PowerCLI datastore report


could you please provide me with the script to report data format below store

NameCapacity GBGB provisioned%(Provisined/capacity) capacityUse GBGB free% Free

You can redirect the result of the Select-Object cmdlet to the Export-Csv cmdlet.

Like this


Select Name, CapacityGB, FreeSpaceGB,

@{N = "% free"; E = {'{0:p1}' f ($_.)} FreeSpaceGB / $_. CapacityGB)}}.

@{N = "ProvisionedGB"; E = {'{0:N1}' f ($_.)} CapacityGB - $_. FreeSpaceGB)}}.

@{N = 'Provisioned %'; E = {'{0:p1}' f (($_.))} CapacityGB - $_. FreeSpaceGB) / $_. CapacityGB)}}.

@{N = "use GB"; E = {'{0:N1}' f ($_.)} CapacityGB - $_. FreeSpaceGB + $_. ExtensionData.Summary.Uncommitted/1GB)}}.

@{N = 'in use %";} E = {'{0:p1}' f (($_.))} CapacityGB - $_. FreeSpaceGB + $_. ExtensionData.Summary.Uncommitted/1GB)/$_. CapacityGB)}} |

Export-Csv "D:\Users\rpotluri\datastore.csv" - NoTypeInformation

Tags: VMware

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    Dear Experts,

    I want to automate the monthly performance report (CPU, memory, disk) of the Virtual Machines using PowerCLI or any other script. Basically, I want to do under the tasks mentioned on monthly basis:

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    No problem, with the Group-Object cmdlet we can divide the result by VM.

    $metrics = "cpu.usage.average","mem.usage.average","disk.usage.average"
    $start = (Get-Date).AddDays(-30)
    $folders = Get-Folder -Location (Get-Folder -Name vm -Location Datacenters)
    # $folders = Get-Folder -Name Folder1,Folder2,Folder3
    &{foreach($folder in $folders){
        $vms = Get-VM -Location $folder    if($vms){
          $stats = Get-Stat -Entity $vms -Stat $metrics -Start $start -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue      if($stats){
            $stats | Group-Object -Property {$_.Entity.Name} | %{
              New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                Folder = $folder.Name            VM = $_.Values[0]
                CpuAvg = ($_.Group | where {$_.MetricId -eq "cpu.usage.average"} | Measure-Object -Property Value -Average).Average            MemAvg = ($_.Group | where {$_.MetricId -eq "mem.usage.average"} | Measure-Object -Property Value -Average).Average            DiskAvg = ($_.Group | where {$_.MetricId -eq "disk.usage.average"} | Measure-Object -Property Value -Average).Average          }
      }} | Export-Csv C:\report.csv -NoTypeInformation -UseCulture
  • PowerCli DataStore Audit?


    I was wondering if someone could help me with a script.  I need to perform an audit of our data with capacity warehouses, put into service and available.  I found a code snippet that returns the information I need, but is there a way to indicate these cluster data stores that are assigned to?

    Here is the code I use.

    = @() get-datastore
    | % { 
    $info = "" | select DataCenter, Name, Capacity, Provisioned, Available 
    $info.Datacenter = $_.Datacenter 
    $info.Name = $_.Name 
    $info.Capacity = [math]::Round($_.capacityMB/1024,2) 
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    Ideally, I would have a spreadsheet with a spreadsheet separate for each Cluster, but having a single sheet with all data warehouses and their grouping would be nice as well.


    Try something like this

    $report = @()
    foreach($cluster in Get-Cluster){
        Get-VMHost -Location $cluster | Get-Datastore | %{
            $info = "" | select DataCenter, Cluster, Name, Capacity, Provisioned, Available
            $info.Datacenter = $_.Datacenter
            $info.Cluster = $cluster.Name
            $info.Name = $_.Name
            $info.Capacity = [math]::Round($_.capacityMB/1024,2)
            $info.Provisioned = [math]::Round(($_.ExtensionData.Summary.Capacity - $_.ExtensionData.Summary.FreeSpace + $_.ExtensionData.Summary.Uncommitted)/1GB,2)
            $info.Available = [math]::Round($info.Capacity - $info.Provisioned,2)
            $report += $info    }
    $report | Export-Csv "C:\cluster-ds.csv" -NoTypeInformation -UseCulture

    If you have a cluster with worksheet in a spreadsheet, you can use the function of my post called beyond Export-Csv: export Xls

    The script would be slightly modified.

