True label

I have real key code, it is a Windows XP Professional sp2 (SP3 update). But I have not the original cd because the laptop comes with windows allrady installed, if I have a copy of the original Windows XP Professional SP3 cd, can I use the original key that you stick on my laptop (in case that I need to reinstal windows XP Professional)?

Go ahead and install Windows XP Professional w/SP3 but do not enter the product key during the installation.  Instead, use the Windows product key update tool after installation of Windows XP Professional w/SP3. Carey Frisch

Tags: Windows

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  • Why the label selector turns red when I try to change it?

    I need 6 cases in the structure of the case. When I try to change the True label by default to zero, I see that it turns red. Why is this? and how to prevent that?

    .. where you created it and the type of default selector is the Boolean. As Dennis said wire a certain number to him and all will be well with the world.

    If you have many cases, do you know how to define ranges in the labels? Which can be very useful.


  • Label multiline in CustomListItem

    Set multiline to true in my tag is not working (there is just a single line). Is there anything else I need to do?

    CustomListItem {
        dividerVisible: true
        Container {
            Label {
                text: ListItemData.title
                multiline: true
            Label {
                text: ListItemData.pubDate

    If you want to the first label dynamic rather than fixed height, you can set a minHeight for the container and then set the autoSize.maxLineCount.  Something like:

    listItemComponents: [
        ListItemComponent {
            CustomListItem {
                Container {
                    minHeight: 200.0
                    Label {
                        text: ListItemData
                        multiline: true
                        autoSize.maxLineCount: 2
                     Label {
                         text: "Second line"
  • panellabelmessage labels

    Hi all

    I have HT af:panelLabelAndMessage with its label component defined as P.O. box. It contains 2 input boxes, two what hv their simple property set to true.

    I want to display them on a single line. Currently, the label for the second input box is not displaying.

    The wrongs of wts suggestions here?
    <af:panelLabelAndMessage label="P.O.Box"
                                            id="it34" columns="5"
                                            maximumLength="7" simple="true"/>
                                <af:inputText label="Emirate"
                                            id="it35" simple="true" columns="10"

    Hi Kamal,

    Why do simple properties of the inputText second true - this would not display the label for the second part?

    Try this:

    * label = "#{bindings." Email.hints.label} "> *"

    required = "#{bindings." Email.hints.Mandatory}.
    columns = "#{bindings." Email.hints.displayWidth}.
    maximumLength = "#{bindings." Email.hints.Precision}.
    shortDesc = "#{bindings." Email.hints.ToolTip}"id ="it1.
    * simple = "true" > *.

    label = "#{bindings." PhoneNumber.hints.label}.
    required = "#{bindings." PhoneNumber.hints.mandatory}.
    columns = "#{bindings." PhoneNumber.hints.displayWidth}.
    maximumLength = "#{bindings." PhoneNumber.hints.precision}.
    shortDesc = "#{bindings." PhoneNumber.hints.tooltip}.
    ID = "it3" >

    Thank you

  • Help me, error when creating applications in the QML file

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    import bb.cascades 1.0
    {To ListView
    ID: listview
    dataModel: {XmlDataModel}
    Source: "people.xml".
    type: "category".
    dividerVisible: true
    text: ListItemData.value
    Apply a text style to create a large font, "BOLD" with
    a specific color
    textStyle {}
    Base: SystemDefaults.TextStyles.BigText
    fontWeight: FontWeight.Bold
    color: Color.create("#7a184a")
    } / / Label
    type: 'person '.
    Description: ListItemData.born
    status: ListItemData.spouse
    imageSource: "asset: images / / / / ' + ListItemData.pic
    ] / / ListItemComponents
    } / / ListView

    You misspelled CustomListItem.

  • RouteMapInvoker is not a type - work on Simulator not on Q10

    I tried to test my app on my new Q10 ( and the application does not start. In the Console output, I see the error:

    BB::Cascades:QmlDocument: error loading QML of: QUrl ("asset:///main.qml")
    -errors: (asset:///main.qml:43:9: asset:///EventsPage.qml:148:9 not available, Type EventsPage: RouteMapInvoker is not a type)

    The EventsPage has a viewlist of events and you can use the menu command to call the map for directions.

    I used the example of the RouteMapInvoker documentation to create my version.

    Again, this works in the Simulator, so I was very surprised to get this error on the device.  The RouteMapInvoker has been available since 10.0.0, so it should work on a 10.1.0 device.

    I made sure that I added LIBS +=-lbbplatform to the .pro file, checked the location of Access Services in the .bar file and importing the class bb.platform 1.0.

    Any suggestions?

