Reader video on demand ArgumentError: Error #2126

I have an ERROR message is

ArgumentError: Error #2126: NetConnection object must be connected.
     at videoplayer1_fla::MainTimeline/initVideoPlayer()
     at videoplayer1_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()

The code below is xml playlist included. But I want to play videos via "Server rtmp.

My video player at the request Code


connection object to the network for the net flow

var ncConnection:NetConnection;

net stream object

var nsStream:NetStream;

object contains all the meta-data

var objInfo:Object;

shared object containing the parameters of the drive (currently only the volume)

var shoVideoPlayerSettings:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal ("playerSettings");

URL to the flv file

var strSource:String = root.loaderInfo.parameters.playlist is nothing? "playlist.xml": root.loaderInfo.parameters.playlist;

timer to update player (progress, volume...)

var tmrDisplay:Timer;

load the xml file

var urlLoader:URLLoader;

is the owner of the request for the charger

var urlRequest:URLRequest;

playlist xml

var xmlPlaylist:XML;


implements the player

function initVideoPlayer (): void {}

Hide video controls on initialization

mcVideoControls.visible = false;

hide buttons

mcVideoControls.btnUnmute.visible = false;

mcVideoControls.btnPause.visible = false;

mcVideoControls.btnFullscreenOff.visible = false;

Set the width of filling of progress/preload on 1

mcVideoControls.mcProgressFill.mcFillRed.width = 1;

mcVideoControls.mcProgressFill.mcFillGrey.width = 1;

Label SETTING date and time

mcVideoControls.lblTimeDuration.htmlText = "< font color ="#ffffff"> 00:00 < / police > / 00:00 ';

Add the global event listener when the mouse is released

stage.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseReleased);

Add fullscreen earphone

stage.addEventListener (FullScreenEvent.FULL_SCREEN, onFullscreen);

Add event listeners to the buttons

mcVideoControls.btnPause.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, pauseClicked);

mcVideoControls.btnPlay.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, playClicked);

mcVideoControls.btnStop.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, stopClicked);

mcVideoControls.btnMute.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, muteClicked);

mcVideoControls.btnUnmute.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, unmuteClicked);

mcVideoControls.btnFullscreenOn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, fullscreenOnClicked);

mcVideoControls.btnFullscreenOff.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, fullscreenOffClicked);

mcVideoControls.btnVolumeBar.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, volumeScrubberClicked);

mcVideoControls.mcVolumeScrubber.btnVolumeScrubber.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, volumeScrubberClicked);

mcVideoControls.btnProgressBar.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, progressScrubberClicked);

mcVideoControls.mcProgressScrubber.btnProgressScrubber.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_, progressScrubberClicked);

mcVideoControls.mcVideoDescription.btnDescription.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, startDescriptionScroll);

mcVideoControls.mcVideoDescription.btnDescription.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, stopDescriptionScroll);

timer to update visual across the player to create and add

event listener

tmrDisplay = new Timer (DISPLAY_TIMER_UPDATE_DELAY);

tmrDisplay.addEventListener (TimerEvent.TIMER, updateDisplay);

create a new NET connection, add the event listener and connect

set to null because we do not have a media server

ncConnection = new NetConnection();

ncConnection.addEventListener (NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler);

ncConnection.connect ("rtmp://");

create a new netstream with connection to the network, add events

listener, positioned customer like this to manage the metadata and

set the time of the buffer to the value of the constant

nsStream = new NetStream (ncConnection);

nsStream.addEventListener (NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler);

nsStream.client = this;

nsStream.bufferTime = BUFFER_TIME;

attach the net flow of video object on the stage

vidDisplay.attachNetStream (nsStream);

Set the value of the constant smoothing

vidDisplay.smoothing = SMOOTHING;

Set the default volume and get the volume of the shared object if available

var tmpVolume:Number = DEFAULT_VOLUME;

If (! = undefined) {}

tmpVolume =;

intLastVolume = tmpVolume;


update the volume bar and volume control

mcVideoControls.mcVolumeScrubber.x = (53 * tmpVolume) + 318;

mcVideoControls.mcVolumeFill.mcFillRed.width = mcVideoControls.mcVolumeScrubber.x - 371 + 53;

setVolume (tmpVolume);

create new request for the loading of the xml playlist, add an event listener

and load

urlRequest = new URLRequest (strSource);

urlLoader = new URLLoader();

urlLoader.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, playlistLoaded);

urlLoader.load (urlRequest);


function playClicked(e:MouseEvent):void {}

check, if the FLV has already begun

to download. If so, resume playback, else

load the file

{if(!bolLoaded)} (strSource);

bolLoaded = true;


else {}

nsStream.resume ();


vidDisplay.visible = true;

Toggle the visibility of the play/pause

mcVideoControls.btnPause.visible = true;

mcVideoControls.btnPlay.visible = false;

} (Math.round (mcVideoControls.mcProgressScrubber.x * objInfo.duration/472))

on the other

mcVideoControls.mcProgressScrubber.x = nsStream.time * 472 / objInfo.duration;

