Android compilation error: phonegap-plugin-csdk - image editor


I try to use the NPM-plugin: phonegap-plugin-csdk - editor of images in my android app. When I add this plugin for my project, I get the following problem:

: transformClassesWithMultidexlistForRelease FAILED

Could you tell me what is the problem? Complete build log is shown below:

Construction date: 2016-09-19 12:34:35 + 0000

Configuration on demand is a function of incubation.

Java incremental compilation is a feature in incubation.

: pre-compiled updated

: preReleaseBuild updated

: checkReleaseManifest

: preDebugBuild updated

: CordovaLib:preBuild updated

: CordovaLib:preDebugBuild updated

: CordovaLib:compileDebugNdk updated

: CordovaLib:compileLint

: CordovaLib:copyDebugLint updated

: CordovaLib:mergeDebugProguardFiles

: CordovaLib:packageDebugRenderscript updated

: CordovaLib:checkDebugManifest

: CordovaLib:prepareDebugDependencies

: CordovaLib:compileDebugRenderscript

: CordovaLib:generateDebugResValues

: CordovaLib:generateDebugResources

: CordovaLib:packageDebugResources

: CordovaLib:compileDebugAidl

: CordovaLib:generateDebugBuildConfig

: CordovaLib:mergeDebugShaders

: CordovaLib:compileDebugShaders

: CordovaLib:generateDebugAssets

: CordovaLib:mergeDebugAssets

: CordovaLib:processDebugManifest

: CordovaLib:processDebugResources

: CordovaLib:generateDebugSources

: CordovaLib:incrementalDebugJavaCompilationSafeguard

: CordovaLib:compileDebugJavaWithJavac

: CordovaLib:compileDebugJavaWithJavac - is not progressive (for example outputs have changed, no previous execution, etc.).

Note: Some input files use or replace an obsolete API.

Note: Recompile with - Xlint: deprecation for more details.

: CordovaLib:processDebugJavaRes updated

: CordovaLib:transformResourcesWithMergeJavaResForDebug

: CordovaLib:transformClassesAndResourcesWithSyncLibJarsForDebug

: CordovaLib:mergeDebugJniLibFolders

: CordovaLib:transformNative_libsWithMergeJniLibsForDebug

: CordovaLib:transformNative_libsWithSyncJniLibsForDebug

: CordovaLib:bundleDebug

: CordovaLib:preReleaseBuild updated

: CordovaLib:compileReleaseNdk updated

: CordovaLib:copyReleaseLint updated

: CordovaLib:mergeReleaseProguardFiles

: CordovaLib:packageReleaseRenderscript updated

: CordovaLib:checkReleaseManifest

: CordovaLib:prepareReleaseDependencies

: CordovaLib:compileReleaseRenderscript

: CordovaLib:generateReleaseResValues

: CordovaLib:generateReleaseResources

: CordovaLib:packageReleaseResources

: CordovaLib:compileReleaseAidl

: CordovaLib:generateReleaseBuildConfig

: CordovaLib:mergeReleaseShaders

: CordovaLib:compileReleaseShaders

: CordovaLib:generateReleaseAssets

: CordovaLib:mergeReleaseAssets

: CordovaLib:processReleaseManifest

: CordovaLib:processReleaseResources

: CordovaLib:generateReleaseSources

: CordovaLib:incrementalReleaseJavaCompilationSafeguard

: CordovaLib:compileReleaseJavaWithJavac

: CordovaLib:compileReleaseJavaWithJavac - is not progressive (for example outputs have changed, no previous execution, etc.).

Note: Some input files use or replace an obsolete API.

Note: Recompile with - Xlint: deprecation for more details.

