Problem with TextArea in ListView

When I use TextArea in a ListView, the program cannot complete successfully. Is this a bug of Simulator? (waiting for my edition of dev z10 for weeks...)

listwithtextarea [BlackBerry C/C++ Application]
    /Users/thierry/ndk-10.1.0-workspace/listwithtextarea/x86/o-g/listwithtextarea [78123138]
        Thread [0] (Suspended : Container)
    listwithtextarea on pid 78123138 (6/6/13 11:08 AM)
JavaScript Debugger [QML JavaScript Attach] 

// Default empty project template
import bb.cascades 1.0

// creates one page with a label
Page {
    Container {
        ListView {
            dataModel: ArrayDataModel {
                id: model

            listItemComponents: [
                ListItemComponent {
                    Container {
                        TextArea {
                            text: ListItemData
            ] // end of listItemComponents list
            onCreationCompleted: {
                model.append([ 'blablalalalalalal\nblall', 'blablalalalalalal\nblall' , 'blablalalalalalal\nblall' ])

Hi ThierryGrellier, there are no known issues with TextArea in a ListView.

Can you elaborate more on this statement "the program does not exist correctly? Can you provide the error messages you see?

P.S. I tested your code at the same time, the Simulator and on a Z10 and have noticed nothing out of the norm.

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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    In my application I use qml custom page (simple text editor) that have only one line with 5 buttons, second row have a textField and the rest of the screen is TextArea, nested/arranged in containers bit. Content of the text box is filled by reading text file:

    I use

    QTextStream in(&file);
    while (!in.atEnd()) {

    But, sometimes, text is passed in a single line in the text box, even if the file contains more lines, spaces etc. I used the same code for plain program Qt and the content of the file is displayed as shown in the text file.

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    In addition, when the virtual keyboard appears, top of TextArea overlaps the textlabel. Had no idea how to solve this problem.

    I did the same thing in Qt for the PB and it works without problem, but stunts gives me headaches

    Here is my qml file

    import bb.cascades 1.0
    import Dialog.FileBrowse 1.0
    import Dialog.FileSave 1.0
    Page {
       Container {
            layout: StackLayout {
        //main container
        Container {
                layout: StackLayout {
                    layoutDirection: LayoutDirection.LeftToRight
                    bottomPadding: 5.0
                    leftPadding: 5.0
                    rightPadding: 5.0
                    topPadding: 5.0
              //  scrollMode: ScrollMode.None
                Button {
                    objectName: "open"
                    text: "Open"
                    onClicked: {
                    attachedObjects: [
                        FileBrowseDialog {
                            id: filebrowseDialog
                            objectName: "fb"
                            multiselect: false
                            filters: [
                            onSelectionCompleted: {
                                if (filebrowseDialog.filepaths.length > 0) {
                                    labelID.text = filebrowseDialog.filepaths[0];
                                } else {
                                    labelID.text = "Nothing selected";
                            onSelectionCancelled: {
                               // labelID.text = "File open cancelled";
                               //simulator test, comment it out for release!!!
                               labelID.text = "no REAL file selected";
                Button {
                    objectName: "close"
                    text: "Clear"
                Button {
                    objectName: "save"
                    text: "Save"
                Button {
                    objectName: "saveAs"
                    text: "Save As.."
                    attachedObjects: [
                                        FileSaveDialog {
                                            id: filesavedialog
                                            objectName: "fs"
                                           // filesave_filename: "test.txt"
                                            onSelectionCompleted: {
                                                labelID.text = "Saved to: " + filesavedialog.filepaths[0];
                                    onClicked: {
                Button {
                    objectName: "exit"
                    text: "Exit"
            Container {
                leftMargin: 0.0
                layout: StackLayout {
                    leftPadding: 5.0
                    rightPadding: 5.0
                    bottomPadding: 5.0
                Label {
                    id: labelID
                    objectName: "documentName"
                    text: ""
                    layoutProperties: StackLayoutProperties {
                        verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
                        horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                ScrollView { id: scrollableTextHolder scrollViewProperties.scrollMode: ScrollMode.Vertical Container { TextArea { objectName: "contentHolder" inputMode: TextAreaInputMode.Text preferredWidth: 1270.0 minWidth: 1270.0 maxWidth: 1270.0 preferredHeight: 590.0 minHeight: 590.0 //maxHeight: 2048.0 } } }

    Sorry for the late reply, I've corrected the problem last night. Read the file with this

    QTextStream in(&file);

    or this

    QString line = "";
    QChar theChar;
    while (!in.atEnd()) {
    in.operator >>(theChar);
    qDebug() << "text redden(QChar): " << theChar << endl;
    qDebug() << "character is(category): " << theChar.category() << endl;

    Returns the integer values of whitespace and newline characters are OK. Problem saving the contents of the file.