    The EventPage.qml

    import bb.cascades 1.0
    import bb.system 1.0
    import bb.platform 1.0
    import MeetupServices 1.0
    Page {
        property bool hasLocation:false;
        property string locationName;
        Container {
            ActivityIndicator {
                objectName: "aiEvents"
                id: aiEvents
                preferredWidth: 100
            Header {
                id: hMeetupEvents
                // Localized text with the dynamic translation and locale updates support
                title: qsTr("Meetup Events") + Retranslate.onLocaleOrLanguageChanged
                subtitle: qsTr("Upcoming events you have RSVP'd for")
            SegmentedControl {
                id: rsvpOptions
                Option {
                    id: optionYes
                    text: "Yes"
                    value: "YES"
                    selected: true
                Option {
                    id: optionNo
                    text: "No"
                    value: "NO"
                Option {
                    id: optionNone
                    text: "None"
                    value: "NONE"
                onSelectedIndexChanged: {
                    var value = rsvpOptions.selectedValue
                    console.debug("Selected value: " + value);
            ListView {
                id: lvMeetupEvents
                objectName: "lvMeetupEvents"
                listItemComponents: ListItemComponent {
                    type: "item"
                    Container {
                        id: itemRoot
                        Label { text: ListItemData.title
                            multiline: true
                        Label { text: qsTr("at " + ListItemData.eventhour)
                        Label { text: ListItemData.description }
                        Container {
                            background: Color.create("#ffffff")
                            Label { text:
                                textStyle.color: Color.Red
                                multiline: true
                onTriggered: {
                    console.log("selected : " + indexPath);
                    var selectedItem =;
                    locationName = selectedItem.venue_name.toString();
                    if(locationName.length > 0) {
                        hasLocation = true;
                    } else {
                        hasLocation = false;
                    if(hasLocation) {
                        routeInvokerID.setEndDescription("Meetup Location");
                        routeInvokerID.setEndAddress(selectedItem.venue_address_1 + " "
                            + selectedItem.venue_city + ", "
                            + selectedItem.venue_state + " "
                            + selectedItem.venue_zip);
                contextActions: [
                    ActionSet {
                        ActionItem {title: "Map Location"
                            imageSource: "asset:///images/Map.png"
                            onTriggered: {
                                if(hasLocation) {
                                 } else {
                                     eventsToast.body = "No Location";
                        ActionItem {title: "Change RSVP"
                            imageSource: "asset:///images/edit_rsvp.png"
        function refreshData() {
            // get
        function dataLoading() {
            if(aiEvents.running) {
            } else {
        actions: [
            ActionItem {
                title: "Refresh"
                onTriggered: refreshData()
                ActionBar.placement: ActionBarPlacement.InOverflow
                imageSource: "asset:///images/Reload.png"
        attachedObjects: [
            SystemToast {
                id: eventsToast
                body: "Meetup Events data loading"
            RouteMapInvoker {
                id: routeInvokerID
                // Raleigh as starting location // remove when done
                startLatitude    : 35.786627       // Raleigh latitude
                startLongitude   : -78.660965      // Raleigh longitude
                startName        : "Raleigh, NC"
                startDescription : "North Carolina's capital"
            MeetupServices {
                id: meetupWS

    did you declare you in your main.cpp like this?


    under the present law:

    Q_DECL_EXPORT int main(int argc, char **argv)

    Insert this code so that the routeMapInvoker can be called in the QML:

    qmlRegisterType("bb.platform", 1, 0, "RouteMapInvoker");
  • Number of unknown member during an attempt to propertyMap

    In my application, I have a main.qml that has a TabbedPane.

    The 2nd part is the LeadInformation.qml page, which has a NavigationPane manipulated a several page questionnaire.

    From the first page, I have a menu option that pushes a page of BarcodeScan.qml to scan the barcode.  When data is read, I want to fill in the fields on the LeadInformation.qml.

    I added a function in the ApplicationUI to analyze the data of barcode.

    When the data are analyzed, I try to use the propertyMap update fields on the page.

    QmlDocument *qml = QmlDocument::create("asset:///LeadInformation.qml");
    QDeclarativePropertyMap* propertyMap = new QDeclarativePropertyMap;
    propertyMap->insert("iFirstName", data.mid(m_startSpot, m_endSpot - m_startSpot));
    qml->setContextProperty("propertyMap", propertyMap);

    And in the LeadInformation.qml page

    TextField {
                        id: tfLeadFirstName
                        hintText: "Lead First Name"
                        input.submitKey: SubmitKey.None
                        text: propertyMap.iFirstName;

    In the qml page, I get one! symbol and 'unknown member '.

    I guess I need to declare something somewhere else to make it work.  Examples are to change the values in the main.qml page.  I have not seen an example to change values on another page.

    This is what worked.

    Instead of calling to a source of the page, I just added the Page as an object.

    In the main.qml, I added the NavigationPane (LeadInformation.qml)

    import bb.cascades 1.0
    import bb.system 1.0
    TabbedPane {
        id: mainTabPane
        showTabsOnActionBar: true
        property bool databaseOpen: false
        tabs: [
            Tab {
                title: qsTr("User List")
                imageSource: "asset:///icons/ic_view_list.png"
                PageBase {
                    databaseOpen: mainTabPane.databaseOpen
                    page: "LeadsList.qml"
            Tab {
                title: qsTr("Add User")
                imageSource: "asset:///icons/AddSubscription.png"
                LeadInformation {

    In the Navigation pane, which contains all of the fields that fills in the barcode data, I added the BarcodeScan page in the ComponentDefinition for action that calls the bar code