: CordovaLib:processReleaseJavaRes updated

: CordovaLib:transformResourcesWithMergeJavaResForRelease

: CordovaLib:transformClassesAndResourcesWithSyncLibJarsForRelease

: CordovaLib:mergeReleaseJniLibFolders

: CordovaLib:transformNative_libsWithMergeJniLibsForRelease

: CordovaLib:transformNative_libsWithSyncJniLibsForRelease

: CordovaLib:bundleRelease

: prepareBarcodescannerLibrary

: prepareComAdobeCreativesdkAndroidSharedAndroidShared006Library

: prepareComAdobeCreativesdkAndroidSharedCommonCommonUi115Library

: prepareComAdobeCreativesdkFoundationAuth091062Library

: prepareComAdobeCreativesdkImage463Library

: prepareComAdobeCreativesdkImageNative11335Library

: prepareComAndroidSupportAnimatedVectorDrawable2340Library

: prepareComAndroidSupportAppcompatV72340Library

: prepareComAndroidSupportCardviewV72340Library

: prepareComAndroidSupportDesign2340Library

: prepareComAndroidSupportMultidex101Library

: prepareComAndroidSupportPaletteV72340Library

: prepareComAndroidSupportRecyclerviewV72340Library

: prepareComAndroidSupportSupportV42411Library

: prepareComAndroidSupportSupportVectorDrawable2340Library

: prepareComGetbaseFloatingactionbutton1100Library

: prepareComGithubFengdaiAlertdialogproCore026Library

: prepareComGithubFengdaiAlertdialogproThemeMaterial026Library

: prepareComGoogleAndroidGmsPlayServicesBase840Library

: prepareComGoogleAndroidGmsPlayServicesBasement840Library

: prepareComInfstoryProguardAnnotations102Library

: prepareComJakewhartonRxbindingRxbinding040Library

: prepareComJakewhartonRxbindingRxbindingAppcompatV7040Library

: prepareComJakewhartonRxbindingRxbindingSupportV4040Library

: prepareComLocalyticsAndroidLibrary380Library

: prepareComSothreeSlidinguppanelLibrary300Library

: prepareComTimehopStickyheadersrecyclerviewLibrary043Library

: prepareComTrelloRxlifecycle061Library

: prepareComTrelloRxlifecycleComponents061Library

: prepareDeHdodenhofCircleimageview200Library

: prepareIoReactivexRxandroid120Library

: prepareItSephirothAndroidExifAndroidExifExtended106Library

: prepareItSephirothAndroidLibraryAbAbTest205Library

: prepareItSephirothAndroidLibraryDisklrumulticacheDisklrumulticache108Library

: prepareItSephirothAndroidLibraryImagezoomImagezoom225Library

: prepareItSephirothAndroidLibraryPicassoPicasso2524bLibrary

: prepareItSephirothAndroidLibraryTargettooltipTargetTooltipLibrary1314Library

: prepareItSephirothAndroidLibraryViewrevealanimatorViewRevealAnimator114Library

: prepareItSephirothRxbroadcast002Library

: prepareProjectCordovaLibUnspecifiedReleaseLibrary

: prepareReleaseDependencies

: compileReleaseAidl

: compileReleaseRenderscript

: generateReleaseBuildConfig

: mergeReleaseShaders

: compileReleaseShaders

: generateReleaseAssets

: mergeReleaseAssets

: generateReleaseResValues

: generateReleaseResources

: mergeReleaseResources

: processReleaseManifest

: processReleaseResources

: generateReleaseSources

: incrementalReleaseJavaCompilationSafeguard

: compileReleaseJavaWithJavac

: compileReleaseJavaWithJavac - is not progressive (for example outputs have changed, no previous execution, etc.).

Note: Some input files use or replace an obsolete API.

Note: Recompile with - Xlint: deprecation for more details.

Note: Some input files use operations dangerous or not.

Note: Recompile with - Xlint: unchecked for more details.

: compileReleaseNdk updated

: compileReleaseSources

: prePackageMarkerForRelease

: transformClassesWithJarMergingForRelease

: collectReleaseMultiDexComponents

: transformClassesWithMultidexlistForRelease

ProGuard, version 5.2.1

Jar of reading program [/ project/build/intermediates/transforms/jarMerging/release/jars/1/1f/combined.jar]

Reading library jar [/ android-sdk/build-tools/24.0.1/lib/shrinkedAndroid.jar]

Prepare the pot out [/ project/build/intermediates/multi-dex/release/componentClasses.jar]

Copy the jar of program resources [/ project/build/intermediates/transforms/jarMerging/release/jars/1/1f/combined.jar]

: transformClassesWithMultidexlistForRelease FAILED

FAILED: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:

The execution of the task failed ': transformClassesWithMultidexlistForRelease'.

> org.gradle.process.internal.ExecException: process 'command' /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk- "finished with the value 1 at zero output

* Try:

Run with the option - stacktrace to get stack trace. Run with the option - info or - debug option to get out of the newspaper.


Total time: dry 28,992

Error: / project/gradlew: command failed with error code 1 output output:

Note: Some input files use or replace an obsolete API.

Note: Recompile with - Xlint: deprecation for more details.

Note: Some input files use or replace an obsolete API.

Note: Recompile with - Xlint: deprecation for more details.

Note: Some input files use or replace an obsolete API.

Note: Recompile with - Xlint: deprecation for more details.

Note: Some input files use operations dangerous or not.

Note: Recompile with - Xlint: unchecked for more details.

FAILED: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:

The execution of the task failed ': transformClassesWithMultidexlistForRelease'.

> org.gradle.process.internal.ExecException: process 'command' /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk- "finished with the value 1 at zero output

* Try:

Run with the option - stacktrace to get stack trace. Run with the option - info or - debug option to get out of the newspaper.

at ChildProcess.whenDone (/ project/cordova/node_modules/cordova-common/src/superspawn.js:169:23)

at emitTwo (events.js:87:13)

at ChildProcess.emit (events.js:172:7)

to maybeClose (internal / child_process.js:818:16)

to Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal / child_process.js:211:5)

Yes, I'll work on the official BarcodeScanner plugin to make sure that it is not incompatible with plugins CSDK.

Tags: PhoneGap

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  • IOS compiler error: phonegap-plugin-csdk-client-auth


    I try to use the creative image SDK editor in my iOS application that has a dependency on the plug-in phonegap-plugin-csdk-client-auth. When I get this plugin, I get the following generation problem:

    Cannot install "phonegap-plugin-csdk-client-auth": CordovaError: Uh oh!

    Cannot find the resource file ' / private/project/Cordoba/plugins/phonegap-plugin-csdk-client-auth/src/ios/AdobeCreativeS DKFrameworks/AdobeCreativeSDKCore.framework/Versions/A/Resources/AdobeCreativeSDKCoreResou rces.bundle ' for the plugin phonegap-plugin-csdk-client-auth in the iOS platform

    Could you let me know what the problem is. Here's the complete build log:

    Construction date: 2016-09-19 05:34:05-0700




    Retrieve the "cordova-plugin-camera" plugin through the Museum

    Installation "cordova-plugin-camera" to "2.3.0" for ios

    Retrieve the "cordova-plugin-compat" plugin through the Museum

    Installation "cordova-plugin-compat' to '1.0.0' for ios

    Retrieve the plugin 'cordova-plugin-device' through the Museum

    Installation 'cordova-plugin-device' to '1.1.3' for ios

    Retrieve the "cordova-plugin-file" plugin through the Museum

    Installation "cordova-plugin-leader", "4.3.0" for ios

    Plugin dependent "cordova-plugin-compat' already installed on ios.