    Somehow QTextStream recognizes the line break characters and spaces like [QChar:eparator_Space7Unicode Zs class name] and [QChar:ther_Control10Unicode name of the class Cc] that are correct but refuses to write them to the file.

    I used this to solve my problem.

    QTextStream out(&file);
                for(int i=0;itext().length();++i){
                                        qDebug() << "text to be written: " << QChar(textHolder->text().at(i)) << endl;
                                        qDebug() << "character is(category): " << textHolder->text().at(i).category() << endl;
                                        if(textHolder->text().at(i).category() == 10){
                                        out << "\n";
                                            out << textHolder->text().at(i);
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    var nlines:int is field.mx_internal::getTextField (.numLines);.

    And then to get the height of each line (assuming that I is the index of the line):

    var lineHeight:int is field.mx_internal::getTextField () .getLineMetrics (i) .height;.

    When you do it with .text, it works fine. The presentation of html in the TextArea, my value "nLigne" (the number of rows in the TextArea) return very high values. It seems as if numlinesrequired returns the amount of lines that the TextArea component would be if she didn't analyze the HTML code.

    What can I do to get the real value of numlinesrequired when you use htmlText? Thank you

    I saw numlinesrequired wrong until after rendering.  We use a callLater to get after.

    Alex Harui

    Flex SDK Developer

    Adobe Systems Inc..


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    dataModel->setSource(QUrl("file://" + QDir::homePath() + "/parkings.xml"));

    If I'm good enough download the XML, write to a file and then open it using the XmlDataModel. However, nothing is displayed in the ListView with the following ListItemComponents:

                listItemComponents: [
                    ListItemComponent {
                        type: "parkings"
                        StandardListItem {

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    " < html xmlns =" ">

    < head >

    < meta http-equiv = "Content-Type" content = text/html"; Charset = UTF-8 "/ >"

    < title > NYDogWorks Long Island dog training and behavior < /title >

    < name meta = "description" content = "Serving all of Long Island, Nassau and Suffolk. NYDogWorks specializes in dog training, dog behavior and puppy training. ">

    < name meta = "keywords" content = "dog training, dog training, dog, long island trainer long island dog obedience, puppy training course" >

    < link href = "css/mainstyle.css" rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" / > "

    < script type = "text/javascript".

    src = » "> < / script > <!-start of the mandatory code below - > '.

    < href = "" css/dropdown.css a link "media ="screen"rel ="stylesheet"type =" text/css"/ >"

    ".. href="css/default.advanced.css a link "media ="screen"rel ="stylesheet"type =" text/css"/ >

    <!-[if lt IE 7] >

    "< script type =" text/javascript"src="js/jquery/jquery.js "> < / script >

    "< script type =" text/javascript"src="js/jquery/jquery.dropdown.js "> < / script >

    <! [endif]-->

    <!-/-> END

    < link href = "css/overlay - apple.css" rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" / >

    "< script src="js/ "> < / script >

    < style >

    div.apple_overlay h2 {}

    margin: 10px 0 - 9px 0;

    color: #222;

    make-weight: bold;

    do-size: 14px;


    div. Black h2 {}

    color: #222;


    #apple {}

    margin-top: 10px;

    float: left;

    Width: 250px;

    padding-right: 10px;


    #apple img {}

    background-color: #fff;

    padding: 2px;

    border: 1px solid #ccc;

    margin: 2px 5px;

    cursor: pointer;

    -moz-border-radius: 4px;

    -webkit-border-radius: 4px;



    margin-right: auto;

    left margin: auto;


    < / style >

    <!-[if lt IE 7] >

    < style >


    background-image: url (;

    color: #fff;


    / * by default positioned top right close button * /.

    div.apple_overlay div.close {}

    background-image: url (;


    < / style >

    <! [endif]--> < script type = "text/javascript" >

    function MM_swapImgRestore() //v3.0 {}

    var i, x = offline. MM_sr; for (i = 0; a & & I <.) Length & & (x = a [i]) & & x.oSrc; i ++) x.src = x.oSrc;


    function MM_findObj (n, d) {//v4.01

    var p, i, x;  if(!d) d = document; If ((p = n.IndexOf ("?")) > 0 & & parent.frames.length) {}

    d = parent.frames [n.Substring(p+1)] .document; n = n.Substring (0, p) ;}

    If (!) () x = d [n]) & & copyrights) x = d.all [n]; for (i = 0;! x & & i < d.forms.length; i ++) x = d.forms [i] [n];

    for (i = 0;! x & & d.layers & & I < d.layers.length; i ++) x = MM_findObj (n, d.layers [i] .document);

    If (! x & & d.getElementById) x = d.getElementById (n); Return x;


    function MM_swapImage() {//v3.0

    var i, j = 0, x, a = MM_swapImage.arguments; document. MM_sr = new Array; for (i = 0; i <(a.length-2); I += 3).

