SQL query return different result 11 GR 1 material and GR 11, 2

Problem: SQL returns different results in 11 GR 1 material and GR 11, 2 games.

Example script:

create the table tab_main
SOS number (2) not null,
contract number (2) null

create the table tab_sub
number (2) of contract non-null,.
SOS number (2) null

insert into tab_main values (1, 10);
insert into tab_main values (2, 20);
insert into tab_main values (3, null);
insert into tab_main values (4, null);

insert into tab_sub values (1, 10);
insert into tab_sub (20, 2) values;

The SQL code:

OF tab_main.
WHERE tab_main.sos = tab_sub.sos (+) AND
tab_main. Contract = tab_sub.contract (+) and
tab_main. Contract not in (select 1 of the double);

The above query gives more results
1 10 10 1
2 20 20 2

1 10 10 1
2 20 20 2

Please tell us what could be the reason for the behaviour of offset lines thie.

Thank you


I think it is probably a bug in (and possibly other versions), I get the same results as your, and, and this is the result, I expect.

Your not in the paragraph is equivalent to:


OF tab_main, tab_sub

WHERE tab_main.sos = tab_sub.sos (+) AND

tab_main. Contract = tab_sub.contract (+) and

tab_main. Contract <> 1;

Since you have null values in tab_main.contract they are lost by the predicate since null = value is never true (or false).


Tags: Database

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    I have a query:

    INSERT /*+ APPEND */ INTO pwa_process (
    WITH msisdns AS (SELECT msisdn ms FROM customer_number cn
    JOIN customer_s2kaccount cs ON cn.s2k_account = cs.s2k_account AND cs.id_customer = v_customerId)
    NVL(CASE WHEN date_contract_end IS NULL AND le_contract_end_date IS NOT NULL OR (date_contract_end < le_contract_end_date)
             THEN le_contract_end_date
             ELSE NVL(date_contract_end, ADD_MONTHS(customer_number.date_start, customer_number.ada_availability))
        END, TO_DATE('01.01.1970', 'DD.MM.YYYY')) contract_end_date,
    CASE WHEN NOT customer_number.date_first_activation IS NULL AND customer_number.date_first_activation >      (CASE WHEN ada_priority = 1 THEN ada_date_pwa
            WHEN ada_priority <> 1 AND (date_pwa IS NULL AND exchange_date IS NOT NULL OR date_pwa < exchange_date) 
            THEN exchange_date 
            ELSE date_pwa 
         THEN customer_number.date_first_activation
         ELSE   (CASE WHEN ada_priority = 1 THEN ada_date_pwa
            WHEN ada_priority <> 1 AND (date_pwa IS NULL AND exchange_date IS NOT NULL OR date_pwa < exchange_date) 
            THEN exchange_date 
            ELSE date_pwa 
    END last_contract_date,
    ADD_MONTHS(CASE WHEN NOT customer_number.date_first_activation IS NULL AND customer_number.date_first_activation > NVL(  (CASE WHEN ada_priority = 1 THEN ada_date_pwa
            WHEN ada_priority <> 1 AND (date_pwa IS NULL AND exchange_date IS NOT NULL OR date_pwa < exchange_date) 
            THEN exchange_date 
            ELSE date_pwa 
      END) ,
                                                                                                                           NVL(customer_number.date_first_activation, NVL(customer_number.date_start, customer_number.date_effective)))
                    THEN customer_number.date_first_activation
                    ELSE NVL(  (CASE WHEN ada_priority = 1 THEN ada_date_pwa
            WHEN ada_priority <> 1 AND (date_pwa IS NULL AND exchange_date IS NOT NULL OR date_pwa < exchange_date) 
            THEN exchange_date 
            ELSE date_pwa 
      END) , NVL(customer_number.date_first_activation, NVL(customer_number.date_start, customer_number.date_effective)))
               END, customer_number.ada_availability - DECODE(NVL(customer_number.current_contract_type, 0), 2, DECODE(customer_number.reduced_contract_used, 0, NVL(customer_number.el_contract_calculated_reduc,0), 0), 0)) next_available_contract_date,
    DECODE(msisdn_group.def_column, 0, msisdn.value0, 1, msisdn.value1, 2, msisdn.value2, 3, msisdn.value3, 4, msisdn.value4, 5, msisdn.value5, msisdn.value0),
    msisdn.value0 || ';' || NVL(msisdn.value1, '') || ';' || NVL(msisdn.value2,'') || ';' || NVL(msisdn.value3,'') || ';' || NVL(msisdn.value4, '') || ';' || NVL(msisdn.value5, ''),
    NVL(customer_number.date_first_activation, NVL(customer_number.date_start, customer_number.date_effective)) date_start,
    FROM customer_s2kaccount
    JOIN customer_number ON customer_number.s2k_account = customer_s2kaccount.s2k_account AND customer_number.service_state = 'AB'
    JOIN msisdn ON msisdn.msisdn = customer_number.msisdn
    JOIN TABLE(CAST(v_tmp_table AS ADA.NUMBER_TABLE)) ids ON ids.column_value = msisdn.id
    JOIN msisdn_group ON msisdn_group.id = msisdn.id_msisdn_group
    JOIN pricing_plan ON pricing_plan.id = customer_number.id_pricing_plan AND pricing_plan.is_for_pwa = 1
    JOIN tariff ON tariff.name = pricing_plan.id
    JOIN s2kaccount ON s2kaccount.s2k_account = customer_number.s2k_account
    JOIN (SELECT msisdn, exchange_date, ADD_MONTHS(exchange_date, MAX(prolongation)) le_contract_end_date
    FROM loyalty_exchange a, msisdns
    WHERE a.msisdn = msisdns.ms AND exchange_date >= ALL (SELECT exchange_date FROM loyalty_exchange b WHERE b.msisdn = a.msisdn)
    GROUP BY msisdn, exchange_date) le ON le.msisdn = customer_number.msisdn
    WHERE customer_s2kaccount.id_customer = v_customerId;
    This query returns different results in the morning (09:00) and afternoon (16:00) on the same database for the same input data (I have prepared a script to test).
    Oracle @solaris
    I checked the query plans, but they look the same in the morning and the afternoon. I don't know where to look for a problem/bug.
    Please help me with suggestions. is in bug with join ansi? or a left outer join?

