Problem in the end result in PL/SQL

Dear all,

I have a problem in the final output of PL/SQL. I use the slider and a SQL statement. Here is the complete procedure. Start by selecting after BEGIN inserts values into a table and that's fine. When second SQL is called by the SLIDER by updating the table again, I'll have with duplication of values. It seems a logical error. If you would be grateful if a help in this where is the problem and how to solve that?

Thank you

  Local variable declaration.

      v_locationcode  VARCHAR2(4);
      v_day_0         Number(10):=0;
      v_day_1         Number(10):=0;
      v_day_2         Number(10):=0;
      v_day_3         Number(10):=0;
      v_day_4         Number(10):=0;
      v_day_5         Number(10):=0;
      v_day_6         Number(10):=0;
      v_day_7         Number(10):=0;
      v_day_8         Number(10):=0;
      v_day_9         Number(10):=0;
      v_day_10        Number(10):=0;
      v_day_11        Number(10):=0;
      v_day_12        Number(10):=0;
      v_day_13        Number(10):=0;
      v_moredays      Number(10):=0;
      v_diff          VARCHAR2(5);
      v_daily_enrol   Number(10):=0;
      v_sum           Number(10);
      v_average       Float(10);

      CURSOR c_insert_values IS
             SELECT locationcode
             ,decode(length(to_char(TRUNC(enrol_date) - TRUNC(photo_date))),1,to_char(TRUNC(enrol_date) - TRUNC(photo_date)),'>13')
             , COUNT(*)
             FROM track_id
             WHERE TRUNC(enrol_date) = TRUNC(SYSDATE-1)
             GROUP BY LOCATIONCODE, decode(length(to_char(TRUNC(enrol_date) - TRUNC(photo_date))),1,to_char(TRUNC(enrol_date) - TRUNC(photo_date)),'>13');


         INSERT INTO reporting.photodate_report (locationcode, locationname, total_enrol)
            SELECT a.locationcode, (trim(b.locationname)||' '||b.DESCRIPTION),  count (*)
            FROM track_id a, location b
            WHERE  to_date(a.enrol_date,'DD/MM/rrrr') = trunc(sysdate-1) AND a.locationcode = b.locationcode
            GROUP BY a.locationcode, (trim(b.locationname)||' '||b.DESCRIPTION);


   OPEN  c_insert_values;
         FETCH c_insert_values into v_locationcode, v_diff, v_daily_enrol;
         EXIT WHEN c_insert_values%notfound;
            WHEN v_diff = '0'   THEN v_day_0 := v_daily_enrol;
            WHEN v_diff = '1'   THEN v_day_1 := v_daily_enrol;
            WHEN v_diff = '2'   THEN v_day_2 := v_daily_enrol;
            WHEN v_diff = '3'   THEN v_day_3 := v_daily_enrol;
            WHEN v_diff = '4'   THEN v_day_4 := v_daily_enrol;
            WHEN v_diff = '5'   THEN v_day_5 := v_daily_enrol;
            WHEN v_diff = '6'   THEN v_day_6 := v_daily_enrol;
            WHEN v_diff = '7'   THEN v_day_7 := v_daily_enrol;
            WHEN v_diff = '8'   THEN v_day_8 := v_daily_enrol;
            WHEN v_diff = '9'   THEN v_day_9 := v_daily_enrol;
            WHEN v_diff = '10'  THEN v_day_10 := v_daily_enrol;
            WHEN v_diff = '11'  THEN v_day_11 := v_daily_enrol;
            WHEN v_diff = '12'  THEN v_day_12 := v_daily_enrol;
            WHEN v_diff = '13'  THEN v_day_13 := v_daily_enrol;
            ELSE v_moredays := v_daily_enrol;
         END CASE;
          v_sum := (v_day_0)+(v_day_1)+(v_day_2)+(v_day_3)+(v_day_4)+(v_day_5)+(v_day_6)+(v_day_7)+(v_day_8)+
       v_average := ((0*v_day_0)+(1*v_day_1)+(2*v_day_2)+(3*v_day_3)+(4*v_day_4)+(5*v_day_5)+(6*v_day_6)+(7*v_day_7)+(8*v_day_8)+
         SET    a.day_0 = v_day_0,
                a.day_1 = v_day_1,
                a.day_2 = v_day_2,
                a.day_3 = v_day_3,
                a.day_4 = v_day_4,
                a.day_5 = v_day_5,
                a.day_6 = v_day_6,
                a.day_7 = v_day_7,
                a.day_8 = v_day_8,
                a.day_9 = v_day_9,
                a.day_10 = v_day_10,
                a.day_11 = v_day_11,
                a.day_12 = v_day_12,
                a.day_13 = v_day_13,
                a.moredays = v_moredays,
                a.avg = v_average
          WHERE a.locationcode = v_locationcode;
      END LOOP;
      CLOSE c_insert_values;

Published by: BluShadow on March 15, 2011 09:55
formatting with {noformat}
{noformat} tags                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

I think this could probably be done in 1 sql statement, rather than an insert and update in a cursor for loop.

