Receiving Ant error when you try to clean up the scene: deployment customized taskfl

V JDev
WebCenter PS4 (

Today when I tried to re - deploy a custom workflow (no changes have been made to the workflow, it's just a test) I noticed a new error in the Ant log when performing cleaning. I've not seen this before and I am reluctant to go ahead with the deployment without knowing where it comes from. Error details:

BuildFile: W:\ProjectConnect_Source_20120203\MortensonWebCenterSpacesExtensions\WebCenterSpacesSharedLibExtension\build.xml
* [taskdef] could not load definitions from resource net/sf/antcontrib/ It was impossible to found.*

*[echo] ----------------------------*
* [echo] - cleaning deploy directory-*.
*[echo] ----------------------------*


*[echo] ----------------------------*
* [echo] - update manifest file with the *.
version of specification and implementation version
*[echo] ----------------------------*
* [propertyfile] property of update file: W:\ProjectConnect_Source_20120203\MortensonWebCenterSpacesExtensions\WebCenterSpacesSharedLibExtension\*
* [propertyfile] property of update file: W:\ProjectConnect_Source_20120203\MortensonWebCenterSpacesExtensions\WebCenterSpacesSharedLibExtension\*

W:\ProjectConnect_Source_20120203\MortensonWebCenterSpacesExtensions\WebCenterSpacesSharedLibExtension\internal-targets.XML:127: Caveat: did not find file W:\Personal\JDEV\MortensonWebCenterSpacesExtensions\WebCenterSpacesSharedLibExtension\MANIFEST. MF. TEMPL to copy.

Total time: 0 seconds

internal - targets.xml table of contents:
<? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "US-ASCII"? >
<! - ant buildfile generated by Oracle JDeveloper - >
<!-generated Sep 29, 2009 23:47:41 >
"< name of project = default"WebCenterSpacesSharedLibExtensionInternal"="init"basedir =". »
xmlns:WLS = "Oracle.WebCenter.Tools.WLS" > "

< Import file = ' internal - targets.xml "/ >

' < file property = "... / config. Properties "/ >"
< = "" file / property >

"< taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/ ">
< classpath >
< pathelement location="${}/modules/net.sf.antcontrib_1.1.0.0_1-0b2/lib/ant-contrib.jar"/ >
< / classpath >
< / taskdef >
< taskdef = "ojdeploy" name
ClassName = "Oracle.JDeveloper.deploy.ant.OJDeployAntTask"
URI = "oraclelib:OJDeployAntTask".
classpath="${Oracle.JDeveloper.Ant.library}"/ >

< target name = "init" >
< tstamp / >
< mkdir dir = "${output.dir}" / >
< / target >

< target name = "clean" description = "Cleans the project" >
< echo - > < / echo >
Echo <>- cleaning deploy directory - < / echo >
< echo - > < / echo >

< remove includeemptydirs = "true" quiet = "true" >
"< dir="${extending.spaces.home.dir}/deploy fileset "includes =" * / * "/ >
< dir = "${output.dir fileset} ' includes =" * / * "/ >"
< dir = "${fileset oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dir} ' includes =" * / * "/ >"

< dir = "${fileset extending.spaces.out.dir} ' includes =" * / * "/ >"
"< dir="${extending.spaces.home}/classes fileset "includes =" * / * "/ >

< / delete >
< / target >

< name target = 'clean-local-manifest-file.
Description = "this goal cleans the manifesto created locally.
properties file">
< queue = " remove" quiet = "true" / > "
< / target >

< target name = "precompile".
Description = "Specifies the version number of the manifest file" >
< echo - > < / echo >
Echo <>- updated the manifest file with the
version of specification and implementation version
-< / echo >
< echo - > < / echo >

<!-check if the number of restart is set in the properties file, if not
Then set the default setting->
< value = "${restart.implementation.version.suffix property}" name = "restartVer" / > "
< if >
< length string = "${restartVer}" = trim 'superior' = 'true' length = "30" / >
< do >
< property name = "varValeurProp" value = "1" / >
< / may >
< other >
< property name = "varValeurProp" value = "${restartVer}" / >
< / else >
< /if >