    import bb.cascades 1.0
    import bb.system 1.0
    NavigationPane {
        id: navigationPane
        property string barcodeOutput;
        property int currentLeadID;
        onCreationCompleted: {
        Page {
            id: leadsInformation
            titleBar: TitleBar {
                // Localized text with the dynamic translation and locale updates support
                title: qsTr("Lead Information") + Retranslate.onLocaleOrLanguageChanged
                appearance: TitleBarAppearance.Branded;
            ScrollView {
                scrollViewProperties.scrollMode: ScrollMode.Vertical
                Container {
                    layoutProperties: FlowListLayoutProperties {}
                    clipContentToBounds: false
                    Picker {
                        id: pkEmployee
                        title: "Bell and Howell Employee"
                        kind: PickerKind.Expandable
                        rootIndexPath: []
                        dataModel: XmlDataModel {
                            id: dmEmployees
                            source: "xml/employees.xml" }
                        pickerItemComponents: [
                            PickerItemComponent {
                                type: "employee"
                                content: Container {
                                    Label {
                        onSelectedValueChanging: {
                            console.debug("selectedIndex = " + selectedIndex(0))
                            var selectedEmployee =[0, selectedIndex(0)])
                            console.debug("selectedEmployee 0,0 email = " +
                            lbEmployee.text =
                        onSelectedValueChanged: {
                            console.debug("selectedIndex = " + selectedIndex(0))
                            var selectedEmployee =[0, selectedIndex(0)])
                            console.debug("selectedEmployee 0,0 email = " +
                            lbEmployee.text =
                            if(lbEmployee.text.length > 2 && lbSelectedShow.text.length > 2) {
                                if(aiNextButton.enabled == false) { aiNextButton.enabled = true }
                    Label {
                        id: lbEmployee
                        textStyle.fontStyle: FontStyle.Italic
                        textStyle.fontWeight: FontWeight.Bold
                    Picker {
                        id: pkShow
                        title: "Show"
                        kind: PickerKind.Expandable
                        rootIndexPath: []
                        dataModel: XmlDataModel { source: "xml/show.xml" }
                        pickerItemComponents: [
                            PickerItemComponent {
                                type: "show"
                                content: Container {
                                    Label {
                        onSelectedValueChanging: {
                            console.debug("selectedIndex = " + selectedIndex(0))
                            var selectedShow =[0, selectedIndex(0)])
                            console.debug("selectedShow 0,0 name = " +
                            lbSelectedShow.text =
                        onSelectedValueChanged: {
                            console.debug("selectedIndex = " + selectedIndex(0))
                            var selectedShow =[0, selectedIndex(0)])
                            console.debug("selectedShow 0,0 name = " +
                            lbSelectedShow.text =
                            if(lbEmployee.text.length > 2 && lbSelectedShow.text.length > 2) {
                                if(aiNextButton.enabled == false) { aiNextButton.enabled = true }
                    Label {
                        id: lbSelectedShow
                        textStyle.fontStyle: FontStyle.Italic
                        textStyle.fontWeight: FontWeight.Bold
                    Header {
                        title: "Lead Information"
                    TextField {
                        id: tfLeadFirstName
                        hintText: "Lead First Name"
                        input.submitKey: SubmitKey.None
                    TextField {
                        id: tfLeadLastName
                        hintText: "Lead Last Name"
                        input.submitKey: SubmitKey.None
                    Header {
                        title: "Company Information"
                    TextField {
                        id: tfCompanyName
                        hintText: "Company Name"
                        input.submitKey: SubmitKey.None
                    TextField {
                        id: tfJobTitle
                        hintText: "Job Title"
                        input.submitKey: SubmitKey.None
                    TextField {
                        id: tfAddrLine1
                        hintText: "Address Line 1"
                        input.submitKey: SubmitKey.None
                    TextField {
                        id: tfAddrLine2
                        hintText: "Address Line 2"
                        input.submitKey: SubmitKey.None
                    TextField {
                        id: tfCity
                        hintText: "City"
                        input.submitKey: SubmitKey.None
                    TextField {
                        id: tfStateRegion
                        hintText: "State / Region"
                        input.submitKey: SubmitKey.None 
                    TextField {
                        id: tfCountry
                        hintText: "Country"
                        input.submitKey: SubmitKey.None
                    TextField {
                        id: tfPostalCode
                        hintText: "PostalCode"
                        input.submitKey: SubmitKey.None
                    Header {
                        title: "Contact Information"
                    TextField {
                        id: tfPhone
                        hintText: "Phone"
                        inputMode: TextFieldInputMode.PhoneNumber
                        input.submitKey: SubmitKey.None
                    TextField {
                        id: tfPhoneExt
                        hintText: "Phone Extension"
                        input.submitKey: SubmitKey.None
                    TextField {
                        id: tfFax
                        hintText: "Fax"
                        inputMode: TextFieldInputMode.PhoneNumber
                        input.submitKey: SubmitKey.None
                    TextField {
                        id: tfEmail
                        hintText: "eMail"
                        inputMode: TextFieldInputMode.EmailAddress
                        input.submitKey: SubmitKey.None
            actions: [
                ActionItem {
                    id: aiNextButton
                    enabled: false
                    title: qsTr("Purchasing Timeframe") + Retranslate.onLocaleOrLanguageChanged
                    ActionBar.placement: ActionBarPlacement.OnBar
                    imageSource: "asset:///icons/ic_next.png"
                    onTriggered: {
                        currentLeadID = _app.getLastLeadID();
                        if(currentLeadID == 0) {
                            // Create new Sales Leads
                            console.debug("New Sales Lead - Create")
                        } else {
                            // Update current Sales Lead
                                console.debug("Existing Sales Lead - Update Sales Lead ID: " + currentLeadID)
                        _app.readLeadRecords(); // Refresh the list view.
                ActionItem {
                    id: aiScanButton
                    enabled: true
                    title: qsTr("Scan Barcode") + Retranslate.onLocaleOrLanguageChanged
                    ActionBar.placement: ActionBarPlacement.InOverflow
                    imageSource: "asset:///icons/ic_scan_barcode.png"
                    onTriggered: {
            attachedObjects: [
                // Definition of the second Page, used to dynamically create the Page above.
                ComponentDefinition {
                    id: purchasingTimeframeDefinition
                    source: "PurchasingTimeframe.qml"
                ComponentDefinition {
                    id: barcodeScanDefinition
                    BarcodeScan {
        onPopTransitionEnded: {
            // Destroy the popped Page once the back transition has ended.
        backButtonsVisible: false

    Then, on the page BarcodeScan.qml, I just referenced the fields and added to the white list.  Instead of calling C++ code to analyze the data, I just analyzed it on the page.  QString provides a better string manager that the regular chain, so it's not as clean as I wanted it to be.

