance in the density attribute such as:

    <splash src="resources/android/splash/drawable-land-ldpi-screen.png" density="land-ldpi"/>


    <splash src="resources/android/splash/drawable-port-ldpi-screen.png" density="port-ldpi"/>

    Remove the parts of 'land -' or '-port' direction makes the splashscreen working again. But why this happens only when compiled by Phonegap Build? How can I treat the different directions this problem?

    I tried to downgrade the splashcreen plugin, change the resources folder names, file names, places, remove some preferences related to the splashscreen, but none worked. I tried Android 5.0 and 6.0 devices. Below is part of my config.xml file:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <widget id="aaa" version="1.1.0" xmlns="" xmlns:cdv="">
      <author email="[email protected]" href=""></author>
      <content src="index.html"/>
      <access origin="*"/>
      <allow-navigation href="*"/>
      <allow-intent href="*"/>
      <preference name="permissions" value="none"/>
      <preference name="webviewbounce" value="false"/>
      <preference name="UIWebViewBounce" value="false"/>
      <preference name="DisallowOverscroll" value="true"/>
      <preference name="android-minSdkVersion" value="16"/>
      <preference name="BackupWebStorage" value="none"/>
      <!-- Splashscreen config -->
      <preference name="SplashScreen" value="screen"/>
      <preference name="SplashScreenDelay" value="4000"/>
      <preference name="FadeSplashScreenDuration" value="1000"/>
      <preference name="SplashMaintainAspectRatio" value="true"/>
      <preference name="SplashShowOnlyFirstTime" value="false"/>
      <!-- End of splashscreen config -->
      <preference name="phonegap-version" value="cli-6.1.0"/>
      <plugin name="cordova-plugin-splashscreen" spec="~3.2.2"/>
      <plugin name="cordova-plugin-inappbrowser" spec="~1.4.0"/>
      <plugin name="cordova-plugin-whitelist" spec="~1.2.2"/>
      <plugin name="cordova-plugin-dialogs" spec="~1.2.1"/>
      <feature name="StatusBar">
        <param name="ios-package" value="CDVStatusBar" onload="true"/>
      <platform name="android">
        <icon src="resources/android/icon/drawable-ldpi-icon.png" density="ldpi"/>
        <icon src="resources/android/icon/drawable-mdpi-icon.png" density="mdpi"/>
        <icon src="resources/android/icon/drawable-hdpi-icon.png" density="hdpi"/>
        <icon src="resources/android/icon/drawable-xhdpi-icon.png" density="xhdpi"/>
        <icon src="resources/android/icon/drawable-xxhdpi-icon.png" density="xxhdpi"/>
        <icon src="resources/android/icon/drawable-xxxhdpi-icon.png" density="xxxhdpi"/>
        <splash src="resources/android/splash/drawable-land-ldpi-screen.png" density="land-ldpi"/>
        <splash src="resources/android/splash/drawable-land-mdpi-screen.png" density="land-mdpi"/>
        <splash src="resources/android/splash/drawable-land-hdpi-screen.png" density="land-hdpi"/>
        <splash src="resources/android/splash/drawable-land-xhdpi-screen.png" density="land-xhdpi"/>
        <splash src="resources/android/splash/drawable-land-xxhdpi-screen.png" density="land-xxhdpi"/>
        <splash src="resources/android/splash/drawable-land-xxxhdpi-screen.png" density="land-xxxhdpi"/>
        <splash src="resources/android/splash/drawable-port-ldpi-screen.png" density="port-ldpi"/>
        <splash src="resources/android/splash/drawable-port-mdpi-screen.png" density="port-mdpi"/>
        <splash src="resources/android/splash/drawable-port-hdpi-screen.png" density="port-hdpi"/>
        <splash src="resources/android/splash/drawable-port-xhdpi-screen.png" density="port-xhdpi"/>
        <splash src="resources/android/splash/drawable-port-xxhdpi-screen.png" density="port-xxhdpi"/>
        <splash src="resources/android/splash/drawable-port-xxxhdpi-screen.png" density="port-xxxhdpi"/>
      <icon src="resources/android/icon/drawable-xhdpi-icon.png"/>

    Maybe your projections are simply not found.

    You can post a screenshot of your zip file directory structure, please?

    Also, if you use any BMP, you need not include an element in your config file.

    Finally, BMP requires your icon by default to the root (with index and config), does not in some resources/.../-directory.

  • How to lock the orientation in the PhoneGap Build

    I'm trying to transfer a game on Android with PhoneGap Build JS/CSS/HTML and I need to lock the rotation to the landscape, but I can't find a working online solution.

    I tried to put it in the config.xml file, but it does not work:

    <preference name="orientation" value="landscape" />

    And I found others online who say to change the AndroidManifest.xml, but I can't find it in my project PhoneGap folder I have these files:

    -.cordova (empty folder)

    -hooks (empty folder)


    -browser (contain default phonegap site/app)



    -www (contain the site's html/css/js files I want to put in an Android app)

    Thanks for your help!

    This could be your problem. The config.XML and index.html file must be in the same directory and that the the root of the zip file you publish PhoneGap Build. The hooks, platforms should not be included in the zip file.

