update the XML name by using sql


IAM using oracle 11g

create table example (ch. clob);
insert into a values (sample)
? XML version = "1.0"? (> < ABC > < company > < / ABC > < A employee > < name > < / name > < sex > M < / sex > < / employee > < employee > < name > B < / name > < sex > M < / sex > < / employee > < employee > < name > c < / name > < sex > F < / sex > < / employee > < / business > ');

for example I want to update the 'ABC' to 'CDE' XML element

? XML version = "1.0"? (> < company > < ORDER > < / EBR > < A employee > < name > < / name > < sex > M < / sex > < / employee > < employee > < name > B < / name > < sex > M < / sex > < / employee > < employee > < name > c < / name > < sex > F < / sex > < / employee > < / company > ');

How can I update this XML element name.

I search the web, I found UPDATEXML it is used to change the value of XML. but I want to display xml name.

Oracle user

To start, if you want a pure XML solution, you should really use an XMLType column to store XML data in the first place.
It allows several types of optimization takes place, according to the model of storage used.
11 g, I highly recommend the use of binary XML storage (this is the default template from

IAM using oracle 11g

What version exactly?

On, you can use XQuery Update Facility:

SQL> create table sample_data (doc xmltype);

Table created

SQL> insert into sample_data values (
  2  '
  5   AM
  6   BM
  7   cF
  8  ');

1 row inserted

SQL> commit;

Commit complete

SQL> set long 500
SQL> select xmlserialize(document
  2           xmlquery(
  3            'copy $d := /Company
  4             modify rename node $d/ABC as "CDE"
  5             return $d'
  6            passing t.doc
  7            returning content
  8           )
  9           as clob indent
 10         )
 11  from sample_data t
 12  ;




Other solutions of "XML" involve recursive or as mentioned XQuery, XSLT functions:

  2    XMLTransform(
  3      t.doc
  4    , xmltype('
 16      ')
 17    )
 19  )
 20  FROM sample_data t
 21  ;




Tags: Database

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    Display name must be placed in a Hashtable as follows:

    Map dispNameMap = new HashMap();
    dispNameMap.put ("base", lastName + "" + firstName); then pass this card as:

    Parameters.put ("Display Name", dispNameMap);

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    Does what you're looking for?

    Get-VMHost | Select Name,@{N="vCenter";E={$_.Uid.Split(':')[0].Split('@')[1]}}
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    I really really really don't suggest to do this - it's a bad habit. If possible I'd just adding the grant as part of the steps to the role on the new creation of the table.
    But for fun here's how you can accomplish this:

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    create or replace trigger catch_create_table_trg after create on schema
    ddl_job number;
    ddl_str varchar2(50);
       IF ora_dict_obj_type = 'TABLE' THEN
           ddl_str := 'GRANT SELECT ON '||ora_dict_obj_owner||'.'||ora_dict_obj_name||' TO SVMANAGER_READ_ONLY';
           dbms_job.submit(job => ddl_job,
           what => 'execute_grant(''' || ddl_str || ''');',
           next_date => sysdate+(5/24/60/60));
       END IF;

    Test it

    create table F (id number(1));


    select * from ROLE_TAB_PRIVS where ROLE = 'SVMANAGER_READ_ONLY';
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    Published by: ODI Dev user on 12/01/2010 16:42


    Why you want to get the name of the project? When you place a repository of development to a repository of execution, where there is no concept of projects, what value do you offer you to get?


  • Update the xml string values.


    I'm on and got table with column nclob that stores the long xml string.