    If ((x = MM_findObj (a [i]))! = null) {document. MM_sr [j ++] = x; if(!x.oSrc) x.oSrc = x.src; x.SRC = a [i + 2] ;}


    < /script > < script type = "text/javascript" >

    function MM_preloadImages() {//v3.0

    var d = document; If (d.images) {if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_p = new Array();

    var i, j is d.MM_p.length, a = MM_preloadImages.arguments; for (i = 0; i <.) Length; i ++)

    If (a [i].indexOf("#")! = 0) {d.MM_p [j] = new Image; d.MM_p [j ++] .src = a [i] ;}}


    < /script >

    < script type = "text/javascript" >

    var _gaq = _gaq. [];

    _gaq.push (['_setAccount ',' UA-26177215-1 ""]);

    _gaq.push (['_trackPageview ']);

    (function() {}

    GA var = document.createElement ('script'); GA.type = ' text/javascript '; GA. Async = true;

    ga.src = ("https:" == document.location.protocol? ) https://SSL ' : ' http://www ( ') + « ";

    var s = document.getElementsByTagName ('script') [0]; ParentNode.InsertBefore (ga, s);


    function MM_swapImgRestore() //v3.0 {}

    var i, x = offline. MM_sr; for (i = 0; a & & I <.) Length & & (x = a [i]) & & x.oSrc; i ++) x.src = x.oSrc;


    function MM_findObj (n, d) {//v4.01

    var p, i, x;  if(!d) d = document; If ((p = n.IndexOf ("?")) > 0 & & parent.frames.length) {}

    d = parent.frames [n.Substring(p+1)] .document; n = n.Substring (0, p) ;}

    If (!) () x = d [n]) & & copyrights) x = d.all [n]; for (i = 0;! x & & i < d.forms.length; i ++) x = d.forms [i] [n];

    for (i = 0;! x & & d.layers & & I < d.layers.length; i ++) x = MM_findObj (n, d.layers [i] .document);

    If (! x & & d.getElementById) x = d.getElementById (n); Return x;


    function MM_swapImage() {//v3.0

    var i, j = 0, x, a = MM_swapImage.arguments; document. MM_sr = new Array; for (i = 0; i <(a.length-2); I += 3).

    If ((x = MM_findObj (a [i]))! = null) {document. MM_sr [j ++] = x; if(!x.oSrc) x.oSrc = x.src; x.SRC = a [i + 2] ;}


    < /script >

    < / head >

    < body onload = "MM_preloadImages ("images/nydogworks-logo-hover.png','images/formation-services-le. jpg','images/behavior-therapy-on.jpg','images/off-leash-training-on.jpg') ">"

    < div id = 'wrapper' > < div id = "header" >

    < div id = "logoBox" > < a href = "index.html" MM_swapImgRestore"onmouseover =" MM_swapImage ('Image3', ",' images/nydogworks-logo - hover.png', 1)" > < img src = "images/nydogworks - logo.png" alt = 'NY Dogworks' name = "3" width = "280" height = "200" border = "0" id = "3" / > < /a > < / div > "

    < div id = 'slogan' > serving all the Long Island, Nassau & amp; Suffolk Counties < br / >

    Serving also Manhattan, Brooklyn & amp; Queens

    < / div > < div id = "address" >

    < h2 > < img src = "images/calltogetstarted.png" width = "473" height = "74" alt = "Call to start" / > < / h2 > "

    < / div > < div id = 'mainNav' > <!-start of the code required below->

    < ul class = "drop-down horizontal menu dropdown" id = "nav" name = "nav" >

    < li > < a href = ' all-New York - dog - works.html "> about us < /a > < /li >

    < li > < a href = "long-island-dog-training - program" class = "dir" > < /a > training programs

    < ul >

    < li > < a href = "basic - obedience.html" > in the House of dogs < /a > < /li >

    < li > < a href = "dog-behavior - therapy.html" > < /a > < /li > behavioral therapy

    < li > < a href = "Council-and-train-dog - program.html" > consulting & training program < /a > < /li >

    < li > < a href = ' off-leash - training.html ' > Off Leash training < /a > < /li >

    < li > < a href = ' Puppy-training - program.html "> training Puppy < /a > < /li >

    < /ul >

    < /li >

    < li > < a href = "dog-trainer - testimonials.html" class = "dir" > stories < /a > < /li >

    < li > < a href = "contact-long-island-dog - trainer.html" class = "dir" > contact us < /a > < /li >

    < /ul >

    <!-/ END--> < / div >

    < / div >

    < div id = "container" >

    < div id = "imgholder" > < a href = "long-island-dog-training - program" > < img src = "images/hand - header.jpg" alt = "private dog training long island new york" width = "951" height = "416" border = "0" / > < / has >

