Scheduled task that injects temporary tables.

Hi, I have a 3rd party app that tables temporary creats and never drops them. I need to come up with a script that I can run all the thirty days and clean them. Here are select it I start to find. I don't know how to format the drop statement.

Select master, object_name, created from dba_objects where object_name like '% DWTEMP' and creates > 1 May 11 ' and object_type = 'TABLE ';

Thank you


880878 wrote:
That's what I finally came up with. I turned into a stored procedure. It is planned to run once a month. Thanks for all the help.


FOR tbl IN (select master, object_name, created
from dba_objects
where object_name like 'DWTEMP % '.
and trunc (created, 'month') = trunc (trunc (sysdate, 'month')-1, 'month')
and object_type = 'TABLE')
RUN IMMEDIATELY 'DROP TABLE ' | tbl. Owner | '.' || tbl.object_name | "PURGE."

I would not create in the SYS schema if I were you.

The account is held and exclusivity (should be anyway) Oracle. Nothing good can come from using it in this way.

Tags: Database

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    See if find you the information you want in the views JOB * $ Mgmt.


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    Our approach is a little more complete.

    First of all, (which means my work colleagues) wrote a custom tag that does something like this:

    Error log

    Then our real planned work do it like this:

    a very long deadline (and none of the real jobs can have their own timeout)

    set some variables

    Use the tag customized for each job we want to execute

    Send a message if an error occurred.

  • Scheduled task runs does not correctly in the Windows XP machine.

    Original title: Troubleshoot the scheduled task.

    I have a scheduled task scheduled to run at 2:30 every night.  The time of execution scheduled next is 02:30 March 2, 2011.  I was not able to know what prevents it from running.  After a diagnosis, I'm sure it's not the exact command, but rather the setting in the scheduled task.  However, this is just in case: cmd /c start 'scan MalwareBytes' / low/b "C:\Program Malwarebytes ' Anti - Malware\mbam.exe" / scan-complete - log - cancel

    I have read many web pages on the resolution of the scheduled tasks, but the principal that I follow is  Here is what I checked:

    • The scheduled task folder shows a 27 February 2011 than last time to run
    • Last log written by the application is February 27, 2011, confirming the last Run Time
    • Status column is empty
    • The application runs if I right click on the scheduled task and select run
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    • If I right click on the task failed on demand, choose run and wait for the end, success is indicated by a new log file written by the application and a "Last Run Time" update in the scheduled task folder
    • c:/Windows/SchedLgU.txt confirmed that the scheduled task that failed did not run since February 27, 2011, while other scheduled tasks has been run.  After a right click and running, c:/WINDOWS/SchedLgU.Txt shows a successful run.

    All my regular scans are set to run if the computer is idle, and I'm sure that didn't prevent this idling at this hour there.  The scheduled task failed is set to run under an administrator account even if this user is not signed.  He was placed this way well before the last run time of the February 27, 2011, and other tasks are also implemented this way (with success).  Is there anything else I can try?

    I think I found the problem.  I unchecked the option somehow to wake up in order to perform the scheduled task.  Thank you all for your answers.

  • Win XP Pro - scheduled tasks

    I need more information about scheduled tasks.

    My backup software does not work. I get error logs.

    I need more examples to make it work.

    This isn't a lot of information to go.

    Here are a few notes unattractive, I have about scheduled tasks that can help you get started.  One day I have to make it more presentable:

    It is strongly suggested that the task entrusted to a user with a password (using the administrator account is not recommended), so create a new user with a password just for tasks or add a password to your account, if necessary.

    You can temporarily assign a password for test and worry about that later. This time just to see if your ST mechanism works correctly.

    If you configure the task to use the same account that you log in, you'll usually be able to see the task to launch and start running while you use the computer.  It is useful to see the task run in front of your eyes.

    If you configure the task to use another account that connect with the task must run again (and you see it), but for the test, use your own login account and then change the account of the task uses later when you're sure that it all works.

