Update database with form Jdeveloper

I have an editable form and a button "submit" in my jspx page. When I open the page in firefox, it gives me the form and I can make changes to the data in the fields. When I click the button submit, is as he saved the changes, i.e. the form page indicates the changes, but when I go to check in the database is the same, and when I disable firefox and run the page again, he loses the changes.

Any ideas?


Just check the property to disable validation in jspx code button and the disabled property to false.

Next blog will help you achieve in ADF CRUD operation



Tags: Java

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    "" < s:Form includeIn = "LocationAdd, LocationUpdate"x ="52" y ="320" defaultButton = "auLocnBtn{}">

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    < / s:ComboBox >

    < / s:FormItem >

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    < / s:Form >

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    updateLocationResult.token = locationService.updateLocation (rentals);


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    Do this in php and html is really straight forward, because there is a < value > property that allows me to pass the ID. Something similar in flash builder? I spent hours on this... Please don't laugh, I said I was new on FB!

    See you soon,.


    Okay understood outside, what I had to do was

    protected function auLocnBtn_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void


    Locations.SPID = parseInt (spidComboBox.selectedItem.spid);


    that is the reference object properties... FB with PHP is great!

    This can be closed.

  • Update database with several form fields with the same name

    If I've made good progress on my CF photo album project, but now I meet a problem.  Once I downloaded a collection of photos and them inserted in my database, I bring up a page that is actually an array containing the thumbnail of each image, some info on it and the description of the photo.

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    As you probably understand, giving all your textareas eponymous means that when the form is submitted, you get a value that is a list of the contents of each text box comma-delimited.  If none of the commas are typed in the text box, you have a problem.

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    When the form is submitted, I loop through the form.fieldnames list.  If the first 12 characters are 'description_111', I can remore 12 characters to get the id.  I also have the content of the text box using the array notation.

  • Cannot update Table with form data in the SQL statement

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  • Error updating databases with more than 255 characters of text

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    Possible reasons:
    ADO error: 0x80040E21
    Exception occurred in the Microsoft OLE DB provider for ODBC drivers: value invalid precision [Microsoft] [ODBC Microsoft Access driver] to create a NI_Database_API.lvlib:Rec - Command.vi-> NI_Database_API.lvlib:Cmd Execute.vi-> NI_Database_API.lvlibData.vi B Tools Update-> update DB.vi-> GTS.vi

    I realize that 255 is the limit for certain applications.  Is there some settings that I have to do to have the limit defined by the data source, and not by any supplier is to limit the length of the data?

    It should work. Looks like you are using the database connectivity kit. This could also be a problem. Click here for other drivers.



  • Database update issue with JavaScript and local storage

    Hi all

    I come from a PHP background and a newbie with HTML5 and JavaScript, and local storage

    Currently I'm building a mobile web application that uses a remote database.

    I have a question about the update database.

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    Here is where I have a question: How can I make sure the edit went through good - what is better to do it now?

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    -Another technique to do of course change it went through OK

    - then if successful, I can update the local storage

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    Why not to use jquery get () callback status where if the success is returned then to update local storage?



  • helps with the update of tabular form using dynamic Action

    Hello world

    I'm trying to simplify a tabular presentation based on a collection so that it uses more dynamic actions that will be ultimately more easy for us to debug.

    Our tabular presentation is based on the query:

