Acer Tablets

Cannot use bluetooth speaker

I have associated my Acer Aspire Switch 10 to a Bluetooth speaker. He said that the two are connected, but only sound comes through the internal speakers to switch 10. With the help of the operating system Windows 10. Would appreciate ideas.  Thank y

Acer switch BSOD 10: cannot access computer.

Acer switch 10 with victory 8.1: trying to get rid of my restore partition to free up space, in the process got BSOD... Oops Computer will not restart.  Restarted... F2, made sure my USB has been the first boot option. Stop, inserted USB recovery, re

ACER W4-821: its has gone after BIOS upgraiding

After upgraiding BIOS 1.13 to 1.16 on my ACER W4-821 on Windows 10 sound totally gone. I reinstalled Windows 10 3 times (using different versions of Win: 240, 586, pre-release) but the sound is not spend on, so the problem is not related to Windows 1

Acer switch sw5 10 012

So I bought it what it said on the box it came with Bing 8.1 on the ad, he says with windows installed 10 recently. But when I want to uninstall windows 10 that it says return to windows 7? This means that the 8.1 was never installed on this?

Switch 10 Bios Update Yes or no

Hello I recently bought the Switch 10 (windows preinstalled 10) and very happy with it, I am someone who likes to have everything updated, so I was checking the software updates etc. Now I see that the Bios version is 1.0 but since then there have be

Acer aspire switch 10 no boot device

Hello, I am working on an Acer Aspire Switch 10 2 in 1 (there so no usb port and no cd drive) when I turn it on it flashes Acer logo for a second and then jump to "No boot device" with an image of a hard drive and a magnifying glass. This was not the

Aspire SW5-012 stiil waiting for windows 10

10 windows application still shows '' We will validate Windows for your pc. 10 '' since July. I want to do through the application and not by media boot download. Anyone else still getting this message for sw5-012?

upgrade memory for one Aspire Switch 10

Memory can be improved on the Aspire Switch 10.  I use mine for music but right now that I'm out of space

Aspire Switch 10: Keep connect-disconnect keyboard-HARD drive repeatedly while using the usb port

Hi allIAM facing this problem months agoIt is very disturbing especially iam fan of mouse normal (I hate the touchpad), last week he keeps disconnection/connection too.I think that there is a software bug that connect the usb port with usb 3 connecti

out of nine warranty W3 Acer lights

Help, please. I just bought this new seal from a private seller. It lights up. Sometimes I see a slow flashing amber light on the power button. Anyone know what the problem is. Thanks in advance!

My Acer Iconia W/700 external keyboard does not work. My bluetooth seems ok.

My external keyboard does not work. I can't type on the screen and my bluetooth seems ok.

Switch 10 and problem of recovery of Windows 10

Hi all I installed on my Acer Switch 10 Windows 10 with Microsoft Media creation tool. Everything was ok until I tried to access Bios switch: without changes, I restarted the laptop and I got error 0 x 0000034 ("Necessary recovery for device" accordi

Is - this dual switch Aspire 10th support?

Is - this dual switch Aspire 10th support?  Can I use the HDMI port to give me an office extended, or he just mirror what's on the screen of the laptop?

Acer Aspire 12 keyboard not detected by the computer

Hi all I bought an acer aspire switch 12 a week ago and the blue light on the keyboard, but the computer does not detect any keyboard. I tried to contact acer support, but I get no answer. What should I do? Please excuse my poor English level, there

Impossible to call landlines with Skype my 8W Iconia

I have Skype credit but cannot make calls to fixed phones of my 8W Iconia. I was able to (in July) there are a few butterflies, but now I have to use other equipment when it comes to Skype. The problem is with my tablet. I tried to uninstall and inst

Switch 10 - Please wait while we install an update of the system

Hello Recently, I brought a switch 10. Whenever I turn on the camera, I see the Acer Logo and he said: "Please wait while we install an update of the system. I must have started the device about 40 times now, but it does every time. Windows updates a

Switch 10 maximum SD card size

Hi all Does anyone know the maximum size SD card for the Aspire 10 switch.  I saw various suggestions from 32 to 64, I was hoping it would be bigger. Thank you all

Brightness problem with aspire switch 10

Hi all I have a gene with a switch screen aspire 10.The brightness level is constantly changing. It is not dependend on the ambient light, because I turned off Adaptive brightness. (When I put a flashlight on the light sensor that does nothing). For


I inserted a 32 GB Micro SD card in my Acer Iconia B71 and it comes well under settings, DD EXTERNALLY. It is very small when fully pressed, how can I remove it please?

Acer Iconia B1 - how I completely open emails?

Hello I just bought an Acer Iconia B1, which on the whole I am satisfied. The main problem I have is that it does not fully open my emails. I have a message saying: "Download remaining" and it never seems to open. Is it possible that I can open these
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