Word/Tag Cloud Widget


I am looking for a CF8/widget module produce a word displayable user cloudd in a list of tags or words in the document, as what is found at http://www.tagcrowd.com/. I looked into RIA Forge but did ' t find it.

Will there be a Web 2.0 wizard who did it?

Thank you!

~ Lance
(202) 470-6353

Nice! Thank you, ~ Lance

Tags: ColdFusion

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    I worked on a script to automate the arduous task of marking of our 1500 + VMs.

    I ran into a bit of a problem with the addition of tags in the virtual machines that consist of several words.

    what I've done is created a table which lists all the unique tags and then crosses and compared to existing tags on the machine, and if they do not match, it will update the tag.

    The audit, etc works fine, the problem I have is that if I have a tag that contains several words it contains, IE) 'Heart of flint', the script will fail with the error:

    New-TagAssignment of the specified parameter 'Tag' expects a single value, but your name criteria "Flint Core" corresponds to multiple values.

    Online: 36 tank: 6

    {+ New-TagAssignment-$VMName.Name entity-Tag "$TagName"}

    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    + CategoryInfo: InvalidResult: ([System.Collecti, dObjectInterop]:'1 List) [new TagAssignment], VimException

    + FullyQualifiedErrorId: Core_ObnSelector_SelectObjectByNameCore_MoreResultsThanExpected, VMware.VimAutomation.ViCore.Cmdlets.Commands.Tagging.NewTagAssignment

    so for me, it seems that it tries to assign the Flint and Core as individual tags, and it does not reach the category of the label is set to a single cardinality.

    The $Tagname object only keeps the "Flint Core" value

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    The name is a valid label, I can see it, assign, and read vcenter as a word several Tag

    can someone tell me how to get Powercli to allow me to add these multiple word tags?

    Thank you

    I understand what I did, and it was rather ridiculous. The problem came down to that we did have tags with the same value but different categories of Tag, whereas she had nothing to do with the name itself.

    It is a we had a customer named "Flint Core" and also a place of "Core of Flint" and PowerCLI couldn't determine which was necessary. Rename a tag in the spreadsheet solved the problem.

  • Tag Clouds

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    You might be able to create something yourself using liquid.

  • Creative Cloud Widget displays options to install applications even if they are already present on the system. (Retina MacBook Pro - OSX Yosemite)

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    Hez_Godfrey please use the steps listed in desktop applications lists CC as "up to date" when the no facility not - http://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/kb/aam-lists-removed-apps-date.html to restore the list of installed applications.  I would recommend beginning with solution 2.

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    I recently started to experiment with some of the widgets available for DW.  I noticed that when you insert on a page there is a section of script added after all the style information.  There is a high level tag and then 1 label for each of the widgets added with an id and a link.  Can someone tell me exactly what do these lines of code? They still need to be there?

    Web widgets Dreamweaver conform to the Open AJAX Alliance (openajax.org) standard for widgets. I think these tags help DW to know what widgets you have on your page when it is published. I don't think that this can damage anything if you remove them.



  • What container to use to implement a tag cloud?

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    Thanks in advance,


    It is a very good question. Our default containers do not really meet your needs. You'd better write one by extending the canvas. You can also write one from scratch by extending UIComponent and implement the view interface container, but for a first pass with canvas would be easier.

    You have a Collection (for example, collection ArrayCollection) tags. Assume that each "tag" has a label and a weight that will control the font size and font. The right thing to do is to create a class that will serve as the itemRenderer for your new class of tag cloud. So let's assume that your itemRenderer (let's call it TagRenderer) will have its Measure [] method calculate the size appropriate for the tag based on the size label and the police.

    As the itemRenderer will do its work the container should use the size of the itemRenderer instances place. A simple algorithm (use a substitution of updateDisplayList to do this) would be to place the first instance of TagRenderer to (0,0). Then place the adjacent spire (firstRenderer.x + firstRenderer.width, 0). That, until the first line is filled. Then move to the next line (firstRenderer.y + firstRenderer.height) to try again.

    If you do not have the components before you can visit my blog and look for "component" and you should find a few articles on the fact. And of course, the documents of Flex.

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    You hear that you assigned two slightly different keywords to the same person? Like personA and personB? If this is the case, select all the persoB, assign as a. person then delete the keyword "personB.

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    Thank you


    I don't think that your focal length is too short, I think that your words should be oriented to a null value which is placed far behind the camera instead of point towards the camera. A lens wide angle on the camera would allow you a greater change of perspective with a smaller Word cloud and a smaller set of words.

