SL 500 live

I have a SL-500, that does not illuminate...

To open the case, impossible to find a screwdriver that fits the screws.

It is a special screw / home?

Thank you

Thank you...

Tried to fit well a TI.

Tags: ThinkPad Notebooks

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    Is it possible to use the script built-in LabVIEW 2010 to automatically instantiate a recompilation of strength?

    Before each generation I have to force recompile my big project (3 k live) in parts. With more than 2,500 live in memory, it RECOMPILES only a very small percentage. Opening more small screw separately fully seems to compile correctly. I would like to use the VI section in the EXE version in the project to automate this step. I have already automated finding called activeX for 3rd party routines/dll in VI of is to run in the UI (single Thread) and this thread would greatly accelerate our process of compilation.

    Thank you


    Such a method does not exist, but it is a private method.  I confirmed that the method is stable and created a wrapper VI which contains it, I have attached below.  Note that since it is a private method, it may change in the future.  Let us know if you encounter any problems.

  • Eliminate the enemies. Can't do things.

    Well. I worked on that because I added a second level of my game. When you go from level 1 and level 2 and did not kill all of the enemies on the stage. They remain on stage and new enemies (I think I got this temporarily) are added on top of the old.

    The enemies in my game are stored in a table called enemyList. I tried to clear, but it did not work. I tried all the methods that I could think of, so I came on the forums.

    My current game code (does not include the class for the enemy, bumper and ball files):

