Synchronous asynchronous Webservice Web service call error

Hello. I have the following scenario.

I created an asynchronous Web Service (WS_1) to SOA that takes a string as input and waits 10 seconds then returns a reminder. I call this Web Service asynchronous to another web service (WS_2) (that I also created in SOA). In the BPEL I use "invoke activity" to call the Web Service asynchronously and below, I use "activity to receive" a reminder of the Service.When Web I test this Web (WS_2) Service in WeblogicEM, I'm not getting any reminder of asynchronous Web Service (WS_1). On the trail of the flow, 'receive activity' is highlighted and said "Receive1 (in progress)".

-Does anyone know what is happening here?

-Thank you

It is not a good practice to call services async to sync processes.

For your scenario, have the property of the value requiresNew transaction. This property is listed under your synchronization bpel component in composite.xml

Tags: Fusion Middleware

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    Hi gurus,

    I'm calling the DB using UTL_HTTP webservice, but I keep getting the following error.  Please note that I am calling only HTTP and HTTPS.

    ORA-29273: HTTP request failed

    ORA-06512: at "SYS." UTL_HTTP", line 1369

    ORA-29259: end-of-input reached

    ORA-06512: at "APL_GLOGEXTN. APL_INT_BEM', line 20

    ORA-06512: at "APL_GLOGEXTN. APL_INT_BEM', line 50

    ORA-06512: at line 1

    29273 00000 - "the HTTP request failed.

    * Cause: The UTL_HTTP package cannot run the HTTP request.

    * Action: Use get_detailed_sqlerrm to check the detailed error message.

    Correct the error and restart the HTTP request.

    Status code: 1

    I call a Web service using the code below

    exec utl_http.set_proxy ("");



    and the details of the PL/SQL package is expected at the point.

    create or replace

    package body 'DTS_INT_BEM' as












    UTL_HTTP. SET_HEADER (R = > HTTP_REQUEST, name = > 'Content-Type' ', value = > ' text/xml; charset = utf-8 ');

    UTL_HTTP. SET_HEADER (r = > http_request, name = > 'Content-Length', value = > LENGTH (REQUEST_ENVELOPE));

    UTL_HTTP. SET_HEADER (R = > HTTP_REQUEST, name = > 'SOAPAction', value = > 'Start');


    dbms_output.put_line (' status code: 1');



    P_RETURN_STS: = HTTP_RESPONSE.reason_phrase;





    P_RETURN_STS: = ' request failed: ' | UTL_HTTP. GET_DETAILED_SQLERRM;






    P_RETURN_STS: = ' Client error: ' | UTL_HTTP. GET_DETAILED_SQLERRM; * /



    Procedure CALL_BEM / * (-type_objet_p IN VARCHAR2)

    -p_process_name in varchar2,

    -p_response out varchar2




    l_endpoint_url VARCHAR2 (200): =' ';

    l_soap_request VARCHAR2 (30000): = NULL;

    l_bpel_return_sts VARCHAR2 (3000);