    "< div id ="program1"> < a href =" long-island-dog-training - program "MM_swapImgRestore" onmouseover = "MM_swapImage ('Image6 '", ' images/training-services - we .jpg ', 1) "> < img src =" images/training - services.jpg ' alt = 'dog training services' name = 'Image6"width ="315"height ="137"border ="0"id ="Image6"/ > < /a > < / div >

    "< div id ="program1"> < a href =" Council-and-train-dog - program.html ' MM_swapImgRestore "onmouseover ="MM_swapImage (' picture5 '", ' images/boarding_training - we .jpg ', 1)" > < img src = "images/Boarding_training.jpg" alt = "consulting and training program for dogs" name = "Picture5" width = "315" height = "137" border = "0" id = "Picture5" / > < /a > < / div > "

    "< div id ="program1"> < a href =" dog-behavior - therapy.html ' MM_swapImgRestore ' onmouseover =

    "MM_swapImage ('Image7'",' images/Behavior_therapy2 - we .jpg ', 1) "> < img src =" images/Behavior_therapy2.jpg"alt ="behavior therapy"name = width"Image7"="311"height ="137"id ="Image7"border ="0"align ="right"/ > < /a > < / div >"

    < / div >

    < div id = "pageContentNoside" >

    < div id = "sideSub" >

    Dog training services < h2 > < br / >

    < / h2 >

    < ul id = "subnav" >

    < li > < a href = "basic - obedience.html" > obedience base < /a > < /li >

    < li > < a href = "dog-behavior - therapy.html" > < /a > < /li > behavioral therapy

    < li > < a href = "Council-and-train-dog - program.html" > consulting & training program < /a > < /li >

    < li > < a href = ' off-leash - training.html ' > Off Leash training < /a > < /li >

    < li > < a href = ' Puppy-training - program.html "> training Puppy < /a > < /li >

    < /ul >

    < br / >

    < iframe src = "/ / NYDogWorks % 2F219268038151244% 3Ffref % 3Dts & amp;" width = 248 & amp; height = 558 & amp; show_faces = true & amp; ColorScheme = light & amp; stream = true & amp; border_color = % 23FFFFFF & amp; header = false"scrolling =" "frameborder ="0"style =" border: none; " overflow: hidden; Width: 248px; height: 558px; "allowTransparency ="true"> < / iframe >

    < p > < br / >

    < /p >

    < p > < / p >

    < p > < img src = "images/4449da18fc3aa2f249d17dc90ebd5531.jpg" width = "145" height = "136" / > < br / > "

    < /p >

    < / div >

    < div id = "mainContentFeature1" >

    < h2 > welcome to NY Dogworks < / h2 >

    < p > < img src = "images/dog-break - through.jpg" alt = "new york dog trainer" width = "136" height = "170" class = "h_img_float_right" / > our private, a training courses are conducted at your home by a certified professional trainer and Expert in behavior. Lessons are adapted to fit what you want to do with your puppy or adult dog. < br / >

    < br / >

    We use a humane, positive and scientifically rigorous approach that makes it easy for you and your dog to succeed. Our instructions are broken down into simple steps that everyone can participate in the training and be able to practice with the family. < br / >

    < br / >

    < span class = "employeeName" > call today for a free Consultation!      </span > < / p >

    < p > do not have the time or patients to do the training? Well, NY DogWorks has the answer... We now < a href = "Council-and-train-dog - program.html" > Committee and train programs < /a > in our Center of beautiful in the house owner & amp; Trainer Brian DeMartino. It is a program of 2 to 6 weeks which is guaranteed 100%. Your dog will stay with us, without collecting additional taxes if we believe that it is not ready to move. This program may be for burglary, puppy training, socialization / obedience & amp; Manners / problem behaviours such as aggression, anxiety or fears / staff / training leaves an advanced Protection and much more... < /p >

    < p > we also < a href = "Council-and-train-dog - program.html" > < /a > dogs in our facility on board if you go far and that your animal of the family to be taken care 24/7 as is he or she was one of us. A lot of game time, walks, individual attention, grooming, if necessary, the comfortable sleeping areas, with their own bed and lots lots of love... < /p >

    < p > let us help you have the relationship you and your dog deserve... < br / >

    < br / >

    < strong > we accept now < facilities > < br / >

    < img src = "images/creditcards.jpg" width = "228" height = "43" alt = "now accepts credit cards" / > < br / > "

    < br / >

    < br / >

    < /p >

    < p > < br / >

    < /p >

    < p > < br / >

    < br / >

    < / div >

    < div id = "mainContentFeature2" >

    < form action = "form.php" method = "post" name = "form2" id = "form2" > < table width = "279" border = "0" cellpadding = "2" cellspacing = "2" > "

