Pulling data from the SAP ERP system in ColdFusion

Has anyone tried to extract data from the SAP ERP system in ColdFusion?
Y at - it any documentation on how to do this?

Any help and suggestions would be very appreciated.

Thank you, Rob.

You are right. I don't know Java and when I looked at JCo stuff, I got confused.
Thnaks for recommend bTalk. I met with them soon.

Tags: ColdFusion

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  • Pulling data from the class on a MovieClip array

    I am trying to create this slideshow application that displays product information (Tennis rackets) issues of different categories. A great programmer advised me that OOP would be a way to go, however I'm having a difficulty with it.

    I created:

    A document class called CustomClass--> This class downloads all data from the server and pushing the content in the XML based on a category tables. These berries are public, there is also a funciton iterateArray that places the children information somewhere.

    I would like to have 3 different movie clips

    1 screen-> Welcome Message

    2nd screen-> first table

    3rd screen-> second table Dispalyed

    package {
         import flash.display.*;
         import fl.transitions.*;
         import fl.transitions.easing.*;
         import flash.net.*;
         import flash.events.*;
         import flash.text.*;
         import flash.text.AntiAliasType;
         import flash.utils.*;
         import bucket_right;
         import bucket_left;
         import firstScreen;
         import secondScreen;
         public class CustomClass extends MovieClip {
              [Embed(source="C:/WINDOWS/Fonts/Eurosti.ttf", fontFamily="Euro")]
              public  var EuroEmbedded:Class;
              //XML responsible variables 
              private var xmlLoader:URLLoader;
              private var xmlContainer:XML;
              private var xmlList:XMLList;
              //Array specific variables 
              public var rackUSA:Array;
              public var rackOther:Array;
              public var imagesArray:Array;
              //Position Variables 
              public var position:Number;
              //Movie Clip Related Data
              public var bucket:MovieClip;
              public var firstScreenShow:MovieClip;
              public var secondScreenShow:MovieClip;
              //Text Field Formatting
              private var brandnameTxt:TextFormat;
              private var detailsTxt:TextFormat;
              private var priceTxt:TextFormat;
              public  var euroEmbeddedFont:Font;
              private var fontNeeded:String;
              //Set up Timer Vars 
              private var applicationStart:Timer;
              private var delay:Number;
              private var repeat:Number;
              //Positioning Variable 
              private var positionBuckets:Boolean = true;
              //This is the constructor of the application 
              public function CustomClass() {
                   euroEmbeddedFont = new EuroEmbedded();
                   fontNeeded            = euroEmbeddedFont.fontName;
                   position         = 5;
                   rackUSA            = new Array();
                   rackOther            = new Array();
                   imagesArray       = new Array();
                   delay                 = 2000;
                   repeat                = 1;
                   applicationStart = new Timer(delay, repeat);
              private function LoadXML() {
                   xmlLoader = new URLLoader();
                   xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("http://localhost/xml/index.php"));
                   xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, populateInfo);
              public function populateImages(imgname:String, imgurl:String):* {
                   var imageLoader:Loader = new Loader();
                   //imgname = imgname.split(".gif").join("");
                   //imageLoader.name = imgname;
                  imageLoader.load(new URLRequest(imgurl));
                   return imageLoader;
              public function getArray(arrayName:Array) {
                   return arrayName;
              /*public function startApplication() {
                   applicationStart.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, firstScreen);
              public function firstScreen(e:TimerEvent) {
                   applicationStart.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, firstScreen);
                   firstScreenShow = new firstScreen();
                   applicationStart.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, secondScreen);
              public function secondScreen(e:TimerEvent) {
                   applicationStart.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, secondScreen);
                   secondScreenShow = new secondScreen();
                   applicationStart.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, firstScreen);
              public function setFontFormat() {
                   //Text Formatting for Brand Name Field
                   brandnameTxt = new TextFormat();
                   brandnameTxt.font = fontNeeded;
                   brandnameTxt.color = 0x006699;
                   brandnameTxt.size = 20;
                   brandnameTxt.bold = true;
                   //Text Formatting for Country/Material
                   detailsTxt = new TextFormat();
                   detailsTxt.font = fontNeeded;
                   detailsTxt.color = 0x006699;
                   detailsTxt.size = 10;
                   detailsTxt.bold = false;
                   //Text Formatting for Country/Material
                   priceTxt = new TextFormat();
                   priceTxt.font = fontNeeded;
