Scroll view gal

I have a listview with a container with an image and text:

                        ListItemComponent {
                            type: "item"
                            Container {
                                layout: StackLayout {
                                    orientation: LayoutOrientation.LeftToRight
                                ImageView {
                                    imageSource: ListItemData.imagePath
                                    scalingMethod: ScalingMethod.AspectFill
                                    rotationZ: ListItemData.imageRotation
                                Label {
                                    text: ListItemData.imageText
                                    multiline: true
                                    horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill
                                    autoSize.maxLineCount: 10

The images are taken with the camera and copied into the app folder. In the listview, the images are similar to (I assume) ninesliced photos of the image.
Scroll the list begins to lag when there are 5 or more entries. It justs waits before displaying the next image, then pull it forward.

I m guessing it has something to do with the images being the 'big' and their load and unloaded dynamically.

I tried bufferedScrollingEnabled true and false.

A way to solve this easily?

OR should I just make thumbnails of some sort in the PRC? In this case, how?

Thank you!

You may need your images scale. If you view large images in the list, then it must decode and adapts these images when you scroll from top to bottom.

It is possible to scale the images with QImage and cache thumbnails for later use. I suggest that you use a separate thread to do this and save thumbnails to tmp and load them from their uri in your list. If you pass image data directly to the display of the list, then you will need handle the load of caching and image memory yourself and you still need much more memory.

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

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    Upgrade to iOS 5 solved a problem for all the world it has reported so far.

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    Try to change the pref on the subject ui.trackpoint_hack.enabled: page default config-1 to 0 or 1 to see if that makes the work button.

    Close and restart Firefox after changing the pref.

    To open the topic: config page, type Subject: config in the address bar (address) and press the 'Enter' key, as you type the url of a Web site to open a Web site.

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    Any ideas or suggestions are MUCH appreciated-

    Thank you!

    On suggestion would be to use the hide feature followed in order to ensure the reference track remains visible as well as the follow-up of these tracks, you are working with, while others are hidden... below the Piccolo is the reference... You can also use keyboard shortcuts to speed up the workflow.

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    Hi all

    I'm trying to add a frame floating within an OSM within a scrolling view.

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    Can someone please help?

    I've never tried, but I tried to put a scroll in a scroll in

    WHO and the second roller does not work. I think you might have exploited

    against the same restriction.

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    Now, I would like to have a configuration like this:

     Page Container
      Scroll View
       Container #1 with a Label
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       Container #2 with some other Control
        (Container #2 has another Control hidden)
       ...And so on

    The goal is similar to a line of list view that grows off to reveal more content when you press on, but I don't want to use lists, I have only controls and each is unique.

    Are there examples of code similar to this?

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    You can simply use the visible on any element qml property if you want to hide and display items. Manipulate the tap on the #1 container, and then view the additional content. Put it all inside a scrollview.

  • In-App purchase issue

    While the investigation into the issue of images do not hit any fly/scrolling in a Webview ( I came across the question if a user buys my in-app purchase then removes the application and reinstall the in-app purchase did not work.

    First of all, in-app purchase is to remove the ads - it does that very well, but when the application is removed and reinstalled ads appear once more and I don't want to force consumers to pay twice, so I really need to get this fixed number as it is preventing me to release an update of my application.

    I'm working out of this example: and have used it to create buying app for my application.

    Here's my source, my main.qml of my application file code:

    import bb.cascades 1.0
    import bb.platform 1.0
    import com.sample.payment 1.0
    TabbedPane {
        id: tabbedPane
        property variant payment
        Menu.definition: MenuDefinition {
            id: appMenu
            actions: [
                ActionItem {
                    title: "About"
                    imageSource: "asset:///IMG/ic_info.png"
                    onTriggered: {
                ActionItem {
                    title: "Contact Us"
                    imageSource: "asset:///IMG/ic_email.png"
                    onTriggered: {
                        emailInvocation.query.uri = "mailto:[email protected]?subject=Shopping For eBay App: Contact"
                ActionItem {
                    id: upgradeAction
                    title: "Remove Ads"
                    imageSource: "asset:///IMG/ic_clear_list.png"
                    onTriggered: {
                        if (tabbedPane.payment) {
                            /* replace the values in quotes "" below with the values from
                             * your vendor account for this application's add-on. */
                   = "{REMOVED}"
                            payment.mPaymentControl.sku = "{REMOVED}"
                   = "Remove Ads"
                            payment.mPaymentControl.metadata = "Purchasing this will remove the adverts!"
                            payment.mPaymentControl.getPrice(, payment.mPaymentControl.sku);
                            payment.mPaymentControl.purchase(, payment.mPaymentControl.sku,, payment.mPaymentControl.metadata)
                    attachedObjects: [
                        // Definition to hold the PaymentControl so it is only created when neccesary
                        ComponentDefinition {
                            id: paymentdef
                            Container {
                                id: payContainer
                                onCreationCompleted: {
                                    console.log("Payment Definition Created - Checking for Existing Purchases")
                                property alias mPaymentControl: paymentControl
                                attachedObjects: [
                                    PaymentServiceControl {
                                        id: paymentControl
                                        property string pid
                                        property string sku
                                        property string name
                                        property string metadata
                                        // Play receipt animation on purchase response
                                        onPurchaseResponseSuccess: {
                                            cpp.saveValueFor("removedAds", "23");
                                            root.removedAds = 23;
                                            console.log("purchaseResponse - " + receiptString)
                                        onInfoResponseError: {
                                            console.log("Purchase Error - " + errorCode + " - " + errorText)
                                        onExistingPurchasesResponseSuccess: {
                                            if (receiptsString == "(No purchases)") {
                                                console.log("existing unable to find receipt")
                                            } else {
                                                console.log("existing receiptString - " + receiptsString)
                                                cpp.saveValueFor("removedAds", "23");
                                                root.removedAds = 23;
                                            console.log("existingPurchaseResponse Success - " + receiptsString)
                ActionItem {
                    title: "Share App"
                    imageSource: "asset:///IMG/ic_share.png"
                    onTriggered: {
                ActionItem {
                    title: "More Apps"
                    imageSource: "asset:///IMG/ic_buy.png"
                    onTriggered: {
            attachedObjects: [
                Sheet {
                    id: aboutSheet
                    About {
                Invocation {
                    id: invokeShare
                    query {
                        mimeType: "text/plain"
                        data: qsTr("Get your shopping done easily on your #BlackBerry10 with 'Shopping For eBay'; check it out in @BlackBerry World:")
                        invokeActionId: "bb.action.SHARE"
                Invocation {
                    id: invokebb
                    query {
                        mimeType: "text/html"
                        uri: "appworld://vendor/64825/"
                        invokeActionId: "bb.action.OPEN"
                Invocation {
                    id: emailInvocation
                    query.mimeType: "text/plain"
                    query.invokeTargetId: ""
                    query.invokeActionId: "bb.action.SENDEMAIL"
                    onArmed: {
        showTabsOnActionBar: false
        Tab {
            title: qsTr("Home") + Retranslate.onLocaleOrLanguageChanged
            imageSource: "IMG/101.Home.png"
            NavigationPane {
                id: navigationPane0
                Page {
                    onCreationCompleted: {
                        root.removedAds = parseInt(cpp.getValueFor("removedAds", ""))
                        if (root.removedAds != 23) {
                            tabbedPane.payment = paymentdef.createObject(navigationPane0);
                        } else {
                            console.log("Not Creating Payment Definition, User has Already Paid To Remove Ads")
                    id: page1
                    //actionBar actions
                    //Title bar
                    Container {
                        id: root
                        property int removedAds
                        onRemovedAdsChanged: {
                            if (removedAds == 23) {
                                myAds.visible = false
                                myAds2.visible = false
                        Container {
                            id: myAds
                            horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                            layout: StackLayout {
                            MyAds {
                                horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                                topPadding: 15.0
                        Container {
                            layout: DockLayout {
                            // To enable scrolling in the WebView, it is put inside a ScrollView.
                            ScrollView {
                                id: scrollView
                                scrollViewProperties.overScrollEffectMode: OverScrollEffectMode.None
                                // We let the scroll view scroll in both x and y and enable zooming,
                                // max and min content zoom property is set in the WebViews onMinContentScaleChanged
                                // and onMaxContentScaleChanged signal handlers.
                                scrollViewProperties {
                                    scrollMode: ScrollMode.Vertical
                                    pinchToZoomEnabled: true
                            } // ScrollView// A progress indicator that is used to show the loading status
                            Container {
                                bottomPadding: 25
                                horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                                verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Bottom
                                ProgressIndicator {
                                    id: progressIndicator
                                    opacity: 0.0
                    } // End of container
        } //End of first tab
    } //End of tabbedPane

    Any help and advice in this regard would be greatly appricated.