    "<? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF - 8"? >

    <? Fuego version = "6.5.2" build "101272 =? >

    < Game >

    < configuration name = "TEST database" type = subtype "SQL" = "DDORACLE" >

    < name = "jdbc.pool.idle_timeout property" value = "5" / > "

    < name = "jdbc.pool.entry.max property" value = "10" / > "

    < name = "oracle.dateEqualsTimestamp property" value = "false" / > "

    < name = "jdbc.schema property" value = "user1" / > "

    < name = "jdbc.host property" value = "hostname" / > "

    < property name = "user" value = "user1" / >

    < name = "jdbc.port property" value = "1521" / > "

    < name = "jdbc.pool.min property" value = "0" / > "

    < name = "jdbc.pool.maxopencursors property" value = "50" / > "

    < name = "oracle.sid property" value = "dbsid" / > "

    < property name = "password" value = "user101" / >

    < name = "jdbc.xa property" value = "false" / > "

    < name = "jdbc.pool.max property" value = "10" / > "

    < / configuration >

    < configuration name = 'TEST base2' type = subtype "SQL" = "DDORACLE" >

    < name = "jdbc.pool.idle_timeout property" value = "5" / > "

    < name = "jdbc.pool.entry.max property" value = "10" / > "

    < name = "oracle.dateEqualsTimestamp property" value = "false" / > "

    < name = "jdbc.schema property" value = "user2" / > "

    < name = "jdbc.host property" value = "hostname" / > "

    < property name = "user" value = "user2" / >

    < name = "jdbc.port property" value = "1521" / > "

    < name = "jdbc.pool.min property" value = "0" / > "

    < name = "jdbc.pool.maxopencursors property" value = "50" / > "

    < name = "oracle.sid property" value = "dbsid2" / > "

    < property name = "password" value = "user201" / >

    < name = "jdbc.xa property" value = "false" / > "

    < name = "jdbc.pool.max property" value = "10" / > "

    < / configuration >

    < / set >



    My goal is to update the value of the password so that it is equal to the value of jdbc.schema value < property name = "jdbc.schema" value = "user2" / > in this case user2 | " '01'

    < property name = "password" value = "user201" / > <-that's my goal.




    You can find a few methods here: How To: nodes of XML update with values from the same document. Oracle of Odie's blog

    They are not applicable to your options and version though.

    This is the first applied to your case:


    v_xmldoc xmltype.


    Select xmlparse (document to_clob (t.xmldoc))

    in v_xmldoc

    of my_nclob_table t

    where t.id = 1;

    for r in)

    Select idx, schema_name

    of my_nclob_table t


    "/ game/configuration.

    passage v_xmldoc

    columns idx for ordinalite

    , schema_name varchar2 (30) path 'property[@name="jdbc.schema"]/@value '.




    Select updatexml)


    , "configuration/game / ['|]» [to_char (r.idx) |'] Property[@name="password"]/@value'

    r.schema_name | '01'


    in v_xmldoc


    end loop;

    Update my_nclob_table t

    Set t.xmldoc = to_nclob (xmlserialize (dash, document v_xmldoc))

    where t.id = 1;



    Here's another, using DOM:


    CLOB doc;

    p dbms_xmlparser. Analyzer;

    domdoc dbms_xmldom. DOMDocument;

    docnode dbms_xmldom. DOMNode;

    conf_list dbms_xmldom. DOMNodeList;

    conf_node dbms_xmldom. DOMNode;

    password_node dbms_xmldom. DOMNode;

    schema_name varchar2 (30);

    password_value varchar2 (256);


    Select to_clob (xmldoc)

    in the doc

    of my_nclob_table

    where id = 1;

    p: = dbms_xmlparser.newParser;

    dbms_xmlparser.parseClob (p, doc);

    domdoc: = dbms_xmlparser.getDocument (p);

    dbms_xmlparser.freeParser (p);

    docnode: = dbms_xmldom.makeNode (domdoc);

    conf_list: = dbms_xslprocessor.selectNodes (docnode, ' / game/configuration ');

    for i from 0... dbms_xmldom.GetLength (conf_list) - 1 loop

    conf_node: = dbms_xmldom.item(conf_list, i);

    dbms_xslprocessor.valueOf (conf_node, 'property[@name="jdbc.schema"]/@value', schema_name);

    password_node: = dbms_xslprocessor.selectSingleNode (conf_node, 'property[@name="password"]/@value');

    dbms_xmldom.setNodeValue (password_node, schema_name |) '01');

    end loop;

    dbms_xmldom.writeToClob (domdoc, doc);

    dbms_xmldom.freeDocument (domdoc);