    import flash.geom.Point;
    var leftPressed:Boolean = false;
    var rightPressed:Boolean = false;
    var upPressed:Boolean = false;
    var downPressed:Boolean = false;
    var leftBumping:Boolean = false;
    var rightBumping:Boolean = false;
    var upBumping:Boolean = false;
    var downBumping:Boolean = false;
    var leftBumpPoint:Array = new Array(leftBumpPoint1, leftBumpPoint2, leftBumpPoint3);
    var leftBumpPoint1:Point = new Point(-30, -55);
    var leftBumpPoint2:Point = new Point(-30, 0);
    var leftBumpPoint3:Point = new Point(-30, -116.5);
    var rightBumpPoint:Point = new Point(30, -55);
    var upBumpPoint:Point = new Point(0, -120);
    var downBumpPoint:Point = new Point(0, 0);
    var scrollX:Number = 0;
    var scrollY:Number = 500;
    var xSpeed:Number = 0;
    var ySpeed:Number = 0;
    var speedConstant:Number = 4;
    var frictionConstant:Number = 0.9;
    var gravityConstant:Number = 1.8;
    var jumpConstant:Number = -35;
    var maxSpeedConstant:Number = 18;
    var doubleJumpReady:Boolean = false;
    var upReleasedInAir:Boolean = false;
    var keyCollected:Boolean = false;
    var doorOpen:Boolean = false;
    var currentLevel:int = 1;
    var pScore:int = 0;
    var lives:int = 10;
    var animationState:String = "idle";
    var bulletList:Array = new Array();
    var enemyList:Array = new Array();
    var bumperList:Array = new Array();
    keyStat.visible = false;
    doorStat.x = 6.66;
    stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownHandler);
    stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUpHandler);
    stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loop);
    function addEnemiesToLevel():void
              if(currentLevel == 1){
                        addEnemy(620, -115);
                        addBumper(500, -115);
                        addBumper(740, -115);
                        addEnemy(900, -490);
                        addBumper(380, -490);
                        addBumper(1020, -490);
                        addEnemy(2005, -115);
                        addBumper(2125, -115);
                        addBumper(1885, -115);
                        addEnemy(1225, -875);
                        addBumper(1345, -875);
                        addBumper(1105, -875);
              if(currentLevel == 2){
                        addEnemy(2005, -115);
                        addBumper(2125, -115);
                        addBumper(1885, -115);
    function loop(e:Event):void{
              if(back.collisions.hitTestPoint(player.x + leftBumpPoint.x, player.y + leftBumpPoint.y, true)){
                        leftBumping = true;
              } else {
                        leftBumping = false;
              if(back.collisions.hitTestPoint(player.x + rightBumpPoint.x, player.y + rightBumpPoint.y, true)){
                        rightBumping = true;
              } else {
                        rightBumping = false;
              if(back.collisions.hitTestPoint(player.x + upBumpPoint.x, player.y + upBumpPoint.y, true)){
                        upBumping = true;
              } else {
                        upBumping = false;
              if(back.collisions.hitTestPoint(player.x + downBumpPoint.x, player.y + downBumpPoint.y, true)){
                        downBumping = true;
              } else {
                        downBumping = false;
                        xSpeed -= speedConstant;
                        player.scaleX = -1;
              } else if(rightPressed){
                        xSpeed += speedConstant;
                        player.scaleX = 1;
                        if(xSpeed < 0){
                                  xSpeed *= -0.5;
                        if(xSpeed > 0){
                                  xSpeed *= -0.5;
                        if(ySpeed < 0){
                                  ySpeed *= -0.5;
                        if(ySpeed > 0){ 
                                  ySpeed = 0;
                                  ySpeed = jumpConstant;
                        //DOUBLE JUMP
                        if(upReleasedInAir == true){
                                  upReleasedInAir = false;
                        if(doubleJumpReady == false){
                                  doubleJumpReady = true;
              } else {
                        ySpeed += gravityConstant;
                        //DOUBLE JUMP
                        if(upPressed == false && upReleasedInAir == false){
                                  upReleasedInAir = true;
                        if(doubleJumpReady && upReleasedInAir){
                                            doubleJumpReady = false;
                                            ySpeed = jumpConstant;
              if(keyCollected == false){
                                  back.other.doorKey.visible = false;
                                  keyCollected = true;
                                  keyStat.visible = true;
                                  doorStat.x = 41.95;
                                  trace("key collected");
              if(doorOpen == false){
                        if(keyCollected == true){
                                            doorOpen = true;
                                            keyStat.visible = false;
                                            doorStat.x = 6.66;
                                            trace("door open");
              if(xSpeed > maxSpeedConstant){ //moving right
                        xSpeed = maxSpeedConstant;
              } else if(xSpeed < (maxSpeedConstant * -1)){ //moving left
                        xSpeed = (maxSpeedConstant * -1);
