UCS Powershell find VLAN group VLAN


I'm running UCS Manager 2.2 with powershell module CiscoUcsPS (v1.3.1.0) and looking for all the VLANS from a specific group of VLAN.

If I run Get-UcsVlan I get all the VLANS, but this does not seem to contain any information about which group VLAN they are Member of.

If I run Get-UcsFabricNetGroup I get all groups of VLAN, but this does not seem to contain any information about VLANs, which are members of the groups.

So I thought maybe I could run the two commands, but that doesn't seem to work

Get-UcsFabricNetGroup - Ucs $UCS - Name Prod. Get-UcsVlan

Get-UcsVlan: all parameters can be solved by using named parameters.
On line: 1 char: 55
+ Get-UcsFabricNetGroup - Ucs $UCS - Name Prod. Get-UcsVlan
+                                                       ~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo: InvalidArgument: (Cisco.Ucs.FabricNetGroup:PSObject) [Get-UcsVlan], ParameterBindingExce
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId: AmbiguousParameterSet, Cisco.Ucs.Cmdlets.GetUcsVlan

All you other ideas?


Take a look on


Use the PS "Convertto-UCSCmdlet" command, then issues the UCSM GUI command sequence and voila, it will show you the PS equivalent cmdlets.

Tags: Cisco DataCenter

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    I'm sure this is a simple solution, but I don't see what I'm missing.

    Any help please?

    Get the following errors in debugging.

    [IKEv1]: invalid tunnel, leaving group =, IP = 95.x.x.x, impossible to find a group...!
    23 September 14:26:05 [IKEv1]: IP = 95.x.x.x, invalid header, lack of payload SA! (next payload = 4)

    Group of tunnel I want to use is Remote-L2TP

    Attached config.