    The storage location persistent Android now default "internal". Please check this plugins README to see if your application requires any change in the config.xml file.

    In the case of a new application is required.

    If it is an update of an existing application that did not specify a 'AndroidPersistentFileLocation', you may need to add:

    "< ="AndroidPersistentFileLocation"value ="Compatibility"option name" / > ""

    in the config.xml file so that the application search for files previously stored.

    Retrieve the "cordova-plugin-file transfer" plugin through the Museum

    Installation "cordova-plugin-file transfer" to "1.6.0" for ios

    Plugin dependent "cordova-plugin-file' already installed on ios.

    Retrieve the plugin "cordova-plugin-network-information" through the Museum

    Installation "cordova-plugin-network-information", to "1.3.0" for ios

    Retrieve the "cordova-plugin-Geolocation" plugin through the Museum

    Installation "cordova-plugin-Geolocation" to "2.3.0" for ios

    Plugin dependent "cordova-plugin-compat' already installed on ios.

    Retrieve the "cordova-plugin-inappbrowser" plugin via the NPM

    Installation "cordova-plugin-inappbrowser" to "1.5.0" for ios

    Retrieve the plugin 'cordova-plugin-globalization' through the Museum

    Installation "cordova-plugin-globalization" to "1.0.4" for ios

    Retrieve the "cordova-plugin-whitelist" plugin through the Museum

    Installation "cordova-plugin-whitelist" to "1.3.0" for ios

    Plugin rΘcupΦre " " "via git clone "

    Shallow clone using

    Repository " " "extract to git 'master' to 'c 458986' Ref. "

    Installation "phonegap-plugin-barcodescanner" to "5.0.1" for ios

    Retrieve the "cordova-plugin-keyboard" plugin through the Museum

    Installation "cordova-plugin-keyboard" to "1.1.4" for ios

    Retrieve the "cordova-plugin-uniquedeviceid" plugin via the NPM

    Installation "cordova-plugin-uniquedeviceid" to "1.3.2" for ios

    Retrieve the plugin "statusbar-plugin-cordova" through the Museum

    Installation "cordova-plugin-statusbar' to '2.2.0' for ios

    Retrieve the "sqli-cordova-disk-space-plugin" plugin through the Museum

    Installation "sqli-cordova-disk-space-plugin" to "1.0.0" for ios

    "plugman install - ios - project/project plugin--phonegap-plugin-csdk-client-auth@~1.0.0--var CSDK_CLIENT_ID_IOS = 7ef1943e9d584c2bb3fa4c6d5c76ea2f - CSDK_CLIENT_SECRET_IOS var platform = 772edd62-1267-461f-b6c7-1ae19f7d9158--var CSDK_CLIENT_ID_ANDROID = f6e8036c859f45b68eec452098ae68cf - CSDK_CLIENT_SECRET_ANDROID = 9b8626d8-3f92-4628-87b1-c39d53d0932a var": retrieve the plugin "phonegap-plugin-csdk-client-auth@~1.0.0" through the Museum

    Installation "phonegap-plugin-csdk-client-auth' to '1.0.2' for ios

    Error during the processing of the action! Attempt to return...

    Cannot install "phonegap-plugin-csdk-client-auth": CordovaError: Uh oh!

    Cannot find the resource file ' / private/project/Cordoba/plugins/phonegap-plugin-csdk-client-auth/src/ios/AdobeCreativeS DKFrameworks/AdobeCreativeSDKCore.framework/Versions/A/Resources/AdobeCreativeSDKCoreResou rces.bundle ' for the plugin phonegap-plugin-csdk-client-auth in the iOS platform

    to handlers.resource - file.install (/ private/project/cordova/lib/plugman/pluginHandlers.js:53:48)

    at Object.ActionStack.process (/ private/project/cordova/node_modules/cordova-common/src/ActionStack.js:56:25)

    at PluginManager.doOperation (/ private/project/cordova/node_modules/cordova-common/src/PluginManager.js:117:20)

    at PluginManager.addPlugin (/ private/project/cordova/node_modules/cordova-common/src/PluginManager.js:147:17)

    at Api.addPlugin (/ private/project/cordova/Api.js:219:10)

    at handleInstall (/ usr/local/lib/node_modules/bmp-plugman/node_modules/bmp-cordova-lib/src/plugman/install .js:580:6)

    to/usr/local/lib/node_modules/bmp-plugman/node_modules/bmp-cordova-lib/src/plugman/install. js:384:20

    at _fulfilled (/ usr/local/lib/node_modules/pgb-plugman/node_modules/q/q.js:787:54)

    at self.promiseDispatch.done (/ usr/local/lib/node_modules/pgb-plugman/node_modules/q/q.js:816:30)

    at Promise.promise.promiseDispatch (/ usr/local/lib/node_modules/pgb-plugman/node_modules/q/q.js:749:13)

    Uh oh!

    Cannot find the resource file ' / private/project/Cordoba/plugins/phonegap-plugin-csdk-client-auth/src/ios/AdobeCreativeS DKFrameworks/AdobeCreativeSDKCore.framework/Versions/A/Resources/AdobeCreativeSDKCoreResou rces.bundle ' for the plugin phonegap-plugin-csdk-client-auth in the iOS platform

    Have a look at the readme, it seems you're supposed to download framework files manually before installing the plugin, which is obviously a problem for PhoneGap Build. I ping someone on this issue, apparently the CSDK framework files are too big to github, but we are looking at ways to address this issue. But unfortunately I think that for the moment BMPS to bear not only pugin.