    Published by: batonoff on February 16, 2009 16:56

    Published by: batonoff on February 16, 2009 16:58

    Published by: batonoff on February 16, 2009 17:00

    I recommend you post your declaration in the {} code tags (without the spaces) so that we can actually read.

    You are absolutely positive that nothing has changed on the data between when you run in the morning and in the afternoon?

  • OBIEE logical column has same SQL but returns different results

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    For example, a column logical OBIEE that returns incorrect results contains the following SQL code:

    SUM (CASE when

    ("Registration - College". "" Effective colleges F. ("" Postal code "like '% a %') or

    ("Registration - College". "" Effective colleges F. ("" Postal code "like '%B %') or

    ("Registration - College". "" Effective colleges F. ("" Postal code "like '%c %') or

    ("Registration - College". "" Effective colleges F. ("" Postal code "like"% %") or

    ("Registration - College". "" Effective colleges F. ("" Postal code "like '%G %') or

    ("Registration - College". "" Effective colleges F. ("" Postal code "like"hour %") or

    ("Registration - College". "" Effective colleges F. ("" Postal code "like"%%J") or

    ("Registration - College". "" Effective colleges F. ("' Postal code ' like '%R %') or

    ("Registration - College". "" Effective colleges F. ("" Postal code "like '%s %') or

    ("Registration - College". "" Effective colleges F. ("" Postal code "like '%T %') or

    ("Registration - College". "" Effective colleges F. ("" Postal code "like"% %") or

    ("Registration - College". "" Effective colleges F. ("" Postal code "like '%x %') or

    ("Registration - College". "" Effective colleges F. ("' Postal code ' like '%Y %')


    The case statement in the original SQL query, which returns the correct results, is as follows:


    WHEN (postal_zip_code_permanent like "%%K") or (postal_zip_code_permanent like '% %') or (postal_zip_code_permanent like '%m %') or (postal_zip_code_permanent like '%n %') or (postal_zip_code_permanent like "%p %") THEN "Ontario".