                   priceTxt.color = 0x9DE36E;
                   priceTxt.size = 20;
                   priceTxt.bold = true;
              public function tweenBucket(bucket:MovieClip) {
                        var bucketImgTrans = new TransitionManager(bucket);
                        bucketImgTrans.startTransition({type:Zoom, direction:Transition.IN, duration:3, easing:Strong.easeOut});
              private function iterateArray(contentInfo:Array) {
                   for (var c:uint = 0; c < contentInfo.length; c++) {
                             var brand:TextField   = new TextField();
                             var country:TextField = new TextField();
                             var made:TextField    = new TextField();
                             var cost:TextField    = new TextField();
                             var img:Loader;     
                             brand.embedFonts        = true;
                             img            = contentInfo[c].picture;
                             brand.text   = contentInfo[c].brand;
                             country.text = contentInfo[c].country;
                             made.text    = contentInfo[c].made;
                             cost.text    = contentInfo[c].cost;
                             if (positionBuckets) {
                             bucket       = new bucket_left();     
                             //Align Data
                             bucket.y = position;
                             bucket.x = 70;
                             brand.x = -50;
                             brand.y = -35;
                             country.x  = -45;
                             country.y  = -10; 
                             made.x = -45;
                             made.y = 5;
                             cost.x = 45;
                             cost.y = -10;
                             img.x = -105;
                             img.y = -35;
                             brandnameTxt.align = TextFormatAlign.LEFT;
                           priceTxt.align         = TextFormatAlign.LEFT;
                             positionBuckets    = false; 
                             } else {
                             bucket       = new bucket_right();     
                             //Align Data
                             bucket.y = position;
                             bucket.x = 240;
                             brand.x = -50;
                             brand.y = -35;
                             country.x  = -45;
                             country.y  = -10; 
                             made.x = -45;
                             made.y = 5;
                             cost.x = -110;
                             cost.y = -10;
                             img.x = 70;
                             img.y = -35;
                             brandnameTxt.align = TextFormatAlign.RIGHT;
                             positionBuckets    = true;      
                             addChildAt(bucket, 0);
                             position += 70;
              private function populateInfo(event:Event) {
                   //Incoming XML Data
                   xmlContainer = new XML(event.target.data);
                   xmlList = xmlContainer.product;
                   //Variables to hold the string
                   var brandTxt:String;
                   var country:String;
                   var material:String;
                   var price:String;
                   var image:String;
                   for (var i:uint = 0; i < xmlList.length(); i++) {     
                   if (xmlList.country.text()[i] == "USA") {
                   brandTxt = xmlList.brand.text()[i];
                   country = "product of " + xmlList.country.text()[i];
                   material = "made of " + xmlList.material.text()[i];
                   price = "$" + xmlList.price.text()[i];
                   image = xmlList.image.text()[i];
                   rackUSA.name = brandTxt.toLowerCase();
                   var imgVar:* = this.populateImages(image, "http://localhost/rackets/" + image); 
                   rackUSA.push({brand: brandTxt, country: country, made: material, cost: price, pic: image, picture: imgVar});
                   } else if (xmlList.country.text()[i] == "Other") {
                   brandTxt = xmlList.brand.text()[i];
                   country = "product of " + xmlList.country.text()[i];
                   material = "made of " + xmlList.material.text()[i];
                   price = "$" + xmlList.price.text()[i];
                   image = xmlList.image.text()[i];
                   var imgVarOther:* = this.populateImages(image, "http://localhost/rackets/" + image); 
                   rackOther.push({brand: brandTxt, country: country, made: material, cost: price, pic: image, picture: imgVarOther});

    If I clip named firstScreen how to fill with data from the rackUSA of the table, using the presented functions iterateArray

    I tried in a movieClip

    CustomClass.iterateArray (rackUSA); but it does not work

    Any suggestions

    I want to clarify the use cases.

    1 load data into the document class

    2. display a welcome message

    3 allow users to navigate through the products.

    Q1: Do you mean by 'welcome message' a user interface that allows to start navigation?

    Q2: Products appears the same way. I mean, consider that product display will have a uniform provision?

    If the answer to Q2 is Yes, I would:

    1. create a class that features products. Call ProductDisplay

    2 transfer data (subset of XML related to a particular product - in your case, it may be an object in the position of the table) in an instance of ProductDisplay

    I would like you to consider the following.

