QML layout problem

I consider myself fairly competent with QML, but cannot get this to work.

I would a ScrollView at the top of the screen and a multiline inside label, the tricky bit is to operate on the Z10 Q10 formats and in a single file.


*                            *

*                            *

* ScrollView *.

*                            *

*                            *

*                            *


* Multi-line *.

*           Text          *


Dock and absolutely do not work because they hide the text or superimposed according to the order, which leaves StackLayout.

The problem with this is that using the infinite on the ScrollView turns the multi-line into single line, using average absolute values the text is not down on the Z10.

Any ideas?

OK, I think I see not the interest. And if you put the scrollview in another container, then the spaceQuota is calculated:

// Segmented control navigation project template
import bb.cascades 1.0
import com.rim.example.custom 1.0

Page {
    content: Container {

        layout: StackLayout {
            orientation: LayoutOrientation.TopToBottom
        Container {
            ScrollView {
                Container {
                    Label {
                        text: "texte"
                    Label {
                        text: "texte"
                    Label {
                        text: "texte"
            layoutProperties: StackLayoutProperties {
                spaceQuota: 1
        Label {
            text: "texte vdsgkso pkbop kbr kbrk oerkb)eobk kebo)kr )bkerbk)oerk b)ekorkbitojkqnjkbnbn ibni nqrjibn inqrb oqrjib pqbj"
            multiline: true
            layoutProperties: StackLayoutProperties {
                spaceQuota: -1

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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    HI - stuck on what I think should be a pretty basic layout problem:

    I have 2 divs, equal widths but different heights, a floating to the left and the other to the right so that they appear next to each other on the page.  The left one contains varying amounts of text, the right one contains a flash player so never varies.

    Where the text of the left div is long, I want that he start next to the player, but then sink under it, rather than continue down to the same width as the div.  If I remove the width of the left div, while it is up to the width of the container, the player div is positioned underneath, so I can't work out how to get the effect.

    Can anyone help?

    Not quite sure what you're trying to accomplish.

    Do you want the green text to wrap around the player, as demonstrated with the Magi here?


    Nancy O.
    ALT-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media specialists

  • Signature of QML app problem


    Hi, I'm signing my application, but the blackberry-signer-check errors in declarations.

    I have read many topics on the forum, but I have not found a solution to my problem.

    This is my files:

    BlackBerry - tablet.xml:

    Learn language faster


    TARGET = StudyCards
    # Add more folders to ship with the application, here
    folder_01.source = qml/StudyCards
    folder_01.target = qml
    QMAKE_LFLAGS += '-Wl,-rpath,\'./app/native/lib\' '
    package.target = $${TARGET}.bar
    package.depends = $$TARGET
    package.commands = blackberry-nativepackager \
       -package $${TARGET}.bar -arg -platform -arg blackberry \
       -debugToken ./debugToken.bar \
       -arg -platformpluginpath -arg ./app/native/lib/platforms \
       -arg -pluginpath -arg ./app/native/lib/plugins \
       blackberry-tablet.xml $$TARGET \
       -e icon.png icon.png \
       -e splashscreen.png splashscreen.png \
    -e qml qml \
       -e /home/dwart/.qt-x86-lib/Qt/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtCore.so.4 lib/libQtCore.so.4 \
       -e /home/dwart/.qt-x86-lib/Qt/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtGui.so.4 lib/libQtGui.so.4 \
       -e /home/dwart/.qt-x86-lib/Qt/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtOpenGL.so.4 lib/libQtOpenGL.so.4 \
       -e /home/dwart/.qt-x86-lib/Qt/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtNetwork.so.4 lib/libQtNetwork.so.4 \
       -e /home/dwart/.qt-x86-lib/Qt/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtDeclarative.so.4 lib/libQtDeclarative.so.4 \
       -e /home/dwart/.qt-x86-lib/Qt/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtSql.so.4 lib/libQtSql.so.4 \
       -e /home/dwart/.qt-x86-lib/Qt/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtSvg.so.4 lib/libQtSvg.so.4 \
       -e /home/dwart/.qt-x86-lib/Qt/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtScript.so.4 lib/libQtScript.so.4 \
       -e /home/dwart/.qt-x86-lib/Qt/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtXmlPatterns.so.4 lib/libQtXmlPatterns.so.4 \
       -e /home/dwart/.qt-x86-lib/Qt/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/plugins/sqldrivers/libqsqlite.so lib/plugins/sqldrivers/libqsqlite.so \
       -e /home/dwart/.qt-x86-lib/Qt/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/plugins/platforms/libblackberry.so lib/platforms/libblackberry.so
    QMAKE_EXTRA_TARGETS += package
    SOURCES += main.cpp
    # Please do not modify the following two lines. Required for deployment.
    OTHER_FILES += blackberry-tablet.xml