    WHEN (postal_zip_code_permanent like '% a %') or (postal_zip_code_permanent like '%B %') or (postal_zip_code_permanent like '%c %') or (postal_zip_code_permanent like '% %') or (postal_zip_code_permanent like '%G %') or (postal_zip_code_permanent like "%hour") or (postal_zip_code_permanent like "%%J") or (postal_zip_code_permanent like "%%R") or (postal_zip_code_permanent like '%s %') or (postal_zip_code_permanent like '%t %') or (postal_zip_code_permanent like '% %') or (postal_zip_ code_permanent like '%x %') or (postal_zip_code_permanent like "%%Y") THEN "Canada, other than Ontario.

    WHEN (substr(postal_zip_code_permanent,1,1) IN ('1 ', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6' ', 7',' 8 ', ' 9',' 0') or (postal_zip_code_permanent like '%d %') or (postal_zip_code_permanent like '%f %') or (postal_zip_code_permanent like ' % I %') or (postal_zip_code_permanent like "% O") or (postal_zip_code_permanent like "%%Q") or (postal_zip_code_permanent like "%%U") or (postal_zip_code_permanent like ' % W ') or (postal_zip_code_permanent like "%%Z")) THEN 'other')

    WHEN (postal_zip_code_permanent like '% + %') or (postal_zip_code_permanent like '%. %') or (postal_zip_code_permanent like ' %? %') or (postal_zip_code_permanent like '% %') or postal_zip_code_permanent IN ('+ ','.', '?)) (',',') And THEN "Invalid."

    WHEN postal_zip_code_permanent is null THEN 'Blank '.

    Of OTHER postal_zip_code_permanent


    Now I see what the problem was. In the original SQL query, each condition is exclusive, for each record will only be categorized in one of the scenarios WHEN. But in OBIEE, each logical column is autonomous, so some records were classified into more than logical column, even if each logical column was supposed to be exclusive.

  • SQL Query - store the result for optimization?

    Good day experts,

    I'm looking for advice on a report. I did a lot of analytical functions to get the basic data that I have to do my report and its takes about 50 min for SQL finish. Now, with these data, I need to create 3 different reports and I can't use the SQL even since there are a lot of aggregation (example would be product group in one case and by customer in 2nd). For each of these different group garages I need another report.

    So how to create 3 reports of 1 SQL query without running the query 3 times?

    First thing that comes to mind is to store the result set in a fictitious table, and then query the table since I get the basic data are about 300 lines and then perform different garages group.

    Best regards


    So how to create 3 reports of 1 SQL query without running the query 3 times?

    You already know the obvious answer - store data 'somewhere '.

    If any 'somewhere' depends on your needs and you have not provided ALL the.

    MV - if the query is always the same, you might use a MV and make a complete refresh when you want that new data. The data are permanent and can be queried by other sessions, but the query that accesses the data is frozen in the definition of MV.

    GTT (global temporary table) - If a NEW charge of data AND three reports will be ALWAYS executed by a single session and then data are no longer necessary so a TWG may work. The application that loads the TWG can be different for each race, but the data won't be available for a single session and ONLY for the duration of this session. So if something goes wrong and the session ends the data are missing.

    First thing that comes to mind is to store the result set in a fictitious table, and then query the table since I get the basic data are about 300 lines and then perform different garages group.

    Which is commonly called a "table of REPORT-READY." Those that are useful when data must be permanent and available for multiple sessions/users. Generally, there is a batch (for example the package procedure) that periodically refreshes / updates the data during a window of failure. Or the table can have a column (for example AS_OF) that allows it to contain multiple data sets and the update process let alone the existing data and creates a new set of data.

    If your database is about 300 lines you can consider a table report and even use it to contain multiple data sets. Then, the reports can be written to query the data by using a value AS_OF that wraps and returns the appropriate data. You don't need a window of failure since the oldest data are still available (but can be removed when you no longer need.

    If you need a set of data, you can use a partitioned table work (with only one partition) to collect the new set of data, then a SWAP PARTITION to 'swap' in the new data. Only, this "Exchange" takes a fraction of a second and avoids a window of failure. Once the swap done no matter what user query will get new data.

  • SQL query returns no row vs. multiple lines


    I am trying to get the result of a simple sql query,
    If there is no row returned, he would have "No. ROWS" in the result set.
    Other wise all the rows containing data is necessary.

    Let me know how this could be achieved. Under query works for the latter and not first case as mentioned below


    + (box 1) when we use B_ID = 123456 +.

    'NO LINE '.