    Thanks in advance!

    If you test using a sandbox past purchases account cannot be restored. Purchases made with a sandbox account did not get connected to the server, so if you try to restore (ex after you remove and then re - install the app even) then no purchase will be returned.

    You can test your rollback logic with purchases in the same session of the app: open the app, make a purchase, try a restore, all this without closing the application.

    The only other option would be to remove your account from the sandbox and try buying using real $$

  • Can we change the background color of the application?

    I tried to find a way to set a global style. If I could set the background color of the entire application, it'd save me from having to apply that color on every page.

    Setting the background color of a container in a ScrollView, also reveals a white background when you "too scroll' view. I would like to eliminate it.

    Hello level32,.

    Maybe if you set a common qml file have it set on other pages, as in the example of cascadescookbookqml, available on GitHub

    You will find a file RecipeContainer.qml defined on the record of the Commons and all other pages using it.

    I hope this helps.

  • Setting Web display over the entire height of the device


    Recently, I submitted one of my BlackBerry 10 applications to built for BlackBerry, but that it must be approved, I must have the webView fill the entire page. The illustration below shows the Web view covers only about half of the page because there is not enough of content to fill an entire page.

    Here is the code that I use for my webView:

    Container {
            layout: DockLayout {
            verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Fill
            horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill
            background: Color.Black
            ScrollView {
                id: scrollView1
                scrollViewProperties.pinchToZoomEnabled: true
                scrollViewProperties.scrollMode: ScrollMode.Vertical
                verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Fill
                horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill
                Container {
                    layout: StackLayout {
                        orientation: LayoutOrientation.TopToBottom
                    verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Fill
                    horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill
                    background: Color.Black
                    WebView {
                        id: webView1
                        onLoadingChanged: {
                            if (loadRequest.status == WebLoadStatus.Started) {
                            } else if (loadRequest.status == WebLoadStatus.Succeeded) {
                            } else if (loadRequest.status == WebLoadStatus.Failed) {
                        // WebView settings, initial scaling and width used by the WebView when displaying its content.
                        settings.viewport: {
                            "width": "device-width",
                            "initial-scale": 1.0
                        onMinContentScaleChanged: {
                            // Update the scroll view properties to match the content scale
                            // given by the WebView.
                            scrollView1.scrollViewProperties.minContentScale = minContentScale;
                            // Let's show the entire page to start with.
                            scrollView1.zoomToPoint(0, 0, minContentScale, ScrollAnimation.None)
                        onMaxContentScaleChanged: {
                            // Update the scroll view properties to match the content scale
                            // given by the WebView.
                            scrollView1.scrollViewProperties.maxContentScale = maxContentScale;
                        verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Fill
                        horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill
                    Divider {
                        id: infoTextDivider
                        visible: false
                    Container {
                        visible: false
                        id: infoTextContainer
                        verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
                        horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                        Label {
                            multiline: true
                            id: infoText
                            textStyle.textAlign: TextAlign.Center
            Container {
                id: loadMask
                background: Color.Black
                layout: DockLayout {
                verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Fill
                horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill
                Container {
                    leftPadding: 10.0
                    rightPadding: 10.0
                    topPadding: 10.0
                    bottomPadding: 10.0
                    horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                    verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
                    ActivityIndicator {
                        id: webLoading
                        preferredHeight: 200.0
                        preferredWidth: 200.0
                        horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                        onStarted: {
                        onStopping: {
                    Label {
                        text: "Loading " + titleBar.title + "..."
                        horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                        textStyle.fontSize: FontSize.Large
                        textStyle.fontWeight: FontWeight.W100
                        textStyle.color: Color.White

    If any help with what I need to add in order to show Web to fill the entire page would be great!

