VMWare EFI Netboot problem

I tried for awhile now for netboot in a guest OS 10.8 and aired on a compatibility issue between my netboot (a Dell KACE K2000) server and VMWare Fusion Pro (this applies also to ESXi 5.5). For some reason, I jsutcan not get VM to netboot at all. There seems to be something to do with the VMWare EFI not broadcasting not quite the right information when it travels to netboot. Physical Macines will very well be netboot. In my efforts to solve the problem, I finally configure the virtual machine to make sure that the DHCP packet it sends are as close as possible to what sends a physical machine. Here are my results so far:

This first package comes from a WORKING PHYSICAL machine. This is the last packet sent before it receives an adequate response of the K2000 containing the name of boot file, the path root etc...

Time Source Destination Protocol Info length No.

196 18.139846000 DHCP DHCP inform 357 - Transaction ID 0 x 0

Supervise the 196: 357 bytes on wire (2856 bits), 357 (2856 bit) captured bytes on interface 0

Ethernet II, Src: Apple_03:2f:0 d (40: 6 c: 8f:03:2f:0 d), Dst: Broadcast (ff: ff: ff: ff: ff: ff)

Internet Protocol Version 4, Src: (, Dst: (

User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: bootpc (68), Dst Port: bootps (67)

Bootstrap Protocol

Message type: start request (1)

Type of equipment: Ethernet (0x01)

The hardware address length: 6

Hops: 0

Transaction ID: 0x00000000

Seconds: 0

BOOTP flags: 0 x 0000 (Unicast)

IP address of the client: (

(Client) IP address: (

Next server IP address: (

The relay agent IP address: (

MAC address of the client: Apple_03:2f:0 d (40: 6 c: 8f:03:2f:0 d)

Customer address material fill: 00000000000000000000

Not given server host name

Not given boot file name

Magic cookie: DHCP

Option: (43) Vendor-Specific Information

Length: 19

Option: DHCP Message Type (53)

Length: 1

DHCP: Inform (8)

Option: list queries setting (55)

Length: 5

Parameter query list item: the subnet mask (1)

Parameter query list item: router (3)

Parameter query list item: boot file name (67)

List of parameter query element: the information specific to the provider (43)

Parameter query list item: class ID of seller (60)

Option: the DHCP Message size maximum (57)

Length: 2

Maximum DHCP Message size: 1500

Option: class ID of seller (60)

Length: 28

Class identifier of the provider: AAPLBSDPC/i386/MacBookPro8, 1

Option: identifier for Client (61)

Length: 7

Type of equipment: Ethernet (0x01)

MAC address of the client: Apple_03:2f:0 d (40: 6 c: 8f:03:2f:0 d)

Option: end (255)

End option: 255

The response of the K2000:

Time Source Destination Protocol Info length No.

197 18.140539000 DHCP DHCP ACK - Transaction ID 618 0 x 0

Frame 197: 618 bytes on wire (4944 bits), 618 bytes captured (4944 bits) on the 0 interface

Ethernet II, Src: Vmware_b8:00:46 (00:50:56:b8:00:46), Dst: Apple_03:2f:0 d (40: 6 c: 8f:03:2f:0 d)

Internet Protocol Version 4, Src: (, Dst: (

User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: bootps (67), Dst Port: bootpc (68)

Bootstrap Protocol

Message type: response of Boot (2)

Type of equipment: Ethernet (0x01)

The hardware address length: 6

Hops: 0

Transaction ID: 0x00000000

Seconds: 0

BOOTP flags: 0 x 0000 (Unicast)

IP address of the client: (

(Client) IP address: (

Next server IP address: (

The relay agent IP address: (

MAC address of the client: Apple_03:2f:0 d (40: 6 c: 8f:03:2f:0 d)

Customer address material fill: 00000000000000000000

The server host name:

Name of boot file: netbootintel/i386/boot

Magic cookie: DHCP

Option: DHCP Message Type (53)

Length: 1


Option: class ID of seller (60)

Length: 9

Class identifier of the seller: AAPLBSDPC

Option: DHCP Server identifier (54)

Length: 4

The identifier for the DHCP server: (

Option: (43) Vendor-Specific Information

Length: 12

Option: path for root (17)

Length: 72

Root Path: nfs:

Option: end (255)

End option: 255


As you can see, the K2000 responds with a boot file name and the Option 17.

Now for the virtual machine. You will notice that it reports the same model and MAC address as the physical machine, to rule out all wobbly filtering is done by the k2000:

Time Source Destination Protocol Info length No.

