Transparent background PSD into ID

I have a few PSD files with no background in my InDesign file. Found on an area of solid color. Example: a PSD of a pencil with no background, over a blue area in InDesign.

Everything looks great on the screen, but when I print, everywhere where the area of the image (pic of pencil) overlaps the blue box, blue is a different shade. It's like the transparency in the photoshop file creates a fog on the top of the blue box, instead of being absolutely clear. Who is?

Are there settings that I must seek in the PSD? I try to avoid to make a way around each of my images.

Thanks for any help.



Tags: InDesign

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    Hi Samtx,

    Please visit the following link: put the file PNG with transparency

    Re: Need a transparent background in my Illustrator file

    Let me know if it helps.

    Kind regards


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    When you place in InDesign "show import options. Check the transparent background

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    Save a transparent PSD file and plce in Illustrator. You can incorporate conversion layers in objects - then you reach the same copy and paste

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    To create a video with an alpha channel:

    On the model of slides: View > slide Maser Edit > Inspector > Format > master layout > in the background, select: no fill

    Export Quicktime: file > export Quicktime > in the drop-down menu select Format; custom > and select Apple Pro Res 444

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    Thank you

    Hello! Don't know how to do this in the Vision Assistant. Try to use the overlay (bitmap) or convert your image into mask. Effect of transparency not supported in the Vision. What you can do in LabVIEW is something like this:

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    Select > color range that can help you to choose the blue without being too harsh when it goes into other colors.

    Quick way to do it:

    • Select > color range. Choose a higher blur and don't forget to add to the sample. (Looks like a pipette with a sign +.) Click on the blue on your document.
    • Invert the selection using Ctrl/Cmd + SHIFT + I. (It's an 'I' as in, "India".)
    • Click the layer mask in the layers panel.

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    Pleas HELP

    See you soon


    Bildschirmfoto 2016-07-22 um 09.53.53.png

    This happens when you are working without proper color management and PDF conversion honors profiles of the source of the embedded graphics. You must establish a good CM or remove all color profiles. Also of course check your transparency. It may not be black clean, after all.


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    See you soon,.


    We discuss making it the default transparent when we passed the basic model plan of work. He was well regarded as reasons to make the default white background opened in 2015.5:

    (1) we wanted to preserve the visual experience of existing documents. Imagine that you did you worry about the backgrounds and then opens your document after the upgrade and all your different work plans.

    (2) all of the users who work with transparent backgrounds is small compared to those who use the default background (white).

    The change of model led us to make a choice when you upgrade to the new version of the document. We chose (1).

    Unfortunately for you, your workflow is defined in (2). Fortunately, it's easy to fix. If you have not discovered it, you can select all your artboards in your document and change them all to transparent at the same time. You don't have to go one by one.

    You make a good point that maybe we could have missed the transparent work plans if the document has a transparent background. Unfortunately, this calculation is not as easy as you might think to do things. It would have taken time away from other work, and it would have introduced a level of unpredictability when opening existing documents (Board graphics settings default to white, except if the current context is transparent, if there is an existing context, etc. etc..).

    It was a judgment call.

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    I changed the blending mode to SCREEN and ADD. I tried out of key with the key light that both were adequate.

    Demand for this torch should be considerably smaller for animate around the edge of another animated object. Where the need for the flare to be as independent as a key on a blue screen that can be added to any composition.

    I searched the tutorials of AE and nothing that comes close tutorial building a rocket in AE or solve the problem I found.

    Adobe forums and creative cow forums with people trying to help him with this problem, but every question about it remains all the way back for 2010, although there are a ton of entry.

    I'm more than willing to do it again if anyone knows a good tutorial to make a rocket with a transparent background.

    The tutorial I used was amazing, and it seems not that there was a problem with this problem in his tutorial.

    If you know FREE plugins that work with AE 2015 for flares or Unmults, I am open to trying this.

    I followed the directions of Adobes to download knoll 3d flare plugin and should not be, I received the error at the opening. I also tried to download unmult-64 bit of mounds and could not successfully installed.

    Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you

    I'm guessing that you're fairly new in After Effects for keeps is pretty simple.  As learn you more you will find all kinds of complexities to make things easier and better to work with.  Take tips from Rick above and use part of the resources to begin.