    Thanks in advance

    Web layout:


    preferredHeight: 1280
    preferredWidth: 768
    maxHieght: 1280
    maxWidth: 768
    minHeight: 720
    minWidth: 720
  • Key capture within a ScrollView

    I have a check that when I get a touch, I followed the touch() signal when the user moves upwards and downwards, to change the value there is a. Like in this video , but in the vertical direction.

    If I put the control inside a ScrollView, control no longer works, because I get a TouchEvent Cancel.

    I tried to change all the ancestors of TouchPropagationMode view touchPropagationMode:assThrough button down event and bring back them into the contact upwards / button cancel event (so the ScrollView should stop running events for the scrollbar, when this control has captured the touch event), but it does not work, and I keep getting the Cancel event.

    I also had a look at this thread , that he says makes the turn of events, but I don't understand leave a control within the view, but from the outside.

    No hint of how to capture key events and prevent the ScrollView parent of during my control is the capture of the touch event!

    Finally found a way to solve this problem. Sorry for the 'spam' in the forum :/

    The path is the same used in the post I mentioned in my first post.

    I put a signal handler for my touch event.

    QObject::connect( counterLabel, SIGNAL( touch(bb::cascades::TouchEvent*) ),
                          this, SLOT( onTouchEvent( bb::cascades::TouchEvent* )));

    So when I get a touch down in my counterLabel, I call the hijackTouchEvents:

    void TouchCounter::onTouchEvent( bb::cascades::TouchEvent* touchEvent )
        TouchType::Type eType = touchEvent->touchType();
        if( eType == TouchType::Down ){
            initialY = touchEvent->windowY();
            counterUpdateIncrement = 0;
            timerIntervalAccum = 0;

    and I get the "oldest ancestor" to install a touchCapture Manager and block all events key to its immediate children (save mode to restore them later).

    void TouchCounter::hijackTouchEvents()
        blockedNode = NULL;
        capturingTouchesNode = this;
        VisualNode* next;
        while( (next = qobject_cast(capturingTouchesNode->parent() ) ) != 0){
            blockedNode = capturingTouchesNode;
            capturingTouchesNode = next;
        QObject::connect( capturingTouchesNode, SIGNAL( touchCapture(bb::cascades::TouchEvent*) ),
                              this, SLOT( onTouchCaptureEvent( bb::cascades::TouchEvent* )));
        if( blockedNode != NULL ){
            blockedNodeOriginalPropagationMode = blockedNode->touchPropagationMode();
            blockedNode->setTouchPropagationMode( TouchPropagationMode::None);

    I also have the function to disconnect from the touchCapture:

    void TouchCounter::freeTouchEvents()
        QObject::disconnect( capturingTouchesNode, SIGNAL(  touchCapture(bb::cascades::TouchEvent*) ),
                                  this, SLOT( onTouchCaptureEvent( bb::cascades::TouchEvent* )));
        capturingTouchesNode = 0;
        if( blockedNode != NULL){
            blockedNode->setTouchPropagationMode( blockedNodeOriginalPropagationMode );
            blockedNode = NULL;

    And I call the freeTouchEvents function in the onTouchCaptureEvent, when I get a touch up or touch cancel event.

    void TouchCounter::onTouchCaptureEvent( bb::cascades::TouchEvent* touchEvent )
        TouchType::Type eType = touchEvent->touchType();
        VisualNode* tgt = touchEvent->target();
        if( eType == TouchType::Move && capturingTouchesNode != 0 ){
            float a = touchEvent->windowY();
            float diff = a - initialY;
            counterUpdateIncrement = getUpdateRateMilliseconds( diff  );
            if( diff > 10.0f ){
                valueDirection = -1;
            }else if( diff < 10.0f ){
                valueDirection = 1;
                valueDirection = 0;
        }else if( eType== TouchType::Up || eType == TouchType::Cancel ){
            initialY = 0;

    I hope this is help someone!

