Pickle of parsing XML node

I try to analyse a string from a body element that is retrieved as an incoming message from a source Amazon SQS. The item in question uses a developed set of delimiters (.. and...), okay, it's not that complex, but need to get several items in a single string in the queue.

The raw looks a lot like as follows:

http://queue.amazonaws.com/doc/2008-01-01/ ">ef3a2678-8fd0-..." XXX-XXX-XXXXX... ... File foo.txt. Size... 4680716... offset... 0... URL... http://foo.S3.amazonaws.com: 80/0ed6c45f-a8ca-4aa2-825a-0749c68ec6b3/5213e03f-3a09-4558-be1d-ad70a84a89fa/c2dc5820-c423-49e6-8f80-7190606a0ada-1? AWSAccessKeyId = XXXXXX & expires = 1237310737 & Signature = Lbik % 2bu5PRzApp6PvY0dNam4EcXo % 3d... Part... 1... DateTimeModified... 2009-03-17 16:25:37.3896ab1594-cc85-4b6c-8602-e39a74bf98a6

The data are very well throughout our process until it hits this block of code:

NodeList bodyElements = result.getXMLResult () .getElementsByTagName ("Body");
If (bodyElements.getLength () > 0)
NodeList childNodes = bodyElements.item (0) .getChildNodes ();
If (childNodes.getLength () > 0)
Body of node = childNodes.item (0);
System.out.println (Body.getNodeValue ());
java.util.Hashtable messageValues = parseMessageBody (body.getNodeValue ());
result.setMessageValues (messageValues);

Things are loose the rails when getChildNodes() is called. Throw a watch on the body, I can see the data as expected in the _text elements however the _expandedText seems to truncate to the '&' if I continue to debug, the result appears in the form:

URL... http://foo.S3.amazonaws.com: 80/0ed6c45f-a8ca-4aa2-825a-0749c68ec6b3/5213e03f-3a09-4558-be1d-ad70a84a89fa/c2dc5820-c423-49e6-8f80-7190606a0ada-1? AWSAccessKeyId = XXXXXX<- missing="" the="" "&"="" and="" expiry="" and="" signature="" goodness.="" (&expires="">

I don't know I am doing something n00bie-ish stoopid, but I'm quite at loss as to what is happening.

It is invalid to have the & symbol in an XML string.  Non alpha numeric characters should be replaced with the escape characters.

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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    Hello, you need to use DocumentBuilderFactory:

    public class XmlReader {
      private static String XML_FILE = "your/xml/file/name.xml";
      public XmlReader() {     DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();    DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();    InputStream inputStream = getClass().getResourceAsStream( XML_FILE);    Document document = builder.parse( inputStream );
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    - http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns="http://tempuri.org/">
      Test Station

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    var xmlHttp;
    function getStationUpdate() {
        alert("in station update");
        xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
        var Posturl = "http://MachineIPGoesHERE:51107/Service1.asmx/HelloWorld2?";
        alert("after post url");
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        alert("after onReadyStateChange");
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        alert("after GET");
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            //alert(xmlDoc.documentElement.childNodes[2].tagName + " " + xmlDoc.documentElement.childNodes[2].childNodes[0].nodeValue);
            alert(xmlDoc.documentElement.childNodes[3].tagName + " " + xmlDoc.documentElement.childNodes[3].childNodes[0].nodeValue);
            alert(xmlDoc.documentElement.childNodes[5].tagName + " " + xmlDoc.documentElement.childNodes[5].childNodes[0].nodeValue);

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    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Web;
    using System.Web.Services;
    using System.Xml.Serialization;
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        /// Summary description for Service1
        [WebService(Namespace = "http://tempuri.org/")]
        [WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
        // To allow this Web Service to be called from script, using ASP.NET AJAX, uncomment the following line.
        public class Service1 : System.Web.Services.WebService
            public string HelloWorld()
                return "Hello World";
            public myTestObj HelloWorld2()
                myTestObj test = new myTestObj();
                return test;
        public class myTestObj
            private int _StationID;
            private string _StationName;
            private double _Volume;
            [XmlElementAttribute(Order = 0)]
            public int StationID
                    return this._StationID;
                    this._StationID = value;
            [XmlElementAttribute(Order = 1)]
            public string StationName
                    return this._StationName;
                    this._StationName = value;
            [XmlElementAttribute(Order = 2)]
            public double Volume
                    return this._Volume;
                    this._Volume = value;
            public myTestObj()
                StationID = 1000;
                StationName = "Test Station";
                Volume = 105.285;

    > Any ideas on why or how? I feel I'm missing just a simple thing in all of this.