    In the picture above, slide A and B are which I assume that you are doing right now.  Solid Lens Flare applied was related to another layer, making the solid with passage of the torch in synchronization with the layer (in my example, a small solid yellow.)  The problem is that the rocket falls on solid boundaries, then at the edge of the round is cut when the solid is not filling the frame.

    In the example C and D, I used a sample single whip expression to bind the Flare Center of the plugin setting flared to the position of the solid yellow.  Doing it this way has two advantages: solid never moves, so the flare gets cut ever on the edges; and the rounded looks more like a real life lens flare, because the different elements of the flare shift and change depending on the position of the light source, defined by the center of Flare.

    I posted a project file with these two examples and a simple 3D so version.  The plugin after effects Lens Flare standard is very simple, without a scale parameter, so it does not really too well in 3D.  There are a number of advanced plugins Lens Flare to third, the most common being the video Copilot optical Lens Flare, but these come at a cost, of course.

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    I have create a TIFF in Photoshop with a transparent background.

    Then I open Illustrator and the place of the tiff on a color background.

    Looks like a lot on the screen, but when I print the TIFF is no longer with a transparent background.

    The background is not white, it is always transparent, but he changes the color that I put it on.

    So when I print the green background becomes a little darker Green where the transparent background is.

    Photoshop and illustrator that I have are the latest versions.

    I did not have this problem in older versions of photoshop and illustrator.

    You have spot colors, try to check "convert all spot colors to process.

    Or try to use the .psd format that was loss of compression

  • Addition of form with Transparent background

    I wanted to add a shape with a transparent background. Whenever I have add a new form, the background is white.

    The thumbnail shows a white background:

    The goal is to have this:

    Ok! I cycled to the castle of the team, because I was curious to know what the answer proved to be. Under the influence of caffeine, I see that I missed yesterday...

    Your second screenshot shows a file using the traditional layers panel:

    Shape layers have transparent backgrounds, indicated by the checkerboard (^^ and I threw the bottom layer to accentuate the effect of checkerboard).

    The first screenshot shows that you are using a work plan (which is fairly new for us all). Within a plan of work, the background appears blank, but when I add a second form of report to the first, you can see that it is actually transparent.

    As a final check, I place the above .psd file in InDesign and placed on a colored background. It is transparent.

    It was all just an illusion!

  • Transparent background back to white on save

    I'll get right to the point. I can use one of the "stuff" that I learned to turn a white background in a transparent; previously, I used to be able to save the image under any type of image format (JPG, TIFF, etc.), and the background transparent would remain. As of today, I save an image with a transparent background, and the background immediately reverts to white. What has changed? What I am doing wrong? And above all, how can I fix? I am so angry!

    Here is a way I used to change a white background to transparent:

    1. open the image in PS CC.

    2 duplicate the image and get trash the original layer; This opens the layer.

    3. in the double layer (only one left), use the Magic Eraser to make transparent white background.

    Here's another way, I used to change a white background to transparent:

    1. open the image in PS CC.

    2 duplicate the image and get trash the original layer; This opens the layer.

    3. go to layer > layer Style > blending Options.

    4. under 'Blend if', slide it ' this layer: "cursor to that all white becomes transparent, without compromising the actual image.

    5. click on OK.

    Using one of these methods, if I save the image under a non-rast image (JPG, TIFF, etc.), the transparent background back to white! Extremely frustrating. I must point out several facts about my use of the PS CC:

    a. I'm * brand * new PS CC; I used it for a little less than a month.

    b. I use PS CC on Windows 7 Pro.

    c. I rebooted my PC and restarted PS CC. Several times.

    d. the problem above has never happened until today. Before, I was able to save the image under a rasterized shape and the transparent background remained. Not so much anymore.

    e. I * can * save the image as an image PS CC (*.psd) and remains the background transparent. This does not help, as most of the programs that I am paid to use in my daily work do not import * images psd.

    The search for an answer direct and helpful from a well informed guru.

    Best regards and thank you for your attention,


    Hello William,.

    If you need to preserve trasparences in another program, I suggest you use the PNG, transparency should be recognized. What program you need to import the image in?

Maybe you are looking for