Transparency of the overlay of bitmap

I'm trying to superimpose images 3 as follows:


Created in a manner Dynamics grapimage


I need the dynamicallly graphic design to be transparent, only if I can see the background image, but the problem that I am running is whenever I set the alpha on 8-bit bitmap, everything I draw on it looks like transparent also.

I tried searching, but nothing appear that contributes to this, someone has an idea how to do this?

Basically, my goal is to start with a transparent background (instead of any color) and then paint over it with no transparency.

Any idea?

I think he wants to shoot on three separate bitmaps and then paint a bitmap on the other where the two bitmaps albums start with transparent backgrounds. You can push a new graphic context before setting your alpha and then it pop before painting what we don't affect alpha. You try to start with a fresh bitmap with a fully transparent background is probably going to be more work than you think. I do not remember that it works as expected, the last time I tried (you can search the forums because I know I've posted on this before). Then Yes, you should probably not try to use three bitmaps, but one instead and then draw the all in order as suggested above.

Tags: BlackBerry Developers

Similar Questions

  • Transparent PNG to overlay loaded dynamically Gallery

    Hi guys,.

    I hope I can explain it properly. The current movie can be seen at

    There are buttons on each side that parade the images loaded dynamically left and right. The script is compiled from external IN the file I pasted below.

    What I have to do is to load a transparent PNG images above, but below the buttons. I inserted a chart below. I tried to insert the png directly in the timeline as well as dynamically load in to a clip. The fate always the overlay on the bottom. Any ideas?

    See you soon,.



    package {}
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.display.Loader;
    Import 12345678910111213import;
    import flash.display.BitmapData;
    import flash.display.StageAlign;
    import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
    import flash.display.DisplayObject;
    import flash.display.LoaderInfo;
    to import;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    import flash.text.StyleSheet;
    import flash.text.AntiAliasType;
    import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
    import flash.text.TextFormat;
    import com.hybrid.ui.ToolTip;
    Import caurina.transitions.Tweener;

    SerializableAttribute public class Main extends MovieClip {}

    the constructor function
    public void Main (): void {}
    If init() (stage);
    of another addEventListener (Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);

    private var paramObj: Object;
    optional xml path
    private var xmlPath: String = "xml/gallery.xml;
    the stage size
    private var sw: number;
    private var sh: number;
    private void init(e:Event=null):void {}
    paramObj = LoaderInfo (this.root.loaderInfo) .parameters;
    for (var i in paramObj) {}
    xmlPath = String (paramObj [i])? String(paramObj[i]):xmlpath;

    loadXML (xmlPath);
    DisplayShortcuts.init ();
    FilterShortcuts.init ();
    ColorShortcuts.init ();
    internship. Align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
    stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
    stage.addEventListener (Event.RESIZE, resizeHandler)
    SW = stage.stageWidth;
    SH = stage.stageHeight;

    the xml loader
    private var _xmlLoader: URLLoader;
    private void loadXML(s:String):void {}
    loading the xml for news here
    _xmlLoader = new URLLoader();
    _xmlLoader.load (new URLRequest (s));
    _xmlLoader.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, completeXML);


    private var _xml: XML;
    store the thumbnail
    private var thumbArr: Array = [];
    the number of items
    private var itemNum: number = 12;
    store the type of the element
    private var typeArr: Array = [];
    store the size of the media of the item file
    private var sizeArr: Array = [];
    store the location of the media of the item file
    private var urlArr: Array = [];
    color of the link in the content
    private var linkColor: String;
    store the location of the link
    private var linkArr: Array = [];
    the thumbnail title
    private var titleArr: Array = [];
    How to open the link
    private var _target: String;

    the number of columns of thumbnails
    private var columns: number;
    size of the thumbnail
    private var thumbWidth: number;
    private var thumbHeight: number;
    filling between each thumbnail
    private var thumbPadding: number;
    value of the assets of the image/video
    private var assetWidth: number;
    private var assetHeight: number;
    store the legend
    private var captionArr: Array = [];