    < b >

    < td width = "273" > < Contact fast h2 > < / h2 > < table >

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < class td = "mainContent" > your name < table >

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < td > < span class = "style9" >

    < input name = "forname" type = "text" class = "colorfieldssmall" id = "forname" size = "20" / >

    </span > < table >

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < class td = "mainContent" > your Email address * (required) < table >

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < td > < span class = "style7 style9" >

    < input name = "Admail" type = "text" class = "colorfieldssmall" id = "Admail" size = "25" / >

    </span > < table >

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < class td = "mainContent" > < table > phone number

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < td > < span class = "style7 style9" >

    < input name = "phone" type = "text" class = "colorfieldssmall" id = "phone" / >

    </span > < table >

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < td > < span class = "mainContent" > Type of dog training </span > < table >

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < class td = "mainContent" > < span class = "style9" >

    < select name = "need" class = "colorfieldssmall" id = 'need' >

    < option value = "A SΘlectionner" > select a < / option >

    < option value = "basic obedience" > obedience based < / option >

    < option value = "Behavior therapy" > behavioral therapy < / option >

    < option value = "Council and Train" > Board and Train < / option >

    < option value = "Off Leash Training ' > Off Leash training < / option >

    < option value = 'Puppy Training' > training Puppy < / option >

    < / select >

    </span > < table >

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < td > < span class = "mainContent" > feedback </span > < table >

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < td > < textarea name = "comments" id = cols 'comments' = '24' ranks '8' = > < / textarea > < table >

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < td > < div align = "left" >

    < input type = "submit" name = "submit" id = "submit" value = "Submit" / >

    < / div >

    < table >

    < /tr >

    < / table > < / make >

    < h2 > < br / >

    We are available in the following areas: < / h2 >

    < p > Long Island, Nassau County, Suffolk County, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Bronx, & amp; Queens. < /p >

    < p > * we pick up and drop off services for your pet for boarding and the boarding and training. < br / >

    < /p >

    Dog training testimonials < h2 > < br / >

    < / h2 >

    < p > Send to Brian Otis to Board and train program has been the best decision I ever made.  After being told Otis could not be helped, and it should be watched, I was devastated.  Otis is Brian program from a few weeks back and is extremely docile and friendly.  It's the same pup we brought back a few years previously, but more calm and without any aggression.  We are working on obedience Otis' every day and walk him and he put on the conveyor belt.   Thanks to Brian, our dog is carefree and more affordable.  The list goes on and the way that Brian has helped the family, myself and especially Otis.  If you are having problems with your dog, especially problems of behaviour and aggression, my advice to you is to trust Brian.  Your dog will be in good hands with a safe, reliable, responsible, in love with dog that will treat your dog as her own. < br / >

    < span class = "testimonalName" > < strong > < br / >

    Victoria Zilli < br / >

    < facilities > < / span > < span class = "mainContent" > Long Island, New York </span > < br / >

    < br / >

    < a href = "dog-trainer - testimonials.html" > read more dog training work < /a > < br / >

    < br / >

    < br / >

    < br / > < / div >

    < div id = "bread crumbs" >

    < p > < a href = "index.html" > home < /a > & gt; Welcome to the premier NYC dog training company, NY DogWorks < br / >

    < strong > serving all of Long Island, Nassau & amp; The County of Suffolk, Manhattan, Brooklyn, & amp; Queens < facilities > < br / >

    < /p >

    < / div >

    < / div >

    < div id = "footer" >

    < div id = "footermenu" >

    < div id = "footermenu1" >

    < / div >

    < / div >

    < div class = 'phone number' id = 'copyright' > Copyright © 2014 NY DogWorks < / div >

    " < div class ="stuck"id ="sitedesigner"> site on Long Island Web design by < a href =" "title = 'Wet Ribet' target = '_blank' class ="medlink"> wet Ribet < /a > < / div > "

    < / div >

    < / div >

    < / div >

    < / body >

    < / html >

    You can replace your code with my code - then it should work.

  • The two problems with sub form of table, associated with check boxes

    Hi all -
    Jari already helped me thereby once last week, but I'm running into some new questions.
    workspace: Leppard
    username: Guest
    PW: app_1000
    Application: MyTestApp

    Maybe I need to split these into two questions, if so just let me know.

    Question 1: On the first tab (tab 1 report) I have a simple tabular presentation based on the EMP table. The column of the box on the far right, when checked restores the Ename column readonly. The problem is that it only works one way. Unchecking the checkbox is not cancel the read-only.