              xSpeed *= frictionConstant;
              ySpeed *= frictionConstant;
              if(Math.abs(xSpeed) < 0.5){
                        xSpeed = 0;
              scrollX -= xSpeed;
              scrollY -= ySpeed;
              back.x = scrollX;
              back.y = scrollY;
              sky.x = scrollX * 0.2;
              sky.y = scrollY * 0.2;
              if( ( leftPressed || rightPressed || xSpeed > speedConstant || xSpeed < speedConstant *-1 ) && downBumping){
                        animationState = "running";
              } else if(downBumping){
                        animationState = "idle";
              }/** else if(doubleJumpReady && upReleasedInAir){
                                            animationState = "double";
              }**/ else {
                        animationState = "jumping";
              if(player.currentLabel != animationState){
              if (enemyList.length > 0)
                        for (var i:int = 0; i < enemyList.length; i++)
                                  if (bulletList.length > 0)
                                            for (var j:int = 0; j < bulletList.length; j++)
                                                      if ( enemyList[i].hitTestObject(bulletList[j]) )
                                                                trace("Killed Enemy");
                                                                pScore += 10;
              if (enemyList.length > 0){
                  for (var k:int = 0; k < enemyList.length; k++){
                      if (bumperList.length > 0){
                          for (var h:int = 0; h < bumperList.length; h++){
                              if ( enemyList[k].hitTestObject(bumperList[h]) ){
              if (enemyList.length > 0){
                  for (var m:int = 0; m < enemyList.length; m++){
                      if ( enemyList[m].hitTestObject(player) ){
                                            trace("Player Got Killed"); 
                                            scrollX = 0;
                                            scrollY = 500;
                                            lives -= 1;
              if (lives == 0){
                                  stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownHandler);
                                  stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUpHandler);
                                  stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loop);
                 if(yourLevel <= currentLevel){
                  = yourLevel;
                           trace("You already beat this level");
    var maxLevel:int = back.collisions.totalFrames;
    function nextLevel():void{
              if(yourLevel <= currentLevel){
               = yourLevel;
                        trace("You already beat this level");
              trace("Next Level: " + currentLevel);
                 if(currentLevel > maxLevel){
                                  stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownHandler);
                                  stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUpHandler);
                                  stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loop);
    function removeEnemy():void
              /**if(currentLevel == 1){
    function gotoNextLevel():void{
              scrollX = 0;
              scrollY = 500;
              keyCollected = false;
              back.other.doorKey.visible = true;
              doorOpen = false;
    function keyDownHandler(e:KeyboardEvent):void{
              if(e.keyCode == Keyboard.LEFT){
                        leftPressed = true;
              } else if(e.keyCode == Keyboard.RIGHT){
                        rightPressed = true;
              } else if(e.keyCode == Keyboard.UP){
                        upPressed = true;
              } else if(e.keyCode == Keyboard.DOWN){
                        downPressed = true;
                        if(doorOpen && player.hitTestObject(back.other.lockedDoor)){
    function keyUpHandler(e:KeyboardEvent):void{
              if(e.keyCode == Keyboard.LEFT){
                        leftPressed = false;
              } else if(e.keyCode == Keyboard.RIGHT){
                        rightPressed = false;
              } else if(e.keyCode == Keyboard.UP){
                        upPressed = false;
              } else if(e.keyCode == Keyboard.DOWN){
                        downPressed = false;
              if(e.keyCode == Keyboard.SPACE){
    function fireBullet():void
              var playerDirection:String;
              if(player.scaleX < 0){
                        playerDirection = "left";
              } else if(player.scaleX > 0){
                        playerDirection = "right";
              var bullet:Bullet = new Bullet(player.x - scrollX, player.y - scrollY, playerDirection, xSpeed);
              bullet.addEventListener(Event.REMOVED, bulletRemoved);
    function bulletRemoved(e:Event):void
              e.currentTarget.removeEventListener(Event.REMOVED, bulletRemoved);
              bulletList.splice(bulletList.indexOf(e.currentTarget), 1);
    function addEnemy(xLocation:int, yLocation:int):void
              var enemy:Enemy = new Enemy(xLocation, yLocation);
              enemy.addEventListener(Event.REMOVED, enemyRemoved);
    function addBumper(xLocation:int, yLocation:int):void
              var bumper:Bumper = new Bumper(xLocation, yLocation);
              bumper.visible = false;
    function enemyRemoved(e:Event):void
              e.currentTarget.removeEventListener(Event.REMOVED, enemyRemoved);
              enemyList.splice(enemyList.indexOf(e.currentTarget), 1);