  • Image editor post images to the size of the thumbnails


    I create an iOS and Android application using the cloud creative image editor.

    Everything is done, the application was deployed to production mode.

    But there is a problem with the image size and resolution.

    All the images I post using the image editor are automatically resized to thumbnails with a decrease of the resolution.

    I tried everything, also the projects in the sample attached but no solution could be found.
    Will you please help me solve this problem, so I can publish the application soon.

    Thank you


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    Click on the symbol "arrow down" on the right (where it is said to see all our products and Services) to open the drop-down list and scroll

  • Conflict beetween cordova-plugin-facebook4 &amp; cordova-plugin-facebook4 phonegap-plugin-push


    I've been using Phonegap to build for a couple of years and it's a great tool. It is the first time that I can't understand what is happening.

    If I add the following plugins, one at a time the construction is successful, but if I put all the build fails

    1. Cordova-plugin-facebook4
    2. PhoneGap-plugin-push

    Here is my file config.xml

    <? XML version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8" standalone = "yes"? >

    < widget id = "com.x.x" version = "1.0.1" xmlns =" " "xmlns:gap =" " "versionCode ="1"> "

    < name > X < / name >

    < description >

    App Móvil del Lider for sale Electronica

    < / description >

    " < author email = ' [email protected] "href =" ">


    < / author >

    " < author href = ' "email =" " [email protected] "> "


    < / author >

    < src = "index.html" / content >

    < access origin = "*" / >

    < name of option = "webviewbounce" value = "false" / >

    < name of option = "UIWebViewBounce" value = "false" / >

    < name of option = "DisallowOverscroll" value = "true" / >

    < name of option = "android-minSdkVersion" value = "16" / >

    < name of option = "BackupWebStorage" value = "none" / >

    < name of option = "phonegap-version" value = "cli - 5.2.0" / >

    < name of option = value "android-build-tool" = "gradle" / >

    < src = "icon.png icon" / > "

    "< src="res/icon/android/icon-36-ldpi.png icon "gap: platform = gap: qualifier 'android' ="ldpi"/ >

    "< src="res/icon/android/icon-48-mdpi.png icon "gap: platform = gap: qualifier"android"="mdpi"/ >

    "< src="res/icon/android/icon-72-hdpi.png icon "gap: platform = gap: qualifier 'android' ="hdpi"/ >

    "< src="res/icon/android/icon-96-xhdpi.png icon "gap: platform = gap: qualifier 'android' ="xhdpi"/ >

    "< src="res/icon/ios/icon-57.png icon "gap: platform ="ios"width ="57"height ="57"/ >

    "< icon src="res/icon/ios/icon-72.png "gap: platform ="ios"width ="72"height ="72"/ >

    "< src="res/icon/ios/icon-57-2x.png icon "gap: platform ="ios"width ="114"height ="114"/ >

    "< src="res/icon/ios/icon-72-2x.png icon "gap: platform ="ios"width ="144"height ="144"/ >

    "< icon src="res/icon/ios/icon-certify-76.png "gap: platform ="ios"width ="76"height ="76"/ >

    "< src="res/icon/ios/icon-certify-120.png icon "gap: platform ="ios"width ="120"height ="120"/ >

    "< src="res/icon/ios/icon-certify-152.png icon "gap: platform ="ios"width ="152"height ="152"/ >

    < name of option = "SplashScreen" value = "none" / >

    <!-set the screen for starting application for each platform. ->

    "< src="res/screen/android/screen-ldpi-portrait.png gap: splash "gap: platform = gap: qualifier 'android' ="port-ldpi"/ >

    "< src="res/screen/android/screen-mdpi-portrait.png gap: splash "gap: platform = gap: qualifier 'android' ="port-mdpi"/ >

    "< src="res/screen/android/screen-hdpi-portrait.png gap: splash "gap: platform = gap: qualifier 'android' ="port-hdpi"/ >

    "< src="res/screen/android/screen-xhdpi-portrait.png gap: splash "gap: platform = gap: qualifier 'android' ="port-xhdpi"/ >

    "< src="res/screen/blackberry/screen-225.png gap: splash "gap: platform ="blackberry"/ >

    "< src="res/screen/ios/screen-iphone-portrait.png gap: splash "gap: platform ="ios"width ="320"height ="480"/ >

    "< src="res/screen/ios/screen-iphone-portrait-2x.png gap: splash "gap: platform ="ios"width ="640"height ="960"/ >

    "< src="res/screen/ios/screen-iphone-portrait-568h-2x.png gap: splash "gap: platform ="ios"width ="640"height ="1136"/ >

    "< src="res/screen/ios/screen-ipad-portrait.png gap: splash "gap: platform ="ios"width ="768"height ="1024"/ >

    "< src="res/screen/ios/screen-ipad-landscape.png gap: splash "gap: platform ="ios"width ="1024"height ="768"/ >

    "< src="res/screen/windows-phone/screen-portrait.jpg gap: splash "gap: platform ="winphone"/ >

    < src = "" splash.png gap: splash "/ >"

    < name of the function "Θtat bar" = >

    < param name = 'ios-package' value = 'CDVStatusBar"onload ="true"/ >

    < / fiction >

    < access origin = "*" / >

    <! - added the following intentions to support the withdrawal of the code of the white base cordova to a plugin list - >

