Popup screen problems

I've tried using the search tool and google my whole day, but I can't seem to find the answer to these two problems.

1. I'm positioning my pop-up screen in the middle of the screen. But as you can see in the image below it is nowhere near the Center.

2. I'm trying to focus my two buttons in the middle of the popup screen with a verticalfieldmanager, but somehow it is fondant a position according to the width, I don't know what.

Here is the code:

private final static int _Width = 200;private final static int _Height = 200;private final static int _X = (Display.getWidth() - _Width) >> 1;private final static int _Y = (Display.getHeight() - _Height) >> 1;public class NetworkSettingScreen extends PopupScreen{

public NetworkSettingScreen(){   super( new VerticalFieldManager());   LabelField lf = new LabelField("Network Settings", DrawStyle.HCENTER);    SeparatorField sf = new SeparatorField();         CheckboxField cbf1 = new CheckboxField(" WiFi", true);    CheckboxField cbf2 = new CheckboxField(" GPRS/Edge/3G", true);

  VerticalFieldManager vfm = new VerticalFieldManager(HorizontalFieldManager.FIELD_HCENTER);    ButtonField bf1 = new ButtonField("Save", DrawStyle.HCENTER); ButtonField bf2 = new ButtonField("Cancel", DrawStyle.HCENTER);   vfm.add(bf1); vfm.add(bf2);

  //add UI components to Pop-up screen  add(lf);  add(sf);  add(cbf1);    add(cbf2);    add(vfm);}

public void sublayout(int width, int height){   super.sublayout(width, height);   setExtent(_Width, _Height);           setPosition(_X, _Y);}}//end of class


any help would be appreciated

Hey chengbang69,

I modified your code to obtain the expected results,

final class NetworkSettingScreen extends PopupScreen
    private final static int _Width = 200;
    private final static int _Height = 200;
    private final static int _X = (Display.getWidth() - _Width) >> 1;
    private final static int _Y = (Display.getHeight() - _Height) >> 1;

public NetworkSettingScreen()
    super( new VerticalFieldManager());
    LabelField lf = new LabelField("Network Settings", LabelField.FIELD_HCENTER);
    SeparatorField sf = new SeparatorField();
    CheckboxField cbf1 = new CheckboxField(" WiFi", true);
    CheckboxField cbf2 = new CheckboxField(" GPRS/Edge/3G", true);

    VerticalFieldManager vfm = new VerticalFieldManager(VerticalFieldManager.FIELD_HCENTER);
    ButtonField bf1 = new ButtonField("Save", ButtonField.FIELD_HCENTER);
    ButtonField bf2 = new ButtonField("Cancel", ButtonField.FIELD_HCENTER);

    //add UI components to Pop-up screen
public int getPreferredWidth() {
    return _Width;
public int getPreferredHeight() {
    return _Height;

public void sublayout(int width, int height)
    super.sublayout(getPreferredWidth(), Integer.MAX_VALUE);
    setExtent(getPreferredWidth(), getPreferredHeight());
    setPosition(_X, _Y);
}//end of class

The reason why you need to replace getPreferredHeight() and getPreferredWidth() is due to all subcalls and sublayouts which actually occur when you call super.sublayout. It will then use the 'default' screen page or getPreferredWidth/height.

Just a friendly recommendation, adjusting the size of a screen to a static value is effective only if you also check the size of the font, currently if the user has a font above average size, a part of the text will not be seen, so, technically, the most effective way is to have the JAVA virtual machine to manage the resizing/flaking itself This can be done by simply using the same code that I posted above, however remove the substitution on sublayout, the width will be slightly larger that you set but at least you won't encounter unknowns.

Hope this helps,



Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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                  return endPoint.getText();
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               if (startingPoint != null) {
                   return startingPoint.getText();
               return null;
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    Add the statement as startingPoint.setText (startingPoint.getText ()) and endPoint.setText (endPoint.getText ()) after creating the instance of starting point and the end point.  I think that this will solve your problem.


