Firefox OS

I can't close Firefox OS 2.5 Developer Preview App

I just downloaded and installed the app (here: on my Samsung Galaxy S6 and I can't figure how to get back to regular android. I tried to restart my phone but it still launches Firefox OS. Please help me. Tha

Please free App Firefox for Windows Phone.

Please free App Firefox for Windows Phone.Thanks

What will be the new version Firefox os? Thank you

What will be the new Firefox Os version? Thank you

Is there a Firefox application available for the classic Blackberry 2015 model?

I have a classic Blackberry. I was wondering if it is possible to obtain a browser Firefox on a classic Blackberry app to use rather than the stock browser? TThanks

building firefox operating system error

Hey, I used to build firefox os for my camera, but I got these error messages. prebuilts/GCC/Linux-x86/Host/x86_64-Linux-glibc2.11-4.6//x86_64-Linux/bin/LD: error: /home/hesham/B2G/out/host/linux-x86/obj32/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libnativehelper_intermediat

is 'hello' available for 3G phones, w/wifi?

I have a verizson, LG, 3G, phone, w/wifi. could I use "hello" with/to from my phone? I have to install firefox as default browser? Please, forgive my ignorance, I'm an entry level, the 3g, the phone, and computer and user.

How to play quicktime videos

.mov, I get no play and nothing found on the market

How can I remove keyboard AutoCorrect?

I'm not a developer, just an ignorant American user. I want to disable auto correction of typing

I have an iPhone apple 5 c. (Market?)

It acts like it loads but does not work and when I touch my screen it flashes red that I am able to check on my devices? Sheila

How to install pluings flash in firefox os browser?

I try to visit this page and Firefox OS browser does not have flash installed. I'm trying to find how to install flash but I can't Born how.

How to download video from my camera

I have a HP Pavilion dv7 laptop, os of mozilla, I want to import pix and the film in my camera. Pix import ok but the video shows only a blue line, no pic. When I try to Realtek (real-time, or something like that) he lets know me that I need Quicktim

The menu bar on the home page of my company is missing. It load on Safari, but not on Firefox. I used IWeb to the development of the site.

I just updated my business website. It looks perfect on Safari - but the menu bar is missing in the first page on Firefox - so no one can enter the site. This means - it is blocked as spam? How can I fix it? Help!

I get a PopUp window now Couponds ZHow can I get rid of it can't fing on were I can delete

This is what I get makes me NUTS This page is delivered to you by a web browser extension click here to learn more.

Can not launch Firefox successfully because of the Mac application profile settings?

The team, currently I am working for Oracle and must use Firefox to access our CRM applications.Whenever I run the, I get the following error message?Could not initialize the safety component of the application. The most likely cause is p

Why the menu bookmarks will remain sorted after that you sort and close the page?

Newly added Favorites go to the bottom of the list. The page will sort from A to Z when we click on the sort icon... When you leave the page to sort and go back in the newly added bookmarks back not sorted to the bottom of the page.

images appear on the page

Thumbnails do not appear when I use youtube or visit a website, and my face book will no longer display images either. For example, on the homepage of youtube, it will show the links and text, but images are not present.

I can not download updates for Firefox on my MacBook

When I receive a message to install an update to improve the stability of Firefox on my Mac (it crashes pretty regularly), the computer is 'blocked' in the middle of the download. I was not able to download the updated release of Firefox.

Video plays sound and no image in firefox

When I try to watch a video in a blog page, I get only sound and no picture. I can watch the same video very well with Google Chrome

Why does not the last update allows searches IE yahoo email?

My Mozilla Firefox allows more research. When I click on Yahoo Mail for example, nothing happens. Before this last update (Mozilla) I could click on Yahoo Mail and get a list of sites in a fraction of a second. Now, it's click and wait indefinitely.
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