    <!-white list configuration. Refer to ->

    < name of the ditch: plugin = "cordova-plugin-whitelist" version = "1.2.2" source = "MNP" / >

    " < allow intention href = ' http://*/* "/>

    " < allow intention href = ' https://*/* "/>

    < allow intention href = "Tel: *" / >

    < allow intention href = "sms: *" / >

    < allow intention href = "mailto:*" / >

    < allow intention href = "geo: *" / >

    < platform name = "android" >

    < allow intention href = "market: *" / >

    < / platform >

    < platform name = "ios" >

    < allow intention href = "itms: *" / >

    < allow intention href = "itms-apps: *" / >

    < / platform >

    < name = "com.telerik.plugins.nativepagetransitions plugin" source = "MNP" / > "

    < name of the ditch: plugin = "cordova-plugin-x-socialsharing" source = "MNP" / >

    < name of the ditch: plugin = "cordova-plugin-inappbrowser" source = "MNP" / >

    < name of the ditch: plugin = 'cordova-plugin-facebook4' source = 'MNP' version = "1.7.4" >

    < param name = "APP_ID" value = "X" / >

    < param name = 'APP_NAME' value = 'X' / >

    < / gap: plugin >

    < name of the ditch: plugin = 'phonegap-plugin-push' source = 'MNP' version = "1.5.3" >

    < param name = "SENDER_ID" value = "X" / >

    < / gap: plugin >

    < gap: plugin name = "org.apache.cordova.device" / > "

    < name of the ditch: plugin = "cordova-plugin-x-toast" source = "MNP" / >

    < name of the ditch: plugin = "Ionic-plugin-keyboard" version = "2.1.0" source = "MNP" / >

    < / widget >

    And the error log is the following. Can someone help me? Thanks in advance

    Construction date: 2016-10-01 18:06:18 + 0000




    Installation of "org.apache.cordova.device" to "0.3.0" for android

    Using this version of Cordoba with an older version of cordova-android is removed. Consider the upgrade to [email protected] or newer.

    Retrieve the plugin "[email protected]" through the Museum

    Installation "cordova-plugin-whitelist" to "1.2.2" for android

    Using this version of Cordoba with an older version of cordova-android is removed. Consider the upgrade to [email protected] or newer.

    This plugin is applicable for versions of cordova-android higher than 4.0. If you have an earlier version of the platform, you do * not * need this plugin because the white list will be built.

    Retrieve the "cordova-plugin-x-socialsharing" plugin via the NPM

    Installation "cordova-plugin-x-socialsharing" to "5.1.3" for android

    Using this version of Cordoba with an older version of cordova-android is removed. Consider the upgrade to [email protected] or newer.

    Retrieve the "cordova-plugin-inappbrowser" plugin via the NPM

    Installation "cordova-plugin-inappbrowser" to "1.5.0" for android

    Using this version of Cordoba with an older version of cordova-android is removed. Consider the upgrade to [email protected] or newer.

    Retrieve the plugin "[email protected]" through the Museum

    Installation "cordova-plugin-facebook4' to '1.7.4" for android

    Using this version of Cordoba with an older version of cordova-android is removed. Consider the upgrade to [email protected] or newer.

    Retrieve the plugin "[email protected]" through the Museum

    Installation 'phonegap-plugin-push' to '1.5.3"for android

    Using this version of Cordoba with an older version of cordova-android is removed. Consider the upgrade to [email protected] or newer.

    Retrieve the "cordova-plugin-x-toast" plugin through the Museum

    Installation "cordova-plugin-x-toast" to "2.5.2" for android

    Using this version of Cordoba with an older version of cordova-android is removed. Consider the upgrade to [email protected] or newer.

    Retrieve the plugin "[email protected]" through the Museum

    Installation 'Ionic-plugin-keyboard""2.1.0"for android

    Using this version of Cordoba with an older version of cordova-android is removed. Consider the upgrade to [email protected] or newer.

    Retrieve the plugin "com.telerik.plugins.nativepagetransitions" through the Museum

    Installation of "com.telerik.plugins.nativepagetransitions" to "0.6.5" for android

    Using this version of Cordoba with an older version of cordova-android is removed. Consider the upgrade to [email protected] or newer.




    Build the option-"unrecognized (ignore).

    Running: / project/gradlew cdvBuildDebug b /project/build.gradle-Dorg.gradle.daemon=true - PcdvBuildMultipleApks = false - PcdvVersionCode = 1

    Configuration on demand is a function of incubation.

    : stretch

    : compileDebugNdk

    : preDebugBuild

    : checkDebugManifest

    : preReleaseBuild

    : CordovaLib:compileLint

    : CordovaLib:copyDebugLint updated

    : CordovaLib:mergeDebugProguardFiles

    : CordovaLib:preBuild

    : CordovaLib:preDebugBuild

    : CordovaLib:checkDebugManifest

    : CordovaLib:prepareDebugDependencies

    : CordovaLib:compileDebugAidl

    : CordovaLib:compileDebugRenderscript

    : CordovaLib:generateDebugBuildConfig

    : CordovaLib:generateDebugAssets updated

    : CordovaLib:mergeDebugAssets

    : CordovaLib:generateDebugResValues

    : CordovaLib:generateDebugResources

    : CordovaLib:packageDebugResources

    : CordovaLib:processDebugManifest

    : CordovaLib:processDebugResources

    : CordovaLib:generateDebugSources

    : CordovaLib:compileDebugJavaNote: entry files use or replace an obsolete API.