4455 198.409015000 DHCP DHCP inform 341 - ID of Transaction 0xf3d34dfa

Frame of 4455: 341 bytes on wire (2728 bits), 341 bytes captured (2728 bits) on the 0 interface

Ethernet II, Src: Apple_03:2f:0 d (40: 6 c: 8f:03:2f:0 d), Dst: Broadcast (ff: ff: ff: ff: ff: ff)

Internet Protocol Version 4, Src: (, Dst: (

User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: bootpc (68), Dst Port: bootps (67)

Bootstrap Protocol

Message type: start request (1)

Type of equipment: Ethernet (0x01)

The hardware address length: 6

Hops: 0

Transaction ID: 0xf3d34dfa

Seconds: 4

BOOTP flags: 0 x 8000 (broadcast)

1... = broadcast flag: Broadcast

.000 0000 0000 0000 = reserved flags: 0x0000

IP address of the client: (

(Client) IP address: (

Next server IP address: (

The relay agent IP address: (

MAC address of the client: Apple_03:2f:0 d (40: 6 c: 8f:03:2f:0 d)

Customer address material fill: 00000000000000000000

Not given server host name

Not given boot file name

Magic cookie: DHCP

Option: (43) Vendor-Specific Information

Length: 7

Option: DHCP Message Type (53)

Length: 1

DHCP: Inform (8)

Option: list queries setting (55)

Length: 5

Parameter query list item: the subnet mask (1)

Parameter query list item: router (3)

Parameter query list item: boot file name (67)

List of parameter query element: the information specific to the provider (43)

Parameter query list item: class ID of seller (60)

Option: class ID of seller (60)

Length: 28

Class identifier of the provider: AAPLBSDPC/i386/MacBookPro8, 1

Option: identifier for Client (61)

Length: 7

Type of equipment: Ethernet (0x01)

MAC address of the client: Apple_03:2f:0 d (40: 6 c: 8f:03:2f:0 d)

Option: end (255)

End option: 255

Far as I can tell only 2 differences between these packages:

1 option 43 (provider specific information) is still that of length 7 coming from the virtual machine. Previous earlier packets in the netboot process are of length 7 physical machine, but you'll see that the package I listed length 19. It has a good amount more of information.

2. the physical machine Specifies the maximum size of 57 DHCP. I do not think that this issues as well, it is 1500 which corresponds to the MTU of the network.

Here's how the K2000 meets the virtual machine:

Time Source Destination Protocol Info length No.

4456 198.409714000 DHCP DHCP ACK - 0xf3d34dfa Transaction ID 618

Frame 4456: 618 bytes on wire (4944 bits), 618 bytes captured (4944 bits) on the 0 interface

Ethernet II, Src: Vmware_b8:00:46 (00:50:56:b8:00:46), Dst: Apple_03:2f:0 d (40: 6 c: 8f:03:2f:0 d)

Internet Protocol Version 4, Src: (, Dst: (

User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: bootps (67), Dst Port: bootpc (68)

Bootstrap Protocol

Message type: response of Boot (2)

Type of equipment: Ethernet (0x01)

The hardware address length: 6

Hops: 0

Transaction ID: 0xf3d34dfa

Seconds: 0

BOOTP flags: 0 x 8000 (broadcast)

1... = broadcast flag: Broadcast

.000 0000 0000 0000 = reserved flags: 0x0000

IP address of the client: (

(Client) IP address: (

Next server IP address: (

The relay agent IP address: (

MAC address of the client: Apple_03:2f:0 d (40: 6 c: 8f:03:2f:0 d)

Customer address material fill: 00000000000000000000

Not given server host name

Not given boot file name

Magic cookie: DHCP

Option: DHCP Message Type (53)

Length: 1


Option: class ID of seller (60)

Length: 9

Class identifier of the seller: AAPLBSDPC

Option: DHCP Server identifier (54)

Length: 4

The identifier for the DHCP server: (

Option: (43) Vendor-Specific Information

Length: 47

Option: end (255)

End option: 255


He responds in the same way as for all DHCP, just because the last packet sends the VM before exhaling is identical to the previous. For some reason, he does not get past the stage of the netboot process LIST. I'm not 100% sure if the bug is really on the side of VMWare or the side of the K2000. Probably both honestly. Everything I have out the newspaper on the k2000 is "BSDP LIST (MacBookPro8, 1/i386). The strange thing is, looking back in the newspapers I see the OCCASIONAL entry in the log indicating that virtual machine actually there for the SELECTION phase (BSDP SELECT in (VMware7, 1/i386)). It's from before I changed the hardware ID to match a known correct machine. But it's random, few and far between. No real change in the virtual machine in these cases.