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    < description > Yahoo! Weather for Palm Springs, CA < / description >

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    txt1. Text = text1;

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    < yweather:forecast day = 'My' date = ' Sep 28 2009 "low ="74"high ="103"text ="Sunny"code ="32"/ >".

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    How do I analyze this information in a dyamic text fields?

    Or if not, where, in the literature contact adobe how this is done?



    Try this code:

    var xmlname:XML = new XML();

    xmlname.ignoreWhite = true;

    XMLName.Load ("sample.xml");

    xmlname.onLoad = function (success: Boolean) {}

    xNode = xmlname.firstChild var;

    var tday = xNode.childNodes [0].attributes.day;

    adate = xNode.childNodes var [0].attributes.date;

    trace (tDate);


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    < image label 'design' = / >

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    < /bd >

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    Hey its done.

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    But I also want to get the attributes of a tag:

    But I don't know how to get the 'CA' and 'California' attributes with my current code.  Can anyone help?  Here is the code I use to parse the XML code:

    void CMController::requestFinished(QNetworkReply* reply) {
        if (reply->error() == QNetworkReply::NoError) {
            QXmlStreamReader xml;
            QByteArray data = reply->readAll();
            QString zip;
            QString id;
            QString location;
            while (!xml.atEnd() && !xml.hasError()) {
                /* Read next element.*/
                QXmlStreamReader::TokenType token = xml.readNext();
                /* If token is just StartDocument, we'll go to next.*/
                if (token == QXmlStreamReader::StartDocument) {
                /* If token is StartElement, we'll see if we can read it.*/
                if (token == QXmlStreamReader::StartElement) {
                    if (xml.name() == "zip") {
                        zip = xml.readElementText();
                    if (xml.name() == "id") {
                    if (xml.name() == "location") {
            emit succeeded(result);
        } else {
            emit failed();

    Thank you!

    I found a working example:

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        QXmlStreamAttributes attrib = xml.attributes();
        QStringRef ref = attrib.value("location");
        qDebug() << "location: " << ref;
  • Replace the current XML node with another node in XML fragments


    Please help, trying to replace an XML node with other fragments XML using XML DB, updateXML/deleteXML functions don't receive the desired result, on the front of the image below, this is what I have, and the transom is the replacement with new values XML fragment, I expect to see, there is a list of records from the XML that I need to open and do the replacement of the < broker-retail > according to the number of records to be inserted.

    Before the photo:

    < Broker-benefits-link >

    < hpp-rule > 0 < / hpp-rule >

    LISP < in.-CVCA-benefits-type > < / po-CVCA-benefits-type >

    < commit / >

    <broker-retail >

    < broker-entity-not > 1000947836 < / broker-entity-not >

    < broker-pct > 100 < / broker-pct >

    Y < principal > < / main >

    < / broker-retail >

    < / Broker-benefits-link >

    After photo (expected result):

    < Broker-benefits-link >

    < hpp-rule > 0 < / hpp-rule >

    LISP < in.-CVCA-benefits-type > < / po-CVCA-benefits-type >

    < commit / >

    <broker-retail >

    < broker-entity-not > 65656524 < / broker-entity-not >

    < broker-pct > 25 < / broker-pct >

    N < principal > < / main >

    < / broker-retail >

    <broker-retail >

    < broker-entity-not > 122224444 < / broker-entity-not >

    < > 75 broker-pct < / broker-pct >

    Y < principal > < / main >

    < / broker-retail >

    < / Broker-benefits-link >

    Kind regards



    SQL> set long 10000
    SQL> column xmldata_new format a100
    SQL> set linesize 150
    SQL> with t
      2  as
      3  (
      4  select
      5  xmltype('
      6    0
      7    LISP
     10      1000947836
     11      100
     12      Y
     14  ') xmldata from dual
     15  )
     16  select xmlserialize
     17         (
     18             document
     19             insertchildxml
     20             (
     21                deletexml
     22                (
     23                    xmldata
     24                  , '/broker-benefit-link/broker-detail'
     25                )
     26              , '/broker-benefit-link'
     27              , 'broker-detail'
     28              , xmltype
     29                (
     30                '
     32                        65656524
     33                        25
     34                        N
     37                        122224444
     38                        75
     39                        Y
     41                 ').extract('/broker-master/broker-detail')
     42             )
     43             as clob indent size = 2
     44         ) xmldata_new
     45    from t;
  • Best way to Parse XML using Dreamweaver CC 2015.3