    It is a good practice to do OBJECT oriented programming class as little as possible each. This means that a class must have a very focused functionality. For example, ProductClass you perform tasks related to laying on the presentation of the product. With this in mind, it is best to delegate, say, loading image to a separate category. Believe me, when you do – your life will be much easier if you do features as granular as possible even if sometimes it feels like an overdose.

    So here's the sketch of your classes. I wrote it just to illustrate the idea. I did not check the code during execution is definitely buggy.

    Read my comments below also.

    It is a class of product image that load the image:

         import flash.display.Loader;
         import flash.display.Sprite;
         import flash.events.Event;
         import flash.events.ProgressEvent;
         import flash.net.URLRequest;
         public class ProductImage extends Sprite
              // image url
              private var _url:String;
              // loader
              private var _loader:Loader;
              public function ProductImage()
                   if (stage) init();
                   else addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
              private function init(e:Event = null):void
                   removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
                   _loader = new Loader();
                   _loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onLoad);
                   _loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onProgress);
                   _loader.load(new URLRequest(url));
              private function onProgress(e:ProgressEvent):void
                   // display progress if needed
              private function onLoad(e:Event):void
                   _loader.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onProgress);
              public function get url():String { return _url; }
              public function set url(value:String):void
                   _url = value;

    ProdustDisplay class. Note how the product class is instantiated

         import flash.display.Sprite;
         import flash.events.Event;
         public class ProductDisplay extends Sprite
              // hold the metadata
              private var _metaData:Object;
              // an object that holds the image
              private var _imageDisplay:ProductImage;
              public function ProductDisplay()
                   if (stage) init();
                   else addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
              private function init(e:Event = null):void
                   removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
                   // only if metadat is set - build interface
                   if (metaData) {
              // build interface
              private function build():void {
                   // place prduct image
                   _imageDisplay = new ProductImage();
                   _imageDisplay.url = metaData.image;
                   // do the rest - like description, etc.
              // function that accepts product metadata
              public function set metaData(metaObject:Object):void {
                   _metaData = metaObject;
              // returns metadata
              public function get metaData():Object {
                   return _metaData;

    Now in your document class, you can set an unlimited number of instances of ProductDisplay (as slides) and manipulate them. Again, this is just a sketch. Actual implementation of features and code will be somewhat different:

    var productDisplay:ProductDisplay = new ProductDisplay();
    productDisplay.metaData = rackUSA[2];

    Note: Your code has several inconsistencies - we need to go through them at another time. For now just digest these ideas. I understand that this will involve a refactoring on your part, but once you are done with it - things will fall in place fast.

  • Failed to load data from the staging area using the map of ERP SAP ABAP


    I am new to ODI and some challenges. ODI 11g ( I want to move data from a SAP EHP6 system to a warehouse of the oracle. I got the table that I need, using the SAP reverse engineering metadata browser. I then created the interface and on executing this operation fails on task/Session 13 - Loding - Srcset0 - load data into a staging. I use a shared directory. I put FTP_TRANSFER_METHOD = FSMOUNT_DIRECT. I get the error message is

    org.apache.bsf.BSFException: exception of Jython:
    Traceback (most recent call changed):
    File '< string >", line 14, in < module >
    Load error: see /home/dwsap/ZODI_13001_11001_GLOBAL.log for more details