    " l_soap_request: = ' < soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv = ' "xmlns:bus =" " ' > < soapenv:Header / > < soapenv:Body > < bus: departure > < Transmission xmlns = " " "targetNamespace =" "> < TransmissionBody > < GLogXMLElement > < PlannedShipment xmlns =" "> < delivery > < ShipmentHeader > < ShipmentGid > < Gid > < domain_name > DTS/EXE < / domain_name > < Xid > 01409 < / Xid > < / Gid > < / ShipmentGid > < ShipmentRefnum > < ShipmentRefnumQualifierGid > < Gid > < Xid > GLOG < / Xid > < / Gid > < / ShipmentRefnumQualifierGid > < ShipmentRefnumValue > DTS/EXE.01409 < / ShipmentRefnumValue > < / ShipmentRefnum > < ShipmentRefnum > < ShipmentRefnumQualifierGid > < Gid '" > < Xid > BM < / Xid > < / Gid > < / ShipmentRefnumQualifierGid > < ShipmentRefnumValue > RIAD-000235 < / ShipmentRefnumValue > < / ShipmentRefnum > < TransactionCode > NP < / TransactionCode > < ServiceProviderGid > < Gid > < domain_name > DTS/DATA < / domain_name > < Xid > RIAD < / Xid > < / Gid > < / ServiceProviderGid > < ServiceProviderAlias > < ServiceProviderAliasQualifierGid > < Gid > < Xid > GLOG < / Xid > < / Gid > < /. ServiceProviderAliasQualifierGid > < ServiceProviderAliasValue > DTS/DATA. RIAD < / ServiceProviderAliasValue > < / ServiceProviderAlias > < RateServiceGid > < Gid > < domain_name > DTS/PCM < / domain_name > < Xid > VESSEL_SERVICE < / Xid > < / Gid > < / RateServiceGid > < TransportModeGid > < Gid > < Xid > BOAT-CO < / Xid > < / Gid > < / TransportModeGid > < TotalWeightVolume > < WeightVolume > < weight > < WeightValue > 57.0 < / WeightValue > < WeightUOMGid > < Gid > < Xid > KG < / Xid > < / Gid > < / WeightUOMGid > < / weight > < Volume > < VolumeValue > 0.3 < / VolumeValue > < VolumeUOMGid > < Gid > < Xid > CUMTR < / Xid > < / Gid > < / VolumeUOMGid > < / Volume > < / WeightVolume > < / TotalWeightVolume > < TotalShipUnitCount > 8 < / TotalShipUnitCount > < StartDt > < GLogDate > 20140217124300 < / GLogDate > < TZId > Asia/Hong_Kong < / TZId > < TZOffset > + 08:00 < / TZOffset > < / StartDt > < EndDt > < GLogDate > 20140311234300 < / GLogDate > < TZId > America/Chicago < / TZId > < TZOffset > - 05:00 < / TZOffset > < / EndDt > < SourceLocationRef > < LocationRef > < LocationGid > < Gid > < domain_name > DTS/DATA < / domain_name > < Xid > HKHKG < / Xid > < / Gid > < / LocationGid > < / LocationRef > < / SourceLocationRef > < / ShipmentHeader > < / shipping > < / PlannedShipment > < / GLogXMLElement > < / TransmissionBody > < / Transmission > < / bus: start > < / soapenv:Body > < / soapenv:Envelope > ';

    invoke_bpel_ws (l_endpoint_url, l_soap_request, l_bpel_return_sts);

    dbms_output.put_line ('-' | l_bpel_return_sts);

    end CALL_BEM;

    end DTS_INT_BEM;

    Thanks in advance for the help.


    Hi Billy,

    Thanks for the reply. It was with the proxy setting.

    Once UTL_HTTP. SET_PROXY has been set properly, I no longer get the error of end-of-input.

    Thanks for the help...

    Kind regards


  • The secure web service call error.


    I try to access a web service secured through a simple BPEL process in SOA Suite 11 g. When I test it through the company Manager, I get the following error. Since this is a guarantee websecure I put the policy(oracle/wss_username_token_client_policy) WS in the external reference and also provided identifying information. If someone had a similar error or know the solution please let me know. Also, I'm not sure if its related to security, or is - the way I am calling the service.

    Error message:
    Error ID reference: 80014
    Lack of time may 22, 2011 12:54:45
    Anomaly of the non-recoverable system: 99999: unknown Service

    Error message: {} remoteFault
    Error default/Mocking!1.0*soa_be35cb3e-5f05-49df-a696-a653d5703681/BPELProcess1/30017-BpInv0-BpSeq0.3-3 ID
    Lack of time may 22, 2011 12:54:46

    Anomaly of the non-recoverable system:
    < bpelFault > < faultType > 0 < / faultType > < remoteFault xmlns = "" > < a name = "summary" part > < summary > 99999: unknown Service < / summary > < / part > < part name = "detail" > < details > & lt; con xmlns:Con: fault = "" > & lt; Con: errorCode > 99999 & lt; / con: error code > & lt; Con: reason > unknown Service & lt; / con: reason > & lt; Con: location > & lt; Con: node > PipelinePairNode1 & lt; / con: node > & lt; Con: pipeline > PipelinePairNode1_request & lt; / con: pipeline > & lt; Con: Stadium > stage1 & lt; / con: Stadium > & lt; / con: location > & lt; / con: fault > < / detail > < / part > < part name = "code" > < SOAP: server code > < / code > < / piece > < / remoteFault > < / bpelFault >

    This occurs if you have several (different webservices) WSDL imported into your project and they share common artifacts(XSD's). In this case, what you do, it's just that you separated from xsd to wsdl and deleted conflicts. This approach is suggested when you do not have control on WSDL that may be provided by different team and they all share common XSD.