    If you try to create a new task by using an account that does not have a password, you will get this error trying to create the task:

    The new task has been created, but may not work because the account information could not be set.

    The specific error is 0x80070005: access is denied.

    Still, the task will be created, but it will not run correctly.

    Is there a way to get around that, but get this working first for if ensure your mechanism of the scheduled task is not afflicted.

    Stop the Task Scheduler service. Click on start, settings, Control Panel, administrative tools, services and locate the Task Scheduler Service and stop it.

    Remove or rename the scheduled task probably cluttered log file that is usually found here:


    Restart the Task Scheduler service to create a new journal (it's just a text file) and verify that a new log file has been created and that it looks like this:

    "Task Scheduler service".

    Started on 01/01/2010 06:26:43

    [* The most recent entry is above this line *]

    Navigate to the folder c:\windows\tasks to see all your tasks. Expand the Explorer window you can see all the columns interest by dragging the column headers for each column.

    The next columns Run Time, last run time, status and latest results are interesting. You can also click Advanced and view the log file of ST from here.

    Choose to add scheduled task.  Create a new task to run once command prompt now.  If you do not have a PW on your account, you will get an error while trying to create it (more on that later).  The new task will still be created, but it will never run. Assign a password to your account, at least temporarily, to test your mechanism of the scheduled task.

    After you have assigned your login password account temporarily, adjust the new scheduled task, you created to run the command prompt so that it uses the same account and password used to log on to Windows and the task must configure and save without error.

    Right-click the new task command prompt and choose run and a command window should open immediately.  If this isn't the case, something is wrong.  If so, your mechanism is healthy.  Examine the log file to view your results.

    Given that the task of the command prompt is configured to run under your account, that is why you will see the command prompt window open immediately.  If you have configured the task to use a different account (with a password of course), the task of the command prompt would run under this name of users (not your own) and you wouldn't open the command prompt window, but the task would be running and you can see in the Task Manager.  This way you know your ST mechanism works.

    Now that you know how to execute tasks manually, how to observe the columns of information, to know how to remove the log file, you can apply this knowledge to your new task.  Make sure that the Task Scheduler service is running again if you don't stop it to remove the log during the test.

    Assign properties to your new task or annoying that match your login (at least for testing), observe the columns and the newspaper.  If your task fails to run manually, errors in the log file are the clues to find out what to do next.

    Always try to return to the simple task of command prompt that you created to make sure that the ST mechanism working properly - before you know for sure that one works.  Then apply your knowledge to get your new task to work.

    You can edit the task properties to use your login account and password since you know it is working on the task from the command prompt.  If you change your new task and choose to run it and logged in with the same account, you should see your Execute task.  When you are satisfied, it is not working properly, you probably don't want to interrupt you while you are connected, so change it back the properties to use another connection to the user account that has a password that you have created just to run your scheduled tasks.

    Tasks that are created by other applications will use the special account NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM.  This account has no password and is typically used for system-oriented tasks, but you will only be able to see the performance when you use the Task Manager.

    If you try to manually run a ST as you see it open any window to run, but you will see running in Manager tasks and in the log file.  If you want to see actually run, change the properties to use your account and password, solve the task, and then change the properties back and test it again.

    These types of tasks can work very well, but you can tell by the log file, looking in the Task Manager, or columns of status in the folder tasks.  If you temporarily modify the task to use the same account and password you use to log in, you will be able to watch him run.

    Once you understand how to get a simple task like working of command prompt and you know where is the log file and how to edit the task properties, you can work on your new task or afflicted and make it work.

    There are ways around some of the restrictions and requirements, but it is best to only use what you have and use wisely.

    A common problem with scheduled tasks is that there is no password for the account used to create the task or people expect to 'see' the task running when it is not assigned to their connection and when theydon can't see anything and think that the job is not running.  This isn't how it works.  The log file and the Task Manager will tell you what is actually happening.

