Specifications of time contradictory of NAT9914

It seems to be conflicting information between the 2 documents the details of diagram of timing for processor-to-9914 communication for a parallel interface (reading and writing). I would like to know which of the 2 documents has the correct information to be used for correct communication for the NAT9914. 2 documents are:

IEEE 488.2 controller chip, 372013 B-01, Sep06

Application Note 110, design of a device GPIB using the NAT9914, 341398 A-0, January 1998

Thank you


I'm looking for in this gap.  Right now, I would recommend looking at the specification NAT9914 IEEE 488.2 controller chip as your reference, given that the application note is older and has been removed from our Web site.

I'll post here when I confirmed the specifications of good timing.

Tags: NI Hardware

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  • Mail for specific days of the user and specific and time

    Hello Experts,

    I use the program below to email each daily hour. This was intended for one person.

    Now I have to change my program to accommodate more than one person, and also, I should be able to send emails to people on time and different days. What is the best approach to
    x_val               long;
    x_cumm_val          long;
    x_title             long;
    x_cumm_title        long;
    x_footer            long;
    x_column_header     long;
    x_column_line       long;
    x_row_header        long;
    x_row_line          long;
    x_cumm_row_line     long;
    x_total_header      long;
    x_total_line        long;
    x_row               long;
    x_cumm_row          long;
    l_rec_time          varchar2(25);
    l_order_id          number;
    l_amt               number;
    l_cumm_amt          number;
    l_instant_cumm_amt  number;
    l_instant_game_id   number :=-1;
    l_instant_col_val   number :=2;
    l_instant_cumm_val  number :=0;--keep cummalative amt for instant
    l_product           varchar2(25);
    no_chance           exception;
    x_cnt               number :=0;
    l_date              date := trunc(sysdate);
    x_to                long ;
    c_cc                 long := '[email protected]';
    x_recipient          long := '[email protected]';
    x_exec_recipien      long := '[email protected]';
    x_gamma_recipient long := '[email protected]';
    CURSOR c_get_values IS
    select nvl(sum(act_amt),0)
    from hourly_sales
    where  trunc(sys_date) =l_date
    and nvl(confirmed,'!') = 'Y' 
    and to_char(to_date(rec_time,'HH24:MI'),'HH24:MI') = to_char(to_date(l_rec_time,'HH24:MI'),'HH24:MI')
    and order_id =l_order_id;
    CURSOR c_get_Instant_val IS
    select nvl(sum(act_amt),0)
    from hourly_sales
    where  trunc(sys_date) =l_date
    and nvl(confirmed,'!') = 'Y' 
    and to_char(to_date(rec_time,'HH24:MI'),'HH24:MI') = to_char(to_date(l_rec_time,'HH24:MI'),'HH24:MI')
    and product='INSTANT';
    CURSOR c_get_user IS
    select email_address
    from apex_user
    where user_name =p_person
    and default_schema ='LOTTO_BI';
         x_title := '<html><head> '
                    ||'<h3 align="left"><u><font color="#000080"> Hourly Sales for '||to_char(l_date,'FMMonth DD, YYYY')
      x_cumm_title := '<html><head> '
                    ||'<h3 align="left"><u><font color="#000080"> Cumulative Hourly Sales for '||to_char(l_date,'FMMonth DD, YYYY')
      x_column_header :=  '<table border="1" bordercolor="#000000" style="background-color:#ffffd2" width="400" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3"> '
                           ||'<TR>  <TD>    </TD> ';
       x_footer := '<p>This Email is autogenerated. For any inquiry please '||
                        ' Email on <a '||
                        'href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>.</p>'||
                        '<p> </p>'||
                        '<p> </p></body></html>';
        if p_person is not null then
            OPEN C_GET_USER;
            FETCH C_GET_USER INTO x_to;
              x_val := 'No email address defined for '||p_person;
              raise no_chance;
            END IF;
            CLOSE C_GET_USER;
            x_cc := null;--do n0t copy operations when testing mail  
          if ltrim(rtrim(to_char(SYSDATE,'DAY'))) in('FRIDAY','SATURDAY') then     
           x_to := x_recipient||' , '||x_exec_recipient;
            if ltrim(rtrim(to_char(SYSDATE,'DAY'))) = 'SATURDAY' then
                x_to := x_to||' , '||x_gamma_recipient;
            end if;     
           x_to := x_recipient;
          end if;      
        end if;                 
       for c1 in( select game_id,product product_id,b.display_name product,b.ordering
                  from hourly_sales a,
                       games b
                  where a.game_id =b.id
                  and b.active = 'Y'                  --<< Addition of condtion for active games only
                  and trunc(a.sys_date) =l_date
                  and nvl(a.confirmed,'!') = 'Y' 
                  group by a.game_id,a.product,b.display_name,b.ordering
                  select -1,'INSTANT','Instant',l_instant_col_val
                  from dual
                  order by 4
                        if c1.product is null then
                           x_val := 'Invalid or Unrecognized Product retrieved from database';
                           raise no_chance;                       
                        end if;
                        x_column_line := x_column_line|| '<TH> ' ||c1.product||' </TH>';
                        x_cnt := x_cnt +1;
                        update hourly_sales
                        set order_id  = x_cnt
                        where  trunc(sys_date) =l_date
                        and nvl(confirmed,'!') = 'Y'
                        and game_id =c1.game_id
                        and product =c1.product_id;
                    end loop;--c1
                    x_column_line := x_column_line||' </TR>';
                    if x_cnt =0 then
                        x_val := 'No Hourly sales data to send for '||to_char(l_date,'FMMonth DD, YYYY');
                        raise no_chance;
                   end if;
                    for c2 in(select rec_time
                                 from rec_time
                                 group by rec_time
                                 order by 1
                                    l_rec_time := c2.rec_time;
                                    x_row_header := ' <TR> <TH>'||c2.rec_time||'</TH> ';
                                            for i in 1..x_cnt
                                                l_order_id := i;
                                                l_cumm_amt := null;--reset of cummulatice amt for each game
                                               if l_order_id = l_instant_col_val then --INSTANT Total Sales
                                                  OPEN c_get_Instant_val;