    apex_item.text(1,seq_id,'','','id="f01_'||seq_id,'','') "DeleteRow",
    seq_id display_seq_id,
    apex_item.text_from_LOV(c004,'SPECIES')||'-'||apex_item.text_from_LOV(c005,'GRADE')||'-'||apex_item.text_from_LOV(c006,'MARKETCODE')||'-'||apex_item.text_from_LOV_query(c007,'select unit_of_measure d, unit_of_measure r from species_qc') unit,
    apex_item.select_list_from_LOV(8,c008,'DISPOSITIONS','onchange="getAllDisposition('||seq_id||')"','YES','0','  -- Select Favorite --  ','f08_'||seq_id,'') Disposition,
    apex_item.select_list_from_LOV(9,c009,'GEARS','style="background-color:#FBEC5D; "onFocus="checkGearPreviousFocus('||seq_id||');"onchange="getAllGears('||seq_id||')"','YES','3333','-- Select Favorite --','f09_'||seq_id,'') Gear,
    apex_item.text(10,TO_NUMBER(c010),5,null, 'onchange="setTotal('||seq_id||')"','f10_'||seq_id,'') Quantity,
    apex_item.text(11,TO_NUMBER(c011),5,null,'onchange="getPriceBoundaries('||seq_id||')"','f11_'||seq_id,'') Price,
    apex_item.text(12, TO_NUMBER(c012),5,null, 'onchange="changePrice
    ('||seq_id||')" onKeyDown="selectDollarsFocus('||seq_id||',event);"','f12_'||seq_id,'') Dollars,
     decode(c013,'Y',apex_item.text(14, c014,30,null,'style="background-color:#FBEC5D;" onClick="onFocusAreaFished('||seq_id||');"','f14_'||seq_id,''),'N','N/A') Area_Fished,
    c017 additional_measure_flag,
    decode(c017,'Y',apex_item.text(18, c018,4,null,'style="background-color:#FBEC5D; "onBlur="setUnitQuantity('||seq_id||')"','f18_'||seq_id,''),'N','N/A') UNIT_QUANTITY,
    decode(c017,'Y',apex_item.text(19,'CN',3,null,'readOnly=readOnly;','f19_'||seq_id,''),'N','N/A') UNIT_COUNT,
    c024 fins_attached,
    apex_item.textarea(28,c028,3,null,'class="hms_info"','f28_'||seq_id,'') Explanation,
    decode(c024,'N',apex_item.select_list_from_LOV(29,c029,'HMSNATURE','class="hms_info"''onchange="saveNature('||seq_id||')"','YES','A','-- Select Nature of Sale --','f29_'||seq_id,''),'U',apex_item.select_list_from_LOV(29,c029,'HMSNATURE','onchange="saveNature('||seq_id||')"','YES','A','-- Select Nature of Sale --','f29_'||seq_id,''),'Y','N/A') Nature_Of_Sale,
    apex_item.select_list_from_LOV(40,c040,'HMS_AREA_CODE','style="background-color:#FBEC5D;" class="hms_info"
    ',null,null,null,'f40_'||seq_id,'')  HMS_AREA_CODE,
    c020 hms_flag,
    apex_item.text(41,TO_NUMBER(c041),5,null, 'class="hms_info"','f41_'||seq_id,'') Sale_Price,
    c050 shark_flag
    from apex_collections
     where collection_name = 'SPECIES_COLLECTION' order by seq_id 

    Note that many of the fields referenced are c0xx... and really serve as place holders so that the c0xx = fxx.  It's awkward, like every time that a movement or move a column, it upsets the fxx value.   So, I tried to use the CLASS if possible.

    I have a dynamic action that had worked perfectly, until I moved one of the columns... and now, it seems not to work when I'm trying to update anything with the HMS_INFO or SHARK_INFO class.  Grrr.

    dynamic action: CHANGE COLUMN

    event: CHANGE

    selection type: JQUERY SELECTOR

    jQuery selector: input [name = 'f10'], input [name = 'f11'], input [name = 'f12'], input [name = "f24"], textarea [name = "f28"], select [name = "f40"], input [name = "f41"]

    true action1: defined value, expression javascript, set P110_ID = this.triggeringElement.id

    true action2: defined value, expression javascript, set P110_VALUE = this.triggeringElement.value

    true action3: run pl/sql,.

      v_attr number;
      v_seq number;
      v_attr := TO_NUMBER (SUBSTR (:p110_id, 2, 2));
      select ltrim(substr(:p110_ID,5,4),'0') into v_seq from dual;

    the safis_collections.update_column package is:

    procedure update_column(v_seq in varchar2,
                            v_attr in number,
                            v_value in varchar2)
       apex_collection.update_member_attribute (p_collection_name=> 'SPECIES_COLLECTION',
                         p_seq => v_seq,
                         p_attr_number => v_attr,
                         p_attr_value  => v_value);
    apex_debug.message('updated column. seq='||v_seq||' attribute='||v_attr||' with '||v_value);

    I wonder if there is a way to make the CLASS in my JQUERY SELECTOR, so something like reference entry [class = "HMS_INFO"], input [CLASS = "shark_info"]... and if so, what happens if a single item in the class is an option button and the other is a selection list and the other an element?

    is it possible to not have to rely on the fxx.  Currently, my collection columns map to the investment in the form of tables... sense, c024 = f24... because I placed c024 to be the 24th editable column, but this seems crazy.  Is there a simpler way?  I'm just learning class, then maybe there is something extra, or rather that I could use...

    any help is appreciated.   Thank you!

