ThinkPad Tablets

Refresh Windows 8.1 on TBT2

Hello My Thinkpad Tablet 2 has acted in a variety of ways, and I think about refreshing or repair the operating system. Question is though: this will restore Windows 8 again? Or I will always keep Windows 8.1? Thanks in advance.

Issue of ThinkPad tablet 2 Factory Reset reinstall Windows

Please help me. I have problems to reinstalling windows on my thinkpad Tablet 2. I have a long enough thread explaining my problem here, if someon

Upgrade memory ThinkPad Tablet 2 (367927U) possible?

I can't seeem to find a position or instructions on how to improve the memory of 2 GB 4 or 8. Is it still possible?

Q 8 program name lenovo ThinkPad

I formatted my Thinkpad 8 and reinstalled to 8.1 Pro. Installed drivers and software from the web site of Lenovo. But there is no s/w for screenshot below. What is the name and where can I download it? Thank you.

Spare Thinkpad 8 AC charger

Where can I get an original replacement for my Lenovo Thinkpad 8 AC charger? Have looked but cannot find a replacement anywhere origin? Even the Lenovo website does not list a replacement for the product charger. Help, please!

Tablet 2 green led always on?

Hello all, first time poster here. I had MANY problems recently with my 2 Tablet, due the send twice, but it seems to work perfectly. I just noticed, however, and maybe that's there all along, that the green light under the web cam is always on (exce

Slate professionals or just a self-help group?

Although efforts to help members is very popular (cordially to rainmanP), I feel rather, I joined a discussion that one club Professional advice for a series of professional equipment. except breaks the rules his readers are left in the speculation.

Tablet 8 - support LTE in EU?

There will be 4 G/LTE support for European countries, namely LTE bands 3,7,8,20 (800, 1800 and 2600 MHz)?

1 BATTERY ThinkPad Tablet

As the title suggests, I think that I need a replacement battery for my Thinkpad Tablet 1838. I went for 3 months and came home to a dead tablet. It does not take a charge, used to power over everything. Replace the battery an option? Thank you in ad

TPT2 3 G upgrade?

Bought a TPT2 the other day, I have to go through a list of thought problem resolves but it seemed ok after a few hiccups... only problem was that the version was not enabled Wacom. Sent back today, but decided to open it beforehand, very easy to do.

1.29 BIOS can be flashed on BIOS 1.51?

Hello BIOS 1.29 was posted Stateside and apparently "solves" a problem with the tablet on the dock to load. (maybe it means the invention of faster loading, which never materialized, finally appears). I already have all the drivers 'later' on my Thin

half of my touch tpt1 is unresposive

half of my touch screen does not work, so I can't sign anymore. a reset hardware /factory install only leads to the page where I need to choose the language, but can't b/c, the button is on half of the screen. the TPT1 is pretty well roasted. I guess

ThinkPad Tablet 2 - using General touchscreen keyboard

I don't think that there is a technical error, but I can't find it: Why sometimes the keyboard touch screen pop up and auto correction and other times there is no never or never corrects, for example to add apostrophes or capitalize words or letters

ThinkPad Tablet 2 3679-27U

2 3679-27U ThinkPad Tablet has obtained 3 G + 4 G LTE installed antenna? If Yes, then I can buy a card of WWAN 4000 Gobi unlocked for her!

ThinkPad Tablet 2 - fingerprint reader

Hello many ads and a first version of the technical specifications, was told that there is an optional fingerprint reader. It is somehow option has completely disappeared from the Lenovo Web site. At first, I thought that this option could simply not

A 64 GB adapters works on TPT2

As the title suggests, a Micro SDXC will work on the TPT2 and would need some kind of adapter? Thanks for the help. @Lenovo, still waiting on the DIFF

TPT2 button / stop stuck

Someone had problems with the power button / stuck? I have similar problems mentioned in the post on the forum about problems after extended sleep. Aft

Supported Outlook in Tablet 1838 - 2DG

In the manual it says that it is possible to set up an exchange e-mail account. It would also be possible to set up my Office Outlook account?

Possible lemon, a lot of strange problems.

I tried this message earlier my tablet, but all programs kept crashing when wifi is crushed, then I'll try again on my laptop. My TPT is a litle one month now, with minimal use due to some issues I had. Yesterday I tried to use it throughout the day

Double burden of credit card

Just get my keyboard folio, whichi is cool. However, I find that Lenovo double billed my credit card money. And it seems that they hold some of my limit, which made me could not use my credit card to purchase something else? Any solution on this issu
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