    If enemyList is an array containing all the enemies, you can use the following to eliminate all the enemies:

    function removeAllEnemies (): void {}

    for (var i: int = enemyList.length - 1; i > = 0; i--) {}

    Remove headphones for enemyList [i] here

    enemyList [i].parent.removeChild (enemyList [i]);


    enemyList.length = 0;


  • ArgumentError: Error #1063

    Well, it seems that I have this error in my game I'm creating (this is my first).

    The total error is:

    ArgumentError: Error #1063: Argument count mismatch on Bumper(). Expected 2, got 0.

    Of this show up when I enter the 3 frame (frame 1 is beginning, frame 2 was level select, frame 3 is a game).

    My entire code for image 3 is:

    var leftPressed:Boolean = false;
    var rightPressed:Boolean = false;
    var upPressed:Boolean = false;
    var downPressed:Boolean = false;
    var leftBumping:Boolean = false;
    var rightBumping:Boolean = false;
    var upBumping:Boolean = false;
    var downBumping:Boolean = false;
    var leftBumpPoint:Point = new Point(-30, -55);
    var rightBumpPoint:Point = new Point(30, -55);
    var upBumpPoint:Point = new Point(0, -120);
    var downBumpPoint:Point = new Point(0, 0);
    var scrollX:Number = 0;
    var scrollY:Number = 500;
    var xSpeed:Number = 0;
    var ySpeed:Number = 0;
    var speedConstant:Number = 4;
    var frictionConstant:Number = 0.9;
    var gravityConstant:Number = 1.8;
    var jumpConstant:Number = -35;
    var maxSpeedConstant:Number = 18;
    var doubleJumpReady:Boolean = false;
    var upReleasedInAir:Boolean = false;
    var keyCollected:Boolean = false;
    var doorOpen:Boolean = false;
    var currentLevel:int = 1;
    var pScore:int = 0;
    var lives:int = 10;
    var animationState:String = "idle";
    var bulletList:Array = new Array();
    var enemyList:Array = new Array();
    var bumperList:Array = new Array();
    stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownHandler);
    stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUpHandler);
    stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, loop);
    function addEnemiesToLevel():void
              if(currentLevel == 1){
              //Enemy 1
              addEnemy(620, -115);
        addBumper(500, -115);
        addBumper(740, -115);
              //Enemy 2
              addEnemy(900, -490);
              addBumper(600, -490);
              addBumper(980, -490);
              //Enemy 3
              addEnemy(2005, -115);
              addBumper(1905, -115);
              addBumper(2105, -115);
              //Enemy 4
              addEnemy(1225, -875);
              addBumper(1125, -875);
              addBumper(1325, -875);
              if(currentLevel == 2){
              addEnemy(620, -115);
        addBumper(500, -115);
        addBumper(740, -115);
    function loop(e:Event):void{
              if(back.collisions.hitTestPoint(player.x + leftBumpPoint.x, player.y + leftBumpPoint.y, true)){
                        leftBumping = true;
              } else {
                        leftBumping = false;
              if(back.collisions.hitTestPoint(player.x + rightBumpPoint.x, player.y + rightBumpPoint.y, true)){
                        rightBumping = true;
              } else {
                        rightBumping = false;
              if(back.collisions.hitTestPoint(player.x + upBumpPoint.x, player.y + upBumpPoint.y, true)){
                        upBumping = true;
              } else {
                        upBumping = false;
              if(back.collisions.hitTestPoint(player.x + downBumpPoint.x, player.y + downBumpPoint.y, true)){
                        downBumping = true;
              } else {
                        downBumping = false;
                        xSpeed -= speedConstant;
                        player.scaleX = -1;
              } else if(rightPressed){
                        xSpeed += speedConstant;
                        player.scaleX = 1;
                        if(xSpeed < 0){
                                  xSpeed *= -0.5;
                        if(xSpeed > 0){
                                  xSpeed *= -0.5;
                        if(ySpeed < 0){
                                  ySpeed *= -0.5;
                        if(ySpeed > 0){ 
                                  ySpeed = 0;
                                  ySpeed = jumpConstant;
                        //DOUBLE JUMP
                        if(upReleasedInAir == true){
                                  upReleasedInAir = false;
                        if(doubleJumpReady == false){
                                  doubleJumpReady = true;
              } else { 
                        ySpeed += gravityConstant; 
                        //DOUBLE JUMP
                        if(upPressed == false && upReleasedInAir == false){
                                  upReleasedInAir = true;
                        if(doubleJumpReady && upReleasedInAir){
                                            doubleJumpReady = false;
                                            ySpeed = jumpConstant;
              if(keyCollected == false){
                                  back.other.doorKey.visible = false;