    to org.apache.bsf.engines.jython.JythonEngine.exec(JythonEngine.java:146)
    to com.sunopsis.dwg.codeinterpretor.SnpScriptingInterpretor.execInBSFEngine(SnpScriptingInterpretor.java:322)
    to com.sunopsis.dwg.codeinterpretor.SnpScriptingInterpretor.exec(SnpScriptingInterpretor.java:170)
    to com.sunopsis.dwg.dbobj.SnpSessTaskSql.scripting(SnpSessTaskSql.java:2472)
    to oracle.odi.runtime.agent.execution.cmd.ScriptingExecutor.execute(ScriptingExecutor.java:47)
    to oracle.odi.runtime.agent.execution.cmd.ScriptingExecutor.execute(ScriptingExecutor.java:1)
    to oracle.odi.runtime.agent.execution.TaskExecutionHandler.handleTask(TaskExecutionHandler.java:50)
    to com.sunopsis.dwg.dbobj.SnpSessTaskSql.processTask(SnpSessTaskSql.java:2913)
    to com.sunopsis.dwg.dbobj.SnpSessTaskSql.treatTask(SnpSessTaskSql.java:2625)
    to com.sunopsis.dwg.dbobj.SnpSessStep.treatAttachedTasks(SnpSessStep.java:558)
    to com.sunopsis.dwg.dbobj.SnpSessStep.treatSessStep(SnpSessStep.java:464)
    to com.sunopsis.dwg.dbobj.SnpSession.treatSession(SnpSession.java:2093)
    to oracle.odi.runtime.agent.processor.impl.StartSessRequestProcessor$ 2.doAction(StartSessRequestProcessor.java:366)
    to oracle.odi.core.persistence.dwgobject.DwgObjectTemplate.execute(DwgObjectTemplate.java:216)
    to oracle.odi.runtime.agent.processor.impl.StartSessRequestProcessor.doProcessStartSessTask(StartSessRequestProcessor.java:300)
    to oracle.odi.runtime.agent.processor.impl.StartSessRequestProcessor.access$ 0 (StartSessRequestProcessor.java:292)
    to oracle.odi.runtime.agent.processor.impl.StartSessRequestProcessor$ StartSessTask.doExecute (StartSessRequestProcessor.java:855)
    to oracle.odi.runtime.agent.processor.task.AgentTask.execute(AgentTask.java:126)
    to oracle.odi.runtime.agent.support.DefaultAgentTaskExecutor$ 2.run(DefaultAgentTaskExecutor.java:82)
    to java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:744)
    Caused by: Traceback (most recent call changed):
    File '< string >", line 14, in < module >
    Load error: see /home/dwsap/ZODI_13001_11001_GLOBAL.log for more details

    to org.python.core.PyException.doRaise(PyException.java:219)
    to org.python.core.Py.makeException(Py.java:1166)
    to org.python.core.Py.makeException(Py.java:1170)
    to org.python.pycode._pyx0.f$ 0 (< string >: 50)

    to org.python.pycode._pyx0.call_function (< string >)
    to org.python.core.PyTableCode.call(PyTableCode.java:165)
    to org.python.core.PyCode.call(PyCode.java:18)
    to org.python.core.Py.runCode(Py.java:1204)
    to org.python.core.Py.exec(Py.java:1248)
    to org.python.util.PythonInterpreter.exec(PythonInterpreter.java:172)
    to org.apache.bsf.engines.jython.JythonEngine.exec(JythonEngine.java:144)
         ... 19 more

    I checked the log file and it contains the following

    $ ZODI_13001_11001_GLOBAL.log more

    SQL * Loader: release - Production on Thu Mar 27 11:19:17 2014

    Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.

    SQL * Loader-704: Internal error: ulconnect: OCIServerAttach [0]
    ORA-12504: TNS:listener did not have the SERVICE_NAME in CONNECT_DATA

    I checked my tnsnames.ora and it seems to be OK

    tnsnames.ora # Network Configuration file: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/network/admin/tnsnames.ora
    # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.

    XXXXXX =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = xxxxxx) (PORT = 1521))
    (SERVICE_NAME = xxxxxx)
    (SID = xxxxxx)
    (GLOBAL_NAME = xxxxxx)

    Here's my listener.ora

    listener.ora # Network Configuration file: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/network/admin/listener.ora
    # Generated by Oracle configuration tools.
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = xxxxx) (PORT = 1521))
    ADR_BASE_LISTENER = / u01/app/oracle

    What could be the problem?


    Thanks a lot for your help. The problem is that I had put in the incorrect name of the instance.

  • Reg: Export data of the physical database system standby.

    Hi all

    We have a standard edition one 11 GR 1 material oracle environment, I need to export the data from the physical monitoring system.

    If anyone can suggest me, how to do it safely (up state).

    Kind regards


    Oracle Data Guard is available only as a feature of Oracle Database Enterprise Edition. It is not available with Oracle database Standard edition.

    Then you must export data only from primary or you use EXP instead of EXPDP on the standby database. Because EXPDP create a temporary table export process duration.