    analyze the data
    private void completeXML(e:Event):void {}
    _xml = new XML (;
    _xml. IgnoreWhitespace = true;
    itemNum = _xml.item.length ();
    Columns = Number (_xml.@columns);
    thumbWidth = Number (_xml.@thumbWidth);
    thumbHeight = Number (_xml.@thumbHeight);
    thumbPadding = Number (_xml.@thumbPadding);
    assetWidth = Number (_xml.@assetWidth);
    assetHeight = Number (_xml.@assetHeight);
    linkColor = [email protected] ();
    _target = [email protected] ();
    for (var i = 0; i < itemNum; i ++) {}
    thumbArr [i] = (_xml.item[i].@thumbnail);
    titleArr [i] = (_xml.item[i].@title);
    typeArr [i] = (_xml.item[i][email protected] ());
    _Object var: Object = new Object();
    _Object.width = _xml.item[i].@width;
    _Object.height = _xml.item[i].@height;
    sizeArr [i] = _object;
    urlArr [i] = _xml.item[i].@url;
    linkArr [i] = _xml.item[i].@link;
    captionArr [i] = _xml.item [i] .text () m:System.NET.SocketAddress.ToString ();
    _xmlLoader.removeEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, completeXML);
    _xmlLoader = null;

    store the thumbnail in a container
    private var thumbContainer: Sprite = new Sprite();
    width of the thumbnail box
    private var thumbContainerWidth: number;
    the navigation arrows
    private var nextBtn: ArrowButton = new ArrowButton();
    private var preBtn: ArrowButton = new ArrowButton();
    store the arrows in a container
    private var btnContainer: Sprite = new Sprite();
    store the miniature gripper
    private var thumbClipContainer: Sprite = new Sprite();
    size of the boder hover
    private var borderSize: number = 0;
    store the border
    private var borderArr: Array = [];
    see the thumbnail now or the active
    private var isThumb: Boolean = true;

    store the image or the active video
    private var assetContainer: Sprite = new Sprite();
    store the active clip
    private var assetClipArr: Array = [];
    which image/video is view now
    private var currentAssetNum: number = 0;

    the text of the legend style
    private var textStyle: StyleSheet = new StyleSheet();
    initialize the text style
    private function initText (): void {}
    var hoverObj: Object = new Object();
    var linkObj: Object = new Object();
    var bodyObj: Object = new Object();

    linkObj.color = "#00FFFF";
    linkObj.textDecoration = "underline";
    bodyObj.fontFamily = "Arial";
    bodyObj.color = "#FFFFFF";
    bodyObj.letterSpacing = '0 '.
    bodyObj.leading = "4px";
    bodyObj.textAlign = 'left ';
    bodyObj.fontSize = 11;
    hoverObj.color = "#FFFFFF".
    hoverObj.textDecoration = "underline";
    textStyle.setStyle ("body", bodyObj);
    textStyle.setStyle ("a: link", linkObj);
    textStyle.setStyle ("" a: hover ", hoverObj");

    store the caption element
    private var captionClipArr: Array = [];
    Store the image loader
    private var imageLoaderArr: Array = [];
    How image loader
    private var imageLoaderNum: number = 0;
    store the location of the image
    private var imageURLArr: Array = [];
    Ranger miniature charger
    private var thumbLoaderArr: Array = [];
    Add thumbnail image and video assets, etc. to the scene
    private function initUI (): void {}
    addChild (thumbContainer);
    thumbContainer.addChild (thumbClipContainer);
    thumbContainerWidth = columns * (thumbWidth + thumbPadding)-thumbPadding;
    Add the tiles on the stage
    for (var i: int = 0; i < itemNum; i ++) {}
    var _shape: Sprite = new Sprite();
    _shape. Name = I.ToString;
    _shape. Graphics.beginFill (0x000000,. 4);
    _shape. Graphics.drawRect (0, 0, thumbWidth, thumbHeight);
    _shape. Graphics.endFill ();

    var ld: Loader = new Loader();
    LD. Load (new URLRequest (thumbArr [i]))
    _shape. AddChild (LD);
    thumbLoaderArr [i] = ld;
    var _border: Sprite = new Sprite();
    _border. Graphics.beginFill (0xFFFFFF, 0);
    _border. Graphics.LineStyle (borderSize, 0 x 191919);
    _border. Graphics.drawRect (0, 0, thumbWidth, thumbHeight);
    _border. Graphics.endFill ();
    _border.Alpha = 0;
    borderArr [i] = _border;
    _shape. AddChild (_border);
    Tweener.addTween (_shape, {_DropShadow_blurX:16, _DropShadow_blurY:16, _DropShadow_angle:90, _DropShadow_distance:4, _DropShadow_alpha:.4, time: 3});
    thumbClipContainer.addChild (_shape);
    _shape.x is thumbPadding + i *(thumbWidth+thumbPadding);.
    _shape.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, {function(e:MouseEvent):void}
    var s: Sprite = e.currentTarget as Sprite;
    var n: number = Number (;
    var tf: TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    TF. Bold = false;
    TF. Size = 12;
    TF. Leading = 1;
    TF. Color = 0 x 333333;
    var tt:ToolTip = new ToolTip();
    TT. Align = "center";
    tt.titleFormat = tf;
    TT. Hook = true;
    tt.cornerRadius = 0;
    tt.autoSize = true;
    TT. Show (s, titleArr [n]);