< if >
<!-check if the manifest file is available->
< queue = " available" property = "propavailable" / > "
< do >
< file = "" / property >
<!-get the biggest 2 numbers, properties
and the local-> manifest file
< property = "${lastNumber}" name = "lastCount" / >
< if >
< bool >
< isgreaterthan arg1 arg2 = "${lastCount}" = "${varValeurProp}" / >
< / bool >
< do >
< property name = "valueToConsider" value = "${lastCount}" / >
< / may >
< other >
< property name = "valueToConsider" value = "${varValeurProp}" / >
< / else >
< /if >
< / may >
< other >
<!-definition of the properties file if it does not exist->
< propertyfile file = ""
Comment = 'Version of the application' >
< enter key = value="${default.implementation.version}"/ "implVersion" >
< / propertyfile >
< property name = "valueToConsider" value = "${varValeurProp}" / >
< / else >
< /if >

<! - from value incrementing the value of one - >
< name var = "op1" value = "${valueToConsider}" / >
< name var = "op2" value = "1" / >
< name var = "op" value = "+" / >

< result math = 'result' operand1 = "${op1}.
operation = operand2 ' ${op} "=" ${op2} "datatype ="int"/ >

<! - definition of value in the properties file - >
< propertyfile file = "" >
< enter key = "lastNumber" type = "int" value = "${result}" / >
< / propertyfile >

< file = "" / property >
< property name = "tempManifestImpelVersion" value = "${implVersion}." ${result} "/ >"

< propertyfile file = "" >
< key = "enter manifest.implementation.version"
value = "${tempManifestImpelVersion}" / >
< / propertyfile >

< copy file="${}/MANIFEST. MF. TEMPL.
ToFile="${manifest.file.Directory}/manifest. MF.
Overwrite = "true" >
< filterset >

< token filter = "IMPLEMENTATION_VERSION".
value = "${tempManifestImpelVersion}" / >
< token filter = "LibraryName".
value="${}"/ >
< token filter = 'CUSTOMER_NAME '.
value = "${Customer.Name}" / >
< / filterset >
< / copy >