    Try to create a null value, called "look at nuull" and then add this expression to the orientation of the layer of your Word property:

    L = thisComp.layer("look at null");
    a = L.toWorld(anchorPoint);
    T = thisLayer;
    b = T.toComp(anchorPoint);
    lookAt(a, b)

    Now place the null value to the position of the camera and make the camera it's parent. You will notice that the position of the null now reads 0,0,0

    Set the value of z on something wild like-5000 and orbit then the camera around your Word cloud. You will have the effect you're looking for.

    You can also randomly position your Word layers in 3D space using this expression with the anchor point of the layer of the word:

    seedRandom(index, timeless = true);
    x = value [0] + random(-200, 200);
    y = value [1] + random(-200, 200);
    z = value [2] + random(-200, 200);
    [x, y, z]

    Most and without values, set the dimensions of your Word cloud. In this example, it's a pixel cube 400 X 400, in the center of the model.

    I hope this helps. If I had a little more time I'll build a model of the sample. There is also a way with some expressions I can't compose the words of a central turntable without a little research on the vector calculation that would keep all the layers of Word oriented a null remote while you apparent void in the center of the cloud. This would allow you to rotate the cloud instead of orbiting around the camera. It would be a more elegant solution that I'll have to think for a moment.

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    Someone knows how to fix this?  TIA, gwc

    You can change the keyboard shortcuts...

    Go to Edition > keyboard shortcuts

    Click on define duplicate

    Save with a name of your choice

    Under orders from drop down choose Code editing
    You can change all the keyboard shortcuts here to what you prefer

    With my default 2015 install, Ctrl + R doesn't do anything and Ctrl + L tries to link a file to what I chose in Code or design view

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  • Cloud of Tags for styling trouble

    Hey. I struggled to comb my tag cloud. I put the wrong item.

    This is the code I have for the Post of Blog list schema


    {tag_blogtagcloud: 25}

    {tag_previouspage} {tag_pagination} {tag_nextpage}

  • App BT Cloud can not be uninstalled on iPad Mini.

    App BT Cloud can not be uninstalled on iPad Mini.

    iPad 4 Mini 64 GB IOS 9.3.2.

    I downloaded and installed the BT cloud on the app store app.

    It worked but now the more app icon displays the word "pending" and does nothing when it is typed.

    If I restart the iPad are displayed the words "BT Cloud" but there is still nothing when it is typed.

    It can not be uninstalled by pressing X, while the icon is stirring, regardless of the State in which it is in.

    I don't know what version of cloud of comics on the Ipad.

    I can't download it again or try to update because he won't answer the button 'open '.

    I would be grateful for any advice on how to fix or preferably remove it from my iPad.

    I also have the app on my PC that works, but it's so horrible to use I want to remove them both.

    I should have used iCloud.


    Settings - general - storage - Storage - BT - -tap on delete

  • When I select a number in bulk labels, I can't select 'delete '. It just says: 'add a tag (color) '.

    Hi, I wonder how is it that when I select a small number of files to UNTAG, I am able to select 'remove tag' whereas if I choose a large number of tags, it doesn't have the ability to remove the tag of these files?

    Above, I can remove the grey tag of these videos. However...

    It just says: 'Add a Tag 'Gray' ' if I select a larger number of files.

    This is the kind of trivial, but I wonder why it's like that, and if there is a way to fix it.

    Thank you!

    FWIW, the background display, it looks that all tags are assigned to one or several files. Try clicking on the word "Tags"... "and see what he says.

  • Remove the Finder tags in more than 10 items at a time

    Is it my setup or a remove the tags in the files of more than 10 changed in OS X 10.11?

    I used to add or remove tags at will. But now it seems that I can only take off the mark max 10 files at once via ctrl + click or Finder > file > Tags... With more than 10 points, the delete tag option is not available.

    If I want to remove the brand more than 10 files, I have to ctrl-click > read the summary information (more than 40 items will automatically in this mode), THEN batch-deletion of tags.

    I noticed that today, as well. It works fine for 1 to 10 items, but when you select that item 11 (or), it highlights all the tags, as if you have all the applied, rather than just a you have on them.

    Seems like a bug to me, but I'm not sure.

    I've found a workaround, if:

    Click on the word "Tags"... "above the points colored. Then, in the white field where the current tags assigned to this item, click the tag you want to delete, and then press the delete key.

  • TESTVERSION. Handle 30 tage handle 7 Tage

    ICH habe mit United meine freunde die adobe runtergelassen, am gleichen tag cloud. Handle (mich mit ein how) habe nur 7 tage testversion tage und haben 30 handle. ICH will are next Monat aber kaufen bis da hin brauch ich die program. Warum habe ich nur 7 tage test? Kann ich das ihren wie auf 30 tage verlangern?

    The tests are now 7 days https://forums.adobe.com/thread/2151685

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