    Page {
        property string decodeString
        property string tmpString
        property int initStartSpot: 0;
        property int startSpot: 0;
        property int endSpot: 0;
        property int x:0;
        property int vcard: 0
        property int vcard2_1: 1
        property int vcard3: 2
        property int print2013: 3
        property int codeType: 0
        Container {
            id: cMain
            layout: StackLayout {
            horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
            verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
            background: Color.create(0x9CDCF6)
            Container {
                id: cCameraReader
                layout: AbsoluteLayout {
                background: Color.White
                horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Center
                verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
                Camera {
                    id: camera
                    preferredWidth: 450
                    preferredHeight: 450
                    onCameraOpened: {
                BarcodeDetectorVisuals {
                    id: bdvScanner
                    preferredWidth: 450
                    preferredHeight: 450
                    barcodeDetector: barcodeDetector
                    onDetected: {
                        // Set the UserID to 0
                        decodeString = data;
                        dataArea.text = decodeString;
                        if(decodeString.indexOf("VCARD") > 0) {
                            if(decodeString.indexOf("VERSION:3.0") > 0) {
                                codeType = vcard3;
                            } else if(decodeString.indexOf("VERSION:2.1") > 0) {
                                codeType = vcard2_1;
                            } else {
                                codeType = vcard;
                        } else {
                            codeType = print2013;
                        dataArea.text += "\n " + codeType;
                        switch(codeType) {
                            case vcard2_1:
                            case vcard:
                            case vcard3:
                                // Get Name
                                tmpString = decodeString.substr(decodeString.indexOf("N:"), decodeString.indexOf("TITLE:"));
                                tfLeadFirstName.text = tmpString.substr(0, tmpString.indexOf(";"));
                                tfLeadLastName.text = tmpString.substr(tmpString.indexOf(";") + 1, tmpString.length);
                            case print2013:
                                //qDebug() << " Last End spot = " << decodeString.lastIndexOf(QString("$"));
                                //qDebug() << " $ counts = " << decodeString.count(QString("$"));
                                startSpot = 0;
                                initStartSpot = decodeString.indexOf("$", startSpot + 1);
                                for(x=0; x < 22; x++) {
                                    endSpot = decodeString.indexOf("$", startSpot + 1);
                                    dataArea.text += "\n x:" + x + " endSpot = " + endSpot;
                                    if(endSpot != -1) {
                                        switch(x) {
                                            case 0:
                                                // badge ID
                                                //qDebug() << " Badget ID = " << decodeString.substr(startSpot, endSpot - startSpot);
                                            case 1:
                                                // blank or Show ID
                                                //qDebug() << " Show ID = " << decodeString.substr(startSpot, endSpot - startSpot);
                                            case 2:
                                                // First Name
                                                tfLeadFirstName.text = decodeString.substr(startSpot, endSpot - startSpot);
                                            case 3:
                                                //Last Name
                                                tfLeadLastName.text = decodeString.substr(startSpot, endSpot - startSpot);
                                            case 4:
                                                tfJobTitle.text = decodeString.substr(startSpot, endSpot - startSpot);
                                            case 5:
                                                tfCompanyName.text = decodeString.substr(startSpot, endSpot - startSpot);
                                            case 6:
                                                tfAddrLine1.text = decodeString.substr(startSpot, endSpot - startSpot);
                                            case 7:
                                                tfAddrLine2.text = decodeString.substr(startSpot, endSpot - startSpot);
                                            case 8:
                                                tfCity.text =  decodeString.substr(startSpot, endSpot - startSpot);
                                            case 9:
                                                tfStateRegion.text = decodeString.substr(startSpot, endSpot - startSpot);
                                            case 10:
                                                tfPostalCode.text = decodeString.substr(startSpot, endSpot - startSpot);
                                            case 11:
                                                tfCountry.text = decodeString.substr(startSpot, endSpot - startSpot);
                                            case 12:
                                                tfPhone.text =  decodeString.substr(startSpot, endSpot - startSpot);
                                            case 13:
                                                tfPhoneExt.text = decodeString.substr(startSpot, endSpot - startSpot);
                                            case 14:
                                                tfFax.text = decodeString.substr(startSpot, endSpot - startSpot);
                                            case 15:
                                                tfEmail.text = decodeString.substr(startSpot, endSpot - startSpot);
                                            case 16:
                                                //tftext = decodeString.substr(startSpot, endSpot - startSpot);
                                            case 17:
                                                //tftext = decodeString.substr(startSpot, endSpot - startSpot);
                                            case 18:
                                                //Primary Job Function:
                                                //tftext = decodeString.substr(startSpot, endSpot - startSpot);
                                            case 19:
                                                //Influence in your company's buying decision
                                                //tftext = decodeString.substr(startSpot, endSpot - startSpot);
                                            case 20:
                                                //Number of Employees
                                                //tftext = decodeString.substr(startSpot, endSpot - startSpot);
                                            case 21:
                                                //Annual Sales Volume:
                                                //tftext = decodeString.substr(startSpot, endSpot - startSpot);
                                            case 22:
                                                //Products you are interested in (Multiple Answer/Comma Delimited)
                                                //leadContainer.tftext =  decodeString.substr(startSpot, endSpot - startSpot);
                                        startSpot = endSpot + 1;
                                    } else {
            attachedObjects: [
                BarcodeDetector {
                    id: barcodeDetector
                    formats: BarcodeFormat.Any
                    camera: camera
            TextArea {
                text: ""
                textFormat: TextFormat.Auto
                maximumLength: 400
        onCreationCompleted: {
           if (camera.allCamerasAccessible) {
                console.debug("rear camera opened")
           } else {
                dataArea.text = "Cameras are not accessible"

    It is the solution.  This works.