    Thank you

  • Make a REST Web service call. Error code: 401 Access to the requested resource is not allowed

    Hi all

    I'm having a hard time finding ways to Rest Web service calls.

    I tried this runs directly through the browser and I get an error.

    http:localhost:8080/r EST/bean/atg/userprofiling/ProfileServices/loginUser? [email protected] & arg2 = password

    13:18:20, 613 [RestSecurityServlet] error code: 401

    Access to the requested resource is not allowed: / atg/userprofiling/ProfileServices

    1. access to the requested resource is not allowed: / atg/userprofiling/ProfileServices






    at atg.servlet.pipeline.PipelineableServletImpl.passRequest(

    at atg.servlet.pipeline.PipelineableServletImpl.service(



    at atg.servlet.pipeline.PipelineableServletImpl.service(

    Documentation, I understand that I need to create a session, the session is needed to access the secure components since this

    method specific 'ProfileServices.loginUser' was declared as non-secure, restSecurityConfiguration.xml

    In addition, there are two different ways in which I can connect

    1. 1. with the help of RestSession.createSession providing the user name and password.
    2. 2. or by using ProfileServices.loginUser or ProfileFormHandler

    Can someone please clarify

    If you call the REST web service from a Java client, you can create a RestSession object using the createSession method. But in your case you seem to be invoking it with an HTTP request, which, by default, would be considered a GET request by application of the REST of the ATG. So either a GET, he would try to get a property "loginUser" of the component/atg/userprofiling/ProfileServices (based on your URL) that would always fail.

    To call the method ProfileServices loginUser() with your argument, you need to tell the system to the REST of the ATG to process your incoming request not GET, but as a demand that you can do to atg-rest-http-method of the parameter control in your application like this

    http:localhost:8080/rEST/bean/atg/userprofiling/ProfileServices/loginUser? [email protected]& arg2 = password & atg-rest-http-method = POST

    It should work in this way, your restSecurityConfiguration.xml is correct.

  • Web service deployment error

    Hi all!

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    For example, in the project > unchanged to build, I created WS, built with the advanced > use LabVIEW 8.x file layout option checked, in the dialog box settings WebService (RESTful). The problem appears when I try to deploy this WS. The following error is displayed:

    Error LabVIEW:  (Hex 0xFFFEF84D) LabVIEW Web Services: An error occurred when extracting the deployed Web service. Rebuild the Web service by selecting the "Use LabVIEW 8.x file layout" option in the Advanced tab of the web Service properties dialog.

    How can I solve this problem?

    Thank you!

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    It is possible, if you use the PropertyCollector.

    (It is usually the answer to questions of the form "Is it possible to retrieve the X in a single web service call").


    allows you to retrieve a whole bunch of stuff in a single call, which you then have to go through and interpret.

    A snippet of code Java VI is not-really-tested to find virtual machines in a ComputeResource (cluster) is attached.

  • Web service call - works locally but not on mobile?


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    But when trying a android phone (tried a few of them - link one, nexus s and galaxy tab) the service is called but never returns anything.

    Is there a good way to trace of call / understand the problem?

    Thank you


    Export project based on your device...

    If your developling locally you must do in order to get the remote calls to work

    That should solve your problem

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    Thank you


    It will work only after that the process is 'complete'.. then you need to check the status... .and when that is complete, then you can check the results.


  • ODSI web service calls


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    I see that I can configure a different port for the Physics Department in the ODSI administration console. However, it is not very practical, since the original WSDL must contain information port for all environments from the get-go. If the service is reinstalled in the production, I need to update the wsdl file and redeploy my data space for moving. This can be a problem due to the cycle of deployment of my app be out of sync with the service that I give the floor.

    My question is: is it possible to configure the addresses to host more dynamically? Is it possible to use a variable to control this information a set of services that are located on the same server?