However, I do not understand:

DECODE(LENGTH(TO_CHAR(TRUNC(enrollment_date) - TRUNC(photo_capture_date))),
              1, TO_CHAR(TRUNC(enrollment_date) - TRUNC(photo_capture_date)),
         AS diff,

When it seems you're after 15 categories?

You will get results from:
'0 ', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', ' 7', ' 8 ', ' 9' and ' > 13' than decode, since ' 10' has a length of 2.

You are maybe after:

CASE WHEN TRUNC(enrollment_date) - TRUNC(photo_capture_date) <= 13
          THEN TO_CHAR(TRUNC(enrollment_date) - TRUNC(photo_capture_date))
     ELSE '>13'
END diff,


If so, then the whole process could be reduced to a query, for example (not fully tested):

INSERT INTO reporting.photodate_report (locationcode,
SELECT locationcode,
       (0*day_0_count + 1*day_1_count
                      + 2*day_2_count
                      + 3*day_3_count
                      + 4*day_4_count
                      + 5*day_5_count
                      + 6*day_6_count
                      + 7*day_7_count
                      + 8*day_8_count
                      + 9*day_9_count
                      + 10*day_10_count
                      + 11*day_11_count
                      + 12*day_12_count
                      + 13*day_13_count) / (day_0_count + day_1_count
                                                        + day_2_count
                                                        + day_3_count
                                                        + day_4_count
                                                        + day_5_count
                                                        + day_6_count
                                                        + day_7_count
                                                        + day_8_count
                                                        + day_9_count
                                                        + day_10_count
                                                        + day_11_count
                                                        + day_12_count
                                                        + day_13_count) avg
FROM   (SELECT a.locationcode,
               TRIM(b.locationname)||' '||b.description locationname,
               SUM(CASE WHEN TRUNC(enrollment_date) - TRUNC(photo_capture_date) = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) day_0_count,
               SUM(CASE WHEN TRUNC(enrollment_date) - TRUNC(photo_capture_date) = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) day_1_count,
               SUM(CASE WHEN TRUNC(enrollment_date) - TRUNC(photo_capture_date) = 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) day_2_count,
               SUM(CASE WHEN TRUNC(enrollment_date) - TRUNC(photo_capture_date) = 3 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) day_3_count,
               SUM(CASE WHEN TRUNC(enrollment_date) - TRUNC(photo_capture_date) = 4 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) day_4_count,
               SUM(CASE WHEN TRUNC(enrollment_date) - TRUNC(photo_capture_date) = 5 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) day_5_count,
               SUM(CASE WHEN TRUNC(enrollment_date) - TRUNC(photo_capture_date) = 6 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) day_6_count,
               SUM(CASE WHEN TRUNC(enrollment_date) - TRUNC(photo_capture_date) = 7 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) day_7_count,
               SUM(CASE WHEN TRUNC(enrollment_date) - TRUNC(photo_capture_date) = 8 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) day_8_count,
               SUM(CASE WHEN TRUNC(enrollment_date) - TRUNC(photo_capture_date) = 9 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) day_9_count,
               SUM(CASE WHEN TRUNC(enrollment_date) - TRUNC(photo_capture_date) = 10 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) day_10_count,
               SUM(CASE WHEN TRUNC(enrollment_date) - TRUNC(photo_capture_date) = 11 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) day_11_count,
               SUM(CASE WHEN TRUNC(enrollment_date) - TRUNC(photo_capture_date) = 12 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) day_12_count,
               SUM(CASE WHEN TRUNC(enrollment_date) - TRUNC(photo_capture_date) = 13 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) day_13_count,
               SUM(CASE WHEN TRUNC(enrollment_date) - TRUNC(photo_capture_date) = 13 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) moredays_count,
               COUNT(*) total_enrol
        FROM   track_id a,
               location b
        WHERE  TO_DATE(a.enrollment_date, 'DD/MM/rrrr') = TRUNC(SYSDATE - 1)
        AND    a.locationcode = b.locationcode
        GROUP BY a.locationcode,
                 TRIM(b.locationname)||' '||b.description);

This has the advantage of being easier to maintain (you can run the select part of sql outside of the stored procedure to see what are the results!) as well as more efficient!

Published by: Boneist on March 16, 2011 15:30

Changed swing to AMOUNTS COUNTIES, as days with no settlement would be present as NULL, rather than 0. by using SUM avoids the need of NVLs elsewhere.

Tags: Database

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    Hi Ronnie,.

    I had a few minutes of time to visit SequentialModel of or

    If you don't know the step enclosed, no results will be displayed

    Hi Ray,

    I'll try, but change the UI so much meaning because it is also in the editor



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    Well, the good news is... This isn't your files.

    I produced a pano 17310 x 6039 in less than 3 minutes. With or without adjustment.

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    Wrong guess you managed to repeat the question. Maybe a reinstall?

