Validate the attribute of the entity for white space

I want to validate my form to create spaces.

For example, in a column name, it must not have any space between the two.

In other words, name should be allowed only for 'Sahar '. Not for "Sahar Hassan.

Help, please.

My bad...

See if it works?



Tags: Java

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    Post edited by: Ben Wilder

    Hi Ben,

    Just checked your .muse file.

    Please go to the bird's eye view in Muse, open the master page

    Now check the preview, it will be fine.

    Thank you

    Prabhakar Kumar

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    (After removing whitespace)

    Select * twice;


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    Thanks in advance,


    If you make the first request without spaces and the second by spaces you will see, the second is even faster...

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    The version of the Data Modeler I use is

    Is there a way to guarantee that the constraint names defined in a logic model transferred during the engineering of a logic model to a physical model.

    There is ' compare/copy options' tab in the technical dialogue - clear the checkbox "do not apply to new objects.


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    Can someone point me to a tutorial on the entities. I tried to create through the help documentation but failed.

    Kind regards

    Hi Carol,.

    In research guide Oracle strategy modeling of the user for issues such as

    "Define an entity."
    "Find the entity for an attribute."
    "Entity relationship function rule examples.

    Tutorials are for example projects that encompass several concepts entities not only.

    The tutorials are available in the help of the OPA under tutorial developer and examples in the index.

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    Please tell me how to swap the file cod prior approval or a person to contact about this problem. Much help is greatly appreciated!

    If there is absolutely no way to swap or person to contact, can PS I cancel the application for approval and submit a new application?

    Once your application is approved, you get an option for post-it for sales. You are not required to post immediately for sale, so you can submit another version for approval. Updates are approved more quickly (day or both) and after that, you can validate the app for sale.

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