    I do *.bar file:

    make Study-Cards.bar


    qcc -Vgcc_ntoarmv7le -lang-c++ -c -O2 -Wall -W -D_REENTRANT -DQT_NO_DEBUG -DQT_DECLARATIVE_LIB -DQT_GUI_LIB -DQT_CORE_LIB -DQT_SHARED -I../qt-qnx/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/mkspecs/unsupported/blackberry-armv7le-qcc -I. -I../qt-qnx/stage/nto/usr/include/qt4/QtCore -I../qt-qnx/stage/nto/usr/include/qt4/QtGui -I../qt-qnx/stage/nto/usr/include/qt4/QtDeclarative -I../qt-qnx/stage/nto/usr/include/qt4 -Iqmlapplicationviewer -I. -I/opt/bbndk2/target/qnx6/usr/include -I/opt/bbndk2/target/qnx6/usr/include/freetype2 -o main.o main.cpp
    qcc -Vgcc_ntoarmv7le -lang-c++ -c -O2 -Wall -W -D_REENTRANT -DQT_NO_DEBUG -DQT_DECLARATIVE_LIB -DQT_GUI_LIB -DQT_CORE_LIB -DQT_SHARED -I../qt-qnx/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/mkspecs/unsupported/blackberry-armv7le-qcc -I. -I../qt-qnx/stage/nto/usr/include/qt4/QtCore -I../qt-qnx/stage/nto/usr/include/qt4/QtGui -I../qt-qnx/stage/nto/usr/include/qt4/QtDeclarative -I../qt-qnx/stage/nto/usr/include/qt4 -Iqmlapplicationviewer -I. -I/opt/bbndk2/target/qnx6/usr/include -I/opt/bbndk2/target/qnx6/usr/include/freetype2 -o qmlapplicationviewer.o qmlapplicationviewer/qmlapplicationviewer.cpp
    /home/dwart/Desktop/qt-qnx/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/bin/moc -DQT_NO_DEBUG -DQT_DECLARATIVE_LIB -DQT_GUI_LIB -DQT_CORE_LIB -DQT_SHARED -I../qt-qnx/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/mkspecs/unsupported/blackberry-armv7le-qcc -I. -I../qt-qnx/stage/nto/usr/include/qt4/QtCore -I../qt-qnx/stage/nto/usr/include/qt4/QtGui -I../qt-qnx/stage/nto/usr/include/qt4/QtDeclarative -I../qt-qnx/stage/nto/usr/include/qt4 -Iqmlapplicationviewer -I. -I/opt/bbndk2/target/qnx6/usr/include -I/opt/bbndk2/target/qnx6/usr/include/freetype2 -D__QNXNTO__ qmlapplicationviewer/qmlapplicationviewer.h -o moc_qmlapplicationviewer.cpp
    qcc -Vgcc_ntoarmv7le -lang-c++ -c -O2 -Wall -W -D_REENTRANT -DQT_NO_DEBUG -DQT_DECLARATIVE_LIB -DQT_GUI_LIB -DQT_CORE_LIB -DQT_SHARED -I../qt-qnx/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/mkspecs/unsupported/blackberry-armv7le-qcc -I. -I../qt-qnx/stage/nto/usr/include/qt4/QtCore -I../qt-qnx/stage/nto/usr/include/qt4/QtGui -I../qt-qnx/stage/nto/usr/include/qt4/QtDeclarative -I../qt-qnx/stage/nto/usr/include/qt4 -Iqmlapplicationviewer -I. -I/opt/bbndk2/target/qnx6/usr/include -I/opt/bbndk2/target/qnx6/usr/include/freetype2 -o moc_qmlapplicationviewer.o moc_qmlapplicationviewer.cpp
    qcc -Vgcc_ntoarmv7le -lang-c++ -Wl,-rpath-link,/opt/bbndk2/target/qnx6/armle-v7/lib -Wl,-rpath-link,/opt/bbndk2/target/qnx6/armle-v7/usr/lib -Wl,-rpath,'./app/native/lib' -Wl,-O1 -o Study-Cards main.o qmlapplicationviewer.o moc_qmlapplicationviewer.o    -L/opt/bbndk2/target/qnx6/armle-v7/lib -L/opt/bbndk2/target/qnx6/armle-v7/usr/lib -L/home/dwart/Desktop/qt-qnx/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/lib -lQtDeclarative -L/home/dwart/Desktop/qt-qnx/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/lib -L/opt/bbndk2/target/qnx6/armle-v7/lib -L/opt/bbndk2/target/qnx6/armle-v7/usr/lib -lQtScript -lQtSvg -lQtSql -lQtXmlPatterns -lQtNetwork -lsocket -lQtGui -lQtCore -lm 
    blackberry-nativepackager -package Study-Cards.bar -arg -platform -arg blackberry -debugToken ./debugToken.bar -arg -platformpluginpath -arg ./app/native/lib/platforms -arg -pluginpath -arg ./app/native/lib/plugins blackberry-tablet.xml Study-Cards -e icon.png icon.png -e splashscreen.png splashscreen.png -e qml qml -e /home/dwart/.qt-x86-lib/Qt/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtCore.so.4 lib/libQtCore.so.4 -e /home/dwart/.qt-x86-lib/Qt/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtGui.so.4 lib/libQtGui.so.4 -e /home/dwart/.qt-x86-lib/Qt/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtOpenGL.so.4 lib/libQtOpenGL.so.4 -e /home/dwart/.qt-x86-lib/Qt/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtNetwork.so.4 lib/libQtNetwork.so.4 -e /home/dwart/.qt-x86-lib/Qt/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtDeclarative.so.4 lib/libQtDeclarative.so.4 -e /home/dwart/.qt-x86-lib/Qt/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtSql.so.4 lib/libQtSql.so.4 -e /home/dwart/.qt-x86-lib/Qt/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtSvg.so.4 lib/libQtSvg.so.4 -e /home/dwart/.qt-x86-lib/Qt/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtScript.so.4 lib/libQtScript.so.4 -e /home/dwart/.qt-x86-lib/Qt/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/lib/libQtXmlPatterns.so.4 lib/libQtXmlPatterns.so.4 -e /home/dwart/.qt-x86-lib/Qt/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/plugins/sqldrivers/libqsqlite.so lib/plugins/sqldrivers/libqsqlite.so -e /home/dwart/.qt-x86-lib/Qt/stage/nto/armle-v7/usr/lib/qt4/plugins/platforms/libblackberry.so lib/platforms/libblackberry.so
    Info: Package created: Study-Cards.bar

    In the bar of the file look like this:


    I try to sing:

    /opt/bbndk2/host/linux/x86/usr/bin/blackberry-signer -keystore /home/dwart/.rim/author.p12 -storepass myPass ./Study-Cards.bar author


    Info: Bar signed.