Some other relevant info on the environment: the k2000 once PXE and Netboot. We need to have both available on the same network, if DHCP options are implemented for PXE. I also confirmed that windows VM will be netboot very well. Maybe the EFI VMWare doesn't like the presence of both on the same network?

Ah, found the problem.  At least, I think that I have.  I would say that your NetBoot server behaves in a divergent way of Apple's NetBoot server, but we could also make our firmware a little more tolerant of the situation.

During (BSDP) NetBoot server discovery, BSDP protocol messages are packed in the field 'Vendor-Specific Option' in the format described in RFC 2132 (the same format DHCP options themselves are stored in the package).  RFC 2132 sets a terminator from the list of DHCP options (in section 3.2), but BSDP itself define nor stipulate a list for options BSDP NetBoot Apple Server terminator does not issue a list terminator - expects customers use the length the DHCP field the length of the list of options of BSDP "Vendor-Specific Option", which makes sense.  Your NetBoot server is such a terminator (0xff), which is sort of implicitly authorized (as it is in the RFC 2132) but Apple server is not and we do not expect.

Here is the offending BSDP ACK [LIST], with the dissected option DHCP data (I hope that the formatting out):

40 0000 6 c 8f 2f 03 0D 56 50 00 b8 00 46 08 00 45 00 @l... /... PV... ... F E.

5 0010 02 c 9 b 00 00 40 11 85 01 0 8F has 04 28 39 0 a 04. \... @... (9...

0020 28 b4 00 43 00 44 02 48 66 17 02 01 06 00 ed 85 (..) C.D.Hf...

0030 e9 c2 00 00 80 00 0 a 04 28 00 00 00 00 0 a 04 b4... (.......

0040 28 39 00 00 00 00 40 03 2f 6 c 8f 00 00 00 00 0D (9...@l... /...)

0050 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00...

0060 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00...

0070 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00...

0080 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00...

0090 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00...

00 a 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00...

00b0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00...

c 00 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00...

00D 0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00...

00e0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00...

00f0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00...

0100 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00...

0110 00 00 00 00 00 00...

Magic number DHCP:

63 82 53 63 c.Sc

DHCP (ACK) Message type:

35 01 05 5...

Vendor class ID ("AAPLBSDPC"):

3 C 09 41<>

0120 41 50 42 53 44 50 43 APLBSDPC 4 C

The identifier for the DHCP (

36 0 a 04 04 28 39 6... (9

Provider-specific option (0x2b, 43): 2 b +.

Length of the vendor-specific Option (0x2f, 47) 2f /.

Option data specific to the provider (47 bytes, opaque at this level):

0130 01 01 01 04 02 80 00 07 04 81 00 06 09 1f 81 cc...

0140 00 cc 06 1A 4 b 32 30 30 30 20 4 65 74 42 6f 6f... K2000 NetBoo

0150 74 20 28 31 30 2nd 2nd 34 34 30 2 35 37 29 ff t (

DHCP option list Terminator: ff.

0160 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00...


Pulling the 47 bytes of data in the Data Option Vendor-Specific field, we get:

Type of Message BSDP (LIST):

0130   01 01 01                                         ...

The BSDP (0x8000) server priority:

04 02 80 00                                ....

BSDP ID of default Boot Image (0x8100cc06)

07 04 81 00 cc 06...

BSDP list of boot images (length 0x1f, 31):

09 81 1F...

0140 00 cc 06 1A 4 b 32 30 30 30 20 4 65 74 42 6f 6f... K2000 NetBoo

0150 74 20 28 31 30 2nd 2nd 2nd 34 34 30 35 37 29 t (


ff .                  

This byte unique ff causes our BSDP analysis to cancel the package [LIST] ACK as invalid.

If the implementation of NetBoot Apple works on the same server, it must be tolerant to a terminator explicit here.  I'll change our implementation to do the same.  It may be useful to remind your NetBoot server provider as well, in case they wish to change their server to behave more like Apple.

Thanks for the report!



Post edited by: Darius Davis: corrected a "that" must have been a "does not" and made a few other details.

Tags: VMware

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    Hello srdev78:

    I had this same problem where the mouse click in the guest operating system stopped

    work immediately the sound card on the host system began to read any audio

    from any source (iTunes, etc.).

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    Click the stop registration completely comments. At this point, the guest operating system is accessible

    only via the keyboard of the host system. The audio source on the host system has no importance

    as long as the audio drivers are loaded and sound starts streaming from the

    the computer speakers.