    + (box 2) when we use B_ID = 12345 +.
    1 11112345
    2 22212345
    create table TEMP_AAA
      A_ID VARCHAR2(10),
      B_ID VARCHAR2(10)
    INSERT INTO TEMP_AAA(A_ID,B_ID) VALUES('111','12345');
    INSERT INTO TEMP_AAA(A_ID,B_ID) VALUES('222','12345');
    INSERT INTO TEMP_AAA(A_ID,B_ID) VALUES('333','12000');
    INSERT INTO TEMP_AAA(A_ID,B_ID) VALUES('444','10000');
                 CASE WHEN COUNTS = 0
                 END IDS     


    I think you want to put this on a report or something. I have what would be easier to do this logic there. But if you want that this is possible.
    Like this

    temp_aaa as
    (select '111' a_id ,'12345' b_id from dual union all
    select '222'      ,'12345'  from dual union all
    select '333'      ,'12000'  from dual union all
    select '444'      ,'10000'  from dual
    , wanted_rows as
    ( select  '123456' B_ID from dual)
      temp_aaa.A_ID || temp_aaa.B_ID IDS 
      temp_aaa.b_id = wanted_rows.b_id
    union all
      'NO ROWS'
      (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM TEMP_AAA, wanted_rows WHERE TEMP_AAA.B_ID = wanted_rows.B_ID) = 0

    In addition, you mix var and number of always use the same type or convert explicitly (to_number or to_char)

           SELECT A_ID||B_ID IDS FROM TEMP_AAA WHERE      B_ID           =12345
    --                                                    varchar2(10)   number

    And again in the

                       (SELECT NVL((SELECT IDS FROM TEMP_AAA WHERE B_ID           =12345),'NO ROWS') IDS FROM DUAL)
    --                                                             varchar2(10)   number

    Kind regards


  • 'Function SQL Query return' using with Flash graphics

    I created a pl/sql function that returns a SQL query in a varchar2 of this form:

    Select the null link
    -value > < x value
    < value y of Series1 > series 1 label
    < value Series2 y > 2 series label
    < value of y Series3 > series 3 Label
    from tablea a
    Join tableb b
    On a.col = b.col
    order of < x value >

    If I call the function of a graphic Flash box series SQL with the Type of Source query "SQL query" value that returns the function like this:

    return functionname (to_date ('30-sep-2010, ' mon-dd-yyyy ""))

    It parses correctly and the page is saved; However, when I run the page I get no output - error messages or another indication of a problem.

    Now, if I call the function in a SQL client, capture the result of the query SQL using the dbms_output and paste that into the box graphic Flash series SQL - change the Source Type of SQL query query - and save the page it works fine when I run it and returns a chart series flash.

    Can anyone suggest either;

    1. what I might have missed or done wrong?
    2. a way to effectively diagnose the problem...

    I tried to use the debugger Apex - what is very nice, indeed - but it provides no information on what might be my problem. I tried to write my own my function debug messages using the apex_debug_message package - nothing...

    Thank you

    Hi Eric,.

    Try to pull the source like this:

       return functionname(to_date('30-sep-2010', 'dd-mon-yyyy'));

    This works very well for me, and if I take the begin-end and the final semicolon from the return statement I get the same behavior as you.

    He doesn't mention in aid of the source (only during the wizard if) this source type must be expressed in this way, but I agree, it would be useful that the tool would validate to this format meets it "Query SQL that returns the function" or give some sort of indication of the sentence. In any case, this should help you will again.

    Hope this helps,

    If you find this information useful, please do not forget to mark the 'useful' or 'correct' post so that others benefit as well.

  • OUTER JOIN query returns the results of JOIN IN-HOUSE

    I'm data transfer in (Windows XP 32-bit) and I wanted to compare the sizes of table with the same Table name in two different patterns, ML and SILENT, with a FULL OUTER JOIN (to account for all the tables and NULL values in a diagram).

    The scheme of ML has 176 tables: schema TUT a 133 tables. The use of a standard INNER JOIN gives 131 paintings.

    I get precisely the results with a FULL OUTER JOIN I get with an INTERNAL JOIN (not the same NULL values so I know they exist).

    This happens in SQL-Plus, SQL_Developer and using Oracle Wire pilot of Data_Direct.

    Here is the code:

    Login: SYS as SYSDBA or SYSTEM (same results for either)

    M.OWNER = 'ML' AND
    T.OWNER = 'TUT';

    Produce the same results with LEFT OUTER joins and RIGHT OUTER joins in ASI and Oracle (+) syntax.