    Update my_nclob_table t

    Set t.xmldoc = to_nclob (doc)

    where t.id = 1;



    Post edited by: odie_63 - added DOM example

  • How can I update the data in mysql using the button defined in the table?


    right now I am doing my project for the online election system using dreamweaver cc14. I create a table using php code to bind the data to mysql, and in this painting, I create also a button "vote" for voters to vote. My question is, how can I update my polling data in the mysql database when voters push button "vote" based on the id of the candidates? Here is my code I try:

    <form method="post" id="form1">
    $servername = "localhost";
    $username = "root";
    $password = "pass";
    $dbname = "ses";
    // Create connection
    $conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
    // Check connection
    if ($conn->connect_error) {
         die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);
    $sql = "SELECT No, Calon, ID, Jurusan, Image FROM candidates";
    $result = $conn->query($sql);
    if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
         echo "<table >
         // output data of each row
         while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
             echo "<tr>
      <td>" . $row["No"]. "</td>
      <td><img src=" . $row['Image'] . "></td>
      <td><br/>-" . $row["Calon"]. " <br/>-" . $row["ID"]. " <br/>-" . $row["Jurusan"]. "<br/></td>
      <td><input type="."submit"." name=".$row["Calon"]." id=".$row["No"]. " value="."Vote"."></td>
      $vote_sachin = "UPDATE candidates SET Undi=Undi+1 WHERE No=".$row["No"]. "";
      $run_sachin = mysqli_query($conn, $vote_sachin);
      echo "</table>";
    } else {
         echo "0 results";

    I hope someone can help me in this area, because I'm still new in this programming language.

    Thank you.

    Youre probably going to insert a 'radio button' next to the names of candidates and recover the database ID of that (I guess that the ID is the primary key in your database that uniquely identifies each record.

    His great confusion because you seem to update the database to aid WHERE no = "." $row ["no"]. so I don't know that ID is the primary key?

    IF "No" IS your master database key, you need to change the code below:


    Here's the complete code based on the ID of your primary database key.


    $servername = "localhost";

    $username = 'root ';

    $password = "pass";

    $dbname = 'his ';

    Create the connection

    $conn = new mysqli ($dbname, $servername, $username, $password);

    Check the connection

    If {($conn-> connect_error)

    Die ("connection failed:".) $conn-> connect_error);


    $sql = "SELECT No, Calon, ID, Jurusan, Image OF candidates";

    $result = $conn-> Query;

    If you click on the button "vote" form run the code to update the database below

    {if (isset($_POST['vote']))}

    Get the value of the ID of the radio button form field and store it in a table.

    $update_vote = $_POST ['candidate_id'];

    loop in the table and update the database

    foreach ($update_vote as $value) {}

    $vote_sachin = ' candidates UPDATE SET Undi = Undi + 1 WHERE ID = ".". " $value. » « ;"

    $run_sachin = mysqli_query ($conn, $vote_sachin);





    If ($result-> num_rows > 0) {}

    ECHO '.


    each line output

    While ($row = {$result-> fetch_assoc())}

    ECHO '.



    ECHO '.


    ECHO '.

    NO. Candidate INFO To the vote
    " . $row ["no"]. "
    -" . $row ["Calon"]. "
    -" . $row ['ID']. "
    -" . $row ["Jurusan"]. "

    } else {}

    echo "0 results."