    ASA Version 8.2 (5)
    ciscoasa hostname
    domain xxxxx.local
    activate 8Ry2YjIyt7RRXU24 encrypted password
    2KFQnbNIdI.2KYOU encrypted passwd
    names of
    name description CCTV system CCTV_System
    name x.x.x.x outside outside interface description
    description of the SERVER name server
    interface Ethernet0/0
    switchport access vlan 2
    interface Ethernet0/1
    switchport access vlan 12
    interface Ethernet0/2
    interface Ethernet0/3
    interface Ethernet0/4
    interface Ethernet0/5
    interface Ethernet0/6
    interface Ethernet0/7
    interface Vlan1
    nameif inside
    security-level 100 IP address
    interface Vlan2
    nameif outside
    security-level 0
    IP address outside
    passive FTP mode
    clock timezone GMT/IST 0
    summer time clock GMT/IDT recurring last Sun Mar 01:00 last Sun Oct 02:00
    DNS domain-lookup outside
    DNS server-group DefaultDNS
    Server name
    domain xxxxx.local
    object-group service CCTV tcp
    port-object eq 9010
    object-group service CCTV_NEW tcp - udp
    port-object eq 9091
    object-group service BlackBerry tcp - udp
    port-object eq 3101
    object-group service NSM tcp - udp
    port-object eq 886
    object-group service RDP tcp - udp
    EQ port 3389 object
    object-group Protocol TCPUDP
    object-protocol udp
    object-tcp protocol
    outside_access_in list extended access allowed object-group TCPUDP any host outside eq 9091
    outside_access_in list extended access allowed object-group TCPUDP any host outside eq 886
    outside_access_in list extended access allowed object-group TCPUDP any host outside eq 3101
    outside_access_in list extended access permit tcp any host outside eq https
    outside_access_in list extended access permit tcp any interface outside eq pptp
    outside_access_in list extended access allowed esp any external interface
    outside_access_in list extended access permit udp any interface outside isakmp eq
    outside_access_in list extended access permit udp any interface outside eq 4500
    outside_access_in list extended access permit udp any interface outside eq 1701
    standard access list for distance-VPN-Gp_splitTunnelAcl permit
    inside_nat0_outbound to access ip scope list allow
    RemoteVPN_splitTunnelAcl list standard access allowed
    VPN-GP_splitTunnelAcl-list of allowed access standard
    standard L2TP_splitTunnelAcl-Remote Access-list allowed
    pager lines 24
    Enable logging
    asdm of logging of information
    Within 1500 MTU
    Outside 1500 MTU
    mask of local pool Remote-DHCP-POOL - IP
    no failover
    ICMP unreachable rate-limit 1 burst-size 1
    don't allow no asdm history
    ARP timeout 14400
    Global 1 interface (outside)
    NAT (inside) 0-list of access inside_nat0_outbound
    NAT (inside) 1
    public static 9091 9091 CCTV_System netmask interface tcp (indoor, outdoor)
    public static 886 886 SERVER netmask interface tcp (indoor, outdoor)
    public static 3101 3101 SERVER netmask interface tcp (indoor, outdoor)
    public static tcp (indoor, outdoor) interface https SERVER https netmask
    public static tcp (indoor, outdoor) pptp pptp netmask SERVER interface
    Access-group outside_access_in in interface outside
    Route outside 1
    Timeout xlate 03:00
    Timeout conn 01:00 half-closed 0:10:00 udp 0:02:00 icmp 0:00:02
    Sunrpc timeout 0:10:00 h323 0:05:00 h225 mgcp from 01:00 0:05:00 mgcp-pat 0:05:00
    Sip timeout 0:30:00 sip_media 0:02:00 prompt Protocol sip-0: 03:00 sip - disconnect 0:02:00
    Timeout sip-provisional-media 0:02:00 uauth 0:05:00 absolute
    timeout tcp-proxy-reassembly 0:01:00
    Floating conn timeout 0:00:00
    dynamic-access-policy-registration DfltAccessPolicy
    the ssh LOCAL console AAA authentication
    AAA authentication http LOCAL console
    Enable http server
    http inside
    No snmp server location
    No snmp Server contact
    Server enable SNMP traps snmp authentication linkup, linkdown cold start
    Crypto ipsec transform-set ESP-AES-256-MD5 esp-aes-256 esp-md5-hmac
    Crypto ipsec transform-set ESP-DES-SHA esp - esp-sha-hmac
    Crypto ipsec transform-set ESP-DES-MD5 esp - esp-md5-hmac
    Crypto ipsec transform-set ESP-AES-192-MD5 esp-aes-192 esp-md5-hmac
    Crypto ipsec transform-set ESP-3DES-MD5-esp-3des esp-md5-hmac
    Crypto ipsec transform-set ESP-AES-256-SHA 256 - aes - esp esp-sha-hmac
    Crypto ipsec transform-set ESP-AES-128-SHA aes - esp esp-sha-hmac
    Crypto ipsec transform-set ESP-AES-192-SHA esp-aes-192 esp-sha-hmac
    Crypto ipsec transform-set ESP-AES-128-MD5-esp - aes esp-md5-hmac
    Crypto ipsec transform-set esp-SHA-ESP-3DES-3des esp-sha-hmac
    Crypto ipsec transform-set esp-3des esp-sha-hmac trans
    Crypto ipsec transform-set trans transport mode
    life crypto ipsec security association seconds 28800
    Crypto ipsec kilobytes of life - safety 4608000 association
    Dynamic crypto map SYSTEM_DEFAULT_CRYPTO_MAP 65535 set pfs
    Crypto dynamic-map SYSTEM_DEFAULT_CRYPTO_MAP 65535 value transform-set ESP-AES-128-SHA ESP-AES-128-MD5 ESP-AES-192-SHA ESP-AES-192-MD5 ESP-AES-256-SHA ESP-AES-256-MD5 ESP-3DES-SHA MD5-ESP-3DES ESP-DES-SHA ESP-DES-MD5
    Crypto-map Dynamics dyno 20 transform-set trans
    outside_map card crypto 65535-isakmp dynamic ipsec SYSTEM_DEFAULT_CRYPTO_MAP
    card crypto 20-isakmp ipsec vpn Dynamics dyno
    vpn outside crypto map interface
    Crypto ca trustpoint _SmartCallHome_ServerCA
    Configure CRL
    Crypto ca trustpoint ASDM_TrustPoint0