Label SETTING date and time

mcVideoControls.lblTimeDuration.htmlText = '< font color = "#ffffff" >' + formatTime (nsStream.time) + ' < / police > / "+ formatTime (objInfo.duration);»

update the width of the progress bar. the grey one displays

the loading progress

mcVideoControls.mcProgressFill.mcFillRed.width = mcVideoControls.mcProgressScrubber.x + 5;

mcVideoControls.mcProgressFill.mcFillGrey.width = nsStream.bytesLoaded * 478 / nsStream.bytesTotal;

function onMetaData(info:Object):void {}

stores the metadata in an object

objInfo = info;

Now we can start the timer because

We have all the necessary data


tmrDisplay.start ();


function netStatusHandler(event:NetStatusEvent):void {}

handles net status events

Switch ( {}

trace a messeage when the stream is not found

case "NetStream.Play.StreamNotFound":

trace ("stream not found:" + strSource);


When the video reaches its end, we check if there is

more video from left or stop the player

case "NetStream.Play.Stop":

If (intActiveVid + 1 < xmlPlaylist...) VID.length ())


on the other





function stopVideoPlayer (): void {}

netstream break, time position the value zero

nsStream.pause (); (0);

to clear the display,

set to false for clear visibility

function has a bug

vidDisplay.visible = false;

Toggle the visibility of the play/pause button

mcVideoControls.btnPause.visible = false;

mcVideoControls.btnPlay.visible = true;


function setVolume(intVolume:Number_=_0):void {}

create the object soundtransform with the volume of

the parameter

var sndTransform = new SoundTransform (intVolume);

Assign the object to the NetStream audio processing

nsStream.soundTransform = sndTransform;

mask/poster button mute and reactivate according to the


If (intVolume > 0) {}

mcVideoControls.btnMute.visible = true;

mcVideoControls.btnUnmute.visible = false;

} else {}

mcVideoControls.btnMute.visible = false;

mcVideoControls.btnUnmute.visible = true;


store the volume in the flash cookie = intVolume;

shoVideoPlayerSettings.flush ();


function formatTime(t:int):String {}

Returns the minutes and seconds with leading zeros

for example: 70 returns at 01:10

var s:int = Math.round (t);

var m:int = 0;

If (s > 0) {}

While {(s > 59)

m ++ ; s = 60;


Returns a String ((m < 10? "0" : "") + m + ":" + (s < 10 ? " 0" : "") + s);

} else {}

return "00:00";



function playlistLoaded(e:Event):void {}

create new xml code with the charger loaded data

xmlPlaylist = new XML (;

Set the source of the first video, but do not play

playVid (0, false)

View orders

mcVideoControls.visible = true;


function playVid(intVid:int_=_0,_bolPlay_=_true):void {}

{if (bolPlay)}

off timer

tmrDisplay.stop ();

read the requested video ("myvideo.flv");

switch button visibility

mcVideoControls.btnPause.visible = true;

mcVideoControls.btnPlay.visible = false;

} else {}

strSource = xmlPlaylist... vid[intVid].@SRC;


video display

/ * vidDisplay.visible = true;

reset the position of the label description and assign the new description

mcVideoControls.mcVideoDescription.lblDescription.x = 0;

mcVideoControls.mcVideoDescription.lblDescription.htmlText = (intVid + 1) + "." < font color = "#ffffff" >' + String (xmlPlaylist.. vid[intVid].@desc) + ' < / police > ' ;*/

update active video number

intActiveVid = intVid;


// ###############################

I ended up video Andrei,

problem with file extension, if I remove ".flv" when video plays.)

Thank you for your help.

Tags: Adobe Animate

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    Change general preferences to show images. Go to the 2033 section and see if there is a problem. You might have to repalce a call or do something to solve a problem with the media.

  • ArgumentError: Error #1063

    Well, it seems that I have this error in my game I'm creating (this is my first).

    The total error is:

    ArgumentError: Error #1063: Argument count mismatch on Bumper(). Expected 2, got 0.

    Of this show up when I enter the 3 frame (frame 1 is beginning, frame 2 was level select, frame 3 is a game).

    My entire code for image 3 is:

    var leftPressed:Boolean = false;
    var rightPressed:Boolean = false;
    var upPressed:Boolean = false;
    var downPressed:Boolean = false;
    var leftBumping:Boolean = false;
    var rightBumping:Boolean = false;
    var upBumping:Boolean = false;
    var downBumping:Boolean = false;
    var leftBumpPoint:Point = new Point(-30, -55);
    var rightBumpPoint:Point = new Point(30, -55);
    var upBumpPoint:Point = new Point(0, -120);
    var downBumpPoint:Point = new Point(0, 0);
    var scrollX:Number = 0;
    var scrollY:Number = 500;
    var xSpeed:Number = 0;
    var ySpeed:Number = 0;
    var speedConstant:Number = 4;
    var frictionConstant:Number = 0.9;
    var gravityConstant:Number = 1.8;
    var jumpConstant:Number = -35;
    var maxSpeedConstant:Number = 18;
    var doubleJumpReady:Boolean = false;
    var upReleasedInAir:Boolean = false;
    var keyCollected:Boolean = false;
    var doorOpen:Boolean = false;
    var currentLevel:int = 1;
    var pScore:int = 0;
    var lives:int = 10;
    var animationState:String = "idle";
    var bulletList:Array = new Array();
    var enemyList:Array = new Array();
    var bumperList:Array = new Array();
    stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownHandler);
    stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUpHandler);
    stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loop);
    function addEnemiesToLevel():void
              if(currentLevel == 1){
              //Enemy 1
              addEnemy(620, -115);
        addBumper(500, -115);
        addBumper(740, -115);
              //Enemy 2
              addEnemy(900, -490);
              addBumper(600, -490);
              addBumper(980, -490);
              //Enemy 3
              addEnemy(2005, -115);
              addBumper(1905, -115);
              addBumper(2105, -115);
              //Enemy 4
              addEnemy(1225, -875);
              addBumper(1125, -875);
              addBumper(1325, -875);
              if(currentLevel == 2){
              addEnemy(620, -115);
        addBumper(500, -115);
        addBumper(740, -115);
    function loop(e:Event):void{
              if(back.collisions.hitTestPoint(player.x + leftBumpPoint.x, player.y + leftBumpPoint.y, true)){
                        leftBumping = true;
              } else {
                        leftBumping = false;
              if(back.collisions.hitTestPoint(player.x + rightBumpPoint.x, player.y + rightBumpPoint.y, true)){
                        rightBumping = true;
              } else {
                        rightBumping = false;
              if(back.collisions.hitTestPoint(player.x + upBumpPoint.x, player.y + upBumpPoint.y, true)){
                        upBumping = true;
              } else {
                        upBumping = false;
              if(back.collisions.hitTestPoint(player.x + downBumpPoint.x, player.y + downBumpPoint.y, true)){
                        downBumping = true;
              } else {
                        downBumping = false;
                        xSpeed -= speedConstant;
                        player.scaleX = -1;
              } else if(rightPressed){
                        xSpeed += speedConstant;
                        player.scaleX = 1;
                        if(xSpeed < 0){
                                  xSpeed *= -0.5;
                        if(xSpeed > 0){
                                  xSpeed *= -0.5;
                        if(ySpeed < 0){
                                  ySpeed *= -0.5;
                        if(ySpeed > 0){ 
                                  ySpeed = 0;
                                  ySpeed = jumpConstant;
                        //DOUBLE JUMP
                        if(upReleasedInAir == true){
                                  upReleasedInAir = false;
                        if(doubleJumpReady == false){
                                  doubleJumpReady = true;
              } else { 
                        ySpeed += gravityConstant; 
                        //DOUBLE JUMP
                        if(upPressed == false && upReleasedInAir == false){
                                  upReleasedInAir = true;
                        if(doubleJumpReady && upReleasedInAir){
                                            doubleJumpReady = false;
                                            ySpeed = jumpConstant;
              if(keyCollected == false){
                                  back.other.doorKey.visible = false;
                                  keyCollected = true;
                                  trace("key collected");
              if(doorOpen == false){
                        if(keyCollected == true){
                                            doorOpen = true;
                                            trace("door open");
              if(xSpeed > maxSpeedConstant){
                        xSpeed = maxSpeedConstant;
              } else if(xSpeed < (maxSpeedConstant * -1)){
                        xSpeed = (maxSpeedConstant * -1);
              xSpeed *= frictionConstant;
              ySpeed *= frictionConstant;
              if(Math.abs(xSpeed) < 0.5){
                        xSpeed = 0;
              scrollX -= xSpeed;
              scrollY -= ySpeed;
              back.x = scrollX;
              back.y = scrollY;
              sky.x = scrollX * 0.2;
              sky.y = scrollY * 0.2;
              if( ( leftPressed || rightPressed || xSpeed > speedConstant || xSpeed < speedConstant *-1 ) && downBumping){
                        animationState = "running";
              } else if(downBumping){
                        animationState = "idle";
              } else {
                        animationState = "jumping";
              if(player.currentLabel != animationState){
              if (enemyList.length > 0)
                        for (var i:int = 0; i < enemyList.length; i++)
                                  if (bulletList.length > 0)
                                            for (var j:int = 0; j < bulletList.length; j++)
                                                      if ( enemyList[i].hitTestObject(bulletList[j]) )
                                                                trace("Bullet Hit Enemy");
                                                                pScore += 10.1;
              if (enemyList.length > 0){
                  for (var k:int = 0; k < enemyList.length; k++){
                      if (bumperList.length > 0){
                          for (var h:int = 0; h < bumperList.length; h++){
                              if ( enemyList[k].hitTestObject(bumperList[h]) ){
              if (enemyList.length > 0){
                  for (var m:int = 0; m < enemyList.length; m++){
                      if ( enemyList[m].hitTestObject(player) ){
                                            trace("Player Hit Enemy"); 
                                            scrollX = 0;
                                            scrollY = 500;
                                            lives -= 1;
              if (lives == 0){
    function nextLevel():void{
              trace("Next Level: " + currentLevel);
                 if(currentLevel == 4){
    function gotoNextLevel():void{
              scrollX = 0;
              scrollY = 500;
              keyCollected = false;
              back.other.doorKey.visible = true;
              doorOpen = false;
    function keyDownHandler(e:KeyboardEvent):void{
              if(e.keyCode == Keyboard.LEFT){
                        leftPressed = true;
              } else if(e.keyCode == Keyboard.RIGHT){
                        rightPressed = true;
              } else if(e.keyCode == Keyboard.UP){
                        upPressed = true;
              } else if(e.keyCode == Keyboard.DOWN){
                        downPressed = true;
                        if(doorOpen && player.hitTestObject(back.other.lockedDoor)){
    function keyUpHandler(e:KeyboardEvent):void{
              if(e.keyCode == Keyboard.LEFT){
                        leftPressed = false;
              } else if(e.keyCode == Keyboard.RIGHT){
                        rightPressed = false;
              } else if(e.keyCode == Keyboard.UP){
                        upPressed = false;
              } else if(e.keyCode == Keyboard.DOWN){
                        downPressed = false;
              if(e.keyCode == Keyboard.SPACE){
    function fireBullet():void
              var playerDirection:String;
              if(player.scaleX < 0){
                        playerDirection = "left";
              } else if(player.scaleX > 0){
                        playerDirection = "right";
              var bullet:Bullet = new Bullet(player.x - scrollX, player.y - scrollY, playerDirection, xSpeed);
              bullet.addEventListener(Event.REMOVED, bulletRemoved);
    function bulletRemoved(e:Event):void
              e.currentTarget.removeEventListener(Event.REMOVED, bulletRemoved);
              bulletList.splice(bulletList.indexOf(e.currentTarget), 1);
    function addEnemy(xLocation:int, yLocation:int):void
              var enemy:Enemy = new Enemy(xLocation, yLocation);
              enemy.addEventListener(Event.REMOVED, enemyRemoved);
    function addBumper(xLocation:int, yLocation:int):void
              var bumper:Bumper = new Bumper(xLocation, yLocation);
              bumper.visible = false;
    function enemyRemoved(e:Event):void
              e.currentTarget.removeEventListener(Event.REMOVED, enemyRemoved);
              enemyList.splice(enemyList.indexOf(e.currentTarget), 1); //this removes 1 object from the enemyList, at the index of whatever object caused this function to activate