                                                  FETCH c_get_Instant_val INTO l_amt;
                                                  l_instant_cumm_val := l_instant_cumm_val + l_amt;
                                                  IF c_get_Instant_val%NOTFOUND THEN
                                                    x_row_line := x_row_line||' <TD><p align="center"> - </p></TD> ';
                                                    l_cumm_amt := 0;
                                                    x_row_line := x_row_line||' <TD><p align="center">'||to_char(l_amt,'999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999')||'</p></TD> ';
                                                   /* Assume @ this stage that if previous record <>0 for instant sales column
                                                      next record should have value else no hourly sales yet input.
                                                    if l_amt = 0 then
                                                     l_cumm_amt := 0 ;
                                                     l_cumm_amt := l_instant_cumm_val;
                                                    end if;
                                                  END IF;
                                                  CLOSE c_get_Instant_val;
                                                OPEN c_get_values;
                                                FETCH c_get_values INTO l_amt;
                                                IF c_get_values%NOTFOUND THEN
                                                   x_row_line := x_row_line||' <TD><p align="center"> - </p></TD> ';
                                                   l_cumm_amt := 0;
                                                  x_row_line := x_row_line||' <TD><p align="center">'||to_char(l_amt,'999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999')||'</p></TD> ';
                                                 if l_amt <> 0 then  
                                                   --save values into temp table for cummulative
                                                  insert into cumm_hourly_sales
                                                   select (sum(amt))
                                                   into l_cumm_amt
                                                   from cumm_hourly_sales
                                                   where game_id = l_order_id;
                                                    l_cumm_amt := 0;
                                                 end if;
                                                END IF;
                                                CLOSE c_get_values;
                                                end if;
                                                   x_cumm_row_line := x_cumm_row_line||' <TD><p align="center">'||to_char(l_cumm_amt,'999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999')||'</p></TD> ';
                                            end loop;
                                       x_row := x_row||x_row_header||x_row_line;    
                                       x_cumm_row := x_cumm_row||x_row_header||x_cumm_row_line;    
                                       --reinitialise variables
                                       x_row_header := null;
                                       x_row_line := null;
                                       x_cumm_row_line := null;
                                 end loop;--c2
                                  x_total_header := ' <TR> <TH> Total </TH> ';
                                 --Total count
                                 for c3 in( select order_id,sum(act_amt)amt
                                            from hourly_sales
                                            where  trunc(sys_date) =l_date
                                            and nvl(confirmed,'!') = 'Y' 
                                            group by order_id
                                            union all
                                            select 2,sum(act_amt)amt--Total for Instant Sales (value 2 should be ok since order 2 do not exist on table) 
                                            from hourly_sales
                                            where  trunc(sys_date) =l_date
                                            and nvl(confirmed,'!') = 'Y'
                                            and product ='INSTANT' 
                                            group by 2
                                            order by order_id)
                                             x_total_line := x_total_line||' <TD><p align="center"><strong><em>'||to_char(c3.amt,'999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999.99')
                                                                   ||'</em></strong></p></TD> ';
                                            end loop;
                                                 x_row := x_row||x_total_header||x_total_line;                
                                                 x_val  :=  x_title||x_column_header||x_column_line||x_row||' </TABLE> '||x_footer;
                                                 x_cumm_val :=x_cumm_title||x_column_header||x_column_line||x_cumm_row||' </TABLE> '||x_footer;
        apex_send_mail(  l_from => '[email protected]',
                                    l_to => x_to,
                                    l_body => x_val ,
                                    l_subject => 'Hourly Sales for '||to_char(l_date,'FMMonth DD, YYYY'),
                                    l_cc => x_cc
        apex_send_mail(  l_from => '[email protected]',
                                    l_to =>  x_to,
                                    l_body => x_cumm_val ,
                                    l_subject => 'Cumulative Hourly Sales for '||to_char(l_date,'FMMonth DD, YYYY'),
                                    l_cc => x_cc
    when no_chance then 
    --send mail
    IF c_get_values%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE c_get_values;END IF;
    IF c_get_user%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE c_get_user;END IF;
    apex_send_mail(  l_from => '[email protected]',
                               l_to =>'[email protected]',
                               l_body => x_val ,
                               l_subject => 'Hourly Sales for '||to_char(l_date,'FMMonth DD, YYYY'),
                               l_cc => '[email protected]'
    when others then
     --send mail
     IF c_get_values%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE c_get_values;END IF;
     IF c_get_user%ISOPEN THEN CLOSE c_get_user;END IF;
     x_val :='Unexpected Error '||sqlerrm;
    apex_send_mail(  l_from => '[email protected]',
                               l_to =>'[email protected]',
                               l_body => x_val ,
                               l_subject => 'Hourly Sales for '||sysdate,
                               l_cc => '[email protected]'