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    2010       1                 1              REG              1 
    2010        2        3         2             MISC             1
    2010        5        4         3             WEEK           1
    2010                             1             REG              2
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    2009                             1             REG              2
    2009                             2             MISC             2
    2009                             3             WEEK           2
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            select 2010 as yr,
                         nvl(f.people,'-') as people
                         nvl(f.items,'-') as items  
                         nvl(to_char(sum(f.people)),'-') as total_people,
                         nvl(to_char(sum(f.items)),'-') as total_items,
                         from Xtable,
                              (2010 as yr,
                              sum(items)as items
                              sum(people) as people
                              from xTable
                              where person_id = 99999
                              and   type_number in (1,2,3)
                              and year = 2010
                              and class = 2 
                              or class = 1
                              ) f
                         where person_id = 99999
                         and type_number in (1,2,3)
                         and yr = f.yr
                         and (year <= 2010 or year = 2010)
                         and (class = 2 or class = 1)
                         group by 
    Currently, the query above will return no rows.

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    How about this?

    SQL> WITH    xTable AS
      2  (
      9  )
     10  -- END SAMPLE DATA
     11  SELECT  YEAR
     12  ,       NVL(TO_CHAR(SUM(PEOPLE)),'-')    AS PEOPLE
     13  ,       NVL(TO_CHAR(SUM(ITEMS)),'-')     AS ITEMS
     14  ,       CLASS
     15  FROM    xTable
     16  WHERE   CLASS IN (1,2)
     17  AND     YEAR = 2010
     18  GROUP BY YEAR
     19  ,       CLASS
                    YEAR PEOPLE ITEMS CLASS
    -------------------- ------ ----- -----
                    2010 -      -         2
                    2010 8      7         1
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    Merry Christmas. (as if)

    Thank you. I'll keep an eye out for it.

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    Scenario 11

    < Return | Next >


    On a specific host of ESXi, a set of virtual machines is not good. You intend to determine the root cause. To do this, you want to collect usage data of resources at a level more granular than vSphere Client performance graphs can provide.


    • Use resxtop to collect all the statistics for 2 minutes every 3 seconds.
    • Export the data to a CSV file called results.csv.
    • Import the results.csv file in the Windows performance monitor.
    • Use Windows performance monitor to indicate the time of CPU ready for all the virtual machines on the 2 minute period.

    Environmental information:

    • ESXi host: Home - 01.lab.local

    VDCA510 goal: 3.4 use Advanced vSphere Performance Monitoring Tools
    VDCA550 goal: 4.1 use Advanced vSphere Performance Monitoring Tools

    Guide reference (s):

    • Chapter 4 - using vSphere Advanced Performance Monitoring Tools - Interactive ESXTOP, commands and Modes of Replay"

    I'm under the impression that it was some sort of bug, fixed now, thanks to you guys useful...

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    Anyone can shed light, or if anyone has experienced a similar problem?

    I can provide the files for display if anyone thinks they can help.

    Thanks in advance


    First of all, it must improve the quality of the blade: assign optimized instead of low. Your needs anyway, 8-bit graphics card which means that 256 colors and without transparency is far too low. Try this please.

    OK, Darren, if you think it is not useful, but here Jay is not just about the preview in the Web browser. What browser do you use?


  • Problem with the Table result variable

    When you save a document structured in XML, the Table Continuation variable is translated to an entity named "fm.tcont".

    Strangely, the content of the entity is a control character (0 x 11). The file is saved in XML format, but the Analyzer Returns an error,

    Error message to the file d:\test\100219\doc_test.xml.1F0, line 31, char 22,: Invalid character (Unicode: 0 x 11)
    Error on line 31, tank 24, Message: expected a value of literal entity or PUBLIC/SYSTEM identifier
    Parse error on line 31, tank 20: not well formed (invalid token)
    The abandoned analysis.

    The contents of the variable nothing suspicious, it's just '(continued)', where the first character is a normal space.

    If someone had the same problem and knows how to fix?

    It's on FM8.0p277 on Windows XP.

    Thank you very much in advance,



    I don't have the direct response, because I've never tried. But my EDD has a TableContinuation element that is empty; ESD inserts the table continuation variable. When you export to XML, the element is there as a "marker"; It has NO content. When open in the frame, ESD inserts the variable again. My reasoning is that the table continuation variable has meaning ONLY within FrameMaker. It's a formatting object, not a content container. No post processing of the XML data would not need if so, ITS engine could provide what it is able to understand.

    Anyway, here's how I deal with it.

    Good luck

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    Are there opportunities that I could get Apple to always do the replacement or am I just stuck with a unstable machine? Any suggestions?

    Thank you.

    A few additional details on my machine:

    MacBook Pro 15 "(mi-2010)"

    2.4 GhHz Intel Core i5

    4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3

    NVIDIA GeForce GT 330M 256 MB

    You will not get a free logic board replacement from Apple.  You will have to pay for it.

    However, you can install this application that allows you to clear the discreet GPU and only use one integrated:


    There will be a video performance degradation.