  • Use PhoneGap Build for existing products updated iOS app

    I am not an expert in using PhoneGap and I have no experience with PhoneGap Build, but I have an existing iOS application that has been created/updated and with PhoneGap/Cordova (3.3.0) 2 years ago.

    There is a hypertext link in the application to an external site and this link should be updated as soon as possible. After changing the outdated link in index.html file, I would be able to download the contents of the existing www folder (update: 2 years ago) to PhoneGap Build without additional modification?

    I intend to make the most important updates to the application this month and want to know more about PhoneGap and the features available, but for now, I need to try to update the broken link soon-to-be as quickly as possible.

    Thanks for your help

    It should work - even if it is difficult to ensure that the application built on PhoneGap Build all the same exact behavior than the one originally responsible. We do not know which resembled the original developer environment. Having said that - give it a shot. You will need to include the config.xml file, and I would recommend affecting the PhoneGap 3.3.0 version for now:

    Make your small update and test your application on a device to ensure that always, it behaves as expected. Note, however, that I don't expect 3.3.0 to be supported on PhoneGap Build for much longer (see the supported versions here).

  • IOS app do not compile in phonegap build after adding support for Push Notifications

    As the title says, I have an app for android and iOS using phonegap to build and push-plugin to the repository of the NPM. It worked perfectly for android, but for iOS, the events have not fired. Then I read that the AppID should have the active possibility of push notifications, so I added a development certificate and certificates and files of mobile provision changed.

    After that, the application is not compile more. I also added a certificate SSL Production to my App ID and certificate and files available mobile since I read the development of those who do not work with Phonegap, built on an old post, but that no longer works.

    Am I missing a step to make it work for the iOS with Phonegap Build? Thanks in advance

    Looks like commissioning your profile does not include your developer certificate. Try re-creating your provisioning profile.

    Maybe useful post:

    IOS create problem certificate does not match profile

  • How can I sign an application made with PhoneGap Build?


    I set up the service of PhoneGap Build and created an account in order to make an application and download it in my cell phone.

    Now I've reached the point where I want to sign it and upload it to Google game.

    I have a developer account and I filled out all the data, do some screenshots and icons and a description for the app, etc.

    When I try to download on Google game it says "Upload failed...". "and I have to disable debugging.

    I tried to find information on how to do it and I installed the SDK package and even with success put in place the path in the settings for PhoneGap Build without any protest...

    Now what?

    I read trhe documentation on how to make a key with keytool using the cmd in windows one private key was transferred on my account on the phonegap construction site.

    Now according to the doc in phonegap to build this key must be used to signing the app I did in dreamweaver. So I recreated the app in Dreamweaver and uploaded and then tried to download Google game.

    Always the same problem that the application is in debug mode. This means that generation gap phone does not work as it should, or maybe that my key does not work.

    So my question is, first of all how can we see if the key is correctly generated with keytool?

    My next step is to manually sign the file app.apk with the jarsigner tool so I tried to do what therefore to the sample in the android documentation.

    This a screenshot of my attempt and the error message in the command line:


    It feels like I've done everything by the book, but still my app is not signed and not valid for download on Google game files.

    Please give me a help in the creation of this last stage little but so difficult.

    Thank you!


    Post edited by: MickeBergman

    I solved it...

    If someone else made the same mistake that I had then look here.

    Just create the key with the keytool utility using the command line (cmd.exe)

    Here is the how to guide (scroll down to "1." Obtain a suitable private key")

    Use the example, it works very well.

    Then upload it to your PhoneGap Build account by logging in at

    Under your account settings, download the yourkey.keystore file, and then unlock it.

    Then under Apps on your downloaded App title to get into the details of the application.

    Then (and this is what I missed and therefore have not signed and published) choose the key that you downloaded in the fold to the bottom of the menu to the right hanbd of the android logo

    Then click on rebuild and when it's done rebuild you just download and there a Yourapplication release added the file name and you are ready!

    Pheeeww it is a terrifying experience and yet so simple solution... Another strange noone has experienced this before me.

    In the end, I really welcome Dreamweaver which is also a great tool to easily make your own applications.

  • Downloaded adobe shockwave and player and now web page bookmarks don't work

    working on the ning site and has been invited to download plugins
    Shockwave Flash Player: install_flashplayer11x32_mssd_aaa_aih
    drive: install_reader11_uk_mssd_aaa_aih
    and now web page bookmarks don't work in IE, Firefox and chrome.

    What should do?

    It seems that I did not properly create anchors

    for some reason any it worked then after that upgrades the ID for anchors have been interpreted is no longer.
    After checking a different machine, I found that the links were broken there also - something I should have checked earlier

    I reinserted new "a href ="and 'a name =' and all is well again.

    Thank you for your support

  • Get the .csk for PhoneGap Build .db file


    I am trying to build my app with PhoneGap Build, but it requires two a. CSK and one. DB file.

    I had the. CSK folder but now I have no idea how to get the. DB one. I tried searching the Internet, but all the information I got is different and not clear. I have received no other files by email.