    I think I have solved the problem.

    dynamic action: CHANGE COLUMN

    event: CHANGE

    selection type: JQUERY SELECTOR

    jQuery selector: input [name = 'f10'], input [name = 'f11'], input [name = 'f12'], .shark_info, .hms_info

    true action1: defined value, expression javascript, set P110_ID = this.triggeringElement.id P110_VALUE POINT KEYS

    true action2: run pl/sql code


    items to submit page: P110_ID

    true action3: defined value, expression javascript, set P110_VALUE = this.triggeringElement.value P110_VALUE POINT KEYS

    true Action4: value: PL/SQL expression, the value P110_SEQ = rtrim (substr(:P110_ID,5,4),'0 ') CONCERNED POINT: P110_SEQ

    true Action5: run pl/sql code

      v_attr number;
      v_attr := TO_NUMBER (SUBSTR (:P110_id, 2, 2));
                       (p_collection_name      => 'SPECIES_COLLECTION',
                        p_seq                  => :P110_SEQ,
                        p_attr_number          => v_attr,
                        p_attr_value           => :P110_VALUE);

    items to submit page: P110_ID, P110_VALUE, P110_SEQ

    true action6: refreshment area

    I think it is the combination of the use of pl/sql expression to calculate P110_SEQ and also your tip on TRUE ACTION2 to submit the item that did the trick.

    Thanks Kofi, for your patience and help!  It was great.

    Ugh... on the next issue.


  • Database 11g r2 with forms 6

    We can connect orace database 11g release 2 with forms/States, 6.

    No you can not connect oracle database 11g r2 to forms or reports 6.
    Forms and reports builder 6/6i support for 10 g.
    so you have to shoft your forms and the report on the developer 10g or heigher costume.

  • Automatic update of tabular form

    I have a tabular layout with several editable fields created from a view and using a trigger to update the specific data fields that can be changed or entered instead. The data entered in the updates of this form without problem. My problem is that I would like to automatically update two fields in the database, (is displayed and you're not), when the specific fields in the form of tables are entered. I tried a PL ON process/SUBMIT SQL runs when you push the button SUBMIT. I get my success message, but the database does not get updates

    If: f12 is not null and: f13 = 'Now' then
    Update [email protected]
    Set mail_date = sysdate, treated = 'Y '.
    where: f02 = request_detail_id;
    end if;

    You can provide any assistance will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.



    Your following update statement references table "f12" and "f13. What columns of tables these correspond to the? You can use the
    'View form information' tab of the toolbar of developer for this track.
    Also at the point of Scott, in which the clause where reference you the table "f02" shouldn't you have "i" instead of "1"

    FOR i IN 1 .. apex_application.g_f02.COUNT LOOP
    set d_mail_date = sysdate, d_processed = 'Y'
    where apex_application.g_f02(1) = d_request_detail_id and apex_application.g_f12(i) = 'N' and apex_application.g_f13(i)='Now';
    end loop;


  • Adjust the data in the database with the variables


    For my internship, I have an assignment to read and set a database with the variables. This SQL server 2005 database contains variables of a controller. These are read and write variables. The assignment is to display the read variables and the user can adjust the variables of Scripture. The first part was "easy" because the forum contained a lot of examples of this. The second part is more difficult because the forum contains absolutely no example of this. Can I use LabVIEW 2010 and 2011, and also I downloaded the 30 day trial of the database connection tool. If it's useful, I can recommend my company to buy this package. Playback vi makes use of a UDL (Microsoft data link) connection.

    So you guys my question is: is it possible to adjust the specific variables in a database using LabVIEW? And maybe you can give me a little advice on this topic...