  • Problem with the resolution when you connect to a projector

    I regularly used my laptop connected to a projector via a cable VGA for PowerPoint and video clips view in Windows Media Player.   It is automatically detected and adjusted for different sizes of screen of the laptop screen (1366 x 768) and projector (1024 x 768) and projected with success.   Recently I connected the laptop to a second monitor - also 1024 x 768 - instead, and even once, it fits perfectly.

    It suddenly stopped setting for the resolution of the projector; When I go to the resolution of the screen, the option to set the resolution of the second screen is grayed out.   No matter if I use extend or duplicate, he insists that the two screens are 1366 x 768.   This has happened with two projectors, all two used to work properly.   I also tried different VGA cables.  The end result is that the image of the projector is hurry to tray.

    I can connect fine to the second monitor via the VGA port and sometimes with different resolutions for both screens.   I can also connect to a TV via an HDMI cable.   I can't try a HDMI cable for the spotlight as it is ceiling mounted, and the other is old and is not an HDMI connection.

    I checked the drivers and they seem to be up to date.

    My laptop is a Dell Latitude running Windows 7.   The graphics card is an Intel HD Graphics 3000.   I tried many suggestions already given on these forums without success.   The real puzzle is that it was working fine and nothing I can draw has changed except that I connected on the other monitor.

    Hi Tony,.

    Thanks for the reply with the status of the issue. I'm sorry to know that the issue is still unresolved, your efforts to solve this problem are much appreciated.

    I suggest to follow the method below and check if that helps:

    Method 1: Perform a system restore.

    System restore

    System restore WARNING: when you use the system restore to restore the computer to a previous state, the programs and updates that you have installed are removed.

    Method 2: Uninstall all hidden devices:

    Step 1: See the article below to activate the devices hidden in Device Manager.

    Look at a hidden devices (v = vs. 85) .aspx

    Step 2: After you enable hidden devices, remove devices from Device Manager.

    1. press start.

    2. type device manager in the start search box.

    3. Select Device Manager in the search result.

    4 uninstall everything that are grey also uninstall the drivers to display completely.
    5 restart the computer and install the drivers to view the manufacturer's Web site.

    Hope this information helps, just reply to the State of the question to get help.

    Hi Rizwan

    Unfortunately, I do not have a restore point old enough until the problem occurred.   I have not found any that was relevant in hidden devices, but in normal Device Manager mode when I clicked on "monitor" it opened a "Generic PnP" entry even when there was no extra monitor or projector fixed.   When an additional monitor has been attached, there were two of these entries.   I disabled them both, and I found that I can now adjust the resolution of a second monitor to a different setting of the laptop screen.

    Thanks for your help.


  • Using the AVCHD settings and 60 fps creates problems when the final product will be at 24 fps

    Using a canon vixia HF R62, trying to get the end result of highest quality of my work. I learned that shooting AVCHD to 60 fps is the highest quality I can achieve. What problems can I encounter when the final will be played at 24 frames per second?

    Suggestions for the workflow would be greatly appreciated, as I'm at the very beginning of learning what and how to do things properly.


    Hi Robert,.

    If you look at a picture of the 24 p video and compare to a frame of the video of 60 p, 60 p frame will look better. When people say 60 p is the best quality, it's because you get several images per second... not better executives... just more of them. But as we have already mentioned, it is useless in shooting 60 p If you send only 24 p. Frame rate conversion will affect the final quality!

    Just keep in mind that you need to adjust your style of shooting for the 24 p, which means no fast pans for example of what they will offer very rough.

    Thank you

    Jeff Pulera

    Safe Harbor computers

  • Problem with the 2.0 (1.0) Spry menu bar re - CSS


    I'm having some trouble with a Spry (horizontal) 2.0 (1.0) menu bar I created.  Initially, I thought the problem was in what concerns the problems of rendering on IE 6.0, but the problem seems to be more general than that, and I came to believe that this has to do with the CSS created by the browser Widget and changed once imported in the Web page.  That's why I chose to post my question here rather than on the spry page.

    I leaned on the tutorial provided by David Powers (Bayside.css) and in addition any other documentation regarding the Spry UI bar menu.  The problem appeared as one of the 6 IE rendered page with a gap that is created when the menus appear, so push down the divs that appear below the page.

    However, through a laborious process of trial and error, my problem now seems to be that when I export the CSS generated by the browser widget to an external style sheet (the style sheet General governing the whole of the site), he comes into conflict with other CSS styles for links etc.  The end result is that all the padding, background colors, background images, and colors of text are lost.  As long as the CSS is in the head that this does not happen.

    My thought is that this must have to do with the problems of specificity, inheritance, etc.

    The site is available at the following ADDRESS:  In its current form, all the CSS associated with the menu bar is located at the head of each page.  (see CSS below).

    My question is I can set up a separate style sheet for the menu bar horizontally and have these styles applied specifically (and only) in the menu bar my only alternative is to work through the rest of the General style sheet and the work by problems of specificity/inheritance - that may be the "best" practice , but it may create another 'cascading' [sic] problems elsewhere.