    Thank you!

    The f

    Go to the Console ODSI. Click your data space. Click the physical Source (at the bottom of the left panel).
    Click on "Web Services" and select the Web service you want to change.

    You will see a place where you can specify a 'new value' for the wsdl file. So if you make a copy of your wsdl and the change of the

    to the other server, you could specify that wsdl.

    It seems you could also copy the "service" element (or just the "port" element) in the original wsdl, and substitute in the ODSI console for the appropriate service or port. I've never tried that. I'm not sure if you also need to copy any elements that refer to the service or port.

    Here's the doc

    Here's a thread about doing this via WLST Dataspace imports with WLST : Full Deployment option?





  • [MAF - AMPA] How the custom/override error after the failure of the asynchronous Web service call?

    Hi Experts,

    I am looking for a best practice to make the error handling in the MAF.

    Currently my application is using AMPA and call the REST service.

    However, I would like to know how to handle this kind of error

    1. the device is not connected to the network (can we personalized it?)


    2. the device is connected to the network but cannot call service


    3 and the other exceptions of the asynchronous call to the AMPA

    In addition, how to mark a method call in the exception handler?

    referring to this in ADF tf we mark as exception handler.

    Best regards



    You have several options. It depends on how you want to handle exceptions:

    -If you just want to hide the mistakes of web service end-user call, you can set the showWebServiceInvocationErrors property in the persistence - mapping.xml to false (you want to generally this set to false, by putting your application in production, the default value is true, because during development, it is more convenient to directly see the errors of appeal WS)

    -If you want to display a custom error message, you can create a subclass of RestJSONPersistenceManager, register for this subclass using the property "remotePersistenceManager" in persistence - mapping.xml and override the handleInvokeRestServiceError method.

    It depends also how you want to process POST/PUT/DELETE requests that fail. Do you want the AMPA runtime register this request as pending for the runtime synchronization action automatically tries to return the claim later? Or you just want to display an error message to the end-user with a text like "try again later?

    Steven Davelaar,

    Oracle Mobile A-team.

  • Conversion error in CFML arguments to the Java classes for the web service call.

    Hi all.

    I'm working on writing a small application that uses a web service that is provided by our IVR ( I am able to connect, however, when I try to do something with complex objects, I get the error indicated in the title.

    He seems to have a problem with the table because when I remove it, or it becomes a simple string, I get errors on the function could not be found. I'm relatively new to web services, and especially dealing with complex data types, so any help would be appreciated.

    You can see my test page to

    I use the language WSDL can be found at

    Some examples of code that does what I want to do in Java / Apache Axis


    Here is a description of the function that I have problems with


    And my code is attached.

         <cfset email = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx">
         <cfset pin = "xxxxxxxxxxxx">
         <cfinvoke webservice="" method="login" returnvariable="login">
              <cfinvokeargument name="email" value="#email#"/>
              <cfinvokeargument name="pin" value="#pin#"/>
         <cfdump var="#login#">
         <cfset Token = login.getToken()>
         <cfdump var="#token#">
         <cfset CallItem.maxWaitTime = 100>
         <cfset CallItem.phoneNumbers[1] = "7632344306">
         <cfset CallItem.siteNumber = 100041>
         <cfinvoke webservice="" method="placeCall" returnvariable="call">
              <cfinvokeargument name="Token" value="#Token#"/>
              <cfinvokeargument name="CallItem" value="#CallItem#"/>
         <cfdump var="#call#">

    If you are not initializing phoneNumbers tabular before adjustment


    It will be passed as a structure with a key of 1.  This could cause your conversion of argument error.



