Position of the cursor in number of field using firefox


I have a problem; When you click a field (in firefox), the cursor will initially and you cannot click anywhere else in the population field unless you use the arrow keys.

This does not happen with safari, chrome or opera.

This problem appeared suddenly even on pages that worked very well (and have separate css codes).

This is one of the scripts pages where there are fields in question. (not sure if its something that I did as I said before, all the pages worked very well that do not link to the same css stylesheet).

<? php require_once('Connections/drama_database.php');? >

<? PHP

If (! function_exists ("GetSQLValueString")) {}

function GetSQLValueString ($theValue, $theType, $theDefinedValue = "", $theNotDefinedValue = "")


If (via PHP_VERSION < 6) {}

$theValue = get_magic_quotes_gpc()? stripslashes ($TheValue): $theValue;


$theValue = function_exists ("mysql_real_escape_string")? mysql_real_escape_string ($TheValue): mysql_escape_string ($theValue);

Switch ($theType) {}

case 'text ':

$theValue = ($theValue! = "")? « " ». $theValue. "" "": "NULL";


case "long":

case "int":

$theValue = ($theValue! = "")? intval ($TheValue): 'NULL ';


case "double":

$theValue = ($theValue! = "")? doubleVal ($TheValue): 'NULL ';


case "date":

$theValue = ($theValue! = "")? « " ». $theValue. "" "": "NULL";


case "set":

$theValue = ($theValue! = "")? $theDefinedValue: $theNotDefinedValue;



Return $theValue;



$editFormAction = $_SERVER ['PHP_SELF'];

If (isset {}

$editFormAction. = « ? ». htmlentities($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);


If ((isset($_POST["MM_update"])) & & ($_POST ["MM_update"] == "profile_update")) {}

$updateSQL = sprintf ("set a DAY to users SET username = %s, password = %s, firstname = %s, lastname = %s, email = %s, userlevel = WHERE id = %s %s",

GetSQLValueString ($_POST ['username_field'], "text").

GetSQLValueString ($_POST ['password_field'], "text").

GetSQLValueString ($_POST ['firstname_field'], "text").

GetSQLValueString ($_POST ['lastname_field'], "text").

GetSQLValueString ($_POST ['email_field'], "text").

GetSQLValueString ($_POST ['userlevel_field'], "int").

GetSQLValueString ($_POST ['id'], "int"));

@mysql_select_db ($database_drama_database, $drama_database);

$Result1 = mysql_query ($updateSQL, $drama_database) or die (mysql_error ());

$updateGoTo = "admin_user_management.php";

If (isset {}

$updateGoTo. = (strpos ($updateGoTo, '?'))? « & » : « ? » ;

$updateGoTo. = $_SERVER ['QUERY_STRING'];


header (sprintf ("location: %s", $updateGoTo));


$colname_userprofile = "-1";

If (isset($_GET['id'])) {}

$colname_userprofile = $_GET ['id'];


@mysql_select_db ($database_drama_database, $drama_database);

$query_userprofile = sprintf ("" SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = %s ", GetSQLValueString ($colname_userprofile,"int")");

$userprofile = mysql_query ($query_userprofile, $drama_database) or die (mysql_error ());

$row_userprofile = mysql_fetch_assoc ($userprofile);

$totalRows_userprofile = mysql_num_rows ($userprofile);

If (! isset {})



? >

<! doctype html >

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< link href = "SpryAssets/SpryValidationSelect.css" rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" > "

< script src = "SpryAssets/SpryValidationSelect.js" type = "text/javascript" > < / script > "

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< title > updated the user < /title > profile

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/ * Transitions * /.