    Tweener.addTween (borderArr [n], {alpha: 1, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    _shape.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, {function(e:MouseEvent):void}
    var s: Sprite = e.currentTarget as Sprite;
    var n: number = Number (;
    Tweener.addTween (borderArr [n], {alpha: 0, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    / * Remove click event
    _shape.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, function(e:MouseEvent):void {}
    var s: Sprite = e.currentTarget as Sprite;
    var n: number = Number (;
    var clip: DisplayObject = assetClipArr [currentAssetNum];
    If (clip! = null) Tweener.addTween (clip, {alpha: 0, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine", onComplete:function (): void {}})
    clip. Visible = false;
    currentAssetNum = n;
    {if (isThumb)}

    assetClipArr [currentAssetNum] .visible = true;
    Tweener.addTween (assetClipArr [currentAssetNum], {alpha: 1, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    Tweener.addTween (thumbContainer, {y: sh + borderSize, time: 8, transition: "easeInOutExpo"})
    Tweener.addTween (btnContainer, {y: sh + 32, time: 8, transition: "easeInOutExpo"})
    Tweener.addTween (assetContainer, {y:(sh-assetHeight) > > 1, time: 8, transition: "easeInOutExpo"})
    isThumb = false;


    thumbLoaderArr [0] .load (new URLRequest(thumbArr[0]))
    thumbLoaderArr [0].contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, thumbComplete);
    thumbLoaderArr [0].contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, thumbIOError);

    var _mask: Sprite = new Sprite();
    _MASK. Graphics.beginFill (0xB22222,. 4);
    _MASK. Graphics.drawRect (thumbPadding-borderSize, - borderSize, thumbContainerWidth + borderSize * 2, thumbHeight + borderSize * 2);
    _MASK. Graphics.endFill ();
    thumbContainer.addChild (_mask);
    thumbClipContainer.mask = _mask;

    addChild (assetContainer);

    var panelWidth: number = 14;
    var leftPanel: ArrowButton = new ArrowButton();
    leftPanel.rotation = 180
    leftPanel.x = - 12;
    leftPanel.y = assetHeight*.5;

    var right panel: ArrowButton = new ArrowButton();
    rightPanel.x = assetWidth + 12;
    rightPanel.y = assetHeight*.5;
    leftPanel.alpha = rightPanel.alpha = 0;
    leftPanel.buttonMode = rightPanel.buttonMode = true;

    leftPanel.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, {function(e:MouseEvent):void}
    Tweener.addTween (leftPanel, {alpha: 1, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    leftPanel.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, {function(e:MouseEvent):void}
    Tweener.addTween (leftPanel, {alpha: 0, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    leftPanel.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, function(e:MouseEvent):void {}
    var clip: DisplayObject;
    Clip = assetClipArr [currentAssetNum];
    Tweener.addTween (clip, {alpha: 0, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine", onComplete:function (): void {}})
    clip. Visible = false;
    if(currentAssetNum>0) {}
    } else {}
    currentAssetNum = itemNum-1;
    assetClipArr [currentAssetNum] .alpha = 0;
    assetClipArr [currentAssetNum] .visible = true;
    Tweener.addTween (assetClipArr [currentAssetNum], {alpha: 1, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    rightPanel.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, {function(e:MouseEvent):void}
    Tweener.addTween (right panel, {alpha: 1, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    rightPanel.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, {function(e:MouseEvent):void}
    Tweener.addTween (right panel, {alpha: 1, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    rightPanel.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, {function(e:MouseEvent):void}
    Tweener.addTween (right panel, {alpha: 0, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    var cb: CloseButton = new CloseButton();
    rightPanel.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, function(e:MouseEvent):void {}
    If (currentAssetNum < itemNum-1) {}
    currentAssetNum ++;
    } else {}
    currentAssetNum = 0;
    assetClipArr [currentAssetNum] .alpha = 0;
    assetClipArr [currentAssetNum] .visible = true;
    Tweener.addTween (assetClipArr [currentAssetNum], {alpha: 1, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    function pauseAsset (): void {}
    var clip: Sprite = assetClipArr [currentAssetNum];
    Tweener.addTween (clip, {alpha: 0, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine", onComplete:function (): void {}})
    clip. Visible = false;
    If (clip.getChildAt (0) is ApdevVideoPlayer) {}
    (clip.getChildAt (0) as ApdevVideoPlayer) () .pause;