     foreach($cluster in Get-Cluster){
        $report = @()
        Get-VMHost -Location $cluster | Get-Datastore | %{
            $info = "" | select DataCenter, Cluster, Name, Capacity, Provisioned, Available
            $info.Datacenter = $_.Datacenter
            $info.Cluster = $cluster.Name
            $info.Name = $_.Name
            $info.Capacity = [math]::Round($_.capacityMB/1024,2)
            $info.Provisioned = [math]::Round(($_.ExtensionData.Summary.Capacity - $_.ExtensionData.Summary.FreeSpace + $_.ExtensionData.Summary.Uncommitted)/1GB,2)
            $info.Available = [math]::Round($info.Capacity - $info.Provisioned,2)
            $report += $info    }
        $report | Export-Xls -Path C:\ds-cluster.xls -WorksheetName $cluster.Name -SheetPosition "end"}
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    Yes you can do it.

    Create a command batch script.


    %Path%\powershell.exe - PSConsoleFIle "Path of Vim.psc1" (usually the files\VMware\Infrastructure\vSphere program PowerCLI) "&"Path to Script.ps1"vCenterServerName.Domain.Name".

    I hope this helps


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    Thank you!

    To see what comments to synchronize their time with the host country, you can use this script

    foreach($vm in Get-VM){
         $row = "" | Select Name, ServerTimeSync
         $row.Name = $vm.Name
         $row.ServerTimeSync = $vm.ExtensionData.Config.Tools.SyncTimeWithHost


    Blog: LucD notes

    Twitter: lucd22

  • Joint units in vrops reports

    I vrealize this vrops is a new product not patched (perhaps the best new version that vmware has dropped in a long time!). One thing that I found today, it is that at least datastore reports values for the parameters such as latency, and rates are mixed.

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    This one is for you, Mark J to the comments at the head of the propeller.

    This behavior existed in v5.x as well. Nothing new here.

    There are some built-in logic that exists v5.x + CapIQ where "return to default" cluster parameters Analytics to store in Postgres DB of the Caron have been up/down automatic rolling of the units of measure. If you run a report and get values in MB, GB, or TB, depending on how many decimal places had. Sometimes it is annoying if you were comparing each object in the same range. The "fix" was to create a supermetric in the user interface customized to follow this # gross, before the VM interface user, then leverage THAT value + unit of measure in a custom report. That's how we worked around that sometimes. Alternatively, we could get cautious with the definition of the units of measure in the reports themselves to block a measure specific unit... yet once you had to be very careful what metric value/types, you are working with.

    V6, have some default reports measure unit set to 'Auto '. This means that RV Ops will choose the unit of measurement according to the decimal points... just like 5.8 + Caron did. However, we can solve the problem. Go ahead and change the view 'Virtual Machine inventory - data i/o store '. Go in the "storage | the lines of data"and you'll see that it set to 'Auto' unit. That set up a specific unit and SAVE for cela only display in a coherent unit in PDF and CSV reports.

  • Dashboard for vSphere environment...

    Hi LucD and other scripting,

    Thank you for helping me with health check process scripts earlier... Now, I'm looking for a script that can give a high level overview of environment. We have a dedicated vmware on our sharepoint portal and I'm looking to get this info on the first page, so that management can take a glance on a weekly basis... And all they need is numbers

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    Data centers



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    Kind regards


    I can't help you with the part SharePoint to your question, you better ask your local SharePoint guru, but the following PowerCLI script gives you all of the counters you have requested:

    Set-PowerCLIConfiguration -DefaultVIServerMode multiple -Confirm:$false
    Connect-VIServer vCenter1,vCenter2
    $Report = "" | Select-Object -Property vCentersCount,vCenters,DatacentersCount,ClustersCount,HostsCount,VMsCount,StorageCapacityGB,StorageFreeSpaceGB
    $Report.vCentersCount = $DefaultVIservers.Count
    $Report.vCenters = $DefaultVIServers
    $Report.DatacentersCount = (Get-Datacenter | Measure-Object).Count
    $Report.ClustersCount = (Get-Cluster | Measure-Object).Count
    $Report.HostsCount = (Get-View -ViewType HostSystem -Property Name | Measure-Object).Count
    $Report.VMsCount = (Get-View -ViewType VirtualMachine -Property Name | Measure-Object).Count
    $Datastores = Get-Datastore
    $Report.StorageCapacityGB = [math]::round(($Datastores | Measure-Object -Property CapacityMB -Sum).Sum/1KB, 0)
    $Report.StorageFreeSpaceGB = [math]::round(($Datastores | Measure-Object -Property FreeSpaceMB -Sum).Sum/1KB, 0)
    Disconnect-VIServer * -Confirm:$false

    Would probably run this script every hour or so from a regular tasks, then load the result in SharePoint.

