Firefox OS

How can I put a shortcut on my desktop?

I want to know how to put a shortcut on my desktop with Mozilla Firefox. With google chrome, you click on the square on top of the right hand of the page, click on tools, then suddenly create a shortcut. With internet explorer, you can just right cli

Can I customize my toolbar icons?

I've just updated Firefox v.6 to v. 22. So far, everything looks good, but I miss my color icons (they are now all gray and black). Small problem, but am just wondering if there was a way to 'color' them?Thank you

Where can I go to delete a ff plugin/add on Volunia?

Volunia said by going to f f tools, modules, Extensions, then hit the button "remove" next to 'Volunia', but what I found is to know how to install it instead. "Volunia is not a program or an app & it doesn't uninstall." So, went to ff tools I can't

How can I fix the very slow response after the wake up the computer from sleep mode?

Never had this problem until a few days ago. Using Windows 7. I want to use the "sleep mode" whenever I leave my office (be it for a few minutes or several hours). Always came back just as I left it (tabs, work-in-progress, etc.) until recently. If I

After having visited a Web site and then go to my mail, I apparently produce a project email that I have to delete, why is this?

Whenever I have visit a Web site and then try to read my e-mails, a project e-mail message appears first of all that I didn't realize. Then I have to delete it and then go to my Inbox to that. How can I stop this please?

I DON'T WANT THIS NEW Firefox OS how do I get it my computer

I don't want Firefox OS. How do if back to where it was before the accidental ok

How will I know which plug that I need and those to disable?

I have several plugins and I do not know that disable and to keep.

too big browser

After you download the new so far, my browser is too big I.e. the bars tab, and most visited, not only the police but all menu. Web sites are also too big, Ive checked my OS display and everything seems to be normal

Set Gmail as request of mailto, but mailto: links no longer work.

I use FF 22 on a MacBook Pro with OS X 10.7.5. In Preferences > Applications I put the app for mailto as Gmail. However, mailto links won't work. They open usually a white tab Gmail is also defined as the default messaging for the system application.

Where can I ask a handful of general order questions about Firefox OS as a consumer and get the answers? (a forum or something similar)

I have about seven questions about Firefox OS. I'm potentially interested in opting for a tablet that works instead of Android or iOS. I couldn't find a place to ask questions like that. Thank you!

MSLS31.dll error

I get an error msls31.dll. Also I have trouble with joints, download files and download them. Especially in an email.

What happened to the menus file, edit and view for mac 0s10.8.3? F10 and other solutions do not work? ESN can't work

I just got a new mac OS 10.8.3 and newest firefox. I can't find the menu bar, I can't close without force quiting, can't even tell what version I have. Whenever I try to use the arrows to change as suggested display full screen makes it worse. I have

How to activate the pop-up windows?

I can't fill a demand for services with ASCAP because I've not enabled popups. So, how to activate the pop-up windows?

I lost my back arrow search in the upper left hand of the screen and can not restore it.

I think I've hit a part of the screen accidentally and hid the search arrow. I also lost the search box in the upper right.

How to change the connection to a wifi network?

PIC - developer previewI entered a wrong connection when connecting the first time to the network, I can not understand how to change it.

When I click on a URL open an overview with a reading of the box open in Firefox: if I click on this box, nothing happens. How to solve this return?

Firefox is my default browser. He used to work in two stages. By clicking on the words or the small triangle at the end sent me to a preview area where I could choose OPEN in FIREFOX. Now only the work of small triangle, I get the same preview area,

Firefox version 21 of it which is the WEB DEVELOPMENT TOOL? What are the functions and what is it for?

I just want to know what all the tools in the toolbar / web developer Each of them control?

whenever I click on search on firefox that an add-in appears in the display

whenever I click on search, a supplement of 'new offer' for example; There is more, appears right in front of the screen;I tried to disable add, etc. on preferences; uninstall, redownload and install firefox and the problem persists.It is not the cas

My email is reduced to a tiny tiny size that I can't read.

All of a sudden, all of my email shrunk to an unreadable format. Everying in e-mail has changed.

When I have my wells fargo sign on the page now is 1/5 the size

I hit a key on the keyboard - now my Wells Fargo login screen is 1/5 of normal size. How to get screen back to normal - windows 7.
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