    Thanks in advance!


    In SQL, the specific data are always selected with the keyword WHERE. In VI to update there is a link for options, you can for example add a constant 'WHERE id = 1457 and measure > 0.54 ".

    You can ofc. also build this chain through controls, settings and other means.

    If you prefer, you can use the Execute Query (under Advanced tab I think) to which you can send the complete query example "TestTable Update set name ="Zeus"where id > 14 and id.<>


  • Block of detail automatically updated when the form is saved


    I have a form with 2 blocks of tabular data (1 master and 1 retail).

    The retail block also contains a non-base of data element, a checkbox control. User can check or uncheck this box for each record in the detail block.

    My problem is, when the user changes something in the main block and saves (by pressing F10 or by clicking on save button), box block of retail values are lost.

    For a test, I created a trigger validation key at the level of the main block: I iterates over the detail records to collect values of checkboxes before doing a commit_form (the goal was to restore checkbox values right after), but even at this stage the check boxes are all null as if the retail block has already been re-populated and of course non-base of data items reset before the trigger validation key is enabled.

    What Miss me. It is a detail of a relationship block master / detail is updated when the form is saved standard? What are the alternatives to keep/restore my values of checkboxes in this situation?

    Thanks in advance for your help

    L0rd says:


    I have a form with 2 blocks of tabular data (1 master and 1 retail).

    The retail block also contains a non-base of data element, a checkbox control. User can check or uncheck this box for each record in the detail block.

    My problem is, when the user changes something in the main block and saves (by pressing F10 or by clicking on save button), box block of retail values are lost.

    For a test, I created a trigger validation key at the level of the main block: I iterates over the detail records to collect values of checkboxes before doing a commit_form (the goal was to restore checkbox values right after), but even at this stage the check boxes are all null as if the retail block has already been re-populated and of course non-base of data items reset before the trigger validation key is enabled.

    What Miss me. It is a detail of a relationship block master / detail is updated when the form is saved standard? What are the alternatives to keep/restore my values of checkboxes in this situation?

    Thanks in advance for your help

    Check any Execute_query code in your form, which produce this issue.

  • Windows 8 Windows Update fails with error 80244FFF

    I have just upgraded to windows 8 and windows update now refuses to check updates, declaring that he "could not search for new updates" with an error code of 80244FFF.

    I tried:
    (a) perform the upgrade by following the steps in the wizard upgrade - no change of place.
    (b) to perform a clean installation from a USB - no change (this should work because this is a new installation on a clean drive with nothing else to interfere).
    (c) runs the troubleshooting tool (which simply stops / starts two services and pretended to have something fixed).
    (d) reatarting (Finally, that you never know)
    I'm a developer who has installed all the preview releases and can say that so far, the final version was the most unstable and frustrating - a new operating system should work out of the box, with the exception of some esoteric drivers.  All information online simply States that you must run the Troubleshooter or performing a clean restart - which does not solve anything.  I can update Windows defender through its own GUI so it may not be a connection to the update servers.
    Any help greatly received.

    Oddly enough, my problem has proved to be a bad hard drive. I ran Diagnostics on my entire system, nothing has been noted as a problem. I read a lot of posts on the web who spoke about problems of disk write, or the Windows Update database may be damaged.

    I decided to take a chance and replace my system disk and VOILA. Problem disappeared. I have to say that I lived also crashes and slowdowns with my system that also disappeared with the replacement of the drive.

    So even if the drive past all controls itself, something has definitely wrong with it. I was able to prove that by inserting it into a drive bay eSATA external and I immediately had problems doing anything with the drive. Disk Manager in particular. It would hang just reading. It was a 'Twilight Zone' problem I had not experienced before.

    I'm not saying that's the cue for everyone, but it was the solution for me.

    Kind regards

  • Error Windows Update Database that can be 0 x 80070490

    Original title:

    Update of Windows, Java and some problems


    My Java and Windows 8 will not get automatically updated.  When I go to all the work this symbol [[[comes in. I have updated Java, nevertheless a message shows to update when I put a cursor over any word of an open page of the internet. I have troubleshooted illustrated message"

    Error Windows Update Database that can be 0 x 80070490

    Miniport Wan (Network Monitor) # 2 has a driver problem

    Windows Update configured to never install drivers '  

    Some keys on the keyboard do not work.  How can I fix these problems?

