Set the scale of all the images in a table

Hi all

I have a chart 2D photos (say 4 x 4). I want to scale/zoom (all together) by a factor. So I use the zoomfactor property node wired to a digital slider, for any element 1 photo. During execution, only the image element for which I extracted the property node can be seen dynamically scaling, the rest stay where they are.

Only if I hover over them, or use the increment/decrement button, then the rest of them move to the value on the scale suddenly. Is that how it is supposed to happen? I guess that there must be a way out. I would like to see all visible on the façade to the scale of the whole.

I don't understand the VI because they have the pictures stored on the path to my computer to load whenever it works.

Hoping to get a solution by advanced users.

Thank you.

Quick and dirty, but it works

Tags: NI Software

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    Thanks in advance


    Import fl.transitions.Tween;

    Fl.transitions.easing import. *;


    var filename_list = new Array();

    var filename_name = new Array();

    var i: Number;

    var tn:Number = 0;

    var no_of_column:Number = 5;

    var no_of_row:Number = 3;

    var no_of_extra_row:Number;

    var scale_factor:Number = 0.8;

    var tween_duration:Number = 0.6;

    var new_row:Number = 0;

    var total: Number;

    function requestList (): void {}

    var variables: URLVariables = new URLVariables();

    var varSend:URLRequest = new URLRequest ("moivetitles.txt");

    varSend.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;

    variable =;

    var varLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader;

    varLoader.dataFormat = pouvez;

    varLoader.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);

    variables.myRequest = "get_data_array";

    varLoader.load (varSend);

    function completeHandler(event:Event):void {}

    var returnStr =;

    splitByDelimiter (returnStr);




    var p:Number = 0;

    function splitByDelimiter(externalString:String) {}

    raw_string_txt. Text = "" + externalString; ".

    var myArray:Array = externalString.split ("(|)");

    var arrnum:Number = myArray.length

    trace (arrnum);

    for (var: string elements in myArray) {}

    p ++ ;

    var innerArray:Array is myArray [item].split("|");.

    innerArray = movieTitle:String var [0];

    innerArray = movieGenre:String var [1];

    innerArray = movieRating:String var [2];


    no_of_extra_row = Math.floor(arrnum/ no_of_column)-no_of_row;

    for (i = 0; i < arrnum; i ++)


    innerArray = filename_list [0] m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ();





    var movieclip_mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip();

    stage.addChild (movieclip_mc);

    movieclip_mc.x = tn_group.x + 70;

    var default_y:Number = movieclip_mc.y = tn_group.y + 50;

    movieclip_mc. Mask = tn_group_mask;

    tn_group. Visible = false;

    fm_previous. Visible = false;

    fm_next. Visible = false;

    function load_tn (): void


    var pic_request:URLRequest = new URLRequest ("icons /" + filename_list + ".jpg");

    var pic_loader:Loader = new Loader();

    pic_loader. Load (pic_request);

    pic_loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, on_loaded);


    function on_loaded(e:Event):void


    If (tn < total)




    on the other


    fm_previous. Visible = true;

    fm_next. Visible = true;

    fm_previous.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, to_previous);

    fm_next.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, to_next);

    stage.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, on_wheel);


    var image_bm:Bitmap = new bitmap;

    var bk_igm_mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip();

    var movieTitle_txt:TextField = new TextField();

    var format1:TextFormat = new TextFormat();

    Format1. Color = 0xFFF000;

    Format1.font = "Verdana";

    Format1. Size = 16;

    Format1. Bold = true;

    Format1. Kerning = false;

    movieTitle_txt.antiAliasType = AntiAliasType.ADVANCED;

    movieTitle_txt.defaultTextFormat = format1;

    movieTitle_txt.selectable = false;

    movieTitle_txt.mouseEnabled = false;

    movieTitle_txt.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;

    movieTitle_txt.x = 30;

    movieTitle_txt.y = 30;

    image_bm = Bitmap (;

    image_bm.x = - image_bm.width * 0.5;

    image_bm.y = - image_bm.height * 0.5;

    image_bm. Smoothing = true;

    var bg_width = image_bm.width + 2;

    var bg_height = image_bm.height + 2;

    bk_igm_mc. Name = movieTitle + movieclip_mc.numChildren;

    bk_igm_mc. AddChild (image_bm);

    movieTitle_txt.text =;

    -movieTitle_txt.text lists the family name in the table, but the number of at-------.