    Press the button so resolute Bravo

  • Information update screen problem

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    I'm having a problem with the network function.

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    Calling method:
        public int makeCallLoop()
            boolean running=true;
            int statusCode;
            int result = this.SUCCESS;
            StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("Making call");
            while (running)
                connThread = new ConnectionThread();
                connThread.post(Globals.blaster_url, "action_type=" + Globals.ACT_TYPE_BLASTER_CALL_STATUS + "&" +
                        "uid=" + uid + "&sessionid=" + sessionId + "&list="+getStatusData());
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                    try {
                        //Status.show( sb.append(".").toString() );
                    } catch (Throwable e) {
                        connThread.stop();//Dk 090708
                        System.out.println("----------------makeCallLoop(), connThread Sleep exception: " + e);
                        Status.show( "Please try again." );
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                    JSONParser jparser = new JSONParser();
                    statusCode = jparser.parseBlasterGetStatus(Globals.receivedContent);
                    uid = jparser.uid;
                    sessionId = jparser.sessionId;
                    if (statusCode == 0)
                        running = false;
                        result = this.SUCCESS;
                        search_no = jparser.search_result;
                        //Status.show("We got some answers for you." + "- www.heycosmo.com -");
        //Display Blaster call status
        private void BlasterCallStatus()
            VerticalFieldManager manager = new VerticalFieldManager(VERTICAL_SCROLL| VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR |
                protected void sublayout(int width, int height)
                    setExtent(Display.getWidth()-20, Display.getHeight()-25);
            VerticalFieldManager headerMgr = new VerticalFieldManager();
            _popupMenu = new PopupScreen(manager, DEFAULT_CLOSE|PopupScreen.VERTICAL_SCROLL)
            {            // popup screen methods are here     };
            LabelField nullLabel0 = new LabelField(" ", LabelField.NON_FOCUSABLE)
            BitmapField liveCallStat = new BitmapField(BlasterMain.middle_off, BitmapField.FOCUSABLE|BitmapField.FIELD_VCENTER)
                public void onUnfocus(){
            protected void paint(Graphics g)
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                JSONParser jparser = new JSONParser();
                int status = jparser.parseBlasterGetStatus(Globals.receivedContent);
                search_no = jparser.search_result;
                Enumeration keys = jparser.rowObj.keys();
                //iterate through each key and get the respective value
                phoneInfo = new String [jparser.row.size()];
                    String key = keys.nextElement().toString();
                try {
                phoneInfo[cnt]= jparser.rowObj.getString(key);
                } catch (JSONException e) {
        Status.show("You received wrong data format, please try again.");
                        subStr = Utils.split(phoneInfo[cnt], "|");
                        phone = subStr[1];
                    .....                list[cnt] = new LabelField (subStr[0], LabelField.FOCUSABLE|
                        public void paint(Graphics g) {
                            XYRect xy = g.getClippingRect();
                            if(xy.y < 0)
                                throw new IllegalStateException("Clipping rectangle is wrong.");
                            String [] subStr;
                            //String phone = ;
                            int startLine=1;
                            g.drawText(this.getText(), 0, 0);//Name
                            g.drawText(phone, 2, 13);//Phone number
                            g.drawBitmap(Display.getWidth()-20-optionImg.getWidth(), 0, optionImg.getWidth(), optionImg.getHeight(), optionImg, 0,0);
                                Display.getWidth()-20-optionImg.getWidth()+ (optionImg.getWidth()-f.getAdvance(callStatus))/2,

    To begin with, if this loop is running several times, that you should not show a bunch of pop-up screens every second.  Each shortcut screen creates its own thread, which can cause you problems.

    What is - TooManyThreadsError
    Article number: DB-00474


    Note that IO connections must be made in its own thread.

