Modify a variable in the adapter class


I have deployed Hello world app and I see that there is a variable such as "message". And this has been defined in the assembly EPN as instance-other property file.
    <wlevs:adapter id="helloworldAdapter" class="com.bea.wlevs.adapter.example.helloworld.HelloWorldAdapter" >
            <wlevs:instance-property name="message" value="HelloWorld - the current time is:"/>
HelloWorld app works now.

I want to change the value of the variable application message. I have this desire through wlevs. Admin, but I'm not:

java -jar wlevsadmin.jar -url service:jmx:msarmi://localhost:9002/jndi/jmxconnector -username wlevs -password xxx GET -pretty -mbean com.bea.wlevs:Name=helloworldAdapter,Type=Adapter,Application=fuat_deneme

MBeanName: "com.bea.wlevs:Name=helloworldAdapter,Type=Adapter,Application=fuat_deneme"
     message = HelloWorld - the current time is:
     Name: helloworldAdapter
     NotificationInfo: [;@2b20bf2c
     ObjectName: com.bea.wlevs:Name=helloworldAdapter,Type=Adapter,Application=fuat_deneme
     PlayingBack: false
     RecordPlayback: com.bea.wlevs:Name=helloworldAdapter,Type=RecordPlayback,Application=fuat_deneme
     Recording: false
     StageClassName: com.bea.wlevs.adapter.example.helloworld.HelloWorldAdapter
     Type: Adapter
Ok. When I want to change:
java -jar wlevsadmin.jar -url service:jmx:msarmi://localhost:9002/jndi/jmxconnector -username wlevs -password xxx SET -mbean com.bea.wlevs:Name=helloworldAdapter,Type=Adapter,Application=fuat_deneme -property message "aaa"

Property Name and value not valid for the MBean. Value aaa for parameter[message].java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unable to find the attribute: message in the attribute list of the class: null

Sets property values for Administration MBeans or Local Configuration MBeans. This command cannot be used for Runtime MBeans.

java wlevs.Admin
       [-url | -listenAddress <host-name> -listenPort <port>] 
      -username <username> -password <password>
     SET {-type <mbeanType>|-mbean <objectName>} [-property <property> [<value>]]...

-type = Sets the properties for all MBeans of the specified type. 
-mbean = Fully qualified object name of an MBean. 
-property = The name of the property to be set. 
<value> = The value to be set.

java wlevs.Admin -url service:jmx:msarmi://localhost:9002/jndi/jmxconnector -username wlevs -password wlevs SET -type Server -property StdoutSeverityLevel 64
java wlevs.Admin -url service:jmx:msarmi://localhost:9002/jndi/jmxconnector -username wlevs -password wlevs SET -mbean mydomain:Location=oamserver,Name=myserver,Type=ServerConfig -property StdoutSeverityLevel 64
How can I change a variable of a class of runtime adapter?


I'm glad you have work. I was thinking something much lighter, API-wise, in the sense of article 22(2) in Spring 3.0 documentation. You simply create a Spring bean and then export it using the JMX exporter.

I just wanted to mention that as an another possible option. Remember that AbstractStageMBean is not a public API.

Kind regards

Tags: Fusion Middleware

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    Here are a few things to think about...  The LoadTxt class must have loaded the file until the master file can try to access it.  If the LoadTxt class should be a way to tell the main file, it is ready.  What you could do in your handlerComplete function is hurry up an event for this purpose and have an event listener assigned to the instance of LoadTxt, so that the data can be extracted from it when it's ready.

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    I see now that it is wrong to use the word 'object '.

    No, it isn't.

    they are there for the child to use, object

    That's where you're going wrong. Don't think about "the parent" and "child object. There is only one object, and it is mentioned by "this". You should think about members of the base or the classes and members of the (current) derived class. They are all members of the 'object', but the members of the base class can be hidden by the current members of class with the same name. That's all. Nothing too special about it.

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    Instead of thinking about global variable why cant you think of the instance variable. See, all serialized instance BPEL variables you can use even no it is finished.
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    Kind regards



    Maybe this simple TestStand example will help you.

    The API calls for LabView are the same...