    bk_igm_mc.filters = [new DropShadowFilter (5, 45, x 0 000000, 1, 5, 5, 1, 1, false, false, false)];

    bk_igm_mc. Graphics.beginFill (0xC5BBE5);

    bk_igm_mc. Graphics.drawRect (-bg_width * 0.5,-bg_height * 0.5, bg_width, bg_height);

    bk_igm_mc. Graphics.endFill ();

    bk_igm_mc.buttonMode = true;

    bk_igm_mc.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, tn_over);

    bk_igm_mc.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, tn_out);

    bk_igm_mc.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, tn_click);

    bk_igm_mc. ScaleX = bk_igm_mc.scaleY = scale_factor;

    bk_igm_mc.x = movieclip_mc.numChildren % no_of_column

    * (bg_width + 10) * scale_factor.

    bk_igm_mc.y = Math.floor (movieclip_mc.numChildren / no_of_column)

    * (bg_height + 10) * scale_factor.

    movieclip_mc. AddChild (bk_igm_mc);

    bk_igm_mc. AddChild (movieTitle_txt);


    function tn_over(e:MouseEvent):void


    var mc:MovieClip = MovieClip (;

    var s_no:Number = parseInt ( (8.10));

    movieclip_mc. AddChild (MC);

    new Tween (mc, "scaleX", Elastic.easeOut, mc.scaleX, 1, tween_duration, true);

    new Tween (mc, "scaleY", Elastic.easeOut, mc.scaleY, 1, tween_duration, true);

    tn_title. Text = title_list [s_no];


    function tn_out(e:MouseEvent):void


    var mc:MovieClip = MovieClip (;

    new Tween (mc, "scaleX", Strong.easeOut, mc.scaleX, scale_factor, tween_duration, true);

    new Tween (mc, "scaleY", Strong.easeOut, mc.scaleY, scale_factor, tween_duration, true);

    tn_title. Text = "";

    tn_desc. Text = "";

    tn_url. Text = "";


    function tn_click(e:MouseEvent):void


    var mc:MovieClip = MovieClip (;

    var s_no:Number = parseInt ( (8.10));

    movieclip_mc. AddChild (MC);

    trace (e.Target.parent);

    -Gets the name of the final table, but many at-------.

    new Tween (mc, "scaleX", Elastic.easeOut, mc.scaleX, 1, tween_duration, true);

    new Tween (mc, "scaleY", Elastic.easeOut, mc.scaleY, 1, tween_duration, true);


    function to_previous(e:MouseEvent):void


    If (new_row < 0)


    new_row ++;

    new Tween (movieclip_mc, "y", Strong.easeOut, movieclip_mc.y, default_y + new_row * 100, tween_duration, true);



    function to_next(e:MouseEvent):void


    If (Math.abs (new_row) < no_of_extra_row)



    new Tween (movieclip_mc, "y", Strong.easeOut, movieclip_mc.y, default_y + new_row * 100, tween_duration, true);



    function on_wheel(e:MouseEvent):void


    If ( > 0)

    new_row ++;

    on the other


    If (new_row > = 0)

    new_row = 0;

    ElseIf (new_row <-no_of_extra_row)

    new_row = - no_of_extra_row;

    new Tween (movieclip_mc, "y", Strong.easeOut, movieclip_mc.y, default_y + new_row * 100, tween_duration, true);




    Import fl.transitions.Tween;

    Fl.transitions.easing import. *;

    var filename_list = new Array();

    var url_list = new Array();

    var url_target_list:Array = new Array();

    var title_list = new Array();

    var description_list = new Array();

    var i: Number;

    var tn:Number = 0;

    var no_of_column:Number = 5;

    var no_of_row:Number = 5;

    var no_of_extra_row:Number;

    var scale_factor:Number = 0.8;

    var tween_duration:Number = 0.6;

    var new_row:Number = 0;

    function requestList (): void {}

    var variables: URLVariables = new URLVariables();

    var varSend:URLRequest = new URLRequest ("movielists.txt");

    varSend.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;

    variable =;

    var varLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader;

    varLoader.dataFormat = pouvez;

    varLoader.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);

    variables.myRequest = "get_data_array";

    varLoader.load (varSend);

    function completeHandler(event:Event):void {}

    var returnStr =;

    splitByDelimiter (returnStr);




    var p:Number = 0;

    function splitByDelimiter(externalString:String) {}

    raw_string_txt. Text = "" + externalString; ".

    var myArray:Array = externalString.split ("(|)");

    for (var: string elements in myArray) {}

    p ++ ;

    var innerArray:Array is myArray [item].split("|");.