    Any thoughts?


    If you read what I posted, forget it. MScallion (below) gave the correct answerr.

    If conditions such as

    owner   = 'ML'

    in the WHERE clause, and then they will reject the rows of the result set formed by the join condition.

    The inner join returns only 131 lines where the two 'paintings' have the same table_names.
    The outer joins return multiple lines (133, 176 or 178) before the place WHERE the provision is applied , but the WHERE clause eliminates all lines except the 131 found by the inner join.

    Published by: Frank Kulash, July 10, 2010 14:23

  • PL/SQL Query return function, adding the column links

    Hi all

    I'm working on a SQL report with the area type = function from PL/SQL Query to return
    All columns are generated dynamically based on my mapping table and a column of ID.
    So whenever the page is loaded, according to the ID mapping table returns a set of columns in a particular order.
    So not only the columns are dynamic, but the order of the columns varies also.
    But the first 1 column is standard (it doesn't come from the mapping table) and is coded in my pl/sql block hard.

    I'm fighting with the addition of a link to this column. The link must be a Javascript function which takes the parameters in the form of 2 columns in the mapping table.
    My pl/sql block is something like that...
    v_select := 'SELECT <g href=javascript:f_report1(#map_id#,#comments#)><img src=""></a> as report1, ';  // g=a
    v_cols := 'contains all columns from the mapping table based on a ID(hidden item)';
    v_from := 'FROM table';
    v_where := 'where condition is put in here';
    v_query := v_select||v_from||v_where;
    return v_query;
    Now, I'm not able to transmit the values of this #map_id # and #comments # correctly. I tried so many different combinations of channels, but could not make it work.

    I'm not sure that the order of this map_id and commentscolumn and therefore cannot connect through the report attributes.
    How can I go to a column value to the function?

    Thank you

    This should work if all goes well:

    v_select := q'[ SELECT '' as chart, ]';

    Published by: Dimitri Gielis on May 20, 2010 20:10

  • CONNECT BY QUERY returns different number of Clotilde in 10g or 11g databases


    I put just a problem of bellows in our databases.

    1.) 10 g database:
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options
    SQL> select * from global_name;
      2    FROM   dual
      3  CONNECT BY ROWNUM <= 2;
    2 Database 11 g
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
    SQL> select * from global_name;
      2    FROM   dual
      3    CONNECT BY ROWNUM <= 2;
    As you can see in 10g above query returns 3 records in 11 g only 2.
    Why is it like that? It's sort of adjustable, to produce the same result?

    Thank you very much


    If you have access to metalink, see no bug no 6031397.
    It is fixed in version 10.2

  • A few keys return a different result example I press o and he returned .o

    My son has been on the computer (asus k53s) laptop. I don't know what he did, but now some of the traits keyboard return a different result, it feels almost like a kind of shortcut function. I restarted snd got the same result

    Here are the problems I found.
    o and. They all return two .o
    q returns a q and a tab
    m and refer my
    v and t both return a vt
    x starts the Help window
    I can't use my laptop properly right now that one of the letters is used in the passwd file, I use the keyboard to the mouse on screen.
    I need help asap thank you

    You can try the system restore to go back before the problem?

    How to repair the operating system and how to restore the configuration of the operating system to an earlier point in time in Windows Vista (or 7)

    I see that the OSK works for you, so perhaps the problem is a defective keyboard?  Have you tried to turn the laptop upside down and gently pat down to try to remove some of the bread crumbs between the keys (Lol).

    You can plug in another USB keyboard into the laptop and test with that?

  • reload the page when SQL query returns a value

    Hello world

    the title of this discussion may seem strange, but I'll try to explain why I need this:

    A user has the ability to connect on my APEX application. There are several tabs in my application that are visible only if a certain SQL statement returns a value which is not the case by default. The user has also the ability to download a file that is transferred to an external system that analyzes the file and writes the data in the database. During this writing process - which may take several minutes - conditions for some of the tabs to show the will becomes real (-> the query will return a value). When the user refreshes the page manually, the tabs will be displayed. However, I want the tabs will appear automatically when the condition is met.

    Is it possible to refresh the page as soon as the query returns a value? It is perhaps possible to check it on the client side and trigger a refresh of the page when the condition is met. It would be even better if only the tabset has been updated, but refreshing the full page is fine as well.