    Support - Application stops responding when you open a connection
    Article number: DB-00159


    If your application runs in the background, see this link:

    How - to alert a user to a background application
    Article number: DB-00407


    If she runs first plan, check out this link:

    How - to upgrade a screen on the main event Thread
    Article number: DB-00136


  • How to make a Popup screen

    I really need help. I can't find anything specifically about this in the forum. I am very new and everything on the forum talking about things that I don't even understand yet; As the resolution of problems.

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    Hi coilfyzx,

    To create your own popupscreen, you must extend the PopupScreen class to your class. And you must provide a handler delegate to this extended class to manage presentations.

    public class popupScreen extends PopupScreen implements FieldChangeListener {
          private ButtonField mOKButton,mCancelButton;
              super(new VerticalFieldManager(NO_VERTICAL_SCROLL | USE_ALL_HEIGHT), PopupScreen.DEFAULT_CLOSE);
    //here verticalfieldmanager is the delegate manager
           HorizontalFieldManager hfm = new HorizontalFieldManager(FIELD_HCENTER);
            mOKButton = new ButtonField("OK", ButtonField.CONSUME_CLICK);
            mOKButton.setChangeListener(this);//this is to listen for button click event
            mCancelButton = new ButtonField("Cancel", ButtonField.CONSUME_CLICK);
    // now you can add your buttons here.
    /*FieldChangeListener is for button click event in the popupscreen. For this you should implement the method fieldChanged because FieldChangeListener is an interface */
    public void fieldChanged(Field field, int context) {
            if (mOKButton == field) {
                //do whatever you want
            else if (mCancelButton == field) {
    //this is for back button on device, when click pop this popupscreen
    protected boolean keyChar(char key, int status, int time) {
            if (Keypad.KEY_ESCAPE == key) {
                return true;
            } else
                return super.keyChar(key, status, time);

    Sorry I forgot to add hfm their.

    push this screen like below

    popupScreen _popupScreen = new popupScreen();
    UiApplication.getUiApplication () .pushModalScreen (_popupScreen);

    Thank you & best regards


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    Help, please!

    Thank you..

    Thnx for your help...

    My problem is solved...

    I was doing loads of operations under oaint method...

    Thank you very much...

  • How popup screen description on html?


    After document. Write(), the application is stopped.


    How popup screen description on html?

    You know that the following code is incorrect or other issues?


    Display content on the screen.

    Minmum coding: (three methods are good to try, but fail)


    function help() {}
    var myWindow = window.open (", 'Help', 'width = 600, height = 200');

    ...........stop here..........................

    To start

    myWindow.focus ();

    popup var = window.open (", 'Help', 'width = 600, height = 200');

    ...........stop here..........................
    var doc = popup.document;

    doc. Write(")

    To start

    Method 3
    function help (id) {}

    var content = document.getElementById (id) .innerHTML;

    var generator = window.open (", 'name', 'height = 600, width = 200');

    ...........stop here..........................
    Generator.document.Write (')Popup');

    Generator.document.Write (')');

    Generator.document.Write (')

    This page


    Generator.document.writeln (content);

    Generator.document.Write (')');

    Generator.document.Close ();


    If you know how to solve the problem, please let us know your suggestion or solution.

    Fight with the Playbook.

    Never (never never) use document.write. It can cause much more harm and confusion than good.

    If you want to display a dialog box that is customized with the text inside, the simplest is to use jQuery Mobile:


    Otherwise, you can create your own by using a

    element with some custom CSS, like this


    this is my description


    .dialog {
       max-width: 30em;
       border: solid 0.25em black;
       background-color: #ddd;
       padding: 1em;
       display: inline;
       position: relative;
       left: 10em;
       top: 3em;
  • IPhone screen problems 5

    I have an iphone 5 with screen problems.  When the phone turns first of all, I can't drag the screen to enter my security code.  The screen is blank.  It will take several times before it stand for a long time, just enter the code.  I also have problems with the original key.  I downloaded the virtual home key, and I'm sure now.  However, when the screen is blank, I use the key home, which does not always, to get it back again.  It's very frustrating.  I'm 1.8 GB for use available, my capacity is 12.5 GB so I don't think that's all. I use the cloud for storage of photos, etc.