    Not the solution I was looking for, but I don't have the time now to try again.

    My guess is that propertyMap will now also work with the way I'm treated Page calls.

  • ImageButtonField and Hover/onFocus

    I use the following class to create an image button...


    class ImageButtonField extends BitmapField


    public ImageButtonField (Bitmap image) {}

    Super (image);


    public Boolean isFocusable() {}

    return true;


    protected Boolean navigationClick (int status, int time) {}

    fieldChangeNotify (0);

    return true;


    protected Boolean trackwheelClick (int status, int time) {}

    fieldChangeNotify (0);

    return true;


    protected Boolean {keyChar (characterchar , int status, int time)

    if (Characters.ENTER == character |) Characters.SPACE == character) {}

    fieldChangeNotify (0);

    return true;


    return Super.keyChar (character, status, time);



    I would like to offer a "hover" button to use when the imagebutton control is obviously/onficus.  I tried overrriding onFocus and using setBitmap (Bitmap.getBitmapResource ("whatever.png")), but it does not work.  Also what ends up happening, is that the fieldchangelistener triggers whn I try to substitute onfocus.  Any ideas how I can modify this class to provide a bitmap of hover?



    Check this class,

    SerializableAttribute public class ClickbleImage extends {field}
    private String str;
    private Bitmap bitmap1, bitmap2;
    Private boolean isFocus;
    public ClickbleImage (Bitmap bitmap1, Bitmap bitmap2, long style, String str) {}
    Super (style);
    This.bitmap1 = bitmap1;
    This.bitmap2 = bitmap2;
    This.Str = str;
    protected boolean navigationClick (int status, int time) {}
    Returns true;
    protected void onFocus (int direction) {}
    super.onFocus (branch);
    isFocus = true;
    label.setText (str);
    {} public void paint (Graphics g)
    {if (isFocus)}
    g.drawBitmap (0,0,bitmap2.getWidth (), bitmap2.getHeight (), bitmap2, 0, 0);
    } else {}
    g.drawBitmap (0,0,bitmap1.getWidth (), bitmap1.getHeight (), bitmap1, 0, 0);
    Protected Sub layout (int w, int h) {}
    setExtent (bitmap1.getWidth (), bitmap1.getHeight ());
    protected void onUnfocus() {}
    isFocus = false;
    super.onUnfocus ();
    protected void drawFocus (Graphics graphics, boolean on) {}

    here to go the two images, one for development and another for unfocus and if you want you can pass a string to be displayed to the bottom of the horizontalfield containg the bitmap, the bitmap on focus than string appears.

    create an instance of this class and add those of hfm or vfm and consume a click is like that

    protected boolean navigationClick (int status, int time) {if (UiApplication.getUiApplication () .getActiveScreen () .getLeafFieldWithFocus () instanceof ClickbleImage)
    latest development of ClickbleImage = (ClickbleImage) UiApplication.getUiApplication () .getActiveScreen () .getLeafFieldWithFocus ();
    If ((attention! = null) & (focus instanceof ClickbleImage)) {}

    code here



    or use fieldChangeListener as simon says.

    Thank you & best regards


  • Active subset of listview items

    I have problems to access the information in my listview of the CPP.  Here is my listivew.

    ListView {
        id: animList
        objectName: "animList"
        dataModel: XmlDataModel {
            source: "models/anims.xml"
        listItemComponents: [
            ListItemComponent {
                type: "listItem"
                AnimItem {

    It uses a cutom element

    Container {
        property alias checked: animCheckBox.checked
        //    property alias title:  ListItemData.title
        id: toplvl
        layout: StackLayout {
            layoutDirection: LayoutDirection.TopToBottom
        onTouch: {
            if (event.isDown()) {
                checked = ! checked
        Container {
            id: animContainer
            layout: StackLayout {
                layoutDirection: LayoutDirection.LeftToRight
            CheckBox {
                id: animCheckBox
                layoutProperties: DockLayoutProperties {
                    verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
                    horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Left
                checked: true
                Label {
                    id: animLabels
                    text: ListItemData.title
                    layoutProperties: DockLayoutProperties {
                        verticalAlignment: VerticalAlignment.Center
                        horizontalAlignment: HorizontalAlignment.Right
        Divider {

    in the PRC

        mAnimListView = mNavPane->findChild("animList");
        XmlDataModel * xmdm = (XmlDataModel*) mAnimListView->dataModel();

    How I analyze the list in the PRC to create a sublist of all items activated?  I don't know how to parse through a whole datamodel of the CPP.


    I have an alternative way to do this.

    1. you must use GroupDataModel

    2. manually pharse XML and add data to GroupDataModel

    3. Add an additional data field to GroupDataModel for the checkbox State Bank

    4 browse all the RPC code line and check the weather condition is enabled or not.

    A code to do this task

    For parsing XML

    For the State of update in qml

     onTriggered: {
                    var selectedItem =;
                    btn.text = selectedItem.firstname;
                    selectedItem.firstname = "test";
                    listView.dataModel.updateItem(indexPath, selectedItem)

    updateItem() method works only on groupDatamodel

    To browse all the line of datamodel in the PRC

    GroupDataModel *model = (GroupDataModel *) listView->dataModel();
        int len = model->childCount(listView->rootIndexPath());
        QVariantList qlist;
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            qDebug() << " Data : " << model->data(qlist);

    I hope that this code will help you

  • LabelButton blurred embedded fonts in the Simulator and the rendering of the fonts of the differences

    Hey people, party

    I have problems with the fonts embedded in LabelButton not made cleary by operating in the Simulator. They are crunchy when added stand alone. The button is on whole pixels and I double checked that the text in the button field is also on a set of pixels.

