The OS user valid for install WLS 10.3 on linux


Could if it you please let me know the appropriate OS user to use during the installation of WLS 10.3
I have joined the new employer and find the instakklation made using Root user, we tried to create another and change the permissions, but I guess that's not the right solution and maybe a lot of questions to vomit afterwards.

See you soon,.

Published by: 884473 on September 11, 2011 06:20

Published by: 884473 on September 11, 2011 06:22

I would prefer to re - install the software again with this new user. The reason is that if you tried to start the old Setup, it may have created files with the root user and its permissions. If you do not know what files to change permissions, but you can try to recursively. Installation on Linux should take about 10 mts in order to take this path only.

Thank you
Ravi Jegga

Tags: Fusion Middleware

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    I bought a CD OEM Windows 7 a few years when Microsoft was running a promotion for students to go to College.  It was directly from Microsoft, if I remember.  It was just a single CD, just a 32 bit disc and had the CD key.  Installed and everything worked well.  I have clean same Win7 installed again on the same machine a bit down the line.

    It wasn't an OEM license, this is a retail upgrade license.

    But I'm upgrading my computer parts and to move to an SSD and use my old HD that has Win7 installed as my main document reader.  I also want to use 64 bit (which takes care of my computer).  I had misplaced my original disc, but was able to borrow a friends to install Win7 64 bit.
    They are same edition, if they are not the same edition, the product key will not work. Architecture (32 or 64-bit) has no importance.
    The problem that I am running is that, after I installed Win7 and entered my CD he said that it was not valid.  Is the CD key, I got only valid for 32-bit?  Which really sucks if it is haha.  Or is there a problem with the clean installation using a key on a DVD retail OEM?  Like I didn't have this problem when I clean installed since the OEM CD, I had until I lost it.
    Firstly, is this the same edition.
    Second, its update, not an OEM license, the meaning:

    However, the requirements for the media upgrade is that you have an operating system already eligible such as Windows XP or Vista installed to use it. Since the Windows 7 end user license agreement.

    15 UPDATES. To use upgrade software, you must first be licensed for the software that is eligible for the upgrade. After the upgrade, this agreement takes the place of the agreement for the software that you upgraded. After upgrade, you can no longer use the software that you upgraded.

    So, if you are always denied, you will just have to reinstall Windows XP or Vista and let it do the verification of eligibility.

    How to activate Windows 7 manually (activate by phone)
    1) click Start and in the search for box type: slui.exe 4
    (2) press the ENTER"" key.
    (3) select your "country" in the list.
    (4) choose the option "activate phone".
    (5) stay on the phone (do not select/press all options) and wait for a person to help you with the activation.

    (6) explain your problem clearly to the support person.

    Thanks for any info!
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    Java Development Kit (JDK) place

    Kit development Java 1.5.0 or higher is required.

    Browse or type the location of the JDK (JAVA_HOME): [/apps/hrlob/java/jdk1.6.0_20/bin]

    Set the password of the administrator of oc4jadmin user. This password must be
    used for any OC4J post-installation of operations. Do not forget the password because he
    cannot be reset and will be used for uninstall.

    Administrator name:

    Administrator password:

    Confirm the password:

    Press 1 for the next, 2 for the previous, to cancel 3 or 4 update [1] 1

    Please read the information below.

    Specify a location for a valid JDK installation.

    Press 2 for the previous, to cancel 3 or 4 to redisplay [2]

    for the location of the JDK, enter /apps/hrlob/java/jdk1.6.0_20/

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    NiHao Lenovo Forum,

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    Thanks for any help and support here in advance.

    Read the FAQ some might answer your questions.
    Also, I suggest that different motherboards are in different models, as I said there are even different colors - green and Brown motherboards there. Brown, I saw myself - those who are ASUS, green are unknown for me.
    Then, NCQ is not a feature of driver software. It is a material of HARD drive capacity to optimize movement traectory leaders to speed up the read/write process. So, no driver is required to activate. This work iven in the BACK.
    AHCI driver is inside driver chipset. Also, you can integrate it. Please, read the FAQ .