    $conn-> close();


  • Problem of JMS deployment plan for updating the JNDI names

    Hello everyone, I am working on Oracle SOA 12 c on a 2-node cluster environment. I am facing problem update the JNDI for jms adapter deployment name. I created jms, jms module and Distriubuted queues and manufactures servers connections. When I create jndi say ' ist/xx/jmsqueues' name in the adapter to jms under deployment and update the name of the connection factory against property connection factory in JNDI eis/xx/jmsqueues name.  After that I updated the resource with the location of the plan in respect of the group path. But the problem after activation of the changes the created "eis/xx/jmsqueues' disappearing off the coast, but when I check the information contained in the plan, I see the details of name and jndi connection factories. To make sure of my setup works very well, I do use the jndi name say HIA/ws/queues existing and update the factory connections. After the test, I was able to publish the message to the queue. The only problem I see with new jndi names and for that reason I am not able at all tasks related to the queues. I really appreciate if some light here. Best regards, TJ.

    Try the cancellation of the deployment of the JMSAdapter.rar and install it once again from the location below:

    $ORACLE_HOME, soa, soa, connectors

    Try to target them to regroup and try to do what you do.

    When the JMSAdapter is corrupt or plan is not created correctly, we see this odd behavior. You can try this and check.



  • Update the XML data store

    Hello experts,

    I've created an interface when an xml file is reversed in the form of a source data store. Xml data are pumped into a target of oracle db. All this goes well.

    I'm creating a scenario where I get an xml file from a ftp server on a daily basis (with agent). This new xml file has the same structure as that already used in the interface. The question is: How can I update the data in the xml data store?

    I tried to replace the original xml file, but it does not work and cdc does not seem to apply here, I searched for quite a while now.

    Thank you very much!



    See if that helps
    XML for the interface Oracle even insert County regardless of input XML file

    Thank you

  • Updating the XML data

    We know how or if you can update or insert new data in an xml file in Flash AS3?

    An example would be a person complete and submit a form, then the input is sent to the xml file to create or update the nodes in the xml file.

    Thanks in advance.

    You can do that directly flash player.

    You can do this via a script server-side, e.g. a script using php that processes the application of flash, but often the data in this type of scenario would be stored in a database instead of an xml file (however you use php to update an xml file is quite possible too)

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    OK, my problem is that I don't have a PC before generation. It is a custom build. A week ago while I was trying to update the drivers, I used my motherboard Asus drive and some how it changes some firmware on the operating system. now that is fixed. and now, just yesterday I downloaded the Windows Essentrils to win mail. This morning I woke up and started my PC and I get a red screen saying that some unauthorized to the firmware change has been done to solve this problem, I think I have to erase my hard drive and re to stall my win 7. and how do I do with the disc because it is a refurbished lic. Windows Essentials


    Boot from the Windows 7 DVD

    Click Install now

    Accept the license agreement

    When the option is displayed to select a type of installation, click (Custom advanced)

    Click on drive Options

    Select the disc/s click on Delete

    Click new

    Click on apply

    Click OK

    Click Format, and then click next to proceed with the installation

  • Analysis the xml response from PL/SQL

    Can someone please help me to analyze the XML below?


    l_response CLOB.

    g_system_id VARCHAR2 (255);

    g_session_id VARCHAR2 (255);

    g_user_id VARCHAR2 (255);


    l_response: =.

    ' - uuid:18cb22a2 - 11cc-43f4-bfea-c213da179d30 + id = 156

    Content-ID: http://tempuri.org/0 >

    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8 bit

    Content-Type: application/xop + xml; charset = utf-8; Type = "application/soap + xml".

    " < s: Envelope = xmlns:s ' http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope "" xmlns: a = " " http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing ' > < s:Header > < a: s:mustUnderstand Action = "1" > ". http://tempuri.org/ILoginService/LoginByUserNameResponse " < / has: Action > < a: RelatesTo > urn: uuid:cf410a05 - 23 d 4 - 4B 92-a22c-329cbc19fbe7 < / has: RelatesTo > < / s:Header > < Body > < LoginByUserNameResponse xmlns =" http://tempuri.org/ ' > < LoginByUserNameResult xmlns:i = ' http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance "" xmlns: x = " " http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema ' > < XObject.m_element i: type = "x: string" xmlns = "" > & lt; OnlineContext SystemId = "{19E0DDB4-5FA5-41EE-B624-AEA762865A6C}" SessionId = username "{F23D32A4-B325-4BFA-9E90-39CA253E843C}" = "{2C6ABE4C-D356-46F0-B4BE-9C4F0A36A522}" / & gt; < XObject.m_element > < / LoginByUserNameResult > < / LoginByUserNameResponse > < / Body > < / s: Envelope >