    Autonomous mode:


    My code:

    public class GenericLabelButton extends LabelButton
            protected var labelStr:String;
            public function GenericLabelButton(labelStr:String)
            override protected function init():void
                var format:TextFormat=new TextFormat();
                setTextFormatForState(format, SkinStates.DISABLED);
                setTextFormatForState(format, SkinStates.UP);
                setTextFormatForState(format, SkinStates.DOWN);
                setTextFormatForState(format, SkinStates.SELECTED);
                setTextFormatForState(format, SkinStates.DISABLED_SELECTED);

    Everyone knows this? Is font_helveticaNeue a bad font to use for the development of the PlayBook? Should I use the native font instead?

    I would also add that I use the police elsewhere in my application as a plain text field and it makes fine/crisp in the Simulator.

    I could use the native components wholesale, but I tell myself that I should at least try to use my own fonts.

    And while on the subject of the native LabelButton...

    Why text makes it differently in the Simulator this autonomous? The bg of the LabelButton doesn't resize correctly when I use the Simulator. Should I have the fonts installed on the host computer?

    Autonomous mode:

    In the Simulator:

    Would appreciate any input in this...

    Thank you


    Whoops - just realized I wrote this for you questions about LabelButton, and TextInput in which case you will need to use the textfield label_txt as you have already done (this is the default TextField fom flash.text).

    Embedded fonts will make in the TextInput QNX on the Simulator, as they do with TextInput fl.controls Flash; 100 times greater than the vector shapes.

    To make them look good, you need to change some properties of the TextInput textField.

    You can adjust the sharpness and thickness to your taste. The gridFitType property can also help alone. I have not tested it without the custom of the AA, however settings.

    _textInput.textField.antiAliasType = AntiAliasType.ADVANCED;
    _textInput.textField.sharpness = 1;
    _textInput.textField.thickness = 25;
    _textInput.textField.gridFitType = GridFitType.PIXEL;

    I have attached a before and after the screenshot of the Simulator. Unlike my screenshot, make sure the size of your type TextInput and/or its TextField correctly do not cut the Downhillers. Myriad Pro is displayed.

    TextField reference for anyone who comes across this thread and he needs:

  • AF:table hide a line

    Hi all

    I use jdev

    I have a list of DTO in my grain (NOT VO based). Its a web service based one.

    I showed this list in the page as a table (< af:table value = "#{pageFlowScope.testBean.phoneInfoList}" ")

    In the table, I have a column with a 'Donot Show' button. I'll put a variable showRow DTO as false in the case of the action of the button of the current line.

    I added a condition rendered inputText table column and the rendering State works very well. The data is not displayed, but how ever, a blank line appears.

    How can we hide the line itself?

    < af:table value = "#{pageFlowScope.testBean.phoneInfoList} '"

    var = 'row' emptyText = "#{ssBundle.NO_DATA_TO_DISPLAY_LBL} '"

    autoHeightRows = '0 '.

    width = "70%".

    columnStretching = 'multiple' rowBandingInterval = '0 '.

    rowSelection = "single" contentDelivery = "immediate".

    ID = "wssmpt1".

    Binding = "#{pageFlowScope.testBean.phoneTableBinding} '"

    varStatus = "rowStatus" >

    < af:column sortable = "false".

    headerText = "#" "" id = "wssmpc3" width = "2".

    rowHeader = "true" >

    "< af:inputText value =" #{row.sequence} "rendered =" #{! row.isRowDeleted}.

    «simple = "true" label = "#»

    ID = "wssmpit1" / >

    < / af:column >

    < af:column headerText = "#{ssBundle.ACCOUNT_PHONETYPE_LBL} '"

    width = "30%" align = 'center' id = 'amupptclm '.

    clientComponent = "true" >

    "< af:selectOneChoice value =" #{row.phoneType} " rendered =" #{! row.isRowDeleted} '

    inlineStyle = "padding: 5px;" white-space: nowrap; »

    Editable = 'always' valuePassThru = 'true '.

    label = "" # "" required = "true" id = "wssmpsoc1".

    autoSubmit = 'true '.

    valueChangeListener = "#{pageFlowScope.testBean.selectPhoneType} '"

    requiredMessageDetail = "#{ssBundle.ACCOUNT_PHONETYPE_REQUIRED_LBL}" >

    < name f: attribute = "sequences" value = "#{row.sequence}" / >

    < f: selectItems value = "#{pageFlowScope.testBean.phoneTypes} '"

    ID = "wssmpsi1" / >

    < / af:selectOneChoice >

    < / af:column >

    < af:column headerText = "#{ssBundle.ACCOUNT_PHONENO_LBL} '"

    width = "30%" align = "DΘmarrer" id = "wssmpc5" >

    < af:panelLabelAndMessage id = "wssmpplm1" for = "wssmpit7" >

    "< af:inputText value =" #{row.phoneNumber} "required ="true"rendered =" #{! row.isRowDeleted}.

    requiredMessageDetail = "#{ssBundle.ACCOUNT_PHONENUM_REQUIRED_LBL} '"

    columns = '14' id = 'wssmpit7' simple = "true" autoSubmit = 'true '.