    registration auto
    name of the object CN = ciscoasa
    Configure CRL
    Crypto ca certificate chain _SmartCallHome_ServerCA
    certificate ca 6ecc7aa5a7032009b8cebcf4e952d491
    308204 4 a0030201 d 308205ec 0202106e cc7aa5a7 032009b 8 cebcf4e9 52d 49130
    010105 05003081 09060355 04061302 55533117 ca310b30 0d 864886f7 0d06092a
    30150603 55040 has 13 0e566572 69536967 6e2c2049 6e632e31 1f301d06 0355040b
    13165665 72695369 676e2054 72757374 204e6574 776f726b 313 has 3038 06035504
    0b 133128 63292032 30303620 56657269 5369676e 2c20496e 632e202d 20466f72
    20617574 7a 656420 75736520 6f6e6c79 31453043 06035504 03133c 56 686f7269
    65726953 69676e20 436c 6173 73203320 5075626c 69632050 72696 72792043 61 d
    65727469 66696361 74696f6e 20417574 686f7269 7479202d 20473530 1e170d31
    30303230 38303030 3030305a 170d 3230 30323037 32333539 35395a 30 81b5310b
    30090603 55040613 02555331 17301506 0355040a 130e5665 72695369 676e2c20
    496e632e 311f301d 06035504 0b 131656 65726953 69676e20 54727573 74204e65
    74776f72 6b313b30 5465726d 20757365 20617420 73206f66 39060355 040b 1332
    68747470 7777772e 733a2f2f 76657269 7369676e 2e636f6d 2f727061 20286329
    302d 0603 55040313 26566572 69536967 61737320 33205365 6e20436c 3130312f
    63757265 20536572 76657220 20473330 82012230 0d06092a 864886f7 4341202d
    010101 05000382 010f0030 82010 0d has 02 b187841f 82010100 c20c45f5 bcab2597
    a7ada23e 9cbaf6c1 39b88bca c2ac56c6 e5bb658e 444f4dce 6fed094a d4af4e10
    9c688b2e 957b899b 13cae234 34c1f35b f3497b62 d188786c 83488174 0253f9bc
    7f432657 5833833b 330a17b0 d04e9124 ad867d64 12dc744a 34a11d0a ea961d0b
    15fca34b 3bce6388 d0f82d0c 948610ca b69a3dca eb379c00 48358629 5078e845
    1941 4ff595ec 7b98d4c4 71b350be 28b38fa0 b9539cf5 ca2c23a9 fd1406e8 63cd
    18b49ae8 3c6e81fd e4cd3536 b351d369 ec12ba56 6e6f9b57 c58b14e7 0ec79ced
    4a546ac9 4dc5bf11 b1ae1c67 81cb4455 33997f24 9b3f5345 7f861af3 3cfa6d7f
    81f5b84a d3f58537 1cb5a6d0 09e4187b 384efa0f 01 has 38201 02030100 df308201
    082b 0601 05050701 01042830 26302406 082 b 0601 db303406 05050730 01861868
    7474703a 2f2f6f63 73702e76 65726973 69676e2e 636f6d30 12060355 1 d 130101
    ff040830 02010030 70060355 b 200469 30673065 060, 6086 480186f8 1 d 060101ff
    45010717 03305630 2806082b 06010505 07020116 1 c 687474 70733a2f 2f777777
    2e766572 69736967 6e2e636f 6d2f6370 73302 has 06 082 b 0601 05050702 02301e1a
    1 c 687474 70733a2f 2f777777 2e766572 69736967 6e2e636f 6d2f7270 61303406
    03551d1f 042d302b 3029 has 027 a0258623 68747470 3a2f2f63 726c2e76 65726973
    69676e2e 636f6d2f 2d67352e 70636133 63726c 30 0e060355 1d0f0101 ff040403
    02010630 6d06082b 06010505 07010c 59305730 55160969 5da05b30 04 61305fa1
    6 d 616765 2f676966 3021301f 2b0e0302 30070605 1a04148f e5d31a86 ac8d8e6b
    c3cf806a d448182c 7b192e30 25162368 7474703a 2f2f6c6f 676f2e76 65726973
    69676e2e 636f6d2f 76736c6f 676f2e67 69663028 0603551d 11042130 1fa41d30
    1 b 311930 17060355 04031310 56657269 5369676e 4d504b49 2d322d36 301D 0603
    445 1653 44c1827e 1d20ab25 f40163d8 be79a530 1f060355 c 1604140d 551d0e04
    1 230418 30168014 7fd365a7 c2ddecbb f03009f3 4339fa02 af333133 300 d 0609 d
    2a 864886 05050003 82010100 0c8324ef ddc30cd9 589cfe36 b6eb8a80 f70d0101
    4bd1a3f7 9df3cc53 ef829ea3 a1e697c1 589d756c e01d1b4c fad1c12d 05c0ea6e
    b2227055 d9203340 3307c 265 83fa8f43 379bea0e 9a6c70ee f69c803b d937f47a
    99 c 71928 8705 404167d 1 273aeddc 866d 24f78526 a2bed877 7d494aca 6decd018
    481d22cd 0b0b8bbc f4b17bfd b499a8e9 762ae11a 2d876e74 d388dd1e 22c6df16
    b62b8214 0a945cf2 50ecafce ff62370d ad65d306 4153ed02 14c8b558 28a1ace0
    5becb37f 954afb03 c8ad26db e6667812 4ad99f42 fbe198e6 42839b8f 8f6724e8
    6119b5dd cdb50b26 058ec36e c4c875b8 46cfe218 065ea9ae a8819a47 16de0c28
    6c2527b9 deb78458 c61f381e a4c4cb66
    quit smoking
    string encryption ca ASDM_TrustPoint0 certificates
    certificate 5eb57b56
    3082016a 30820201 a0030201 0202045e b57b5630 0d06092a 864886f7 0d 010105
    3111300f 05003045 06035504 03130863 6973636f 61736131 30302e06 092 has 8648
    09021621 63697363 6f617361 2e627574 6 c 657274 6563686e 6f6c6f67 86f70d01
    6965732e 6c6f6361 6c301e17 313630 39313931 33303732 395a170d 32363039 0d
    a 31373133 30373239 5 304531 11300f06 03550403 13086369 73636f61 73613130
    2a 864886 f70d0109 6973636f 02162163 6173612e 6275746c 65727465 302e0609
    63686e6f 6c6f6769 65732e6c 6f63616c 30819f30 0d06092a 864886f7 0d 010101
    8 D 003081 89028181 05000381 008e76a6 2ad8e079 15814471 df2c3309 abdc0ae7
    1c665f5f bb09154b 1ac3fd81 930b29cb 6da29338 738c 9373 a0b30f61 a1d08aa9
    f5ef926b 11ef1e22 e8beeb5f c6606090 7a71b367 cad571c5 56331678 d83d4bb4
    9f98a565 577cccd6 dc20e190 c7128cf2 e38d3ad1 37807440 3da501c2 14bbbe02
    45abf677 89248633 d 05589d 4886f70d 01010505 55 75020301 0001300 06092a 86
    000a7b9d 00038181 3e29b1d9 8459309b 5e24606a cae0710e b9e264f4 a61125b9
    2f431f3a 5c4a9485 fe9bc0b0 9f9f7072 13abd978 243e0542 e34642d6 ae33028d
    be03b9e9 56c693ab b082932d b44ab014 9366c0d4 529a7ff5 818f7293 2026521b
    52fcf5c7 d623f7fa 54019c 86 e64a4212 08444c 58 8ccd11d8 4297d18a c4b2de33
    2003eaf5 e2
    quit smoking
    crypto ISAKMP allow outside
    crypto ISAKMP policy 10
    preshared authentication
    3des encryption
    sha hash
    Group 2
    life 86400
    Telnet timeout 5
    SSH inside
    SSH outdoors
    SSH timeout 30
    SSH version 2
    Console timeout 0
    dhcpd outside auto_config