    Hello Arif,

    Thanks for posting your query on Microsoft Community forum.

    If you receive Windows Update error 80070490, it means that a file (CBS Manifest) that is needed to install updates is corrupt.

    Try it out below mentioned methods and see if it helps.

    Method 1

    Try to follow the steps mentioned in the article below.

    Windows Update, error 0 x 80070490

    Method 2

    Try to run the Troubleshooting Windows Update tool.

    This utility is used to and check if the network card and Windows Update services are running properly.

    Problems with installing updates

    Try other steps mentioned in this article if the issue that you are facing is mentioned in one of the mentioned option it.

    Method 3

    If the problem persists I suggest to reset the Windows Update components and for this, try to run the fixit described in the following article. If you already tried the fixit even before that I ask of you rerun the fixit.


    How to reset the Windows Update components?


    Hope it would help. If problem persists always post back with the current state of your computer and the result of the proposed suggestion, we will be happy to help you.

    Thank you.

  • Problem with form of smartview

    Hi all

    We have recently migrated Hyperion Planning application to a newer version of and many workbooks are saved with forms of the old version 1.3 smartview.
    When we try to open the saved form, it tries to connect to the old version 1.3, and we see no possibility to change the details of the connection here.

    How easily update us the connection to 1.2.3 and open / save the form in the new version?

    Thank you

    Michel K

    Hi AravindhK,

    I went through the same process, a few months ago, and according to the number of MS Excel workbooks, it is really easy - although a tedious might say - to the convert\migrate the leaves of ad hoc recovery overall.

    1. make sure that the URL of the shared connection is set to point to the new HP v11.1.2.3.x.

    2. open a MS Excel spreadsheet to be repointe

    3. from the main Ribbon bar, click Smart View > Panel

    4. in Smart View Panel, locate and then click [content Document] by clicking on the arrow pointing down icon

    5. a list of all the worksheets connected display then

    6. right click on each definition of the connection, and then select [change the connection]

    7 select the new connection APS URL from the drop-down and then click the [next] button

    8 go again cube HP, and then click [finish]

    9. Repeat steps 6 through 8 as needed

    10. save the MS Excel workbook

    11. click on the button [update] on each worksheet containing a form\adhoc retrieval\submission

    The same principle applies to forms and worksheets adhoc retrieval\submission.

    See how you go.


  • Contact field to update based on form selections


    I have a form preferably of the customer (which I heavily customized it) where a customer can select what they are interested in us with 2 boxes of custom field.  Based on their combination of selections that then, I need to update a contact field "Pavilion".

    for example:

    checked 1 + 2, flag = N

    checked only, indicator 1 = M

    checked the only, indicator 2 = E

    None verified, flag = B

    In the normal universe I would do just that with Javascript onclick, however, because I want to use 'The Population form' that I have to use a landing page not HTML, paste my code using snippets of html code that does not support the onclick or glorious onsubmit or other such functions javascript (this is to the best of my knowledge, based on my experience in the last month If I'm wrong, please put me right!  I'd love to do all this in the pure HTML form and have the 'form Population'!)

    I am appearing only still my way around Eloqua -, is there a way that I can do in the form of processing steps, or feed a program (I really only learned about 2 days ago, so would need a direction here), or update rules (again, would need advice) or something else that I don't even know not exist?

    See you soon


    Hi Sandie,

    I guess you can achieve through measures of processing of forms.

    Suppose you have two boxes below (if it is a single checkbox that would make it even easier to reach):

    Now in the stages of processing of forms, select 'Update Contacts - With Custom Values' and the name field of the contact that you want to update with the flag. As the next section, select the type of update to "Set to a value" as follows:

    Now subordinate processing step according to the logic that you want to apply. For example, if you want to perform this step of treatment based on a combination of both ' case 1' & ' case 2' values, you can apply the logic as follows:

    As the number of combinations of logic that you now add as many processing steps.

    Kind regards


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