    Advice or suggestions or directed readings (which would point to a solution) that could be offered would be greatly appreciated.

    Steve Webster

    The horizontal CSS governing the menu bar is as follows: (currently the following CSS is embedded in the web page's head)

    < style type = "text/css" >

    / * - Start styles horizontal Spry Menu Widget 2.0 (1.0) menu bar-* /.

    / * BeginOAWidget_Instance_2141544: #MenuBar * /.
    / * Values for skinning a basic through presets menu. If the default settings are not sufficient, most count should be done in
    These rules, except for the images used to down or to the right pointing arrows, located in the SpryMenuBasic.css file

    They take the following classes of widget for layout of menu (located in a "Preset")
    . MenuBar - applies to all menu bars - default is a horizontal bar, all submenus are vertical - level 2 subs and beyond are drop down to the right.
    . MenuBarVertical - vertical main bar; All submenus are drop down to the right.

    You can also pass in extra classnames to set your desired top-level menu bar layout. Normally, they are defined by using a predefined setting.
    They apply only to the horizontal menu bars:
    MenuBarLeftShrink - the menu bar will be horizontally "shrinkwrapped" be just big enough to hold his items and left-aligned
    MenuBarRightShrink - as MenuBarLeftShrink, but right-aligned
    MenuBarFixedLeft - set to a specified width defined in rule "." MenuBarFixedLeft', and left-aligned.
    MenuBarFixedCentered - Fixed to a specified width defined in rule "." MenuBarFixedCentered',.
    and centered in its parent container.
    MenuBarFullwidth - expands to fill the width of the parent container.

    In general, all the rules specified in this file are prefixed by #MenuBar so that they don't apply to instances of the widget inserted along
    with the rules. This allows use of multiple MenuBarBasic widgets on the same page with different layouts. Due to limitations in IE6.
    There are a few rules where this was not possible. These rules are so noted in the comments.


    background-color: transparent;
    do-family: Arial, Helvetica, without serif. / * Specify the fonts on the bar menu and submenu MenuItemContainer, so MenuItemContainer.
    MenuItem and MenuItemLabel
    at a given level all use the same definition for ems.
    Note that this means that the size is also inherited from the submenus of the child,
    so be careful when using other than relative sizes
    100% on the fonts submenu. */
    make-weight: normal;
    font size: 17px;
    make-style: normal;
    padding: 0;

    / * ATTENTION: because ID + class selectors do not work correctly in IE6, but we want to restrict these rules to all this
    instance of widget, we used the concatenated string classnames to our selectors for the type of layout of the menu bar
    in this section. These have very low specificity, so be careful not to overstep accidentally. */

    . MenuBar br {/ * using only a class, so there same specificity that the "."} MenuBarFixedCentered br' rule bleow * /.
    display: none;
    . {MenuBarLeftShrink}
    float: left; / * shrink the content, but also to float the menu bar * /.
    Width: auto;
    . {MenuBarRightShrink}
    float: right; / * shrink the content, but also to float the menu bar * /.
    Width: auto;
    . {MenuBarFixedLeft}
    float: left;
    Width: 80em;
    . {MenuBarFixedCentered}
    float: none;
    Width: 80em;
    margin-left: auto;
    margin-right: auto;
    . MenuBarFixedCentered br {}
    Clear: both;
    Display: block;
    . MenuBarFixedCentered. Submenu br {}
    display: none;
    . {MenuBarFullwidth}
    float: left;
    Width: 100%;

    / * Top level bar small objects - these actually apply to all items and get substituted for the submenus level 1st or successive * /.
    #MenuBar. {MenuItemContainer}
    padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px;
    margin: 0;     / * Zero margin on the containers of items. The MenuItem is the active area of hover.
    For most elements, we have padding top or bottom or border only on MenuItem
    or a child so we keep all tiled submenu with elements.
    Definition of this 0 avoids the "dead zones" to hover. */
    #MenuBar. {}, MenuItem
    padding: 10px 10px 10px 4px;
    background-color: #000088;
    background-image: url (.. /ACLCO%20Graphics%20-%20Web%20Site%20Parts/navigation%20Bar%20Segm ent - Dark.png);
    background-repeat: repeat-x;

    #MenuBar. {MenuItemFirst}
    border-style: none none no none;
    #MenuBar. {MenuItemLast}
    border-style: none none no none;

    #MenuBar. MenuItem. {MenuItemLabel}
    text-align: center;
    line-height: 1.4em;
    color: #ffffff;
    background-color: transparent;
    padding: 0px 18px 0px 5px;
    Width: 10em;
    Width: auto;
    . SpryIsIE6 #MenuBar. MenuItem. {MenuItemLabel}
    Width: 1em; / * Equivalent to min-width in modern browsers * /.