-webkit-transition: none! important;

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-o - transition: none! important;

transition: none! important;



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padding-top: 10px;

padding-bottom: 10px;

padding-right: 50px;

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Width: 270px;

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background-image: url(images/icons/key162.png);

background-repeat: no-repeat;

background-position: left albums 5px 6px;

cursor: pointer;



Width: 100%;

background-color: #406c8a;

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-o - transition: all 0. 2s ease component software snap-in;

-ms-transition: all 0. 2s ease component software snap-in;

transition: all 0. 2s ease component software snap-in;

cursor: pointer;



background-color: #1c2d39;

color: white;

-webkit-transition: all 0. 2s ease component software snap-in;

-moz-transition: all 0. 2s ease component software snap-in;

-o - transition: all 0. 2s ease component software snap-in;

-ms-transition: all 0. 2s ease component software snap-in;

transition: all 0. 2s ease component software snap-in;


{.update_button: active}

background-color: white;

color: #1c2d39;

-webkit-transition: all 0s facilitated;

-moz-transition: all 0s facilitated;

-o - transition: all 0s facilitated;

-ms-transition: all 0s facilitated;

transition: all 0s facilitated;


/ * ToolTip * /.


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a.ToolTips duration: after {}

content: ";

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a:hover.ToolTips span {}

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opacity: 0.9;

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margin left: 15px;

z index: 999;


: - webkit - entry-placeholder {color: #666 ;}}

: - moz - placeholder {color: #666 ;} / * firefox 19 + * /}

: - ms - entry-placeholder {color: #666 ;} / * ie * /}

entry: - moz - placeholder {color: #666 ;}}


float: left;

position: absolute;

display: inline-block;

padding-top: 5px;

padding-left: 5px;


< / style >

< link href = "stylesheets/main_stylesheet.css" rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" > "

< link href = "stylesheets/header_stylesheet.css" rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" > "

< link href = "SpryAssets/SpryValidationTextField.css" rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" > "

< link href = "SpryAssets/SpryValidationPassword.css" rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" > "

< script src = "SpryAssets/SpryValidationTextField.js" type = "text/javascript" > < / script > "

< script src = "SpryAssets/SpryValidationPassword.js" type = "text/javascript" > < / script > "

< / head >

< body >

< div class = "header_gap" >

< div class = "header" >

<? PHP include ("_header.php");? >

< / div >

< / div >

< div class = "Heading1" >

User profile update < / div >

< do action = "<?" PHP echo $editFormAction;? ">" name = "profile_update" method = "POST" class = "form_area" >

< div class = "form_field" > < span id = "sprytextfield1" >

< label for = "username_field" > < / label >

< a class = "tooltips" href = "#" >

< Entry autofocus = "autofocus" type = "text" name = "username_field" id = "username_field" class = "username_field" placeholder = "Username" = value "<?" PHP echo $row_userprofile ['username'];? > "> < span > username </span > < /a >."

< span class = "textfieldRequiredMsg" > please enter a user name </span > < / span >

< / div >

< div class = "form_field" > < span id = "sprypassword1" >

< label for = "password_field" > < / label >

< a class = "tooltips" href = "#" >

< input type = "password" name = "password_field" id = "password_field" class = "password_field" placeholder = "Password" value = "<?" PHP echo $row_userprofile ["password"];? > "> < span > password </span > < /a >"

< span class = "passwordRequiredMsg" > please enter a password for </span > < span class = "passwordInvalidStrengthMsg" > must contain a capital letter and a number of 4 to 20 characters long </span > < span class = "passwordMinCharsMsg" > must be 4 to 20 characters long </span > < span class = "passwordMaxCharsMsg" > must be 4 to 20 characters long </span > < / span >

< / div >

< div class = "form_field" >

< span id = "sprytextfield3" >

< label for = "firstname_field" > < / label >

< a class = "tooltips" href = "#" >

< input type = "text" name = "firstname_field" id = "firstname_field" class = "firstname_field" placeholder = "First name" value = "<?" PHP echo $row_userprofile ['firstname'];? > "> < span > name </span > < /a >"

< span class = "textfieldRequiredMsg" > please enter your first name </span > < / span >

< / div >

< div class = "form_field" >

< span id = "sprytextfield4" >

< label for = "lastname_field" > < / label >

< a class = "tooltips" href = "#" >

< input type = "text" name = "lastname_field" id = "lastname_field" class = "lastname_field" placeholder = "Last Name" = value "<?" PHP echo $row_userprofile ["lastname"];? > "> < span > name </span > < /a >"