    It is javascript code that I have on the page:
    function test(pThis) {
     //get the current row index on change
     var currIndex = $('input[name="''"]').index(pThis);
     // check current items value (return value of lov)
     if (pThis.value=='Y') {
      $('input[name="f02"]')[currIndex].style.backgroundColor = "LightGrey";
    else if (pThis.value=='N') {
      $('input[name="f02"]')[currIndex].style.backgroundColor = "Red";
    The attribute of the element on the checkbox column is
    (It seems to work although I use onClick or onChange so I don't know if that makes a difference).

    But the main problem is that the code does not recognize the value of "n" in the column. I checked with firebug and columns I have untick are definitely on 'n', but I can't get javascript code to recognize this value. Even if I take the "ElseIf" code and just change the first part to (pThis.value ==' no) still does not work. There seems to be something with the value "n" recognize themselves do not, but I can not understand.

    Question 2: on the second tab - tab report 2. The same report but this time, I use a javascript character counter similar to that described in the sample application of the Dene (page 276 > The counter of characters on the Ename field include javascript and an expression of HTML on the Ename column. The counter works fine, but now, the javascript code to make the column readonly work over all.

    Any ideas on these are much appreciated!

    Thanks in advance,

    • Please please understand what HTML is generated and how to inspect. Once you do this, you can easily eliminate many problems with selectors not seeming to work. A text box is not an input for example element.
    • Boxes rely on the checked, not the value property. Apex circumvents this by creating a hidden extra element which will get the value based on the checked property of the visible checkbox
    • Do not use these horrible onchange and onclick attributes :( Use a dynamic action or jQuery to bind events.
    • Do not apply a style via javascript. Use CSS for this drive as with jQuery, you can easily add, remove, or toggle the classes too. And if you know jQuery selectors, you can understand css selectors because they are substantially the same.
    • I don't know why people insist on using rowIndex or substringing ID. I find it unnecessary and more complex that the alternative (crosses with jQuery)
    • The difficulty also in things into action through pagination. Running on just the visible page it of a trifle, but through paging requires more work than just check "fire on loading the page" is not enough. I'm sure you'd want your ENAME either red or gray column and readonly as soon as the page is loaded, and not when you start typing in the box...

    Form 1 tab: copied to Page 12 and made my changes here:_

    • OnChange on ENAME. This removed. No idea why you would need it there seems a crutch for not having the field in the desired state when the page is loaded.
    • OnClick on CHECKBOX. Removed what I hate these attributes. Replaced by a dynamic action.
    • Dynamic action "checkbox: ENAME readonly value."

      • Event: After refresh
      • Selection type: region
      • Region: Form of tab 1
      • No condition
      • Scope of the event: static
      • Real Action

        • Run the JavaScript Code
        • Fire on loading the Page: YES
        • Code:

          //at page load and after each region refresh:
          //each: check all checkboxes and set readonly on ename accordingly
          //click: when the checkbox changes, change ename accordingly
          $("td[headers='CHECKBOX'] input[type='checkbox']:visible")

  • Page > function and global variables declaration

    function checkReadonly(pCheck){
       var lCheck = $(pCheck);
       .find("td[headers='ENAME'] input:visible").each(function(){
          $(this).prop("readonly", lCheck.prop("checked"));

  • Page > CSS Inline

    td[headers='ENAME'] input{
    background-color: red;
    td[headers='ENAME'] input[readonly]{
    background-color: lightgrey;

    CSS works so much better for this than the application of style through js...

  • Form 2 tab: copied to Page 13 and made my changes here:_

    • OnChange on ENAME. This removed. No idea why you would need this.
    • OnClick on CHECKBOX. Removed what I hate these attributes. Replaced by a dynamic action.
    • Dynamic action: identical to page 12, just modified trigger area
    • Changed input to TEXTAREA when it is required:
    • Page > function and global variables declaration

      function checkReadonly(pCheck){
         var lCheck = $(pCheck);
         .find("td[headers='ENAME'] textarea:visible").each(function(){
            $(this).prop("readonly", lCheck.prop("checked"));

    • Page > CSS Inline

      td[headers='ENAME'] textarea{
      background-color: red;
      td[headers='ENAME'] textarea[readonly]{
      background-color: lightgrey;

    • The f_set_counter function, I changed a bit: there are 2 straps too, put a semicolon at the end of each line.
      -Change $x (node) .value $s (node, value) and $v (node)
      -changed $x (node) .innerHTML to $(node) .text)
      I know: it worked. I like this better. OCD? :/

    function f_set_counter(pThis,pLength,pMaxLength,pReset)
       if (pLength>pMaxLength){
          alert('The maximum length of '+pMaxLength+' exceeded.');
          $s(pReset, $v(pReset).substring(0,pMaxLength));

    Published by: Tom on February 15, 2013 12:48
    Made a mistake in the case of dynamic action :->, click after refresh!

