Samsung T805 tablet. Pfd of SD card files. I can't save the edited changes [Android]

Hi guys,.

I really need help. I need a large number of working papers. Normally, I need to edit or underline the text. If the documents are saved inside the Tablet is not a problem of urderline and save it.

The problem is that if they are inside the SD card. If I try to stress, I get a notification that the document is "see only" and if I want to change I have to save it in a new file in duplicate. IT DRIVES ME CRAZY! Cause I say 'yes', it seems that it is registered, but if I open the file again in the SD card it has not changed! And I don't know exactly where is the new file.

I have no idea what to do, I tried a lot of things. So I have a lot of documents that it is imposible to get only in the memory of the Tablet, cause of that I saved a large number of them in the SD card and even the same files that I was able to edit and save in the Tablet I can't do with the SD card. I'm really disappointed.

You people for all!

This sounds like a device problem. It seems that your SD card is mounted in read-only mode, and the third-party applications are not allowed to modify the content on this subject. Could you please confirm this by using other third party applications (uploaded on Google Store) to change the files in your SD card?

Duplicate files modified by Acrobat in such cases are recorded in the "Download/Adobe Acrobat / ' folder.

I hope this helps.

Thank you

Acrobat DC team Mobile

Tags: Adobe Document

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