    I was on a wild goose chase - trying to figure out how to parse XML using DW CC

    every article I read, says something about XML & XSLT, but it is no longer available in the new CC - I read about using jQuery or php, but have not yet find a resource to learn specifically "using DW CC.

    I'm willing to learn how to parse XML with DW CC but I would get a definitive direction to go before I'm trying to learn something that adobe will put in 'end of life '.

    advice or links to resources that can parse XML DW CC 2015 would be LARGELY APPRECIATED, thank you

    x 126 has written:

    What I'm asking is...

    1. What is the best procedure to insert XML into a page using DW CC 2015 as my editor?
    a. what happened to spry? b. what happened to XSLT?

    As Nancy explained, Spry has been abandoned by Adobe, a few years ago.

    XSLT server behavior has been removed at the same time as other server behaviors Dreamweaver CC. The problem with most of the PHP server behaviors was that they were based on code that has been removed from PHP 7. The XSLT server behavior didn't rely on these features, but it was not the most friendly of server behaviors. XSLT is a complex language that is to be avoided when parsing XML unless you really know what you're doing.

    The easiest way to manipulate XML in Dreamweaver should use PHP SimpleXML. I've linked to the samples page in the PHP online documentation. Believe me, it's much easier than trying to do battle with XSLT. If you have a subscription to lynda.com, you can learn more about SimpleXML to my operational with SimpleXMLclass.

  • Find the empty XML node on a table with 15 M lines

    I have a query that runs to always seek to empty xml node.



    OF test_tab

    WHERE ((XMLEXISTS (declare default element namespace "http://oracle.com/»;)))  * / EmployeeNode / text () [not (empty (.))]'


    Are there specific oracle or operator XML text that is more effective to check null values or a specific type of text/xml index that is best suited looking for nulls in the whole of nodes?

    Thank you


    In the meantime, here's a test on a similar scenario.

    It seems that the structured XMLIndex gives the best response time. The obvious drawback is that she is very specific and cannot be used to solve other queries.

    SQL > drop table test_tab is serving;

    Deleted table.

    SQL > create table test_tab like

    2. select id, cast (level as number)

    3, xmlparse (document

    4'http://xmlns.example.org ">"

    5         || -case when mod (level 5) = 0 then end level

    6         || '' correct

    (7) doc

    8 double

    9 connect by level<= 100000="">

    Table created.

    SQL > set timing on

    SQL > define pages 100

    SQL > set lines 200

    SQL > set autotrace on explain

    SQL >

    SQL > exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats (user, 'TEST_TAB');

    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    Elapsed time: 00:00:00.92

    SQL > select count (*)

    2 of test_tab

    3 where (xmlexists)

    4 ' declare default element namespace "http://xmlns.example.org"; / root/item/Text () '

    5 passage doc

    6  ) ;

    COUNT (*)



    Elapsed time: 00:00:09.09

    Execution plan


    Hash value of plan: 2371188561


    | ID | Operation | Name | Lines | Bytes | Cost (% CPU). Time |


    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT |          |     1.   125.   271 (1) | 00:00:04 |

    |   1.  GLOBAL TRI |          |     1.   125.            |          |

    |*  2 |   FILTER |          |       |       |            |          |

    |   3.    TABLE ACCESS FULL | TEST_TAB |   100K |    11 M |   269 (1) | 00:00:04 |

    |   4.    XPATH EVALUATION.          |       |       |            |          |


    Information of predicates (identified by the operation identity card):


    2 filter (EXISTS (SELECT 0 FROM))

    XPATHTABLE ('/ oraxq_defpfx:root / oraxq_defpfx:Item / Text () ' PASSING: B1)

    PATH OF XMLTYPE COLUMNS ' C_00$ ' '.')  "P"))

    SQL >

    With the index structured:

    SQL >

    SQL > create index test_tab_sxi on test_tab (doc)

    2 indextype is xdb.xmlindex

    () 3 parameters

    4Q ' {XMLTABLE test_tab_xt

    5 XMLNAMESPACES (default 'http://xmlns.example.org'),

    6 ' / root/item / text () '

    {7 item_value PATH VARCHAR2 COLUMNS (30) '.'} "

    8  ) ;

    The index is created.

