Question of validation for the field date/calendar

I want to use the regular Date field, but not sure what is the best way to validate user input.

The display Format that I use is "DD MMM YYYY",

If the user is using the calendar to select the date, no problem.

However, the user can also type things in this area without using the built-in calendar,

What should I do when the user types "MM/DD/YYYY" (eg. "19/09/2011")?

How to validate that?

If I put a validation schema "DD MMM YYY" in the validation tab, it doesn't seem to work.

so, please help.

Add the same schema in the Validation model/edit section and make sure that you include a model of Validation Message text in the dialog box informing the user that forms await you. If they enter the wrong format your message text appears then make it informative.


Tags: Adobe LiveCycle

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    Date1 = new java.sql.Date (sformat.parse (LevelIIAppeal) .getTime ());


    catch (System.Exception e)


    Date1 = null;


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    Help, please.

    Thank you.



    As I've said several times, the format of an object of type 'Date' have no significance. You can just skip the date object to the PL/SQL (format are not important, if passing as Date).

    You can refer to the blog below if you want to see how to move Date of page to PL/SQL. : Oracle tips of Johny: OAF: sample code to call the PL/SQL of OA Framework procedure

    Also to check format specifc #2 and #3 format (not not mandatory in this case, I guess): Oracle advice of Johny: OFA/ADF/Java: playing with Dates in Oracle Application Framework

    Close the message if you got this job.

    See you soon


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    Hi RG,.

    These two fields EFFECTIVITY_DATE & DISABLE_DATE are available in the base table: BOM_COMPONENTS_B



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    In the property Palette, set the initial value property as * $$DATE$ $*. So, it will return the current date.

    Kind regards


    If my response or response from another person was helpful, please mark accordingly

    Published by: Manu. February 14, 2010 12:23

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    (2) on the action to APPROVE, no need to check for comments, so no validation is necessary.

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    Thank you
    Udaya Neeliahgari

    Try the following...
    In the composite open y'r process bpel... and then to expand the human task... you will notice a task entitled just before the initiateTask run the following two copy operation in the task of AssignTaskAttributes within the scope of the human task.

    IMP Note: The variable is the variable initiateTaskInput of the human task field. Don't assign not on on the global variable

    1 assign a string value "REJECT" in the expression (assuming that you do so that the result of REJECTION) and assign it to the variable

    /TaskService:initiateTask / task: task / mission: systemAttributes / task: preActionUserSteps / task: preActionUserStep / task: results

    2 assign the string value "PROVIDE_COMMENTS" in the expression and assign it to the variable

    /TaskService:initiateTask / task: task / mission: systemAttributes / task: preActionUserSteps / task: preActionUserStep / task: userStep

    view the .bpel file source y'r and make sure that you see something like the following:

    Query = "" / taskservice:initiateTask / task: task / task: systemAttributes / task: preActionUserSteps / task: preActionUserStep / task: result "/ >"

    Query = "" / taskservice:initiateTask / task: task / task: systemAttributes / task: preActionUserSteps / task: preActionUserStep / task: userStep "/ >"

    Just deploy the app... and when you try to dismiss... it should appear the message.


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    -------------------------- ------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------

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    HarvirSinghSaini wrote:

    Project number project name Exception reason

    -------------------------- ------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------

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    Thank you


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    Try the following domain validation:

    Len ([]) = 9 AND FindOneOf (Mid ([], 1, 1), 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ') + FindOneOf (Mid ([], 9, 1), 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ') = 2 AND Len (1 * Mid ([], 2.7)) = Len (Mid ([], 2.7))

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    This is the certificate of the CA that signed it


    MIIGbjCCBFagAwIBAgIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADCBgTELMAkGA1UEBhMCQ0Ex DzANBgNVBAgTBlF1ZWJlYzERMA8GA1UEBxMITW9udHJlYWwxDTALBgNVBAoTBEhv bWUxGzAZBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWDGFkbWluQGpiLmxhbjESMBAGA1UEAxQJSkJfTGFu X0NBMQ4wDAYDVQQLEwVJVFNlYzAeFw0xNjExMDYxMTQzNTJaFw0zNjExMDExMTQz NTJaMIGBMQswCQYDVQQGEwJDQTEPMA0GA1UECBMGUXVlYmVjMREwDwYDVQQHEwhN b250cmVhbDENMAsGA1UEChMESG9tZTEbMBkGCSqGSIb3DQEJARYMYWRtaW5AamIu bGFuMRIwEAYDVQQDFAlKQl9MYW5fQ0ExDjAMBgNVBAsTBUlUU2VjMIICIjANBgkq hkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAg8AMIICCgKCAgEAtRfmJ8HhxD6OeBSTdiK36DF/Gw7HmOIO CN9LktUCcnXZfsbkyPwGq8AtLTURfYU1VKHw066g0XD0hEbFEaYIWvVKijiqaPZg Pc / pIAj + M7vzojeCnv6QiRTcC9q5rY9 + Ff7MuTkWKEPzjuXpHd + IoS4To3sVZgsy YcxrdRndcirxm6aFjGXIYaImPm3hLuMteSagacsjduGEDOpJ5hJoMIIX4kHE/x8J DFBvlllXIGiOgCHU + 8hcN1IadNFqQcWA3eFB5SgLPFxOOmR4xpB1LsrESC4Zgk/E XmZYBCsYHzg58Cq6r4xuwckutcd5Gjo9ujaafCfAlUFHFJxqLxyy + N0nd3P + i5Kd zPpwpyIAzOCPeZvM2chspspl3pER + RlqZODLoU3gSAz4z + knxKxeyyiK8cttMHkV Di5veqSRIxYeYtJqu0asEaBiQ0ZpdqsNcQEU3rwzo6uoxxgvRr2Ujb6csr8CqhuA 2Sz0W1upgcpZhuL0VMTkMS8P8fgzZZeIU85v7drldXsvpjzaMwHdm/MKGewA0eCZ fUTI6V + uY9oaT9GH8MPzGWzB4oYb3sRgKgLkvWGckyHe3YVwUpb4z/MXRFB3bN/Z qxIyochY8pJMcJe2jrTw79Sf9FAR/txonPBAxuNtGLIdcL4ElGjlXPDXlQrI8XbI n/Abbs3iFHsCAwEAAaOB7jCB6zAdBgNVHQ4EFgQUSCZRE7GhUky3HJa/KknjBwXw HZEwga4GA1UdIwSBpjCBo4AUSCZRE7GhUky3HJa / KknjBwXwHZGhgYekgYQwgYEx CzAJBgNVBAYTAkNBMQ8wDQYDVQQIEwZRdWViZWMxETAPBgNVBAcTCE1vbnRyZWFs MQ0wCwYDVQQKEwRIb21lMRswGQYJKoZIhvcNAQkBFgxhZG1pbkBqYi5sYW4xEjAQ BgNVBAMUCUpCX0xhbl9DQTEOMAwGA1UECxMFSVRTZWOCAQAwDAYDVR0TBAUwAwEB /zALBgNVHQ8EBAMCAQYwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggIBAHVLp0nsXNHjvcjWado0 v1M167gEv8SnLMzDRJ7rOwfQlG0JWIXgrMk + 9bLQixFPbClG2MzOGhq2gyXbTFEH PYLfOxRy5gsrYhBYKso4PNrP8ouBaedl / + huobFtd1SR4bNrZ5Be3crQkZhULmlv hSVWklOC + o0rdfPnDffDRtoWH1x1 / + ZRS0N0MSwXqeoQTEgu9CYRCEeLnidcdd1v e6XR + Qw2qLfPqBCKzCVNGZvpVjqakERxaLgWPqwixIQ4sdPjvtnUJxsUEo5hN + 6 / + os/HZ1iO3Bgi6DgAGToTSmsf5 + pI/z + o2FjDrDvbBhvf4FulvvOCsRBNkA5BK NgisFXP / FN3WlkrbM1OZjWIan1phQAw5mDLfqwxJE + BuedK1HqLRNTay9eOGSRSu TRIi26fwwMAdsPnDj3X7/aUCWslVrvZPRmsIOgykLuHlCgYD99mpzF0v + t8y05iE V3115CCve + qFHH52j078jxo1aKyfQTnRGvdGehWI77Pd/l9CMgNJ7K0ZRx6RUoEV 9CMH6kgqagkXU7eT2CXszxrGHAgybnNaJ/z4BjxDme0TH3bgLc4AOIiP8doe7KlJ lYvrG8UMtCkL1jhYFX4Rz/BH5yte7aqzwBVUZrcmvM2gU9ZyPNaAfCDygCUMeMqt OWQEicvGZtRj2ZK6PKv5hk0a


    In Firefox, a list of other names of the non-empty object overrides and replaces the common name field. If you need to list all the relevant host names in the field of SAN in your certificate.

  • Difference in the number of records for the same date - 11 GR 2

    Guy - 11 GR on Windows2005 2, 64-bit.

    BILLING_RECORD_KPN_ESP - is a monthly partitioned table.
    BILLING_RECORD_IDX #DATE - is a local index on "charge_date" in the table above.