    Note: Recompile with - Xlint: deprecation for more details.

    : CordovaLib:processDebugJavaRes updated

    : CordovaLib:packageDebugJar

    : CordovaLib:compileDebugNdk

    : CordovaLib:packageDebugJniLibs updated

    : CordovaLib:packageDebugLocalJar updated

    : CordovaLib:packageDebugRenderscript updated

    : CordovaLib:bundleDebug

    : CordovaLib:copyReleaseLint updated

    : CordovaLib:mergeReleaseProguardFiles

    : CordovaLib:preReleaseBuild

    : CordovaLib:checkReleaseManifest

    : CordovaLib:prepareReleaseDependencies

    : CordovaLib:compileReleaseAidl

    : CordovaLib:compileReleaseRenderscript

    : CordovaLib:generateReleaseBuildConfig

    : CordovaLib:generateReleaseAssets updated

    : CordovaLib:mergeReleaseAssets

    : CordovaLib:generateReleaseResValues

    : CordovaLib:generateReleaseResources

    : CordovaLib:packageReleaseResources

    : CordovaLib:processReleaseManifest

    : CordovaLib:processReleaseResources

    : CordovaLib:generateReleaseSources

    : CordovaLib:compileReleaseJavaNote: entry files use or replace an obsolete API.

    Note: Recompile with - Xlint: deprecation for more details.

    : CordovaLib:processReleaseJavaRes updated

    : CordovaLib:packageReleaseJar

    : CordovaLib:compileReleaseNdk

    : CordovaLib:packageReleaseJniLibs updated

    : CordovaLib:packageReleaseLocalJar updated

    : CordovaLib:packageReleaseRenderscript updated

    : CordovaLib:bundleRelease

    : prepareComAndroidSupportCardviewV72340Library

    : prepareComAndroidSupportCustomtabs2340Library

    : prepareComAndroidSupportSupportV132340Library

    : prepareComAndroidSupportSupportV42340Library

    : prepareComFacebookAndroidFacebookAndroidSdk4141Library

    : prepareComGoogleAndroidGmsPlayServicesBase940Library

    : prepareComGoogleAndroidGmsPlayServicesBasement940Library

    : prepareComGoogleAndroidGmsPlayServicesGcm940Library

    : prepareComGoogleAndroidGmsPlayServicesIid940Library

    : prepareComGoogleAndroidGmsPlayServicesTasks940Library

    : prepareProjectCordovaLibUnspecifiedDebugLibrary

    : prepareDebugDependencies

    : compileDebugAidl

    : compileDebugRenderscript

    : generateDebugBuildConfig

    : generateDebugAssets updated

    : mergeDebugAssets

    : generateDebugResValues

    : generateDebugResources

    : mergeDebugResources

    : processDebugManifest

    : processDebugResourcesWarning: AndroidManifest.xml sets already debuggable (in; with existing value in manifest.

    Failure of the generation of table of resources to do a separation "

    /Project/build/intermediates/RES/debug/values-v23/values.XML:6: error: error: no resource only for the name found (at 'cardBackgroundColor' with value '? android: attr / colorBackgroundFloating').


    FAILED: Build failed with an exception.

    * What went wrong:

    The execution of the task failed ': ' processDebugResources.

    > unable to run the command:

    /Android-SDK/build-tools/24.0.1/AAPT package - f - no - crunch - I /android-sdk/platforms/android-22/android.jar - M /project/build/intermediates/manifests/full/debug/AndroidManifest.xml s/project/build/intermediates/res/debug - a/project/build/intermediates/assets/debug m-J/project/build/generated/source/r/debug f /project/build/intermediates/res/resources-debug.ap_--debug mode - custom package com.rii.test - 0 apk - output-text-symbols/project/build/intermediates/symbols/debug

    Error code:



    Warning: AndroidManifest.xml sets already debuggable (in; with existing value in manifest.

    Failure of the generation of table of resources to do a separation "

    /Project/build/intermediates/RES/debug/values-v23/values.XML:6: error: error: no resource only for the name found (at 'cardBackgroundColor' with value '? android: attr / colorBackgroundFloating').

    * Try:

    Run with the option - stacktrace to get stack trace. Run with the option - info or - debug option to get out of the newspaper.


    Total time: dry 7,751


    throw e;


    Error code 1 for command: / project/gradlew with args: lse cdvBuildDebug,-b,/project/build.gradle,-Dorg.gradle.daemon=true,-PcdvBuildMultipleApks=fa,-PcdvVersionCode = 1

    After a few days, I found the solution

    I changed from BMP to use the latest version of cordova

    And added lines

  • An Android compilation with pedestrian crossing is now defective


    It seems that Android compilation with pedestrian crossing is now defective. I get the following when having error < plugin name = "cordova-plugin-concordance-webview" source = "MNP" / > my config.xml file:




    Build the option-"unrecognized (ignore).

    Running: / project/gradlew cdvBuildDebug b /project/build.gradle-Dorg.gradle.daemon=true - PcdvBuildMultipleApks = false



    FAILED: Build failed with an exception.

    * Where:

    Script ' / project/cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview/q_android-xwalk.gradle' line: 77

    * What went wrong:

    Is a problem evaluating the script.

    > Property not found 'xwalkMultipleApk' on the 'project' of the root project.

    * Try:

    Run with the option - stacktrace to get stack trace. Run with the option - info or - debug option to get out of the newspaper.

    It's a Blocker for me. Thank you in advance:-------.