    Hey Kevin,

    If I understand your condition, you could do this with two tables:
    something like this:

    Table 1: Recipients_lookup
    DAY          RECIPIENTS
    MONDAY          [email protected],[email protected],[email protected]
    TUESDAY          [email protected],[email protected],[email protected]
    WEDNESDAY     [email protected],[email protected],[email protected]
    THURSDAY     [email protected],[email protected],[email protected]
    FRIDAY          [email protected],[email protected],[email protected]
    SATURDAY     [email protected],[email protected],[email protected]
    SUNDAY          [email protected],[email protected],[email protected]

    First, you must select the recipients in table 1 to help 'day' of sysdate. store in a global variable for that particular day.

    Insert date time records in table 2, something like this:

    Table 2: date_time_lookup
    DATE          TIME          SENT_FLAG
    30-Apr-10     10:00 AM     Y
    30-Apr-10     11:00 AM     Y
    30-Apr-10     12:00 PM     Y
    30-Apr-10     1:00 PM
    30-Apr-10     2:00 PM
    30-Apr-10     3:00 PM
    30-Apr-10     4:00 PM

    Once done, make your program (to generate/send by email) to run for the first hour of the day.
    Use dbms_lock.sleep (3600) to sleep for 1 hour then call your procedure again
    to do this, until you reach some "end time" (7 PM or so consider you want it to be sent only during working hours...) for the day, after which, your code still needs to wait until the next day.

    Tip: just go through this link on dbms_lock.sleep and use accordingly:

    * This is based on my initial understanding of your condition. Could be too long :)


  • I need a desktop gadget that reminds me to do things on specific at times days.

    I need a gadget that flashes a window on the screen every Wednesday at 22:00 telling me to get out the garbage.

    Some are free, others are not...

    -Mike Hall MVP Windows: consumer http://msmvps.com/blogs/mikehall/ Mike Hall MVP - Windows Desktop Experience http://msmvps.com/blogs/mikehall/

  • Count down to a specific time (not midnight)

    Hello all;

    I quickly do a countdown to a Web site that account down to a specific date & time (not midnight). I need like may 4, 2011, at 09:10.