    If you're used to not having a password on your account because you do not have to enter a when you login or you are the only user on your system and decide to start using some mesh, it is sometimes easier to simply assign a password for your account, or just create a new user account XP with a password and use it for the m.  You can assign a password to your account and still have your system set in place to never ask for a password when you sign in, but you must remember your password - or set up a new account just for your scheduled tasks.

    Do, or do not. There is no test.

    I need YOUR voice and the points for helpful answers and propose responses. I'm saving for a pony!

  • Why a scheduled task in Windows 7 is hidden?

    I'm migrating from XP to Windows 7. I moved a scheduled task that worked fine in XP in the Windows 7 environment by recreating the work in the new scheduled task manager calling from the same batch (.) CMD file). In the general tab of the task properties, the hidden checkbox is not checked. The CMD file works normally (visible) if started from a window or explore CMD prompt.

    When the task is started by Task Scheduler, it runs hidden. The CMD window is not visible, and the user interface of the program it's running (a backup program) is not visible. Processes are listed in the Task Manager, and they are run under my username (not the SYSTEM or LOCAL).

    Can someone explain why this task is hidden running, and how can I make it visible?

    Hi timg11,

    All the scheduled tasks run hidden?

    The user interface for Task Scheduler (IU) is a snap Microsoft Management Console (MMC) that replaces the scheduled tasks Explorer extension in Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 and Windows 2000.

    To display hidden scheduled tasks, follow these steps:

    1. click on start. In the search box, type Task Scheduler. Then, in the list programs, click Task Scheduler.
    2. on the view menu, click Show hidden tasks.

    See the link below and refer to the section tasks hidden demand that describes scheduled tasks hidden:

    Description of the scheduled tasks in Windows Vista

    The above article is for Windows Vista. It remains valid for Windows 7, too.

    If you are having problems scheduling tasks or for tasks to be performed correctly, first make sure that the Task Scheduler service is running. You can check that the service is running if you click on the Start button, select Control Panel, click System and Maintenance, click Administrative Tools, click Services, and check the status of the Task Scheduler service is started.

    See the links below for more details on Task Scheduler and the same diagnosis:

    Overview of Task Scheduler

    Schedule a task

    Troubleshooting Task Scheduler

    I hope this helps!

    Kind regards
    Gokul - Microsoft Support

  • scheduled task returns ox2

    I have a scheduled task that runs perfectly in Windows XP Pro, but the same task in Windows 7 returns a '0 x 2' under 'run last result. " According to the command of the command line, "net helpmsg 2 ', '0 x 2' is equivalent to"the system cannot find the file specified."

    I can probably find the file and the path I use in the Actions tab was checked, re-checked, double checked and triple-checked.

    My task is a * cmd file that initiates a work PC SAS...

    Again, it works fine under XP and I can run under WIN 7, but it does not work on Task Scheduler.  I played with the script without success...


    1 are. what script you referring?
    2 where the cmd file that initiates a PC SAS work?

    I you suggest to change the location of the file, delete the scheduled task, disable the security software and then create a task again.

    Step 1: Follow the below mentioned article:

    Important note: Antivirus software can help protect your computer against viruses and other security threats. In most cases, you should not disable your antivirus software. If you need to disable temporarily to install other software, you must reactivate as soon as you are finished. If you are connected to the Internet or a network, while your antivirus software is disabled, your computer is vulnerable to attacks.

    Step 2: Follow the below mentioned article:

    If the steps above do not help, you can report the issue in the link mentioned below:

  • Define a scheduled task to run at multiple intervals


    I have a scheduled task that is configured to run every day @ 03:00. Is there a way to put this work to run twice a day... I mean, to run every day at 03:00 and 10:00.

    Please suggest

    Thank you

    IF the interval does not work for you then you can just create several instances of employment and put them at daily intervals at different moments you want.