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    To the right:
    I bought an upgrade to windows xp for many years with a valid product key, but recently I had rebuilt my computer and reinstalled windows xp.  Under the limit of 30 for actiavtion, I entered my product key and it was invalid, I called microsoft and gave them 9 blocks of 5 digits, and they were able to activate my product.  When I spoke to a representative, they confirmed that my product key is valid, but they were unable to help me activate my windows OS, except for fees of $ 59.  The second option was to write an email through this site.  Please, if possible give me instructions on how can I activate my product key.  Thank you, Kevin Martin

    "Kevin l. Martin" wrote in message News: c761d8e2-107 d - 4 c 63-beb5-f2f8128326a7...

    To the right:
    I bought an upgrade to windows xp for many years with a valid product key, but recently I had rebuilt my computer and reinstalled windows xp.  Under the limit of 30 for actiavtion, I entered my product key and it was invalid, I called microsoft and gave them 9 blocks of 5 digits, and they were able to activate my product.  When I spoke to a representative, they confirmed that my product key is valid, but they were unable to help me activate my windows OS, except for fees of $ 59.  The second option was to write an email through this site.  Please, if possible give me instructions on how can I activate my product key.  Thank you, Kevin Martin

    I ring back again and get an operator who actually knows what they are doing - XP is still supported for activation problems, regardless of the level of MS, if I understand correctly.
    Your problem seems to be that you have installed a version update of XP without having anything to upgrade? (I don't think that was possible).
    Try to install the missing Service Packs - any attempt activation again.


    Noel Paton | Nil Carborundum Illegitemi | CrashFixPC | The lazy three fingers

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    The question you posted would be better suited in the TechNet Forums. I would recommend posting your query in the TechNet Forums.

    I hope this helps.

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    If I add the hdpi on the start page button: is valid for all pages throughout the site or what I need to add the button on every page/Manager. each master page?

    Thank you


    Hi Bartl,

    It is a specific widget on the page. So if you want to provide this functionality on all pages you can then place this in master pages and make sure that each page of the child is linked to a master page.

    Kind regards


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    I have laptop Satego X 200 - 21U with installed Windows Vista.
    Where can I find the driver for SATA drive so I could install Windows XP?
    HARD drive is Hitachi hts 541616j9sa00.


    The SATA driver is part of the Intel Storage Manager.
    You can download the Storage Manager Intel since the European driver Toshiba page.

    The package contains the F6hlpy folder that contains the files needed for the SATA.

    These files must be included for the Windows XP CD using free software called nLite.

    Google for nLite to get and find more details.

    Good bye

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    UPDATE! -Now that I noticed, even my Windows says that it has not yet been activated! Need help!
    Error code: 0x8007007B

    Universities also use volume licensing and based on your report, you use a copy of Windows that uses KMS licenses:

    Windows product ID: 00371-868-0000007-85321
    Windows product ID type: 1
    Windows license Type: customer KMS
    So we can assume the same for Microsoft Office, especially since you said everything is pre-installed by your University and the copy of Microsoft Office is provided under volume license.
    your University licensed Windows 7 Professional Edition and Microsoft Office for all teachers, staff and students through the agreement Microsoft Campus (ACEM). Contact your local service, laboratory or software Center links for troubleshooting and reactivate the license.
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    Any ideas?  Thank you all!

    The best source for starters is required for routine privileges.

    But take care of is not to create too many roles in your environment.

    For a presentation full privileges (with a short description), you can do

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    $authMgr.Description.Privilege |Select Key,Summary
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    Check the Intel page for the Intel Matrix Storage Manager

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    Pulido Technologies LLC

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    Down status
    Home eSVCS-DB-PRD1
    Port 1521
    /Oracle/product/10.2.0 oracle Home
    Location /oracle/product/10.2.0/network/admin
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    Send me the contents of this file.

    Check in the file

    and also check in the targets.xml file

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