can't read txt records.

When I opened a http://_address__.txt I do not understand the characters that it provides. I can't save and open via the text editor

How can I reverse the y-axis to have the lowest number at the top?

Hello, I do a study on the water level of the river and I need to invert the values of the y-axis. It is very easy to do with Microsoft Office Exel but I don't know how to do it with the number. I have numbers 3.6.1

Mac OS running in Windows

Is there a way suitable for MacOS running in Windows PC? It could be the cost or not. I just need to get know to this virtualization.

Skype comes with the default proxy settings

So lately, I've met some errors connecting to Skype. Skype went offline and online for no reason. So, today I disconnected and I can not always connect. Skype is loading and then says: failed to connect. Or something like that. So I checked the proxy

How to wake up 2008 Mac Pro in his sleep?

In the past, when my Mac Pro (2008) fell asleep, I could watch on my laptop under the heading 'Shared' in a Finder window and the Mac Pro would be there. I could click on it and the Mac wakes up. Now, I can't see the Mac listed under the section shar

XPRT: How to transform sound at start up?

I don't want to keep my phone on silent, I want just silence when I start the phone. Anyone know where I can do? Thank you

Preparation configure Windows not to turn off your computer

I downloaded 34 important update on my laptop with windows 7 Edition home premium and have downloaded the updates, then told me I had to restart my computer, I restarted my laptop and for the last 6 hours the screen says "preparing to set up Windows

file type Wizard in Add Remove is a windows xp file

Add and delete a file type Wizard, is this part of windows xp, need to know before I click on remove

Deskjet 4480 Mac osX 10.7 driver needed

Are there print drivers available for osX 10.7 for the Deskjet 4480 printer?  I've only been able to find the drivers for osX up to 10.6 for the 4480 printer.   I tried to install them and they do not work with 10.7, so right now, I can't print from

I can't download adobe reader for windows xp 32-bit

I tried to download adobe reader for my 32 bit windows xp found adobe right but when I download an error window tells me that the program is not compatible, but in the specs is tells me that it is?

Windows Movie Maker - How to move video files already in a project

OK so I have a number of video files that have been 'imported' in Windows Movie Maker from my USB drive. Now, I did my project already and am almost complete with my film. However, is there anyway I can move the videos on my computer so I don't have

for hp m820n recovery disk

Units my HP Pavilion media center m8120n hard drive crashed. I need to order a recovery disc, but going to the HP support site, does not show where or how I can order a. Where can I order a disc?

Is it possible to display the list of default programs in Control Panel/Default Programs?

In Control Panel/Default Programs is it possible to display a list of the existing default values?

In Vista, stop in to message asking to insert the disc for PSSWCORE.msi

I get the following message on my computer asks me to insert a disk from PSSWCORE. MSI. HOW CAN I GET RID OF THIS ANNOYING POINT. JIM GUIDAS * original title - how can I get rid of PSSWCORE that opens? *

What is c:\dell\XR9871

im getting this error message

Sony DVR need data on-screen TV Guide. Rovi will stop the support service of TVGOS from April 2013

The Sony DHG - disk HARD of 250 and 500 Digital Video Recorders use the calendar to the Rovi's TV Guide on screen (TVGOS) and on an hourly data provided on the signals of broadcasting digital TV channels local. Rovi has announced it will stop support

ActionItem Q10 does not title?

It seems that the Q10 does not display the title on the action item more. Is there a way around it? This is an example of how I create. {ActionItem}Title: qsTr ("Test")imageSource: "asset:///images/test.png."ActionBar.placement: ActionBarPlacement.On

Open files in the native multimedia player

Is there a way to open an audio or video file in the native multimedia player? Or I have to write an extension?

Image library - records

can someone help me please. I don't know why some files display thumbnails and others are blank white pages.  I would that all records to view thumbnail photos.

my microsoft security essentials stops suddenly... it disappears from the lower tray and doesn't start again... Despite the relocation, the sane never happens again...

my microsoft security essentials stops suddenly... it disappears from the lower tray and doesn't start again... Despite the relocation, the sane never happens again... Help, please