    Thank you!

    Here is an overview of how it can be done

    This is possible thanks to a dynamic action being performed on a timer.

    View default tabs and dynamic action hide them on loading the page if they are not to be considered

    Create a dynamic action that will execute your query every 5 seconds or more

    If the query returns data, you can use the dynamic action to show your tabs using javascript

  • Smart collection returns different results to the library filter?

    This is such a stupid thing, and I barely noticed. I have smart collections simply gather all the images with a particular star of note, very very simple! I have a 1 star, a Star 2 and one for the 3 stars and more. So far so good, use these for centuries-, but I noticed that if I go to Catalog/All photos and place a filter of the same library (this is the filter at the top of the library grid view) I get different results. Actually if I place a filter attribute that says '= 2 stars' images only I can watch the tape that works at the bottom of the screen (sorry I have no idea what it's called) and he said that "all photos / 1056 1647 photos» If I can clear this filter and scroll down to my smart collection that applies the filter even to the entire catalog (and I triple checked this, no difference at all, I don't have lower or higher than the here is the self same "=" only!) and it says "1066"! Thus, the smart collection search 10 images more than other, identical filters working on the entire catalog - I am confused? Anyone had this problem, I missed something? If it wasn't for the number of images concerned I'd them and try to find the additional files by hand!

    Popular indices, and LR3 passing on Mac.


    You can check if the images are stacked differently (and thus not counted) in both points of view.

  • "The eigenvalues and the vectors.vi" produce different results in BT 7.0 and 8.0

    I noticed that 'clean and vectors.vi values' product of different results when it is used in LV8.0 and LV7.0.

    The attached VI is saved in LV7.0.  The default values show the results by operating this VI in LV7.0.

    Using the same entries, try running this VI in 8.0 and you will see the results change.

    Someone has any ideas why this is happening?

  • Database query returns no results


    I timesten arrangement with Oracle as backend, the passthroughlevel is set to 1, which means that if the table is not found in timesten then go to Oracle, but I am facing a problem when querying for what anyone using ttIsql, there is no return line, although when I run the same query in Oracle directely I get the desired result.

    Here is the operation made by me:

    Command > connect myOraCache
    Successful login: DSN = myOraCache; UID = EIT; DataStore = / usr/ptyagi/timesten/datastore/ietds; DatabaseCharacterSet = WE8ISO8859P1; ConnectionCharacterSet=US7ASCII;DurableCommits=1;DRIVER=/usr/iris/timesten/TimesTen/tt70/lib/libtten.so;OracleId=iet
    ; Authenticate = 0; PermSize = 400; PassThrough = 1; TypeMode = 0;
    (Default AutoCommit = 1).
    Command > select * from category WHERE = iris_codes "side."
    0 rows found.

    Pramod salvation,

    There is no space or time here for a full tutorial on TimesTen Cache Connect; You should study the documentation TimesTen Cache to better understand how it works.


    A cache group TimesTen is an SQL object that defines one or more tables that will be cached to Oracle, as well as the relationship of foreign key between them. Foreign key relationships defined in Oracle generally will also be defined in TimesTen if there may be exceptions to this rule.

    Cache group definitions can be created in TimesTen via SQL (usually by taking a copy of the schema creation script Oracle and editiing it) or through the interface of Administration of Cache TimesTen.

    However, the first step is to decide which tables you want to cache and why. The goal of caching is to improve performance for the application key functions. Although it is sometimes possible to cache all tables in Oracle, it is often not practical and not desirable (for example, it may need too much memory for TimesTen).

    I would say that yiu address the issue as follows:

    1 study the documentation for cache TimesTen understand how TimesTen caching works, the different types of cache groups and their functionality (and limitations)

    2. If looks help TimesTen as a cache may be feasible for you, perform some simple tests for key areas see what level of performance improvement you get by doing TimesTen. This can be very variable, a well-written application that is well suited to caching can see huge improvements while an application that is not well suited to caching or which is poorly implemented may see little or no improvement.

    3. If after these two steps, it is clear TimesTen will provide you a significant bnefist then you will be in a good position to decide how best to implement TimesTen for your application.

    It is important to understand that TimesTen is almost never just a kind of "Plug and performance is much better" solution. Detailed thought and planning must be done from the outset in order to achieve the best of TimesTen.