    a basic threat threat detection
    Statistics-list of access threat detection
    a statistical threat detection tcp-interception rate-interval 30 burst-400-rate average rate 200
    NTP Server
    NTP server prefer external source
    port 8443
    allow outside
    DTLS port 8443
    SVC disk0:/anyconnect-win-2.5.2014-k9.pkg 1 image
    SVC disk0:/anyconnect-macosx-i386-2.5.2014-k9.pkg 2 image
    Picture disk0:/sslclient-win- 3 SVC
    enable SVC
    attributes of Group Policy DfltGrpPolicy
    Protocol-tunnel-VPN IPSec l2tp ipsec svc webvpn
    SVC request enable
    internal RemoteVPN group strategy
    attributes of Group Policy RemoteVPN
    value of server DNS
    Protocol-tunnel-VPN IPSec
    Split-tunnel-policy tunnelspecified
    value of Split-tunnel-network-list RemoteVPN_splitTunnelAcl
    XXXX.local value by default-field
    internal strategy group at distance-VPN-GP
    remote control-VPN-GP group policy attributes
    value of DNS server
    Protocol-tunnel-VPN IPSec
    XXXXX.local value by default-field
    internal strategy group to distance-L2TP
    L2TP remote group policy attributes
    value of server DNS
    VPN-tunnel-Protocol webvpn
    username privilege 15 encrypted v5FJjvsPy8PsIOtZ xxxxpassword
    attributes of username xxxx
    VPN-group-policy RemoteVPN
    xxxxx YeC9t79Bj2E5FxxV username encrypted password
    attributes of username xxxxx
    Strategy-Group-VPN Remote - L2TP
    2KXeP2Ggcoa6BTsozucgAA password xxxxx user name is nt encrypted
    remote access of type tunnel-group to distance-VPN-GP
    distance-VPN-GP-global attributes tunnel-group
    Remote control-DHCP-POOL-pool of addresses
    Group Policy - by default-remote control-VPN-GP
    tunnel-group GP-remote control-VPN ipsec-attributes
    pre-shared key *.
    type tunnel-group Remote-L2TP remote access
    attributes global-tunnel-group Remote-L2TP
    Remote control-DHCP-POOL-pool of addresses
    Group Policy - by default-remote-L2TP
    tunnel-group Remote-L2TP ipsec-attributes
    pre-shared key *.
    tunnel-group Remote-L2TP ppp-attributes
    ms-chap-v2 authentication
    class-map inspection_default
    match default-inspection-traffic
    type of policy-card inspect dns preset_dns_map
    maximum message length automatic of customer
    message-length maximum 512
    Policy-map global_policy
    class inspection_default
    inspect the preset_dns_map dns
    inspect the ftp
    inspect h323 h225
    inspect the h323 ras
    inspect the rsh
    inspect the rtsp
    inspect esmtp
    inspect sqlnet
    inspect the skinny
    inspect sunrpc
    inspect xdmcp
    inspect the sip
    inspect the netbios
    inspect the tftp
    Review the ip options
    inspect the pptp
    global service-policy global_policy
    context of prompt hostname
    anonymous reporting remote call
    : end
    ciscoasa (config) #.