    function tweenToAsset (): void {}
    var clip: Sprite = assetClipArr [currentAssetNum];
    clip.Alpha = 0;
    clip. Visible = true;
    Tweener.addTween (, {time: 2, delay:. 4, transition: "easeOutSine", onComplete:function (): void {}})
    If (clip.getChildAt (0) is ApdevVideoPlayer) {}
    (clip.getChildAt (0) as ApdevVideoPlayer) .play ();


    Tweener.addTween (clip, {alpha: 1, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine", onComplete:function (): void {}})


    assetContainer.addChild (leftPanel);
    assetContainer.addChild (right panel);

    var _style:ApdevVideoPlayerDefaultStyle = new ApdevVideoPlayerDefaultStyle();
    _Style.bgGradient1 = 0 x 000000;
    _Style.controlsBg = 0 x 000000;
    _Style.controlsBgAlpha = 1.0;
    var closeBtn: CloseButton = new CloseButton();
    assetContainer.addChild (closeBtn);
    closeBtn.x = assetWidth - closeBtn.width*.5;
    closeBtn.y = - closeBtn.height*.5;
    closeBtn.buttonMode = true;
    closeBtn.visible = false; = j.toString ();
    closeBtn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, function(e:Event):void {}
    isThumb = true;
    var s: DisplayObject = e.currentTarget as DisplayObject;
    var n: number = Number (;
    Tweener.addTween (assetContainer, {y:-assetHeight, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    Tweener.addTween (thumbContainer, {y:(sh-thumbHeight) > > 1, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    Tweener.addTween (btnContainer, {y: sh > > 1, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})

    Add image/video assets to step
    for (var j: int = 0; j < itemNum; j ++) {}
    var s: Sprite = new Sprite(); (0 x 000000, 1); (0, 0, assetWidth, assetHeight); ();

    s.buttonMode = true;
    s.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, function(e:MouseEvent):void {}
    _s var: Sprite = e.currentTarget as Sprite;
    var n: number = Number (
    try {}
    navigateToURL (new URLRequest (linkArr [n]), _target);

    } catch(err:Error) {}

    s.Visible = false;
    s.Name = j.toString ();
    assetContainer.addChildAt (s, 0);
    assetClipArr [j] = s;
    Tweener.addTween (closeBtn, {_DropShadow_blurX:2, _DropShadow_blurY:2, _DropShadow_angle:75, _DropShadow_distance:4, _DropShadow_alpha:.3, time: 3});

    closeBtn.visible = false;
    s.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, {function(e:MouseEvent):void}
    Tweener.addTween (leftPanel, {alpha: 1, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    Tweener.addTween (right panel, {alpha: 1, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    _s var: Sprite = e.currentTarget as Sprite;
    var n: number = Number (
    captionClipArr [n] .visible = true;
    Tweener.addTween (captionClipArr [n], {alpha: 1, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    s.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, {function(e:MouseEvent):void}
    Tweener.addTween (leftPanel, {alpha: 0, time: 4, delay:. 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    Tweener.addTween (right panel, {alpha: 0, time: 4, delay:. 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    _s var: Sprite = e.currentTarget as Sprite;
    var n: number = Number (
    Tweener.addTween (captionClipArr [n], {alpha: 0, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine", onComplete:function (): void {}})
    captionClipArr [n] .visible = false;