  • Limit of width ScrollView

    Hi all

    I have a CustomControl this QML-based:

    import bb.cascades 1.0
        scrollViewProperties.scrollMode: ScrollMode.Horizontal
        scrollViewProperties.pinchToZoomEnabled: false
        horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill
        Container {
            verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
            background: Color.create("#eeeeee")
            objectName: "ticker_container"
            layout: StackLayout {
                orientation: LayoutOrientation.LeftToRight
            leftPadding: 30.0
            rightPadding: 30.0
            topPadding: 10.0
            bottomPadding: 10.0
                horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill
                layoutProperties: StackLayoutProperties {
                   spaceQuota: 1
                verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
                text: "Results: "

    I add a lot of labels to the container by programming up to 81 in my tests.

    The problem is that when I add more than about 40 labels, labels of begin to fill the clip of their text.

    There is no limit the ScrollView width?

    I have the same problem.
    I add images to my display scrolling (scrolling view container), and after a certain number of inserts each image begins to shrink.
    I discovered with viewableAreaChanged indicate that the maximum width of scrollview 16383 pixels (+/-1-2 pixels).
    And I guess it's really limited.
    Hope it's temporary.

  • The troubled TCS roll Server observer


    In fact we operate a Server 6.0 of TCS and we try to create the web access por a scroll VIEWER but we have trouble to follow:

    We follow the guide of instructions or installation, but the first part then of Configuration > appear Windows Server doesn´t

    and Don t know how to put the username and password from the form correctly.

    We change the parameters to follow:

    We create the spectator to roll of this form:

    Anyone know what is happening

    Best regards

    This guide you're talking about is for the old version of TC where pages portals TCS had a page for a remote desktop connection to the server TCS. Please see the admin 6.0 assistance guide:

    -Zac Colton

  • completely frustrated


    I'm new to the forum and tried to resist as long as possible, but the problem I have has so deeply frustrated I got to this post. I would try to be as clear as possible.

    I have a Mac (OS 10.8.2, updated since end of 2009 under Snow Leopard Macbook - 2.26 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 4 GB of RAM, 1067 MHz DDR3). I have Adobe Acrobat Pro installed XI. I also have Microsoft Office 2011. Acrobat, Mr. Bureau and all my software is fully updated and updated. I have no conflicts of fonts, as I just clean re-installed my OS because this problem is so frustrating.

    The problem is with PDFs, I books I own. Sometimes I'll use my iphone 4 (iOS last 6.1.2) with applications like "CamScanner + ' or ' GeniusScan + ' to copy chapters and make PDF files. (CamScanner + has built in rock.) I then download on my bibliography of WebDAV on storage cloud to access it from my Mac laptop. Sometimes I use FAT scanner of generals of the University to monochrome pdfs and run OCR using Acrobat Pro XI. Sometimes, I use Canon scanners in computer labs and do the OCR in Acrobat Pro XI next. In each case, I use Zotero manage attach a PDF to bib entries and sync it all to my account of WebDAV. (Zotero is a plugin that I use, called 'Zotfile', which also allows to extract notes, highlighting, annotations, etc. and store them on Zotero, while also keeping the file pdf.) In both cases, however, I have always run the pdf file in Acrobat Pro XI to optimize at least.

    When I access PDF files for taking notes, research, etc., I tend to use the integrated Preview of Mac application. I find it easier to rationalize them, scroll, view and add notes, less clutery, etc. I see that this new Preview of Cougar is well different of that of Snow Leopard, which is very unfortunate. In this version, preview saves you go, it seems.

    The problem is that whenever I have save the pdf, I worked on file > save (and even when preview saves I will), he made a number of bad guys, the unwanted things. First, it doubles the size of the file somehow (for example, from 30 MB to 67 mb). Secondly and MORE HATED, he takes the OCR'ed text/fonts and converts them to alien faces, square boxes or just blanks. (God makes me angry just thinking about her now - I spent two full weeks now trying to solve this problem!) This product without worrying about if I ClearScan the OCR, searchable text OCR or (exact) searchable text OCR. It happens without worrying about if the fonts OCR'ed are embedded subsets, embedded, etc.. All options on Acrobat Pro XI, according to me, I tried and exhausted them, and always preview f$ & #s upwards. As far as I know, this product regardless of what kind of font is used in the PDF OCR'ed (e.g., TrueType, CID, etc.). Equivalency, Preview 1) will double the size of the file and 2) screw up the fonts on the economy. If I remove this ruin newly pdf in Acrobat Pro, text to highlight, copy, and try to paste into Word, Chrome or any other application, it produces the same result. However, if I right-click and 'copy with setting shaped' Acrobat Pro, it copies the words real/fonts. The newly overview pdf ruin returns not searching of words either. And annotations as stressing, once extracted or even looked in the notes & select box, show blanks. I downloaded and tried a skim called Mac app, and it's the exact same effect, unless I have the file > export...