< span class = "textfieldRequiredMsg" > please enter your family name </span > < / span >

< / div >

< div class = "form_field" >

< span id = "sprytextfield5" >

< label for = "email_field" > < / label >

< a class = "tooltips" href = "#" >

< input type = "text" name = "email_field" id = "email_field" class = "email_field" placeholder = "Email" value = "<?" PHP echo $row_userprofile ['email'];? > "> < span > e-mail </span > < /a >"

< span class = "textfieldRequiredMsg" > please enter your email </span > < span class = "textfieldInvalidFormatMsg" > please enter a valid e-mail </span > < / span >

< / div >

< div class = "form_fielddw" >

< span id = "spryselect1" >

< label for = "userlevel_field" > < / label >

< select name = "userlevel_field" id = "userlevel_field" class = "userlevel_dwfield" >

< option value = "-1" > - < / option >

< option value = "0" > user < / option >

< option value = "1" > moderator < / option >

< option value = "2" > Admin < / option >

"< / select > < div class ="dwfield_icon"> < a class ="tooltips"href =" # "> < img src="images/icons/1424209630__dropdown.png "width ="20"height ="20"> < span > drop </span > < /a > < / div >

< span class = "selectInvalidMsg" > please select the access level of the user </span > < span class = "selectRequiredMsg" > please select the access level of the user </span > < / span >

< / div >

< / div >

< div class = "info_field" > ID: <? PHP echo $row_userprofile ['id'];? > < br >

Date of Reg: <? PHP echo $row_userprofile ['regdate'];? > < br >

< / div >

< name of the button = "login" type = 'submit' class = "update_button" > update profile < / button >

< input name = "id" type = "hidden" id = 'hiddenField' value = "<?" PHP echo $row_userprofile ['id'];? > ">"

< input type = "hidden" name = "MM_update" value = "profile_update" >

< / make >

< script type = "text/javascript" >

var sprytextfield1 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField ("sprytextfield1", "none", {validateOn:["blur"]});})

var sprytextfield3 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField ("sprytextfield3", "none", {validateOn:["blur"]});})

var sprytextfield4 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField ("sprytextfield4", "none", {validateOn:["blur"]});})

var sprytextfield5 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationTextField ("sprytextfield5", "email", {validateOn:["blur"]});})

var sprypassword1 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationPassword ("sprypassword1", {validateOn: ["blur"], minUpperAlphaChars:1, minNumbers:1, minChars:4, maxChars:20});})

var spryselect1 = new Spry.Widget.ValidationSelect ("spryselect1", {invalidValue: "-1"});

< /script >

< / body >

< / html >

<? PHP

mysql_free_result ($UserProfile);

? >

Thank you!

So I found the problem:

After testing and narrowing of the question, I found that the href = "#" in each entry form was the problem. I only am not sure as to why, but removing the tag href as the problem has been resolved.

Tags: Dreamweaver

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    Whenever a text is added to the report, the program should put part of the text index. The problem I am facing with is to set the cursor position in the current location of the text.

    Any suggestions?

    I think that's what you wanted (see attachment).

    First, you must set position for each loop, so after adding the table, your cursor index need to increase the number of added characters. That's why I have included the text of the report, Append - to get the position of the cursor at the end.

    Indexing begins with 0, so you need to set the 3 and 7.

    Hope you get what I mean

  • Position of the cursor Set for TextInput

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    I tried these, but they do not seem to be valid methods for TextInput (I wasn't expecting to work because they are not in the documentation, but worth the try):

    mytxtInput.setSelection(mytxtInput.text.length, mytxtInput.text.length);


    mytxtInput.selectRange(mytxtInput.text.length, mytxtInput.text.length)

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Thank you to all members of this forum for everything that they great posts! They have really helped answer many of my questions.


    you have the right idea, but instead to apply the method setSelection on your TextInput object, you must apply to the internal textField property reference to the textfield inside.