    Best regards, Robert

  • Script to check the speed and duplex

    Hey all,.

    I've been looking and trying to find a script to export to a CSV one sheet simple display of speed and duplex of physical network adapters in our environment.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    Get-VMHostNetworkAdapter |? {$_. Name: match "vmnic" - and $_. {BitRatePerSec - only '0'} | Select vmhost, name, BitRatePerSec, FullDuplex | Export-CSV-Path "C:\PowerCLI Scripts\Reports\VMNICs.csv" - NoTypeInformation - UseCulture

    The above should work. Have no PowerCLI on my phone to test if

  • pulling the Notes field

    Excuse the greenery in my powercli skills so I'm not even sure, is that I can explain what I'm missing so I'll give you an example of what I'm looking for

    I would like to shoot the "field notes" - If POSSIBLE like this

    $vms = "" | Select-Object VMName, OS, (Notes

    $vms. VMName = $vm. Name
    $vms. OS = $vm. Config.GuestFullName

    $vms. Notes =?

    but I do not know what to ask that by querying for the vmname ($vm. Name)

    Or am I just WAYYYYY in left field and not even on the right track?

    Thus, one, I can do it and I have question with

    two, is there an easy way for a dummy like me to know what I mark from virtual machines... I would like to collect information so I don't know that I have the same question about something else.

    Thank you!!!

    Drivera, you do it very well! No need to be frustrated

    Let me know what is not clear, because I see only the "main" question In regards to IP addresses, you can check how I did in some post me


    You can test this part of the code that describes the intellectual property and put to yourscript.

    Let me know if you have any other questions.

    I used this code and it works, ip is pressed:

    $Report = @)

    {foreach ($vm in get - vm)

    $vms = "" | Select-Object VMName, Notes, Hostname, IPAddress
    $vms. VMName = $vm. Name
    $vms. Host name = $vm.guest.hostname
    $vms. Notes = $vm.notes
    $vms. IPAddress = $vm.guest.ipAddress

    $Report += $vms

    PowerCLI C:\ > $report | Select vmname, ipaddress

    VMName IPAddress
    ------                                  ---------
    testVM1 {
    testvm4                          {}
    testx                               {}
    vmtest1 {, fe80..:}

    It's just that the IP address can have several elements, when it has, it becomes an object array. So what to do

    .IPAddress $report [3] is an array that keeps 2 ips, 1 ip which is ipv4, and then which is ipv6.

    So basically to get first this virtual machine ip address you must use:

    $report [3] .ipaddress [0]-> this will be ip ipv4

    .IPAddress $report [3] [1]-> it will be the second ip address which is in this case some ipv6.

    IF you don't want to have ipv6 included ips you can filter

    $Report = @)

    foreach ($vm to {$x [0.10])}

    $vms = "" | Select-Object VMName, Notes, Hostname, IPAddress
    $vms. VMName = $vm. Name
    $vms. Host name = $vm.guest.hostname
    $vms. Notes = $vm.notes
    $vms. IPAddress = $vm.guest.ipAddress |? {$_ - like "*."} * "}-> This will make ipv6 went as they have: instead of."

    $Report += $vms

    Let me know what does not work for you with these ips.


  • Create the list of virtual machines to exclude the script through .csv file?


    I have a script that runs all day off hours to check my VMs respect some things, like having the option to 'VM tools upgrade policy' checked. The script will export a list of virtual machines that DO NOT have this option enabled and then later to fix the problem. Now, for some specific VMS, I don't want to have the option active and want to exclude them from this review. I try to add a list of these virtual machines I want to exclude from my check script of VMTools_UpgradePolicy via a .csv file containing their names. Here's what I have:

    #VMTools update during the feeding cycle - report
    function Report_VMTools_UpgradePolicy {}
    $list = import-Csv "C:\VMware\PowerCLI\Scripts\EXCLUDE LIST\EXCLUDE_vmtools_upgradepolicy.csv".
    foreach ($entry in $list) {$exclude = Get-VM-name $entry. Name}
    $vms = get - Vm | where {$_.} Name - not $exclude - and (Get-View-Id $_.) {ID). Config.Tools.ToolsUpgradePolicy - eq 'manual'} | Select name
    $vms | Export-Csv "C:\VMware\PowerCLI\Scripts\REPORTS\vmtools_upgradepolicy.csv" - NoTypeInformation

    The content of the EXCLUDE_vmtools_upgradepolicy.csv is as follows:

    'Name '.