    It's added to my file for files META_INF bar: AUTHOR. THIS and the AUTHOR. SF

    next step:

    /opt/bbndk2/host/linux/x86/usr/bin/blackberry-signer -verbose -cskpass myCSKpass -keystore /home/dwart/.rim/author.p12 -storepass myStorePass ./Study-Cards.bar RDK


    Developer Certificate TBS =
    30 81 b7 a0 03 02 01 02 02 04 4f 38 2f a6 30 0c
    06 08 2a 86 48 ce 3d 04 03 04 05 00 30 10 31 0e
    30 0c 06 03 55 04 03 13 05 64 77 61 72 74 30 1e
    17 0d 31 32 30 32 31 32 32 31 33 31 31 38 5a 17
    0d 33 32 30 32 30 37 32 31 33 31 31 38 5a 30 10
    31 0e 30 0c 06 03 55 04 03 13 05 64 77 61 72 74
    30 58 30 10 06 07 2a 86 48 ce 3d 02 01 06 05 2b
    81 04 00 23 03 44 00 03 00 6d 4d b3 f4 07 75 ba
    da 3d 5b b4 7c a8 4f 7d 90 01 0f 26 3d e9 e5 54
    07 40 64 b4 0b 11 70 f9 35 ca 5b 1e 9f 68 27 c9
    92 ab d3 a6 ec 4c 2e 20 40 d2 18 88 04 73 82 3d
    c4 84 b8 bb b2 66 e9 ab 37 dd
    Developer Certificate TBS Digest =
    0c 92 56 7d 1f 7d 88 a2 98 7e ea 60 01 e5 93 7d
    22 09 96 7c 68 c4 e8 be 2a d4 38 ee f2 84 06 3c
    a9 00 78 f6 63 6d b7 4c 3e 76 88 a6 ba 79 a6 12
    f0 8a fd 38 50 d9 4d b9 be 2e 6f d0 38 78 64 75
    Developer Certificate TBS Encoded Digest =
    44 4a 4a 57 66 52 39 39 69 4b 4b 59 66 75 70 67
    41 65 57 54 66 53 49 4a 6c 6e 78 6f 78 4f 69 2d
    4b 74 51 34 37 76 4b 45 42 6a 79 70 41 48 6a 32
    59 32 32 33 54 44 35 32 69 4b 61 36 65 61 59 53
    38 49 72 39 4f 46 44 5a 54 62 6d 2d 4c 6d 5f 51
    4f 48 68 6b 64 51
    Requesting signature from server...
    Reading CSK file...
    Properties of CSK file := [
    Version = 2
    Encoded Salt =
    2f 6d 35 46 4e 49 4f 58 55 53 45 3d
    Encoded and Encrypted PrivateKey =
    4f 46 53 49 5a 75 4a 51 73 70 62 6c 62 37 71 5a
    63 4b 78 37 61 48 39 5a 4e 65 45 6f 73 79 61 7a
    33 4c 63 39 4f 58 72 73 35 6b 5a 76 54 67 62 62
    59 33 4b 41 4b 48 74 36 38 73 70 38 70 2f 4d 2b
    70 45 5a 56 75 59 5a 53 6f 6a 76 42 38 49 70 59
    4e 43 6f 6a 6b 64 49 2f
    Salt =
    fe 6e 45 34 83 97 51 21
    Digest =
    3c 1e 47 62 fc ce 0b 13 35 25 70 56 ac d1 1a eb
    77 0e 9a 21 7e 8a 11 52 06 64 d2 79 da 4e 09 88
    97 96 c1 01 ec 53 f2 7a 6a 3e 75 70 6a f3 1f 51
    e2 28 1a 1a e8 c7 85 f7 d7 7a 98 05 b7 f6 bf 75
    Signature =
    30 81 88 02 42 01 06 b1 0c e3 2d fd f3 01 f7 5f
    14 a6 ef b4 4b a0 5c 2b a6 b3 ef aa 1d 25 ed 46
    62 8b 06 fe 35 eb 10 80 e8 b9 0a 8e a0 7b 6a ef
    c9 28 c9 53 85 89 66 26 1e 7f d8 67 0f ef e4 58
    86 6b ca 4e b8 57 6a 02 42 01 27 e4 29 2a 9f ee
    2b ad 59 48 77 ff 39 87 98 5a 9c ae 2d ac 72 93
    d1 33 fc 7f 4e 6a 87 ab 88 46 af 59 22 65 c6 6f
    81 f8 ef 3c da 79 c4 74 36 c1 35 c1 b0 21 d5 1d
    e3 1b 3e 72 24 47 bf c1 1a 19 fc
    Flat Signature =
    01 06 b1 0c e3 2d fd f3 01 f7 5f 14 a6 ef b4 4b
    a0 5c 2b a6 b3 ef aa 1d 25 ed 46 62 8b 06 fe 35
    eb 10 80 e8 b9 0a 8e a0 7b 6a ef c9 28 c9 53 85
    89 66 26 1e 7f d8 67 0f ef e4 58 86 6b ca 4e b8
    57 6a 01 27 e4 29 2a 9f ee 2b ad 59 48 77 ff 39
    87 98 5a 9c ae 2d ac 72 93 d1 33 fc 7f 4e 6a 87
    ab 88 46 af 59 22 65 c6 6f 81 f8 ef 3c da 79 c4
    74 36 c1 35 c1 b0 21 d5 1d e3 1b 3e 72 24 47 bf
    c1 1a 19 fc
    Properties of request := [
    Version = 1
    Command = Signature Request
    SignerID = RDK
    ClientID = 3903770746
    MF =
    51 58 4a 6a 61 47 6c 32 5a 53 31 4e 59 57 35 70
    5a 6d 56 7a 64 43 31 57 5a 58 4a 7a 61 57 39 75
    4f 69 41 78 4c 6a 45 4e 43 6b 46 79 59 32 68 70
    64 6d 55 74 51 33 4a 6c 59 58 52 6c 5a 43 31 43
    65 54 6f 67 51 6d 78 68 59 32 74 43 5a 58 4a 79
    65 53 42 55 59 57 4a 73 5a 58 51 67 54 31 4d 67
    52 57 78 6d 49 45 4a 42 55 69 42 51 59 57 4e 72
    4f 52 66 38 75 2f 59 48 69 54 32 38 30 42 54 4d
    76 72 2b 30 50 30 70 61 56 49 54 4b 6d 6a 51 35
    49 6a 41 67 34 32 43 48 33 4d 59 56 44 73 30 7a
    4e 66 47 66 57 75 52 72 4a 70 31 6b 54 43 55 3d
    Connecting to URL http://www.rim.net/Websigner/servlet/RDK-Waterloo
    Sending properties to server...
    Properties of response := [
    Version = 1
    Response = Signature Response
    Confirm = Signing server ID RDK signed code file from client ID 3903770746.
    Error = null
    Encoded Package-Author-Id =
    67 59 41 41 67 48 6e 46 64 76 48 73 53 38 33 30
    51 55 71 46 38 71 4c 73 4d 54 45
    Encoded Package-Id =
    67 59 41 42 67 47 4a 65 7a 68 55 79 4a 6d 6a 47
    5f 37 76 57 34 48 4a 71 57 32 6b
    Encoded Package-Version-Id =
    67 59 41 43 67 46 6c 63 4b 6e 4e 64 65 46 79 4d
    6a 66 56 31 50 78 4c 32 6e 6e 73
    Encoded Application-Id =
    67 59 41 44 67 43 34 6f 48 63 59 47 78 77 32 6d
    41 50 32 68 4f 75 63 67 46 76 49
    Encoded Application-Version-Id =
    67 59 41 45 67 44 46 55 35 62 57 6a 37 71 5f 49
    67 6f 65 37 55 4e 57 41 35 51 45
    Encoded Signature =
    41 65 4a 71 6c 55 56 68 67 68 46 7a 49 34 46 51
    69 33 73 35 35 59 30 43 38 62 30 43 4e 43 31 38
    39 2f 70 69 49 41 44 34 4a 4d 6c 62 49 46 39 50
    53 4b 32 66 33 79 41 58 6c 5a 75 46 4b 79 58 42
    2f 50 72 39 6b 37 63 49 61 56 45 34 4d 69 42 52
    31 61 55 49 32 33 57 39 41 55 39 72 38 30 6f 47
    56 34 48 6b 55 61 54 76 6e 74 4a 36 67 42 31 33
    72 79 69 55 41 78 67 45 62 6e 35 62 62 71 48 4b
    74 76 34 59 64 58 6a 71 4f 78 55 5a 37 2b 43 33
    48 2b 45 4c 75 62 48 63 49 6b 2b 79 36 45 52 33
    62 69 55 37 35 54 52 68 37 47 72 62 44 6c 65 4a