    / * First level of submenu items * /.
    #MenuBar. Submenu. {}, MenuItem
    do-family: Arial, Helvetica, without serif.
    make-weight: bold;
    font size: 15px;
    make-style: normal;
    background-color: #000088;
    padding: 0px 2px 0px 0px;
    border-width: 0px;
    border color: #cccccc #cccccc #cccccc #cccccc.
    / * Border styles are replaced by first and last items * /.
    border-style: solid solid no solid;
    #MenuBar. Submenu. {MenuItemFirst}
    border-style: none;
    padding: 0px;
    #MenuBar. Submenu. MenuItemFirst. {MenuItemLabel}
    padding-top: 0px;
    #MenuBar. Submenu. {MenuItemLast}
    border-style: none none no none;
    #MenuBar. Submenu. MenuItemLast. {MenuItemLabel}
    padding-bottom: 10px;
    #MenuBar. Submenu. MenuItem. {MenuItemLabel}
    text-align: left;
    line-height: 1em;
    background-color: transparent;
    color: #ffffff;
    padding: 10px 10px 10px 10px;
    Width: 240px;


    / * Hover States for containers, objects and labels * /.
    #MenuBar. {MenuItemHover}
    background-color: #2E35A3;
    background-image: url (.. /ACLCO%20Graphics%20-%20Web%20Site%20Parts/navigation%20Bar%20Segm ent%20Light2.png);
    background-repeat: repeat-x;


    #MenuBar. MenuItemWithSubMenu.MenuItemHover. {MenuItemLabel}
    background-color: transparent; / * expose this propeller separately * /.
    color: #ffffff;
    #MenuBar. MenuItemHover. {MenuItemLabel}
    background-color: transparent;
    color: #ffffff;
    #MenuBar. Submenu. {MenuItemHover}
    background-color: #2E35A3;


    #MenuBar. Submenu. MenuItemHover. {MenuItemLabel}
    background-color: transparent;
    color: #ffffff;
    / * The submenu - first-level submenus properties * /.
    #MenuBar. {SubMenuVisible}
    background-color: transparent;
    min-width: 0%;  / * This prevents the menu being lean that the parent MenuItemContainer - but not available on ie6 nice to have * /.
    border-style: none none no none;
    #MenuBar.MenuBar. SubMenuVisible {/ * menu bar horizontally for only * /}
    top: 100%;    / * 100% is at the bottom of menuItemContainer parent * /.
    left: 0px; / * "left" may need tuning according to borders or padding applied to the bar MenuItemContainer or MenuItem,.
    and your personal taste.
    0px align left drop-down list with the content of the MenuItemContainer area. Assuming you keep the margins 0
    on MenuItemContainer and on the parent MenuItem
    menu bar, which in fact equals the sum of padding-left MenuItemContainer & MenuItem align
    the drop-down menu to the left of the menu item label.*.
    z-index: 10;
    #MenuBar.MenuBarVertical. {SubMenuVisible}
    Top: 0px;
    left: 100%;
    min-width: 0px; / * Do not neeed to match the width of the parent MenuItemContainer - elements will avoid total collapse * /.
    / * The sous-menu--deuxieme submenu level properties and beyond - are visible to descendants. MenuLevel1 * /.
    #MenuBar. MenuLevel1. {SubMenuVisible}
    background-color: transparent;
    min-width: 0px; / * Do not neeed to match the width of the parent MenuItemContainer - elements will avoid total collapse * /.
    Top: 0px;    / * If you want, you can move this down a smidge to separate the top item "submenu s of menubar.
    It is really necessary only for the submenu on the first point of MenuLevel1, or you can make it negative to make the submenu
    vertically 'centered' about his call to * /.
    left: 100%; / * If you want to move the submenu on the left to partially cover the point of his call, you can add a margin to the left with a
    negative value to this rule. Alternatively, if you use the elements of fixed width, you can change this value on the left
    to use px or ems to get the desired offset. */
    / * IE6 rules - you can remove these if you do not want to support IE6 * /.