    I see same Phase 2 is completed in the newspapers, so more than a customer issue.

    On the Security tab in the connection on the client profile, check if you have allowed the correct password and security protocols:


    Kind regards


    Please evaluate the useful messages and mark the correct answers.

  • How to find a group of contacts in Windows Mail

    Can someone tell me how to find a Contact Group once I did? I've twice spent ages typing a list of about 50 names in a contact group and gave the group a name, but each time that he don't not then appears in Windows Contacts, so I have not been able to use it. That's happened?



    See if help above.

    See you soon.

    Mick Murphy - Microsoft partner

  • vWorkspace Powershell - find logon failed

    Does anyone know if it is possible to find logon failed "" for a machine through the Powershell cmdlets vWorkspace?

    As far as I know that there is no option for this in the get-qvwcomputer cmdlet and the qvwcomputer object.

    Thank you

    Hi Hilbert,

    We will add this as a feature request! Thanks for the comments.

  • Cannot find host group on one of my laptops.

    Laptop computer A and B are on the same wireless network. which means that they are on a home network, called Adam, which allows each of them to connect to the interwebs.

    Now A laptop has created a group of home and allows all files to share but notebook b cannot see this laptop even if the PORTABLE A and b have both run windows 7, both are on the same home network and both clocks are synchronized with each other until the last second.

    both machines are on discovrable, BUT b PC cannot join the mobile home A group instead, they "create a group" even if we should have the join...

    How can I fix it? Adrien... What?

    Hi Adrien_,
    Thanks for visiting the site of the community of Microsoft Windows!

    You can try temporarily disabling the Firewall

    Follow the steps below and check if that helps:

    Homegroup in Windows 7 will simplify the tasks related to the sharing of music, images and documents within your home network and Windows 7 PCs. homegroup allows also to share your printers USB connected, if you have a printer in the living room that is shared by the homegroup, it will be automatically installed on your other homegroup active computers joined to a domain PCs. can be part of a homegroup too.

    Create your homegroup
    As soon as you set up your network, Windows 7 invites you to select the type of location. Once you select Home Network, Windows 7 will start to apply the necessary settings for your new network.

    The wizard of home group then you will invite to create your homegroup and choose what to share in your homegroup.

    The wizard then generates a password that can be used to add other computers to your homegroup.

    Your new homegroup is now created and your photos, music, videos, printers folders are ready to be shared with other computers when they join the homegroup. Are these files - music, videos, printers, photo - call your libraries in Windows 7. Don't forget, we have not yet shared any files as such. Only network shares have been created so far.

    Join the homegroup
    When your other computer is connected to the same network where you created the homegroup (above), Windows 7 prompts you to you that there is a homegroup available to join.

    Once you choose to join, Windows 7 will provide you with information about the residential group on your network

    Click Join now to join your homegroup. You will be asked to enter the homegroup password that was generated during the creation of this homegroup

    Enter the password will allow you to join the homegroup and choose what you want to share

    Welcome to your homegroup!

    Display in your homegroup
    You can find your homegroup in the Explorer Navigation pane (left side of the Explorer). Just click on the Windows Explorer icon in the superbar and it will open your libraries.

    You can put all the files in the libraries and share with your homegroup. Its as simple as that!

    Media Player will automatically search your homegroup for music and will add the files to the Media Player library. You can also search in the libraries of your homegroup by using the Explorer search feature.

    What happens if I forget my password of created homegroup?
    Yes, the password generated by the wizard is difficult to remember (being complex and safe) and you would like to see your password whenever you forgot. Windows 7 allows you to display or print your password even after the creation of the homegroup in the residential group options.