    I used a tutorial to create a timer that counts down to midnight, but necessary change to the countdown at a time accurate as midnight.

    Here's the code. Can someone help me change the code below. Thank you.


    var today: Date = new Date();
    Those of var = today.getFullYear ();
    currentTime var = today.getTime ();

    var targetDate:Date = new Date (currentYear, 1, 12);
    var Date_cible = targetDate.getTime ();
    If (Date_cible < = 0) {}
    gotoAndStop (3);

    var Date_cible = timeLeft - currentTime;
    var s = Math.floor (timeLeft/1000);
    var min = Math.floor (sec/60);
    var h = Math.floor (minutes/60);
    var days = Math.floor (hrs/24);
    sec = String (s % 60);
    If (sec.length < 2) {}
    s = '0' + seconds;
    min = String (min % 60);
    If (min.length < 2) {}
    min = "0" + min;
    h = String (24 hrs %);
    If (hrs.length < 2) {}
    h = "0" + hrs;
    days = String (days);
    var counter: String = days + ":" + h + ":" + min + ":" + seconds;
    time_txt. Text = counter;

    I have not watched the rest of the code, but if you say it works, then all you really need to do is to settle the arguments of Date_cible.

    The constructor for a Date object is...

    Date (year, month, date, hour, minutes, seconds, milliseconds)
    So just fill out the data you need instead of what you have...
    var targetDate:Date = new Date (year, month, date, hour, minute, seconds, milliseconds);
  • Is there a community Apple Time Machine or Family Tree Maker software by ancestry.com.au?

    I can't find the answer to my posted question, either right now or a few years ago, when I last tried.  Maybe I'm posting in the wrong community.

    My question is as above, because I can not restore a deleted of the software said using Time Machine.

    I could never do all the time when the software was originally installed on my old mac, and I can't do it after the transfer of all my system from the old to the new mac.  However, my new mac now tells me that it can't open the application, although it is on my Dock and works perfectly with some other trees it contains; He asks me to migrate.  He may not need migration because it works!  Any ideas?

    These forums are only on Apple Software and Hardware, so it will not be a forum for any form of third-party software.

    I don't see anything specific to Time Machine, but this Web site provides much useful information about Time Machine:


    Can you explain exactly what you have restored?

    In addition, please explain how the application runs, but doesn't? I'm confused by your statement that it runs from the dock with other trees, but does not otherwise.

    In relation to this, you have restored an older version of the App, hoping that your old trees were stored in the app itself? If so, this isn't how everything works. Apps for does not store data in the application. They have separate data storage areas and that's what should be restored.

  • Time Machine can't see the 2nd Logical Volume

    I have a RN104, there 4x3TB disks in there, configured in 2xRAID 1 volumes.

    The 2nd Volume has recently added so that I can activate and use Time Machine for backups of my Mac.

    That's the problem, when I start to set up Time Machine, it cannot see the remaining space in the 1st volume, I can't find a way to set up Time Machine to see or use the available space of the volume, I have installed specifically for Time Machine backups.

    All the thoughts/views/answers?

    Kind regards


    Hello Thresherinc,

    The /data/home/USER/.timemachine is where Time Machine stores data, this folder is always the default value / 1 volume of the NAS and can never be moved.

    Kind regards

  • Up to THAT TIME in RMAN clause

    DB version: 11.2

    Quick question on up to THAT TIME in RMAN clause. The following command removes archivelogs over 2 days or archivelogs generated between now (Sydate) and the last 2 days?

    delete noprompt archivelog until ' SYSDATE-2';


    It will remove more than archiving logs sysdate-2 days.

    UNTIL_TIME specifies a time as a limit superior, noninclusive



  • I can't LR5.0 to change the Capture time

    When I try to set a specific capture time, it behaves exactly like LR4.x but nothing CHANGES after hitting 'change '.   Anyone else have this problem?

    Edit Capture Time.png

    The top left of the screen progress bar appears briefly as if changes are made, but when go back to change, again, the capture time remains unchanged.

    PROBLEM SOLVED.   After being frustrated with more attempts, I left LR5 and then restarted, it.   After having done that, I saw NO other problems and am able to change the date/time of capture as expected.   (Maybe my hardware is bad driving... will have to look.)

  • How to set the time of Capture from 05:30 to 05:45 hours?