    -uuid: 18cb22a2-11cc-43f4-bfea-c213da179d30 + id = 156-';

    SELECT systemid, sessionid, userid

    IN g_session_id, g_system_id, g_user_id


    xmlnamespaces ('http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope' 'DATA'),

    'data:LoginByUserNameResponse/LoginByUserNameResult/XObject.m_element/OnlineContext '.

    PASSAGE xmltype (l_response)

    Systemid VARCHAR2 COLUMNS (50) PATH "@OnlineContext."

    SessionId VARCHAR2 (50) PATH "@OnlineContext."

    UserID VARCHAR2 (50) PATH "@OnlineContext") xt;


    "Session Id".

    || g_session_id

    || "System Id".

    || g_system_id

    || "User Id".

    || g_user_id);


    Thank you.

    It gets you a little closer

    -- Local variables here
    l_response     CLOB;
    g_system_id    VARCHAR2 (255);
    g_session_id   VARCHAR2 (255);
    g_user_id      VARCHAR2 (255); 
    -- Test statements here
    l_response := '
        SELECT systemid, sessionid, userid
          INTO g_session_id, g_system_id, g_user_id
          FROM XMLTABLE (
                  xmlnamespaces ('http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope' AS "s",
                                 'http://tempuri.org/' as "data"),
                  PASSING xmltype (l_response)
                  COLUMNS systemid VARCHAR2 (50) PATH '@SystemId',
                          sessionid VARCHAR2 (50) PATH '@SessionId',
                          userid VARCHAR2 (50) PATH '@UserId') xt; 
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (
           'Session id '
        || g_session_id
        || ' System id '
        || g_system_id
        || ' User id '
        || g_user_id); 

    You will need to manually parse as CLOB and pull the XML itself of the response string.  This can be done via SUBSTR and INSTR looking for the first < and="" last=""> in that you showed at least.  Upgrading from a previous version of working correctly with the xmlns = "", which redefines the default namespace to the default value. "  The XPath has been corrected to reflect using the appropriate prefix.

  • display the host name when using Get-VMHostAdvancedConfiguration

    I want to interview several configuration settings in configuration advanced on all ESXi hosts in my vcenter, for example, I ran the following:

    Get-VMHost | Sort-Object Name. Get-VMHostAdvancedConfiguration-name UserVars.ESXiShellInteractiveTimeOut

    who gave me the following result


    UserVars.ESXiShellInteracti... 300

    UserVars.ESXiShellInteracti... 300

    UserVars.ESXiShellInteracti... 300

    UserVars.ESXiShellInteracti... 300

    UserVars.ESXiShellInteracti... 300

    UserVars.ESXiShellInteracti... 300

    UserVars.ESXiShellInteracti... 300

    the problem is that it lacks the host name, in any way, I can change the cmdlets to see the host name of an extra column?

    Thank you

    I used the cmdlet Get-AdvancedSetting, not the Get-VMHostAdvancedConfiguration cmdlet

  • Updated the xml file has not reflected in R12

    Hi Experts,

    I modified a file xml under the /mds folder ($header info and its content) and then the apache server and oacore rebounced (using scripts under $INST_TOP/admin/scripts). However, the XML page didn't get reflects the changes, I still see the old version of the file when checking "on this page. I also deleted the cache using the responsibility of functional administrator > Central Services > caching framework > Global Configuration > clear cache

    Anything I missed?

    Very much appreciate your comments.

    You must import the file into the MDS database repository while changes will be carried over on the page.
    XMLImporter allows you to import the file in the database.

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