    You can find your home group options in the network and sharing Center, or just type "homegroup" (without the quotes) in your Start menu.

    Residential group was certainly designed to be easy and he remains faithful to his promise - an approach of end to end easy to share in your home!

    Please keep in mind that the homegroup only works with Windows 7 machines and it does not support Vista or XP.
    Follow this link for more information: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows7/products/features/homegroup
    Hope this information helped!

    Thank you, and in what concerns:
    Aziz Nadeem - Microsoft technical support.
    Visit our http://social.answers.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/answersfeedback/threads/ Microsoft answers feedback Forum and let us know what you think.

  • Cannot find option group Knockout

    With the help of Ilustrator CS6 (3-0-16 v)

    Cannot find the Knockout group option in the transparency Panel.

    Which looks like this:


    It should look like this


    Anyone who knows where to find this option?

    Click here and choose Display Options.

  • Query to find the group name for the Business of the employee


    I'm new to the HRMS module.

    I want to find employee (per_all_people_f) information about commercial groups.

    I found a HR_ALL_ORGANIZATION_UNITS database table, but there are many records in this table with the same business_group_id that in itself is not a unique key.

    Could someone help me find the link between employees and their BG.

    Thank you.


    The link is between per_all_people_f.business_group_id and hr_all_organization_units.organization_id (i.e., the pharmacokinetics of the table). It will be useful.

    Kind regards.

  • How to manage contacts in hotmail and outlook. I can't find my groups or add people to their

    In the new format of 'People' contacts I see not all the groups that I had previously implemented. When I try to 'manage groups' understood how to add an email contact to the group. How can I do this or groups are a thing of the past? If so, it sucks!

    In the new format of 'People' contacts I see not all the groups that I had previously implemented. When I try to 'manage groups' understood how to add an email contact to the group. How can I do this or groups are a thing of the past? If so, it sucks!


    It's easy to manage your contacts using the Contacts folder in the file Explorer.

    Go to the desktop and open Explorer Windows (Windows key + E).

    Navigate to the C:\Users\your folder name\Contacts.

    Click on the help icon in top/right side of the window.

    This will show the details on the import, export, management Contacts, creating and managing groups, etc.

    When you make changes in the Contacts folder, these changes are automatically applied to the App people, the Email app and other applications where the contacts are used.


  • SQL to find the grouped rows that have changed their values?

    I wonder if it is a pure SQL way do this...?

    I have a table that has a number of columns:
    Col - has to pass - z - some data.

    the pair (InsertionDate, identity) is unique.

    The lines represent the same values as they change over time, for example:

    Select * from < mytable > by its identity, InsertionDate;
    Balance InsertionDate identity
    10 February 01-1001 - 100
    11 February 01-1001-1
    1001 12 February 01 50
    10 February 01-1002-10
    11 February 01-1002-10
    1002 12 February 01 76

    I want to do the following:

    Select < myTable > from where InsertionDate and the next InsertionDate have a different value for the balance "grouped by" identity and InsertionDate = "10 February 01»;»»
    [I use "grouped by" with great caution - I can't explain in 'Nick sql' without using the misleading grouped by term]

    To produce the output:

    Balance InsertionDate identity
    10 February 01-1001 - 100
    11 February 01-1001-1

    Select < myTable > from where InsertionDate and the next InsertionDate have a different value for the balance "grouped by" identity and InsertionDate = ' 11 February 01»;»»
    Balance InsertionDate identity
    11 February 01-1001-1
    1001 12 February 01 50
    11 February 01-1002-10
    1002 12 February 01 76

    There may be several columns in addition to the balance that should also be checked for changes.

    See you soon,.

    A little misread your reqs:

    with t as (
               select to_date('10-Feb-01','dd-mon-yy') InsertionDate,1001 Identity,-100 Balance from dual union all
               select to_date('11-Feb-01','dd-mon-yy'),1001,1 from dual union all
               select to_date('12-Feb-01','dd-mon-yy'),1001,50 from dual union all
               select to_date('10-Feb-01','dd-mon-yy'),1002,10 from dual union all
               select to_date('11-Feb-01','dd-mon-yy'),1002,10 from dual union all
               select to_date('12-Feb-01','dd-mon-yy'),1002,76 from dual
    select  InsertionDate,
      from  (
             select  InsertionDate,
                     row_number() over(partition by Identity order by InsertionDate) rn,
                     lead(Balance,1,Balance - 1) over(partition by Identity order by InsertionDate) next_balance
               from  t
      where balance != next_balance
        and rn != 1
      order by Identity,
    --------- ---------- ----------
    11-FEB-01       1001          1
    12-FEB-01       1001         50
    11-FEB-01       1002         10
    12-FEB-01       1002         76