    Hello. Try resetting your device. This will not erase your data stored on that device.

    • Press and hold the sleep/wake button
    • Press and hold the Home button
    • Press and hold both buttons until the display turns off and on again with the Apple logo on the subject.

    Alternatively, you can go to settings - general - reset - Reset all settings

    If that doesn't work, restore your device to factory settings. Please note that this will delete the data on your device.

    Take a look this Apple Support article: use iTunes to restore the iPhone, iPad or iPod to factory settings - Apple Support.

    As a final step, try recovery mode. Turn off your unit, then plug it to your computer with the hold home button. Hold down Home button until you see the logo of iTunes on the screen of your device. After that on your computer, you should see the iTunes window saying that your device needs to be restored to factory settings. Click Restore.

    More info here:


    If these steps do not work, contact Apple and ask for help.


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    I thing is interesting for any owner of Qosmio to look at this:



    My Qosmio G30 is already dead, I got an estimate from the official service, to repair my qosmio costs nearly 600 pounds. Is a design flaw. Go on the internet.

    Interesting links! Thank you.
    I have to say then I must be lucky. My Qosmio G30 (German model) works well and without any problems

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    It's a bit worrying!
    Does anyone else have this problem? So far, it seems to happen when I turn it on. Usually, I have to turn it off and reboot to get it back and then it works very well.
    Thank you
    Nancy :)


    to the old series, it may be that the FL inverter is broken or damaged the tupe of backlight. In both cases, you can see the screen but without backlight!

    To differi if it is a hard - or software error, you should start the laptop and ESC immediately to enter the BIOS. Then the machine must be running half an hour in the BIOS. When the rupture occurred it is quite sure that some hardware is broken. Otherwise, it is a software based and a restore with recovery CD Toshiba should solve the problem!

    Goodbye, TOK

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    Later, I noticed the screen problem. Can someone help me please on this issue?

    Can you please reduce the OS to an earlier time using System Restore tool and check if this problem has disappeared?

  • Satellite A210 PSAFGC - Bios Update to get rid of the white screen problem

    I also have the white screen problem and I would like to update my bios to version 1.30, it came with.
    The problem I have is that I have a number of room A210 model PSAFGC.
    Support bulletin 98082422 for the update of the Bios does not have my room exactly number and I can not find something for my model.
    The 2 updates are at 1.70 and 1.90. I read the text of these two, and they seem quite different.
    Don't know what to do. Here is the info of the bulletin.


    Update the BIOS of the computer to resolve this problem, by clicking on the link in the following list for your computer model.

    -Satellite A210 / A215, Ref. PSAFGU: BIOS version 1.70
    -Satellite A210 / A215, Ref. PSAEGU and PSAELU: BIOS version 1.90
    -Satellite Pro A210 / A215, Ref. PSAFHU: BIOS version 1.70
    -Satellite P200D / P205D, Ref. PSPBLU and PSPBQU: BIOS version 1.40

    REF. of the computer it is printed on a label on the underside of the case.

    Any help?


    The Satellite * A210 PSAFGC * series seems to be a Toshiba * Canadian * series and I would recommend checking the Canadian driver Toshiba page if you want to download the compatible BIOS for your laptop.

    Here is the link to the page:

    Best regards

  • Blue and black screen problem

    I have the blue and black screen problem. I want to format my C drive, but he said no, that you can not format this drive. I know that I have Virus problem also and I want to format anyway. Please help me.

    Thank you


    ·         What operating system do you use?

    ·         You get the error message?

    ·         You are able to boot to the desktop?

    Method 1:

    I also suggest you to download and run the latest Microsoft Scanner on your computer and check to see if it helps:


    Note: the data files that are infected must be cleaned only by removing the file completely, which means there is a risk of data loss.