                                  keyCollected = true;
                                  trace("key collected");
              if(doorOpen == false){
                        if(keyCollected == true){
                                            doorOpen = true;
                                            trace("door open");
              if(xSpeed > maxSpeedConstant){
                        xSpeed = maxSpeedConstant;
              } else if(xSpeed < (maxSpeedConstant * -1)){
                        xSpeed = (maxSpeedConstant * -1);
              xSpeed *= frictionConstant;
              ySpeed *= frictionConstant;
              if(Math.abs(xSpeed) < 0.5){
                        xSpeed = 0;
              scrollX -= xSpeed;
              scrollY -= ySpeed;
              back.x = scrollX;
              back.y = scrollY;
              sky.x = scrollX * 0.2;
              sky.y = scrollY * 0.2;
              if( ( leftPressed || rightPressed || xSpeed > speedConstant || xSpeed < speedConstant *-1 ) && downBumping){
                        animationState = "running";
              } else if(downBumping){
                        animationState = "idle";
              } else {
                        animationState = "jumping";
              if(player.currentLabel != animationState){
              if (enemyList.length > 0)
                        for (var i:int = 0; i < enemyList.length; i++)
                                  if (bulletList.length > 0)
                                            for (var j:int = 0; j < bulletList.length; j++)
                                                      if ( enemyList[i].hitTestObject(bulletList[j]) )
                                                                trace("Bullet Hit Enemy");
                                                                pScore += 10.1;
              if (enemyList.length > 0){
                  for (var k:int = 0; k < enemyList.length; k++){
                      if (bumperList.length > 0){
                          for (var h:int = 0; h < bumperList.length; h++){
                              if ( enemyList[k].hitTestObject(bumperList[h]) ){
              if (enemyList.length > 0){
                  for (var m:int = 0; m < enemyList.length; m++){
                      if ( enemyList[m].hitTestObject(player) ){
                                            trace("Player Hit Enemy"); 
                                            scrollX = 0;
                                            scrollY = 500;
                                            lives -= 1;
              if (lives == 0){
    function nextLevel():void{
              trace("Next Level: " + currentLevel);
                 if(currentLevel == 4){
    function gotoNextLevel():void{
              scrollX = 0;
              scrollY = 500;
              keyCollected = false;
              back.other.doorKey.visible = true;
              doorOpen = false;
    function keyDownHandler(e:KeyboardEvent):void{
              if(e.keyCode == Keyboard.LEFT){
                        leftPressed = true;
              } else if(e.keyCode == Keyboard.RIGHT){
                        rightPressed = true;
              } else if(e.keyCode == Keyboard.UP){
                        upPressed = true;
              } else if(e.keyCode == Keyboard.DOWN){
                        downPressed = true;
                        if(doorOpen && player.hitTestObject(back.other.lockedDoor)){
    function keyUpHandler(e:KeyboardEvent):void{
              if(e.keyCode == Keyboard.LEFT){
                        leftPressed = false;
              } else if(e.keyCode == Keyboard.RIGHT){
                        rightPressed = false;
              } else if(e.keyCode == Keyboard.UP){
                        upPressed = false;
              } else if(e.keyCode == Keyboard.DOWN){
                        downPressed = false;
              if(e.keyCode == Keyboard.SPACE){
    function fireBullet():void
              var playerDirection:String;
              if(player.scaleX < 0){
                        playerDirection = "left";
              } else if(player.scaleX > 0){
                        playerDirection = "right";
              var bullet:Bullet = new Bullet(player.x - scrollX, player.y - scrollY, playerDirection, xSpeed);
              bullet.addEventListener(Event.REMOVED, bulletRemoved);
    function bulletRemoved(e:Event):void
              e.currentTarget.removeEventListener(Event.REMOVED, bulletRemoved);
              bulletList.splice(bulletList.indexOf(e.currentTarget), 1);
    function addEnemy(xLocation:int, yLocation:int):void
              var enemy:Enemy = new Enemy(xLocation, yLocation);
              enemy.addEventListener(Event.REMOVED, enemyRemoved);
    function addBumper(xLocation:int, yLocation:int):void
              var bumper:Bumper = new Bumper(xLocation, yLocation);
              bumper.visible = false;
    function enemyRemoved(e:Event):void
              e.currentTarget.removeEventListener(Event.REMOVED, enemyRemoved);
              enemyList.splice(enemyList.indexOf(e.currentTarget), 1); //this removes 1 object from the enemyList, at the index of whatever object caused this function to activate

