subtract the sum of the times of highest level duration

I have a table defined as follows:

REQUEST_ID varchar2 (100),
CODE_RANGE varchar2 (40),
TERM decimal (12)

The values of 'CODE_RANGE' can be 'publicEntryPoint' or 'webServiceCall '. A line with CODE_RANGE of 'publicEntryPoint' shows how long a service API call high level taken. A line with a CODE_RANGE of "webServiceCall" and the same REQUEST_ID value as a line with CODE_RANGE of 'publicEntryPoint' represents a web service call that was called inside this method of public entry point. In theory, there could be more than one line of "webServiceCall" with the same REQUEST_ID value. Finally, there may be other possible values of the CODE_RANGE, but they will represent all the cooks 'code' inside the public entry point method or methods that he calls.

Do I have to build is a query that makes account of the duration of each public entrance point, but by subtracting the sum of the values of all other rows with the same value request_id and CODE_RANGE! = "publicEntryPoint".

For example, with the following lines:
'1': 'publicEntryPoint': 12
'1': 'webServiceCall': 3
'1': 'webServiceCall': 2

I would get the top level of the '12' value, but also the value of '7', 12-3-2.

Published by: david.karr on July 19, 2010 11:35

Something like:

with event as (
               select '1' request_id,'publicEntryPoint' code_range,12 duration from dual union all
               select '1','webServiceCall',3 from dual union all
               select '1','webServiceCall',2 from dual
select  request_id,
        case code_range
          when 'publicEntryPoint' then duration * 2 - sum(duration) over(partition by request_id)
          else duration
        end actual_duration
  from  event

R CODE_RANGE                        DURATION           ACTUAL_DURATION
- ---------------- ------------------------- -------------------------
1 publicEntryPoint                        12                         7
1 webServiceCall                           2                         2
1 webServiceCall                           3                         3



Tags: Database

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    Name                                                              Null?    Type

    ----------------------------------------------------------------- -------- ---------------------

    START_TIME                                                                 DATE

    END_TIME                                                                   DATE

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    SQL >

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    --------------------     --------------------

    24 June 2013 18:15:42 24 June 2013 19:07:54

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    . > 03625 than signifie.03625?

    -More than failure tent

    SQL > select to_number(end_time-start_time)/60 t.




    SQL > select to_number(end_time-start_time) * 24/60 t.




    SQL > select to_number(end_time-start_time) * 60 * 60 t.




    SQL > select to_number(end_time-start_time) * 60 * 60/24 t;





    Search Date arithmetic in the manual of the SQL language.

    When you subtract one DATE from another, the result is the number of days between them.  .03625 days is a little more de.033333333... days, which is 1/30 a day, or 48 minutes.

    If you want the difference in hours, multiply by the number of hours per day, which is 24.

    If you want the difference in minutes, multiply by the number of minutes per day, or 24 * 60.

    If you want the difference expressed in days hours: minutes: seconds, then you are better off conversion (at least) one of the DATEs in TIMESTAMP; then, when you subtract them, you will get the difference as an INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND, which appears as

    + 05:06:37.000000 000000000

    This means that 0 days, 5 hours, 6 minutes, 37 seconds.

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    Kind regards

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    SELECT  dif.EMPLOYEE_NUMBER Employee#, dif.FULL_name EmployeeName,
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     decode(LNE2,null,LNE2 ,LNE2 ),LNE3 ),LNE4 ),LNE5 ),LNE6 ),LNE7 ),LNE8 ),'hh24:mi')TimeOuts ,
     ACT_HOUR Work_Hrs, 
    decode(DLY_ABSENT_TYPE,'Late',DED_ABS ,'Late (Deduction)',DED_ABS,'00:00') Late_Hrs,ACT_OVT Over_Time
     FROM jjj_PUNCH_DATA_EMP_LIST trn , 
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     ele.EMPLOYEE_NUMBER =trn.EMPLOYEE_NUMBER  and   DATE_ENTRAY between '23-Aug-2009' and  '24-Aug-2009' 
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    the values of column act_hrs, (i require the sum of this column)
    kindly help
    thanking in advance

    Oracle user


    Thanks for posting the CREATE TABLE and INSERT. That really helps.

    Do you want 19:33 ' as the output? Which makes it look like 19 hours and 33 minutes. Most people would represent 19.33 hours (i.e. 19 more than 1/3 hours) as 19:20 '. Should not the sum of
    ' x: 00 ' and
    'y: 20' be
    "z: 20?

    If you really want 19:33 ', see the solution of Hoek.