    And the bumper class is:

    package  {
              import flash.display.MovieClip;
              public class Bumper extends MovieClip{
                        public function Bumper(xLocation:int, yLocation:int) {
                                  // constructor code
                                  x = xLocation;
                                  y = yLocation;
                                  addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, bumper);
                        public function bumper(e:Event):void{
                                  //code here

    Please help me, I don't really understand the error. I tried to read the documentation about it, but I just confused.

    you have a movieclip with class = bumper on frame 5.  That's the problem.

  • ArgumentError: Error #2025:

    Hi, I created a game called Piggy Attack.

    I am trying to remove some video clips off the stage.

    I also tried adding them to the stage using as3, but it is not successful.

    They all upward with the error code:

    ****************************************************************************************** *************

    ArgumentError: Error #2025: the supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.
    at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
    at Piggy_Attack_fla::MainTimeline/fl_st() [Piggy_Attack_fla. MainTimeline::frame3:67]

    ****************************************************************************************** *************

    Here's the code by removing...

    If (p4.x < 90)
    Speed = 0;
    Speeda = 0;
    speed3 = 0;
    SPEED4 = 0;
    mySound.stop ();
    removeChild (p1);
    removeChild (p2);
    removeChild (p3);
    removeChild (p4);
    gotoAndStop (4);

    If anyone knows anything please please answer.

    No, just that if you are using an ENTER_FRAME listener, you need to delete under this code, you have demonstrated to stop his execution.  So, if you have a line of code somewhere that assigns this listener, similar to something like...

    "SomeObject". addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME, someFunction);

    Then in the code you showed that you must include a line to remove it while it does not continue to try to remove the abducted children...

    "SomeObject". removeEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME, someFunction);

  • Microsoft Outlook 2016 "could not read the calendar. Unknown error.

    iCloud version 5.1 Windows last 10 develop Outlook 2016 Dell XPS8300

    iCloud moved very well and without error messages. iCloud Contacts and reminders are OK, but when I access iCloud calendar I get this message: "could not read the calendar. Unknown error'

    Three facilities on other similar configuration PCs were flawless with every feature works perfectly.

    Have reinstalled Office 365 and iCloud 5.1 on affected PC several times with the same error when access iCloud calendar.

    Corrections and troubleshooting suggestions are most appreciated.

    Surprisingly, all that was necessary to solve this problem was to select the iCloud in 2016 Outlook tab and press the button refresh!

  • having video display problems - C000D11DA error message - how to fix

    having video display problems - C000D11DA error message - how to fix

    Hello RobertHollman,

    -You try to play the media file online or the file that is saved on your computer?

    -What version of Media Player do you use?

    This problem occurs if the management of digital rights (DRM) system is damaged on your computer.

    Follow the steps listed in the article below to solve the problem:

    Error message when you use Windows Media Player 10 to play multimedia files online: "C00D11DA - Windows Media Player cannot play, synchronize, or burn a protected file because an error occurred when checking the license."

    Thank you!

  • Do not open the video file with the error "the file you download cannot open the default program".

    By double clicking on a file video I now get the following message "the file you download cannot open the default program" while previously he opened the file. This occurred after using Microsoft Fix - it for trial purposes, so what has changed.

    Original title: this message is received when I try to open a file by clicking twice - the file you download cannot open the default program


    1. Are you dealing with the issue is with the opening of specific or all video files video files?
    2. What is the name of Microsoft fixit are you referring to?

    Set by default to read video files and verify if works.

    Change the programs that Windows uses by default:

    It will be useful.

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    original title: failure of the Assertion in windows Live Mail

    All Windows Mail issues belong to

  • Unable to play/read CD, Media not found error.