    Here is a code example of an old NET that selects all of the text into a TextInput object:

    package{   import flash.display.Sprite;  import flash.display.StageAlign;  import flash.display.StageScaleMode;  import flash.events.FocusEvent;   import flash.events.MouseEvent;
      import qnx.ui.buttons.LabelButton;    import qnx.ui.text.TextInput;
      [SWF(width="1024",height="600",backgroundColor="#CCCCCC",frameRate="30")] public class TextInputTest extends Sprite {
           private var myInput:TextInput;
          public function TextInputTest()       {         super();
              // support autoOrients            stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;            stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
              myInput = new TextInput();            myInput.setSize(300,50);
              var newBtn:LabelButton = new LabelButton();           newBtn.label = "Click Me";            newBtn.setPosition(325, 0);
              newBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, selectMyText);
          }     private function selectMyText(e:MouseEvent):void      {         stage.focus = myInput;            myInput.textField.setSelection(0, myInput.textField.length);      } }}

    This line is where it does the trick:

    myInput.textField.setSelection(0, myInput.textField.length);

    the first parameter is the selection of the starting points and the last parameter is how much it should be chosen.

    Here is the link to the thread that the code comes for more details:


    hope that helps. Good luck!

  • Problem to find the Position of the cursor by using Java Script for an input TextField


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    The following code of java script to achieve. The same functionality works fine if I run in a simple html page. But when it is used the same javascript inside the jsff does not the position of the cursor.
    var adfComponent = AdfPage.PAGE.findComponentByAbsoluteId("r1:1:it3");
    var adfComponentClientId = adfComponent.getClientId();
    var div = document.getElementById(adfComponentClientId + '::content');
    var docSelectionRange = document.selection.createRange();
    docSelectionRange.moveStart ('character', -div.value.length);
    var iCaretPos = docSelectionRange.text.length;
    alert("iCaretPos --> "+iCaretPos);  ---> This statement always returning '0'. Instead, i want the cursor position inside the text box.
    Please let me know what I'm missing.

    For your reference, sending the sample page html that works fine with the same kind of code.
     <body style="font-family: tahoma; font-size: 8pt;">
      <script language="JavaScript">
       **  Returns the caret (cursor) position of the specified text field.
       **  Return value range is 0-oField.length.
       function doGetCaretPosition (oField) {
         var iCaretPos = 0;
         if (document.selection) { 
           // Set focus on the element
           oField.focus ();
           // To get cursor position, get empty selection range
           var oSel = document.selection.createRange ();
           // Move selection start to 0 position
           oSel.moveStart ('character', -oField.value.length);
           // The caret position is selection length
           iCaretPos = oSel.text.length;
         // Firefox support
         else if (oField.selectionStart || oField.selectionStart == '0')
           iCaretPos = oField.selectionStart;
         // Return results
         return (iCaretPos);
      <form name="blah">
       Text Field: <input type="text" name="nameEdit" value="">
       <input type="button" value="Get Caret" onClick="document.getElementById('where').value=doGetCaretPosition (document.forms[0].elements[0]);">
    <input id="where">
    Thank you and best regards,
    Kiran kristelle

    Published by: Kiran kristelle on February 6, 2012 12:00

    ... had the chance to look at the source code of the sample. ADF Faces renders text as HTMLTextArea fields when the value of the rows property. The JavaScript code used in the example of client works differently for FF and IE if the input is a text box. This could be a problem in IE or just used JavaScript code. The rows back to a single line (remove) property makes the text as HTML input feldworking with the JavaScript for IE and FF.


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    I'm working on a project for my college class with a large amount of data acquisition. Unfortunately, the part of the assignment asks to do entirely in the console rather than through a User Interface.

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    Thanks again!


