
M20: Guest access has stopped working

Six months later, my guest account has worked well. Guests with Mac and PC use. I used it with an iPhone 4 and iPod Touch. I even had a printer wireless HP connected and working, if I had to manually assign an IP in the range of standard network, bea

Please help: Add a USB printer to EA3500?

Hello world I just bought the EA3500, all right, but I can't set up / add my USB printer to my network card into the USB port on the router. The EA3500 is on the firmware: I connect to my router via connectcloud, when I click on 'Add a

CCC connect restart router.

Disconnection / connection to the CCC will restart router. After that some use it remains stable. Here again, reconnect causes device to restart. As I wrote earlier (

Cisco connect software for E4200V1

Hi all Original and downloaded the software CiscoConnect E4200 is after installation relative to the EA4500 version and does not work with the E4200V1 router.

Bandwidth optimized for XBox w/E4200

Normally I have any problems with my Xbox cable to my E4200. Unfortunately, Spotify all my bandwidth hogs.  Game slows down to a crawl.  As soon as Spotify is closed, returns the bandwidth. It would not be a problem, but the woman seems to realize th

Cisco Connect Express App 4 Android not available in France.

Hello, I am a very happy user of a WRT54G Router, but I intend to buy an E4200 (v2) for 802.11n. I am very interested to install Cisco Connect Express on my android device, but this app seems to be unavailable in France/Europa? Someone outside of the

I need my password.

I need my password. Thank you.

Full access DHCP setting

Hi, this is my first post here, please excuse if this is posted in the wrong forum, but how do I put my router (Cisco M10 V2) in full access DHCP. It is just go on the Basic Menu and Type of Internet connection and configuration in DHCP Auto - Config

Problem of storage with e3000, once the hard drive goes to sleep, no way to access

If I do not use the hard drive connected for a while. The hard drive goes to sleep and e3000 doesn't seem to wake him up. Instead, it begins to show on the web interface that "nothing is connected. Anyone else having this problem?

Connect and 4200 in Bridge mode

Can connect be used when the router is in Bridge mode with FIOS router as the main router? Seems when I try to install that he finds not the 4200. THX!

Formatting hard drive in NTFS instead of FAT32 on E1550

Is it possible to format the HDD storage plugged into the USB port using the NTFS format. When you use FAT32 pieces of backup software backs up files into blocks of 4 GB.  Told me to avoid that I have to format the drive with NTFS format to avoid thi

Re activation SSID

I was able to disable my SSID in the advance settings, I try now to allow it, but now get the message, the settings have been changed and I have to use the username admin with my current password to access my settings and when I do, it bounces me in

SSID disabling on the M20

How can I deactivate my SSID broadcast. I checked my M20 setting and advanced settings and didn't find anything that allows me to do this. Please notify Thanks in advance.

Question of the M10 firmware update

I will try to update my firmware M10.  I read the instructions on the download and installation but am not well if I'm going to lose my current settings of the router during the process. If so, is that what comes easy key?  Sorry, I'm quite ignorant

set up password

Hey, how do I set up my password for the network connection? My connection is currently open...

Feedback site is not secure

When I scan for available networks, my feedback site indicates that the site is not guaranteed.  I assigned a password but the site is not secure and a password is not necessary.

Inernet connection problem

I have Linksys Easy Link Advisor and also connected via the Internet. For a period of 3 months and there is no problem, but now I have a red line from the Internet to my WAG160N router and all the green lines are their. I am also connected to the int

Error message: "unable to access your Valet."

Whenever I try to open Cisco Connect, it still shows the error message: "unable to access your Valet. You can access your Valet settings when you are connected to your Valet. "However, I'M connected to it. In the center network and sharing in Windows

Wired connection is not displayed in Cisco Connect

Hello Cisco Home Community Forum, All my wireless to my Jack connections are fine and appear in Parental controls in the Cisco Connect software. But my wired connections are not. Each device that connects via an ethernet cable plugged into one of the

How to get Cisco Connect if I already have various Linksys products...

Hello How can I get a copy of Cisco Connect if I already have a different linksys product? WRT610N WET610N DMA2200 Thank you John
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