  • Are global temporary tables, a standard feature of Oracle?

    I apologize for introducing me to this community with what must seem like a very stupid question...

    I am a software developer, working on a product that uses Oracle as its database, specifically Oracle 11 g Enterprise Edition. Recently, I solved a problem of performance by converting an ordinary table into a global temporary table. Before my boss allows me to put this change in the product, it wants to be sure that global temporary tables are a standard part of Oracle, not something that the customer must install separately or pay extra for. (This is the first time that we never used them in our product, so I think that most of the team are not familiar with them).

    I know that Oracle has had global temporary tables since the last millennium, so if ever, they have been a feature of the premium, they are unlikely to be now, but the boss wants me to get independent confirmation of this.

    Thank you.

    Steve Pemberton

    Here you can see "feature availability by Edition":

    TWG tables is not even mentioned, which means that they do not belong to the functional components are paid separately.

    One caveat - if you have an application that uses connection pooling, it is recommended to use ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS, not ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS

    (or always use explicitly "DELETE gtt_table" at the beginning), because otherwise a user of the application can display the data TWG who has previously made a second user of the application.

    Kind regards


  • How to upgrade a custom scheduled task setting?


    I develop a scheduled task that has a setting called 'Last Run Timestamp'.  I want to this field allows to limit my reconciliation events to those that happened after the timestamp of last Run.

    From my java code, how can I change this field with sysdate/time stamp of the last race?

    I'm running on IOM 11gr2ps2.

    Thank you


    Example of Code using SchedulerService.

    SimpleDateFormat time = new SimpleDateFormat ("yyyy-MM-DD hh: mm: zzz");

    Start date = new Date();

    LOGGER.log (Level.INFO, "start time:" + (start) time.format);

    Update the Timestamp of scheduled task setting

    JobDetails job = getSchedIntf () .getJobDetail (getName ());

    HashMap attributes = job.getAttributes ();

    JobParameter = attributes.get ("last Run Timestamp") jobparam;

    String timestamp = (time.format (start));

    jobparam.setValue (timestamp);

    Attributes.put ("last Run Timestamp", jobparam);

    job.setAttributes (attributes);

    getSchedIntf () .updateJob (job);


  • Issues for scheduled task

    Hi guys,.

    I have a few scheduled tasks that works well.  I tried to create a new scheduled task today. It is a Powercli script that is compression and encryption of output with the public key and send by Mail.

    So, for some reason, a scheduled task that runs through without error > but did not have encryption.

    -the PS file works manually without problem

    -manually tested a bat file with the full path to powershell.exe and PS = works as well

    Just once, I try to plan its > it does not Code. simply paste the Code problem

    do I need special Arguments in the scheduled task?  It has not set up for others.

    # #Encrypt #.

    $gpgpath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\GNU\GnuPG\pub\gpg.exe.

    $recipient1 = "xxxxxx".

    $recipient2 = "xxxxxx".

    $encrypt = "recipient $recipient1 - recipient $recipient2 F:\Report\vCenter\Finance\9-6-2016\

    $Process = start-Process $gpgpath $encrypt - WindowStyle hidden

    If I make a New point between lines > it creating folders as test > just to see if script is running or not.

    I have some ideas right now, why the scripts - but does not not the encryption Code. As manually PS is doing well.

    I even made with 7-zip. and that works well.

    Perhaps some clues?

    Best regards


    You specify an account under which the scheduled task to run?

    By default, this is the system account if I remember correctly.

  • Scheduled tasks does not

    Hi all

    I have a page that executes the code and generates email. I can run this page very well in the browser, but when I schedule it, nothing happens. If I manually run the task in the Scheduler, the task said that he ran.

    I have included a user account and the pw in the scheduled task that has access to the page.

    I am at a loss here...


    Nothing is currently limited by security.