    Decoded Signature =
    01 e2 6a 95 45 61 82 11 73 23 81 50 8b 7b 39 e5
    8d 02 f1 bd 02 34 2d 7c f7 fa 62 20 00 f8 24 c9
    5b 20 5f 4f 48 ad 9f df 20 17 95 9b 85 2b 25 c1
    fc fa fd 93 b7 08 69 51 38 32 20 51 d5 a5 08 db
    75 bd 01 4f 6b f3 4a 06 57 81 e4 51 a4 ef 9e d2
    7a 80 1d 77 af 28 94 03 18 04 6e 7e 5b 6e a1 ca
    b6 fe 18 75 78 ea 3b 15 19 ef e0 b7 1f e1 0b b9
    b1 dc 22 4f b2 e8 44 77 6e 25 3b e5 34 61 ec 6a
    db 0e 57 89
    ASN.1 Signature =
    30 81 88 02 42 01 e2 6a 95 45 61 82 11 73 23 81
    50 8b 7b 39 e5 8d 02 f1 bd 02 34 2d 7c f7 fa 62
    20 00 f8 24 c9 5b 20 5f 4f 48 ad 9f df 20 17 95
    9b 85 2b 25 c1 fc fa fd 93 b7 08 69 51 38 32 20
    51 d5 a5 08 db 75 bd 02 42 01 4f 6b f3 4a 06 57
    81 e4 51 a4 ef 9e d2 7a 80 1d 77 af 28 94 03 18
    04 6e 7e 5b 6e a1 ca b6 fe 18 75 78 ea 3b 15 19
    ef e0 b7 1f e1 0b b9 b1 dc 22 4f b2 e8 44 77 6e
    25 3b e5 34 61 ec 6a db 0e 57 89
       Adding: META-INF/RDK.SF
       Adding: META-INF/RDK.EC
      Signing: native/Study-Cards
      Signing: native/icon.png
      Signing: native/splashscreen.png
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components.1.1/CheckableGroup.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components.1.1/Checkable.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components.1.1/CheckableGroup.js
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components.1.1/qmldir
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components.1.1/libqtcomponentsplugin_1_1.so
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/Dialog.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/ToolButton.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/MenuItem.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/Label.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/SectionScroller.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/BusyIndicator.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/ButtonRow.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/TextSelectionHandle.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/QueryDialog.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/Page.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/ContextMenu.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/PageStackWindow.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/StatusBar.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/ListItemText.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/TabBar.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/RadioButton.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/Switch.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/ApplicationWindow.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/RectUtils.js
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/ScrollBar.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/SelectionListItem.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/libsymbianplugin_1_1.so
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/PageStack.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/MenuLayout.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/ToolBar.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/Popup.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/Button.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/TextField.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/MenuContent.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/TextArea.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/TabGroup.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/TabButton.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/ButtonGroup.js
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/ProgressBar.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/TextTouchController.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/TextMagnifier.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/Slider.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/PageStack.js
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/Window.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/SelectionDialog.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/Fader.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/ToolBarLayout.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/AppManager.js
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/qmldir
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/ButtonColumn.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/CommonDialog.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/ToolTip.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/TabBarLayout.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/CheckBox.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/ListItem.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/SectionScroller.js
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/ScrollDecorator.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/Menu.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/TextContextMenu.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/TabGroup.js
      Signing: native/qml/imports/Qt/labs/components/native/ListHeading.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/extras.1.1/libsymbianextrasplugin_1_1.so