    Binding = "#{pageFlowScope.testBean.setDefaultFormat} '"

    valueChangeListener = "#{pageFlowScope.testBean.phoneNumberChanged}" >

    < af:clientListener method = "resetInputText" type = "click on" / >

    < / af:inputText >

    < f: facet = 'end' name >

    "< af:outputLabel value =" #{row.phoneNumberFormat} "rendered =" #{! row.isRowDeleted}.

    partialTriggers = "wssmpsoc1" id = "ol1" / >

    < / f: facet >

    < / af:panelLabelAndMessage >

    < / af:column >

    < af:column headerText = "#{ssBundle.REMOVE_LBL}" align = "center" "

    width = "10%" id = "ammpac1" >

    < partialSubmit = "true" rendered = af:commandImageLink "#{! row.isRowDeleted} '"

    shortDesc = "#{ssBundle.ACCOUNT_PHONE_REMOVE_LBL} '"


    actionListener = "#{pageFlowScope.testBean.removePhone} '"

    ID = "ammprpbtn" immediate = "true" >

    < name f: attribute = "sequences" value = "#{row.sequence}" / >

    < / af:commandImageLink >

    < / af:column >

    < / af:table >


    I deleted the 2nd row. But the line is always visible

    You can download the example of

    He didn't need a project model or the DB connection. Just launch the index page and click on a button in the table delete.


  • selectBooleanCheckbox: ValuechangeListener runs when rendering


    I a page with a tree () af: tree) and check () selectBooleanCheckbox) at the level of the nodes tree.

    < af:tree value = "#{bindings." ArbolOperadoresIncidenciasNivel2ROView1.treeModel}.

    var = 'node' styleClass = "arbol-incidencias '.

    selectionListener = "#{bindings." ArbolOperadoresIncidenciasNivel2ROView1.treeModel.makeCurrent}.

    rowSelection = "multiple" id = "arbol_ope" >

    < name af:clientAttribute = 'Number' value = ' #{node. " Number} "/ >"

    < f: facet name = "nodeStamp" >

    < af:group id = "g1" >

    < af:switcher id = facetName 's4' = "#{node." TipoNodo} ">"

    < f: facet name = "LIN" >

    < af:group id = "g16" >

    "< af:image source="/imagenes/spacer_arbol_gris.gif ".

    shortDesc = "spacer" id = "image6.

    rendering = "#{node." TieneHijos == null} ".

    styleClass = "capa-İdel-icono-nodo-hoja" / >

    < af:selectBooleanCheckbox text = ' #{node. " Number}.

    valueChangeListener = "#{gestionBean.pulsarCheckBox} '"

    autoSubmit = "true" label = "Label 7"

    value = "#{node." Selección}.

    rendering = "#{node." Number! = null? "{true: false}.

    ID = "sbc8" / >


    My problem is that developing nodes of tree function valuechangelistener works (gestionBean.pulsarCheckBox). This function expected only be performed when selected or deselected CheckBox.
    What makes my the application is slow because the function is running as many times as it check box.

    Can anyone help?

    Thanks in advance

    I think with autoSubmit = true and selected = "false", it should work.

  • How can I get a name of another widget setting?

    I'm new to coding. I apologize now for any ignorance shown!

    I am trying to create a picture button widget which, on mouse down, load a URL into a widget of the iFrame. Who will be on the same page as the button.

    How can I get the two images to load URLtoTarget into iFrameURL on the mouse down? Thank you

    Settings button:

    < Parameters >

    < file name = "img1" label = 'Location of the before Image' filterLabel = 'Images' file types = "*.jpg; *.JPEG; *.gif, *.png"fileRequiredForOutput ="true"/ >

    < name of text = "desc1" multiline = "true" label = "Description" defaultValue = "Before" / >

    < file name = "img2" label = 'Return Image location' filterLabel = 'Images' file types = "*.jpg; *.JPEG; *.gif, *.png"fileRequiredForOutput ="true"/ >

    < name of text = 'desc2' multiline = "true" label = "Description" defaultValue = "Return" / >

    "< name of text ="URLtoTarget"label ="Target URL"defaultValue =""/ > " "

    < name of text = "iFrameTargetName" label = "iFrame target name" defaultValue = "myiFrame" / >

    < name builtIn = "width" / >

    < name builtIn = 'height' / >

    < / Parameter >

    <! [CDATA]

    < div class = "muFlipCard" >

    < img src = "{param_img1}" alt = "{param_desc1}" class = "muSide1" >

    < img src = "{param_img2}" alt = "{param_desc2}" class = "muSide2" >

    < / div >

    []] >

    iFrame parameters:

    < Parameters >

    "< name url ="iFrameURL"label ="iFrame URL"defaultValue =""/ > " "

    < name builtIn = "width" / >

    < name builtIn = 'height' / >

    < / Parameter >

    Hey Ross,

    To target a class in Javascript using document.getElementByClassName ('class'). action or $('.class'). action in JQuery. You better use an ID, however, you would have only one instance per page. It would address using document.getElementById ('id'). action / $("#id"). action.


    Creative muse

  • How getValue of a declarative component


    My declarative component drop-down list looks like the following. According to unique attribute is FALSE, it will choose to use component selectManyListBox or selectOneListBox.

    I also defined a value attribute for my conponentDef from the drop-down list. I want to be able to retrieve the selected values of the listBox and use it on the calling page.

    I'm confused about the use of the attribute value in componentDef. My question is how to access the value selected the component of this drop-down list of the calling page?