    Elapsed time: 00:00:10.13

    SQL >

    SQL > exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats (user, 'TEST_TAB');

    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    Elapsed time: 00:00:01.69

    SQL >

    SQL > select count (*)

    2 of test_tab

    3 where (xmlexists)

    4 ' declare default element namespace "http://xmlns.example.org"; / root/item/Text () '

    5 passage doc

    6  ) ;

    COUNT (*)



    Elapsed time: 00:00:00.18

    Execution plan


    Hash value of plan: 3461631238


    | ID | Operation | Name | Lines | Bytes | Cost (% CPU). Time |


    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT |             |     1.    28.   290 (1) | 00:00:04 |

    |   1.  GLOBAL TRI |             |     1.    28.            |          |

    |*  2 |   HASH JOIN RIGHT SEMI |             | 22015 |   601K |   290 (1) | 00:00:04 |

    |*  3 |    TABLE ACCESS FULL | TEST_TAB_XT | 22015 |   343K |    20 (0) | 00:00:01 |

    |   4.    TABLE ACCESS FULL | TEST_TAB |   100K |  1171K |   269 (1) | 00:00:04 |


    Information of predicates (identified by the operation identity card):


    2 - access ("TEST_TAB". ROWID = "SYS_SXI_0." ("' RID ')

    3 - filter("SYS_SXI_0".") ITEM_VALUE' IS NOT NULL)

    With an index not structured:

    SQL > drop index test_tab_sxi;

    The index is deleted.

    Elapsed time: 00:00:00.11

    SQL >

    SQL >

    SQL > create index test_tab_uxi on test_tab (doc)

    2 indextype is xdb.xmlindex

    3 parameters ("PATH of TABLE test_tab_pt

    4 PATHS (INCLUDE (/ root/point))

    (5 MAPPING of namespace (xmlns = "http://xmlns.example.org"))');

    The index is created.

    Elapsed time: 00:01:20.99

    SQL >

    SQL > exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats (user, 'TEST_TAB');

    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

    Elapsed time: 00:00:06.56

    SQL >

    SQL > select count (*)

    2 of test_tab

    3 where (xmlexists)

    4 ' declare default element namespace "http://xmlns.example.org"; / root/item/Text () '

    5 passage doc

    6  ) ;

    COUNT (*)



    Elapsed time: 00:00:00.45

    Execution plan


    Hash value of plan: 2464052102


    | ID | Operation | Name | Lines | Bytes | TempSpc | Cost (% CPU). Time |


    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT |             |     1.    42.       |   773 (1) | 00:00:10 |

    |   1.  GLOBAL TRI |             |     1.    42.       |            |          |

    |*  2 |   HASH JOIN RIGHT SEMI |             |  6547 |   268K |  2176K |   773 (1) | 00:00:10 |

    |*  3 |    TABLE ACCESS FULL | TEST_TAB_PT | 53020 |  1553K |       |   283 (2) | 00:00:04 |

    |   4.    TABLE ACCESS FULL | TEST_TAB |   100K |  1171K |       |   269 (1) | 00:00:04 |


    Information of predicates (identified by the operation identity card):


    2 - access ("TEST_TAB". ROWID = "SYS_P0." ("' RID ')

    3 - filter("SYS_P0".") PATHID "= HEXTORAW ('061D') AND"

    SYS_XMLI_LOC_ISTEXT ("SYS_P0". "LOCATOR", "SYS_P0" "." " PATHID') = 1)

    (tested on

  • Alteration of the content of an XML node in java

    Hi all

    I change the contents of an XML node using java, using the method of setTextContent() a node.