    var arrnum:Number = myArray.length;

    no_of_extra_row = Math.floor(arrnum / no_of_column)-no_of_row;

    trace (arrnum);

    innerArray = movieTitle:String var [0];

    innerArray = movieGenre:String var [1];

    innerArray = movieRating:String var [2];

    loadToStage (movieTitle, movieGenre, movieRating);



    var thumbnail_group:MovieClip = new MovieClip();

    stage.addChild (thumbnail_group);

    thumbnail_group.x = tn_group.x + 70;

    var default_y:Number = thumbnail_group.y = tn_group.y + 50;

    thumbnail_group. Mask = tn_group_mask;

    tn_group. Visible = false;

    function loadToStage (mtitle:String, mgenre:String, mrating:String) {}

    var imageLoader:Loader = new Loader();

    var movieclip_mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip();

    var format1:TextFormat = new TextFormat();

    Format1. Color = mgenre;

    Format1.font = "Verdana";

    Format1. Size = 16;

    Format1. Bold = true;

    Format1. Kerning = false;

    var movieTitle_txt:TextField = new TextField();

    movieTitle_txt.antiAliasType = AntiAliasType.ADVANCED;

    movieTitle_txt.defaultTextFormat = format1;

    movieTitle_txt.selectable = false;

    movieTitle_txt.mouseEnabled = false;

    movieTitle_txt.text = mtitle;

    movieTitle_txt.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;

    movieTitle_txt.x = 1;

    movieTitle_txt.y = 80;

    var image: URLRequest = new URLRequest("icons/"+mtitle+".jpg");

    imageLoader.load (image);

    movieclip_mc. AddChild (imageloader);

    movieclip_mc. AddChild (movieTitle_txt);

    movieclip_mc.buttonMode = true;

    var pic_bm:Bitmap = new bitmap;

    pic_bm.x = - pic_bm.width * 0.5;

    pic_bm.y = - pic_bm.height * 0.5;

    pic_bm. Smoothing = true;

    var bg_width = pic_bm.width + 135;

    var bg_height = pic_bm.height + 100;

    movieclip_mc. ScaleX = movieclip_mc.scaleY = scale_factor;

    movieclip_mc.x = thumbnail_group.numChildren % no_of_column

    * (bg_width + 10) * scale_factor.

    movieclip_mc.y = Math.floor (thumbnail_group.numChildren / no_of_column)

    * (bg_height + 10) * scale_factor.

    thumbnail_group. AddChild (movieclip_mc);

    fm_next.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, to_next);

    fm_previous.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, to_previous);

    movieclip_mc.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, clipClick);

    function clipClick(e:Event):void {}

    status_txt. Text = movieTitle_txt.text;


    function to_previous(e:MouseEvent):void


    If (new_row< 0="">


    new_row ++;

    new Tween (thumbnail_group, "y", Strong.easeOut, thumbnail_group.y, default_y + new_row * 100, tween_duration, true);



    function to_next(e:MouseEvent):void


    If (Math.abs (new_row)< no_of_extra_row="">



    new Tween (thumbnail_group, "y", Strong.easeOut, thumbnail_group.y, default_y + new_row * 100, tween_duration, true);




  • Setting the value of a table of ActiveX control

    When controling a VI through ActiveX, how is possible to set the value of a table control?

    With digital controls, I have a problem: I just use SetControlValue and it works well:

    til SetControlValue ('y', 4) for example.

    However, in trying to do the same thing with a table, the control's value becomes an empty array:

    til SetControlValue ("arr', [3-4-5]") for example.

    What is the right way to do it?

    Hi Calvin,

    Have you tried passing a string and convert it to an array entry?  You can also try to use a 'matrix' control, rather than a table, as they are handled a little differently.

  • Set the Images to scale with the width of the browser

    This appears to have just broken on my Site and I can't understand why?

    I thought that if I put an image of "scale to fill" then drag the image to the border of the page margin. Then the image would make the scale with the size of the browser.

    I had to work, and then it stops suddenly. I use Muse 7.1? Current? Any help?

    When I update my page and I adapt the browser upward I see white margins on both sides of the page - that is not what I want.



    I thought about it.

    I thought that if the rectangle box was outside of the margin of the page then it would be 100% width.

    You must line up exactly with the margin of page until you see "100% width.

    Thank you

  • Unable to set the image of the gallery as a backdrop

    Hi all

    I was able to open the Gallery to choose the picture, but was not able to set the selected as a background image.