    var imageLoader: Loader = new Loader();
    var _loading: loading = new Loading();
    s.addChild (_loading);
    _loading.x = assetWidth*.5;
    _loading.y = assetHeight*.5;
    _loading. Name = "loading";
    s.addChildAt (chargeurImage, 0);
    imageLoaderArr [imageLoaderNum] = imageLoader;
    imageURLArr [imageLoaderNum] = urlArr [j];
    imageLoaderNum ++;
    } else {if(typeArr[j]=="video")
    var videoPlayer: ApdevVideoPlayer = new ApdevVideoPlayer (assetWidth, assetHeight, _style);
    videoPlayer.videostill = ""; = 'video ';
    position of the videoplayer at the bottom of the video controls
    videoPlayer.controlsOverVideo = true;
    checks should not fade out (not in mode full-screen)
    videoPlayer.controlsAutoHide = true;
    videoPlayer.autoPlay = false;
    videoPlayer.load (urlArr [j]);
    s.addChildAt (videoPlayer, 0);


    var _caption: Caption = new Caption();
    captionClipArr [j] = _caption;
    _caption.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, function(e:MouseEvent):void {}
    e.stopPropagation ();
    _caption.Alpha = 0;
    _caption. Visible = false;
    _caption. Name = "caption";
    _caption.Alpha = 0;
    _caption. Visible = false;
    _caption._text. Width = assetWidth - 24;
    _caption._text. StyleSheet = textStyle;
    _caption._text. Selectable = false;
    _caption._text. Multiline = true;
    _caption._text. AutoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
    _caption._text.antiAliasType = AntiAliasType.ADVANCED;
    var st:String = encodeURI (captionArr [j]);
    var model: RegExp = /(%09) + | (0 %) + | (0 % D) + / g ;
    St = st.replace (model, "");
    St = decodeURI (st);
    _caption._text. StyleSheet = textStyle;
    _caption._text.htmlText = m;
    _caption._bg. Width = assetWidth;
    _caption._bg. Height = _caption._text.height + 24;
    _caption.y = assetHeight - _caption.height;
    s.addChild (_caption);

    imageLoaderArr [0] .load (new URLRequest(imageURLArr[0]));
    imageLoaderArr [0].contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, imageProgress);
    imageLoaderArr [0].contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, imageComplete);
    imageLoaderArr [0].contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, imageIOError);


    addChild (btnContainer);
    btnContainer.addChild (nextBtn);
    btnContainer.addChild (preBtn);
    preBtn.rotation = 180;
    nextBtn.buttonMode = preBtn.buttonMode = true;
    nextBtn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, click Next);
    preBtn.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, clickPre);
    the progress of loading the image
    private void imageProgress(e:ProgressEvent):void {}


    How many images have been loaded
    private var imageLoadedNum: number = 0;

    start loading the next image when an image is loaded, start playing the slideshow when images are loaded
    private void imageComplete(e:Event):void {}
    var _loader:Loader = Loader (;
    If (_loader.content is Bitmap) {}
    get the Chargers in the form of bitmap content
    var _bitMap:Bitmap = Bitmap (_loader.content);
    Turn on anti-aliasing
    _bitMap.smoothing = true;
    var _loading: loading = _loader.parent.getChildByName ("loading") as loading;
    if(_loading!=null) _loading.parent.removeChild (_loading);
    if(imageLoadedNum<imageLoaderArr.Length) {}
    imageLoadedNum ++;
    var nextLd: Loader = imageLoaderArr [imageLoadedNum];
    nextLd.load (new URLRequest (imageURLArr [imageLoadedNum]));
    nextLd.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, imageProgress);
    nextLd.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, imageComplete);
    nextLd.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, imageIOError);
    } else {}



    The location of the error image manager e/s etc.
    private void imageIOError(e:IOErrorEvent):void {}
    if(imageLoadedNum<imageLoaderArr.Length) {}
    imageLoadedNum ++;
    var nextLd: Loader = imageLoaderArr [imageLoadedNum];
    nextLd.load (new URLRequest (imageURLArr [imageLoadedNum]));
    nextLd.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, imageProgress);
    nextLd.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, imageComplete);
    nextLd.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, imageIOError);
    } else {}



    start loading the next thumbnail when it can't load the previous tile
    private void thumbIOError(e:IOErrorEvent):void {}
    if(thumbLoadedNum<itemNum) {}
    thumbLoadedNum ++;
    var _nextLd: Loader = thumbLoaderArr [thumbLoadedNum];
    _nextLd.load (new URLRequest (thumbArr [thumbLoadedNum]));
    _nextLd.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, thumbComplete);
    _nextLd.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, thumbIOError);