  • squiggly_p4, problem with Spark container


    Environment: Flex SDK 4.5 Hero, Win7 64-bit, Flash Builder 4

    Code snippet

    < s:Panel >

    < mx:TextArea id = "myTextArea" width = "300" height = "200" / >

    < / s:Panel >

    < s:TitleWindow >

    < mx:TextArea id = "myTextArea" width = "300" height = "200" / >

    < / s:TitleWindow >


    There is no suggestion for thos Halo TextArea if it belongs to the container of the spark.



    Maybe: ContextMenu is uninitialized or not properly initialized.

    Thank you


    It is a known problem with the panels of the spark. Please refer to

    Thank you


  • problems with, phone, 6, Bluetooth kit, Nissan, after update, for, Rios, 1.0.2

    After the update to ios 10.0.2 - trying to use bluetooth to call my vehicle, it says: "this article is not in your phone book." How can I solve this problem?

    Greetings, joybelino1!

    Thank you for joining the communities Support from Apple! I can't wait to see that you are having problems with your Bluetooth in your car! The good news is that Apple has a great article that will help you with measures to try to resolve the problem. Read this article to gethelp to connect your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with your car radio. Even though he talks about problems with the connection, it also has the steps for other questions you may have once connected.

    If you use Bluetooth

    1. Consult the user manual of your car stereo to get the procedure to a Bluetooth device.
    2. On your iOS device, drag up to open Control Center, then press ontwice to turn on Bluetooth and turn it back on.
    3. Restart your iOS device.
    4. On your iOS device, Cancel the twinning of your car radio. On the screen of your car désapparier your iOS device and any other device. Restart your car and your iOS device, then pair and connect again.
    5. Update your iOS device.
    6. Install the updates to the firmware of your car radio.
    7. If you still not connect, contact Apple technical support.

    Have a great day!

  • Anyone having problems with WiFi connectivity after upgrade to Sierra?

    I was wondering if anyone else knows issues with WiFi connectivity since the upgrade to Sierra 10.12? I have not had any problems with connectivity WiFi previously on El Capitan. Now I have regular randomly loose connectivity. My internet is cable and when it is connected I have a 100% connection. My details of iMac and I have used only 10% of my storage.

    No problem with my iphone 6.

    Hello AspDesigns,

    I understand that, since the upgrade to Mac OS Sierra, your Mac seems to have trouble staying connected to Wi - Fi. Fortunately the diagnosis built-in wireless can help identify the source of so much trouble.

    Search for Wi - Fi using your Mac problems

    See you soon!

  • Problems with mail after switching to macOS Sierra

    Hey all

    After having recently upgraded to macOS Sierra, I am unable to read my mail.

    I get the following error every time I check on "Get Mail".

    There may be a problem with the mail server or the network. Check the account settings "*" or try again.

    The server returned the error: Mail could not connect to the server '' using SSL on the default ports. Verify that this server supports SSL and that your account settings are correct.

    What does this error message mean and how can I solve this problem.

    Thank you

    Hi Michael,

    I see your message that you get an error in the mail indicating that there is a problem with the mail server or the network.  To help get this problem resolved, I suggest that you follow the steps below:

    If mail refers to a problem with the mail server, or the network

    Mail will say that it is impossible to connect due to a problem with the mail server or the network. For example, the message may refer to a connection that has expired, or too many simultaneous connections:

    If you are connected to the Internet, but the connection has expired, your email provider might be affected by a discontinuance of service. Contact them or see their status Web page to ensure that their e-mail service is online. Examples of status pages:

    If the message indicates the number of simultaneous connections, too many of your devices is check your e-mail account at the same time. Quit Mail on one or more of your other devices.

    If you are still unable to send or receive e-mails

    1. Make sure that you have installed latest version of the Mac software updates, especially if the problem occurred immediately after the installation of a previous update.
    2. In OS X El Capitan or later version, you can see a status icon and the short error message in the upper right of the Mail window, under the search box. The message may indicate 'Network offline' or 'Connection failed', for example. Click the message to see more details on the issue.
    3. Check your connection to the Mail connection doctor. It might be able to say more on the issue.

    If you cannot send or receive e-mail on your Mac.

    Take care.

  • iMac 27 "mid-2011 - Intermittent problem with CPU fan running at full speed and sleep mode.


    My iMac 27 "has an intermittent problem with the CPU fan runs at full speed. Sometimes it happens at the time when I start it, sometimes only in my session, and sometimes only after a certain time. So does seem to be a problem of "heating".

    Second issue is with the mode 'sleep'. It may occur also at any time, at the start of the iMac, session, or after a certain time. But once he starts to go in mode 'sleep', when I wake up, it goes right back in mode after a few seconds and that it will continue indefinitely until I restart the computer.

    What could be?

    Please help me!


