The operation on the (...) file has failed. Windows 7 - 10 VMWorkstation

Hey vmware community,.

Today, I have a problem I did not before. I opened my VMware and wanted to start my vm. Suddenly he opened a small error message with this tag in the breast:

Operation failed on the file "C:\VMWare\Windows XP-000007 - s001.vmdk.

If the file is located on a remote file system, make sure that the network connection and the server on which resides this disk to work correctly. If the file is saved on a removable medium, link media.

Select Retry to retry the operation.

Click Cancel to end this session.

Select continue to pass the error to the guest operating system.

When I click Retry, the message opens again.

When I click on cancel, it stops.

When I click on continue, the message appears again.

In the internet I've found solutions for mac systems, but I have a Windows 7 system. And btw, the virtual machine is win xp if it is relevant.

Can someone tell me what I have to do, to solve this problem?

Thank you

BTW. Sorry for my bad English, im German.

I wouldn't like that
We had to throw the last snapshot. vdiskmanager r was not able to repair the holes in the graintable

Tags: VMware

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