    Unable to play/read CD, Media not found error. I have a HP DV5000 with a DVDROM 4084N and works on Windows Vista Edition Home Premium. I have searched and tried the FIXIT, remove the filter upper rendered the DVD cannot play, adding the lower filter PxHelp20 made unrecognizable car, remove both filters completely unusable, the player. The DVD portion will format, but not burn DVDs. Installation and update the device driver do not work, nor does to replace the Mitsumi CD-ROM driver. The drive works because after following all the tips, my computer died, and I could use my boot on drive drive to reinstall Vista (new installation). The irony is that it is my Microsoft Office 2003 disk that I need to be reinstalled. Any suggestions other than what I have already read & tried would be much appreciated.

    Hi Bib72,

    Follow the steps below:

    Method 1: Follow the steps mentioned in this article and check if it works.

    Your CD or DVD drive is missing or is not recognized by Windows or other programs

    Method 2: Run automated troubleshooting who diagnose and fix problems with your CD or DVD drive when trying to read or burn media automatically.

    Your CD or DVD drive cannot read or write media

    I hope this helps!

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  • Fehler bei Videovorschau - Fehler beim create movies. (Error in the video Preview - 'film compilation error. Unknown error.)


    ICH habe seit Kurzem problem beim Exportieren aus Premiere Pro 2015.2.

    ES opens sich ein Fenster mit found message:

    "Fehler bei Videovorschau - Fehler beim create movies. Unbekannter Fehler . »

    As sharps Fehlers habe ich meinen Rechner neu aufgesetzt, aber er is experienced.

    Ich weiss, wie also provozieren kann ich jetzt Aber. Wenn ich beim export die Zielbitrate [Mbps:]

    Auf unter 10 stelle tritt der Fehler auf.



    I recently problems when exporting from Premiere Pro 2015.2.

    It opens a window with the following message:

    "Error in the video Preview - 'film compilation error." Unknown error. ».

    Because of this error, I restarted my computer, but he persists.

    I know now how I can cause the error. When I export the movie and put the target bit rate [Mbit / s:]

    less than 10, the error occurs.


    Windows Pro 10
    First Pro CC 2015.2
    Intel Core i7 - 4930 K CPU 3, 40GHz
    32 GB of RAM (checked with MemTest, no error)
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 (game ready Driver, Version 368.39)

    With the 2015.3 version, the problems seem to have disappeared.

  • Hi, I have a Lightroom on PC 5.  I read it has encountered an error while reading the cache memory and must leave the preview.  I put off my computer several times and try several times to open lightroom.  But no success!


    I have lightroom 5 on PC.

    I read it has encountered an error while reading excerpts from the story of cache and must leave the preview.

    I have put off several times my computer and try to open several times lightroom but not success.

    Thank you

    Delete the folder named child Previews.LRDATA shooting. Do not remove anything else.

    There is a button to translate each message, you can use it to translate into French.

  • ArgumentError: Error #2100 when opening adobe muse cc 2015

    Hello, I'm an ArgumentError: Error #2100 when opening adobe muse cc 2015

    Here is the log txt:

    Logging ended at: my Sep 26 12:21:24 2015

    12:21:31.007 [00:01:03.937] | Response receipt 404 of the GET to the URL: eta responseURL:eta
    12:21:31.008 [00:01:03.937] | Header: Server: openresty/
    12:21:31.008 [00:01:03.937] | Header: Date: Saturday, September 26, 2015 19:21:22 GMT
    12:21:31.008 [00:01:03.937] | Header: Content-Type: application/json
    12:21:31.008 [00:01:03.937] | Header: Content-Length: 15
    12:21:31.009 [00:01:03.937] | Header: Connection: keep-alive
    12:21:31.009 [00:01:03.937] | Header: Cache-Control: private
    12:21:31.009 [00:01:03.937] | Header:-Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *.
    12:21:31.009 [00:01:03.937] | Header: Access-Control-allow-Headers: authorization, Accept-Language, Content-Type
    12:21:31.009 [00:01:03.937] | Header: Access-Control-allow-methods: GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE
    12:21:31.009 [00:01:03.937] | Header: Access-Control-expose-Headers: location
    12:21:31.010 [00:01:03.937] | Header: Access-Control-Max-Age: 99999
    12:21:31.010 [00:01:03.937] | Data:
    {"code": 104001}
    12:21:31.052 [00:01:03.984] | Response receipt 404 of the GET to the URL: responseURL:
    12:21:31.052 [00:01:03.984] | Header: Server: openresty/
    12:21:31.053 [00:01:03.984] | Header: Date: Saturday, September 26, 2015 19:21:22 GMT
    12:21:31.053 [00:01:03.984] | Header: Content-Type: application/json
    12:21:31.053 [00:01:03.984] | Header: Content-Length: 15
    12:21:31.053 [00:01:03.984] | Header: Connection: keep-alive
    12:21:31.053 [00:01:03.984] | Header: Cache-Control: private
    12:21:31.053 [00:01:03.984] | Header:-Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *.
    12:21:31.053 [00:01:03.984] | Header: Access-Control-allow-Headers: authorization, Accept-Language, Content-Type
    12:21:31.053 [00:01:03.984] | Header: Access-Control-allow-methods: GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE
    12:21:31.053 [00:01:03.984] | Header: Access-Control-expose-Headers: location
    12:21:31.053 [00:01:03.984] | Header: Access-Control-Max-Age: 99999
    12:21:31.054 [00:01:03.984] | Data:
    {"code": 104001}
    12:21:37.711 [00:01:10.641] | EXCEPTION: [the ByteArray in Loader.loadBytes parameter] ArgumentError: Error #2100: ByteArray Loader.loadBytes () must have the length parameter is greater than 0.-stack the ByteArray parameter in Loader.loadBytes+Loader/_loadBytes+Loader/loadBytes+WebFontLoadController/registerFont+We bFontLoadController/processDownloadedFont + WebFontLoadController/onLoadedFontBytes + EventDis patch/dispatchEventFunction + EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent + MuseURLLoader/dispatchEvent + UR LLoader/onComplete + end
    [00:01:10.641] AlertAndExit by: [setting the ByteArray in Loader.loadBytes] ArgumentError: Error #2100: ByteArray Loader.loadBytes () must have the length parameter is greater than 0.