< path id = "custom.profile.attribute.classpath" >
< pathelement location="${}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/search-crawl-spi.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/search-admin.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/search-auth-plugin.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/search-auth-share.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/search-crawl-ses.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/search-crawl-ucm.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/search-api.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/search-adapter.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/search-model.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/search-service-view.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/search-skin.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/searchlet.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/activity-streaming-model.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/security-extension.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/peopleconnections-preference-model.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/peopleconnections-profile-model.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/serviceframework.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/modules/javax.jsp_1.2.0.0_2-1.jar"/ >
< pathelement path="${extending.spaces.home.dir}/ProfileCrawler/classes"/ >
< / path >
< path id = "library. JSF.1.2 ">"
< pathelement location="${}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.jsf_1.2.9/glassfish.jsf_1.0.0.0_1-2-15.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.jsf_1.2.9/glassfish.jstl_1.2.0.1.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.jsf_1.2.9/javax.jsf_1.1.0.0_1-2.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.jsf_1.2.9/wls.jsf.di.jar"/ >
< / path >
< path id = "library.WebCenter.Common" >
< pathelement location="${}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/command-api.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/command-spi.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/generalsettings-model.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/lifecycle-client.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/lifecycle-model.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/lifecycle-service.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/lock-service-model.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/search-api.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/search-adapter.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/search-model.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/scope-service-model.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/security-extension.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/serviceframework.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/wc-concurrent.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.portlet.server_11.1.1/oracle-portlet-api.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.portlet.server_11.1.1/wsrp-container.jar"/ >
< / path >
< path id = "library. WebCenter.Spaces.Client">
< pathelement location="${}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/webcenter-core-api.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/spaces-api.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/jdeveloper/webcenter/modules/oracle.webcenter.framework_11.1.1/spaces-webservice-client.jar"/ >
< / path >
< path id = "library.ADF.Common.Runtime" >
< pathelement location="${}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.adf.view_11.1.1/trinidad-api.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.adf.share_11.1.1/adf-share-support.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.adf.share.ca_11.1.1/adf-share-ca.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.adf.share.ca_11.1.1/adf-share-base.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.adf.share_11.1.1/adfsharembean.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.adf.share_11.1.1/adflogginghandler.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.idm_11.1.1/identitystore.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.javacache_11.1.1/cache.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.adf.security_11.1.1/adf-share-security.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.adf.security_11.1.1/adf-controller-security.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/oracle/modules/javax.activation_1.1.0.0_1-1.jar"/ >
< / path >
< path id = "library. WebCenter-app-core - model .jar">
"< pathelement location ="... /SourceFiles/lib/WebCenter-App-Core-Model.jar"/ >
< / path >
< path id = "library. Spaces - model .jar">
"< pathelement location ="... /SourceFiles/lib/Spaces-Model.jar"/ >
< / path >
< path id = "library. "Space-model - web.jar" >
"< pathelement location ="... /SourceFiles/lib/Spaces-Model-Web.jar"/ >
< / path >
< path id = "library. SDM. Runtime">
< pathelement location="${}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.mds_11.1.1/mdsrt.jar"/ >
< / path >
< path id = "library. SDM. Runtime.Dependencies">
< pathelement location="${}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.mds_11.1.1/oramds.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.adf.share_11.1.1/adf-share-support.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.adf.share_11.1.1/adflogginghandler.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.adf.share.ca_11.1.1/adf-share-ca.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.adf.share.ca_11.1.1/adf-share-base.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/modules/javax.servlet_1.0.0.0_2-5.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/modules/javax.jsp_1.2.0.0_2-1.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/wlserver_10.3/server/ext/jdbc/oracle/11g/ojdbc6_g.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/oracle_common/jlib/commons-cli-1.0.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.adf.share_11.1.1/commons-el.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.adf.share_11.1.1/jsp-el-api.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.adf.share_11.1.1/oracle-el.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.bali.share_11.1.1/share.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.xmlef_11.1.1/xmlef.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.dms_11.1.1/dms.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/oracle/modules/javax.activation_1.1.0.0_1-1.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.xdk_11.1.0/xml.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.xdk_11.1.0/xmlparserv2.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.javacache_11.1.1/cache.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.ucp_11.1.0.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.odl_11.1.1/ojdl.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.javatools_11.1.1/javatools-nodeps.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.jmx_11.1.1/jmxframework.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/oracle_common/modules/oracle.jmx_11.1.1/jmxspi.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/modules/javax.management_1.2.1.jar"/ >
< pathelement location="${}/modules/"/ >
< / path >
< path id = "classpath" >
< path refid = "library. JSF.1.2"/ >
< refid="library.WebCenter.Common"/ path >
< path refid = "library. WebCenter.Spaces.Client"/ >
< refid="library.ADF.Common.Runtime"/ path >
< path refid = "library. WebCenter-app-core - model .jar "/ >"
< path refid = "library. Spaces - model .jar "/ >"
< path refid = "library. Spaces-model - web.jar "/ >"
< path refid = "library. SDM. Runtime "/ >"
< path refid = "library. SDM. Runtime.Dependencies "/ >"
< refid="custom.profile.attribute.classpath"/ path >
< / path >

< / target >

< target name = 'stage' description = 'Déployer JDeveloper profiles'
function = "init, precompile" >

< echo - > < / echo >
< Echo > - Compling Custom WebCenterSpaces - < / echo >
< echo - > < / echo >

< xmlns:ora ora: ojdeploy = "oraclelib:OJDeployAntTask".
Executable = "${Oracle.JDeveloper.ojdeploy.Path}" "
Ora:statuslog="${Oracle.JDeveloper.deploy.dir}/ojdeploy-statuslog. XML">
< ora: deployment >