    I know it's not a problem with the fonts in my Mac because I just did a clean reinstall. Book fonts tells me that everything is OK too. This product without worrying about what save the settings I selected in the preview (for example, settings by default, parameters of quartz, reduce the size of the file, etc.).

    The strange part, however, is that when I take this Preview pdf' newly ruined ed, highlight text, go to the police inspector, he told police highlighted is exactly as it was when Acrobat recorded (for example, Arial). And if I take the same document back to Acrobat and the properties view, he said is that the fonts are the same as they were when Acrobat Pro initially treated it.

    .... I hope someone can help me with a fix for this. I really don't want to use Acrobat Pro XI as my pdf search tool. It does not scroll smoothly, the layout is clumsy, etc. It is not conducive to search/read/take notes. Overview, I think, it is, and if I want to be able to have a fix for this so that Preview will stop ruining my life.

    I can provide PDF files example so that might help. I can provide the original Acrobat Pro XI treated a PDF file, as well as the ruins newly PDF overview.

    I can not help with preview and can only see that he made a lot of trouble with PDFs of things and I gave up on it a long time ago. I can only come to the conclusion that Apple doesn't care that it corrupts the files PDF. These are long and well known problems that simply have not been addressed.

    Acrobat 11 has a little more flexibility with its user interface allowing you to create sets of custom tools. It scrolls also smoothly thanks to its function of automatic scrolling and with the hand tool, and I find the annotation tools to be better. There are certainly more options to comment and the comment Panel can now be variable which is a great improvement over 9/10. So I guess I tell to consider 11 Acrobat (or Reader 11) another chance.

  • TextAlign on TextFlow with contentWidth &gt; compositionWidth


    I encounter problem behaviour.  Any subject a TextFlow text aligns to the right (textAlign = 'right', textAlign = 'end' & direction = "ltr" or textAlign = 'start' & direction = "rtl") and the TextFlow, ContainerController compositionWidth is smaller that the contentWidth, the text is positioned outside of the scrollable range.

    In other words, with a textAlign = right, the text will move to the point more to the right of the the ContainerController compositionWidth and continue on the right, but the scrolling view extends to the left (this can be shown by selecting the text visible through the mouse, and then dragging the mouse to the right).

    Below a test application to demonstrate this problem, which is a modification of the sample application of Mihai Corlan is located here:

    I have not tested this on the latest versions of the weekly (only build 360 and the couple the next).  This happens in the Gumbo, Flex 3.2 and 3.3 Flex.

    <? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"? >
    " < = xmlns:mx mx:Application ' "layout ="vertical"horizontalAlign ="left"creationComplete =" init () "> "

    < mx:Script >
    <! [CDATA]
    Import flashx.textLayout.formats.LineBreak;

    Import flashx.textLayout.container.IContainerController;
    Import flashx.textLayout.edit.UndoManager;
    Import flashx.textLayout.edit.EditManager;
    Import flashx.textLayout.container.DisplayObjectContainerController;
    Import flashx.textLayout.conversion.TextFilter;
    Import flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow;

    protected var tfTextAlignStr:String = "undefined";

    public static var public _imgClass: Class;

    private var _textContainer:Sprite = null;

    protected var _textFlowStr:String = "Bacon is a cut of meat from the sides, belly, or back of +.
    "a pig, then dry, smoked, or both. Meat from other animals, ' + '.
    "such as beef, lamb, chicken, goat or Turkey, may also be cut off," +
    "cured, or otherwise prepared resemble bacon." Bacon can be ' + '.
    "eaten fried, baked, or grilled, or used as a minor ingredient +.
    "to flavor dishes. Bacon is also used for the Bard and fat ' + '.
    "roasts, especially game birds. The word is derived from the «+»
    "" 'Old high German bacho, meaning \"buttock\', \"ham\ ', or \"side of" +.
    "bacon,------" and cognate with Bacon of old French. [1]  " +

