Acer Tablets

Acer One S1002 WLAN connection Bruno sich jede Minute. Was ist die Chinese?

Hallo, ich habe mein Windows Tablett PC in 2016 Juli so. In 2 Wochen war einfach und ich habe zur repair geschickt verschwendet WLAN. Jetzt unterbreche sich jede Minute die connection WLAN. d.h. jede Minute muss ich wieder um Internet only zu verbind

Acer Aspire SW5 - 012

Hat sich while are lief selbst often und startet nun nicht mehr selbst.

A1-840 Android4.4.4 clock radio

Right, I've had this for a week, I can set an alarm to wake me up, but how do I snooze or turn off the power. I put the button of volume as the sleeper - didn't work I put the volume keys as licensees - did not work The user manual is not much help.

All of a sudden my Acer Iconia One 10 will not close or disable. It flashes just the splash screen

All of a sudden my Acer Iconia One 10 will not close or disable. It flashes just the splash screen "Acer Explorer beyond the limits; Powered by Android. What should I do? Problem with the cord/charge plug unit... is very loose and since I bought it.

What is the best compatible microSD and the maximum capacity for a Tablet android Iconia 10 One?

Could someone tell me what is the best compatible microSD and the maximum capacity for a Tablet android Iconia 10 One?

Interrupt the interrogation of the drive - acer lappy

Hi all. My laptop decided to investigate the disk hard whenever it is turned on. It gives me 1 second to press a button and thus circumvent this operation. the investigation of disk operation takes 5 hours to result (but 1 minute to 75% full!). I hav

A1-713 rear camera is not working

WHY my iconia tab7 A1-713 back camera is not working do not? Only the front camera can I use... Please help me

Insert micro sd iconia tab 8

My 32 GB sandisk card was not detected and I can't remove it! How do I get it back out and insert it correctly?

Acer won't give me A3 - A30 stock firmware how is?

I contacted Acer requesting a download link for my Tablet and they provide me with one my Tablet plays up and reset is not sorting the problem everything they said it was to send it for repair but I'm more than capable of determining with the stock r

Iconia 10 b3 - A20 waking after the deep sleep without rebooting

I answered a few questions so now I'm going to ask to my . I had a problem with my B3 - A20 Iconia Tablet since I got it: it won't wake up if he has been asleep for more than a few minutes, unless I have hold down the power button and it reboot. Here

Tabby is not synchronizing

Could someone tell me what is this "sync"? What is the (?) Tablet syncronising with? Tried to download a book ordered. sent me via wispernet, but 'sync' of tabby States nothing can be received. !!! PostScript: am a Gemini, have no patience

Videos on Facebook

What app download so I can watch videos on my Acer android Tablet?

A200 tablet will not work google games store or no matter what google apps

I'm trying to get an acer a200 Tablet back in working order.  game store does not, google + does not open... they start to and close.  I can't find google games services in my apps, as I tried to erase the data, the cache and all that in all applicat

What is the difference between an application and a widget?

I'm a newbie trying my Tablet cleaning. to start: What is the difference between an application and a widget?

App selection guide?

I recently deleted, uninstalled, arrested as many apps as I could to try to get in inconsistent application to run on my Acer One 7, B1-730 HD. Now, I need to rebuild things. I realize that nessasary apps have no uninstall. But I want to assure you t

optimization of the system?

In and effort to get n-Tracker app to work I stop a bunch of applications to free up RAM. I would like to get advice on optimizing my Acer B1_730HD Tablet? Where can I go to find out what applications are required to run the Tablet safely and how to

How can I transfer my Gallery A-810 to my Acer laptop?

I need to transfer my Gallery on my laptop.  I also want to use the SD card to store and transfer photos.  Help you enjoy.

Acer Iconia tab A210

Hey guys,. I've looked everywhere for a solution to my problem and I had the chance to 0. I spent the last 4 days to dig and dig for a solution and it does everything just for me. My mother-in-law has forgotten his password on his Tablet, and I'm try

How to stop sounds of keyboard on an Iconia Tab10 A3 A20FHD?

Prevents keyboard on an A3-A20-FHD sounds?

ACER Aspire Switch 10 startet nicht

Hallo, ich bin neu yesterday und habe ein problem. ICH habe mir letzte Woche einen zugelegt ACER Aspire Switch 10. Yesterday habe ich das Tablet download drove und heute lasst're sich nicht starten. Der to da ich war, dass das vielleicht Tablet leer