    Will result in

    1 7632344306
    SITENUMBER 100041

    Will result in

    1 7632344306
    SITENUMBER 100041

    -Jason Morgan

  • Via HTTPS Web service call

    Hi all

    I use Weblogic 9.2 with the default configuration of the keystore & SSL. The Web service client is generated using the 'Clientgen' Ant task, I can invoke Web service using http without problems, but when you use https, it is always rejected, basically I know not what system for the customer properties, here is my last desperate attempt:
    System.setProperty("weblogic.webservice.verbose", "true");
    System.setProperty("java.protocol.handler.pkgs", "");
    System.setProperty("", "config/DemoIdentity.jks");
    System.setProperty("", "true");
    System.setProperty("", "DemoTrust");
    System.setProperty("weblogic.webservice.client.ssl.strictcertchecking", "false");
    System.setProperty("ssl.debug", "true");
    PaymentGateway service = new PaymentGateway_Impl();
    PaymentGatewayPort port = service.getPaymentGatewayPort();
    Stub.class.cast(port)._setProperty(Stub.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, "");
    Stub.class.cast(port)._setProperty(Stub.USERNAME_PROPERTY, "weblogic");
    Stub.class.cast(port)._setProperty(Stub.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, "weblogic");
    ISODocument isoDoc = new ISODocument();
    isoDoc.setMti(new Integer(200));
    And here is the exception that is thrown in the client:
    Apr 16, 2010 8:18:14 PM weblogic.diagnostics.debug.DebugLogger debug
    FINE: SSL license found
    Apr 16, 2010 8:18:14 PM weblogic.diagnostics.debug.DebugLogger debug
    FINE: Not in server, Certicom SSL license found
    Apr 16, 2010 8:18:14 PM weblogic.diagnostics.debug.DebugLogger debug
    FINE: Ignoring not supported JCE Mac: SunJCE version 1.5 for algorithm HmacSHA1
    Apr 16, 2010 8:18:14 PM weblogic.diagnostics.debug.DebugLogger debug
    FINE: Will use default Mac for algorithm HmacSHA1
    Apr 16, 2010 8:18:14 PM weblogic.diagnostics.debug.DebugLogger debug
    FINE: Ignoring not supported JCE Mac: SunJCE version 1.5 for algorithm HmacMD5
    Apr 16, 2010 8:18:14 PM weblogic.diagnostics.debug.DebugLogger debug
    FINE: Will use default Mac for algorithm HmacMD5
    Apr 16, 2010 8:18:14 PM weblogic.diagnostics.debug.DebugLogger debug
    FINE: Ignoring not supported JCE KeyAgreement: SunJCE version 1.5 for algorithm DiffieHellman
    Apr 16, 2010 8:18:14 PM weblogic.diagnostics.debug.DebugLogger debug
    FINE: Will use default KeyAgreement for algorithm DiffieHellman
    Apr 16, 2010 8:18:14 PM weblogic.diagnostics.debug.DebugLogger debug
    FINE: Will use default KeyAgreement for algorithm ECDH
    Apr 16, 2010 8:18:14 PM weblogic.diagnostics.debug.DebugLogger debug
    FINE: Using JCE Cipher: SunJCE version 1.5 for algorithm DESede/CBC/NoPadding
    Apr 16, 2010 8:18:14 PM weblogic.diagnostics.debug.DebugLogger debug
    FINE: Using JCE Cipher: SunJCE version 1.5 for algorithm DES/CBC/NoPadding
    Apr 16, 2010 8:18:15 PM weblogic.diagnostics.debug.DebugLogger debug
    FINE: Using JCE Cipher: SunJCE version 1.5 for algorithm AES/CBC/NoPadding
    Apr 16, 2010 8:18:15 PM weblogic.diagnostics.debug.DebugLogger debug
    FINE: Using JCE Cipher: SunJCE version 1.5 for algorithm RC4
    Apr 16, 2010 8:18:15 PM weblogic.diagnostics.debug.DebugLogger debug
    FINE: Using JCE Cipher: SunJCE version 1.5 for algorithm RSA
    Apr 16, 2010 8:18:15 PM weblogic.diagnostics.debug.DebugLogger debug
    FINE: Using JCE Cipher: SunJCE version 1.5 for algorithm RSA/ECB/NoPadding
    Apr 16, 2010 8:18:15 PM weblogic.diagnostics.debug.DebugLogger debug
    FINE: SSL Session TTL :90000
    <!-------------------- REQUEST FROM CLIENT ---------------->
    URL        :
    Headers    :
      Authorization: [Basic d2VibG9naWM6d2VibG9naWM=]
      SOAPAction: [""]
      Content-Type: [text/xml]