    2 (trunc (CHARGE_DATE)) CHARGE_DATE;
    3 count (1) Record_count
    where the 5 CHARGE_DATE = January 20, 2013.
    Group 6 by trunc (CHARGE_DATE)
    5 m

    ------------------ ------------
    2401 20 January 13-> > some records here.

    -> > Here I can see only '2041' records for Jan/20. But in the query below, it shows "192610" for the same date.

    Why is this difference in the number of records?

    2 count (1) Record_count
    "4 where CHARGE_DATE > 20 January 2013."
    Group of 5 by trunc (CHARGE_DATE)
    6 order by trunc (CHARGE_DATE)
    5 m

    ------------------ ------------
    192610 20 January 13-> > more records here
    JANUARY 21, 13 463067
    JANUARY 22, 13 520041
    23 JANUARY 13 451212
    JANUARY 24, 13 463273
    JANUARY 25, 13 403276
    JANUARY 26, 13 112077
    27 JANUARY 13 10478
    28 JANUARY 13 39158

    Thank you!

    Because in the second example you also select rows that have a nonzero component.

    The first example selects only rows that are 00:00:00

    (by the way, you should ask questions like this in the forum SQL)

  • Update the field Date according to the date of another field

    Hi I have a field called "contract end Date" which I update manually according to the contract, and a field called "notify contract end Date" I want to be updated automatically with the "end of contract date" - 45 days.
    Is this possible via workflow? can someone give me the syntax that works? If I want to manually insert the value of the field 'Date to end the contract to notify' it will overwrite it?
    Thank you, David


    Create your workflow on your object type, select the before saving the trigger modification event, put the following condition:

    [< contract end date >] <>MEADOW ("< the contract end date > '")

    And in action, update the field End Date of the contract to notify with end Date of contract - 45 and check the replacement value. You contract end Date field must be with the type date.

    I hope this will help, do not hesitate to ask for more!


  • Recently downloaded version 9.0.1 and the url is not valid for the default home page. The default home page is still supported?

    I currently have set as my homepage, but Firefox says that the url is not valid for the default home page.

    The problem is now solved with the current version of Firefox 10.0. Thanks for the help ccbrunt and SafeBrowser.

  • Need to create a structure for the target data store?

    Hi Experts,

    If I create a structure for the target data store, and then load the data from source to target works fine. If I make mistakes.

    Is necessary to create a structure for target?

    Please help me...

    Thanks in advance.


    I found the answer. No need to create the structure for target temporary data store. and we need to create the structure for the permanent target data store.

  • Need to retrieve the data for the current date.


    I have a table which then retrieves information when using this command.

    Select ta_acct, shift, created_on track_alerts;

    Technicolor A 24 March 14

    Technicolor A 24 March 14

    Technicolor A 24 March 14

    Technicolor A 24 March 14

    Manitoba telecom a 24 March 14 system

    Technicolor A 24 March 14

    I used this statement to retrieve the data for the given date.

    Select ta_acct, shift, created_on track_alerts where created_on = 24 March 14 ';

    Its not data recovery.

    Need help.

    Kind regards

    Prasad K T,.


    Prasad K T wrote:

    Yes the created data type is date.


    Partha thanks it works now.

    Select ta_acct, shift, created_on in track_alerts where to move is: Shift and TRUNC (created_on) = TO_DATE('24-MAR-2014','DD-MON-YYYY');

    Still, I made a small change to my querry.

    Select ta_acct, shift, created_on track_alerts where to move is: shft and TRUNC (created_on) = TO_DATE (select double sysdate,'MON-DD-YYYY "");

    For this statement, it does not work.

    of course not...

    first: sysdate returns a date so no need of conversion here


    second SYSDATE includes time, so your application should look like this:

    Select ta_acct, shift, created_on in track_alerts where to move is: Shift and TRUNC (created_on) = trunc (sysdate)


    Select ta_acct, shift, created_on in track_alerts where to move is: shft and created_on > = trunc (sysdate) and created_on<>


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    Thank you

    You probably only have local data warehouses, which are not that HA would require for this feature (pulsations datastore) to work properly.

    You will need either 2 iSCSI, FC 2 or 2 NFS volumes... Or a combination of the any of them, for this feature to work. If you don't want to use this feature, you can also turn it off:

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    A disable the old installation before you uninstalled?  If this isn't the case, then it is always considered as enabled, which could mean that you have all your activations in use.  You can contact the Adobe Support via chat and ask them to reset your activations.

    Chat support - the link below click the still need help? the option in the blue box below and choose the option to chat...
    Make sure that you are logged on the Adobe site, having cookies enabled, clearing your cookie cache.  If it fails to connect, try to use another browser.

    Serial number and activation support (non - CC) chat ( )

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