    I try to get all the virtual machines in my environment who have the ToolsUpgradePolicy - eq 'manual' (unchecked), AND which do not match any of the names on my list of exclusions (VM1, VM2, VM3). My script so far will do what I want, except that only the last entry in my list of exclusions will take into account. VM1 and VM2 will still be reported as VMs that need to be addressed.

    I'm not sure that I am taking the right approach with this, I will continue to seek a solution for what I want, but any help would be appreciated! I prefer to make my list of exclusion to a separate file, for example "EXCLUDE_vmtools_upgradepolicy.csv", because I want that other administrators to be able to just open this .csv file and add virtual machines to this list without having to touch my scripts.

    Thank you!


    Hi Vince,.

    It is like that I think because of your statement:

    foreach ($entry in $list) {$exclude = Get-VM-name $entry. Name} -> it
    $vms = get - Vm | where {$_.} Name - not $exclude - and (Get-View-Id $_.) {ID). Config.Tools.ToolsUpgradePolicy - eq 'manual'} | Select name
    $vms | Export-Csv "C:\VMware\PowerCLI\Scripts\REPORTS\vmtools_upgradepolicy.csv" - NoTypeInformation

    $exclude is a variable that contains only 1 entry., that's why you see only the last element inside. It will not be an array.

    foreach ($entry in $list) {[string []]+ $exclude = Get-VM-name $entry.} Name}

    This will fill $exclude table with entries of string that will contain the names of virtual machine.

    And when you will be comparing. I think you should use

    where {$exclude - notcontains $_.} Name - and... the rest

    Kind regards


  • Move VM details

    We have different teams managing the virtual machine infrastructure. I want to know how to pass details of the movement of the VM in VM view and model VI PowerCLI customer report should look something like below.






    As far as I know that the information is only partially available in the task vCenter and the event log.

    See also the task and events tab in the vSphere Client.

    You can get the timestamp, the user and the destination, but the other info is not present

    Get-VIEvent -MaxSamples 500 |
    where {$_.GetType().Name -eq "TaskEvent" -and $_.Info.Name -eq "MoveIntoFolder_Task"} |
    select CreatedTime,UserName,@{N="Destination";E={$_.Info.EntityName}}

    You can change the MaxSamples value if you want to go further in time.

  • List of object Relation

    I want to create a list of data centers, Clusters, connected resource VirtualPortGroups Pools and data warehouses.

    Does anyone have a script that fits?

    You asked for three things, data warehouses, resourcepools and exchanges, which are not really. So, I did three different script for you. One for each. You need to separately run the GET all the output in the tables.

    Get-Datacenter | ForEach-Object {
      $Datacenter = $_
      $Datacenter | Get-Cluster | ForEach-Object {
        $Cluster = $_
        $Cluster | Get-VMHost | Get-Datastore | ForEach-Object {
          $Datastore = $_
          $Report = "" | Select-Object -Property Datacenter,Cluster,Datastore
          $Report.Datacenter = $Datacenter.Name
          $Report.Cluster    = $Cluster.Name
          $Report.Datastore  = $Datastore.Name
    Get-Datacenter | ForEach-Object {
      $Datacenter = $_
      $Datacenter | Get-Cluster | ForEach-Object {
        $Cluster = $_
        $Cluster | Get-ResourcePool | ForEach-Object {
          $ResourcePool = $_
          $Report = "" | Select-Object -Property Datacenter,Cluster,ResourcePool
          $Report.Datacenter    = $Datacenter.Name
          $Report.Cluster       = $Cluster.Name
          $Report.ResourcePool  = $ResourcePool.Name
    Get-Datacenter | ForEach-Object {
      $Datacenter = $_
      $Datacenter | Get-Cluster | ForEach-Object {
        $Cluster = $_
        Get-View ($Cluster | Get-VMHost | `
        Select-Object -First 1).ExtensionData.Network| ForEach-Object {
          $PortGroup = $_
          $Report = "" | Select-Object -Property Datacenter,Cluster,PortGroup
          $Report.Datacenter = $Datacenter.Name
          $Report.Cluster    = $Cluster.Name
          $Report.PortGroup  = $PortGroup.Name

    Best regards, Robert

  • List of virtual machines in data warehouses

    Hi all

    I want to list all virtual machines in warehouses of data starting with "MDF".  I tried

    Get - VM - Datastore (Get-Datastore-name MDF *) | Select-object - property name, data store > VMplusdatastore.txt

    But it does not list the names of data store for a reason any?