    " < = xmlns:af af:componentDef ' "var ="uploading"componentVar ="dropListComp"definition"private"= "

    ' xmlns:afc = ' "xmlns:f =" ">

    < af:xmlContent >

    < afc:component >

    < afc:description / >

    < afc:display - name > drop < / afc:display - name >

    < afc:component - class >glog.fusion.common.otmcomponents.DropList< / afc:component - class >

    < afc:attribute >

    < afc:attribute - name > queryClassName < / afc:attribute - name >

    < afc:attribute - class > java.lang.String < / afc:attribute - class >

    < afc: required > true < / afc: required >

    < / afc:attribute >

    < afc:attribute >

    < afc:attribute - name > displayLabel < / afc:attribute - name >

    < afc:attribute - class > java.lang.String < / afc:attribute - class >

    < afc: required > true < / afc: required >

    < / afc:attribute >

    < afc:attribute >

    < afc:attribute - name > single < / afc:attribute - name >

    < afc:attribute - class > java.lang.Boolean < / afc:attribute - class >

    < afc: required > true < / afc: required >

    < / afc:attribute >

    < afc:attribute >

    < afc:attribute - name >value< / afc:attribute - name >

    < afc:attribute - class > java.lang.String < / afc:attribute - class >

    < / afc:attribute >

    < afc:component - extension >

    < afc:component - tag-namespace > glog.fusion.common.otmcomponents < / afc:component - tag-namespace >

    < afc:component - taglib-uri > < / afc:component - taglib-uri >

    < / afc:component - extension >

    < / afc:component >

    < / af:xmlContent >

    < af:panelLabelAndMessage label = "#{attrs.displayLabel}" id = "dc_plam1" > "

    < af:switcher id = "dc_s1" defaultFacet = "a lot" facetName = "#{attrs.single eq 'true'?' unique ': 'a lot'}" >

    < f: facet name = "a lot" >

    < af:selectManyListbox id = "selectManyListBox_DropList" simple = 'true '.

    value = "#{uploading." "Value}" binding = "#{dropListComp.selectManyListBox}" autoSubmit = 'true' valueChangeListener = "#{dropListComp.selectManyValueChange}" >

    < / af:selectManyListbox >

    < / f: facet >

    < f: facet "single" = name >

    < af:selectOneListbox id = "selectOneListBox_DropList" simple = "true" label = "#{attrs.queryClassName} '"

    autoSubmit Binding = "#{dropListComp.selectOneListBox}" = "true" valueChangeListener = "#{dropListComp.selectOneValueChange}" > "

    < / af:selectOneListbox >

    < / f: facet >

    < / af:switcher >

    < / af:panelLabelAndMessage >

    < / af:componentDef >

    In my jsf calling page, I got the following text. The field properly. I don't know what I should spend in the value attribute, or how to get the selected value from the ListBox control.

    "< otm:dropList displayLabel ="MyuShipmentTypeDropList"value ="? »

    queryClassName = "glog.server.query.shipment.ShipmentTypeQuery" unique = "false" id = "dl1"

    Binding = "#{ShipmentFinderTest.dropList}" / >

    Thank you.


    Create a bean managed with a property and a pair of getter/setter and use EL #{managedBean.propertyName} to reference the value property.


  • Question about the use of the custom component class define what declarative component

    12.1.3 jdev

    I'm trying to define a declarative component with my custom component class.

    This is the code for my component jsf declarative. I'm trying to use the label on selectManyListbox attribute to pass queryClass for my component class name. It does not work. I also try to use f: attribute to my component class. It does not work too. Question 1: how to move my declarative component attribute to my class of component?

    < af:panelLabelAndMessage label = "#{attrs.displayLabel}" id = "dc_plam1" > "

    < af:switcher id = "dc_s1" defaultFacet = "a lot" facetName = "#{attrs.single eq 'true'?' unique ': 'a lot'}" >

    < f: facet name = "a lot" >

    < af:selectManyListbox id = "namingp1" simple = "true" label = "#{attrs.queryClass}" "

    ' autoSubmit Binding = "#{dropListComp.selectManyListBox}" = "true" valueChangeListener = "#{dropListComp.selectManyValueChange}" >

    < f: attribute name = "queryClass" value = "#{attrs.queryClass}" / >

    < / af:selectManyListbox >

    < / f: facet >

    < f: facet "single" = name >

    < af:selectOneListbox id = "sl_2" simple = "true" label = "#{attrs.queryClass} '"

    autoSubmit Binding = "#{dropListComp.selectOneListBox}" = "true" valueChangeListener = "#{dropListComp.selectOneValueChange}" > "

    < / af:selectOneListbox >

    < / f: facet >

    < / af:switcher >

    < / af:panelLabelAndMessage >

    That's how I try to retrieve the label or f: attribute queryClass in my component class. I get null for both directions.

    {} public void setSelectManyListBox (RichSelectManyListbox selectManyListBox)
    this.selectManyListBox = selectManyListBox;
    If (this.selectManyListBox.getChildCount () == 0) {}
    queryClass = (String) this.selectManyListBox.getLabel ();
    System.out.println (".. queryClass of the label..." + queryClass);
    If (queryClass is nothing)
    queryClass = (String) this.selectManyListBox.getAttributes () .get ("queryClass");
    System.out.println (".. queryClass of attr..." + queryClass);
    If (queryClass is nothing)
    queryClass = "glog.server.query.powerdata.InvolvedPartyQualQuery";
    this.selectManyListBox.getChildren () .addAll (buildDropListSelectItems (queryClass));

    Thank you.


    If your declarative component has a defined class of request attribute then #{attrs.name_of_attribute} called from Java should be able to solve


Maybe you are looking for