  • Question of VLAN native of UCS


    I have a problem that I can not just wrap my mind autour.  We have UCS setup in a lab with 2 interconnections connected to 2 nexus switches 5510.  The nexus switches are passed to the network via a Switch 4900 m.  All circuits are configured and tested as functional. All routing is configured and confirmed.  I have a problem in UCS, which is confusing to me.  In the lab, I kept the VLAN native to the vlan1.  I have the Setup VLAN 2-10 on all switches test and interconnections.  I created a service profile that contains 1 network card and placed it in the VLAN 7.  I installed Windows 2008 on a blade using this service profile.  In the operating system I statically IP'ed the NIC for the schema used in VLAN 7.  The OS, I cannot ping another device located in the vlan 7.  Also, I can't ping a host on a different VLAN.  If I place a check on the VLAN 1 as the vlan native I still cannot ping anything.  If I place the audit for vlan native to vlan 7 I can ping hosts in the same vlan, as well as outside of the vlan.  So why should I place vlan 7 as the vlan native when all my boxes are set up in the vlan 1 is the vlan native?

    Thanks for any help,



    When you allow some VLANs on your Service vNIC profile you will need to set the VLAN native. This is because the way you have configured currently you are only "allowing VLAN 15', but you're not marking it.   It will work fine for ESX or Linux which allows to assign the dot1q tag to the host.  With Windows unless you have specific drivers doing the marking for you, you will need to do it at the level of the vNIC in UCS.

    Two ways to see this in action.  When you create a service profile in the 'Basic' - not 'Expert' method, you will need to choose a single VLAN for your interfaces.  This will treat interfaces about like an "access Port".  Conversely, when you use the "Expert mode you select the vNIC as a trunk, in which you" will allow to "all VLAN you acceding them as to, like this is the method you did.»

    For a Windows operating system, set the VLAN natively for the VLAN you want to access and you'll be gentle.  Unchecking this option button that "VLAN native" is allowing traffic to cross out of UCS on the VLAN native VLAN 1, your network - it is therefore MAC appears on other fabric under VLAN1

    Kind regards


  • VLAN overlap when upgrading to ucs 2.0 x

    Hi all

    We'll go to ucs 2.0 x 1.4.3(L).

    As we use the vlan 1 as vlan for ethernet and vlan native VSAN 1 FCoe (which is the default value for 1.4.3L).

    Althuogh we don't use VSAN1 at all, our current Setup uses too running vlan for glutaraldehyde VSAN and Ethernet to guide the UCS firmware upgrade and create a critical alert.

    SO I try to change a VSAN 1 FCoE vlan to vlan 4048 before update firmware the right pick up vlan 4048 is that we want to keep consistency for new UCS construction and implementation at level (4048 is default FCoE vlan for the new installation of UCS) 2.0

    When I connect to the UCS, I found VLANs 4048 looks like has been used by UCS internally (doc cisco suggest the same thing)

    4048 VLAN4048 active Po1 (Po1 is channel uplink ports)

    For the VSAN 1 FCoe VLan change, I have 2 questions:

    1st question is: can I change a VSAN 1 FCoE vlan to 4048 on 1.4.3(L)? Anyone who has the experience to do this?

    2nd question is:

    If the answer to Q1 is YES, what is the impact on the system UCS (ESX host, bare metal server and virtual machine) when I change VSAN 1 FCoE to vlan 4048?

    If you use no traffic set to 4048, you can skip about 4048 VLAN being listed for the channel for the ethernet port interface.


  • VLAN Management with the 1000V and UCS

    If I want to use 10 VLAN management, to configure the following:

    1000V - VM vEthernet port profile coelio with VLAN 10, Ethernet uplink profile includes 10 VLANS

    UCS - vNIC in the Service profile, VLAN 10 and include the UCS uplink trunk VLAN 10

    Switch upstream: include 10 VLANS in trunk port.


    Now, this management VLAN, I then jeutiliser can for everything? I mean to 1000V management VLAN, vSPhere management, management FI and switch? For example management of 1000V or different from others?

    Hi Atle,

    Yes, is that what you mentioned, it's good in terms of activities you need to perform. However, I wish to add a few:

    (1) define him vlan on the UCS - except if you do this, that you won't be able to add to the vnic. More once you have set the vlan automatiaclly will get added to the list of trunk on uplink ports (unless you l2-disjoint set up)

    You can have the same vlan for all management, unless you have some traffic that you would not want some devices to see / meet.