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/extras.1.1/TimePickerDialog.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/extras.1.1/TumblerDialog.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/extras.1.1/DatePickerDialog.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/extras.1.1/RatingIndicator.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/extras.1.1/TumblerColumn.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/extras.1.1/TumblerIndexHelper.js
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/extras.1.1/qmldir
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/extras.1.1/SearchBox.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/extras.1.1/Constants.js
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/extras.1.1/Tumbler.js
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/extras.1.1/InfoBanner.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/extras.1.1/Tumbler.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/extras.1.1/TumblerTemplate.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/Dialog.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/ToolButton.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/MenuItem.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/Label.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/SectionScroller.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/BusyIndicator.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/ButtonRow.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/TextSelectionHandle.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/QueryDialog.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/Page.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/ContextMenu.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/PageStackWindow.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/StatusBar.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/ListItemText.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/TabBar.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/RadioButton.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/Switch.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/ApplicationWindow.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/RectUtils.js
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/ScrollBar.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/SelectionListItem.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/libsymbianplugin_1_1.so
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/PageStack.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/MenuLayout.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/ToolBar.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/Popup.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/Button.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/TextField.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/MenuContent.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/TextArea.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/TabGroup.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/TabButton.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/ButtonGroup.js
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/ProgressBar.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/TextTouchController.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/TextMagnifier.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/Slider.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/PageStack.js
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/Window.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/SelectionDialog.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/Fader.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/ToolBarLayout.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/AppManager.js
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/qmldir
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/ButtonColumn.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/CommonDialog.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/ToolTip.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/TabBarLayout.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/CheckBox.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/ListItem.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/SectionScroller.js
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/ScrollDecorator.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/Menu.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/TextContextMenu.qml
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/TabGroup.js
      Signing: native/qml/imports/com/nokia/symbian.1.1/ListHeading.qml
      Signing: native/qml/StudyCards/card.png
      Signing: native/qml/StudyCards/main.qml
      Signing: native/qml/StudyCards/lisc.png
      Signing: native/lib/libQtCore.so.4
      Signing: native/lib/libQtGui.so.4
      Signing: native/lib/libQtOpenGL.so.4
      Signing: native/lib/libQtNetwork.so.4
      Signing: native/lib/libQtDeclarative.so.4
      Signing: native/lib/libQtSql.so.4
      Signing: native/lib/libQtSvg.so.4
      Signing: native/lib/libQtScript.so.4
      Signing: native/lib/libQtXmlPatterns.so.4
      Signing: native/lib/plugins/sqldrivers/libqsqlite.so
      Signing: native/lib/platforms/libblackberry.so
      Signing: native/blackberry-tablet.xml
    Info: Bar signed.