    <env:Envelope xmlns:env="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:soapenc="" xmlns:xsd=""><env:Header></env:Header><env:Body env:encodingStyle=""><m:balanceInquery xmlns:m=""><iSODocument xmlns:n1="java:com.visitek.pgi.models" xsi:type="n1:ISODocument"><amount xsi:nil="true"></amount><audit_number href="#ID_2"></audit_number><bank_code xsi:type="xsd:string">000151</bank_code><currency_code href="#ID_2"></currency_code><data href="#ID_2"></data><encrypted_pin href="#ID_2"></encrypted_pin><expiration_date href="#ID_2"></expiration_date><institution_code href="#ID_2"></institution_code><institution_data xsi:type="xsd:string">62812006002616</institution_data><local_tracking_id xsi:type="xsd:string">080722163229082127.0.0.1:9595</local_tracking_id><mti xsi:type="xsd:int">200</mti><network_information_code xsi:type="xsd:short">0</network_information_code><original_data_element href="#ID_2"></original_data_element><pan_null_true xsi:type="xsd:string">yes</pan_null_true><pos_entry href="#ID_2"></pos_entry><primary_acc_number xsi:nil="true"></primary_acc_number><response_code href="#ID_2"></response_code><response_terminal_number href="#ID_2"></response_terminal_number><service_code xsi:type="xsd:int">6016</service_code><settlement_date href="#ID_2"></settlement_date><terminal_number href="#ID_2"></terminal_number><transaction_code xsi:type="xsd:int">380000</transaction_code><transaction_data href="#ID_2"></transaction_data><transaction_date href="#ID_2"></transaction_date><transaction_sequence href="#ID_2"></transaction_sequence><transaction_time href="#ID_2"></transaction_time><transaction_timestamp href="#ID_2"></transaction_timestamp></iSODocument></m:balanceInquery><xsd:string xsi:type="xsd:string" id="ID_2"></xsd:string></env:Body></env:Envelope>
    <!-------------------- END REQUEST FROM CLIENT ------------>
    Apr 16, 2010 8:18:15 PM weblogic.diagnostics.debug.DebugLogger debug
    FINE: Trusted CA keystore: config/DemoIdentity.jks
    Apr 16, 2010 8:18:15 PM weblogic.diagnostics.debug.DebugLogger debug
    FINE: Filtering JSSE SSLSocket
    Apr 16, 2010 8:18:15 PM weblogic.diagnostics.debug.DebugLogger debug
    FINE: SSLIOContextTable.addContext(ctx): 24864323
    Apr 16, 2010 8:18:15 PM weblogic.diagnostics.debug.DebugLogger debug
    FINE: SSLSocket will NOT be Muxing
    Apr 16, 2010 8:18:15 PM weblogic.diagnostics.debug.DebugLogger debug
    FINE: write SSL_20_RECORD
    Apr 16, 2010 8:18:15 PM weblogic.diagnostics.debug.DebugLogger debug
    FINE: isMuxerActivated: false
    Apr 16, 2010 8:18:16 PM weblogic.diagnostics.debug.DebugLogger debug
    FINE: 25567987 SSL3/TLS MAC
    Apr 16, 2010 8:18:16 PM weblogic.diagnostics.debug.DebugLogger debug
    FINE: 25567987 received HANDSHAKE
    Apr 16, 2010 8:18:16 PM weblogic.diagnostics.debug.DebugLogger debug
    Apr 16, 2010 8:18:16 PM weblogic.diagnostics.debug.DebugLogger debug
    FINE: isMuxerActivated: false
    Apr 16, 2010 8:18:16 PM weblogic.diagnostics.debug.DebugLogger debug
    FINE: 25567987 SSL3/TLS MAC
    Apr 16, 2010 8:18:16 PM weblogic.diagnostics.debug.DebugLogger debug
    FINE: 25567987 received HANDSHAKE
    Apr 16, 2010 8:18:16 PM weblogic.diagnostics.debug.DebugLogger debug
    Apr 16, 2010 8:18:16 PM weblogic.diagnostics.debug.DebugLogger debug
    FINE: Cannot complete the certificate chain: No trusted cert found
    Apr 16, 2010 8:18:16 PM weblogic.diagnostics.debug.DebugLogger debug
    FINE: Validating certificate 0 in the chain: Serial number: -151503846264256045339669576782538934945
    Issuer:C=US, ST=MyState, L=MyTown, O=MyOrganization, OU=FOR TESTING ONLY, CN=CertGenCAB
    Subject:C=US, ST=MyState, L=MyTown, O=MyOrganization, OU=FOR TESTING ONLY, CN=paymentd
    Not Valid Before:Wed Mar 12 15:39:27 GMT+07:00 2008
    Not Valid After:Mon Mar 13 15:39:27 GMT+07:00 2023
    Signature Algorithm:MD5withRSA
    Apr 16, 2010 8:18:16 PM weblogic.diagnostics.debug.DebugLogger debug
    FINE: validationCallback: validateErr = 16
    Apr 16, 2010 8:18:16 PM weblogic.diagnostics.debug.DebugLogger debug
    FINE:   cert[0] = Serial number: -151503846264256045339669576782538934945
    Issuer:C=US, ST=MyState, L=MyTown, O=MyOrganization, OU=FOR TESTING ONLY, CN=CertGenCAB
    Subject:C=US, ST=MyState, L=MyTown, O=MyOrganization, OU=FOR TESTING ONLY, CN=paymentd
    Not Valid Before:Wed Mar 12 15:39:27 GMT+07:00 2008
    Not Valid After:Mon Mar 13 15:39:27 GMT+07:00 2023
    Signature Algorithm:MD5withRSA
    <Apr 16, 2010 8:18:16 PM GMT+07:00> <Warning> <Security> <BEA-090542> <Certificate chain received from - was not trusted causing SSL handshake failure. Check the certificate chain to determine if it should be trusted or not. If it should be trusted, then update the client trusted CA configuration to trust the CA certificate that signed the peer certificate chain. If you are connecting to a WLS server that is using demo certificates (the default WLS server behavior), and you want this client to trust demo certificates, then specify on the command line for this client.> 
    <Apr 16, 2010 8:18:16 PM GMT+07:00> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <000000> <Validation error = 16> 