    Method 2:


    Why my screen is black when I start Windows 7?




    Method 3:

    Resolve stop (blue screen) error in Windows 7


  • TouchSmart IQ506 touch screen problem

    Our company has recently obtained a TouchSmart IQ506 with Windows Vista 64 bit and everything works fine. We did a cool, been reformatting in the network and ran all the updates and others. As you may, or may not, know, the IQ506 isn't a VGA port to install a second monitor or to connect to a projector, so that to use the TouchSmart mirroring an image to the projector, we bought 2.0 of StarTech USB to VGA Display Adapter. I installed the drivers and got work and mirroring the image properly, however, now I'm having a problem with the touch screen.

    The touch screen responds when I touch it, but that the pointer is emptied all the way to the right. Mouse follows my pen up and down with me, but it does not come to the left. It's as if the screen is only read the coordinates there where I touch, and coordinates x are blocked all the way to the right.

    The touchscreen was working perfectly fine until I installed the graphics card driver and software for the VGA display adapter to work. The keyboard and the mouse works fine, everything is perfect except for this touch screen problem. I'm 99% sure it's a software problem, and I wanted to know if there is a known issue, or if anyone else has had this kind of problem. I guess this is the software for the VGA graphics card and I was wondering if this is the case, what I can do for the TouchSmart can support a second screen bypassing screen touch, or any other, problems of alternatives.

    Sorry in advance if there is already a topic on this issue, I went thorugh the forums and can't find anything about it.

    RasterBlaster thanks for your comment.

    I wanted to try something before your steps and I seemed to have solved the problem.

    The problem is that the nvidia card driver was not cooperating with startech to the VGA graphic card driver. I uninstalled the nvidia card driver and all this work and am now able to see on both screens.

    I know I'm going to miss some qualities of video, but from now on, everything works and I think it's what is best. I will try to reinstall the graphics driver, but right now, the problem is resolved. Thank you.

  • Windows 7 blue screen problems

    Windows 7 blue screen problems is so frustrating. The blue screen of death or BSOD because it is often called. I need help...


    Check this thread for more information using BlueScreenView, MyEventViewer and other methods
    to troubleshoot the BlueScreens - top 3 responses (+ 1 other).


    We can analyze the minidumps if make you it available to the SkyDrive or another file
    sharing sites.

    ZIP or download the content of the C:\Windows\minidump

    Use SkyDrive to upload collected files


    Also this, so you can see the probable bluescreens.

    Windows Vista restarts automatically if your computer encounters an error that requires him to plant.
    (also Windows 7)


    Check out these utilities to see if information may be collected:

    It is an excellent tool for displaying the blue screen error information

    -Free - BlueScreenView scans all your minidump files created during 'blue screen of death '.
    hangs and displays information about all accidents of a table.


    MyEventViewer can be verified at the time of the blue screen (BSOD) within a second or
    so time of the BSOD for more information on the possible cause - see TIP.

    MyEventViewer - free - a simple alternative in the standard Windows Event Viewer.
    TIP - Options - Advanced filter allows you to see a period of time instead of the whole of the record-
    Set it for a bit before and after the time of the BSOD.


    AppCrashView - free - a small utility for Windows Vista and Windows 7 which shows the
    Details of all application crashes occurred in your system. The information of the plant are extracted
    the .wer files created by the Windows Error Reporting (WER) of exploitation component
    system each time that an accident has occurred. AppCrashView also allows you to easily record the
    list of accidents to the text/html/csv/xml file.

    I hope this helps.

    Rob Brown - Microsoft MVP<- profile="" -="" windows="" expert="" -="" consumer="" :="" bicycle="" -="" mark="" twain="" said="" it="">

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    Vertical line on screen

    Shimmering badly centered graphics

    Have changed the LCD twice

    Changed the inverter and video cable

    Latest BIOS. Memory OK

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    Where should I go from here?


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