ThinkPad Tablets

ThinkPad 8 touch screen does not

I used the windows built-in 8.1 touchscreen calibration tool and now the touch screen no longer works. I managed to get into the Setup of the tablet. He works the screen. It's so 'only' a Windows problem, but as I can not connect any more I can't res

New installation Win 8.1 TPT2 lock on drive c.

For those of you who have installed a new copy of Windows 8.1 on your ThinkPad Tablet 2 don't notice if you have a lock with key icon on your drive "C"? I don't remember if it was like this before.

ThinkPad Tablet 2 screen/unknown not responding problem (s)

I recently got a tpt2. He seems to refuse to power on. Rarely a green light appears stable for a few seconds under the front camera, but the screen remains blank. I listen carefully and sometimes I hear a humming like its working, but nothing. I trie

Lenovo TPT2 screen problem, refused the warranty.

I got the thinkpad Tablet 2 in February of this year. He had no problems with it until a few weeks ago, where the screen began to develop horizontal and vertical lines whenever I use the stylus. I thought it is very good, that I just won't use the st

Screen fades little matter what I do. TPT2

So, I want my screen to never reduce or go to sleep, when I go into power option I never do a new plan with the brightness and never put the computer to sleep. I ve also tunred off the coast of the sun light sensor auto bright. Yet through every 2 mi

ThinkPad Tablet 2 - error 2201: UUID of the Machine is not valid

I just unboxed my "nine" Thinkpad Tablet 2 and got an Error Message 2201: UUID of the Machine is not valid. Network card, sound card, USB camera don't work at all. They said that I have not installed drivers for these devices. Because I can not conne

Alternative pen for TPT2?

Daer TPT2 users, No matter who has tried an alternate pen (e.g. Wacom) and could share an experience? The original pen is a little small for me in daily use and click right button is, say, suboptimal... Thank you and best wishes!

Tablet2 - how to insert the bought digitizer Pen?

Hello Forum Lenovo, Yesterday, I received the tablet2... After unpacking, I decide to insert the Lenovo Pen digitizer, I bought seperalty, in the storage of digitizer. But there is one thing in plastic inside. It looks like a placeholder for the pen.

TinkPad Slate Tablet may be recharged by full size USB Port?

My wife has a 1 year old ThinkPad tablet, and she had problems using the Mini USB port for charging. The port is damaged. I managed to fix it by folding the edges of the usb port of fitness, but I don't think that this repair will last. I was wonderi

2 ThinkPad battery life

Given that fearful ThinkPad 2 Lion-polymer battery not replaceable, we know how long (ie the number of months/years) is the battery designed to last, before it stops working and must be replaced.

ThinkPad Tablet 2 and Bitlocker

Do you have precise details on how to configure Bitlocker of Windows (Win8 Pro) on ThinkPad Tablet 2 (3679-27U)?

Ease of repair Lenovo - still MIA since August 07, 12

What is the longest repair they took on your Tablet? I sent mine in on August 7, 2012. It's October 21, 2012... Do you think they'll hit 3 months? Maybe they repair the Tablet so that it turns into ThinkPad Tablet 2? in any case, it's unacceptable, c

How to register McAfee?

Hi guys,. just bought a TPT last week, first thing I did was update to ICS, version 4.03 so currently running. Does anyone know how to activate the McAfee antivirus which is delivered? Only, I get an error: registration error - user not configured. T

Problem with the stylus?

Hello: I have a problem with my Thinkpad stylus. The pen does not screen, but there still effect. It is very annoying, because I need precision when using VNC apps like Splashtop. The following link is the video I did to describe the problem. http://

Manual update...

My thinkpad was repaired during the last 2 weeks and I have yet to receive the update. Manual update through the States of parameters of the device is up to date, but I'm still running build 0065. Is something I'm missing here, someone knows it how t

Accelerometer works not

The accelerometer on my Thinkpad Tablet does not work. I first noticed that it wasn't auto change the orientation of the screen when it is turned (and Yes, I checked the lock). I downloaded several player of sensor applications and all of them show c

disappointment that printshare cannot print with wifi

Hello is it me or is it a huge disappointment printshare cannot print unlimited pages in wifi connect printed. only 20 pages? is it serious? Anyone know of any alternative to print via wifi unlimited times or I just have to export all to gmail in the

Version of 3G US

Has anyone heard anything at all about the version of 3G US ETA?

Beating of camera when scanning barcodes?

Everyone uses the "Barcode Scanner" by ZXING app off the market from Lenovo (same thing is on GM)? When I use my camera repeatedly made horrible clicking noise to the point where I was worried it may physically damaging himself. I have E-mail ZXING a
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