    <Apr 16, 2010 8:18:16 PM GMT+07:00> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <000000> <Certificate chain is untrusted> 
    <Apr 16, 2010 8:18:16 PM GMT+07:00> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <000000> <SSLTrustValidator returns: 16> 
    <Apr 16, 2010 8:18:16 PM GMT+07:00> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <000000> <Trust status (16):  CERT_CHAIN_UNTRUSTED> 
    <Apr 16, 2010 8:18:16 PM GMT+07:00> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <000000> <NEW ALERT with Severity: FATAL, Type: 42
    java.lang.Exception: New alert stack
         at com.certicom.tls.record.alert.Alert.<init>(Unknown Source)
         at com.certicom.tls.record.handshake.HandshakeHandler.fireAlert(Unknown Source)
         at com.certicom.tls.record.handshake.ClientStateReceivedServerHello.handle(Unknown Source)
         at com.certicom.tls.record.handshake.HandshakeHandler.handleHandshakeMessage(Unknown Source)
         at com.certicom.tls.record.handshake.HandshakeHandler.handleHandshakeMessages(Unknown Source)
         at com.certicom.tls.record.MessageInterpreter.interpretContent(Unknown Source)
         at com.certicom.tls.record.MessageInterpreter.decryptMessage(Unknown Source)
         at com.certicom.tls.record.ReadHandler.processRecord(Unknown Source)
         at com.certicom.tls.record.ReadHandler.readRecord(Unknown Source)
         at com.certicom.tls.record.ReadHandler.readUntilHandshakeComplete(Unknown Source)
         at com.certicom.tls.interfaceimpl.TLSConnectionImpl.completeHandshake(Unknown Source)
         at com.certicom.tls.record.WriteHandler.write(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at weblogic.webservice.binding.http11.Http11ClientBinding.receive(
         at weblogic.webservice.core.handler.ClientHandler.handleResponse(
         at weblogic.webservice.core.HandlerChainImpl.handleResponse(
         at weblogic.webservice.core.ClientDispatcher.receive(
         at weblogic.webservice.core.ClientDispatcher.dispatch(
         at weblogic.webservice.core.DefaultOperation.invoke(
         at weblogic.webservice.core.DefaultOperation.invoke(
         at weblogic.webservice.core.rpc.StubImpl._invoke(
         at com.visitek.pgi.client.PaymentGatewayPort_Stub.balanceInquery(
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
         at junit.framework.TestCase.runTest(
         at junit.framework.TestCase.runBare(
         at junit.framework.TestResult$1.protect(
         at junit.framework.TestResult.runProtected(
         at junit.framework.TestSuite.runTest(
         at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.runTests(
         at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.runTests(
         at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.junit.runner.RemoteTestRunner.main(
    <Apr 16, 2010 8:18:16 PM GMT+07:00> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <000000> <write ALERT, offset = 0, length = 2> 
    <Apr 16, 2010 8:18:16 PM GMT+07:00> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <000000> <close(): 19097823> 
    <Apr 16, 2010 8:18:16 PM GMT+07:00> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <000000> <19097823 read(offset=0, length=8192)> 
    <Apr 16, 2010 8:18:16 PM GMT+07:00> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <000000> <19097823 read returns -1> 
    <!-------------------- RESPONSE TO CLIENT --------------->
    URL           :
    <Apr 16, 2010 8:18:16 PM GMT+07:00> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <000000> <19097823 read(offset=0, length=8192)> 
    <Apr 16, 2010 8:18:16 PM GMT+07:00> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <000000> <19097823 read returns -1> 
    <Apr 16, 2010 8:18:16 PM GMT+07:00> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <000000> <19097823 read(offset=0, length=8192)> 
    <Apr 16, 2010 8:18:16 PM GMT+07:00> <Debug> <SecuritySSL> <000000> <19097823 read returns -1> 
    <Apr 16, 2010 8:18:16 PM GMT+07:00> <Info> <WebService> <BEA-220025> <Handler weblogic.webservice.core.handler.ClientHandler threw an exception from its handleResponse method. The exception was:
    javax.xml.rpc.JAXRPCException: Response contained no data.> 
    I'm completely extraneous to this thing HTTPS & SSL & I googled around only to find partial responses. My plan is to use a custom identity, but I first want to make sure that the use of the default work.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Kind regards