    Is it possible to set the time of Capture from 05:30 to 05:45 hours? These are Indian and Nepali zones. Change the Time\Shift of Capture by a defined number of hours (time zone setting) only allows adjustment in hours and not fractions of hours.

    It will be great to have this one adds new versions of Lightroom as 05:30 and 05:45 are, as well as other more exotic combinations, valid time zones.

    Kind regards


    Ian said, you can do so by using the option adjust Time Zone, but you CAN do it if you select all the images you want to adjust in the grid, make sure that the first of the series is the 'selected', then use the FIRST topic option 'Edit Capture time'... basically, you make the setting for the first image using a specific date/time then all the rest are adjusted by the same amount as the first.

  • Items changes time to time GMT - why?

    When I develop a photo (from raw) and save as jpg or PSD, the time is converted to GMT.   I sure don't want that to happen.  How can I disable it?

    Thank you


    Management zones with photos is a disorder of the industry. If you really want to know all the details:

    EXIF 2.2 metadata standard (following almost all cameras) does not allow for time zones to save, and it specifies that time there recorded in photos interpreted as local time.  So if you take a photo in a part of the world and then move this image to another part of the world, there are all kinds of ambiguity as to when the photo was taken.  (Pretty amazing that the industry would make such an elementary error in the 1990s).

    Some cameras record the time zone in the EXIF field, which extends from the standard, but this extension is not widely accepted by the programs.

    There is a standard, newer XMP metadata, which is gradually being adopted by the industry of software (including Adobe, Apple and Microsoft).  XMP requires time to register unambiguously with a time zone.  Unfortunately, I don't know any camera manufacturers who have adopted XMP.

    So if you are in the city of New York (EAST) and the clock of your camera is set at 10:53, when you take a picture, this time is going to get counted in the pic 10:53 (with no time zone).  If you then import this pic in your PSE in San Francisco, CA (PST), PSE will interpret that as the time local (PST), which is like 10:53 PST or 18:53 UTC (GMT).  PSE then recorded without ambiguity as 18:53 UTC in its catalog.  PSE will convert this time in hour local (e.g. 10:53 PST) whenever he shows it to a user.   She will also write 18:53 UTC in the XMP metadata.   Finally, Windows Vista and Windows 7 will show you the time XMP if it exists (the time unambiguously), otherwise it shows you the time EXIF (local time).

    I think that it is reasonable behavior share of PSE and Microsoft, given the mess with the industry standards.  But to add to the confusion, the PSE has bugs, and it is not always follow these rules.  Sometimes he rewrites the time in EXIF to a peak UTC rather than local time (for example, when you spend time in a batch of photos using edit > set the Date and time); Adobe has recognized this bug for a long time but did not set.

  • Place scripts in specific frames


    I use Flex Builder 2 to create classes, leaving my file FLA Sub scripts.

    I want to express a MovieClip class so that my new class sending an event specific every time it reaches the last frame.

    I could do it by using an ENTER_FRAME listener who would launch a function call to see if the current frame is actually the last of them, but I don't want to do this and drop the offset into the throat of my users. I would prefer instead manually add "endSequence()" to all sequences of animation using Flash... I really don't want to do as it would be very inconvenient updated.

    Is it possible to programmatically add a script to an image, so I can't use Flash to add pieces of script to the last frame of each of my concerned clips?

    Thanks in advance,

    Maybe MovieClip.addFrameScript might work for you.


  • How to pass a message to update failed

    For some time, Firefox was unable to update in the background and gave messages to update failed (specific) every time the updates came. I solved this by downloading the full installation file and do a manual update.

    This time, I also had a message that failed (apparently incorrect) update, after a manual update, then again after a reboot, then again after an uninstall and reinstall, even if the troubleshooting information page shows that I am under v22.0 (see details below).

    It sounds like an obscure registry problem, but if the message is correct, how to fix it. If this is not the case, turn off?

    The browser is Firefox v22 (updated to v21) and I am running Windows 7 Professional.

    Some Firefox problems can be solved by performing a clean reinstall. This means that you remove Firefox program files, and then reinstall Firefox. Please follow these steps:

    Note: You can print these steps or consult them in another browser.