    Sometimes I also add child nodes of a node. In this case, when I add the child nodes of a given node, when I print the xml data, I see the added nodes.

    for example:

    Initial XML:

    < a > < / a >
    < b > < / b >
    < c > < / c >

    For my project requirement, based on certain conditions, I do 'a' 'b', 'c' as children nodes nodes. I reached this output.

    The problem is


    < a > < b > < / b > < c > < / c > < / a >

    I get the nodes children in the same line as above. But the power required should be as below.


    < a >
    < b > < / b >
    < c > < / c >
    < /a >

    I also used the Doc.normalize () function. But still, it helps strength.

    Kindly help me in this regard.

    Thank you
    Sabarisri. N


    You can try to transform the result as below:

    Transformer transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance () .newTransformer ();
    transformer.setOutputProperty (OutputKeys.INDENT, 'yes');

    initialize the StreamResult with the object of the file to save to file
    StreamResult result = new StreamResult (new StringWriter());

    DOMSource source = new DOMSource (doc); Here, the doc is you XML document.
    transform. Transform (source, result);

    String xmlString = result.getWriter (m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ());
    System.out.println (xmlString);

    Thank you best regards &,.
    Nilesh Sahni (www.infocepts.com)

    Published by: Nilesh on August 30, 2011 12:31

  • Date in format XML nodes

    I work with XML in AS3. I'm loading in an xml with dates in a format such as:


    I am to convert those to the actual Date of Flash in order to compare them and use the methods of the class Date, etc. I prefer convert once and then store them in the XML node, they came.

    Is it possible to store complex values such as date or what you have in an XML?

    Yes, or more directly using:

    var ms:int=date.getTime();

    var newDate:Date = new Date (ms);

  • No idea how to loop and add the value to the attribute of the xml node?

    I work on a lot of flattening of project using a watched folder.

    I have a process parent to locate the directory and call a sub-process to flatten PDF files.

    I want to write the directory failed to XML.

    If there are several directory failed locations and if I want to add it to the node, he doesn't let me do.

    If I set the Xpath location like/process_data/outputXML/flattenDirectoryRequestMessage/failureFileLocation[x]/@path it gives me invalid character exception. I use 'x' for looping and incrementing.

    If I do not use the [x]. The directory is overwritten.

    No idea how loop and add all the directories failed to attribute of the xml node?

    I understand that you can not browse the xml code to assign the value at each node. Rather you can assign only one time to the node.

    I realized that it is not possible to do it this way. Then concatenate it as strings, and then attach to the xml once.

  • How to set the value of the xml node.


    I have the PDF application can be entered by the user using the key. When sending

    I use following code to set the value of the xml node.

    XFA. Data.assignnode ("Employee.ID", "123", 0):

    If its generators of xml as below.

    < employee >.

    < id > 123 / < ID >.

    < / name >

    < / employee >

    Now, I need to generate xml as below.

    < employee id = '123' >

    < / name >

    < / employee >

    So, how together create the id of node as above?

    Thanks in advance.

    Kind regards


    Hi Dhiyane,

    You must set contains the property if the node id to "metadata", i.e.;

    xfa.data.assignNode ("employee.id", "123", 0);
    XFA. Data.Employee.ID.Contains = 'metadata ';

    Very awkward, if you have a number of them, in which case you might want to look at using E4X.

    Good luck


  • Remove xml nodes

    Hello, you know how to remove an example of XML node with a button?

    Is there a way to delete a node?

    Having a blank node is not enough? Note that when you delete something in the DOM that a reinstall the data and the model will be automatically... .This caused me grief in the past (if you get additional data from an external source).

    The command is:

    xfa.datasets.Data.Form1.Page1.Nodes.Remove (remove xfaObject);

    so usually the expression is like this:

    xfa.datasets.Data.Form1.Page1.Nodes.Remove (xfa.resolveNode ("xfa.datasets.data.form1.page1. billingMailAddr'));

    Assuming that you want to remove the nodes billingMailAddr.


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    My friend in the Philippines insists that I should be able to read these discs. But my PC or my player Blu - Ray will recognize them. Is there something I can do to be able to read them?

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    Suddenly, I have a new and very serious problem with hearing Every time I save my work and charge it again, any set of parameters to Center balance. It takes me two hours of work each time to implement, but they are reset again as soon as I