    How many tile is responsible
    private var thumbLoadedNum: number = 0;
    force the miniature customed size in the xml when they were loaded
    private void thumbComplete(e:Event):void {}
    var _tempLoader:Loader = Loader (;
    If (_tempLoader.content is Bitmap) {}
    get the Chargers in the form of bitmap content
    var _bitMap:Bitmap = Bitmap (_tempLoader.content);
    Turn on anti-aliasing
    _bitMap.smoothing = true;

    _tempLoader.content.width = thumbWidth;
    _tempLoader.content.height = thumbHeight;
    _tempLoader.content.Alpha = 0;
    Tweener.addTween (_tempLoader.content, {alpha: 1, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})
    if(thumbLoadedNum<itemNum) {}
    thumbLoadedNum ++;
    var _nextLd: Loader = thumbLoaderArr [thumbLoadedNum];
    _nextLd.load (new URLRequest (thumbArr [thumbLoadedNum]));
    _nextLd.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, thumbComplete);
    _nextLd.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, thumbIOError);


    private var currentCol: number = 0;
    Move the following block of vignette
    private void clickNext(e:MouseEvent=null):void {}
    currentCol ++;
    If (currentCol < Math.ceil (itemNum/columns)) {}
    Tweener.addTween (thumbClipContainer, {x:-currentCol *(thumbContainerWidth+thumbPadding), time: 8, transition: "easeInOutExpo"})
    } else {}
    currentCol = 0;
    Tweener.addTween (thumbClipContainer, {x: 0, time: 4, transition: "easeOutSine"})

    Move the previous tile
    private void clickPre(e:MouseEvent=null):void {}
    If (currentCol > = 0) {}
    Tweener.addTween (thumbClipContainer, {x:-currentCol *(thumbContainerWidth+thumbPadding), time: 8, transition: "easeInOutExpo"})
    } else {}
    currentCol = Math.ceil(itemNum/columns)-1;
    Tweener.addTween (thumbClipContainer, {x:-currentCol *(thumbContainerWidth+thumbPadding), time: 8, transition: "easeInOutExpo"})


    resize the layout
    private void resizeHandler(e:Event=null):void {}
    SW = stage.stageWidth;
    SH = stage.stageHeight;
    thumbContainer.x = (sw - thumbContainerWidth - thumbPadding * 2) > > 1;

    nextBtn.x = thumbContainer.x + thumbContainerWidth + thumbPadding;
    nextBtn.x = sw - 24;
    preBtn.x = 24;

    assetContainer.x = (sw - assetWidth) > > 1;
    {if (isThumb)}
    assetContainer.y = - assetHeight;
    thumbContainer.y = (sh - thumbHeight) > > 1;
    btnContainer.y = sh > > 1;
    } else {}
    assetContainer.y = (sh - assetHeight) > > 1;
    thumbContainer.y = sh + borderSize;
    btnContainer.y = sh + 32;




    You should be able to use addChildAt() once you have loaded evrything else to place the png to the index that you want to.

  • No limitation regarding the table of bitmaps?

    I'm working on a game. Previously, I had 13 executives of sprite as separate files and used getBitmapResource to load into an array of bitmaps. It worked well.

    I've upped the number of sprite images to 26 and make them in a single bitmap file with 2 rows of 13 (corresponding to the States of game). I'm trying to load them into an array of Bitmaps - either one or two dimensions. None worked. The last loaded image is one that is displayed, regardless of what I call for. I use Bitmap.scaleInto, in OS5.

    My attempts at debugging continue to wonder if I'm violating a rule, with the berries of the Bitmap. Like, the berries can only work before because of the structure of the .png files? Bitmaps are already in an internal table format that blends in with my paintings?

    I can also have incorrectly implemented the scaleInto, although I'm working with the code for a very good post on this forum. Here is that code, currently configured to use a single dimension table. There are a few more from the referenced post lines, to maintain transparency in the sprite frames.

    class Thing extends OBJ
     static Bitmap[] _mySprite; 
     Thing(int passX, int passY)
        super(passX, passY);
        // Set bitmaps
        Bitmap multi_sprite = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("sprite_64x29.png");
        _mySprite = new Bitmap[26];
        Bitmap image = new Bitmap(Bitmap.ROWWISE_16BIT_COLOR, 64, 29);
        for (int y = 0; y < 2; y++) {
            for (int x = 0; x < 13; x++) {
                int[] transparentImage = new int[64 * 29];
                image.setARGB(transparentImage, 0, 64, 0, 0, 64, 29);            multi_sprite.scaleInto(x*64, y*29, 64, 29, image, 0, 0, 64, 29, Bitmap.FILTER_LANCZOS);           _mySprite[x+13*y] = image;

    Transparency works. And, if I shorten the loop values, the last loaded picture appears, regardless of what image I try to get out of the table.