    1. Download the latest version of Firefox from http://www.mozilla.org office and save the installer to your computer.
    2. Once the download is complete, close all Firefox Windows (click on quit in the file menu or Firefox).
    3. Remove the Firefox installation folder, which is located in one of these locations, by default:
      • Windows:

        • C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox
        • C:\Program Files (x 86) \Mozilla Firefox
      • Mac: Delete Firefox in the Applications folder.
      • Linux: If you have installed Firefox with the distribution-based package manager, you must use the same way to uninstall: see Install Firefox on Linux. If you have downloaded and installed the binary package from the Firefox download page, simply remove the folder firefox in your home directory.
    4. Now, go ahead and reinstall Firefox:
      1. Double-click on the downloaded Setup file and go through the steps in the installation wizard.
      2. Once the wizard is completed, click to open Firefox directly after clicking the Finish button.

    Please report back to see if this helped you!

  • How can I change the date of the creation of a document?

    I am interested to change manually the date of creating a document. When to use the traditional format of:

    Touch-t 03052130

    I get the error:

    Touch-t 03052130/primary/Screen\ Shot\ 2016-02-25\ at\ 11.41.39\ AM.jpg

    touch: out of range or illegal specification of time: [[CC] YY] MMDDhhmm [.] SS]

    Using the example of a date and an hour, what is the appropriate format to make the change?  It would be useful that the answer was an example I could copy and paste in the Terminal.

    NA not leave a space between the time and the file

    T touch primary/03052130/Screen\ Shot\ 2016-02-25\ at\ 11.41.39\ AM.jpg

    However, unless your screenshot is located in a folder directly inside your hard drive and it is named Primary, then that won't work. In this case, we cannot give you a cut and paste the examples because we do not know where your file is located.

  • Centralization of data - MacBook Air, iPhone 3, PC and laptop

    I have a MacBook Air (250 GB), PC (500 GB + 2 to), portable and 3 iPhones to deal with. My music, movies and family photos/videos are all spread on all devices.  I like my MacBook, but it was a gift from my wife and she got just the 250 GB model. Trying to consolidate and backup so I don't lose anything, especially the family photos/videos.  I thought to do what follows, but don't really know too much about all this. Don't really understand the difference between a backup of file straight and a Time Machine backup. Very open to suggestions, but I don't want any paid Cloud (DropBox, disk, etc.) because of the long-term costs of storing large amounts of data.  I probably ~ 1 TB of data (and growing).  I don't plan on getting to 2 TB in the next 2 years.  The terminology can be switched off, I'm not an expert, so apologies in advance.

    1 stop the PC and laptops, making it the only computer MacBook that we will use.  The only reason why I use the laptop and PC now is that SOME media and docs are on them.

    2. move all the media on all computers to a drive QNAP TS-231 with 2 x 2 TB NAS and use RAID 1 to keep all backed up in case of a disk failure.  Finally I should probably spend 2 x 4 tb, but for now I don't have that much space I don't think.

    3. move all non-media from the PC and laptop to the MacBook (I guess it's less than 10 GB of documents) and backup with Time Machine on the NAS.  Is it better to segment ~ 200 GB on the NAS drives specifically for Time Machine?

    4. take the 2 TB drive access the computer and buy a cheap kit to an external drive.  Wipe once that everything is on the NAS.  A few times a year (perhaps monthly), copy the NAS drive to the external drive and keep this disc in our safe, so all my stuff is not sitting inside a box.

    Are there holes in this plan? Do you have any suggestions?  I'd appreciate very much any help that you could give me.

    Thank you

    I don't have the expertise to comment on most of your plan, but one thing you may want to consider is point 4. Many so-called fireproof safes are not rated for computer media (or have a very limited side) or for the (flood) water damage.

  • Why can I not make a continuous sampling of port 0 on USB 6216?

    I have a USB-6216 of NOR. I try to capture digital signals using port 0. However, the only way that I can function is samples on request. If I select N samples or continuous sampling, I get the following in the DAQ SignalExpress Wizard error message both Labview 2011. What I'm not doing correctly?

    Error-200077 occurred to the DAQ Assistant

    Possible reasons:

    Requested value is not supported for this property value. The value of the property may be invalid because it is in conflict with another property.

    Property: SampTimingType
    Requested value: sample clock
    You can select: on request

    The 6216 not having a sample for the e/s digital clock as you can see from reading the specification, every time you try to use one, you will get this error message. Thus, in LabVIEW, whenever you want to do a reading, you must call a single value DAQmx Read mode single sample (or the DAQ Assistant, configured the same way). How many samples per second you take is going to be highly variable due to windows being nondeterministic.

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