    Hope that helps


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    The question implies the use of the register shift unitialized. On the first iteration of the loop, the value that comes out of the shift register is the default value for the data type, which is an empty array for a table (size zero). Therefore, unless wire you a table empty for the shift register to the right, the size of the array cannot infer statically by the compiler.

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    Thank you very much

    Hi Francisco,.

    Take a look at this thread:


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    Thanks for your support!


    Is there a chance that your variable can get a null value?

    Calling .equals not a null object can cause this.

    What type of exception you get? Can you provide a stacktrace?

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    Thank you.


    I wrote a sampling program that does what you need except im trying to figure out how to make the box event listeners. working on that now, but it's the code that should go you. I have class one main and one cell renderer. You got the general idea. I think the only thing that you missed the width and the implementation of the check box. When you use the this reference, you are referring to the cell itself and not the box. I think you might have mixed up who. This reference is to the current class as a whole and not only control access. Here is the code:

        import flash.display.Sprite;
        import flash.display.StageAlign;
        import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
        import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
        import qnx.ui.buttons.LabelButton;
        import qnx.ui.listClasses.List;
        import qnx.ui.text.Label;
        public class ListTests extends Sprite
            private var myList:List;
            private var myDataProvider:DataProvider;
            private var myArray:Array;
            public function ListTests()
                // support autoOrients
                stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
                stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
                myList = new List();
                myArray = new Array();
                for (var i:int = 0; i < 10; i++)
                    myArray.push({label: "Some extremely long text. - " + i});
                myDataProvider = new DataProvider(myArray);
                myList.dataProvider = myDataProvider;
                myList.width = 500;
                myList.height = 600;
                myList.scrollable = true;
                var newLabel:Label = new Label();
                newLabel.text = "Changes Here";
                newLabel.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;

        import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
        import qnx.ui.buttons.CheckBox;
        import qnx.ui.buttons.LabelPlacement;
        import qnx.ui.listClasses.AlternatingCellRenderer;
        import qnx.ui.listClasses.List;
        import qnx.ui.text.Label;
        public class MyCustomCellRenderer extends AlternatingCellRenderer
            * Place the object out here so that other methods can
            * access it
            private var newCheckBox:CheckBox;
            public function MyCustomCellRenderer()
                 * Add the checkbox here so we dont keep re-adding a check box
                 * whenever the onAdded method is called. other wise there
                 * would be a lot of objects for checkbox
                newCheckBox = new CheckBox();
            override protected function onAdded():void
                 * Do not want to use the label object at all. we want
                 * to fully customize our cell renderer. for some reason
                 * the label object is not considered a child object
                 * when the drawLabel method is called so we must
                 * removed it in this method where it is considered a
                 * child object
            override protected function drawLabel():void
                if (
                     * Sometimes this function is called prematurely when there
                     * is no data object available and it is null so we only
                     * do our custom label when there is a data object available
                    newCheckBox.width = 500;
                    newCheckBox.label =;
                    newCheckBox.labelPadding = 10;
                    newCheckBox.labelPlacement = LabelPlacement.RIGHT;
            override protected function onRemoved():void
                * Remember to remove the checkbox object

    I will inform you of the event listener. I hope this helps!

    Update #1: Fixed several errors in the file. Thank you ryantan for bring it to my attention!

  • Add a variable along the withQNetworkRequest


    Is it possible to add a variable with the QNetworkRequest and receive this variable with the QNetworkResponse?

    Please help me


    Yes, it is possible to transmit all information wrapped in QVariant using setAttribute whose attribute ID from QNetworkRequest::User to QNetworkRequest::UserMax.

    QNetworkRequest request(QUrl(apiURL));
    int offset = 12345;
    request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::User, offset); // primitive types are converted to QVariant automatically
    request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest::User+1, someOtherVar);

    To get it back later:

    void ServerRequestManager::processResponse()
      QNetworkReply *reply = qobject_cast(sender());
      int offset = reply->request().attribute(QNetworkRequest::User).toInt();

    I suggest to declare an enum for the ID attribute in the .h file:

    class ServerRequestManager: public QObject
    {public:  enum
        AttributeOffset = QNetworkRequest::User,
      };  ...

Maybe you are looking for