    I know that I could skip the drawBitmap preload and only when needed. But I have a lot of code in place that expects to be able to check the dimensions of several bitmaps, in addition to these. And it seems just cleaner to shorten them.

    you re-use the image object, most likely, you end up with a table of the same objects (a table only refers to the object, it does not copy it).

  • I am currently using Firefox version 32.0.3. I have installed "Behind the Overlay" extension. The icon is not displayed in the upper right.

    "Behind the Overlay" icon appear correctly at first, but as the browser updates automatically, this extension is not compatible with the latest version of Firefox? A test, I uninstalled this last version of Firefox and installed the version 31.0.0. It made no difference. The icon was still missing. So far I have not found any information about this anomaly online. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    Thank you very much for your suggestions. Unfortunately they do not solve my problem. I had "Always use Private Browsing Mode" enabled in the Settings Options/life private/history of the browser. This caused the "Behind the Overlay" icon to disappear. I disabled this setting. Now I'm using the default navigation mode and the icon is now visible.

  • Too much transparency on the inactive tabs

    In the latest version of Firefox, I'll have too much transparency on the inactive tabs. It seems to me so badly designed like a bug... What is someone having the same problem?

    There are several ways to get rid of transparency.

  • Play HTML5 video with JavaScript does not hide the overlay dimming video

    I googled this problem and found nothing useful and also checked the area of support here and still nothing. I'm creating a webpage with HTML5 video. I made a layer with the video object that is hidden with CSS, until the user clicks on a link. When the user clicks on the link, I use a JavaScript function to display and play the HTML5 video object. Works fine except that Firefox keeps the overlay in place play button while playing my video! If I click on the overlay, the video stops. Then if I click again, the overlay disappears and the video resumes playback.

    I realize there are solutions that can be pirated. But it is certainly a bug that the rest overlay in place after the start of the video via a JavaScript command. I hope that this problem finds its way to the right people at Mozilla for resolution.

    Thank you

    Can you please update to Firefox 18.0.1 and see if the problem exists in a new profile? (13 is no longer supported)

    Use the Profile Manager to create and delete profiles Firefox

    If this happens again please give an example of site Web with the show and the screenshots of what should happen compared to what's going on

  • Satellite L450 - how to remove transparency from the bottom?

    Satellite L450-136, Win7

    Hi guys

    Can you tell me how to remove the transparency of the background it interferes with some programs?
    Thank you


    You want to hide the task bar?
    If yes then that:
    Click on your Windows Start button just
    Choose Properties
    Now click on the first tab bar tasks
    Here, choose the option: Auto-hide the taskbar
    Apply the changes

    Alternatively, you can move the taskbar to a different position.
    Location of the taskbar on the scree helps you move the taskbar to the left, right or above

  • Why can I not make my background of the transparent sidebar the way where he was?

    After you have reinstalled Vista after a hard disk crash, I can't get the sidebar to have a transparent background, the way that it used to be under the original installation. It isn't even an option for this in the sidebar help/Setup. I don't think I made it transparent voluntarily last time - it is all automatic. Now, I can't make sure, evenintentionally.

    After you have reinstalled Vista after a hard disk crash, I can't get the sidebar to have a transparent background, the way that it used to be under the original installation. It isn't even an option for this in the sidebar help/Setup. I don't think I made it transparent voluntarily last time - it is all automatic. Now, I can't make sure, evenintentionally.

    I am now using Windows 7.
    For 6 years I have been using Vista, I never activated Aero, not to mention transparency. Reason: huge consumption of resources and slow down the performance.

    Anyway, you are not supposed to activate the transparency first before you can see the sidebar with a transparent background?

    Here is the tutorial to activate the Areo glass transparency:

  • How to DISABLE the transparency of the taskbar in Windows 8?

    I am running a Windows 8 system on my computer. I found that I could not disable the transparency of the taskbar.