    How about using



    It is a quite old version but should work (@PGB team: many of us need crosswalk - why is there no official upgrade?).

  • Image editor suggested to convert the gif .ico and Center

    Hi all.

    Can anyone recommend a free image editor to convert the old files in gif ico?

    I m that most of you have converted the ico in gif files and place them in a specific jar of application file.

    I need one that also allow us to focus the images/Edit.

    Thanks in advance!

    GIMP (

    B atch ICO in PNG, ICO, jpg, ICO, GIF Converter

    Or use with ico plugin...

  • my app stopped Android location using geolocation plugin detection

    my app stopped Android location using geolocation plugin detection.

    Plugin - < gap: plugin name = "org.apache.cordova.geolocation" / > "

    The code works correctly in the browser, but in the android device, it doesn't.


    navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition (position.onSuccess, position.onError);

    navigator.geolocation.watchPosition (position.onSuccess, position.onError);



    position.LAT = pos.coords.latitude;

    position.LNG = pos.coords.longitude;

    Alert (, position.lng);

    position. Tim = pos.timestamp;

    position. Status = "success";



    position. Reset();

    position. Status = "failed";

    position. Error = error.code;

    position. ErrorCode = error.code;


    Please help me...

    1. do not use the ancient plugin in the repo of deprecated BMPs. Use the latest version of the plugin of NPM, rather

    2. make sure that you wait for the deviceready event before attempting to get a Geolocation.

  • in the android device my phonegap project shows a blank white page

    in the android device my phonegap project shows a blank white page, while the page displays well in Wellington

    If you are pulling content on a remote server, which must be displayed in the Web view directly, you need a correct rule "allow-navigation" for that content, so it's on a white list.

    Documentation of the plugin whitelist clearly explains things.

  • Movie compilation error. Unknown error.


    I want to make a movie that is 10 minutes and 30 seconds of time on my Macbook. The video is 1280 x 720.

    I used to most of the video from my iPhone 6 Plus (.) MOV) and a dynamic file linked to After Effects. When I try to make it gives me the error: film compilation error. Unknown error.

    When I delete videos iPhone and restore only the After Effects file (which is also an imported and edited video iPhone at AE) he normally makes.

    What should I do?

    Convert framerate iphone images constant framerate variable with Handbrake first before importing.

  • "Compile error. Unknown error. "or"Multiplexing gone bad"

    Hello people,

    When I try to export my video to 4 minutes (just a simple video in 1080 p: some only clips with a soundtrack, a few titles and, despite a sometimes stabilizer no effect), a "compilation error. Unknown error "or a"multiplexing has failed-error"occurs. For me, it seems that the program chooses just one of two errors, so there will be no export my file... I can't find a reason for these errors.

    I don't know how to get rid of the error division multiplexing (only export the video or audio), but as soon as I get rid of this error, the compilation error occurs, and I don't know how to get rid of that one... I advised Adobe page on the compile error, but none of the advice they gave worked for me...

    I decided to restart the editing of the video. This time that I exported every time after I was 30-second edition. It worked twice (so that total I 1 minute exported), but the third time the error reappears. I removed the third 30 seconds I edited (so I had left only 1 minute again), and I've tried if the first 30 sec still wanted to export. But this time, guess what, errors have come to the top and it wouldn't export... PE will not export the exact same files as it has exported before more!

    I think, something is wrong in the program itself, but tproblem could my computer als. Sometimes while editing a "Premiere Elements has stopped working - popup" appears and then I have no choice but to close the program (what is a sign of a bad work computer?). And tproblem that it could even be forced by me, something wrong...

    Anyone know anything about these errors and how to heal?

    Looking forward to your reply!

    By the way: English is not my mother tongue, so don't go and hate on my English please!

    02010 m

    Your English is very good. But we need more details. We understand the problem you have described.

    1. what version of Premiere Elements and on what operating system works - it?

    2. What are the properties including the extension of what you put on your project timeline?

    What have you (manually) or project (automatically) defined as a project preset to match the properties of your media source on the Timeline?

    3. What is your intended export - version 13/13.1 if, Publish + share/computer/and then what? And what you define as the pre-selection for export? You use the default settings of the selected preset, or customize the selected have been preset on his tab multiplexer tab button and advanced video, Audio tab? What are your settings tab multiplexer?

    4. have you developed the timeline to help - + cursor above the timeline and looked for irregularities in all tracks (used or others that you feel is not used).

    a. gaps in the timeline summary

    b. debris (remains) scattered around the content of the tracks

    placement of c. of video and/or audio transitions, titles

    I guess there is no marker menu timeline or movie Menus involved in all this. I guess correctly?

    Before we get to the point where we suggest program uninstall / free ccleaner Cross (parts regular and register), reinstall it with antivirus and firewall disabled, let us

    a. make sure that the structure of the timeline has no flaws inside

    b. determine if delete the parameter of the item first (Adobe Premiere elements Prefs) editor has an impact on one of the problems you described

    If Windows 7, 8 or 8.1 64-bit

    Local disk C






    First Elements

    Version number

    and in the version number the Adobe Premiere elements Prefs file folder that you delete... If that does not work, delete the record of the number of full version in which Adobe Premiere elements Prefs file exists. Be sure to work with folder Option show hidden files, folders and drives on.

    Please review and consider, and then we can try to put all the information together to find a solution consistent with the problems.

    Thank you.