    Mr. Mahir Quluzade

  • importing data from the old system to the new system, key to the raw16 column

    Hi, experts,

    now I have a new system, the design of the system is to use raw (16) column as the key column in all tables of database.
    of course, when the new system goes live (in production), new records of transactions are written to the new database system.
    When the new system inserts new records, it manages itself to avoid any conflict of the raw key column value (16)

    Now, I'm dealing with this problem:

    I need to import data from the old system to the new system, I use sys_guid() to fill the column raw (16) into the new database system.
    How can I avoid conflicts of raw column value (16) between the old system data and the new data of database system?

    the sql code I write is very simple:

    insert into new_sys_table_a (key_column_raw_16,...,...)
    Select sys_guid(), old_sys_col_a, old_sys_col_b
    of old_sys_table_a;
    insert into new_sys_table_a (key_column_raw_16, col1, col2 )
    select key_column_raw_16, col1, col2
    from old_sys_table_a;
  • Pulling data from a selection of the option button to use in the field

    I have a radio with 9 options button (1 000, 2 000, 3 000... 9 000). It's a form of insurance, and I can't change to a drop down or fill-in, etc..  I need a later field in the form to the number they chose in the option box.  For example, if some select 3rd in the series of radio (3,000) button I want Field2 fill-in auto number 3 000.

    Is it possible to do an if / then statement to extract data from the radio button option?  I could do this in Excel but don't have a clue how to do here.  And I don't know about Java.  :-(

    Any help would be appreciated!


    You can try this custom script that another user here suggested to me

    You click on properties > Calculate > custom calculation Script > change

    Then paste this in...

    var v = this.getField("Name_of_Radio_button_grouping").value;

    If (v == "1000") event.value = "1000";

    else if (v == "2000") event.value = "2000";

    else if (v == "3000") event.value = "3000";

    else if (v == "4000") event.value = "4000";

    else if (v == "5000") event.value = "5000";

    else if (v == "6000") event.value = "6000";

    else if (v == "7000") event.value = "7000".

    else if (v == "8000") event.value = "8000".

    else if (v == "9000") event.value = "9000".


    else event.value = "";

  • Write and read data from the user's local file system


    I write my first extension for dreamweaver. My extension should backup the data on the local file system of the user. I know that I can use DWfile.read () and DWfile.write () as described in Chapter 2 of the Dreamweaver API reference. I store the data using the XML format. What is the best way to read and parse the XML data in the file? What is the best way to write the XML data in the file?

    If you recommend one format other than XML, I'm open to suggestions. The data are only a few configuration information for the extension which should be persisted.

    Thank you


    How will the data be used? If it is used by JavaScript, use JSON format which includes js. If you use XML, then you will need to find an XML parser to read the data.


  • Unable to delete the data from the Safari Web site...


    I need help with my Safari browser on my Mac.

    Im trying to remove all Web site data with the following procedure:

    Safari-> Preferences-> privacy-> Remove All Data Web site...

    His does not work. Before clicking on the button I have 108 Web sites stored cookies or other data, I click the button, and nothing happens... I'm still 108 cookies.

    I also did the following:

    . - activate the Menu developer and Cache empty and tried again... nothing

    . - used CleanMyMac v3 and it says I don't have cookies.

    . - order iCloud Sync of Safari on the computer and try again... same problem

    . - removed manually com.apple. Safari. Secure

    Any help will be great. Please let me know if you need any additional info.

    Thank you.

    Hello DZanvettor,

    Thank you for using communities of Apple Support.

    If I understand your message that nothing happens when you try to remove the Safari Web site data. I know how it is important for you to be able to remove the Safari Web site data. I recommend that you restart your Mac into safe mode and see if you can remove the data from the Web site in secure mode.

    Here are the steps to restart your Mac in safe mode:

    Safe mode (sometimes called secure boot) is a way to start up your Mac so that it performs certain checks and prevents certain software from loading automatically or opening.

    From your Mac in safe mode does the following:

    * Check your startup disk and attempts to fix problems if necessary directory
    * Loads only required kernel extensions
    * Prevents the elements start and the login items open automatically
    * Disables installed user fonts
    * Delete font caches, hiding the kernel and other files of the system cache
    * Together, these changes can help resolve or isolate issues related to your startup disk.

    Follow these steps to start in safe mode.

    1. start or restart your Mac.
    2. as soon as you hear the startup tone, hold down the SHIFT key.
    3. release the SHIFT key when you see the Apple logo appears on the screen.

    After you delete data from the Web site in safe mode restart your Mac and allow it to start up as usual. Then test the issue again.

    Best regards.

  • I'll lose data from the drive of the partition during recovery?

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    If I use the toshiba recovery CD to format my system, I'll lose data from the disks partition as well or just the C:?

    Hi Justin

    Well, what recovery CD you want to use?
    As much as I know several months Toshiba uses a new version of the CD recovery called Reco.
    You will find the settings option and there you can choose the option when you want to recover the operating system. I think that the first partition is erased.