    I think that everything is OK, but:

    /opt/bbndk2/host/linux/x86/usr/bin/blackberry-signer -verbose -verify Study-Cards.bar


    Error: Invalid signature file digest for Manifest main attributes

    Someone knows how to solve?

    PS Sorry for the long post and my English

    OK, I change the order of:

    /opt/bbndk2/host/linux/x86/usr/bin/blackberry-signer -verbose -cskpass myCSKpass -keystore /home/dwart/.rim/author.p12 -storepass myStorePass ./Study-Cards.bar RDK
    /opt/bbndk2/host/linux/x86/usr/bin/blackberry-signer -keystore /home/dwart/.rim/author.p12 -storepass myPass ./Study-Cards.bar author

    Now it's work

    Info: Bar verified.

    Thank you much for the help

  • QML Audio problem

    This is QtMultimedia audio qml. Do you have someone at - it using problem audio qml. When I want to jump to the next song as the code example below using audio qml, after playing on dozens of song perfectly all of a sudden she stops just. The code below works on symbian but in BlackBerry stop to jump to the next song after playing on a dozen of song(random sometimes) signals onStopped Manager seems to just stop working. Is there a bug problem audio qml with BlackBerry. The internet search got no results.

    I use console.log to the event log when the song ended and the song started and every time the song skip to the next song, both log console, but when the question produce two stop the event record, which is also when the decision to jump to the next song. OnError has not also record any error on console so not even sure what is happening.

    Audio {
             id: audio
             OnError: {
             Console.log("Error: ", error)
             OnStopped: {
                 if (status == Audio.EndOfMedia) {

    The problem is resolved. It's because of the components old symbian. Although I know not even how a symbian component can affect component Qt Quick but recompile component symbian has solved the problem. Here is the link to the cases where any interested person

  • Layout problem

    I am facing a lot of problems with the layout system which I think is terrible compared to the cascades QtQuick anchoring system. Now, I have this problem: I'm working with a listview that is filled by a remote xml file, I create the listitem for use with.

    It's the source of the listitem:

    Container {
                                    layout: StackLayout {
                                        orientation: LayoutOrientation.LeftToRight
                                    Container {
                                        Label {
                                        Label {
                                    ImageView {
                                        id: imageView

    Now in vertical mode, it look like this:

    But horizontal is like this:

    because the text is too short, but I want image will always be on the right. If I use docklayout text is placed over the image and I could not find a way to prevent this.

    Thank you for your help.


    To force the outside container take all available space horizontally, set preferredWidth is at infinity.

    A value not zero in his StackLayoutProperties left spaceQuota value of the container.

    Substantive definition of the container to a solid color allows the debug configuration.

  • QML layout question

    I'm quite new in QML, and I wondered the correct way to achieve this type of layout. I would like to show you a picture as background and want another image on top of this image, so it gives the effect of a contour.

    Here's what I think I create a StackLayout layout container and then I have 2 image down one is bigger in size, then the other is smaller.

    Thank you for the help

    StackLayout is the only provision which could not do what you want without real awkwardness. The part of the "stack" means that they are stacked vertically or horizontally (x or y axis), not from BACK to front (z axis).

    For the back layer forward, you can use a container with a DockLayout and make sure that specify the picture then in the list of children of the container. Those who come later is rendered above those that come earlier.

    DispositionAbsolue would be another option, but with the same restriction order specifying.

    You can also use the 'background' of a container and an ImagePaintDefinition property to set an image as the background, instead of the usual Color.Transparent or a color explicit and then have the image of 'before' simply to be the unique child of this container. In this case, even a StackLayout might work, since there is only one child.

  • Tag Google Manager cause layout problems


    I'm almost done with my website, and I added the code of Google tag on the site manager. But for some reason, this time the code is really mess up my layout. The code itself is some photos and my Gallery completely disappear when I previews and when I publish. When I remove the code, the problem goes away. Does anyone has any advice for me?

    Thank you!

    It sounds like you have not closed it out of the code snippet. Check the code you pasted and make sure that it has a right to tag at the end.


    Creative muse

  • Saves out as IDML for previous versions of InDesign causes alternative layout problems.

    Hi all

    I'm having a problem with alternative presentations used for refunds in InDesign. Currently using InDesign CC for all files, but these need to be saved out as IDML files for translation and to be compatible for CS6 as my CC license is not renewed at the office.

    What happens is that when I open the IDML after saving outside, alternate layouts extend outwards and scale incorrectly. Does anyone have experience or suggestions to work around this problem, other that individually save each file layout? I have 42 items if prefer to keep 3 renderings in a single file.

    Thank you

    Ok. I have the culprit of this disaster!

    Just check the rules of the pages for liquid layout.

    For the first page, which have not changed, it was: 'basic '.
    For the other two pages that change, it was: 'Scale '.

    Then I put all the pages of "basic", exported an IDML, opened again in v9.2.1 CC and everything seems fine.


  • Default page layout problem

    Hello world

    I have a problem with my site. I have two layout as office and mobile. Problem is when I try to access the site on the desktop, it will automatically load mobile layout. I don't understand why? Someone has an idea.

    Here are the links.



    The start page for the domain http://lacivertres.businesscatalyst.comsystem > the page index of the configuration of the phone. I've updated the home page of your site to the Home Page of the layout of office. It should now work perfectly.

    Thank you


  • CS6 flow layout problems

    I am new to coding and Dreamweaver CS6 and worked with the checkerboard to fluid.  When I'm viewing the template page in Safari preview, my site looks like the image below.  After recording and put the files, the page is completely different when I type the Web site in the URL.

    I've recreated the index page/model three times because I had problems with formatting of the Spry menu.

    I wonder if by removing the Spry menu, if I have confused the path of Dreamweaver or caused other disturbances?

    How can I create a site that looks the same (or similar) to preview? (and add a menu bar?)