    Whenever I pick a picture, the default image will set to white.

    Here is my code, can anyone know where goes wrong?

    Thanks in advance.

    Container {
                background: recipeBackground.imagePaint
                attachedObjects: [
                    ImagePaintDefinition {
                        id: recipeBackground
                        imageSource: "asset:///images/bg.jpg"
                        repeatPattern: RepeatPattern.XY
                Container {
                    layout: DockLayout {
                    opacity: 1.0
                    visible: true
                    horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                    background: Color.Transparent
                    leftPadding: 0.0
                    ImageView {
                        imageSource: "asset:///images/header.jpg"
                        preferredHeight: 150.0
                        opacity: 0.9
                    Container {
                        verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
                        horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Fill
                        layout: StackLayout {
                            orientation: LayoutOrientation.LeftToRight
                        leftPadding: 200.0
                        Label {
                            text: "Testing"
                            preferredHeight: 100.0
                            verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
                            horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                            textStyle {
                                base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.MediumText
                                color: Color.White
                        ImageButton {
                            verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Top
                            horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Left
                            leftMargin: 150.0
                            defaultImageSource: "asset:///images/Settings.png"
                        attachedObjects: [
                            FilePicker {
                                id: picker
                                property string selectedFile
                                title: qsTr("File Picker")
                                mode: FilePickerMode.Picker
                                type: FileType.Picture
                                viewMode: FilePickerViewMode.GridView
                                onFileSelected: {
                                    selectedFile = selectedFiles[0]
                                    recipeBackground.imageSource = selectedFiles[0]

    Well it just add the permission to access_shared bar - descriptor.xml and it works!

  • Set the image of the 2d image control

    I do a few installers of pallet for ease of distribution for some libraries that I wrote. I'm following the example of screw (search finder example "palette API").

    I feel a certain sense of frustration by defining the new icon from the palette; the constant of the icon is a 2d image control, but I can't find a way to put my picture in there, and I can't put it programmatically as the image 2d screw control let me just draw shapes in there.

    Oh for a constant of comics, a little unusual, but just for the heck of it.

    (1) unpack attachment and save to disk.

    (2) If you use open LV10 photo or mass compile directory.

    (3) drag the file image Constant.xnode your DB.

    (4) drag a PNG/JPG/BMP file to the constant and take advantage of the results

    (5) right-click to "Flatten" to a constant of the normal image if you want to use the VI on a machine without this XNode.

    (6) If you wish, add photo Constant.xnode to your Palette, be sure to select all the files so that the .xnode files are visible when you add a VI.

    Yet, you don't want your users to be mucking with the cover and not the block diagram?

  • How to set the Image Point Tool coordinates?

    Ladies and gentlemen

    I just want to place the Image tool to the point of my image-specific details. The solution is probably trivial if you know how to do (as always), but after looking around in the properties available, I can't find what I'm looking for.

    In the hope there is someone who could help me.

    Leif Nyholm, consultant Symbio

    I found a VI does the job: "IMAQ convert Point to the KING. Exactly what I was looking for, but I do not understand why I couldn't find so far.

  • Set the image as wallpaper

    I run Windows Vista and I tried to change the background affecting a photo of my kids, however, when I put the picture, it shows to start and stop mode? The image is there, but the only thing I see is a blue background.  Can you please help?


    Change the image of background to something else entirely, then restart and change it back.

    Good luck, Rick Rogers, aka "Crazy" - Microsoft MVP Windows help -

  • How to set the image of the project format

    Newbie question: I create a video from various sources. Some sequences are 1280 x 720, other clips from old DVD, whose size is 642 x 480. The first clip I have loaded in my project is the old (642 x 480 pixels), it seems because I loaded the small clip in the first place, the whole project is that report width / height. So now when I try to bring new clips, they get cropped. How to set the size to 1280 x 720? It's ok, if there is black bands around the small clips. Thank you

    I use first Pro CC on Mac OS 10.9.5

    Select your sequence in the project Panel, and then open it by going to sequence/sequence settings in the menu dropdown.

    Now change the custom output Format.

    Now, you will be able to change the settings.