    The solution that worked for me was uninstalled the Realtek High Definition Audio

    drivers provided by Lenovo and returning on Microsoft default Audio drivers. Now

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    Can anyone help?

    Without looking at the curl library code that uses the ovftool group, I can't really tell you. I saw this bug and thought of you and thought maybe it might be the cause. My guess is that anything which would need to be escaped to the URL could cause trouble.

    Don't forget to mark it as answered, if indeed it was anwer it. Thank you.

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    VMWare HA:

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    In this simple case use files static hosts on ESXs and VC with the only front-end SC.


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    Ask you please help.

    Thank you and best regards,


    I would have thought someone would have documented it in the ratings for the 'device' you got.


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    But it won't work. The error I get reads as follows: "this is an instance of ACE virtual machine. Please open it in VMware Player. »

    Folder of you for the virtual machine contains a subfolder of ACE resources, an ace.dat and an aceMaster.dat file.

    I think that I previously used VMware Workstation 6.0 and found that the first. I've ugraded to 6.5 hoping that would do the trick. Unfortunately, I still get the same old message.

    Any help would be really appreciated.

    This is what my VMX file looks like:

    . Encoding = "windows-1252".

    config.version = '8 '.

    virtualHW.version = "7".

    scsi0. Present = 'TRUE '.

    scsi0.virtualDev = "free".

    memsize = "1024".

    scsi0:0. Present = 'TRUE '.

    scsi0:0. FileName = "Test.vmdk".

    IDE1:0. Present = 'TRUE '.

    IDE1:0. AutoDetect = "FALSE".

    IDE1:0. DeviceType = "cdrom-raw"

    floppy0.startConnected = "FALSE".

    floppy0. AutoDetect = 'TRUE '.

    ethernet0. Present = 'TRUE '.

    ethernet0. ConnectionType = "nat".

    ethernet0.virtualDev = "e1000".

    ethernet0.wakeOnPcktRcv = "FALSE".

    USB. Present = 'TRUE '.

    EHCI. Present = 'TRUE '.

    Sound.Present = 'TRUE '.

    sound.fileName = "-1".

    Sound.AutoDetect = "TRUE".

    MKS. Enable3D = 'TRUE '.

    pciBridge0.present = 'TRUE '.

    pciBridge4.present = 'TRUE '.

    pciBridge4.virtualDev = "pcieRootPort"

    pciBridge4.functions = '8 '.

    pciBridge5.present = 'TRUE '.

    pciBridge5.virtualDev = "pcieRootPort"

    pciBridge5.functions = '8 '.

    pciBridge6.present = 'TRUE '.

    pciBridge6.virtualDev = "pcieRootPort"

    pciBridge6.functions = '8 '.

    pciBridge7.present = 'TRUE '.

    pciBridge7.virtualDev = "pcieRootPort"

    pciBridge7.functions = '8 '.

    vmci0. Present = 'TRUE '.

    roamingVM.exitBehavior = 'go '.

    displayName = "Test".

    guestOS = "winvista".

    NVRAM = "Test.nvram."

    virtualHW.productCompatibility = "hosted".

    FT.secondary0.enabled = 'TRUE '.

    Tools.Upgrade.Policy = "useGlobal".

    extendedConfigFile = "Test.vmxf".

    floppy0. FileName = "a":

    ethernet0. AddressType = 'generated '.

    UUID. Location = "56 4 d 6 b 01 28 34 of 0f - b5 97 e2 6f 3 a 08 a3 c8"

    UUID. BIOS = "56 4 d 6 b 01 28 34 of 0f - b5 97 e2 6f 3 a 08 a3 c8"

    scsi0:0. Redo = «»

    vmotion.checkpointFBSize = "134217728.

    pciBridge0.pciSlotNumber = "17".

    pciBridge4.pciSlotNumber = "21".

    pciBridge5.pciSlotNumber = "22".

    pciBridge6.pciSlotNumber = "23".

    pciBridge7.pciSlotNumber = "24".

    scsi0.pciSlotNumber = "16".

    usb.pciSlotNumber = "32".

    ethernet0.pciSlotNumber = "33".

    sound.pciSlotNumber = "34".

    ehci.pciSlotNumber = "35".

    vmci0.pciSlotNumber = '36 '.

    USB:0. Present = 'TRUE '.

    USB:1.present = 'TRUE '.

    ethernet0.generatedAddress = "00: 0C: 29:3's: a3:c8.

    ethernet0.generatedAddressOffset = '0 '.

    vmci0.ID = "138060744".

    tools.remindInstall = "FALSE".

