
Limit the movements of the mouse in Authorware

Hi allI try to limit the movements of the mouse of a user in Authorware. So far, I was able to do something that changes the cursor when it is over a square (mobile area). However, I missed out yet how to limit the mouse to go outside the edge of the

Location and the size of area spot within a compressed file

Hi allI'm working on an authorware program in which I want to use the size of years of a hotspot location clicked to draw a rectangle. Finally, I would like to be able to change the size and position of a point of interest, and when they are packed,

Need help to create a U32

I'm trying to access a function in a DLL that was created by a programmer here. Authorware tells me that the DLL does not contain the function, I'm calling.Does anyone have any documentation on how to package this DLL as being a U32?Thank youMark

Authorware courses does not

No matter that other conclusion that legacy Authorware course SGA have stopped working? Literally, trying to run form them the LMS and the lance plugin, presents the Security dialog box, downloads a file or two then never stops to launch the real cou

Is there a maximum size or the limit of text file during storage and data transfer?

HI -.We used WriteExtFile and AppendExtFile to store data in a CSV text file in a data folder in the same location as the executable files of Authorware.WriteExtFile ("data\\"^"Variable_Names.txt", Survey_Variable_Names)AppendExtFile ("data\\Survey_D

Authorware Web Player installer links are broken

The Authorware Web Player links are no longer working. They will now Shockwave Player.Does anyone have a working on the domain Adobe link?Links for Authorware Web Player:

Cannot run room

I have a piece I wrote in Authorware 7.0.2.  The piece runs correctly on all my computers to test with the exception of my Windows 7 computer.  When I run the program, I get the circle (which indicates that something is happening) for about 10 second

Pesky remove icons

Hi allOK, another problem that I can't find any Question/Answer using the search tool.We get a few errors when deleting some remove iconsOn the removal of certain icon removal, we get a message box titled "Internal Error" with the text "cb1, 500' on

Uses a database.

I decided to write a review using a database as a method to store the questions and answers.Because I didn't want to re - invent the wheel, I created my database in Access, ensuring that I could read it in Authorware.I used the show me ODBC.a7p file

What is the best way to create a bookmark for a user to return?

Hello to all... hello again Steve... I'm back with another question - what is the best way to set up a bookmark system so return users can pick up where they left off in a lesson of AW? I tried the usual internet research, always do, but a few sample

TMSPrint works only with the Web Player

I use TMSprint for all the impressions of my piece which works fine on the desktop. However, when you try to access the print function via the web player, I get a "TMsMPrint" module not found. All modules are loaded. I suspect that the tms_mp.dll mod

Problem loading AW Web Player file

I had a problem with my big piece of web publishing AW as it hangs on loading screen of files on the drive. So I rigged a simple test-tube published web (two files that jumps back on the button click on) which initially worked well on my development

How to open the file in format A4R?

Hi all! I hava some a4r fomat file, when I use AW7 to open, it still says that the file format is too old and cannot open it. Then I search the internet, it is said that only AW4 Runtime can open it. Then I do my best to download the AW4 official web

hide and show the icon view using if else statement

is - it possibleto hide and expose the display icon using if else statement? I try to use erase them but I don't know how show it on again after that I want to come back. Thank you

White rectangle remains on the screen when you use the ActiveX icon

Hi,I am using AW5.2 and I have a problem with erasing an ActiveX Icon. I embedded windows media player and when I want to erase my ActiveX icon, a white rectangle remains on the screen. I have tried moving it off the presentation window then erase or

SetIconProperty does not

I'm trying to link a sound to an external sound file 5.2 AW icon. Currently I have the following code in an icon of computing just before my sound icon:SetIconProperty (@"Audio", #filename, ".\\CHEERING.) AIF")I also tried to set in the property for

Model HTML 'Detect Web Player' fails in IE8 + Vista - remedy?

Hi allHave had no problem with AW 7 Web packaged pieces in IE8 & Vista until recently but I find now that the 'Detect Web Player' HTML template fails to load the .aam. (the .aam works fine when loaded directly or via the "Default" template.)I can onl

Edit the a4r

Hi all.  I inherited a series of a4r files that need to be changed.  Or rather, I need audio out of them to set up a basic html program.Authorware and Dreamweaver will not open them.  Any ideas on how to get the info on these files?Thank you!Chip

Upgrade from Authorware 5.2 to 7.01

Hi gurus,Our Organization has used Adobe Authorware 5.2 to create CBT for 4/5 years when she originally purchased the original license. Now, it is necessary to install the latest version of Adobe Authorware!I was wondering how to go on this subject..

Date dates - function - Authorware vs. Excel or Access?

HI -.We have exported Authorware date values in a text file.If I understand correctly, "Date returns a string, using the number of days since 1 January 1900".»Authorware, we have exported a value of '40336' which I believe is equal to 8 June 2010.DAY
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