  • Set the size of fixed table

    Hello. I am developing a VI to a FPGA target and I'm trying to make sure who is using the VI can specify the size of an array of input when they instantiate (such as by the presence of an entry to the VI who said "maximum table size" or something). So far, it seems that the only way to do something like this is to go into the VI himself and manually set the size of table for each entry in the table for the VI (open the VI, do a right-click on each input array, select 'Set the size Dimension', choose 'fixed', set number of items). I would like to have a point where I can set the size of all tables at once (as in my case, they are all the same size) and let the person using the VI set it to the right size for which application they use it for (to be clear, let's say I have two uses for this VI and in one case (, I have a table of entry of size 100 and other use of size 1000, I would like to be able to put these in some way rather than do it through the dialog box). Thank you.

    It's a little more work, but it could be a case of good use for a memory block on the FPGA.  Make it bigger you wait, you need, and then store the actual number of items somewhere.  This will allow you to vary the amount of data without consuming large amounts of FPGA resources on an oversized table.

  • Programmatically set the size of a table control (not the number of col and lines)

    Hi all

    I am trying to create a little VI, in which the user selects the number of columns and rows in a table, and after clicking on a button 'OK', the table control is displayed in the control panel (to be filled in by the user). To do this, I use the nodes property to the number of columns and lines. I have no problem with that.

    However, I want to "limit" the size of the control table (control of himself, not the dimensions of the table) and make use of vertical and horizontal table, the scroll bars. I want to avoid it is that passes type 100 user and 100 lines and appears a huge table control.

    I could tho this by using an array instead of an array, via the node property "size", but I would use an insead table a table.

    Thank you very much


    With a table control, you cannot set the display size to be anything other than a multiple of a complete cell.

    If you are limited to a number of lines and columns.  If you want to resize with more control you also need to resize the control within the Bay, accessible via the property 'picture Element '.

    Another option (but seems huge exaggerated) is to place your table in a secondary and set the size of the secondary to the size you need and enable scrollbars for her.  It is not an option that I would choose but if it helps...

    Have it, your description of your user interface sounds not very intuitive.  How the user knows at any time exactly what cell they access if they have to scroll backwards?

  • Cannot get rid of the gap between the images in a table

    I'm pretty new to all this, but I use Dreamweaver CC, and I inserted a table. Inside that I dragged my images in the cells, made sure that the filling of the cell, spacing and the border are all reset to zero, and yet, when I preview it in Chrome and Firefox, there are gaps between the images. I'll paste the code below if that helps. Any ideas?

    <! doctype html >

    < html >

    < head >

    < meta charset = "utf-8" >

    < title > < /title > Home Page

    < style type = "text/css" >

    < / style >

    < / head >

    < body >

    < table width = "788" border = "0" cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "0" >

    < b >

    < td width = "246" height = "154" > < img src = "images/image_01.jpg" width = "246" height = "154" alt ="" / > < table > "

    < td width = "542" > < img src = "images/image_02.jpg" width = "542" height = "154" alt ="" / > < table > "

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < td > < table >

    < td > < img src = "images/image_05.jpg" width = "542" height = "201" alt ="" / > < table > "

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < td > < img src = "images/image_11.jpg" width = "246" height = "400" alt ="" / > < table > "

    < td > < img src = "images/image_12.jpg" width = "542" height = "400" alt ="" / > < table > "

    < /tr >

    < b >

    < td > < img src = "images/image_13.jpg" width = "246" height = "75" alt ="" / > < table > "

    < td > < img src = "images/image_14.jpg" width = "542" height = "75" alt ="" / > < table > "

    < /tr >

    < /table >

    < / body >

    < / html >

    Simply put this style at the top of your page:

    IMG {}

    display: block;

    margin: 0;

    padding: 0;


    This should dispel the spaces.

  • Set the color to a table Cluster

    Is it possible to set the color, if the table, fonts, cluster, etc. on a specific column and row within a table Cluster? Looking at the properties and methods, it does not seem so. I have no other options that rethink my VI?

    Here's an example of how my data are implemented with the sample data provided.

    I would appreciate any advice.

    Interesting that you should raise this issue.  Coincidentally, a similar question was answered just in time:

    Check out Jeff's response and see if maybe you can adapt to your problem.

  • How to set the image as wallpaper BB10...?

    We have all seen textures or commonly say images set as background for applications. In my application, I need to set an image as the background is. I watch in the form of material BB 10 but I couldn't find anything useful. If anyone has an idea please share it. Thanks in advance.

    Or this:

    [Embed(source='assets/bg.jpg')]       private var bg_img    : Class;
    private var bg : Image = new Image();
    ... new bg_img() );
    this.addChild( );

    This assumes that the resource is the right size.  Like the idea of him having greatness adapted, but certain circles are not looking good if reduced too.

Maybe you are looking for