Privs different username schema objects


I was looking around to see if there is a way to do this.

I have 3 different schemas in a database sharing the same name say EMP table.

1 COMP01.emp

2 COMP02.emp

3 COMP03.emp

I want to create a USER name: COMP_APP to be used by the application to access all three tables (if not atleast DML privs DDL) in 3 different schemas without using the qualification scheme.

How can I achieve this?

Any use of the Logon trigger?

Any use of Public/private synonyms?

NOTE: I don't want to use the schema qualifier because the existing application code could get disrupted. Currently existing code connections to DB with schema userid/pwd (which I want to get rid).

Thank you



What is the trigger to complete opening code? Any reference to something else like errors seems weird.

If this is the full code, you create as SYS?

Also, try to remove the double quotes and see if that helps.

See you soon,.


Tags: Database

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    Kind regards



    Please read the doc, there is option


    ALL loads all data and metadata contained in the source. It is the default value.

    DATA_ONLY only loads the data in row of table in the existing tables; No database object is created.

    METADATA_ONLY only loads the database object definitions; No data line of the table is loaded.

    so in your case, you can use CONTENT = METADATA_ONLY


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    Can be a help in this?



    Choose your post on workshop SQL works?

    Are sure you grant select privilege to your application to the analysis of schema?

    BR, Jari

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    Export: Release * *-64 bit Production on Thursday, April 21, 2011 05:00:01

    Copyright (c) 2003, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64 bit Production
    With the options of partitioning and Data Mining
    Departure 'SYS '. "' SYS_EXPORT_FULL_05 ': ' / * AS SYSDBA" logfile = parallel export_full.log = 12 dumpfile=exp_file%U.dmp full = y filesize = 2000 M
    Current estimation using BLOCKS method...
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    ORA-39139: data pump does not support the XMLSchema objects. TABLE_DATA: "USER01". "' tbl_form_data266_TAB ' will be ignored.
    Total estimation using BLOCKS method: 131.8 GB
    Object DATABASE_EXPORT/TABLESPACE of treatment type

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    exp file = my_dump.dmp tables = USER01.application252_TAB

    as / sysdba

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    Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64 bit Production
    With the options of partitioning and Data Mining
    Export in US7ASCII and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set
    Server uses the character WE8ISO8859P15 (possible character set conversion) set

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    EXP-00011: USER01. TBL_FORM_DATA266_TAB does not exist
    Export completed successfully with warnings.

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    sqlplus USER01/pass
    SQL > desc tbl_form_data266_TAB
    ORA-04043: tbl_form_data266_TAB of the object does not exist

    Any ideas?


    Please see:

    Table name restrictions

    The following restrictions apply to the names of the tables:

    * By default, the names of tables in a database are stored as uppercase. If you have a table in lowercase or lowercase name and you want to retain the respect of the case for the name of the table, you must put the name in quotes. The name must match exactly the name of the table stored in the database.
    Some operating systems require that the quotes on the command line should be preceded by an escape character. Here are examples of how respect for the case can be stored in different modes of export.

    o using the command line:
    TABLES = "------'Emp\'"

    o in interactive mode:
    Table (T) export: "Emp".

    o parameter file:
    TABLES = ""Emp"

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    Select * from EMP

    I want that data to the EMP_D view.

    How to get there?

    Thanks in advance

    S. Jean-Charles

    user629814 wrote:

    My question is

    is it possible to prioritize the resulting public synonym of the same schema?

    Its only for a solution.

    This is called "name resolution" and is documented here:

    1 oracle database attempts to qualify the first piece of the name referenced in the SQL statement. For example, in scott.emp , scott is the first piece. If there is only one piece, the piece is considered to be the first piece.

    1. In the current schema, the database looking for an object whose name matches the first part of the name of the object. If it does not find such an object, it continues with step b.
    2. The database looking for a public synonym that matches the first part of the name. If it does not find one, it continues with stepc.
    3. ...

    So if you have a schema object with the same name as a public synonym, oracle will always use first the schema object.

    Your only chance would be to rename the schema object or use another schema.

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    I found the solution

    in business components that there is another database link that I've changed now, it works fine now

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     1   ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery( sql ) ; 
    2   String result = null ;
    3    while( {
    4   SQLXML sqlxml = resultSet.getSQLXML(1) ;
    5   result = sqlxml.getString() ;
    7   }
    8   resultSet.close();
    9    return result ;

    It turns out, that I needed to serialize the XML on the server and read it as BLOB. Like this:

     1    final Statement statement = connection.createStatement() ;  2    final String sql = String.format("select xmlserialize(content xml_content_column as blob encoding 'UTF-8') from %s where key='%s'", table, key ) ;  3   ResultSet resultSet = statement.executeQuery( sql ) ;  4   String result = null ;  5    while( {  6   Blob blob = resultSet.getBlob( 1 );  7   InputStream inputStream = blob.getBinaryStream();  8   result = new Scanner( inputStream ).useDelimiter( "\\A" ).next();  9   inputStream.close(); 10; 11   } 12   resultSet.close(); 13   statement.close(); 14  15   System.out.println( result ); 16    return result ; 17

    Then it works. Still, can't get it work with XMLType in resultset. On the customer XML unwrapping explodes trying to pass to another XML schema. JDBC/XDB problem?

  • schema objects

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    I have schema and want to check those who (what patterns) can access A schema objects and which favours other patterns are on A schema objects.

    Thank you and best regards.