    Logging in build 2015.0.2.4 started: my Sep 26 13:08:57 2015
    13:09:28.688 [00:00:27.688] | Full recovery
    13:11:17.349 [00:02:16.328] | Try opening the file ' C:\Users\jeff\Documents\shaw & co\shaw and co 14 SEPT. Muse with dimensions: 25362432 mod Date: Mon, Sep 14 22:57:11 GMT - 0700 2015
    13:11:17.377 [00:02:16.359] | Opening file 'C:\Users\jeff\Documents\shaw & co\shaw and SEVEN 14.muse co' with status: success size: 25362432 mod Date: Mon, Sep 14 22:57:11 GMT - 0700 highestUID 2015: 5272
    13:11:28.099 [00:02:27.078] | Response receipt 404 of the GET to the URL: responseURL:
    13:11:28.099 [00:02:27.078] | Header: Server: openresty/
    13:11:28.100 [00:02:27.078] | Header: Date: Saturday, September 26, 2015 20:11:19 GMT
    13:11:28.100 [00:02:27.078] | Header: Content-Type: application/json
    13:11:28.100 [00:02:27.078] | Header: Content-Length: 15
    13:11:28.100 [00:02:27.078] | Header: Connection: keep-alive
    13:11:28.100 [00:02:27.078] | Header: Cache-Control: private
    13:11:28.100 [00:02:27.078] | Header:-Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *.
    13:11:28.100 [00:02:27.078] | Header: Access-Control-allow-Headers: authorization, Accept-Language, Content-Type
    13:11:28.101 [00:02:27.078] | Header: Access-Control-allow-methods: GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE
    13:11:28.101 [00:02:27.078] | Header: Access-Control-expose-Headers: location
    13:11:28.101 [00:02:27.078] | Header: Access-Control-Max-Age: 99999
    13:11:28.101 [00:02:27.078] | Data:
    {"code": 104001}
    13:11:28.629 [00:02:27.609] | Response receipt 404 of the GET to the URL: eta responseURL:eta
    13:11:28.629 [00:02:27.609] | Header: Server: openresty/
    13:11:28.630 [00:02:27.609] | Header: Date: Saturday, September 26, 2015 20:11:20 GMT
    13:11:28.630 [00:02:27.609] | Header: Content-Type: application/json
    13:11:28.630 [00:02:27.609] | Header: Content-Length: 15
    13:11:28.630 [00:02:27.609] | Header: Connection: keep-alive
    13:11:28.630 [00:02:27.609] | Header: Cache-Control: private
    13:11:28.630 [00:02:27.609] | Header:-Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *.
    13:11:28.631 [00:02:27.609] | Header: Access-Control-allow-Headers: authorization, Accept-Language, Content-Type
    13:11:28.631 [00:02:27.609] | Header: Access-Control-allow-methods: GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE
    13:11:28.631 [00:02:27.609] | Header: Access-Control-expose-Headers: location
    13:11:28.631 [00:02:27.609] | Header: Access-Control-Max-Age: 99999
    13:11:28.631 [00:02:27.609] | Data:
    {"code": 104001}
    13:12:20.577 [00:03:19.563] | EXCEPTION: [the ByteArray in Loader.loadBytes parameter] ArgumentError: Error #2100: ByteArray Loader.loadBytes () must have the length parameter is greater than 0.-stack the ByteArray parameter in Loader.loadBytes+Loader/_loadBytes+Loader/loadBytes+WebFontLoadController/registerFont+We bFontLoadController/processDownloadedFont + WebFontLoadController/onLoadedFontBytes + EventDis patch/dispatchEventFunction + EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent + MuseURLLoader/dispatchEvent + UR LLoader/onComplete + end
    [00:03:19.563] AlertAndExit by: [setting the ByteArray in Loader.loadBytes] ArgumentError: Error #2100: ByteArray Loader.loadBytes () must have the length parameter is greater than 0.