    The old version of the recovery CD has supported two different options: standard and expert mode. Here it is important to use the expert mode if you want to choose the partition where the OS must be installed

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    So, I did the installation of the new operating system. But I have a lot of applications and data from the old iPad I want on the new iPad. How can I quickly transfer these data? I have found no method to restore the backup of the old iPad now since. Frustrated!

    Follow the directions here: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT203434

    Basically, now that iOS is updated you need to clear the iPad and then you can restore from a backup. -AJ

  • Transfer of data from the old and new Mac

    Hi folks, I'm acquires a new iMac, PC (with Retina 4 K display 21.5 inch iMac) to replace my current iMac (21.5 inch, mid 2010). I sold my existing iMac and will have to ship power off before receiving the new unit, ergo, I won't be able to use the method of transfer of my data from the old to the new Mac.

    Accordingly, I am looking help form to advise me how can I do to preserve my existing Mac data so that I can install on the new Mac. In addition, how to delete all my data from the old Mac but preserve the OS X (El Capitan) and relevant applications.

    All of the advice and recommendations will be greatly appreciated

    1. create a Time Machine backup or clone bootable on an external drive, and then migrate your data from it.

    2. you need to remove El Capitan of the old Mac before send you it off and return it to the most recent of its original operating system or 10.6.8.


  • Message from blackBerry Smartphones: the page you requested was created using data from the form.

    While closing a link to expedia.ca a message come to say: the page you requested was created using data from the form. This page is no longer available.  If you resend the data, any action that has been specified by the form will be repeated.  You want to resubmit the data?  When I click Yes or no, nothing happens except that the message just reappears.  I can't get rid of it so I can't do anything else on my phone, except to answer a call if someone calls me.  How can I get rid of this message from my phone?  I tried to turn it works... even by leaving off the coast for 5 minutes before turning turn it back on.  I can't even check my OS because I do not what anyone on my phone.  I hope someone can help me with this.

    Have you tried a battery pull?  This should fix a problem as you described.

    With your phone, remove the battery, then replace a minute later.  This will do all sorts of wonderful things to your phone for free unclaimed memory, delete no cited source points and make your phone run smoothly.

    Try it and let us know if it does the trick.

  • Extract data from the table on hourly basis


    I have a table that has two columns date all the hours of the base and the response time. I want to extract data from the date corresponding previous hourly basis with the response time. The data will be loaded into the table every midnight.

    for example: today date 23/10/2012
    I want to extract data from 22/10/12 00 to the 22/10/12 23

    The sub query pulls the date as demanded, but I'm not able to take the time to answer.

    with one also
    (select min (trunc (lhour)) as mindate, max (trunc (lhour)) as AVG_HR maxdate)
    SELECT to_char (maxdate + (level/25), "dd/mm/yyyy hh24") as a LEVEL CONNECTION dates < = * (1) 24;

    Please help me on this.

    Try this

    SELECT * FROM table_nm
     WHERE to_char(hour,'DD') = to_char(SYSDATE-1,'DD')
  • Remove data from the HD Server?

    I've recently updated my OS to 10.12 Sierra and went to install Server.app. However, when trying to install Mac OS Server, I received the following message:

    "This the server version does not support upgrading the server from data on this volume. To upgrade your database server, you need to install an older version of the server and OS X."

    ***? In what universe would be an acceptable solution? Now, the fact is that I probably had installed Server.app before on a very old version of Mac OS (not sure which) and just never bothered to upgrade during the last major revision of OS X or more.

    What that is, how can I get rid of these old "data server" so I can install a new copy? Thank you.

    Wondering how to remove the data from the server that you had before the upgrade to Sierra? If so, delete the folder/Library/Server and the.app to / applications. Then go to the App Store and buy the latest version of the server. I'm guessing that your last purchase server had Yosemite and that's why try to install the server to the App Store / Shopping does not work. I did purchase the server from Yosemite.

  • How to erase data from the iphone if I lost and iphone is offline

    How to erase data from the iphone if I lost and iphone is offline

    < post branched out by host >


    What to do if your iOS device is turned off or offline?

    If your missing device is turned off or offline, you can still implement this Mode lost, lockor remote wipe. The next time your device is online, these measures will take effect. If you remove the device from your account while it is offline, pending actions for the device will be cancelled.

    If your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch is lost or stolen - Apple supports

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