The clone stamp tool pse 8

Hello. I can´t understand, how to clone a single pixel. It affects at least four, although the size is equal to one.

Also I cant´t get the exact color I take. It seems to blend, if the opacity is set to 100%.

Can someone give me a hint?

Jens Larsen

I don't think that you will get good results with the stamp of duplication in this way. I would sample the color you want and use the pencil to a pixel brush.

Tags: Photoshop

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    You have two active subscriptions.

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    2. the plan of creative of cloud photography

    Please let us know the question you face with which order a screenshot will be more useful.



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    Steven Teo

    Hi Steven Teo,

    You are able to use the ALT key well otherwise on your computer?

    You can try to reset the Clone Stamp tool.

    To reset, follow the instructions below:

    1. Select the Clone Stamp tool

    2. right click / Control click dropdown at the top left

    3. choose Reset tool

    Hope that helps.

    Kind regards


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    The Clone tool may not be the best choice when large areas are involved. It is easier and faster to make a selection of an area of choice and then using Edit > transform > deformation to replicate and extend the area selected, as shown here

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    Adobe Photoshop Version: 13.0.1 (13.0.1 20120808.r.519 2012/08 / 08:21:00:00) x 64

    Operating system: Windows 7 64-bit

    Version: 6.1 Service Pack 1

    Best wishes


    Discussion title has been edited by: Dave S.-C.

    OK, according to Jeffrey Tranberry, there is currently no way to change this behaviour given - reset tool (something that I constantly forget!) reduces the time that the second click took to be recognized, allowing better control of the tool for me. Hope this helps someone in the future.

    If changes should be made to this I would double click switch to be turned off completely.

    Post edited by: Dave S-C (corrected name of JT)

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    Yes, that sounds like a problem of layers.  If the area that you use to define the source of duplication is a transparent area on one of your layers, it will not work.  Released from the Palette layers, then make sure that you use the area of the image (and not the mask area) - if the area of the image on the layer is active, it will have a border.


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    Your probably see the source of duplication of overlay. In the source options clone in

    the toolbar options, display the overlay uncheck or check clipping. Options

    may differ slightly depending on the version of the items that you have.


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    I have not found a solution to help : Brushes Sets the brush. Click the arrow next to the brush sample, choose a brush category from the pop-up menu of the brushes, and then select a brush thumbnail.

    In the photoshop elements Editor, go to Preferences > display & cursors

    and adjust the slider of the paint on normal or full-screen.


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    Thank you

    The CAPS LOCK key. Shift made the target reticle.

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    If you go to window > Clone Source and choose Clipped, isn't that better?

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    Thanks in advance

    You can always press the option key to get line of sight again, then release the right of option before starting the cloning. So: Press option, reticle is just between the finger and the wall, click on to the bottom to get source. Press option again to get line of sight, move the tool horizontally and aim using crosshairs, OUTPUT option and start cloning.

    Also check out the clone source Panel (window > source of duplication). It has an overlay and the shift feature could be useful. You don't seem a prime candidate for the new preview of clone feature in CS4.

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    Press S on the keyboard and check if you access.

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    Source language

    Screen Shot 2015-06-17 at 9.47.01 AM.png


    Screen Shot 2015-06-17 at 9.44.42 AM.png


    Screen Shot 2015-06-17 at 9.44.54 AM.png

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    So you're saying "should I use math matrix? -Since there is nothing called "theory of matrices" I know...

    The clone copy stamp data of pixels from one place to another, or even between the images.

    You might consider images for matrices (width * height * channels), but we don't usually operations mathematics matrix on them.

    The clone stamp can rotate or flip the image data source - which uses the matrix mathematics to calculate the rotation or reverse.

    But you'll find more math matrix in something as filter-> other-> custom, which is pretty simple convolution/correlation function using matrices (correlation/convolving one matrix with one another).

    And there are many places where the matrices are used for solutions of the method of least squares (such as MergeToHDR).

    Mathematical matrix can be used when color conversions, especially between the RGB color spaces.

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