    Here is my model of iMac:

    iMac 27 "mid-2011 model 12.2

    Intel Core i7 3.4 GHz

    AMD Radeon HD 6970M 1024 MB

    OS X El Capitan 10.11.6
    SMC 1.72f2

    Boot ROM IM121.0047.B23

    reset the SMC

    Reset the management system (SCM) controller on your Mac - Apple Support

  • problem with playing the clash of clans

    I'm having some problems while playing the clash of clans on my 2 mini ipad screen does not seem to meet sometimes as if it was some sort of delay so I have to tap several times in order to use a filter or throw the troops on the battlefield.

    Hi Trinitygr,

    Thanks for posting in the Community Support from Apple! I understand that you are having problems with your iPad screen while playing a game. I like to play games on my iPad and I don't see how this could be a nuisance. I'm happy to offer assistance.

    Are you only had this problem when using the app clash of Clans, or does it happen in all applications? I recommend to start by following the steps described in this article:
    If an application you have installed unexpectedly closes, unresponsive, or does not open

    Take care!

  • I'm having problems with an outdated Apple ID

    I have problems with updating Apps etc in my Apple account because he always asked an obsolete in sign.  How can I change this?


    Go down to itunes apple ID Delete page homepage all ID and then add it back back.

    See you soon


  • Anyone having problems with the new iPhone LTE connection 7 on Verizon?

    I am now on my iPhone second 7 with Verizon. I had four phones for me and my family. I have now had issues where I have no signal in the same areas where my signal allows to be strong. I can't solve the problem with the activation/deactivation of the airplane and then mode again in normal mode. My phone will rest with no signal for 5 minutes, then going to LTE with three bars. I also had the problem where I had only 1 x signal, while my son standing right next to me has LTE. And he had the same questions, where I'm on LTE and it gets no signal. I use to have LTE where I live and work all the time, now it's spotty at best. Apple has replaced me and my sons iPhones but not luck. Still do. Any ideas or an any other suffering?

    (1) go to settings/cell phone/cellular data Options/enable LTE and select ONLY the DATA. This seems to solve the problem (as a temporary solution) for most of the people affected by this problem. The bad part is your request might not be as clear (since they cannot use the highest LTE signals) and you can make calls and data at the same time. But it does not solve the issue.

    (2) there are rumors (but you didn't hear that from me that we only are not supposed to discuss beta software program Apple in this forum) that the new version of Apple Beta for iOS (which also includes an update of the software carrier Verizon to 26.0) seems to solve this problem. So, there's a light at the end of the tunnel.

  • Problem with some fonts of symbols after the installation of the Sierra


    I have recently upgraded the OS on my iMac late 2012 for Sierra, since doing so, I noticed a problem with several fonts.

    All symbolic symbols Apple to Wingdings fonts not correctly displayed in the font book. Apple symbols looks like a standard wheelbase of san, and other symbolic fonts just show as question marks '?' where the images should be.

    In text editing, that I can't even see the symbolic fonts like Zapf Dingbats and Wingdings in the selector. However, they all work well in Adobe Illustrator (CS5) and Microsoft Word 2011. Apple symbols still looks like a standard font.

    I already tried the following:

    1. check the fonts in font book

    2 fix the duplicates in the font book

    3. using the "Restore Standard fonts" option in the font book

    4 deleting a file in the folder Preferences plist Fonts

    5 deleted the cache of police and the database

    I'm out of ideas. Has anyone else had the same problem found a fix?

    Kind regards


    I'm just to add that I used the recovery partition to do a clean install of Sierra on a hard drive external and then booted into it to see if it had the same problem.

    And he does. Wingdings and other photo fonts appear as '?' in boxes where the letters must be in the font book.

    So this seems like a problem with the way Sierra displays these fonts, not with the font files themselves.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Upgrading the processor on the Satellite U200

    I have a PLUA0C U200-PT300E and I would like to upgrade the processor in it. I bought a T7200 processor on eBay since it was the most powerful available for laptops U200/U205 CPU. However, when I installed it, I came across a series of problems. Firs

  • Definition of screen Portege 3490CT

    Hi, I am unable to use the full screen on my Portege 3490CT that there is a white border, approximately 1 inch in width, all around. I guess it could be a driver problem and tried to reinstall it but noavail. Any ideas? see you soonIan.

  • Unknown interface LPC device on my Satellite 1955

    I have the Satellite 1955-S803 laptop with Windows XP.Device Manager, show me an unknown device "LPC interface. All the motherboard drivers were installed. Maybe someone knows how to solve the problem?

  • How do I set up my screen so it does not turn off automatically?

    I sometimes pull up of recipes and read them the monitor that I Cook.  In this way I save ink and paper. The monitor automatically stops a lot too quickly.

  • My games is displayed in a small window, not full-screen.

    I installed a game for learning since 1996 and when I try to play a game like Grand Theft Auto IV it is displayed in a small window like the 96 set appears. How to restore mode full screen in my games?