  • CDF compilation error

    I loaded the network oracle CDF and recorded with essbase while now I can see the new CDF listed in my calc editor and Manager of calc. When I try to use these function, it gives my compilation error
    Error: 1200324 error compiling formula: operator expected after [@Jequals]

    When I looked in the applications log, he showed "specification of the java method wrong" these function

    [Fri 22 Feb 11:52:56 2013] Local/Sample / / / 21104/Warning (1200490)
    Specification of java method wrong [ (String)] (function [@JUCase]): [specify the class not found]

    [Fri 22 Feb 11:52:56 2013] Local/Sample / / / 21104/Warning (1200490)
    Specification of java method evil [,boolean,boolean)] (function [@JgetStringFromDouble]): [specify the class not found]

    * [Fri Feb 22 11:52:56 2013] Local/Sample / / / 21104/Info (1200445). *
    * External [GLOBAL] function [@JgetDoubleFromString] registered OK *.

    except proven @JgetDoubleFromString be recorded correctly and works in scripts also and it was saved along with other functions. How do I register another cdf?

    Thank you

    Where is that what made you put the CDF_String.jar

    I put it in

    / EPMSystem11R1/products/Essbase/EssbaseServer/java/udf

    Update udf.policy to /EPMSystem11R1/products/Essbase/EssbaseServer/java

    If you have placed the girl in another location, move the file, update udf.policy, restart essbase, start the application and check the log

    See you soon


  • Button compile errors

    In ActionScript 2, I created a button with convert to symbol. Next, I add a keyframe to a frame later. Then I click on frame 1 and add the action:

    on (release) {}

    gotoAndStop (10);


    But when I run the film he gives me a compilation error:

    Mouse events are permitted only for instances of button

    Any ideas?

    I tried to redo the symbols from differnet images everywhere. I'm at the end of my witt.

    This code is not attached to a button or a movieclip.

    and it's a bad habit to attach code to buttons/movieclips.  Click your object in frame 1 (to select it), and in the properties panel assign an instance name.  for example btn1.

    fixed to the frame 1 (not the object), use:

    {btn1.onRelease = Function ()}

    _root.gotoAndStop (10);


    PS delete your last keyframe in the layer which contains btn1 and then insert a new keyframe.

  • Problem compiling with Xcode plugin sample

    Hi all

    I'm having a problem of compiling a sample plugin in the SDK ("BasicPlugin") using Xcode on Mac OS. Xcode build error is "name"CursHandle"unknown type". The error occurs in two source files: AVExpT.h and SafeResources.h. I can't find any header provided with the Acrobat SDK kit that defines the type of CursHandle.

    I'm on Mac OS 10.8.4 and Xcode 4.6.3.

    The SDK documentation says that the SDK is only compatible with Xcode 2.x; elsewhere in the documentation it says that it was compatible with Xcode 3.2 and 3.3. What is the reason for the above error? It is not possible for me to install the old version of Xcode, because I'm running 10.8 OX, and older versions are not compatible.

    I would be very grateful for any help.


    Yes, the software SDK still uses characteristic of carbon (even if Acrobat itself does not use anything carbon).   Therefore, you need an older version of Xcode that talks about carbon.

    Consider using a virtual machine from a certain flavor to run an earlier version of Mac OS and Xcode.

  • Compile the CS4 Plugin in Visual Studio 2008

    Hello guys,.

    another small problem with the compilation of my plugin, this time in Windows. I get the following error when you try to compile

    -Neues create gestartet: Projekt:, configuration: Release Win32 -.
    Die Zwischen - und Ausgabedateien fur das Projekt "" mit der configuration "Release | Win32"Debby werden.
    Ein benutzerdefinierter Buildschritt ausgeführt wird.
    ODFRC removal of old resources...
    LINKREWORK: Temporary, fix that later!
    Code wird generiert.
    Code wird generiert.
    Resources kompiliert werden...
    Microsoft (R) Windows (R) Version of the 6.1.6723.1 Resource Compiler
    Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    .. \.. \.. \source\sdksamples\JPEGExport.Server\... /Common/SDKDef.h(41): fatal error RC1015: cannot open the file 'FormatNumber.h' include.
    DAS Buildprotokoll wurde unter "file://d:\adobe_indesign_cs4_products_sdk_578win\build\win\objR\ 0\BuildLog.htm" sales. - Fehler 1, 0 Warnung (en)
    = Alles neu create: 0 been, Fehler bei 1, ubersprungen 0 =.

    The correct path to the file "FormatNumber.h" is included in the other definition include paths. If I remove the include of the SDKDef.h statement the plugin compiles correctly, what don't get me?

    Thank you


    Are you sure that you specified the correct path for the compiler c ++ and the resource compiler?

    In your project properties, resources-> section General, that you can turn view the progress view more messages.



  • Error "a plugin is required to view this content" for the integrated Google map, but plugin not identified.

    When I try to view a page that has a map Google map into the page, I get the message error 'a plugin is required to view this content. However, I don't know which plugin, where to find, etc. I tried searching for this question but could not reach anyone else has a similar problem, or there seems to be a plugin for Google Maps that I can find.

    The page is here:

    The map is displayed when turned on one of the links in the table.

    I was going to propose to add the type = "text/html" in the embed tag, but found a discussion saying that does not work:

    After the graduation in this thread, what to place your stir inside a tag object like this:

    <object type="text/html" data="" height="300" width="450" frameborder="0" style="border:0;">
      <embed src="" height="300" width="450" frameborder="0" style="border:0;">

    So in other words, the browsers that can use the object tag will do it, but for those who do not, the embed is still there. Does it work?

Maybe you are looking for