    . / Afonso

  • Cannot find the libraries/containers group

    I'm running my Word 2016 startup folder manually in order to make my word of Zotero plugin appear. Instructions (https://www.zotero.org/support/windows_word_plugin_manual_installation_instructi ons #macword_2016) tell me to run the start-up folder for something in ~Library/Group containers / etc etc, but I can't find the containers group file in my folder of library or ANYWHERE at ALL. I use a Mac to mid-2012 running Yosemite 10.10.5. I would appreciate help find my group containers folder or find how to get my plugin Zotero toolbar appears on my word 2016.

    You're looking in the right folder of the library. You want the folder/Home/Library/who is invisible.

    Three ways to make the House/library folder Visible

    A. this method will make the folder visible permanently. Open the Terminal application in the Utilities folder, and paste the following at the command prompt:

    chflags nohidden ~/Library

    Press RETURN.

    B. click on the desktop, press the Option (⌥) key, select library in the Finder menu go.

    C. go to the folder in the Finder menu select go. Paste the following text in the path field:


    Click the OK button.

    [Permission to use any part of the foregoing has been granted by khati, exclusively, to theratter.]

  • Scareware disabled program in group policy, System Restore cannot find group policy

    I recently got a virus on my PC, descended, scareware but it messed up a lot of parameters, it has happened and I fixed it with a system restore. This time I can't fix it with a system restore because there is no tab protection system, says it is disabled in group policy, but I can't find the group policy.

    I went to start > type gpedit.msc, I get nothing. I went to Start > regedit.exe to reach the system restore, I get nothing.


    These are the problems that I have problems with, reason why I want to restore.
    -virus stopped my ability to display the hidden files and folders (so I couldn't remove it normally)
    -stopped my ability to display some folder options in Control Panel
    -When I try to open an application, it asks me which application I want to open it with, but when I try to open a file from an application, it works fine. I have to right-click > run as Admin
    -virus destroyed my ability to get online

    I met this virus before and he beat, but I removed it and he still has cornered me. I need to get to group policy, but can't find it.

    Sorry, but at this point, the most sensible thing is to do a restore clean factory/install of Windows. Back up your data first of course. If you still want to try other things, post in one of the specialty forums listed in the link below and get interactive help.

    http://www.elephantboycomputers.com/page2.html#HJT-links MS - MVP - Elephant Boy computers - don't panic!

  • vSwitch balancing UCS


    Can someone tell me is it recommended to use the vSwitch LB "route based on the hash of the IP" instead of from the port in a UCS environment id.

    I have active active 2 NIC to the vSwitch (FabA and FabB) and it has been originally port ID everything works fine until I added an another vNIC on a virtual machine that is not able to ping to her peer host on another ESXi.

    If I vMotion as VM to a different ESXi and migrate back to top ping. If I change the LB to hash IP that it works well.

    Two virtual machines are in the same vlan and its configured on fabric and port groups.

    Anyone who's tried hash IP UCS? The link grouping preference is Port channel in UCS


    With the vSwitch you can use the hash by default LB UCS (route based on the virtual port ID).  With the help of the intellectual property of hash are used only when you have the two natachasery (vmnic) channeled port, which you don't have.  UCS does not channel the A port & fabric B uplinks together, but rather the port line does occur between each IOM and FI respectfully assuming you have 2200 IOM and 6200 series FI.

    It's probably happening two virtual machines is a problem of communicating to pin on different fabrics.

    E.g.  If you have two virtual machines on two different hosts, and the vSwitch hash happens to send both their traffic through the fabric-A uplink - traffic will hit the same FI, switch locally and then come back in the same way.   If two virtual computers get axes rising different (one for FI - A and the other to FI - B), can communicate with each other (even in the same VLAN), they must go LAN North, power in the local network upstream and down the other side.  This is because there is no interconnection traffic dataplane between yew, that control traffic is organized into clusters.

    When you Vmotion your VM back the vSwitch hash can change each time, so sometimes the two virtual machines could find you hash for the same fabric and othertimes not.  This would also explain the odd behavior when you have the LB hash IP hash value.  Each stream has a 50-50 chance of working.

    When two virtual machines cannot communicate, go back to your LAN switch upstream and do a ' show vlan address mac x "and see if you find the two VM MAC address visible.  Otherwise, you probably either not created this VLAN on upstream switches, or you have not authorized it on one of the trunks in the path.  Ensure that the LB is back to the virtual Port default ID hash also.

    Kind regards


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