    Is it possible to get the. File DB without installing any SDK? It is nearly 300 MB (I use Windows XP). And I really don't need, I want just that file.

    Please, I would appreciate your help.

    Thank you much in advance.

    See you soon,.


    Hello. You are not able to build for BBOS with WebWorks 2.0 product. BBOS is a separate architecture even to WebWorks.

    To build to BBOS, you will need to use the tools BBOS here:

    Thank you.

  • PhoneGap build - where to put application icons and splashscreen files

    As build phonegap says to download only folder so I'm not able to understand where I should put the icons and the splashscreen for each platform folder. Should I put inside www?

    The reason for asking this question is that if we're supposed to keep the icons and splash inside www only so my application will become very heavy icons and useless and splash screen files will be added in my app that my application is cross-platform supported and I have included icons and splash for all platforms.

    If we are working offline (phonegap cli) then we used to keep files inside "res" outside the folder "www" and cordova build process automatically copy only specific platform icons and splash screen files, but here, it will add all the files even some of then are no longer required for the selected platform. Please let me know if one any idea on this subject.

    a. When you use Phonegap Build, your icons and splash are anywhere you want. BMP does not require a specific directory of your zip file structure. Neither requires a naming scheme.

    The best is:

    -have index.html and config.xml icon.png in the root directory of your zip

    -all the rest well organized, have you like

    -Make sure the paths in your config file are completely correct.

    For example:

    / index.html

    / config. XML





    / myOtherPages /...




    / myIcons /...



    / mySplashes /...

    / myJavascriptfiles /...

    / myCSSfiles /...

    / myGraphics /...

    (b) make use of the file .pgbomit what is called to say a BMP to include only the directories and files that are required for each operating system.

    See the section commissioning of the BMPS documentation:

    Getting started | PhoneGap Docs

  • PhoneGap Build API is not construction of application despite the 202 response


    I wonder if anyone has had success using the API to build Phonegap to trigger the app builds?

    I write as follows. I replaced all the staff but happy to provide what whatsoever, if it helps.

    CURL u [email protected] x d POST "

    I use the token stored in my account rather than generate it on the fly.

    And I get a 202 response back with the following data

    "" " string (1366)" {'id': 123456, "title": "App Title", "package": "com.ionicframework.appname123", "version": "0.0.2", "build_count": 10, "priv ate ': true, 'phonegap_version':" cli - 5.2.0 ","hydrate": true, 'share': false, 'last_build':"2016-02-02 07:33:29-0800",} ' description ': 'Check the application',"repo":" ',' ":" ", 'debug': true, 'link':" / api/v1/apps/123456 ", 'plugins':" / api/v1/apps/123456/plugin s "", 'complete': true, 'role': "admin", "icon": {"filename": '[email protected]', 'link': "/ api/v1/app s/123456/icon"} " "" "", 'status': {"android": 'complete', 'ios': 'full', "winphone": 'jump'}, "downlo Announces": {"android": "/ api/v1/apps/123456/android", 'ios': "/ api/v1/apps/123456/ios"}, "error": {}, "install_url": " ','": " ',' ': {'link':" / api/v1/apps/123456/collaborators ',' active ': [{'id': 111222, 'role': 'admin', 'person' ": '[email protected]',' link':" / api/v1/apps/123456/collaborators/222333 ""}] 'pending': []}, 'key '. "{: {"android": null, 'ios': {'id': 333444,"title":"Proclamer Cert', 'platform': 'ios', 'link': "/ api/v1/keys/ios/444555 ', 'default': true},"winphone": null}, '' newspapers '': {"android":" / api/v1/apps/123456/newspapers/android/construction ", 'ios':" / api/v1/apps/123456/logs/ios/build ","winphone":" / api/v1/apps/123456/newspapers/winphone/construction "}}"

    If everything looks good. But the app isn't the building when I trigger this. I was wondering if it was because the hydration has been lit and if that it impacts. Or if someone has a wisdom on what else to try.

    Because the code must be pulled from GitHub, I ran this call first to see if that makes a difference, but apparently not. I get the same answer to the foregoing.

    CURL u [email protected] PUT d x ' data = {'branch': 'The master'}'

    Thank you


    Just noticed that're missing you a parameter. Your sales data should look like this:

    -d 'data={"pull":"true"}'

    According to the docs "Update of an application based on the repo" here: PhoneGap Build Documentation.

  • That e-mail address is already bound to an account of PhoneGap Build.

    I'm trying to connect to Phonegap Build with my AdobeID and I get the error in the title.

    I think at one point I had an account Phonegap Build directly associated with my email address but I can't connect to this one no more, and when I ask for a password reset I get a link to the page to reset password AdobeID (that I don't need). Nevertheless, I would like to use Phonegap with my subscription AdobeID and creative cloud that I can enjoy the advantages compared to the free user, I've had.

    Could you please help me with this?

    Hi on PhoneGap Build current account for your email address is linked to an adobe ID

    [email protected]

    you always have access to this account?  otherwise I can just delete this account and you can record again with your new adobeid.

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    Photoshop and Camera Raw preferences, uncheck the option to use the graphics processor.

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