Publication of default due to the error creating table _mungo


I'm trying to reflect the types of assets for the development of the Test environment. The mirror operation fails with the following error:

[13:07:44.924 2014-03-04] [CS. DB] [ERROR] SQLException statement: CREATE TABLE XXXXXXX_C_Mungo (id Number (38) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, cs_ownerid Number (38) NOT NULL, NULL Number (38), urlvalue NULL varchar (128), stringvalue NULL varchar (2000), intvalue NUMBER (10) NULL, NULL NUMBER(38, 10), moneyvalue, NULL, TIMESTAMP NULL, NULL Number datevalue (38), text NULL CLOB, cs_attrid Number (38) NOT NULL assetvalue cs_assetgroupid floatvalue) cs_islegal char (1)
Blobvalue NULL, NULL Number (38), cs_filterid NULL Number (38), cs_ordinal NUMBER (38, 10) NULL)
java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-02263: need to specify the data type for this column.

After reviewing the request that I discovered that moneyvalue is missing from column data type. I checked the value of in gator.ini and it is set to the default NUMERIC value (20.3). I ran the query in the help tool to provide the data type for the column moneyvalue and it works very well.

Version is 7.5 patch4

No idea where it is a failure?

Thank you


Hi Harish,

What is your cc.numeric value in futuretense.ini on a server?

Have you tried comparing the two systems differences *.ini files? (Easiest way to compare them is to sort the content first, and then use a diff of program like winmerge or diff.)

Kind regards


Tags: Fusion Middleware

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