    And the bumper class is:

    package  {
              import flash.display.MovieClip;
              public class Bumper extends MovieClip{
                        public function Bumper(xLocation:int, yLocation:int) {
                                  // constructor code
                                  x = xLocation;
                                  y = yLocation;
                                  addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, bumper);
                        public function bumper(e:Event):void{
                                  //code here

    Please help me, I don't really understand the error. I tried to read the documentation about it, but I just confused.

    you have a movieclip with class = bumper on frame 5.  That's the problem.

  • Cannot access Hotmail Live. (500 given as possible reason)

    Cannot access Hotmail Live.   Are reasons shown? undergoing maintenance or programming error.   HTTP 500

    This has not happened before and with knowledge on the resolution of problems I'd appreciate the help.  Thank you


    1. which web browser you are using?

    2 are you able to visit other Web sites?

    Please see the link below.

    I suggest also please contact the Hotmail support forums.

  • I can't send emails via Windows Live Mail 2011. IT indicates an error 500 ox800ccc62

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    What I do need to update anything because of the new version of Windows Live Mail 2011?

    Please help me solve this problem via my hotmail account: * e-mail address is removed from the privacy *.

    Thank you,

    CLO Letendre

    Submit all Live and Hotmail queries on the forum right here:

    Windows Live Solution Center

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    Submit all Live queries on the forum right here:

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    Big brother live food say that an obligation to work correctly is 500 Kbps. Does that mean for me? I have Vista Home Basic. I get the flow, but it stops and starts on an ongoing basis (reload). Help, please. I'm not the sharpest when it comes to technology, but I'm learning a lot through forums like this.

    It's a minimum download speed of broadband they recommend that you have to make it work properly.

    You will receive your Internet connection from your ISP (Internet Service Provider).

    Ask them what Internet connection download specifications they provide you.

    See you soon.

    Mick Murphy - Microsoft partner

  • Is it possible to change the default print on a HP LaserJet 500 printer M551 color tray


    Is it possible to install the default print to the HP LaserJet 500 color printer tray M551 be impression tray 2 times online and live?

    If so, what would be the best way to go to implement?

    Thank you

    Hi thanks for taking the time to answer.

    In the end, I gave a call to HP support, and they explained to me that the default tray will always be Tray 1 if it is open, and if you add additional bins, one at the bottom will become the default tray.

  • 500 - 516nc Pavilion: Pavilion that keep me from installing and running Linux


    I recently bought the Pavilion 500-516nc with preinstsalled of Windows 8.1. I was intending to set up a dual-boot for the computer, as the seller claims that this machine is suitable for a number of operating systems.  However, I can't install and run the operating system I want.

    UEFI mode, the computer is not USB, or the DVD-ROM and does not offer to start from other sources, with the exception of the Windows boot loader, even after I disabled the 'secure' boot When I go to the legacy, I can actually run the other OS live USB or DVD and I can install it. However, the legacy would not boot from the HARD disk for some reason any (perhaps because the disc capacity is too large?). And I can't find a way to make the system work, I installed through legacy mode UEFI.

    I would not return the unit to the store, because it suits me almost all the other senses, but this issue is a big problem for me. What can we do about it?

    Best regards.

    No452, welcome to the forum.

    I ran the systems dual boot for years using Windows and Ubuntu, Linux.  The best way to do this, it uses two hard disks.  Windows do not play nice with the other OS' are on the same hard disk.

    That said, if you want to install Ubuntu on the same drive, here's a guide that should help you:

    I tried several Linux distributions and found Ubuntu to be the easiest to use.

    Please click on the Thumbs up button '+' if I helped you and click on "Accept as Solution" If your problem is resolved.

  • M601 & P4015: 1 500 sheets CE398A versus CB523A

    Hi all

    Does anyone know the specific differences between the tray of 1 500 leaves for the m601 (CE398A) compared to that of the P4015n (CB523A)?

    I know that the CE398A works on the two printer models, I would like to know if the difference between the two plates is a configuration of stitching or even more. I have one that fits on the 4015 only and I'd love to know that I could change

    something fundamental to make it compatible with both models of printers.

    I know that the tray fits physically on the m601, I install wrong on this printer all at the time, but the Board was not recognized or the paper tray lift when the printer is on.

    Thank you


    Most of the time when hp comes out with printers more later from model and offer accessores they will work with the older models that have the same pinout. Another example would be the series 4200 and 4250 where sheets of 1500 for the 4250 charger would work on the 4200 but the 4200 feeder would not work on the 4250. The problem is the Narcotics Control appearing on each departure. The template later Control Commission built firmware with live connections to the dc controller which printer they are connected. The firmware on the model Manger old just can't communicate with the newest of the printer dc controller. Unfortunately, hp does not have a reference number and do not provide a spare part for the control of narcotic drugs. I had a customer who had a feeder for the 4350 that had a wrong installation of collection and looked like it would be very very difficult to repair. I happened to have a 4200 loader that worked fine but wouldn't work with the 4350. I left the Board of Directors the wrong charger 4350 to my 4200 driver work and presto, it works now with the 4350.

  • hard drive 500 GB

    Hi guys, I have a little problem ^^

    Namely: my 500 GB Toshiba hard drive no longer works, but there are a lot of files on there that I definitely want to get back. I've still guaranteed.
    Now normally when you use your guarantee, your hard drive is replaced. But my problem is not the money, I can afford a new hard drive, but I absolutely need these files, then I would that my hard drive repaired.
    If someone could let me know:
    -Is it possible?
    -How much will it cost?
    -How to take the first step toward requesting a repair?