    CVI 8.5

    These functions are part of the windows kernel. simply #include . If you get a link error, these functions should be in 'kernel32.lib' comes with LabWindows/CVI: Add kernel32.lib to the project and everything should be good (search folder x:\Program NIUninstaller Instruments\ to locate, its complete location depends on the version of the CVI you use).

    of course, this means that you must install the Windows SDK: it is an option in the installer of LabWindows/CVI. (you can also download the Windows SDK from the microsoft Web site, but you would be better with one that comes with CVI).

    a short guide on the documentation for the Windows SDK: each function is documented in a single page on every page of documentation for function, there is always a short summary at the end of the page telling you how to use the function: which header file you include, what library file, you must link with and on what version of Windows , the function is supported. Unfortunately, until the CVI 8.5.1 (I don't know for the CVI 9.0), the documentation for the SDK does not include the table of contents, which prevents to find something useful, unless you know what you are looking for the function.

  • How to add text to the position of the cursor in HTMLEditor in JavaFX

    I know how to add new button to HTMLEditor and I want all of my action button to paste text at the current position of the cursor.

    //HTMLEditor html;
    //String IMAGE_URL = "http://...";
    Node node = html.lookup(".top-toolbar");
    if (node instanceof ToolBar) {
    ToolBar bar = (ToolBar) node;
    ImageView graphic = new ImageView(new Image(IMAGE_URL, 32, 32, true, true));
    Button myButton = new Button("", graphic);
    .setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
    public void handle(ActionEvent arg0) {
    //needs code

    Use the webkit API, so this isn't something you want to use in production since there is no guarantee that JavaFX will use webkit in the future. Really, the HTMLEditor should have an API editor that makes all of this transparent.

    You will need to import javafx.scene.web.WebView, com.sun.javafx.webkit.Accessor, and com.sun.webkit.WebPage;

                myButton.setOnAction(new EventHandler() {
                    public void handle(ActionEvent arg0) {
                        WebView webView = (WebView)htmlEditor.lookup("WebView");
                        WebPage webPage = Accessor.getPageFor(webView.getEngine());
                        webPage.executeCommand("insertText", " World Cup Soccer ");
  • How can I enable the display of the position of the cursor?

    I just noticed that my cursor position does not appear when I work in illustrator.  I looked through all the settings and tried to find information on the web but experiencing problems.  I use CS5.5.

    Thanks for your help.


    Shown in what way?

    The cursor position is displayed in the Info Panel (window > info)

    Or if you show up on some guides (view > SmartGuides) you'll see things like positions of anchor or distances when establishing, but this isn't really the position of the cursor more precisely.

  • Flex TextInput to get the current position of the cursor

    TextInput component in how to get the current position of the cursor? Because I want to record a loss of focus on the location of TextInput dynamically add text.

    Here:RichEditableText is a part of the skin of the class spark TextInput and is what is doing all the text in the editing/rendering of work. If you need to make all text advanced operations, they need to go through the property here. Because it is a part of the skin, you need to make sure that is not null before doing anything on this subject.

    Fixed typo: it is the property here is, not textInput

  • Select the text of the position of the cursor at the end of the story

    Hi scripters

    I want to cut, copy and paste text from the position of the cursor at the end of the story in a new block of text?

    How can I do this?

    Thanks in advance


    a you are the

    Hi Arul,

    Here's an example for you. You can change the position and size of the text box according to your requirement.

    If (app.selection [0].constructor.name! = "PointInsertion")




    MyPage var = app.selection [0] .parentTextFrames [0] .parent;

    App.Select (app.selection [0].parentStory.insertionPoints.itemByRange (app.selection [0] .index, app.selection [0].parentStory.characters [-1] .index))

    App.Cut ();

    var FO = mypage.textFrames.add ({geometricBounds: [0,0,100,100]})


    App.Paste ();


  • 10.6.8 using.  With Safari I can view the Apple start page.  OK, using Firefox.

    10.6.8 using.  With Safari I can view the Apple start page.  OK, using Firefox.  What happens in the last 24 hours. How can I solve this?

    You can solve it using only not the OS X version 10.6, Apple Safari here on out!

    Over the years, there were no updating security for what be for OS X 10.6.8 Snow Leopard!

    This version of Safari is obsolete and has not been safe to use for many years.

    There is one more, last recommended Mozilla Firefox web browser update complete (worms) 48.0.0 that is always available, and probably will be more safe to use until the end of the year.


    Mozilla is complete, at the end of the present in August, full support for Firefox on OS X 10.6 - 10, 8.