    To call your web service via the SSL protocol, the simplest is to use only the following code snippet:
    You used the threshold:
    System.setProperty ("", "* config/DemoIdentity.jks" *);

    instead of DemoIdentity.jks, you provide the full path and the file name of the DemoTrust.jks file as below:

    System.setProperty ("", "* D:/wls103/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/DemoTrust.jks*");

    Hope this will solve the problem.

    Thank you

  • UDS for Web service URL error

    I try to get authenticator for UDS.

    I created/enterprise/admin/util/ws as URL for bwsUtilService.url.

    I'm gettting an error state HTTP:404.

    Nobody knows which is the url of the UDS (Webservice)?

    I solved the problem. UDS Web service port was not correct.

    Thank you

  • Problem with the web service call

    I use ajax with json to call webservice but its not working with the localhost url in the emulator of the ripple. If I use an ip address or external url does not call the webservice.

    I also tried with BlackBerry, webservice does not.

    can someone guide me how to call the Web service?

    Thank you


    Your file config.xml needs the ip address or the url in the "whitelist".  Use the access for that tag.  for example:


    The piece above is not secure because it whitelists ALL------* areas.  You can put your url in the uri.

  • Data is encrypted for web service calls?

    I wrote a small JME (J2ME) application for a BlackBerry handheld device. This application calls web services to accomplish its mission. I am using the advantage of the specifications of Web Services, J2ME (JSR 172) supported by Blackberry JDE 4.3 +. I use Java Wireless Toolkit 2.2 from Sun to generate stubs and other support classes. I am able to invoke web services and also get the correct answers to it.

    After recalling some documents and websites, I understand that any communication that happens between your handheld and BES is encrypted (3DES or AES).

    Is the question that I have, if the data between the computer pocket and BES/MDS previously described WebService invocation are also encrypted? I have a question to cause that communication here is initiated by the device.

    Can someone please let me know the answers? Thanks in advance.

    If you are using MDS: Yes. Between the MDS and the webservice: No.
    If you use another link, as direct tcp, wifi etc.: No.

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