    Logging in build 2015.0.2.4 started: my Sep 26 13:25:10 2015
    13:25:24.713 [00:00:13.359] | Full recovery
    13:26:15.857 [00:01:04.500] | Try opening the file ' C:\Users\jeff\Documents\shaw & co\shaw and co 14 SEPT. Muse with dimensions: 25362432 mod Date: Mon, Sep 14 22:57:11 GMT - 0700 2015
    13:26:15.871 [00:01:04.515] | Opening file 'C:\Users\jeff\Documents\shaw & co\shaw and SEVEN 14.muse co' with status: success size: 25362432 mod Date: Mon, Sep 14 22:57:11 GMT - 0700 highestUID 2015: 5272
    13:26:33.277 [00:01:21.922] | Response receipt 404 of the GET to the URL: eta responseURL:eta
    13:26:33.277 [00:01:21.922] | Header: Server: openresty/
    13:26:33.277 [00:01:21.922] | Header: Date: Saturday, September 26, 2015 20:26:24 GMT
    13:26:33.277 [00:01:21.922] | Header: Content-Type: application/json
    13:26:33.278 [00:01:21.922] | Header: Content-Length: 15
    13:26:33.278 [00:01:21.922] | Header: Connection: keep-alive
    13:26:33.278 [00:01:21.922] | Header: Cache-Control: private
    13:26:33.278 [00:01:21.922] | Header:-Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *.
    13:26:33.278 [00:01:21.922] | Header: Access-Control-allow-Headers: authorization, Accept-Language, Content-Type
    13:26:33.278 [00:01:21.922] | Header: Access-Control-allow-methods: GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE
    13:26:33.278 [00:01:21.922] | Header: Access-Control-expose-Headers: location
    13:26:33.279 [00:01:21.922] | Header: Access-Control-Max-Age: 99999
    13:26:33.279 [00:01:21.922] | Data:
    {"code": 104001}
    13:26:33.280 [00:01:21.922] | Response receipt 404 of the GET to the URL: responseURL:
    13:26:33.280 [00:01:21.922] | Header: Server: openresty/
    13:26:33.280 [00:01:21.922] | Header: Date: Saturday, September 26, 2015 20:26:24 GMT
    13:26:33.281 [00:01:21.922] | Header: Content-Type: application/json
    13:26:33.281 [00:01:21.922] | Header: Content-Length: 15
    13:26:33.281 [00:01:21.922] | Header: Connection: keep-alive
    13:26:33.281 [00:01:21.922] | Header: Cache-Control: private
    13:26:33.281 [00:01:21.922] | Header:-Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *.
    13:26:33.281 [00:01:21.922] | Header: Access-Control-allow-Headers: authorization, Accept-Language, Content-Type
    13:26:33.281 [00:01:21.922] | Header: Access-Control-allow-methods: GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE
    13:26:33.282 [00:01:21.922] | Header: Access-Control-expose-Headers: location
    13:26:33.282 [00:01:21.922] | Header: Access-Control-Max-Age: 99999
    13:26:33.282 [00:01:21.922] | Data:
    {"code": 104001}
    13:26:40.729 [00:01:29.359] | EXCEPTION: [the ByteArray in Loader.loadBytes parameter] ArgumentError: Error #2100: ByteArray Loader.loadBytes () must have the length parameter is greater than 0.-stack the ByteArray parameter in Loader.loadBytes+Loader/_loadBytes+Loader/loadBytes+WebFontLoadController/registerFont+We bFontLoadController/processDownloadedFont + WebFontLoadController/onLoadedFontBytes + EventDis patch/dispatchEventFunction + EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent + MuseURLLoader/dispatchEvent + UR LLoader/onComplete + end
    [00:01:29.375] AlertAndExit by: [setting the ByteArray in Loader.loadBytes] ArgumentError: Error #2100: ByteArray Loader.loadBytes () must have the length parameter is greater than 0.