    / * Note about several classes in IE6.
    Some rules above use several class names to an element of selection, such as "hover" (MenuItemHover) and 'a a submenu' (MenuItemWithSubMenu).
    * give the selector '. MenuItemWithSubMenu.MenuItemHover'.
    * Unfortunately, IE6 does not support using mutiple classnames in a selector for an element. For a selector like '.', IE6 does not take into account
    * all but the final classname (here, ".baz") and defines the specificity in consequence, with only one of these classs as significant. To work around this problem
    * problem, we use the plugin in SpryMenuBarIEWorkaroundsPlugin.js to generate classnames for IE6, such as "MenuItemWithSubMenuHover".
    * Given that many of these necessary, the plugin does not generate additional classes for modern browsers, and we use the copies of CSS2 style class
    * syntax for that. Since IE6, both apply the rules where the
    * It should not and gets the specificity wrong too, we have rules of order carefully, then misapplied rule in IE6 can be overridden.
    * So we put first the multiple class rule. IE6 wrongly apply this rule.  We follow this with the single class rule that it would be
    * replace by mistake, by ensuring that the specificity of IE6 interpreted as is the same as the unique class selector, so the latter wins.
    * We then create a copy of the rule of multiple class, adding a "." SpryIsIE6' in the context of the class and to ensure that the specificity
    * the selector is high enough to beat the rule of single class in the case of "match of these two classes. We place the rule of IE6 at the end of the
    * block of css styling to make it easy to remove if you want to drop support for IE6.
    * If you decide you do not need IE6 support, you can get rid of these, as well as the inclusion of the SpryMenuBarIEWorkaroundsPlugin.js script.
    * The 'SpryIsIE6' class is placed on the HTML element by the script in SpryMenuBarIEWorkaroundsPlugin.js if the browser is Internet Explorer 6. This avoids the need of IE conditional comments to these rules.
    . SpryIsIE6 #MenuBar. MenuBarView. MenuItemWithSubMenuHover. MenuItemLabel / * selector IE6 * /}
    background-color: transparent; / * expose this propeller separately * /.
    color: #ffffff;
    . SpryIsIE6 #MenuBar. MenuBarView. Submenu. MenuItemWithSubMenuHover. MenuItemLabel / * selector IE6 * /}
    background-color: transparent; / * expose this propeller separately * /.
    color: #ffffff;
    . SpryIsIE6 #MenuBar. Submenu. Submenu / * selector IE6 * /}
    left margin:-0px; / * Offset at least part of a version of 'double upholstery' bug IE6 'double margin "* /.

    / * EndOAWidget_Instance_2141544 * /.

    / * End Spry Menu Bar Widget 2.0 (1.0) Horizontal Menu Custom styles * /.

    < / style >

    The CSS for the site in general is reproduced below: (my belief is that it is a: link, a: visited, a: hover, a: active styles that may be in conflict).

    @charset "utf-8";

    Police: 100% Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, without serif.
    min-height: 0; / * this is necessary to overcome the "haslayout" bug found in Windows 7 in conjunction with IE8.  For more information see: URL - * /
    margin: 0; / * It is advisable to zero, the margin and the filling of the body to hold element has a different default browser * /.
    padding: 0;
    text-align: center; / * This allows the centering of the container and overcomes an inherent bug in IE 5 * /.
    Color: #000000;
    list-style-image: none;
    background-color: #FCFCFC;


    H1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {}

    color: #000066;


    a: link {}
    color: #151A 96.
    text-decoration: underline;
    a: visited {}
    text-decoration: underline;
    color: #1B8DCD;
    a: hover {}
    text-decoration: none;
    color: #F30A0A;
    a: active {}
    text-decoration: underline;
    color: #151A 96.

    #container {}
    Width: 960px;
    margin: 0 auto; / * margins (in conjunction with a width) auto Center the page * /.
    text-align: left; / * This setting overrides the text-align: center on the body element. */
    URL (.. / ACLCO%20Graphics%20-%20Web%20site%20Parts/Website%20Midsection%20_960.png);
    background-repeat: repeat-y;

    #header {}
    padding: 0;  / * This filling is the alignment to the left of the items in the div that appear below. If an image is used in the #header instead of text, you can remove the padding. */

    Width: 960px;
    height: 332px;
    URL (.. / ACLCO%20Graphics%20-%20Web%20site%20Parts/Website%20Header_960.png);
    background-repeat: repeat no.;

    #header h1 {}

    margin-right: 0px; / * zero setting of the margin of the last element in the #header div tag will prevent the collapse of margin - inexplicable space between divs. If the div has a border around it, this isn't necessary, which also allows to avoid the collapse of margin * /.
    padding: 0; / * padding instead of margin will allow you to keep the edges of the div element * /.
    display: none;


    #header img {}
    display: none;

    padding: 0;
    margin-top: 0px;
    height: 39px;
    Width: 950px;
    padding-top: 275px;
    padding-left: 39px;
    z index: 3;


    margin-bottom: 50px;
    padding-top: 50px;
    padding-bottom: 200px;
    padding-left: 15px;
    padding-right: 15px;


    margin: 0; / on this div element right margin creates the column on the right side of the page - no matter how content div the sidebar1″ contains, the space of the columns will remain. You can remove this line if you want the #mainContent div text to fill the space of #sidebar1 when the content of #sidebar1 is complete. */
    padding-left: 30px;
    padding-right: 20px; / * Remember that the fill is space inside the box of div and margin is the space outside the div box * /.
    Width: 600px;
    float: left;

    float: right; / * because this element is floating, it takes a width * /.
    Width: 270px; / actual width of this div, in browsers comply with the standards, or the standard mode of Internet Explorer includes the padding and border in addition to width * /.
    top of the margin: 30px;
    margin-left: 0;
    margin-right: 10px;
    font-size: 90%;


    margin-left: 10px;
    padding-left: 30px;
    padding-right: 20px;
    Width: 600px;
    float: right;


    float: left; / * because this element is floating, it takes a width * /.
    Width: 270px; / actual width of this div, in browsers comply with the standards, or the standard mode of Internet Explorer includes the padding and border in addition to width * /.
    top of the margin: 30px;
    margin-left: 30px;
    margin-right: 0;
    overflow: hidden;
    font-size: 90%;


