The quality between what has been recorded and what appears on the Pro


I explore the Pro for a few weeks now and I am a new'be complete to this. With the help of forums and all the info on Adobe I'm slowly finding my way around the monster that is the Premier Pro

This may seem a silly question to ask here go:

I noticed that the quality in the video when previewed live on my computer "before" I add to Pro is large, clear and as I like it.

When I add this to Pro, quality is lost a bit, it is less clear, and not as good color... don't get me wrong wrong but not the same thing or as good.

I slide my clip video from my computer to the project area and as advised before drag it to the new the little icon on the image to create a new sequence.

From here the quality is not as good. I have not modified settings at this point.

The devices we use is a Panasonic SC-V110

Recording format is AVCHD

Recording mode is HA1920

As mentioned, what I see on my computer is great, that's when I add the clip to Pro quality is a bit lost.

I would appreciate any thoughts on what it drives me crazy and I guess that, being new to what I do lot of l.

Thanks in advance. Pete


The time where we couldn't post videos of size on the web, long before YouTube, and even after that, she seemed to be a good idea for me to crop the video to just the best part of the frame.

Today, it's a little different. If I shoot 1080 p I post 1080 p. People can see this full screen and it doesn't cost me a penny.

But if your edges are not attractive, cultures using a sequence of 1280 X 720.

Tags: Premiere

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