    And if it is not possible:
    -Are there other ways in which I could recover my files?

    It is about 50-100 GB that I need recovered.
    Please always let me know what price I am looking if you have a solution for me.
    I had great experiences with Toshiba services so far, and I hope Toshiba can help me get out of this situation as well.

    I live in Breda, Netherlands.

    Thanks guys :)

    Post edited by: JKaan

    When you say "no longer works", what do you mean exactly?

    The HARD drive works on the other PC?

    If you can not recover the data, a data recovery specialist Center can do, but they can be very expensive. $1000 +.
    Search your directory of local businesses, or google.

  • Pavilion 500-123w processor upgrade won't work

    I have the HP Pavilion 500-123w computer with the card mother H-Joshua-H61-Μatx (Joshua). I just bought this computer on December 23, 2013.

    According to the specification of HP product site, he says that the motherboard will support a processor Quad Core of Intel Core i7-2xxx (Sandy Bridge).

    So I bought an Intel Core i7 - 2600K CPU and installed. When I turn on the computer, it says "ERROR not taken into CHARGE PROCESSOR - YOUR COMPUTER NOW STOP." It won't let me even get into the BIOS, because it stops after a few seconds.

    I had already installed the update of the most recent from the HP site BIOS until I installed the processor. The BIOS version is JOS_817.ROM V8.17

    I studied this motherboard on other sites, and they said that this motherboard supports Intel Core i7 - 2600K processor.

    When I put the processor back original, everything works fine. I installed the new processor 3 different times and I get the same error message.

    Are there settings jumper, I need to change the motherboard? Does anyone else have this problem?

    I am an electronics technician and have done repairs to computer for years. For me, it looks like there is a problem with the BIOS does not recognize the new processor.

    Thanks for any help,


    Oh no, I just heard from HP Support and they said:

    "Dan, I checked the specifications of your PC and gathered the information that your PC is compatible with Intel Core i7-2xxx (Sandy Bridge) Quad Core, but the processor Intel Core i7 - 2600K is not compatible with your PC." So, I recommend you to install with Intel Core i7-2600 (Sandy Bridge) Quad Core.

    Thus, the i7-2600 is a little different than the i7 - 2600K. Wish I had known before that I spent more than 300 million dollars on the new processor.

    I should have purchased separate components and built a new computer from scratch, like that I could update if I needed to. Well, we live an apprenticeship. Factory computers are not easily expandable.

    Thank you very much for your help, I appreciate it sincerely.

  • Re: Qosmio X 500 - 12V - update BIOS on Ubuntu linux

    Is it possible to update the Bios of my Qosmio X 500 - 12V under ubuntu linux?

    I don't really want to install windows just to upgrade the bios. I even tried to use a live cd in WinXP, but it did not work :(

    No, as far as I know the BIOS on the European Toshiba driver page is based win if you need the Windows system to get the BIOS flashed.

  • Qosmio X 500/02 M - only 4 GB of RAM is recognized

    I have this product:

    X 500/02 m

    which is 8 GB of ram, but windows system says:
    Installed memory (RAM live): 04:00 GB

    Why is this?

    Hi yoyo,.

    I think that you are using a 32-bit version of Windows 7... Right?

    How much RAM will be present in the DirectX Diagnostic tool?
    (Start > run > dxdiag)

Maybe you are looking for

  • Restore default without disk late 2009 iMac

    Can HI anyone help? I tried to restore an iMac 2009 end to the factory setting but I don't have the original disc, apple support said I could try the disk of snow leopard on their Web site, but this may not work and he didn't now I'm stuck in the boo

  • Utility software of fingerprint error

    After starting the computer, you receive the following message: "Fingerprints digital-software error."Internal error (win 32: wtsrsn err 1702)Details"Internal OXE 7210001 error (win 32: wtsrsn err 1702). What wrong?

  • Connected to the local network, but can not use internet

    I recently had problems with access to the internet after reinstalling windows 7. Before the reinstall worked very well. I can connect to the local network without problem, and it shows that the internet is connected. Yet I can not access the interne

  • Edit keywords

    Is it possible to edit, or to delete, a misspelled word.

  • Student / teacher edition - Adobe CC

    Can I choose the 2014 edition of the CC from Adobe if you buy in the next few months?  My son will need it for school, but it was specifically asked to use 2014 2015.