    Width: 650px;
    margin left: 155px;


    margin left: 75px;


    margin: 0px;
    Width: 260px;
    padding: 2px;


    Width: 255px;
    height: 58px;
    background-image: url (.. /ACLCO%20Graphics%20-%20Web%20Site%20Parts/portrait%20Textbox%20he ader.png);



    Width: 255px;
    padding-top: 12px;
    padding-bottom: 10px;
    background-image: url (.. /ACLCO%20Graphics%20-%20Web%20Site%20Parts/portrait%20Textbox%20Mi ddle.png);
    background-repeat: repeat-y;

    / * The width and filling are fixed as follows to reflect the quirks in the rendering of the browser while ensuring that the text is contained in the background of the text box * /.

    Width: 230px;
    padding-left: 20px;
    padding-right: 40px;


    Width: 255px;
    height: 64px;
    background-image: url (.. /ACLCO%20Graphics%20-%20Web%20Site%20Parts/portrait%20Textbox%20Foo ter.png);


    #issues_menu a: link {}
    color: #151A 96.
    text-decoration: none;
    make-weight: bold;


    #issues_menu a: visited {}
    color: #151A 96.
    make-weight: bold;
    text-decoration: none;


    #issues_menu a: hover {}
    color: #F30A0A;
    make-weight: bold;
    make-style: oblique;
    text-decoration: none;


    #issues_menu a: active {}
    color: #151A 96.
    make-weight: bold;
    text-decoration: none;


    padding-top: 15px;
    padding-right: 15px;
    padding-bottom: 20px;
    padding-left: 0px;


    Width: 500px;
    margin-right: 0px;
    margin left: 30px;
    padding-top: 35px;.
    padding-bottom: 25px;
    make-style: normal;
    make-weight: normal;



    Width: 500px;
    height: 38px;
    margin: auto;
    padding: 0;
    URL (.. / ACLCO%20Graphics%20-%20Web%20site%20Parts/Landscape%20Textbox%20Header.png);



    Width: auto;
    margin: auto;
    padding-top: 12px;
    padding-bottom: 12px;
    background-image: url (.. /ACLCO%20Graphics%20-%20Web%20Site%20Parts/landscapte%20Textbox%20 Middle.png);
    background-repeat: repeat-y;



    Width: 450px;
    Padding: 25px;


    Width: 500px;
    height: 44px;
    margin: auto;
    padding: 0;
    background-image: url (.. /ACLCO%20Graphics%20-%20Web%20Site%20Parts/Landscape%20Textbox%20F ooter.png);


    #footer {}
    padding: 0; / * This filling is the alignment to the left of the items in the div that appear above him. */
    Width: 960px;
    height: 222px;
    URL (.. / ACLCO%20Graphics%20-%20Web%20site%20Parts/Website%20Footer%20_960.png);
    background-repeat: repeat no.;


    #footer p {}
    margin: 0px; / * zero setting the margins of the first element in the footer will avoid the possibility of the collapse of the margin - a space between the div tags * /.
    padding: 0px; / * padding on that element will create space, just as it would the margin, free margin collapse question * /.
    text-align: center;
    margin-left: 50px;
    right margin: 50px;
    padding: 10px;
    font size: small;

    #footer h5 {}

    text-align: center;


    .fltrt {/ * this class can be used to float right to the item in your page.} The floating element must precede the element it should be next to the page. */
    float: right;
    left margin: 8px;
    .fltlft {/ * this class can be used to float an element on your page to the left * /}
    float: left;
    right margin: 8px;
    .clearfloat {/ * this class must be placed on an element div or break and should be the last item before closing a container should completely contain a float * /}
    Clear: both;
    height: 0;
    font size: 1px;
    line-height: 0px;

    display: block;
    float: left;
    line-height: 80%;
    font size: 250%;
    make-weight: bolder;
    color: #000066;
    Padding: .1em .03em 0 0;

    list-style-position: outside;
    list-style-image: url (.. / ACLCO%20Graphics%20-%20Web%20site%20Parts/Arrow%20Large.png);

    list-style-position: outside;
    list-style-image: url (.. / ACLCO%20Graphics%20-%20Web%20site%20Parts/Bullet%20Medium%20Full.png);

    attention {}
    color: #F30A0A;
    font-size: x-large;
    do-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
    make-style: italic;
    Police-weight: 900;

    color: #F30A0A;
    font size: large;
    do-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
    make-style: italic;
    Police-weight: 900;

    .table {}
    table-layout: fixed;

    . Blue {}
    Color: #00F;
    #container .mainContent_left p .blue {}
    color: #0303A 0;

    Hello Steve

    Well, I checked your page in IE6 and it seems to work fine for me except that here seemes to be a little space between

  • items that may be due to lack of support of .png?  In other words, if there is a little transparency on the edge of the chart?  Maybe it's more a shot in the water on my part!

    Now my suggestion to you would be to mark this thread as closed/replied and after again with just the link to the page and your question.  Short is sweet.


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