    SQL> select grantee,table_name,privilege from dba_tab_privs
      2  where owner='SCOTT';
    GRANTEE                        TABLE_NAME                     PRIVILEGE
    ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------
    HR                             FIND_STRING                    EXECUTE
    SQL> grant select on scott.emp to hr;
    Grant succeeded.
    SQL> select grantee,table_name,privilege from dba_tab_privs
      2  where owner='SCOTT';
    GRANTEE                        TABLE_NAME                     PRIVILEGE
    ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------
    HR                             FIND_STRING                    EXECUTE
    HR                             EMP                            SELECT

    Girish Sharma

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    I have a database on the Windows platform.

    How can I calculate the size of a particular schema objects (i.e.table, index, Mviews etc.)?

    Is any dynamic script available for the same thing?

    Thanks in advance.

    Why do you want to include nom_segment in the State? You need size of all objects in the schema.
    simply question query provided that WHEN the OWNER = "tbl";
    If you need that in Excel, you can use SQL Developer or any available for Oracle GUI tools.

    Murali Mohan

  • Versioning with schema objects

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    For example, if all packages are subject to a subversion repository whenever they are changed.

    Or is the best way to replicate the connection on the local file system layout - tables, views, packages, procedures, functions, etc.. He engage in the repository and then every time you open the files to link to the associated connection? And then just use the browser file when changes are made?

    What is the way the most common, you have all your versions implemented? Always have two copies? one that is extracted from the database and then copy this change in a local commit working copy?

    No to the first question, Yes to the second.
    However, because various bugs in the development of file based, I am currently working directly on the DB, save the files myself on a regular basis.
    There is also an extension of commercial versioning: versioning of schema for Oracle (SVCO). See the Exchange Extensions site at

    Have fun

  • No schema objects

    I lived oracle 10 g documentation SQL in which I read on the objects of schema not as users, tablespace etc could someone please let me know how interrogate them.

    We can summarize that:

    1. all available types of schema objects can be found in a snapshot of the database using something like:
    Select distinct object_type from dba_objects;

    So even if you have no documentation in hand you can look at the results of the above query.

    2. for schema objects not there no such single repository to get a snapshot. You need to memorize all of the objects schema not possible.

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    Is it possible to connect to different logical schema dynamically.

    We have the following requirement...

    (1) we have several end-of-source ERP and ERP running as target systems.
    We would like to integrate all instances of with a target.all source ERP the ERP have same tables and
    number of instance ERP source could be any number.

    It is that we want to build a unique interface that connects to each source ERP system
    dynamically and transfer the data to the target ERP.


    We have three ERP oracle Application systems (EBS_01, EBS_02, EBS_03) you want to send item of table MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS data to a target system ERP (OPSM).

    Since we all LES have the same table (MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS), we want to create an interface skirts that connect to each instance of ERP and transfer point in OPSM ERP data.

    How can an interface dynamically connect to each LES...

    Please help us solve this problem...

    Thank you

    Hi Vincent,.

    You can get all information about the context of the SNP_CONTEXT table (it will be there in the schema of the master repository)

    Thank you

  • How can I get entityImpl class schema object?

    Hello world

    I want to get the schema object name (name of the DB table behind of entity) in my class entityImpl of the API of the ADF. I tried this but I can't.

    Please help me.
    with my best regards.


    String s = this.getEntityDef().getSource();


  • How to import in different Oracle schemas using the same model? Physical schema is different every time, so, how is this a handles that?

    Experts of the ODI,

    I use ODI and transfer data to an Oracle database. So far, everything is OK, but...

    I want to reuse my current interfaces for import into different schemas in the same database.

    At the moment all the table data were imported into a single scheme under topology/Physical Architecture / Oracle / Data Server / physical schema I chose the pattern and check the "default."

    If I import now to other patterns (300 different ones), how should I configure the physical schema values for:

    Schema (schema)

    Scheme (scheme of work)

    Default checkbox? (I assume must be deselected)

    On a quick test, I left schema & schema of blank and disabled by default check box. Two interfaces work (one per table), but the third failed (my guess is the way in which the model was reverse engineering has to do with it, but don't know how to fight against it) I know how to debone a model, but if I use a pattern to do the other schemes do not work because ODI will give me a table not found. How do I work around this problem. Here is an example of the error I get after removing the default schema of the physical schema definition.

    ODI-1226: step CON_TY fails after 1 attempt.

    ODI-1240: Flow CON_TY fails during an operation of integration. This flow of charge table target CON_TY.

    ODI-1228: task failed CON_TY (integration) on the ORACLE connection signal target.

    Caused by: java.sql.BatchUpdateException: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist

    Your help is appreciated. Thank you.

    Here's how, to work around the problem of schema change the mask object Local of the physical schema on the server target %SCHEMA.%O OBJECT to % OBJECT in this way the schema is not part of the SQL at all.

    And these are the values that I use in the physical schema definition

    Schema (schema) - undefined

    Scheme (scheme of work) - undefined

    Check box default - select

    Given each user has permissions for objects it is clean and it doesn't have the schema name to reference the object, it works very well.

  • Different results of object

    Can someone explain to me please

    How it is possible to get different from "object" results, once I have the question of the "SQL worksheet" and the next time, when I run the procedure with the same query?
    The procedure is created by the user of schema (owner) and it is run by him.
    Identical to the query.
    I ask objects belonging to other owners.

    Is there a way how to trace what privileges are used to interrogate the "object"?

    Any advice will be highly welcomed?

    As usual most of the "problems" are the result of reading not of documentation.
    This is no exception. Search for 'definers-rights' and 'rights of Summoners' in PL/SQL manual.

    Sybrand Bakker
    Senior Oracle DBA

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