    Guaranteed ONLY (not more new web browser feature) support for an earlier version of th is permanent to Mozilla Firefox, web browser (worms. 45.0.0) through their program of Firefox ESR, (that you CAN download, install and use) which will continue to receive the support of a security update to Firefox until next April 2017 for OS X 10.6-10, 8.

    You can use these versions of the ESR. Ignore the notes support educational/business.



    See SeaMonkey.


    Good luck!

  • How can I eliminate the undesirable bookmarks in the bookmarks on MAC bar, I use firefox 4.0.1 and previous version Ff 3.6, I had to organize the button bookmark on this version I have no

    How can I eliminate the undesirable bookmarks in the bookmarks on MAC bar, I use firefox 4.0.1 and previous version Ff 3.6, I had to organize the button bookmark on this version I have no

    Organize bookmarks is now labeled display all bookmarks.

  • Changing the position of the cursor in a text entry field and remove digital zeros

    Flash8 - AS2

    It's good to be back after all these years and thank you for the people of faithfull as kglad, Ned Murphy, Rothrock and all others who give much of themselves to succeed this forum!

    My problem:

    I have a text entry field that is named in the box of properties like 'numberOfKids '.

    When the program is run, and a DELETE or BACKSPACE is pressed input textfield turns off

    and all the calculations that use the "numberOfKids" shows NaN.

    I got trapped in NaN and indefinite so that a digital 0 appears instead of a white one.

    There are two problems:

    First problem:

    The cursor to the left of zero, so the first number entered by the user is 10 x larger than what they want.  0 becomes 10.

    Question: How can I get the cursor to the right of 0?

    Second problem:

    When I manually move the cursor to the right of 0 and a number of entry, let's say 4, it appears like 04.

    Question 2: How to remove the zero digital in input textfield?

    Thanks for the help.

    Here is the code I use:

    calculateChildWeight = function () {}
    If (isNaN (numberOfKids)) {}
    numberOfKids = 0;
    If ((numberOfKids) == undefined) {}
    numberOfKids = 0;
    If (numberOfKids > = 0 & & numberOfKids < = 137) {}
    numberOfKids = numberOfKids;
    } else {}
    numberOfKids = 0;
    If (isNaN (adjustedChildWeight)) {}
    adjustedChildWeight = 0;
    If ((adjustedChildWeight) = undefined) {}
    adjustedChildWeight = 0;
    adjustedChildWeight = Number (numberOfKids *(-100));
    numberOfKids.setSelection (numberOfKids.length, numberOfKids.length);
    If (numberOfKids.length = 2 & & numberOfKids < 10) {}
    remove the first character or no leading zeros
    numberOfKids = numberOfKids;
    // }

    More important answer first: you get two helpfuls and one correct answer per thread. I think that once you give a specific answer a useful, you can't give the same answer. But I don't know.

    First of all, make sure that none of these text fields have a property of vars set.

    Also, you don't need to do it in two steps: revisedValue =-100 * parseInt (numberOfKids.text)

    As you read the value of your textfields of entry by using the text property, you also assign the value of the more dynamic by using the text property. That's what you do, right?

  • Control of digital publishing related to position of the cursor in a field data

    OK, I have some data presented beautifully in a waveformgraph and I added a slider. Then I add digital editing area, the idea being to show the value of the cursor is located at. How do it join.

    If you add a gauge, then you can just specify the gauge as a source in the digital editing area, I see... I can't add the slider of the parcel of waveform in the same way?

    How about a label next to the pointer indicates the current value?

    I'm sure there is an easy answer, but I have little time and would appreciate some tips to make me go fast. Thank you :-)

    Thank you ;-)

  • Change the position of the cursor?

    I just finished creating 3 forms with 60 + text fields each with Acrobat X. To my dismay, I discovered that when you type in the text field, the text in the middle (framed on the left) of the text box to the place from above.

    How can I solve this problem/set the cursor position?

    Thank you!

    You must change the multiline text fields text fields. This is in the text field properties dialog box in the tab options.


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