    If you really want 19:20 ', then you were on the right track.
    I think that you were trying to do:

    WITH  got_total_hours     AS
         SELECT SUM (   TO_NUMBER (SUBSTR (act_hour, 1, 2))
                    + ( TO_NUMBER (SUBSTR (act_hour, 4, 2))
                      / 60
                    ) AS total_hours
         from      p
    SELECT        TO_CHAR (FLOOR (total_hours))
           || ':'
           || TO_CHAR ( MOD (total_hours, 1) * 60
                   , 'fm00'
                   )     AS hh_mm
    FROM     got_total_hours

    Looks like you were trying calculate total_hours in a subquery, then use the total_hour alias in a query Super, which is quite accurate. You're just confused on how to write a subquery.
    There are two basic ways to write subqueries:

    (1) WITH clause:

    WITH  sub_query  AS
         SELECT  ...
    SELECT  ...
    FROM      sub_query

    (2) online review

    SELECT     ...
    FROM     (     -- Begin sub_query
         SELECT     ...
         )     -- End sub-query

    Looks like you tried a bit of each method.

    In most cases (this included problem) either one will work.
    Other problems are much easier by using a WITH clause and WITH clauses are usually easier to read and understand, I recommend that you always use a WITH clause rather than views online.

    You can also change the Hoek solution to get the result 19:20 ' without a subquery (or without using any expression complicated, more than once, which is the only reason why I have proposed a subquery). Since date arithmetic Oracle comes from the days, not hours, when the solution of Hoek has calculated the number of hours, you'll have to divide by 24 to get the number of days. If you are using TO_CHAR to fit the time, however, the results can be confusing if the total is 24 hours or more. You might be better off using NUMTODSINTERVAL.

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    is it posible that someone has control over my internet conection and the person is 5 hours of my time zone?
    or y at - it an explanation for this behavior of the report health firefox?
    Thanks in advance for your help
    I am downloading and the image of my screen where it shows my time in the top right of the screen and report on health with two events on Feb. 13.

    All computers use UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) internally, Greenwich time average aka, alias ZULU, as is called the US Navy.
    Then the operating system subtracts the UTC offset as indicated in the user settings to the "local time". This shift from 5 hours to the hour UTC indicates the time Zone Eastern North Americam.

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    I am wondering how to calculate the amount of time in a cell for a while and have the result show the amount of time in hours and minutes

    what I have is a cell with once inside, for example 06:30, and I want to be able to have the next cell in the row to calculate the time between the first cell and a static time of 07:00 culminating at 00:30 (30 minutes).

    I played with formulas as IF (C2

    How can I go about it?

    Thank you

    Hi lgp,.

    Subtract the twice to get a period.

    Formula in B2 (fill down)

    = B$ 1−A2

    Know in numbers, when you enter a time, he always has a Date (even if the skins of cell data Format Date, it's still there).

    So in A9, entering at 06:30 on Dec. 12, B9 show the number of minutes 1 day in less than 30 minutes (because B1 was seized Dec. 11). Therefore:

    Kind regards



  • How can I measure the time between the two edges of successive increase, using digital input...


    I'm trying to measure the time in seconds between each two successive rising edges on a digital input.

    So far I managed to detect the rising edge, increment a counter at each rising edge and take the time during which the increase is edge

    all I need now is subtract edge currently rising from the previous era of edge rising to calculate (T), which can be 1/frequency and display in real time for the user.

    but I do not know how to do this

    Can someone help me please!

    Note: while I am in a position varies between 200 ms - 2 seconds

  • Take the time between two values

    Hi people,

    I have a problem and I know idea how to solve... I need help.

    The problem is I want to take the time between two values max as you can see in the chart.

    For example, in the image that I have add

    4.5 - 1 840 = 2.66

    And enter this value in the 'time between mostra '.

    It's that I want...

    But what I think is very complicated, because I don't know how to take the time correctly and does remove...

    Thank you very much

    Any solution?

    Hi jocuma,

    I tried something and hope that helps u.

    Just create two arrays of temperature and voltage. First of all, I'll get the value of the voltage when it is more of a certain value and that same index to get the value of time and store in the shift register.

    When I get the second higher than the limit value, I'll get time and subtract the previous value.

  • triggering event for the time of day

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    Thank you

    So what I would do, is create a loop of events with a single event - a timeout. Conduct of this event would be a picture of the time when an action should be performed. The loop starts, remove the first item and subtract the current time of the time goal. This will give you the time in seconds before the event. Multiply by 1000 to get the number of milliseconds before the time runs out. Feeding this value for the time-out. Then each timeout event fires of time, of the index to the next item and calculate a new delay.


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