    Screen Shot 2013-02-17 at 8.34.52 PM.png

    Screen Shot 2013-02-17 at 8.35.09 PM.png

    <! doctype html >

    <!-[if lt IE 7] > < class = "oldie ie6" html > <! [endif]-->

    <!-[if IE 7] > < class = "ie7 oldie" html > <! [endif]-->

    <!-[if IE 8] > < class = "ie8 oldie" html > <! [endif]-->

    <!-[if gt IE 8] > <!-->

    < class html = "" >

    <!-<! [endif]-->

    < head >

    < meta charset = "UTF-8" >

    < meta name = "viewport" content = "width = device-width, original scale = 1" >

    <!-TemplateBeginEditable name = "doctitle"-->

    < title > T H R E E L H E E L S T U D I O < /title >

    <! - TemplateEndEditable - >

    "" < link href = "... / boilerplate.css" rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" >

    "" < link href = "... / layout.css" rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" >


    To learn more about the conditional comments around the HTML at the top of the file:


    Follow these steps if you are using your customized version of modernizr (http://www.modernizr.com/):

    * Insert the link to your js here

    * remove the link below for the html5shiv

    * Add the class "No. - js' to the above html tags

    * You can also remove the link to respond.min.js if you included in your version of modernizr Polyfill MQ


    <!-[if lt IE 9] >

    "< script src="//html5shiv.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/html5.js "> < / script > use Insert panel for additional fluid Grid Layout Div tags. Note: All page layout Div tags must be inserted directly inside the div "gridContainer. Nested layout Div tags are not currently supported.

    <! [endif]-->

    "< script src ="... / respond.min.js "> < / script >"

    <!-TemplateBeginEditable name = "head"->

    <! - TemplateEndEditable - >

    < / head >

    < body >

    < div id = "header" >

    < div style = "" text-align: center; ">"

    < h1 > T H R E e W H E E L. S T U D I O < / h1 >

    < br >

    < p > studio ceramics and gallery that specializes in fine American crafts, lunatics usable parts and things. < /p >

    < / div >

    < div id = "body" >

    <!-TemplateBeginEditable name = 'body'->

    "" < p > < img src = "... / images/flyingsaucer9.jpg" alt = "saucer flying collection ' width ="694"height ="480"> < / p >

    <! - TemplateEndEditable - >

    < div id = "bread crumbs" > HOME < / div >

    < / div >

    < div class = "footer" id = "footer" > 401.451.2350

    [email protected]

    436 work Street Providence, RI 02903

    LUN - game: 11:00 - 17:30

    Game - sat: 11:00 - 18:00

    Sun: 12:00 - 17:00 < / div >

    < / html >

    When you use the URL for the site, without a file name, the server automatically seeks the default document such as index.html.

    Therefore, you have index.html or index.htm or index.php or similar.

    index.dwt is a DW template file and is not classified as document by default, shouldn't be. The model file should only be used on the local computer to create HTML documents based on this template.

  • Forum layout problem?

    Is anyone else having trouble with the layout of the forum? Mine suddenly changed one day back and tabs are missing, and there is duplication of text (see circled the text in the image).

    I got DPReview go weird on me a few months back, and strangely, when I asked on this forum, only other people in New Zealand have been having the same problem. In fact he could have people who use the same ISP as me.


    You still use the old CSS files. Just refresh your browser's cache.

    SHIFT-click on the Refresh button may be all you need to do.

  • Layout problem: text in VBox with percentHeight

    I'm using Flex 3. I have a lot of problems with a text component inside a VBox component with percentHeight to put value. The behavior that I'm trying to get, it's the VBox will be a scroll bar that will allow the text to display. The behavior I get, it's that resizes it VBox on the entire height of the text element and does not take into account its percentHeight. I would use a text box instead of a text nested in a VBox, but I need to put other components inside the VBox so I want the VBox to be able to scroll through all of the items inside.

    Here is a sample application showing my problem:

    <? XML version = "1.0"? >
    " < = xmlns:mx mx:Application ' http://www.Adobe.com/2006/MXML "layout ="vertical"> "
    < mx:VBox width = "100%" height = "10%" borderStyle = "solid" backgroundColor = "white" >
    < mx:Text width = "100%" >
    < mx:text >
    <! [CDATA [Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, adipiscing elit computer. In eleifend mi ultrices.
    NEC commodo eros ornare non. Vestibule dapibus placerat magna vel imperdiet. Nullam vel libero eget
    metus auctor tempus. Curabitur orci, fermentum odio eleifend eget faucibus pulvinar in. Pellentesque
    capita morbi tristique senectus and netus and renowned malesuada ac turpis egestas. Morbi porta
    Nunc fitness a ultrices. Aliquam ultricies interdum ullamcorper libero vel eros. Nam nibh felis,
    adipiscing ut fitness a, hendrerit eget enim. Suspendisse eleifend nibh EU. Curabitur metus erat,
    Semper at ultrices ac, mattis at nulla.
    []] >
    < / mx:text >
    < / mx:Text >
    < / mx:VBox >
    < / mx:Application >

    When resizing the browser horizontally, the VBox changes depending on its width, but when resizing vertically, the VBox remains always at the height of its contents and ignores the ' height = '10% ' "."

    Can anyone suggest a way to get the behavior that I'm trying to achieve?