    Also some VM will have records on more than a logic unit number - I suppose that it is not translated here?

    Wouldn't be better to do the opposite?

    Hi Simon,.

    the problem with your script is that the virtual computer object does not have a property data store. That is why the data column store is empty in the output. The following script will combine virtual machine names and the data store for all with names beginning with MDF data warehouses:

    Get-Datastore -Name MDF* | ForEach-Object {
      $Datastore = $_
      $Datastore | Get-VM | ForEach-Object {
        $Report = "" | Select-Object -property Name, Datastore
        $Report.Name = $_.Name
        $Report.Datastore = $Datastore.name
    } > VMplusdatastore.txt

    If a virtual machine disks on multiple data stores, it will display all the combinations.

    Best regards, Robert

  • Script PowerShell for VM and storage

    I'm also looking for a Powershell script for more information about the storage. I'm looking for especially for one who says that VM is connected to the storage. WDR info would be nice.

    Thank you



    The first script gives you information on all hard drives all the VM is connected to:

    Get-VM | `
      ForEach-Object {
        $VM = $_
        $VM | Get-HardDisk | `
          ForEach-Object {
            $HardDisk = $_
            $Report = "" | Select VM,HardDisk,Filename,DiskType,CapacityKB,ConnectionState,Persistence,StorageFormat,Id,ParentId
            $Report.VM = $VM.Name
            $Report.HardDisk = $HardDisk.Name
            $Report.Filename = $HardDisk.Filename
            $Report.DiskType = $HardDisk.DiskType
            $Report.CapacityKB = $HardDisk.CapacityKB
            $Report.ConnectionState = $HardDisk.ConnectionState
            $Report.Persistence = $HardDisk.Persistence
            $Report.StorageFormat = $HardDisk.StorageFormat
            $Report.Id = $HardDisk.Id
            $Report.ParentId = $HardDisk.ParentId
            Write-Output $Report

    The second script show data warehouses that all VMs are associated with:

    Get-VM | `
      ForEach-Object {
        $VM = $_
        $VM | Get-HardDisk | `
          ForEach-Object {
            $HardDisk = $_
            $Report = "" | Select Name,Datastore
            $Report.Name = $VM.Name
            $Report.Datastore = $HardDisk.Filename.Split(" ")[0]
            Write-Output $Report
      } | `
      Sort-Object -property Name,Datastore -unique


  • guests by the data in csv format store

    I use the following to identify virtual machines residing on a given storage system. For example below, I am looking for all data stores that begin with CX1385 and then the guests residing on each data store that has this string in the name of report.

    I have change to the data store and then I want to run it in command line and channel output to a txt file. The out put looks like this

    Name: guestname

    Host: host name

    Data store: datastorename

    What I want to do, it is put in a csv format or a xls.

    A few hundred vms makes it very difficult to look at it as a text file.

    I don't know how to get the result to format worksheet I want.  I tried to add. Export-CSV c:\data\vmware\guest_datastore.csv after the $Report. But that display and creates a csv file empty.

    $vcserver = 'IP address '.

    Add-PSsnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core

    Initialize - VIToolkitEnvironment.ps1

    to connect-VIServer $vcserver - vcuser of the username-password password

    $Report = @)

    Get-Datastore. WHERE-object {$_.} {Name - like "CX1385 *"} | {ForEach-Object

    $dsname = $_. Name

    $_ | Get - VM | {ForEach-Object

    $($_ | Add - Member MemberType NoteProperty-name of store data-value $dsname - PassThru) | Select-object Name, host, Datastore




    Perhaps this is due to the copy and paste the script, but I think that there is an error in the line Add-Member.

    Maybe try this way. It worked for me that way.

    $vcserver = "ipaddress"
    Add-PSsnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core
    connect-VIServer $vcserver -User vcuser -Password password
    $Report = @()
    Get-Datastore | where-object {$_.Name -like "CX1385*"} | ForEach-Object {
         $dsname = $_.Name
         $_ | Get-VM | ForEach-Object {
              $report += ($_ | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Datastore -Value $dsname -PassThru) | select-object Name, @{N="Host";E={$_.Host.Name}}, Datastore
    $Report | Export-Csv "c:\data\vmware\guest_datastore.csv" -NoTypeInformation

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