    Thank you


    I understood what my problem was... was to generate the results to a file C:\... and then I saw an error... due isDefine a variable.

  • Impossible to run a scheduled task of PowerCLI on Windows 7


    I try to perform a task of scehduled on Windows 7...

    What I tried:


    C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe - PSConsoleFile "C:\Program Files (x 86) \VMware\Infrastructure\vSphere PowerCLI\vimaxx.psc1"-command '& {C:\VMware\AgConfigVirtual.ps1} '.

    vimaxx.psc1 (necessary to create another as the other file was giving me an error on the psmodules section, so I removed the in this new file)

    <? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"? >

    < PSConsoleFile ConsoleSchemaVersion = "1.0" >

    < > 1.0 PSVersion < / PSVersion >

    < PSSnapIns >

    < PSSnapIn Name = "VMware.VimAutomation.License" / > "

    < PSSnapIn Name = "VMware.DeployAutomation" / > "

    < PSSnapIn Name = "VMware.ImageBuilder" / > "

    < PSSnapIn Name = "VMware.VimAutomation.Core" / > "

    < / PSSnapIns >

    < / PSConsoleFile >


    $pwd = get-Content C:\VMware\powerclicred | ConvertTo-SecureString

    $cred = New - Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential 'user', $pwd

    SE connect-VIServer-Server Server1 Server2, serveur3, server4, Server5-Credential $cred

    $ESXiServers = get-VMHost | Name sort

    $Excel01 = new-Object - ComObject Excel.Application

    $Excel01.Visible = $False

    $Workbook01 = $Excel01.Workbooks.Open("Z:\Servers\ConfigVirtual.xlsx")

    (rest of the script)...

    Ok... When I opened a cmd and run beats, it works normally... connection to all servers and then run Excel to do the rest of the script.

    When I schedule it, it just does not take into account the part of connection and opens the Excel process...

    What I am doing wrong?

    PS: The user has permissions to run as a batch process


    Thanks for your time and your attention =]

    I got it to work... There is a bug when opening Excel using PowerShell files scheduled tasks...

    All I had to do is create the Desktop folder on the recommended way and work for the task.


    Excel - Powershell script cannot access a file when it is run as a scheduled task - Stack Overflow

    Thank you once again!

  • Why we do not receive notification of scheduled task?

    Hi guys,.

    We have a scheduled task that is configured to create a snapshot of a VM to each month. If the shots were created. However, we also have a notification for this (see attachment), but we do not receive any notification once the task is completed? No idea how to get this working?

    Thanks in advance!


    Configure you the SMTP server, etc.? Task managed successfully, then it will be something with the sending of the e-mail.

    In vCenter, go to "Administration"-> "vCenter Server Settings" and choose "Mail".

    You must configure an SMTP server account and sender account here.

    If set correctly, it should work, unless you are not allowed to use the SMTP server or something

  • Edit and a global temporary table

    Hi all

    Can someone tell me why when I create a TWG and insert the data as the followijng, I get insert 14 ranks msg. But when I do a select statement of the sqlwork shop, sometimes I get the data sometimes that I don't have. my understanding is that these data are supposed to stay during my session logon then got cleaned up when I left the session.
    I develop a screen in the apex and will use this temporary table for the user to perform editing work. Once Island edition done then I save the data in a static table. Is this possible? So far my every attempt to update that the temporary table always results in 0 rows updated in the temporary table and reversed to 0 lines. Can you help me?

    'ENAME' VARCHAR2 (10),
    VARCHAR2 (9) "JOB."

    insert into emp_session (EMPNO, ENAME, JOB, MGR, HIREDATE, SAL, COMM, DEPTNO)
    Select * from EMP
    Select * from emp_session
    -Sometimes I 14 ranks, sometimes 0 rows

    Thank you.


    APEX does NOT support the use of TWG... Use rather a collection to manipulate your temporary data... :

    Thank you

    Tony Miller
    Webster, TX

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