    USB:1.DeviceType = "hub".

    USB:0. DeviceType = "mouse".

    IDE1:0.startConnected = 'TRUE '.

    tools.syncTime = "FALSE".

    IDE1:0. FileName = 'E: '.

    bios.forceSetupOnce = "FALSE".

    usb.autoConnect.device0 = ' path: autoclean 1/7/1:1 ".

    ethernet0.linkStatePropagation.enable = "FALSE".

    usb.autoConnect.device1 = «»

    usb.autoConnect.device2 = «»

    checkpoint.vmState = «»

    debugStub.winOffsets.version = '1 '.

    debugStub.winOffsets.value = '0xa0, 0x9c, 0 x 18, x 0 168, 0x14c, 16, 0 x 0, 248 x 210, 0x1f8, 0 x 84, 0 x 28, 0x18, 0x20, 0 x 24, 1'

    ethernet0.VNET = "VMnet8.

    Policy.VM.mvmtid = ' 52 bd 5 b bb 4 10 d 0 c 0d - 98 f8 aa 4F a5 66 45 fd.

    policy.vm.managedVMTemplate = "FALSE".

    policy.vm.managedVM = "FALSE".


    Remove your vmx file lines "policy.vm.mvmtid" and "policy.vm.managedvm".

    Delete the following files:

    (1) ace.dat

    (2) aceMaster.dat

    (3) host.vmpl

    (4) iDLE-jAM | SC 2, SC 3 & VCP 4

    If you have found this device or any other answer useful please consider useful or correct buttons using attribute points

  • Samsung NC-240 - Windows 7 with VMware View connection problem

    Hi all

    My Samsung NC-240 is set to connect to my server VMware View Connection Manager. I can connect to one of my Windows XP via PCoIP or RDP virtual desktop very well, but I can't connect to my virtual Windows 7 desktop. Whenever I try to connect, it will be wrong and tell them "Session Lost!"

    Research in the NC-240 event log, I see the following:

    11 d, 00:01:09.260 > ready to connect to the host

    11 d, 00:01:21.990 > connection to the host (, 00-00-00-00-00-00)

    11 d, 00:01:22.020 > using resolution 1920 x 1080 at 60 Hz on DVI port 0

    11 d, 00:01:22.150 > CONNECTED (, 00-00-00-00-00-00)

    11 d, 00:01:22.160 > receiving power state updated: S0

    11 d, 00:01:22.960 > CURRENT SESSION

    11 d, 00:01:23.600 > (MGMT_RDP): invalid capability length (20)

    11 d, 00:01:23.600 > connection down (RDP protocol error detected)

    11 d, 00:01:23.680 > lost Session!

    11 d, 00:01:23.680 > (MGMT_RDP): INIT: received unknown event 0 x 20!

    Here is the information of the current version of my NC-240:

    Part number of the firmware: FW010034

    Hardware version:

    Firmware Version: 3.0

    Firmware Build ID: v250

    Firmware version Date: December 7, 2009 15:55:15

    PCoIP processor revision: 1.0

    Bootloader Version: 2.1

    Bootloader version identifier: v163

    Bootloader Build Date: August 28, 2008 16:56:13

    Here is the information of the current version of my Agent and VMware View VCM:

    VMware View 4.0.0 - 210939

    I appreciate any input.

    Thank you

    Sang A

    I think it's the same than P20 then try wyse page

  • VMWARE Newbie - installation problems with the guest operating system

    I heard a lot about the use of VMWARE for a long time so I downloaded and then installed ESXI 3.5 on a test area.  I installed the client and have been able to create a new virtual machine.  However, I run into some difficulty with installing a guest operating system.  All the pdf that I could find have suggested that simply by putting a CD in the server's drive and then turn on the virtual machine would start the my guest operating system installation process.  Unfortunately, my VM doesn't seem to see my CDRom and tent drive a start-up network, followed by a brief wait for the message 'Operating system not found' timeout.

    Can someone please help me find a way to create a new guest OS on my VM so that I can.

    1. understand the process

    2 start testing.

    Thank you in advance.

    If you have installed of course the VI Client to create the VM, and you insert the CD into the ESXi host? You can go to change settings on the virtual machine, click the CD/DVD and select the option use the host device. Also ensure the connection to turn on is checked.  When you turn on the virtual machine, it should see the CD that you inserted in your ESXi host. Once you get the operating system to load, you can configure to allow remote desktop connections and access the VM as a traditional physical machine, rather than relying on the console of the VI Client view.

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