    Logging in build 2015.0.2.4 started: my Sep 26 13:27:27 2015
    13:27:39.133 [00:00:11.781] | Full recovery
    14:49:50.802 [01:22:23.453] | Try opening the file ' C:\Users\jeff\Documents\shaw & co\shaw and co 14 SEPT. Muse with dimensions: 25362432 mod Date: Mon, Sep 14 22:57:11 GMT - 0700 2015
    14:49:50.832 [01:22:23.485] | Opening file 'C:\Users\jeff\Documents\shaw & co\shaw and SEVEN 14.muse co' with status: success size: 25362432 mod Date: Mon, Sep 14 22:57:11 GMT - 0700 highestUID 2015: 5272
    14:49:59.103 [01:22:31.750] | Response receipt 404 of the GET to the URL: responseURL:
    14:49:59.103 [01:22:31.750] | Header: Server: openresty/
    14:49:59.103 [01:22:31.750] | Header: Date: Saturday, September 26, 2015 21:49:50 GMT
    14:49:59.103 [01:22:31.750] | Header: Content-Type: application/json
    14:49:59.103 [01:22:31.750] | Header: Content-Length: 15
    14:49:59.103 [01:22:31.750] | Header: Connection: keep-alive
    14:49:59.103 [01:22:31.750] | Header: Cache-Control: private
    14:49:59.104 [01:22:31.750] | Header:-Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *.
    14:49:59.104 [01:22:31.750] | Header: Access-Control-allow-Headers: authorization, Accept-Language, Content-Type
    14:49:59.104 [01:22:31.750] | Header: Access-Control-allow-methods: GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE
    14:49:59.104 [01:22:31.750] | Header: Access-Control-expose-Headers: location
    14:49:59.104 [01:22:31.750] | Header: Access-Control-Max-Age: 99999
    14:49:59.104 [01:22:31.750] | Data:
    {"code": 104001}
    14:49:59.696 [01:22:32.344] | Response receipt 404 of the GET to the URL: eta responseURL:eta
    14:49:59.696 [01:22:32.344] | Header: Server: openresty/
    14:49:59.697 [01:22:32.344] | Header: Date: Saturday, September 26, 2015 21:49:51 GMT
    14:49:59.697 [01:22:32.344] | Header: Content-Type: application/json
    14:49:59.697 [01:22:32.344] | Header: Content-Length: 15
    14:49:59.697 [01:22:32.344] | Header: Connection: keep-alive
    14:49:59.697 [01:22:32.344] | Header: Cache-Control: private
    14:49:59.697 [01:22:32.360] | Header:-Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *.
    14:49:59.698 [01:22:32.360] | Header: Access-Control-allow-Headers: authorization, Accept-Language, Content-Type
    14:49:59.698 [01:22:32.360] | Header: Access-Control-allow-methods: GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE
    14:49:59.698 [01:22:32.360] | Header: Access-Control-expose-Headers: location
    14:49:59.698 [01:22:32.360] | Header: Access-Control-Max-Age: 99999
    14:49:59.698 [01:22:32.360] | Data:
    {"code": 104001}
    14:50:06.380 [01:22:39.031] | EXCEPTION: [the ByteArray in Loader.loadBytes parameter] ArgumentError: Error #2100: ByteArray Loader.loadBytes () must have the length parameter is greater than 0.-stack the ByteArray parameter in Loader.loadBytes+Loader/_loadBytes+Loader/loadBytes+WebFontLoadController/registerFont+We bFontLoadController/processDownloadedFont + WebFontLoadController/onLoadedFontBytes + EventDis patch/dispatchEventFunction + EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent + MuseURLLoader/dispatchEvent + UR LLoader/onComplete + end
    [01:22:39.047] AlertAndExit by: [setting the ByteArray in Loader.loadBytes] ArgumentError: Error #2100: ByteArray Loader.loadBytes () must have the length parameter is greater than 0.

    Logging in build 2015.0.2.4 started: my Sep 26 15:10:20 2015
    15:10:38.666 [00:00:17.984] | Full recovery
    15:11:49.007 [00:01:28.312] | Try opening the file ' C:\Users\jeff\Documents\shaw & co\shaw and co 14 SEPT. Muse with dimensions: 25362432 mod Date: Mon, Sep 14 22:57:11 GMT - 0700 2015
    15:11:49.017 [00:01:28.328] | Opening file 'C:\Users\jeff\Documents\shaw & co\shaw and SEVEN 14.muse co' with status: success size: 25362432 mod Date: Mon, Sep 14 22:57:11 GMT - 0700 highestUID 2015: 5272
    15:11:56.855 [00:01:36.172] | Response receipt 404 of the GET to the URL: responseURL:
    15:11:56.855 [00:01:36.172] | Header: Server: openresty/
    15:11:56.855 [00:01:36.172] | Header: Date: Saturday, September 26, 2015 22:11:48 GMT
    15:11:56.855 [00:01:36.172] | Header: Content-Type: application/json
    15:11:56.855 [00:01:36.172] | Header: Content-Length: 15
    15:11:56.856 [00:01:36.172] | Header: Connection: keep-alive
    15:11:56.856 [00:01:36.172] | Header: Cache-Control: private
    15:11:56.856 [00:01:36.172] | Header:-Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *.
    15:11:56.856 [00:01:36.172] | Header: Access-Control-allow-Headers: authorization, Accept-Language, Content-Type
    15:11:56.856 [00:01:36.172] | Header: Access-Control-allow-methods: GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE
    15:11:56.856 [00:01:36.172] | Header: Access-Control-expose-Headers: location
    15:11:56.856 [00:01:36.172] | Header: Access-Control-Max-Age: 99999
    15:11:56.856 [00:01:36.172] | Data:
    {"code": 104001}
    15:11:57.368 [00:01:36.672] | Response receipt 404 of the GET to the URL: eta responseURL:eta
    15:11:57.368 [00:01:36.672] | Header: Server: openresty/
    15:11:57.368 [00:01:36.672] | Header: Date: Saturday, September 26, 2015 22:11:49 GMT

    Please delete the folders "tk1", 'tk2', 'tk3' and "tk4" found in:

    Mac: "~/Library/Preferences/com.adobe.AdobeMuseCC.2015.0/Local Store" (copy and paste into the go > dialog go to the folder in the Finder)

    Windows: store "%appdata%/com.adobe.AdobeMuseCC.2015.0/Local" (copy and paste into a file Explorer window)

    In both cases above, include everything between the quotation marks (including the tilde ~ on Mac) in the copy/paste, but not the quotation marks themselves.

  • I try to get new version of Adobe Reader, but I get an error message that my Adobe 9.5.2 patch does not exist.

    I try to get new version of Adobe Reader, but I get an error message that my Adobe 9.5.2 patch does not exist. I can see it in my programs, it's on the list to remove but it won't remove and it cannot be changed. It is aimed at preventing a new working version... I got lost. I have Windows XP.

    Hi Vicky,

    Please run this tool cleaning, Download Adobe Reader and Acrobat cleaning - Adobe Labs tool, restart your computer and download the latest version of Adobe Reader using this link Adobe - Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Distribution

    Let me know if you are still having a problem.

    Kind regards


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