< name of ora: parameter = 'space '.
value="${Oracle.JDeveloper.workspace.path}"/ >
< name of ora: parameter = 'project '.
value="${}"/ >
< name of ora: parameter = "profile".
value = "custom_webcenter_spaces_war" / >
< name of ora: parameter = value "nocompile" = "false" / >
< name of ora: parameter = "outputfile".
value="${Oracle.JDeveloper.deploy.outputfile}"/ >
< / ora: deployment >
< / ora: ojdeploy >
< Echo > wrote the war as follows
location ${oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dir}/${} < / echo >
< mkdir dir="${oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dir}/exploded"/ >
< mkdir dir="${oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dir}/exploded/${}.war"/ >
"{< Unzip src="${oracle.jdeveloper.deploy.dir}/${}.
dest="${Oracle.JDeveloper.deploy.dir}/exploded/${}. War "/ >"
< / target >

< name target = "init-wls" >
< path id = "wls.classpath" >
< pathelement path="${wls.home}/server/lib/weblogic.jar"/ >
< pathelement path="${wls.home}/server/lib/xqrl.jar"/ >
< / path >
< taskdef = "wldeploy" classpathref = "wls.classpath" name
ClassName="WebLogic.ant.taskdefs.Management.WLDeploy"/ >

< / target >
< / project >

Published by: SethBW on February 16, 2012 12:10

Published by: SethBW on February 16, 2012 12:11

Do not know if has something to do with your problem, but

[taskdef] Could not load definitions from resource net/sf/antcontrib/ It could not be found.

points to some missing properties that can cause the error.

You can debug the ant ( control) script and see what is exactly the problem.


Tags: Java

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    ADMIN. This allows clear of corruption. Do the same for other accounts if necessary after the
    above message.

    You can use the hidden - administrator account to make another account as an ADMINISTRATOR with your same
    password (or two with the same password) use a test or difficulty to another.

    You can run the Admin account hidden from the prompt by if necessary.

    This tells you how to access the System Recovery Options and/or a Vista DVD

    If you cannot access your old account, you can still use an Admin to migrate to another (don't forget
    always leave to an Admin who is not used except for testing and difficulty account).

    Difficulty of a corrupted user profile

    I hope this helps.

  • Extended analytics. Error when you try to connect to the database

    Hi all
    We created the UDL file to the star schema database, and configure the DSN on EPM System Configurator (
    UDL file is connected correctly, but when we try to 'Create star schema' we get an "Error occurred whil connection to the database" error.

    Any ideas? are we missing something?


    Have you given the grant of rights 'connect' to the database or schema?


  • Get the error when you try to connect to the application of HFM of FDM (like Targe)


    can someone help me when I open FDM and click metadata-> order pictures... and try to get focused on that time period, it generates an error "unable to authenticate the specified user %0. »...

    Log file of this...

    * Start the journal entry for the Runtime Error FDM [2008-11-07-06: 41:05] *.
    Description... Could not authenticate the specified user. %0
    Error reference number: {06CFB6AF-0B83-40DC-8E32-EBD1275318D8}
    NUM: 0x8004021a; Type: 0. DTime: 2008-07-11 06:41:05; SVR: DEV-HFM-APPS1; File: CHsxClient.cpp; Online: 2272; Worm:;
    Online: 391
    Process... clsBlockProcessor.ActConnect
    The component... upsWBlockProcessorDM
    Version...................................... 931
    Thread....................................... 4752

    User... osadashiv
    Name of the computer... DEV-HFM-APPS1
    App name... fdmapps
    Client App................................... WebClient

    Provider..................................... SQLOLEDB
    Database server...
    Name of the database... fdmapps
    Trust connect... Fake
    Connect status... Open connection

    Location..................................... Sample
    Location ID... 748
    Location Seg... 2
    Category..................................... WLCat
    ID of the category... 12
    Period....................................... Oct - 2008
    Period ID.................................... 2008-10-31
    POV Local.................................... Fake
    Language..................................... 1033
    User Level................................... 1
    All Partitions... True
    Is Auditor................................... Fake

    I put the machine, global session logon information profile, etc... and already download 2 adapters... but still getting the same error...

    Please help me...
    Thanks in advance...


    It seems that something is wrong when FDM tries to connect to HFM.

    You need to understand:
    -To connect with FDM which user are you using
    -Do you use unified or comprehensive as your method of connection (settings of integration)
    -Have you attended a user in the profile of the machine?
    -You entered a domain anywhere?