    '' The USDA defines bacon as the hardened belly of a swine carcass\ \"the; " +
    "the other pieces so the characteristics must be separately qualified +.
    '(e.g., pork \"smoked along bacon\')... If bacon is USDA certified, ' + '.
    "then she has been treated for trichinella, [2] a parasite"+ ".
    "the roundworm that can be destroyed by heating, freezing, drying, +.
    "or smoking. [3]  " +

    "In continental Europe, this part of the pig is usually not +.
    "smoked like bacon is in America; It is used primarily in cubes ' + '.
    "(bacon) as a cooking ingredient, a value both as a source of"+ ".
    "fat and for its flavor. In Italy, this is called pancetta and ' + '.
    "are usually cooked in small cubes or served raw and finely"+ ".
    'sliced as part of an antipasto.';

    private var _textFlow:TextFlow;

    private var _controller:IContainerController;

    private function init (): void
    _textContainer = new Sprite();
    canvas.rawChildren.addChild (_textContainer);
    _controller = new DisplayObjectContainerController (_textContainer, canvas.width, canvas.height);

    _textFlow = TextFilter.importToFlow (_textFlowStr, TextFilter.PLAIN_TEXT_FORMAT);
    _textFlow.lineBreak = LineBreak.EXPLICIT;
    _textFlow.flowComposer.addController (_controller);
    _textFlow.addEventListener (CompositionCompletionEvent.COMPOSITION_COMPLETE, composeListener);
    _textFlow.addEventListener (Event.SCROLL, scrollTextFlow);

    adding features to Select/Edit/Copy/Paste/Undo
    _textFlow.interactionManager = new EditManager (new UndoManager());

    initialize from a selection before the first character
    _textFlow.interactionManager.setSelection (0,0);

    _textFlow.flowComposer.updateAllContainers ();

    tfTextAlignStr = _textFlow.getStyle ("textAlign");

    * the composition of the text was finished;
    * now I see if I have my text overflow the container
    private void composeListener(event:CompositionCompletionEvent):void
    var textWidth:int = Math.ceil (_controller.contentWidth);
    var textHeight:int = Math.ceil (_controller.contentHeight);

    If (textWidth < _controller.compositionWidth)
    Scroll.Enabled = false;
    on the other
    Scroll.enabled = true;
    scroll.minScrollPosition = 0;
    textWidth = scroll.maxScrollPosition - _controller.compositionWidth;

    * listener for the scroll bar scroll event
    private void scrollListener(event:Event):void
    _textFlow.removeEventListener (Event.SCROLL, scrollTextFlow);
    _controller.horizontalScrollPosition = scroll.scrollPosition;
    _textFlow.addEventListener (Event.SCROLL, scrollTextFlow);

    * listener for the scroll of the text flow container event
    private void scrollTextFlow(event:Event):void
    scroll.removeEventListener (Event.SCROLL, scrollListener);
    scroll.scrollPosition = Math.ceil (_controller.horizontalScrollPosition);
    scroll.addEventListener (Event.SCROLL, scrollListener);

    private function toggleTFTextAlign (): void
    tfTextAlignStr = tfTextAlignStr == 'right '? "the left": "right";
    _textFlow.SetStyle ("TextAlign", tfTextAlignStr);
    tfTextAlignStr = _textFlow.getStyle ("textAlign");
    _textFlow.flowComposer.updateAllContainers ();

    []] >
    < / mx:Script >

    < mx:VBox = "20" x y = "20" >
    < mx:Canvas id = "canvas" width = "200" height = "24" backgroundColor = "#ffffff" / >
    < mx:HScrollBar id = "scroll" width = "200" scroll = "scrollListener (event)" / >
    < / mx:VBox >
    < mx:HBox >
    < mx:Button id = "taBtn1" label = "{tfTextAlignStr}" click = "toggleTFTextAlign ()" / >
    < / mx:HBox >
    < / mx:Application >

    It's something I'll have to examine more in detail on when I'm back, I think it has been fixed in recent versions (we fixed issues than its similar). You might try this again with the latest Gumbo.

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