    I want to make it look better with the style of the entire system without transparency.

    I searched a lot on the internet and tried to create a new theme named Areo Lite, but impossible.

    Is there another way to achieve the goal?

    Tuesday, January 8, 2013 11:02:42 + 0000, Ax more wrote:

    I am running a Windows 8 system on my computer. I found that I could not disable the transparency of the taskbar.

    As far as I know, there is no native way to do this within Windows 8.
    However, if you install the debut8 $4.99
    ( she can do.

    Debut8 has other good features; as far as I'm concerned, the most
    precious is bring back the ORB start and its menu.

    Ken Blake, Microsoft MVP

  • Change the Alpha (transparency) of the text

    I'm trying to fade in a text from 0% to 100% transparency.

    When I convert the text to a graphic symbol, the alpha

    color menu doesn't change anything. This is not

    impact on the transparency of the symbol.

    When I try to separate the text and use the shape tween

    from 0% to 100% alpha, it works, but the police gets broken

    on the rise during the process.

    What Miss me?

    Thank you!

    Hey all,.

    I realized where I was wrong.

    I tried to change the 'A' under color.

    I had to click in the center of the symbol itself to change the "effects of color."

  • Transparency on the converted forms


    I use this effect in the appearance Panel to create copies of the form that overlap. I was wondering if it is possible to set the transparency of the copied form so that you can see the shapes under it.

    Please see the attachment. Left is the effect of the applied transformation. I wish that these forms behave as the form on the right.

    Tips on how to achieve this without developing the appearance?Screen Shot 2016-08-31 at 16.40.18.png

    Apply transparency settings to fill only (and not the object).

    Then, the effect of transformation to the object.

  • What is the best way to remove a white background seamless photo with a photo of the white product in order to make the background transparent for the production of graphic art?

    engle catalog  July 31 201568295.jpgI'm making a picture of the product of a product of pale whitish color on a white background without sewing (quite complex detail).  I need to make the background transparent for the web and the production of catalogs, I've always used the pen tool to create a clipping path.  Is there an easier way?

    According to the image that you have to work with, you could try an initial with the Quick Selection tool and refine edges.  Save the new output layer with layer mask.

    Nancy O.

  • What happened to "select the transparency of the layer" in Photoshop CC 2015?

    As I said above, "Select the transparency of the layer" seems to be missing in the "Select" menu How this service does now in 2015 CC Photoshop?

    Command-click the icon in the layers palette worked. Thank you.

  • Is it possible to use transparency AND the outer glow in a target of composition?

    I created a composition that uses a lot of buttons to display overlays of different on a background image. The idea is that you can see through the images superimposed with an opacity of 50% (for example) to see the image below, in order to understand the context of the overlay image. I also wanted to point out the image overlaid with an outer glow. This kind of work, but I can't get the outer glow AND the opacity to work together when it is applied to the State of the overlay image. If I ask to them both that I lose the opacity of 50%. In the end I had to apply the opacity of 50% of the target of composition itself, but it's not ideal because it affects other elements within the target (for example, a text box describing the overlay image). The outer glow and opacity properly when applied to an image outside the composition, for example a picture placed on the page.

    The link below will take you to the page that I'm working on.

    All targets of composition have opacity 50% (or 75% on click) applied to the target itself and the outer glow applied to the image EXCEPT 'Pair Cubby' which has opacity 50% applied to the image AND external glow. As you can see the pair "Cubby" seems to ignore the opacity setting and is 100% opaque.

    Under the hood (TCV - M)

    Any ideas?

    Edit: when I saw in Muse it works but not when I discovered in the browser (IE and Chrome, have not tried Firefox)

    I think I solved my own question. Instead of using "Opacity" next to the "Effects" option, I used "Fill" opacity. This seems to work fine now.

  • "Navto" command within the overlay network does not not in Windows

    We have exactly the same problem as in this thread, just for Windows: "Navto" command within the overlay network does not not in Android

    There is some code in an overlay of web which should "navto" one other article, if there is no interaction with the screen after a defined period of time.

    But unfortunately our folio of test does not work on Windows. There is an error message indicating that no application is defined for navto links. Shouldn't the Viewer for content Windows catch these links?

    I have confirmed with our engineers navto in the meta tag is not supported on Windows. It will work in a , or via window.location in JavaScript, but not in the meta tag.


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