    The user you are using must have the access rights to HFM. Test it directly in the client.

    Kind regards


  • Receive critical error when you try to install the update of creative cloud

    If anyone has experienced this? I can't go through Adobe on phone or chat

    I did a live chat with a technician. It helped me to get rid of the files in the library, and do a clean install of the Creative Suite Installer.

  • Error when you try to play hearts: the system is out of memory. Try closing some applications and try again.

    Critical error: hearts

    When I play the game hearts, I now get a critical error. This only happens with this game. The error is: "the system has run out of memory." Try closing some applications and try again. "I have no other applications open. "Anyone encountered this? My curren operating system is Vista.


    Step 1:

    You can change the size of virtual memory and check if the problem persists following the steps from the link

    Step 2:

    Also refer to Dave_D suggestion from this link:

    Step 3:

    I also suggest you clear the game on the computer, restart the computer, then turn on the game and check its operation. Follow the link for more information:

    Turn on or off Windows features

    Hope that information was useful

  • Smartphones blackBerry 'Fatal Error' when you try to update via the Desktop Manager

    Hi all

    I hope that there, a genius will be able to help me.

    I received and email from RIM this morning, which suggests an upgrade to the current version of the software, that I tried.

    It is passed through the implementation of procedure, checking the current version ( and checked for the latest version. I followed the procedure on the screen instructions showed. The Director of office went through the routine, saved running, then turn off the radio, then as he arrived at the 3/11 TI threw up the "fatal error has occurred during the upgrade. Please try again ".

    So I tried again, but the same thing happens.

    Curiously, if I go through the device and try a wireless upgrade, it says there is no upgrade to run? !

    Weird indeed.

    Even weirder: I just through the upgrade wireless setting, and the device says I have version This does not match the version I posted above! Huh?

    Apart from this little problem, I love my Storm! It is the second device, I got it, the first storm put itself and was generally a pain, it seems to behave itself.

    Any help gratefully received


    Yes, check with your carrier to see if they have released a newer version of the operating system. I think it's a bug somewhere in the Office Manager. I've updated to the latest version offered by my company, but whenever I use the Desktop Manager it tells me of updates are available. It happens to a lot of people on the boards. I simply cancel in the command prompt

  • Error when you try to connect to the Essbase Server

    Apply after the patch 13904640 for EE I can't connect with Essbase servers more. When I click on it I get the error message:

    Error 0: the database does not accept a connection

    All services have started without any error.

    Anyone know what is happening?

    Thank you

    I think it is useful to have a read of the following doc in Oracle Support - "impossible to add or connect to an Essbase server in Essbase Administration Services (EAS):" error: 0 in Essbase Administration Services: the database does not accept a connection "or" "error: 105: Login with token at MaxlJni" ' [1469492.1 ID].

    Basically, you will also need to patch the RTC Essbase a.103 so

    See you soon


  • "Limited or no connectivity" error when you try to connect to the internet

    Original title: loss of LAN connection

    I can connect to my counter top. But when I plug the line in my IBM Thinkpad T42 I have limited to no connectivity. I am running Windows XP home.

    You don't describe your home network connectivity.

    Your symptoms like you plug a Cable Modem directly into a desktop machine and then you unplug the cable from your desktop computer and then connect on your Thinkpad.  Unless pay you extra, cable modems are designed to give only a single IP address and probably what gave to the desktop machine.  Unplug this unit and connect the Thinkpad modem view the other machine and refuses to give it an IP address because it already gave it on the desktop.  One solution is to power cycle the Modem because it will then forget the desktop machine and allow the IP to the Thinkpad.  A better solution is to buy a home router and place it between the Modem and the computer.  You can then use both devices at the same time.


Maybe you are looking for

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  • installation of the program

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  • Several AP 1142 suddenly lose SSID

    Hello I wonder if someone can help send me in the right direction to diagnose the following problem? We have two sites on a single controller of a WISN blade and both sites use 1142 AP. In recent days, the two sites have reported the Wireless does no