ThinkPad Tablets

Upgrade 2 Tablet Thinkpad Win8 to Win8.1 for beginners

I plan to spend my tablet to 8.1 Windows of Windows 8 current and I would appreciate a detailed on now to help make. Some info on the Tablet: Lenovo ThinkPad Tablet 2 (367926U) that is to say it is the model of the digitizer. Please note that I am an

Finger undetected, even if the stylus is detected

For my ThinkPad 2, I got just back from the centre of repair official, all of a sudden the touch screen do not read any finger touches or slips etc. at all. Simply enter my digitaliseur pen. Any thoughts?

Digitizer Pen since 8.1 update works is not on my TPT2

The digitizer pen worked perfectly in Win 8, but since the update 8.1 Win, I can't work in the pen. Am I missing somewhere an update to activate the pen work? Thank you very much.

Adaptive brightness in Windows 8.1

Hey guys,. Since I updated to Windows 8.1 (new installation via the Dreamspark *.iso file) my luminosity is dimmed always as long as 'Adaptive brightness' is lit. Do you feel a similar behavior? Is there anything I could do about it?

How to view the history of the app was updated in Windows 8

This issue is not specific to the TPT2, but there are smart people here who might be able to enlighten us... I wonder if there is a way to view the history of updates of Windows Store apps, especially Windows 8.1. I put in automatic refresh is enable

Problems after upgrade to 8.1 on TPT2 Win

I just updated my TPT2 to Windows through Windos update official store 8.1 of the. Fortunately I do have problems with the display driver crash, like many other users to describe. #1 the Internet Explorer search results (both, the Metro and the Deskt

How do install from unknown sources?

My 18382 GM Tablet could not start recently and was sent back to Lenovo for repair. They reimagee it and now I am trying to install the apps I had on this subject before. An application is not on the Play store or App store. I don't see an 'unknown s

ThinkPad Tablet 2 performance

Hello! I think to buy 2 Tablet Thinkpad but have a few questions. I am currently using x 220 Tablet and I wonder what kind of performance I can get TT2. Unfortunately, I don't have any place where I could test the device. I usually use simultaneously

Lenovo ThinkPad2 settings problem

Hi, I installed the Lenovo settings app metro v1.1.0.10585 and section "Mobile hotspot" is missing. Someone help please!

Question about the Lenovo ThinkPad Tablet 2

Hello! I am interested in the Lenovo ThinkPad Tablet 2. I'll order one with all the extras when it is available. I hope at the end of the year it will be able to order this nice tablet. My question is about the PowerVR SGX545 Intel Atom COS graph: is

Problem with ThinkPad Tablet first broadcast

Hi, today I received a package with my new Thinkpad Tablet model 1838 - 2CG and I have a problem to make it work. I connected the power via the micro usb port adapter, the Tablet turns on, shows a few logos start and the screen turns off. That's it,

Availability of recovery for ThinkPad Tablet A310 or

Is there a way to completely recover a ThinkPad tablet as I can with my LePad A1? I'm unable to do a full factory reset... since, even after this the tablet takes 10 minutes to start and start throwing errors Launcher when it is started. ThinkPadTabl

Cover for Lenovo Tablet

I recently bought a Lenovo Thinkpad tablet. Before buying, I checked with Lenovo and told me I had a choice between a leather (not in stock until the famous) cover or one with a keyboard integrated. As I already have a laptop with a built-in keyboard

The USB power cord is dead and I can't load because no other cable fits!

I do not understand the problem! Not a single micro USB cord I have in the House (I tried 5) be well adjusted, resulting in the Tablet does not charge, or only charge if I hold the plug in just the right place. I also bought a new cord and it didn't

Can not see the records of the unit when connecting using microusb suddenly

Hello I think we got a brilliant update because now I can't see my tpt when I connect it to the laptop via microusb port. I am running win 7 64 bit. seriously, what are these developers think. are they just out these apps willy nilly without trying t

The pen button

So I know that this has been reported up to a few times, but I didn't know the real answers, so what is anyone able to actually use the stylus button without touching the screen, I ordered two pens from different suppliers, work on the screen very we

Proxy server

We have a server proxy to our school and I would like to know how to set the proxy settings.

cell battery drain

Starting from a specific thread for this question. Can what comments you do if you want this to be resolved. Eve of cell use between 15 and 25% of the battery you are looking for just a signal, of course something that is useless ona wifi only device

No Cisco VPN?

I see no application Cisco VPN, no option under settings VPN Cisco VPN, free VPN Cisco mentioned in the manual, no Cisco VPN ANYWHERE! Is anyone else able to find a way to use Cisco VPN? It was an advertised feature which seems to be lacking!

Extensible to 3G?

When ordering, it is said that they are 3 G capable, but you are missing the card WWAN tends who out in a month or two. Does this mean that we can improve the non - 3 G ones we buy today?
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