    Just wrap a cloth around the VBox:

    skider wrote:

    I'm using Flex 3. I have a lot of problems with a text component inside a VBox component with percentHeight to put value. The behavior that I'm trying to get, it's the VBox will be a scroll bar that will allow the text to display. The behavior I get, it's that resizes it VBox on the entire height of the text element and does not take into account its percentHeight. I would use a text box instead of a text nested in a VBox, but I need to put other components inside the VBox so I want the VBox to be able to scroll through all of the items inside.

    Here is a sample application showing my problem:

    http://www.Adobe.com/2006/mxml"layout ="vertical">

                    NEC commodo eros ornare non. Vestibule dapibus placerat magna vel imperdiet. Nullam vel libero eget
    metus auctor tempus. Curabitur orci, fermentum odio eleifend eget faucibus pulvinar in. Pellentesque
    capita morbi tristique senectus and netus and renowned malesuada ac turpis egestas. Morbi porta
    Nunc fitness a ultrices. Aliquam ultricies interdum ullamcorper libero vel eros. Nam nibh felis,
    adipiscing ut fitness a, hendrerit eget enim. Suspendisse eleifend nibh EU. Curabitur metus erat,
    Semper at ultrices ac, mattis at nulla.



    When resizing the browser horizontally, the VBox changes depending on its width, but when resizing vertically, the VBox remains always at the height of its contents and ignores the ' height = '10% ' "."

    Can anyone suggest a way to get the behavior that I'm trying to achieve?

  • Workspace layout problem

    When I try to use Dreamweaver CS3 I get a box that has

    "The following provision of the Panel is missing or could not be read:

    C: / / program files/adobe/adobe dreamweaver
    CS3/Configuration/Workspace/designer. XML

    The application will not have a correct layout. Please load one of windows
    -> presentation of the workspace. »

    I press ok and an another box comes up which is empty... I press ok and the
    application ends.

    So I can't use dreamweaver!

    Help, please


    Hey guys!


    I had the same problem with Adobe Dreamweaver CS5, I get the following error:

    "The following provision of the Panel is missing or could not be read:

    C: / / program files/adobe/adobe dreamweaver
    CS3/Configuration/Workspace/designer. XML

    The application will not have a correct layout. Please load one of windows
    -> available workspace.

    I press ok and an another box comes up which is empty... I press ok and the
    application ends.


    1. Go to your directory where Adobe has been installed. In my case it was the D drive

      D:\Program Adobe Dreamweaver CS5\configuration\workspace

      In the 'Workspace' folder, copy all XML files.

    2. Now, go to your folder 'Workspace' in the area of Application of your drive C of your profile data

      C:\Documents and Settings\userName\Application Data\Adobe\Dreamweaver CS5\en_US\Configuration\Workspace

    3. Delete all xml in there files and paste into new ones that you have copied across the installation directory.

    Fact!  Restart Your Dreamweaver and that should fix it!

  • browser page - hyperlinks inactive layout problem

    I'm a html developer and noticed problems with hyperlinks becomes inactive, while they should not be. I've isolated a simple example that illustrates the problem. The same problem does not manifest in Internet Explorer.

    style = "position: relative;" top: 10px; height: 15px; "causes the links at the top of the page stop working (actually a few pixels at the top can work) because that causes the DIV to overlay these buttons.

    You can see that with the DOM Inspector.

    I see the same thing in Google Chrome.

    To top: 25px; unveils the buttons

  • QML Board problem

    Hi all, I have warts for use table in the ListView to store the State of the element, and set it in the ListItem.onInitializedChanged section.

       var arr = new Array();

    but the second line is marked in red (syntax error). How to use arrays in qml?


    OK, I got your issue. I tried, but not able to change the value of the array element.

    In fact I don't know the exact solution, but I have a temporary solution.

    Hopefully useful for you

    Try this

    import bb.cascades 1.0
    Page {
        content: Container {
            Button {
                text: "Get Checked Items"
                onClicked: {
                    for (var a = 0; a < 5; a ++) {
            ListView {
                id: listView
                property variant arr: new Array(5)
                dataModel: ArrayDataModel {
                listItemComponents: [
                    ListItemComponent {
                        type: "listItem"
                        CheckBox {
                            text: "Select"
                            onCheckedChanged: {
                                if (checked) {
                                    var tempArray = new Array();
                                    for (var i = 0; i < parent.arr.length; i ++) {
                                        tempArray[i] = parent.arr[i];
                                    tempArray[ListItem.indexPath] = 1;
                                    parent.arr = tempArray;
                                } else {
                                    var tempArray = new Array();
                                    for (var i = 0; i < parent.arr.length; i ++) {
                                        tempArray[i] = parent.arr[i];
                                    tempArray[ListItem.indexPath] = 0;
                                    parent.arr = tempArray;
                            onCreationCompleted: {
                                var tempArray = new Array();
                                for (var i = 0; i < parent.arr.length; i ++) {
                                    tempArray[i] = parent.arr[i];
                                tempArray[ListItem.indexPath] = 0;
                                parent.arr = tempArray;
                function itemType(data, indexPath) {
                    return "listItem";
                onCreationCompleted: {
                    for (var a = 0; a < 5; a ++) {
                                "exampleProperty": a

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  • Qosmio F50 - 10K - Microphone is weak and some generating noise

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  • Appcelerator Titanium

    Did someone got DevAlpha of this offer? http://www.Appcelerator.com/blackberry10/ I made an app with titanium studio and got no answer for her. Is for sale and this app when the offer was valid. I submit app guid to the guys of titanium, and they ans