  • Same code running in SQL * more edit the sql buffer vs = different results file


    For the last few minutes I was scratching my head trying to understand why my little piece of code was not working.
    As a result, a sample:
    create or replace type booktitles_nt is TABLE OF VARCHAR2(100);
      booklist booktitles_nt := booktitles_nt('Great Expectations','Ulysses','1984');  
      for i in booklist.FIRST .. booklist.LAST LOOP
        dbms_output.put_line('Book number ' || i || ':' || booklist(i));
      end loop;
    When run interactively, I get the following results:
      1  create or replace type booktitles_nt is TABLE OF VARCHAR2(100);
      2  /
      3  declare
      4    booklist booktitles_nt := booktitles_nt('Great Expectations','Ulysses','1984');
      5  begin
      6    for i in booklist.FIRST .. booklist.LAST LOOP
      7      dbms_output.put_line('Book number ' || i || ':' || booklist(i));
      8    end loop;
      9* end;
    Warning: Type created with compilation errors.
    SCOTT@ORCL> show errors
    Errors for TYPE BOOKTITLES_NT:
    -------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
    2/1      PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "/"
    So I try without the slash and get nowhere:
      1  create or replace type booktitles_nt is TABLE OF VARCHAR2(100);
      2  declare
      3    booklist booktitles_nt := booktitles_nt('Great Expectations','Ulysses','1984');
      4  begin
      5    for i in booklist.FIRST .. booklist.LAST LOOP
      6      dbms_output.put_line('Book number ' || i || ':' || booklist(i));
      7    end loop;
      8* end;
      9  /
    Warning: Type created with compilation errors.
    SCOTT@ORCL> show errors
    Errors for TYPE BOOKTITLES_NT:
    -------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
    2/1      PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "DECLARE"
    8/4      PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "end-of-file" when expecting
             one of the following:
             ( begin case declare end exception exit for goto if loop mod
             null pragma raise return select update while with
             <an identifier> <a double-quoted delimited-identifier>
             <a bind variable> << continue close current delete fetch lock
             insert open rollback savepoint set sql execute commit forall
             merge pipe purge
    So I think, maybe I'll try it in a .sql file. So I put the first fragment of code in a file, test4.sql:
    SCOTT@ORCL> get C:\Users\J\Documents\SQL\test4.sql
      1  create or replace type booktitles_nt is TABLE OF VARCHAR2(100);
      2  /
      3  declare
      4    booklist booktitles_nt := booktitles_nt('Great Expectations','Ulysses','1984');
      5  begin
      6    for i in booklist.FIRST .. booklist.LAST LOOP
      7      dbms_output.put_line('Book number ' || i || ':' || booklist(i));
      8    end loop;
      9* end;
    and run it, and it works:
    SCOTT@ORCL> @C:\Users\J\Documents\SQL\test4.sql
    Type created.
    Book number 1:Great Expectations
    Book number 2:Ulysses
    Book number 3:1984
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Can someone tell me why the behavior is different when it is run from a file when it is run, well, interactive? There seems to be some limits on what you can interactively run vs. what you can run from a script.

    Thank you very much

    SQL * more buffer cannot contain more than one return, even if you have two - create type and anonymous PL/SQL block. Thus it-error:

    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  create or replace type booktitles_nt is TABLE OF VARCHAR2(100);
      2  /
      3  declare
      4    booklist booktitles_nt := booktitles_nt('Great Expectations','Ulysses','1984');
      5  begin
      6    for i in booklist.FIRST .. booklist.LAST LOOP
      7      dbms_output.put_line('Book number ' || i || ':' || booklist(i));
      8    end loop;
      9* end;
    SQL> /
    Warning: Type created with compilation errors.
    SQL> create or replace type booktitles_nt is TABLE OF VARCHAR2(100);
      2  /
    Type created.
    SQL> declare
      2    booklist booktitles_nt := booktitles_nt('Great Expectations','Ulysses','1984');
      3  begin
      4    for i in booklist.FIRST .. booklist.LAST LOOP
      5      dbms_output.put_line('Book number ' || i || ':' || booklist(i));
      6    end loop;
      7  end;
      8  /
    Book number 1:Great Expectations
    Book number 2:Ulysses
    Book number 3:1984
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.


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